March for Our Lives
6 years ago by

A note from our intern, Cienna…
I sat with tears in my eyes from every word spoken by Emma Gonzales during her speech, “We Call BS,” and every word written by Cameron Kasky in his article on CNN. I remembered what it was like being on lockdown in school, and the freight that came with thinking ‘maybe it’s real this time.’
When mass-tragedy struck the Columbine High community, immediate, radical actions should have been made towards reforming U.S. gun laws like what was done after the Dunblane Massacre in Great Britain. Instead my understanding that “safe” and “school” are two words that would always coincide with one another has turned to a nightmare in which they don’t.
In wake of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting last month, the kids and families affected by this tragedy have asked us all to come out and March For Our Lives. All of these tragedies can no longer be just another day of reality in the United States of America. Many will take to the streets of Washington DC and other cities around the globe on March 24th to demand that their lives and safety become a priority and that we end this epidemic of mass school shootings.
I’m sure we’ve all used the “I’m just one person, I can’t make a difference” excuse before. But in 2018, I think we all know we can. So one more time, to Emma Gonzales and every other heroic voice, I send you snaps and claps, hugs and praise for speaking out with a resilience to encourage positive change and thus keeping our students, teachers, and schools safe. There will be 658 marches worldwide, so I encourage you to click here to find the march nearest you.
Cienna is one of our phenomenal interns and a senior at The New School. The Atelier will be marching on Saturday for her and all other students who deserve to feel safe in school.