From the Beauty Closet

Best Natural Deodorants?

10 years ago by

We are in the midst of testing out some natural deodorants…

Yes, all-natural. Aluminum-free, all that jazz. We’ve got a few selected but wanted to see if you had any favorites we should try!

Tell us what you use! We will report back soon with our findings!


The Studio


Add yours
  • Le déodorant “Citron et Sage” de Erbaviva!

  • alaun stone bought in portugal :)

  • Haha. This goes out to Andreea: you know what, that Alaun/crystal deos are basically Aluminiumstones. They maybe natural and the Romans already used to use it but sorry that doesn’t make them healthier.

  • I recently started using Dr. Hauschka Fresh , and I love it!

  • I agree Dr. Hauschka smells great – I’ve tried the Floral and Fresh – but it only works for me for about half the day. :(

    I’ve had better luck with Alba, but still looking for the perfect brand – so I’m really super excited to hear what you guys think!

  • J’en ai essayé des tas sans aluminium et au bout de quelques temps j’ai l’impression qu’ils ne sont plus efficaces. Comme si la peau s’habituait’…
    Le plus efficace pour l’instant est “Nuage de fraîcheur” ;) de Sanoflore.

  • Unfortunately I haven’t got any to add to the list (none of the ones I’ve tried worked well) but I am very excited to read about your findings!


  • Thea Louise November, 20 2013, 5:07 / Reply

    Açai roll-on deodorant from the Danish beauty brand Rudolph Care

  • Thé Vert – Bio de Ushuaïa au parfum mixte…

  • Du bicarbonate de soude, le déodorant le plus naturel et le plus efficace à ma connaissance !

  • I use my DIY deodorant made of coconut oil, baking soda and corn starch. Seems to be working well.
    I also like crystal deodorants.

  • Baking soda, just putting the powder straight on even, is ridiculously effective and so simple! no extra smells and also pretty cheap. Easily way, way better than any deodorant I’ve ever bought.

  • I’d say that I’m an expert on natural deodorant! I LOVE them and if you find the right one…they work even better than the dirty deodorants filled with toxins.

    Here are my two faves:

    Have fun going clean!

    In pursuit of wonder.

  • Soapwalla rocks my world. i use laffe when i don’t mind getting sweaty…

  • j’en ai fait un article ici :
    sur tous les déos proposés en France qui sont complètement sans sels d’aluminium (et attention la pierre d’alun c’est le même problème). J’ai personnellement opté pour le Ushuaia, même s’il n’existe qu’en déo bille.

  • Jasons with Aloe Vera, I’ve been using this for several years and have tried a few others to compare, but this is the only one that lasts long and doesn’t irritate.

  • sexy male November, 20 2013, 5:16 / Reply


  • Excellent one!

  • Great idea! I’ve been trying and trying and trying to find one that actually works. The closest I got is Rosenserien; I really look forward to read about your ideas. Who wants to put stuff that’s toxic and that disturbes your hormones right into the armpits and straight on to the lymphatic system and the sensitive breast tissue. Thank you for bringing that up! Xoxo

  • Best ever: Soapwalla Deodorant creme. Tried everything, this works on the hottest of days and the most vigorous workout.

  • Truth! Tried everything myself… Soapwalla heads the pack by a mile. Le Stick – second place.

  • Definitely Soapwalla – with an occasional break because like many I find the baking soda can get irritating, so then I take a couple of days off and use some other brand. A big bonus with Soapwalla is that I no longer get underarm stains on white shirts – wow!

  • I’ve tried them all and I agree – Soapwalla is amazing. Works way better than any commercial deodorant too, and really good antiperspirant even though it’s natural.

    I also recently picked up the Earth Science mint/rosemary deodorant (recent trip to the US and of course to Whole Foods) on a friend’s recommendation, and it’s prettttty good too.

  • liken plant from earth science!

  • Lavanila’s pure vanilla deodorant does the trick for me.

  • Loving all Korres products I’m now onto their deodorant, but not sure if it’s the most effective. Looking forward to seeing your findings!

  • Don’t have any, but interested in hearing about this.

  • poulpevolant November, 20 2013, 5:32 / Reply

    Hello !

    Moi je n’ai rien a reprocher à mon déo Nuxe Bio Beauté. Il est très bien ! Et il sent bon et il ne pique pas même direct après l’épilation :)

  • La pierre d’alun !

  • Lavanila vanilla and coconut. Works for about 24 hours unless you’re in humid summer weather or you’ve just had a heavy workout, but just reapply.

  • Crystal deodorant! J’en ai essayé beaucoup et c’est toujours à lui que je reviens. En roche, uniquement, pas autre chose. Il faut s’habituer à NOTRE odeur. On se sentira jamais vraiment rien, on s’en juste soi, sans les mauvaises odeurs. Je peux même porter plusieurs fois le même chandails, ça ne s’en rien.

  • Coucou,

    depuis un mois, j’utilise le déodorant physiologique 24h de La Roche Posay (sans sels d’aluminium, sans alcool et sans paraben). Il est très rafraîchissant, mais son parfum reste néanmoins assez soft (c’est-à-dire pas trop envahissant). Bref, assez agréable!

  • J’en ai essayé plusieurs mais c’est le seul qui fonctionne pour moi et qui est aussi sans alcool! Mais uniquement pour la version stick. (Je sens encore plus mauvais avec la version roll-on que si je ne mets pas de déodorant, oui c’est chouette :) ) Même chose pour le vichy, je pense que c’est identiquement le même produit.

  • osmia organics is the best at keeping stink away.

  • Soapwalla by far!!!

  • soapwalla!!!

  • By far you HAVE to try: “Soap Walla” Deodorant Cream.

    Soap walla is by a Brooklyn girl who started an organic, all natural beauty line. It is by far with out a joke the BEST deodorant of all time. Works like a charm for summer, winter, layers, wearing natural and synthetic fibres, as well as a sweaty work out! ***Note*** because it is all natural, when the ingredients are mixed together and cool in the jar, the baking soda tends to settle to the surface. So I recommenced stirring it together with your finger so that it mixed through. Don’t be alarmed though, it’s all essential oils so it’s not like you have icky substance on your fingers after. You can rub it into your skin, it’s pretty moisturizing.

    Sanoflore is my 2nd best choice but it is in France so a little hard to come by unless you order online… but it smell divine and works beautifully.

    That said, check out this post by Living Pretty Naturally for top choices of natural deodorants!

    Hope that helps- cant wait to see your picks :)


  • Garance, you should try Weleda Wild Rose Deodorant! Such a nice smell, it is basically a perfume!

  • Stéphanie November, 21 2013, 4:32

    I like Weleda deo. too! All of them!

  • This is a great idea. I want to point out that there are two types of underarm smell. One is from sweat that comes from exertion, working out, heat, etc.

    The second type is from anxiety or “adrenalin sweat” as I call it. The adrenalin sweat is the one that smells really stinky, almost “skunky” and stays in your clothes and is hard to get out. I find that adrenalin sweat is the hardest to find a natural solution for. The antiperspirant solution plugs up the pores that excretes the adrenalin sweat so it can’t react with the specific bacteria that cause it to stink so much. That option isn’t very natural and also many people get a rash.

    So I’m curious if the natural options mentioned so far work on “regular” sweat and/or “adrenalin” sweat.

  • Another Kate November, 21 2013, 4:39

    Thank you M Ruth for clarifying this, it is an important point.

    I have hyperhydrosis (i.e. I sweat heavily). I have also been unable to use aluminium based antiperspirants since my adolescence (a long time ago, and you can imagine how embarrassing it was at the time) because they gave me the most excruciating rash. So, over the years I have experimented with natural deodorants and have yet to find one that stops you from sweating (under any circumstances). My current solution is Menscience Advanced Deodorant, which is odourless, on my pits followed by Clarins Eau Dynamisante spray deodorant (not antiperspirant) on my clothes (I find my clothes stink before my pits do, too much information, I know), and wearing natural fibres only.

    Please, anyone, if there is an aluminium free deodorant that also controls wetness tell me what it is!!!

  • Hi Another Kate,

    Yes hyperhydrosis (hh) is a really tough problem – we’re talking antiperspirant here not deodorant. You might consider finding a good Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor and acupuncturist. Finding a “good” practitioner of any kind is always the big challenge, but the system of medicine does have a much more sophisticated analysis and treatment of hh than Western medicine.

    I suffer from the adrenalin sweat and am curious if any of these great sounding remedies will work for that. Definitely going to try. However once that kind of sweat gets in the clothes it seems just the slightest bit triggers it off. Basically the clothes are toast.

    Good luck!

  • Baking soda, or baking soda/cornstarch mixed, dusted on your armpits over deodorant, works wonders for even the adrenalin sweat, and helps your clothes clean up. If you wash your shirt armpits with the hottest water that the fabric can tolerate, and a white soap, or Fels Naptha soap, then launder as usual, they will clean up very well. You can’t just throw them in the wash, they will not clean.

    I’ve also had good luck putting straight vinegar on this area of the shirt, and then wash it right away. I think the waxy deodorant sticks don’t wash out, and this holds the odor. Also, many of tops are synthetic blends for stretch, and this REALLY holds odor. If the clothes are dry clean only, the cleaner should be able to get the stains and odor out = good luck!

  • Biologika Live it up deodorant – I have tried so many natural and organic deodorants and this one beats them all for me.


  • I switch depending on the “strength” of protection I need. For summer, I use a crystal deodorant and finish it off with Active Deodorant from Perfect Potion (Australian), which my teenage sons also use. For spring, winter and autumn, I use other chemical free brands but one I’ve found that works really well, which I bought from the States in Tom’s of Maine. Our household has been using chemical free cleaning, hygiene and beauty products for almost 7 years now.

  • No competition for me – tea tree oil deodorant! It’s really cheap and does an amazing job, smells great. You can also just use tea tree oil.

  • le déo à la rose du Dr Hauschka et le déo à la rose de Lavera (ils ont aussi d’autres senteurs) (je connais plein de trucs en produits bio si vous voulez, et aussi pour les cheveux bouclés ;)) )

  • When you figure it out, let me know. I hvae yet to find one strong enough for me!

  • Dr. Hauschka never worked particularly well for me – but then I have industrial strength sweat.

    Please test the Brooklyn-made Soapwalla deodorant – I’ve heard such good things about it but haven’t taken the plunge personally.

  • alba botanica’s clear enzyme deodorant stick in aloe unscented! found it at whole foods.

  • Welada’s spray deodorant is the best. Its particular strength is when you are sweating or starting to stink. You spray it on and it goes away. It is basically neutralising the smell of your sweat. Great after a long stressful day at work and then you have to go to an evening event. I really love the rose scented one because it smells so good, but the lemon and sage work too.

  • The mint/rosemary one from Earth Science, they sell it at Whole Foods

  • I bought one from etsy and I really liked it. The only thing is that during summer it irritated my skin, so I stopped using it. But then once the temperature cooled down, I started using it again and didn’t see any problems. Here’s the link:
    Also considering this one to give it a try:

  • Garance – Try to simply use an essential oil in a scent that you like. I use amber or ylang ylang and it never fails.

  • J’ai testé le deo Bio Beauté par Nuxe que je trouve inefficace. En ce moment j’utilise le deo de la jolie marque Fun’Ethic et il est vraiment très bien ! J’en suis ravie ! (Possibilité de l’acheter via Amazon ou autres points de vente sur leur site)

  • I am lucky that I don’t need one but my husband who can only use aluminium-free deodorant says Tom’s Refreshing Lemongrass is the best!

  • Any of the Weleda ones!

  • Flou-flou November, 20 2013, 9:07 / Reply

    Scandalized to say the unscented cotton natural deodorant stick I grabbed at Trader Joe’s (I know!) while I was living in Brooklyn is one of the most effective and best I have ever used after a years of testing different natural deodorants in the form of botanical sprays, roll-on & sticks (on 3 continents) and then switching back to anti-perspirant for a while. Now I’m hooked on TJ’s.

  • When I bought a crystal deodorant, my friend told me a joke: “Have you ever known a good-smelling hippie?”

  • Either JASON or Tom of Maine – in Apricot scent. The scent is key! I’ve found unscented natural deodorants don’t work for me. I’ve been using these for years and really like them.

  • Crystal Deodorant

  • There’s one they have at Whole Foods (or some health food stores) by Home Health called ‘Herbal Magic’ – the Jasmine scent is really nice. I’ve used it for years – it’s the best if you can find it!

  • Home Health Herbal Magic Deodorant (roll on) and Malin & Goetz Eucalyptus deodorant.
    I love both and interchange them as sometimes i find you build ip an immunity to deodorant.

  • I have been using L’avilin for years and it works! Even on hormonal, stressful, adrenaline fueled days. No other natural deodorant even comes close! The huge bonus is that once you get established on it, you only need apply once a week.

  • Now, I don’t use any as I noticed that when I do, that’s when I develop a smell.

  • Soapwalla!!

  • Soapwalla–the best! Aluminum in deodorant is horrible for your health and breast cancer risk.

  • oh my goodness, thank you! i’d love to know.

  • Coconut snow!

    It really honestly works and is completely scentless

  • from Trader Joe’s!

  • Hey, Garance. I have found that Tom’s of Maine has a pretty good line of aluminum free deodorant.

  • j’ai testé et approuve: le Roger Cavaillès sans aluminium:
    et SURTOUT (plus efficace, je trouve et economique: DEO EXO pierre d’alun

  • Benedicte November, 21 2013, 1:30

    Grace à Jicky, j’ai testé et adopté le Roger Cavaillès. Très efficace ! Je suis un peu perdue avec la polémique sur la Pierre d’Alun : sels d’aluminium ou pas ?

  • Try a mixture of baking soda and cornstarch, and it’s like a miracle. At the end of the day, I still have no underarm odor. I may sweat, but it doesn’t stink at all (even when I drink strong coffee, which makes my underarms smell the most.)

  • I used to use Dr. Hauschka Floral which is divine but so pricey at 20+ a bottle. I found Nature de France Le Stick Natural Aluminum Free Deodorant in Gardenia, Sandalwood and powder. They are very effective and have the best scents. They don’t leave any residue on my clothes. Which is very important to me since I mainly wear black.

  • Tried so many.the winner is Nature”s Gate – Aluminum free(Chamomile&lemon Verbena)


  • I’ve been usin EO spray in Vetiver for a few months. It smells great, like lavender, and it works way better than Tom’s! My boyfriend uses Urban Cowboy natural deodorant, in a stick, and it works and smells even better. Maybe I should switch…

  • Grate idea! I use two at the same time and find, that together they are as good as the strongest ;-) First I put KIBIO (sweet orange, Vanilla and Aloe Vera) it’s a alum crystal deodorant. And on top I put some sprays of the Weleda Salvia deodorant, salvia in English is called sage I think. They never let me down and smell very good :-) xxx

  • Hello,
    I’ve tried Schmidt’s, which works well, but when you wear white, it leaves a yellow residue/stain. Other than that, it’s great.

  • I’ve tried so many but the one that seems to work best for me is Miessence (Australian). And I work at a gym…

  • Speick Stick Deodorant, il est vraiment vraiment bien ! Même si son nom nous fait rire (en allemand, speck = bacon) !

  • Ah ! Enfin je peux poser ma patte pour ce genre de conseils, c’est un sujet qui m’intéresse énormément.
    Déjà, ne pas utiliser de pierre d’alun : même si elle a la cote et qu’on l’érige au rang d’alternatif naturel, elle contient aussi des sels d’aluminium. À éviter donc !
    J’utilise un déo à l’amande et à l’aloe vera de chez En plus on a – 10% sur son premier achat avec le code PLH752, ça permet de tester sans se ruiner (déjà que ce n’est pas cher !)
    Et si vous êtes anti-emballage et pro écolo, il y a une recette sur ce blog pour faire son déo en 5 minutes, avec des ingrédients simple.

    Voilà, en espérant que ça puisse servir ;-)

    Couleur Spleen.

  • princessglee November, 21 2013, 1:04 / Reply

    Here’s the same or similar crystal deodarant that I used years ago and stopped for some dumb reason…the thing was great. It took some time for it to start working but once it did you were good to go.

  • Et bien moi j’utilise depuis des années une simple pierre d’Alun qui me dure facilement 1an et coute 8 euros, achetée en pharmacie ou parapharmacie. En plus c’est aussi antiseptique et meilleur quand on vient de s’épiler les aisselles. voilou :-)

  • Stephanie November, 21 2013, 1:20 / Reply

    From Saint-Victor in Marseille (the oldest soap makers in town), their Alep crystal deodorant is the best. It works even if I live in the tropics and do a lot of cycling and running.

  • La pierre d’alun. Le truc le plus simple qu¡il y ait et qui est vendu en herboristerie.Sans emballeage,ni parfum ajouté, ni rien de superflu.C’est simplement une pièrre qui s’humidifie et se passe sous les aisselles (attention c’est efficace seulement sur aisselles dépilées).En matière d’odeur c’est le truc le plus efficace que je connaisse!

  • Les pierres d’alun vendues en pharmacie, cela ne coûte presque rien et empêche la prolifération des bactéries responsablent des odeurs. On trouve aussi chez Nature et découverte un bloc pour 9€ qui dure au moins 2 ans.

  • Aesop! Je l’utilise depuis quelques semaines et j’adore.

  • Hi,
    oh this is music to my ears! since aluminum might have something to do with breast cancer…
    i (and a lot of my friends) have been trying out aluminum free deodorants for quite some time and every one was very disappointing. they burn after shaving, stink, do not prevent you from sweating and when you sweat you stink even more. i tried nivea, cd, alverde, balea med, numis, weleda… and many more.
    and then i found the deodorant stick from la roche posay! i love it! it smells very nice but light, does not burn, and prevents me from sweating! whoop whoop!
    the next i would have tested is the avene deo, has anyone tried it?

  • i have heard time and time again that crystal deoderant is the best (as long as you don’t have a reaction to it) but i haven’t gotten around to trying it myself yet. i personally love the Weleda deoderant spray in Sage and the Tom’s in Lemongrass for a more portable option, but I find I need to reapply these often for them to work. the smells are amazing though!

    looking forward to your findings!

  • Try Bionsen, as effectice as the toxic stuff, but natural, aluminium free and 100% gentle on your skin. I’m allergic to aluminium products, and it passed my test with flying colours!

  • My favourite deo is the one by Soapwalla, everything about this one is just like it should be.

  • Anne-Katrine November, 21 2013, 2:55 / Reply

    Moi, j’utilise le AÇAI ROLL-ON DEO de Rudolph Care une marque danoise. Vous pouvez le trouver ici:
    Bonne Journée.

  • bonjour Garance
    j’ai longtemps cherché un deo sans sel d’aluminium mais aussi sans pierre d’alun (qui est aussi de l’aluminium …)
    j’ai trouvé en grande surface dans la marque Ushuaïa, le Déodorant Bille au Lin Bio des récoltes d’été
    Il est très efficace (testé pendant un trek en Mongolie !)

  • Katherine November, 21 2013, 3:05 / Reply

    J’adore Aromaco by Lush. A little goes a long way.,en_US,pd.html#start=1

  • Aucun déodorant bio n’a jamais fonctionné avec moi, j’utilise donc le Sanex zéro 0% :
    – 0% aluminium chlorhydrate,
    – 0% alcool,
    – 0% parabens,
    – et surtout, 0 parfum ! Je déteste sentir l’odeur de mon déodorant pendant la journée !

  • Soapwalla Deodorant creme mais j’ai l’impression qu’il ne fait plus effet après quelques semaines d’utilisation. J’ai remarqué que la plupart des déo (naturels ou non) ne fonctionnaient plus après quelques mois, comme s’il y avait une accoutumance… Peut-être faut-il en changer régulièrement, comme pour les shampoings, parce que notre corps s’y habitue… ?

  • Tom’s of Maine. It works. Plus if you’re not in the business of paying $$$$ for deodorant, this is very affordable PLUS you can find it in most grocery stores/CVS types place so you don’t have to trek all over creation to find something that works. One thing to note is that depending on your body type, it does take a while for your body to adjust to the non-chemical stuff. It took at least 3 months for my body to get use to Tom’s but once I was switched over, it’s been a good deal.

  • Tous les SANEX (qui ne sont pas bio, attention, mais complètement sans aluminium, paraben, chlorohydrate ou alcool, donc ça respecte la peau). Par contre je ne sais pas dans quelle mesure on peut les trouver aux States, désolée !
    Dans votre quête du déo naturel, n’oubliez pas d’en prendre un SANS ALCOOL, surtout. Voire sans parfum.

  • I tried Soapwalla a while back: it burned my armpits right off! I was so exited to try it because of all the recommendations online, but it was a big disappointment for me. Red/purple discolorations appeared on my armpits during the first day of use and it felt like my pits were on fire. Tried to stick with it for a couple of days but it only got worse.
    I stopped using it for a while thinking it might be some reaction from getting off the chemical deo’s, and tried again a couple of weeks later, but the same thing happened – my boyfriend tried it too: same issues. It worked really well for a friend though.
    Now I just DIY: coconut oil, baking soda & cornstarch with a drop of lavender oil for scent. Works like nothing else!

  • Baking soda mixed with any simple cream in 1:1 proportion works wonders.

  • De mon côté, j’ai arrêté de mettre du déodorant, et je m’en porte très bien. Je trouvais que je transpirais beaucoup, j’ai moi aussi testé de nombreux déodorants, de Narta à la pierre d’alun. Résultat : je n’ai jamais senti aussi bon que depuis que j’ai arrêté d’en mettre, et la peau de mes aisselles s’en porte beaucoup mieux également. Les aisselles ont déjà bien assez à faire avec le rasage, laissons-les respirer un peu !
    ps : je ne vis pas au grand air mais à Paris, je suis ce qu’on appelle une “jeune cadre dynamique” ! Donc ce n’est pas parce que je vis à la campagne que j’ai arrêté le déo !

  • Le déo maison au beurre de coco et huiles essentielles (ça marche vraiment!)

  • Avene !

  • Houhou! Exercice intéressant!!!
    Je l’ai fait il y a maintenant 3 ans. Et ça m’a pris au moins 3 mois pour trouver celui qui me convient! La plupart des déo bio que j’ai testés étaient chers et ne tienaient pas sur le durée, à moins d’en appliquer toutes les 2 heures… et encore… le moindre coup de stess ruinait ma journée d’une odeur indésirable…Malgré tout j’ai persévéré, sûre du bien-fondé de ma quête, pour finalement tomber sur le déodorant-bille SANEX – Nature Protect’. (On le trouve en grande surface pour un très bon rapport qualité/prix.) Et depuis je ne le lache plus, je l’ai même fait adopter par mon Jules! Alors bien sûr, la peau respirant naturellement… ça n’empêche pas les traces d’humidité… Surtout en début d’utilisation où la peau se “détoxifie” d’un trop plein d’aluminium… Du moins, c’est ce que je suppose! Mais il suffit de s’habiller en conséquence, en particulier l’été. J’ai la sensation qu’au fil de son utilisation, la transpiration se régule. J’ai de moins en moins ce problème. J’aime aussi qu’il n’ai aucun parfum, car entre l’odeur des crèmes, shampoing, parfum… Ca fait beaucoup! Bref! Ceci est mon expérience, si elle peut vous éviter des mois de désordre olfactif… La voici! :)

  • Yes!! A Brazilian website posted about it some weeks ago, and listed some options, and I would love to know about these:

    -Superbly Efficient anti-perspirant & deodorant cream, Kiehl’s
    -Deo Pure, Biotherm
    -Deo Pure Spray, Biotherm

    Can’t wait!!!

  • Nuage de fraîcheur de Sanoflore !

  • Le bicarbonate de sodium. Pas cher. Naturel. Pas d’odeurs…
    Je l’utilise depuis longtemps et je suis ravie :)

  • Oui moi aussi je me suis mise au bicarbonate de soude depuis 1 an (une petite cuillère à café dans une main humidifiée à passer sous les aisselles), et résultat nickel: pas de traces, aucune odeur! Après avoir trouvé mon parfum, j’ai trouvé mon déo ;-)

  • I’ve tried a few, and I did not know how hard it would be to find a naturel deodorant which is actually doing its job : )
    So I went to Monoprix (I’m french) and eventually found two that replaced my beloved classic dove deodorant.
    For the fall/winter time I’d say that the Nuxe Body Natural Deodorant is great, long lasting and it also smells amazing. But it’s not enough for the summer.
    The one I’ve liked when I was working in july and august, driving in the sun and all that jazz, and I have to say that the Sanex Dermo Sensitive natural range in cream (the roll-on is not as good) works really well. The scent is fresh and quite neutral.
    Hope it will help!

  • Hello,

    moi j´utilise un déo italien sans alu et vraiment super( la mama de mon homme m´en ramène/envoie en Allemagne)

  • Super idée ce post ! Hate de connaitre votre selection !

  • Coconut oil !!!!

  • EVERYONE should be using these…aluminium and parabens in the others are carcinogenic. Also we sweat to release toxins from the body, we shouldn’t be blocking them in!
    I have been using a natural one for years…I have tried a lot! I recommend for longevity and price value the rock salt varieties, I am using one by Naay at the moment. However I can also recommend Tom’s of Maine brand.

  • Le déodorant crème SOAPWALLA est naturel (et fabriqué à Brooklyn pas loin de chez vous les filles :) ! Il est top !
    Pour les françaises on peut l’acheter ici : (ailleurs aussi peut-être ?)
    D’ailleurs sur ce site Oh my cream ! On trouve plain d’autres marques super.

  • Burt’s Bees, no contest!

  • MOOGOO – have tried many and for me this is better than Dr Hauschka…

  • I just started using Himalayan rosesalt soap, and it seems to keep the unwanted odors at bay. Works well on other parts of body too, and I have noticed that my cellulite is pretty much gone which was a surprising plus. The salt tickles at first but after a while of usage one gets used to the heat and tickles. Many praised products don’t work for me but this soap has been a cheap and happy exception.

  • La pierre d’alun tout simplement… sous forme de stick en magasin bio. Simple et efficace.

    Il parait que l’huile essentielle de palmarosa est aussi très efficace (1 goutte pure le matin en application en étalant bien)… antibactérienne elle prévient la formation des odeurs. Et sent super bon.

  • Et accessoirement manger le plus sain possible. Moins on élimine de toxines mois la transpiration a une odeur (ou c’est moi ?…)

  • I find that if I shave my underarms and have a daily shower, that is pretty much all that’s necessary most of the time. It doesn’t mean I don’t sweat (because I do), but I don’t smell. I’ve done this for all my adult life. The only time I can sometimes get smelly is just before a period – which makes me think that there must be something in the sweat at this time that is particularly attractive to the stink-inducing bacteria. Then I splash on eau-de-cologne, I imagine it’s the alchohol in this which kills the bacteria. I’ve always worn 100% natural fibres (apart from bras and tights), so my skin can breathe, maybe that also helps. (nb obviously if I have spent hours working in garden in hot weather hauling heavy stuff around I’m not going to smell very nice but I think that’s normal and one would wash after such work anyway.)

    I agree with M Ruth about anxiety / adrenaline sweat, though – in terms of the smell produced, this is in another league. For a few weeks in my life I was very scared and it didn’t matter how much I shaved / washed / used eau de cologne, I stank. Don’t know what would work to prevent this type of sweat smell.

  • Melvita Bille Purifiant Santal Thé vert, ou Sanoflore Nuage de fraîcheur, ou simplement quelques gouttes d’huile essentielle de palmarosa!

  • Pour en avoir testé pas mal, qui ne sentent pas super, avec alcool qui pique…ou qui ne tiennent pas la journée, je suis bien contente du déo de Sanoflore, Nuage de fraîcheur. ( avec un nom pareil il avait intérêt à être à la hauteur ;-)) Il est sans alcool, sans aluminium sans paraben et bio. Il sèche rapidement, le parfum est léger et il est toujours efficace même après le sport !

  • Toms of Maine deodorant is fantastic! Lemongrass and apricot are the two best ones.

  • depuis 6 mois j’utilise un déo maison selon cette recette :
    et je suis RAVIE!
    Naturel, bon marché et efficace!

  • I use the aloe vera one from JASON

    It’s pretty good for day-to-day but not if you are going to get super sweaty; I don’t think I’ve found a natural deodorant that can deal with super-sweaty-ness. However the fact that aluminium-free deodorants totally eliminate the problem of gross under-arm yellowing of white clothing more than make up for this!

  • I’ve tried a lot, but by far the best is DIY – cheap, 100% natural, and -yes- effective. (This is not an anti-transpirant, so it won’t necessarily keep you dry – but then again nothing natural does – but it will keep you stink-free. And no more yellow stains on your clothes either!)

    Melt 5 tbsp of coconut oil and mix it with 1/4 cup baking soda and 1/4 cup cornstarch,
    add up to 9 drops of essential oils of your choice (I like lavendar, verbena and bergamotte)

    That’s it. Lasts forever.
    Just remove as much as you need (I don’t need more than a pea-size amount per day), rub it between your fingers (so that it melts) and spread it/rub it/well, just use it onto your armpits.
    Some people are sensitive to the starch, and you could use arrowroot instead, but this one works well (=much better than the bought ones – both natural and not so natural – I’ve tried before!) for me… and by now for most of my friends and even my parents!

  • Meredith Howard November, 21 2013, 7:23 / Reply

    I have found that if I leave a little soap in my arm pits after my shower that it acts as a deodorant. I came across it by accident, but it was confirmed on a “health care” website that I read. I’ve been using that method for the last few years, and it seems to really work.

  • léontine November, 21 2013, 7:25 / Reply

    Nuage de fraîcheur de Sanoflore pour le déo bille
    et les Weleda notamment celui à la sauge, pour les sprays

    le Sanoflore peut etre utilisé après épilation car sans alcool
    alors que le weleda “pique” et assèche un peu car il en contient

  • Toms of Maine is wonderful. Very popular in California and sold at Whole Foods and many other stores.

  • LUSH!! They have a few kinds some are solid some are powders. They work really well without getting gross after a few uses. But beware you’ll probably end up spending a couple of 100€ while in the shop because their products are amazing and they have a strong ethos about protecting the environment and fighting animal testing.

  • Je recommande fortement Alvera (aloe herbal ou aloe & almond) avec une préférence pour celui aux amandes, le parfum est fort au début mais on s’habitue vite…je l’achète sur un site américain Iherb.

    This all natural, all vegetable deodorant formula. Guaranteed to contain NO animal ingredients, alcohol, dyes, artificial preservatives or bactericides.

  • Charlotte November, 21 2013, 8:25 / Reply

    Celui d’Aésop est hyper efficace :)

  • Les déodorants naturels… que de mauvais souvenirs!! Ma mère m’interdisant de m’acheter de vrais déos, moi qui puait à cause de cette pierre d’alun inefficace, les filles de l’école (de danse) qui se moquaient tant qu’elles pouvaient et moi qui ne disait rien pour pas casser le délire de ma mère… brrrrr…. bien contente d’être maintenant avec mon déo sanex :-))


    Works great. Even for my husband!!

  • Le déo Lush Thé Vert est top ! sans alu et trucs mauvais ;)
    Je ne jure que par lui, désormais !

  • La pierre d’alun. À la vente en herboristeries. Superb!

  • Is a Pitrock crystal a friend or foe? It certainly works for me but I read somewhere these are just solid alum?! Help!

  • Soapwalla is good. However, it doesn’t last me on a hot sticky summer day or during a work out, I sweat a lot. It is my second best natural deodorant and I wear it with a dash of lavender oil to keep the funky smell away.
    I’ve tried many, I find EO organic deodorant spray to be the best so far!

  • Pierre d’alun (naturelle, donc non toxique, faire très attention à ça ! Commandée sur le site Aroma-zone) et huile essentielle de Sauge sclarée ! Je n’utilise plus que ça, c’est efficace et ultra sain.
    Sinon on a aussi le bicarbonate, qualité cosmétique (très fin) et bio, c’est un régulateur très très efficace également !
    Tout ça sans le moindre ingrédient nocif pour la santé ou l’environnement, et bien moins cher que tout ce qu’on peut trouver dans le commerce… ! Je n’utilise que cela depuis plusieurs années sans qu’aucune de ces solutions ne m’ait trahie ;) !

  • J’ai un pure scoop : la pierre d’alun, je sais pas si ça empêche de transpirer (un peu) mais ça calme surtout instantanément les piqures de moustique. Magique.
    Après, se passer sur le bras un truc qu’on vient d’utiliser sous ses aisselles…

  • KEOPS de Roc !
    Le seul et l’unique, ma mère l’utilise depuis 20 ans, et du coup, mes soeurs et moi, on est addict !
    Il est sans parfum (merci bien, parce qu’entre l’odeur du savon, du déo, de la crème, de la poudre, du parfum….), sans gaz propulseur, sans alu… et à prix hyper raisonnable.
    Des bisous !

  • I am using Tom’s of Maine (Lavender) deodorant stick, and I am really satisfied with it.

  • Baking soda is the best, cheap and powerful, I’m allergic to any perfume, hope more people will know about this simple solution. Also my man use it.

  • AVENE-Soin Deodorant Regulateur

  • Attention, la pierre d’alun est naturelle mais toxique car elle contient de l’aluminium.
    Comme La Reine de Pique, j’utilise uniquement du bicarbonate de soude : totalement naturel et sain, sans parfum (donc n’interagit pas avec le parfum que l’on porte).

  • Les déo Cadum en règle général, ils sont vraiment top !! Leur odeur est super légère, on le sent quand on l’applique mais après plus rien, bien sur ça n’empêche pas la transpiration (tant mieux d’ailleurs !) mais ça empêche vraiment les mauvaises odeurs. En plus même en l’appliquant après le rasage pas de sensations désagréables de picotement :)

  • Thai Crystal deodorant stone! It’s not an antiperspirant and you need about a week to get acclimated to it. No other natural deodorants were working for me (I sweat a lot, its super cute…) so I tried it ans I’ve been using it for about five years. I’ll never go back!

  • Jen Wilson November, 21 2013, 10:25 / Reply

    This has probably been mentioned but deodorant cream that has zinc in it is pretty good. It works for sensitive skin and the best part about it is that it works day after day without have to reapply it. It sounds weird but it’s true. I’ve been using it for about four years now. There are days I skip and totally don’t stink. I use one by the health company “Now” although when researching on the interwebs I find that it may have changed its name to Lavilin Please try it!

  • I haven’t tried it but I’ve read very good comments about Schmidt’s Deodorant ( and you can also buy it through their own site). Please let me know what you think!

  • Truly’s:

    I tried it during the summer in 98% NYC humidity and I was actually dry and had no odor. It’s a cream that you rub in and it vaguely smells of coconut (the base is coconut oil) in the jar but I didn’t smell anything at all when it was on. I sweat A LOT and it’s gross but this was awesome.

  • Aesop deodorants!

  • Dr Hauschka!

  • None of the certified natural and organic lines perform as well as mainline products which all contain aluminium. With “good performance” I mean keeping your underarms dry and odourless. However, once you have “come off” your mainline product and stuck with the natural one of your choice for at least a month, you should notice that you seem to perspire less. I have been told that once you “unclog” your sweatglands their functions return to normal.

    This was at least my experience when I gave up my Biotherm for Weleda’s spray deodorants (Salvia- sage- Rose and Citrus). After shaving they sting a little as they contain alcohol, but you get used to it. And they smell divine without lingering around, just enough to lift up your spirits.

  • Lush- any kind of them (solid and/or powder) :)
    have a nice day

  • Simple, efficace, naturel : la pierre d’Alun
    Bacio le studio !

  • Soapwalla
    i live in israel very hot and humid most of the time it works really well AND smell herbs

  • Perspi-rock rocks! ;-)

  • Lavanila-vanilla lavender

  • I use the natural deodorant from the brand Lavanila, called the healthy deodorant in the scent vanilla grapefruit, you can get it at sephora.

  • Je me permettrais juste de faire une remarque, c’est bien beau de vouloir un déo naturel, “Sans aluminium et tout le tralala” mais tu peux déjà oublier la pierre d’Alun, déo naturel par excellence, dont le nom scientifique est sulfate double d’aluminium et de potassium.

    Par pitié stop aux idées recues marketing des géants de la pub qui veulent nous vendre du bio et naturel pour s’en mettre plein les poches.

    L’alumium c’est pas la mal, c’est les produits de synthèse le problème.

  • Absolutely love Pristine Beauty deodorant (smells like creamsicle)
    And lately been using La Vanila the Healthy Deodorant, vanilla coconut is my favorite scent.

  • en tout cas pas celui de La Roche Posay (je n’ai jamais autant pué de ma vie… à croire que je transpirai plus que d’habitude lorsque je portais ce déo – j’ai tenu 5 jours!
    j’essaie actuellement le nivea sans alu. ne suis pas convaincue.

  • Thai Crystal deodorant mist, true “natural” deodorant.

  • I used to only wear clinical strength deodorant with all the chemicals. I sweat quite a bit, and thought I needed the strongest stuff out there. Once I learned about all the harsh chemicals in all deodorant products, though, I looked into natural deodorants. The only one that works just as well, if not better than the clinical strength is the brand Lavilin. It smells nice. It works. It works for days, actually. I’ll never use those chemical laden products again!

  • Malgré leur forme étonnante, les déo en poudre de chez Lush sont assez dingues. Très efficaces, il faut peu de poudre et la contenance les fait durer longtemps. Le seul hic, c’est de les mettre, parce que la poudre tombe un peu partout…

  • Real Purity is hands down the best natural option

  • weleda rose scent deodorant

  • I’ve tried many “natural” deodorants before, even though I’m not one to sweat profusely or give off a strong smell, the only one that has ever worked for me is La Roche-Posay’s 24HR Physiological Deodorant. It smells nice and actually works throughout the day. I found that both Tom’s Natural Deodorant and BILI made me smell worse than if I didn’t wear anything at all.

  • Le Sanex dermo sensitive en stick, et sinon en version bio le déo purifiant de chez Melvita!

  • I think Tom’s unseated is the very best totally works!!!

  • Arm & Hammer is cheap and smells good! Works for me!

  • But my question is – do women wear perfume in addition to deodorant? wouldn’t the scents clash? It confuses me.

    I don’t wear deodorant – just a spritz of perfume. I’ve asked (in my most open to feedback manner) my BF if I need to and he has always said no.

  • i’ve tried and liked Truly’s, which you apply with your fingers and has about 3 ingredients (i’ve found online and at Shobha!) I’m currently trying and preferring Lavanila, which has more ingredients, but a better application. Both are a little irritating if i’ve just shaved, but Lavinila much less so. I picked it up in Sephora and think i’ll keep it!

    Neither leaves any kind of stain on clothes like the aluminum shiz.

  • Je recommande ce déo qui est 100% naturel et que j’achète dans un magasin bio : “Pierre d’Alun” de Déoroche.

  • Naturally Betsy’s “Be Fresh” Deodorant made with coconut oil, baking soda, cornstarch, beeswax, shea butter and tea tree oil. That’s it! That’s every ingredient. I live in NYC but get it back home in Austin, TX from W3ll People. It’s the best.

  • J’utilise de la pierre d’alun 100% naturelle. C’est très efficace car ça ressert les pores (donc moins de sudation) et ca a une action anti-bactérienne (donc pas d’odeur). Mais attention, il faut prendre celle de potassium et non celle d’aluminium qui elle est une pierre de synthèse.

  • I have been using natural deo’s for over a year and have tried everything! Soapwalla really works, but it irritates my skin too much so I can’t use it. I like Lavanila Vanilla and Pure Pitz by Purely Lisa (made in Greenwich, CT!)

  • yay natural products!!!!

    I would recommend Toms of Maine AND Lush deodorants! :)

  • Kiss My Face Natural Liquid Rock, Fragrance Free. My husband and I BOTH have been using this for years.

  • I’ve tried every deodorants and anti perspirant I found at the drugstore. They all worked a week but after that I don’t know, at the end at the day I was smelling sweat even more than if I didnt have anything on. But in July I went to my parents and I had an old Alun stone that I got 10years ago and never used. DAMN ! That thing is aaaawesome ! I didnt believe everything I read about it but I mean, I NEVER smell sweat anymore ! I’m so happy with it ! I dont weat much anymore either, but still a bit, and it doesnt show and doesnt smell. After the gym I smell only a liiiittle bit, but it’s only me and only if I stick my nose on my armpits lolz. Best gift ever, and it works for ages !!!!!

  • Herban Cowboy in “Dusk”. You can get it at Whole Foods.

  • I have tried every deodorant out there! If it’s the commercial aluminum you’re trying to avoid but potassium alum (mineral salts) is okay, Tom’s Crystal Confidence is the best I’ve found. If you don’t want any aluminum, Aubrey E Plus High C is good, but not as effective as Tom’s.

  • I’ve been using Nourish’s unscented deodorant for the past 6 months or so and like it a lot. Even though it’s “unscented,” it still has a slight coconut oil/shea butter scent to it, but that doesn’t bother me and it works very well– better than Tom’s. The texture is closer to a wax/cream than a powder, though, so it can feel a bit counter-intuitive at first. I also carry a small travel-size Alba lavender-scented deodorant in my bag during the day just in case; it works well, too. I’ve been curious to try Lavanila, Soapwalla and Weleda’s deodorants, as well…

  • I use Tom’s of Maine — original care unscented — and it works well. Some perspiration but no smell. And I’ve also used Naturally Fresh Deodorant Crystal “now with aloe vera” — and it seems to work, too. A bit more involved because you have to wet the crystal before use, but seems to work fine. Haven’t used it long enough to say for sure, but deodorant crystals seem to be kind of “in” these days…

    Happy testing!

  • I tried using Tom’s and hated it. It made me feel more sweaty and stinky that I am without deodorant! So, I don’t recommend that one. But, I am really excited for your reviews so I can possibly find one that works well! I would love to switch.

  • Waleda, by far, and I’ve tried a variety…! And I’ve even got compliments on the subtle rose smell.

  • Salt on the earth, long lasting protection, unisex, no white marks and total naturally

  • The Speick one, a German brand, is crap. Just wanted to tell. Actually I think my sweat smells better than it.

  • Attention, il y a pierre d’alun et pierre d’alun !

    La pierre d’alun naturelle (potassium alun) chimiquement inerte et dont les composés ne passent pas dans le sang et la pierre d’alun de synthèse (ammonium alum) fabriquée à partir des résidus de l’industrie chimique lourde (oui, oui, quelle horreur).
    Bien lire les étiquettes pour éviter la confusion !

  • Does baking soda leave any white marks around your armpits?

  • Les déos “Crystal”, notamment le roll-on pour moi et le Soapwalla bien sûr!

  • Soapwalla. A friend of mine owns a fantastic store in Boston’s South End called Follain, ( that specialize in pure beauty products. This is one of the most amazing, and popular, items in the store.

  • Soapwalla!

  • Will you please try Aesop’s deodorant? I enjoy Tom’s honeysuckle rose now but have heard great things about Wedela’s and Dr. Hashuka’s versions as well. Worth the $?

  • J’aime bien le Tom’s mais c’est moins efficace pour le gym! Finalement ma soeur et moi on le fait nous meme notre deo. Tout simple, cheap, super yummy parfum et super hyper naturel!

  • Desert Essence Tea Tree Oil Deodorant is amazing! It’s inexpensive (about $3.99), fights odors, and doesn’t leave those icky stain marks in the armpits of your shirt.

  • Celui de Aesop!

  • le Sanoflore que je trouve efficace. en particulier une version que je n’arrive plus à trouver pour l’instant (j’espère qu’il ne l’ont pas arrêtée) plus citronnée que Nuage de fraicheur mais surtout très naturelle.

  • J’alterne entre les déos bio de Ushuaia (“Lin des récoltes d’été”) et Garnier (“Amande douce”), c’est pas super glam’ mais je les trouve franchement efficaces (en tout cas pour mon type de sudation!). Avant j’achetai les Nuxe, Sanoflore et cie, mais finalement ils ne sont pas mieux. Les deux premiers sont beeeauuucooouuupp moins chers, donc banco. Pendant un temps j’utilisais aussi de la pierre d’alun mais je ne suis pas fan. Curieuse de savoir quels sont vos choix!

  • Le Soapwalla!

  • un fait maison, une tuerie, incroyable, très efficace, un vrai bonheur…

    Déodorant naturel fait maison

    – 6 g de cire d’abeille (à commander auprès d’un apiculteur)
    – 40 g d’huile de coco (en magasin bio)
    – 35 g de bicarbonate de sodium (au supermarché ou en pharmacie)
    – 15 g d’arrow-root (en magasin bio ; vous pouvez remplacer par de la fécule de pomme de terre ou de la fécule de maïs type maïzena)
    – 20 gouttes d’huile essentielle de palmarosa (en pharmacie, magasin bio, ou en ligne)
    Note : utilisez des ingrédients bio autant que possible

    Pour ~100g de produit.

    Mettez la cire d’abeille dans un bol qui résiste à la chaleur et placez-le au-dessus d’une petite casserole d’eau frémissante pour faire un bain-marie. Laissez la cire fondre doucement (ne la chauffez pas plus que nécessaire). Ajoutez l’huile de coco et laissez fondre en mélangeant.

    Retirez du feu. Ajoutez le bicarbonate, l’arrow-root et l’huile essentielle et mélangez jusqu’à obtenir une texture crémeuse. Transvasez dans un petit récipient (ou un applicateur de déodorant en stick vide) et laissez prendre à température ambiante.

  • Dr. Organic – organic aloe vera deodorant

    I have been using it for a couple of years and I am quite happy with it

    Will try the home-made baking soda thing :)

  • Le Nuxe Body Deodorant Roll.
    Sent divinement bon en prime

  • LAVANILA LABORATORIES, their vanilla passion fruit smells amazing and after trying about 5 different brands this one works the best for me and I actually want a sniff, it’s like pit perfume!You can find it at Sephora.

  • i use the one from la roche aluminium.

  • I use alaun stone and natural products from L`Erboralio and I am happy with them for the cold seasom

  • Fig and yarrow!

    It doesn’t leave oil stains on your clothing after you heat up like other natural oil-based deodorants!

  • Le deo citron de weleda ! Parce que depuis que je suis enceinte l’odeur du citron et l’eau dynamisante de clarins sont les seules odeurs que je supporte et que j’idolatre, je pourrais me rouler dedans !!

  • All the Lavanila scents are nice, and actually work!

  • Mademoiselle Wa November, 22 2013, 11:01 / Reply

    Oh je ne suis pas la seule dans ma quete du deo (bille pr moi) sans aluminium (ni pierre d´alun puisque ca revient au meme), sans alcool, sans paraben… Les vendeuses se fichent de moi ds les pharmacies quand j´en demande !(j´ai laissé tombé les grandes surfaces faute de résultats) (D´après elles, demander un deo sans toutes ces choses revient à demander un deo sans efficacité) Je n´ai à ce jour pas encore trouvé mon déo miracle… mais les Vichy ne sont pas trop mal (mais parfumés) et le Keops se defend bien (mais fait des traces jaunes à la longue sur les vetements blancs (pas hyper glamour))… Je compte donc sur votre prochain article pour avoir ma solution !!! Bon courage ! ^-^

  • Bio Beauté Déodorant Fraîcheur. Une petite merveille de déodorant avec un parfum irrésistible.

  • Ooops ! J’ai oublié la marque : NUXE bien sûr

  • Bicarbonate de sodium! Pas d’odeur, pas de transpiration, magique! Et pas cher…

  • I love Bater’s of California. It’s for men but I like the scent.

  • oops Baxter’s

  • lush. n’importe quel.

    this stuff works! the YLANG-YLANG + CALENDULA is the one I always use.

  • Deodorant Cream by Fat and the Moon! Natural, easy, and effective!!!

  • Solid: Lavanila
    Roll-on: Dr Hauschka and Aubrey Organics
    Sprays: Weleda and EO

  • Hi

    I’d say you should try Herbal Deodorant from Mádara (keeps u fresh even while running and has a nice, forestry unisex scent). Mádara is a supercool, hugely popular eco-cosmetic brand in Scandinavia and Baltia. AND the best thing is that it is founded by a lovely young lady, Lotte Tisenkopfa-Iltmere.

  • Truly’s – made from Coconut Oil, Sugar, Baking Soda, and Beeswax – lasts, even in extreme conditions! Can be purchased at Shobha.

  • Another enthusiastic vote for Soapwalla, just perfect & effective! Followed closely by Weleda Wild Rose or Sage, again effective & delightful though could do with less alcohol content. You’ll never go back to mainstream deodorants ever again once you have these!

  • I have used a crystal deodorant for the past 7 years and swear by it. Needs to be a good quality one. My first was from a health/eco store in Valencia, Spain and it lasted me 4 years!

  • esikazemese November, 23 2013, 7:07 / Reply

    SebaMed has great deos

  • Soapwalla! It stands up to the hottest of Texas summers. And, it’s made in NYC.

  • Herban Cowboy. It’s for men but smells SO good and works well

  • Thursday Plantation Tea Tree deodorant spray!

    Micah xx

  • Bicarbonate de soude : efficace, naturel et pas cher !

  • Aromaco de LUSH! Je l’utilise depuis deux ans, rien à dire: efficace, agréable…
    Aromarant est aussi super, même si l’odeur est plus forte et un peu plus masculine.

  • Katarzyna November, 23 2013, 8:24

    Aromaco by Lush it’s THE deodorant! And very reasonably priced as well. Pure love ;)

  • soapwala! and miessence!

  • J’ai récemment découvert LUSH, des produits entièrement faits à la main à partir de produits complètements naturels. Ils vendent toute sorte de déo pas chers et pratiques,en_US,sc.html

  • Elizabeth November, 23 2013, 9:27 / Reply

    I like something called Amazing Thai Crystal. I’ve tried a lot of natural brands (Alba, Kiss My Face, Tom’s, Weleda) and none combat that acrid funkiness that can come from stress and sitting at one’s desk all day and etc., but this Amazing Thai stuff really prevents any odor. The only problem is that the bottle is really ugly, a tacky roll-on with silly font! I hide it so I don’t have to look at it.

  • So many comments! I did not read through them all, so forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but The Rocky Mountain Soap Company makes a great natural deodorant – “Cypress” is especially nice. :) Smiles from Canada!

  • Coucou Garance.
    Le deo solide de la marque LUSH.
    Me rappelle plus de son nom mais il n’y en a qu’un solide.
    De la bombe!!!!!!
    A bientôt.

  • Aesop deoderant! AMAZING! It smells gorgeous and actually works… Please test it!

  • Stop your searching, I’ve found it! My sister turned me on to this brand and it is by far the best natural deodorant I’ve ever tried. All natural and keeps me smelling great and dry, too.

  • I use Dessert Essence in Lavender and Tea Tree oil – it’s the first all-natural deodorant I’ve found that keeps me both dry and body-odour free! Green Beaver’s extra strength tea tree oil is best for men, I’ve found.

  • Real Purity!
    It’s the best I’ve ever used, by far. We like it so much that we have it shipped to us in Switzerland.

  • Korres

  • WELEDA spray deodorant:
    It’s wonderful, and the scent is not intrusive.

  • ShibaGirl November, 24 2013, 8:01 / Reply

    I’ve tried dozens and dozens of natural deodorants. None work for me like the one I make for myself. I mix equal parts cornstarch and baking soda, and mix into the equal part of softened coconut oil. It works superb to eliminate odor all day. I haven’t found it to stain my clothes, not even silk blouses. I won’t waste my money on any others because this works well. I like to add a drop of my favorite essential oil to personalize it.

  • No one has mentioned Lavilin? It is amazing. you will sweat, but no odor ….and each application lasts for about a week. For feet too!

  • Herbal Magic Jasmine scent. I used it for years and tried so many different one’s before finally finding this one.

  • I tried Soapwalla and it seems great…

  • JASON Aloe Vera deodorant! It smells amazing!

  • I just bought my Sooapwalla deodorant while visiting Sherbrooke, Quebec by They have excellent natural products and are very attentive and efficient. I love this deodorant!

  • Primal Pit Paste! It’s cheap, made of simple, organic ingredients (only coconut oil, shea butter, baking soda, arrowroot, and essential oils) and comes in great scents. I use the thyme and lemongrass, but they have other great scents as well. I’ve tried other natural deodorants, and they don’t work for me. This also doesn’t stain my clothes.


    had no clue abt the stuff added in deos! read this articleand the cmments and now swear on soapwala! x

  • I’ve been using Purelygreat for a few years and it is just fantastic. A small dab and I’m fresh for the day.
    The scents are fresh and they use really basic ingredients. Highly recommend trying it.

  • Awesome idea to spread the natural deodorant love! I’m all about Lavilin too! Fresh and long-lasting! My conscience is also a bit clearer too in regards to the health effects.

  • I really impressed to read all this great information about the deodorants..thanks..

  • I used Every Man Jack (aluminum free) found at Whole Foods but the scent doesn’t seem to last the whole day nor under hot weather. While traveling in Paris I found the La Roche-Posay Deodorant Physiologique 24H stick 40g which has so far been the best I have tried. Put it on after dressing and avoided catching white stains on dark clothing. Lasts a whole day as promised, could even skip a day in application, and no more yellow armpits on my white shirts from aluminum burn. It doesn’t clog my pores like other stick deodorants, isn’t harsh or irritating, and I can order it on for about $14 (free shipping) via Cosmetic Authority and last 3+ months per stick even applying generously (bought in early Jan, finished mid-April). It sells for about 9 euros in Paris which at today’s exchange rate is about $12+ US but so worth every single penny. I will buy them by the half dozen for at least a 2 year supply.

  • Madame,Monsieur,j’ai utilisé pendant plus de trois ans le déodorant en spray de la marque Neutral. J’habite en Belgique dans le Hainaut. Cela va faire deux mois que j’essaye de m’en procurer mais impossible d’en trouver dans mon pays!!! Pourriez vous me dire où m’en procurer? merci d’avance de votre réponse.

  • I like the Weleda deodorants (I use the sage and the wild rose one) but they aren’t as effective as I’d like. The Alba deodorant did not work at all, but you know what works best for me? Milk of Magnesia in a spray bottle! It’s cheap, effective, and easy to find! I top up with a little Weleda deodorant, but MoM has worked wonders and I sweat a lot.

  • I think Herban Cowboy is the best natural deodorant for men.

  • The best deodorant that contains no alum is RoC Keops. You can find it where the expensive moisturizers are kept at the cosmetics section of your pharmacy. The company that makes it is a French company that specializes in face creams. This product is amazing. It is a stick that you twist up and apply under your arms. I stopped using deodorants that contain aluminum. I should have done so a long time ago but better now than never. I realisze how bad alum was because when I decided to do the switch, I had the most horrible smell for about 2 weeks. This is because my pores were so clogged up with alum day after day, year after year. So now my pores can breathe again and I don’t smell at all, and I use Keops, or I used the Dr. Mist which was also very good product. Even Toms but problem with Tom’s is that it contains hops and hops has a bad smell so I would have to put a perfume to cover it up. but that deodorant also works against sweating and body odor, if you can get over that hops smell does seem to dissipate after a few hours.

  • Morgan May, 11 2017, 8:19 / Reply

    As much as I love the idea of natural deodorant, none of them actually make a difference for me. Especially during the summer months, my sweat is out of control. I’ve always had issues with over-sweating my entire life. A few months ago I read an article about different deodorants and junglewoman was listed on there. I was hesitant to stray away from the norm but I knew I needed a deodorant with an extra kick to it. I’ll tell you this stuff is amazing. It stays on even after my outdoor workouts in the summer heat! Now I can work all day and then run to happy hour with the girls without feeling self-conscious the entire time. It’s worth a look into for sure:

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