
My 5 Favorite Apps

11 years ago by

Apart from my usual faves, here the apps I use the most right now…

Because a really well organized task list makes me feel like a really well organized woman.

Jewel Mania
Don’t ask me why I spend so much time on this game, it’s the same kind of relationship I had with Tetris when I was 14 and had a Gameboy. Unhealthy but goooood. (Yes a Gameboy, jeeeze, these tech things give up our age more than any wrinkle would do !!!)

None of my friends have that app and since it’s social I feel a little bit alone (hellooooo anybody out there ?)(I feel like it’s more for teenagers), but I love the idea of a stupid photo or video that you can send to your contacts being sure that once they’ve seen it, its gone forever. Well unless you do a sreengrab, like I just did for the beautiful opener of this post. In that case, you’re screwed ;)

A totally stupid app but it lets me calculate the infamous American “tip.” No, I still haven’t figured out how to calculate 20% all on my own. Yeah, I know… I KNOW.

A service that will get you a really comfortable car really quick. Just get on the app and order away. It’s a little expensive compared with New York taxis, but when you’re lost in the depths of Brooklyn, it’s a life saver.


Add yours
  • iTip is great, love that app! J’adore cette application, très utile!


    Cheers! Cory

  • J’ai découvert Voxer durant les fêtes, c’est genre “des sms vocaux” mais aussi si on est deux connecté en même temps un talky walky. Comme on avait 9 ans avec mes potes!!!!!!

  • Garance, every time I read one of your amazing posts I HAVE to read it in your voice its so cute. Anyways, thanks for the apps!


  • Cool i’ll check snapchat, i cannot live without aroundme and shazam.


  • snapchat too! and also Simple Diary, based on the real simple diaries but it’s easier to have a diray on your iPhone! You should definitely try it! xxx

  • Never heard about most of these before. I’m going to check them out ;) xx


  • Ha! Gameboy just cracked me up! Yes, I had one too, and yes, that dates us more than anything else! Still giggling to myself on that one…


  • j’ai lu par rapport à Snapchat et ça me tentait bien il faut que je trouve le temps d’aller voir. Bonne soirée

  • Great and I will check it. Nice day,


  • Hi, hi hi…..trop marrante !

  • Haha snapchat! I have a 12 year old step daughter and we love that. Totally get the isolation tho the only people who snap chat me are her and her friends. So much potential X

  • I <3 Astrid! I actually just cleared out my to-do list because the little octopus was making me feel guilty. (Whatever works, right?)

    Sleepbot is another great one. It's a sleep tracker that's really useful if you're like me and bad about keeping a regular schedule. I don't know if it's on iOS, though.

    Doubletwist is great for syncing your iTunes media to your Android phone. It's two parts, though–the app on your phone and the program you put on your computer, but they're both free.

    Swiftkey 3 is the freaking best keyboard replacement for Android and totally worth paying for, though they seem to have sales a lot so watch out for one of those.

    And, of course, I could not function without Dropbox.

  • Garance tu m’as trop fait rire avec ta photo et ton post aussi d’ailleurs !!! J’adore !!

  • definitely gonna check them out!


  • This is my favorite one :


  • Yay! I love all your recommendations, from fashion to technology! Just downloaded Astrid and I think it’s going to make my life much easier. :)

  • merci garance pour le partage j accroche pas mal sur snapchat ;) et puis tetris qui n est pas resté bloqué pendant des heures dessus moi la premiere bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • 1. I feel like this is a vicious cycle, because you make lists to feel super organized, and then if you don’t follow the list, you feel super unorganized and like a total fail. Springpad is nice and pretty, too.

    2. Scramble free. Trust. Oh, and Letterpress!

    3. Snapchat – my little sister in high school turned me onto this app and I kind of shamefully love it.

    4. Divide by 5 to get 20% easily! Also feel supersmart for retaining basic math skills.

    5. Love your blog!

  • I divide by 10 then dubble…
    Never been able to divide by 5…

  • francesca January, 7 2013, 3:56 / Reply

    I love Astrid too. I love that u can share the lists (ie grocery’s!). Happy new year..

  • An app with my name? It’s so weird seeing my name all over the comments and in your post!

  • J’ adore la photo!

  • Ah moi, c’est Candy Crush Saga qui me fait perdre le temps en ce moment ! :)

  • C’est mon article préféré!!! :D J’adore la photo. Si ça peut te rassurer, la chambre de ma petite soeur (17 ans) est bien bien pire.

  • Haha, fab app recommendations! I remember having a black and white gameboy was the best thing ever – how times have changed xx


    P.S. Liked this post on Bloglovin :)

  • Great picks! Gameboy memories (sigh) :) You should check out vicelight the app as well. It’s crowdsourcing daily decisions. Like…which shoes should I wear with this dress? or which lipstick looks best with my complexion? See more or get the app at vicelight.com Cheers!

  • J’ai entendu parler de Snapchat il y a quelques jours. Apparement c’est le truc à la mode chez les ados américains pour s’envoyer des dirty pictures. Et j’ai immédiatement “mais les captures écrans alors, elles deviennent impossible avec Snapchat?”. Merci Garance d’avoir répondu à ma question : )

  • I do believe I need Astrid! Snapshat, could be fun with my daughter. Jewel Mania *nods head* I totally understand. Toutes ces suggestions sont géniales! :)

  • LOVE snap chat!! my fav!! and i have hardly any friends that use it either… but you forgot to mention that if someone takes a screen shot of the picture it alerts you.. so many fun options with this app ;)

  • Fun to see what apps have you addicted! I personally prefer pointless farming games like hayday, but jewel mania sounds extremely addictive too. :)

  • Jane with the noisy terrier January, 7 2013, 7:39 / Reply

    Paprika lets me take all my favorite recipes with me wherever I go – and it’s great for putting together a quick list at the grocery store. Songza blows Pandora out of the water. HopStop and Paris Metro apps. Roger Vivier because I love “Ines’ Little Diaries.” Photosynth– forget panoramas, this gives you 360-degree photos! And of course…Find my iPhone!

  • Kellie marie January, 7 2013, 8:22 / Reply

    My trick that i find the easiest is to Move the decimal point one number to the left. That is ten percent, multiply by two. Et voila!

  • Hey Garance!

    A cool trick I like to use to calculate NYC tip is doubling the tax! Since the tax rate in NYC is around 9-10%, twice the tax conveniently results in a number between 15% – 20% of your bill. Hope this helps :)

    Warm regards,

  • Un truc tout con pour calculer les tips, parceque moi aussi ça m’a pris la tête: (et que je fais de la Compta aussi peut être…)

    1) Tu divises par 10 (tu enlèves un zéro au total ou tu déplaces la virgule à gauche).
    2) Puis tu multiplies par deux.

    Genre ta note est de $356.43 (Oui, tu t’es fait plaisir sur le vin)
    1) 356.43 / 10 = 35.643
    2) 35.643 * 2 = 70 (en gros…)

    Annnnd VOILA

  • I’ve been in the US for 8 years now and I still need a tip calculator on my phone. And I grew up with accountants..

  • My favorite App is Fruit Ninja, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram. I want to check out that Astrid.

  • I’ll check them!!!


  • Oh how I loved my Gameboy back in the days ;) And I still cling to old-fashioned things, such as my trusty Nokia phone. I love the fact that it has a colour screen and I can even take photos! No, no apps for me unfortunately…

  • I’m currently addicted to Hill Climb – so frustratingly good.

  • Pour calculer les tip j’ai un truc mémotechnique a la con, si ton addition est de 50$, le tip est de 10 = 5×2, si l’addition est de 80$, le tip est de 16 … 8×2 …120, tip de 24 … c’est con hein ! ça fait beaucoup mais c’est comme ça :) un verre au comptoir c’est 1$ … et j’ai jamais eu de serveur pas content !

  • Garance, je voulais juste vous dire à quel point incroyablement fabuleuse ma mère très chic (qui est un artiste / juste de trouver son chemin dans un style) et je pense que vous et votre blog est merveilleux. Quand maman et je rattrape pour le café nous asseoir et regarder vos conversations fabuleuses / entretiens avec vos amis incroyables et avoir un grand temps d’obtenir un petit coup d’œil dans votre monde. Toutes mes excuses pour mon français terrible! Je suis encore à apprendre en cours de préparation pour le voyage de l’an prochain. Merci de partager vos aventures avec nous! beaucoup d’amour de Melbourne, en Australie. x

  • Uber is so great! I know the person who runs it here in DC :)


  • When paying with debit cards and credit cards, the auto tip calculator adds the tip on the after tax amount making your tip higher than planned (depending on the rate of taxation, it adds up to a fair sized “hidden amount”). Better to use an app (such as iTip) if you can’t do the quick math on the pre tax amount.

    But Garance, 20 percent is high for day to day dinning.
    15 percent is fine unless the service was exceptional.

    (I dine out every lunch and most dinners, 6 days a week.)

  • Thank you Garance for this unique Snap Photo and you’re right, I work on social media and it seems SnapChat would be the next network to be on, according to the kids…

    “la vérité sort de la bouche des enfants” ;-)

  • Easy!! Move the decimal one over to the left, then double that number (for 20%).
    So – $20.00 –> 2 –> 4 bucks!

    If you want 15% instead of doubling take half and add it to the first number you get:
    So – $20.00 –> 2+1 –> 3 bucks!

  • Oh my GOODness, I’m addicted to that Jewel game too! I thought I was the only one :)))) My husband gets so mad at me sometimes!

  • Oh no, now you got me hooked on the Jewel Mania!!! I was so happy with just my one slight obsession of Bubble Mania…and now it’s both of them ;)


  • Ces app sont pour iPad ou iPhone? xox

  • une gameboy… qu’est ce que j’aimerais avoir joué avec ça quand j’étais enfant ! Moi, c’était Pong
    Garance, tu ne savais pas que les (presque) cinquantenaires lisaient ton blog ???? Mais, j’y pense, c’est pour cela que mes collègues me donnent toujours 10 ans de moins ;-)

  • Yeah, Tetris was my favorite as well at that age :-) right now Sudoku…I have a sudoku app on my phone and I just can’t stop playing…

  • Astrid est “fermée” à présent ;-/
    Un conseil pour la remplacer ?

  • Garance, I do agree about Astrid – it used to be great for staying organized. But alas its activity was stopped and I’ve been in panic while looking for another reliable replacement. Please share your experience, what app was able to replace Astrid for you? Thanks!

  • Puisque t’es seul…c’est quoi ton pseudo Snapchat?

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