Plaits Please
10 years ago by

Yes, please!
I’m pre-declaring Spring 2015 the season of braids. Whether a single style or in multiples (like you see here, from the Ostwald Helgason show) it’s been the standout trend on the runway these last few days. I like these sleek pigtail braids, they are girly but polished enough that you can get away with them outside of the schoolyard.
Amazing hair style! Love it! <3
Unfortunately, my hair are not long enough!!!
Le monde des petites
i love plaits, they are an accessory in themselves! :)
I love braids! Though I can only make three kinds haha, the easy ones :)
I worked for a very big French hair salon….I came back form Paris & Berlin ….wearing a blk suit with pencil skirt below my knee ….i had on a tee from Cher Romy Hagg..a club in Berlin ….I had my hair in braids pinned on top of my head….my boss when crazy on me……he was into perms and curls…one of my fav looks
I’ve been growing my hair for the last few years and it’s gotten to the length that is perfect for braids now. I’m a huge fan of the side fishtail at the moment, but I feel like it’s time to branch out and try some other braided styles. I can’t wait!!
Joanne |
love the braids!
I love braids and I agree it’s a trend to watch out for! Especially french braids, braided in a sleek pigtail style (similar to the photo above), I wear my hair like this quite frequently!
I just don’t like this style
Alors je suis dans la tendance , ça me va !
La parenthèse Enchanté
ça tombe bien, j’adore les tresses :) Bon, les deux petites tresses symétriques je pense que j’aurais du mal a adopter, mais la tresse sur le côté, définitivement parfait depuis que mes cheveux ont suffisamment repoussé :)
xx CarolineJ
Love these braids!
Les coiffures avec des tresses sont vraiment super jolie !
Sometimes I start to regret I have short hair.
I guess it’s impossible to be totally satisfied with your hair length. First you make a bob, then you start to dream of braids. When you grow your hair enough for braids you start to think about a pixie cut))
J’adore, même si ça reste difficilement portable dans la vie de tous les jours :) !
Love braids!
So indian, so cute, so girlie, so childhood: a must!
Dear Alex
The braids looks great when you are still young..but I found it gives to much structure to your face when you are not so young…it’s fun anyway
Yael Guetta
Goodness, no. I spent my childhood like this. Every single morning my hair was braided into two plaits before I went to school. My mother did that clever thing where the hair on top was pulled to one side and a plait made to extent down into one of the lower plaits.
But now I am grown up and like something a little more sophisticated. I generally don’t like when grown women affect little girl styles.
These are beautiful! I love how clean and elegant they look.
nonononoooooo please no
I have very long ethnic hair (Italian and Indian mix) and I have always worn braids depending on the weather and my style mood. Luckily, I work in an art school so just about any hairstyle is acceptable. For 2015 I am resolving to use less heat and keep my hair protected from the sun, pollution and elements, so I’ll be wearing this very style (2 braids parted down the middle) a lot. It’s a fun alternative to the sleek/chic bun I normally wear. I head to hot yoga directly after work, so the braids are ideal. Also, I like showing off that I can rock braids at 44 :-) I soak my hair in coconut oil which keeps the braids smooth and fresh all week (I wash hair weekly). I use simple thin, black Goody elastics and the ends, which match my hair color, and that makes the look presentable without looking “girlish.”