My Talk!
9 years ago by

Are you in New York on Thursday?
I’m doing a conference at FIAF, discussing how I work with my collaborators. I’ve invited people I work with regularly to speak about the roles we all play in the finely oiled machine that is the fashion industry. I’m really looking forward to being there because it’s a world that’s in constant flux and there are so many things to say and share.
I’ve invited Erin Beatty (Suno), Sarah Easley (Kirna Zabete) and Danielle McGrory (KCD) to speak with me that evening.
It’s 25 dollars and it’s this Thursday. I can’t wait to see you there!
Uncovering Fashion with Garance Doré
Thursday, May 21, 2015
FIAF, Florence Gould Hall
55 East 59th Street
New York, NY 10022
I love FIAF NYC, perfect building, perfect place to learn and discover French language and culture ;) ;)
Bisous from France,
Will you ever visit and do talks in London!!!
Oh that would be so amazing! I hope it’s a very successful even for everyone who goes.
Have a wonderful evening! Wish I could go.
Les cheveux courts et les créoles, un petit air de Christina Cordula, ma chérie tou es magnifaïque!
Looks like a fascinating conversation. I love collaborating and have started to do much more of it rather than just focus on my personal style. I look forward to it and learning more.
Accidental Icon
Zut! Wish I’d seen this earlier… Bon chance cette soir!