From the Beauty Closet

Let’s Talk Lip Gloss

11 years ago by

Despite having over 40 lipsticks/pencils/crayons (five of which are currently taking up residence in my handbag), I’ve been reaching for lip gloss.

I know what is running through your head, because it runs through mine too: I’m walking down the street, wearing a gloss, smiling at a cute boy when a huge gust of wind blows through and I am left awkwardly waving at him with pieces of hair stuck to my mouth (I have a vivid imagination, I’m aware…).

I’m pretty familiar with the world of lip gloss, as I was a huge advocate of Lancôme’s Juicy Tubes back in the day (the day when glittery lips were a must for math class) and then I switched to Clinique’s Superbalm (less sparkle, just as much shine).

Maybe it is the warmer weather or just a need for a break from matte lips, but I’m on a little bit of a gloss kick…I’ve been rotating NARS Lip Gloss in Dolce Vita and Lorac Co-Stars in Steamy Kiss (which is being discontinued–why?!–but you can still buy it here!).

What about you? Do you have a favorite lip gloss or is the hair-stuck-to-lips-in-front-of-a-cute-boy vision simply too terrifying?


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  • Jane with the noisy terrier May, 6 2013, 4:50 / Reply

    The new Paris Follies lip gloss by NARS is fabulous. Nice on its own and a great way to punch up nudes, pinks and coral lipsticks.

  • Lipgloss is so 2000! I wear reagular lipstick and I add some lip baulm on top, Labello Cherry will do the trick. It’s way less sticky!! :-)
    Paris-New York Fashion Blog
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    Xoxo Cory

  • i use mac’s lip glass and some gloss by vichy :)

  • I have to agree with Cory just a tad. But I think lip-gloss is still relevant to people with maybe thinner lips? It looks so nice on them. I have a bit of a fuller lip so I do not use lip-gloss.

  • I used to put on lip gloss when I was thirteen and trying to look like the popular girls in my school. It’s true that there’s something about lip gloss that make your lips look so full, so sexy. But then there’s the hair-on-the-mouth situation. It happened to me so many times I ended up hating lip gloss, because if it’s a super windy day, your hair full of sticky lip gloss will stick on your cheeks, and then on your glasses if you have them, and then your face is so sticky and you look like a crazy psycho.

    Okay, I might be exagerating it a little bit. I’m a lip gloss paranoid.

  • Exaggerated but really funny :)!

  • J’aime tellement les rouges à lèvres mates que je n’ai pas très envie de gloss. Et puis, il y a toujours le risque des cheveux collés sur la bouche, comme tu le dis si bien!

  • I’ve been really obsessed with Revlon’s “Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain”. I’m usually just a chapstick kinda girl but one day I saw it at the drugstore and bought a few colors and it’s AMAZING. Super moisturizing and the color stays on for a really long time. You can wear it by itself, or put clear gloss over it to make it super shiny. And it’s cheap! ($7-$9 depending on where you get it.)

  • Second this! Covergirl’s is good too and comes in a million colours, but there’s no balm attached.

  • I live in Portland, Oregon and have fallen in love with this local brand, Alima Pure. I’m a huge fan of their rhubarb lip balm!

  • Cristiana May, 8 2013, 8:35

    Me too! Alima Pure in rubharb: love it!

  • Alex tu es mon double!!!!
    Bon après tu es plus douée que moi ça c’est certain ( cf. tes manucures)
    mais oui j’adore les gloss même si je suis Gaston Lagaf et qu’il y a toujours des bourrasques quand je met du gloss…
    moi j’aime les gloss bijoux de chez lancôme dans une couleur vieux rose et je l’utilise au dessus d’un RAL nude pour adoucir
    mais la ce sont les nouveaux gloss Dior qui me font de l’oeuil
    AA ne craque pas, ne craque pas !!!!
    Je t’adore continue comme ça et tu me ferais rêver si tu faisais une chaine Youtube avec tes tuto make-up et tes produits favoris… ça me ferait rêver !!!

  • I am loyal to no lipstick. I will try anything. Although I did put the white lip gloss from bobbi brown in the center of my bottom lip for a collagen illusion.

  • I’m not a lip gloss girl, but i love Mac’s sheen supreme collection because they are shiny like lipgloss.


  • J’adore les rouges à lèvres mais sur les autres, à chaque fois que j’essaye j’ai l’impression d’etre déguisée ! Du coup je me contente du gloss que j’evite cheveux lachés au vent… J’ai craqué pour le Sephora Glossy Gloss couleur : Rusted Rose ! effet lèvres mordillés…

    Check out my new outfit post :

  • Molly D May, 6 2013, 6:12 / Reply

    I hate to say that a girl should ever do anything other than honor what she wants, but it plays a teensy little role when thinking about leaving gloss on a man’s face

  • I normally hate lipgloss but I’ve also caught myself reaching for it lately. It must be the sun! xxx

  • Emily May, 6 2013, 7:07 / Reply

    I’m all for lip-chap rather than gloss.
    This sugar lip gloss by fresh is the best stuff I have found yet.
    A bit pricey and slightly addictive but my go-to at the moment.

    Does anyone else find in the summer the need to constantly apply lip gloss disappears?
    One positive thing about the humidity I guess!

  • Ah mon premier gloss, un Juicy Tube de Lancôme avec des petites paillettes et il sentait bon le bonbon rose ! Après j’ai eu un tube Dior avec une breloque en forme de D au bout. Encore après j’ai eu un gloss vieux rose YSL après j’ai eu un nouveau Gloss Dior parce que, avouons-le j’adorais le tube transparent. Mainteant j’ai envie d’un stick Clinique…

  • lizaa May, 6 2013, 7:38 / Reply

    trop de monétisation dans ces chroniques beautés je trouve ?
    Trop souvent…
    my 2 cents

  • Charlie May, 6 2013, 8:01 / Reply

    Chanel Glossimer en Wild Rose: Un magnifique beige-rose naturel et pas collant du tout!

  • OMG! You had me at the second paragraph! Hahahahaha!

    I swear, that’s why i disgress wearing lip gloss. But then this summer (and I am here in the philippines, and you have no idea how summer screams summer here, like imagine here’s the sun then the earth and between the two, there’s my beloved country) , I changed my mind because wearing matte lipstick i thought, is way too much drying. And then the problem of hair sticking on your lips then on your cheeks ewww.. Hahahaha…

    Anyway, I simply use a VS gloss, something cherry flavored :)

  • Julie May, 6 2013, 9:15 / Reply

    Heya Alex, I was a lipgloss girl for a moment and accumulated enough glossy sparkly nude-pinky glosses from MAC, Nars, Dior Addict, that still reside in my makeup drawer. I know I should toss them bc of the bacteria proliferation (yuck) as they are probably well past the shelf life. I stopped wearing glosses around the same time I started to grow out my hair (yes, a correlation) more than 3 years ago. And my hair is past my shoulders so it’s prime for getting stuck in lip gloss…

    Lately, for a healthy, shiny lip look that isn’t so sticky I use either the Rosebud Salve or just plain vitamin E oil – there is one in a rollerball applicator that means no-fuss application on the lips!. Else I am part of the red lipstick tribe (and now the foundation-wearing tribe). As I have gotten older I want to look more polished and clean at the same time, hence the strong lip with a minimal face.

    Do you have any suggestions for a good balm that has SPF? Perhaps one that layers well under lipstick?

    Love these posts, keep ’em coming!


  • Hi Julie! I like Fresh’s Sugar Lip Balm (SPF 15) and I know Shiseido also makes a lip treatment with SPF 36 but I haven’t tried it yet :) xo Alex

  • Yay, thanks, Alex! I will check these out. Have a great weekend.

  • Lip gloss! Yes, oui, oui. I actually bought a Mac lipstick, 6 months ago, I have n.e.v.e.r. worn it. I am a lip gloss girl, I just am.

    But I find too many lip glosses now have those horrible shiny bits in it when I just want a gloss not glitter sticks.

    I love Nars but the costs where I live now, in SE Asia is crazy high. I just discovered Shiseido Brown Sugar lip gloss but was told when I bought it that it is going to be discontinued (Alex, so I will need to start a Bring It Back campaign Bobbi Brown has great lip gloss as does 100% Pure – their fruit pigment lip gloss is wonderful, Sheer Strawberry is my favorite. And like Julie mentioned earlier I always have Rosebud salve around.

    Thanks for the article Alex.

  • I am a sucker for a good gloss. Laura Mercier, Trish McEvoy, Nars….I have purses full. But then I live in sunny Southern California and I’m outside all of the time and I can’t take the hair in the gloss problem! What to do? What to do!

  • Wow…..from one beauty junkie to another – I do understand. Gloss is more moisturizing which is nice but I tend to like moisturizing balms better. Here are my favorites (not necessarily in order):

    Fresh “SUGAR” tinted lip treatments – all shades
    Burt’s Bees lip shimmers in most shades
    Tarte pouty lip lustre (very nice, built-in sharpener & a little shimmer)
    Nars lip gloss in orgasm (but only on top of lipstick for added sheen – not all “orgasms” are created equal – some are over rated).
    Mica Beauty Mineral Lip Color Pot in Dolce Vita (same name).
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  • I recently lashed out and bought the ByTerry Baume de Rose. It is very expensive but it is the most beautiful product to put on your lips – so soft and luscious, not sticky and fainlty rose scented. It feels sexy and luxurious. In AUD it was close to $100 but it is worth it and it is SPF15. Extravagant yes, but I won’t be throwing it away half used like I do with most glossses.

  • Preeti May, 7 2013, 12:31 / Reply

    Chantecaille has the best lip gloss – they are not sticky like regular lip glosses and feel like butter on you lips. Charm is my fave. Magic was the best red but they stopped making it :(

  • The best lipgloss I have found is the Pure Illumination Disco Gloss! I loved it so much I started distributing it! It is so amazing, acutally naturally heals chapped lips, goes on smoothe, not “goopey” and lasts a long time! The main ingredient is Medical Grade Lanolin, along with Vitamin E, jojoba oil, and sweet almond oil! BUT, what’s so cool is that it has a mirror on the side of the container AND an LED light in the cap…total convenience so you can apply anywhere!!!!
    All my friends go crazy for it….and their daughters and grandmothers!!!
    This range also has higher pigmented colors for those who want more a lipstick look too!

    Naturally, I only wear Pure Illumination and Lucas PawPaw, which is also amazing!!

    Thanks, Alex for your awesome posts! They are very engaging and always love reading them!

  • Chris May, 7 2013, 3:04 / Reply

    Je dis oui au lip gloss et pour moi le problème de la mèche de cheveux collée aux lèvres est réglé : cheveux courts.

  • I live glosses, I use only that for my lips. Great day.

  • Je reconnais que le gloss peut être très joli ! Mais sur les autres… Je ne suis vraiment pas fan du rendu


  • I love lipgloss, but the trick is to find one that is not sticky and doesn’t have any sparkle in it.
    The thing is, if you don’t have full Angelina lips, matte lips just doesn’t look good, at least it doesn’t on me.

    I had a favourite from Lancome that looked so natural and just fresh, but it’s been discontinued.. After using it for years I’m totally lost now, can’t find a good replacement.I want one that is natural lip coloured with a hint of peach, no sparkle and non sticky. Seems impossible to find.

  • i’m such a lipstick fan it’s insane i have like you at least 5 of them and always swore by a good red mate lip.

    HOWEVER; i was offered the L’Oréal Encre à lèvres Shine caresse which is right in the middle between lipstick and lip gloss and i swear; isn’t sticky AT ALL;

    a must try !!


  • Sanam May, 7 2013, 4:57 / Reply

    Definetly the new Dior Addic Gloss!

  • Katarzyna May, 7 2013, 4:58 / Reply

    Back in my Rapunzel days I was an ultimate enemy to wearing any kind of gloss (because of all the fuss, already vividly described), but times have changed and I am going through “as_short_as_possible” hair period in my life, I’m all into lipglosses!
    Well, actually in everything I couldn’t make it work so good with endlessly long hair – hello earrings as well! :)

  • Catherine May, 7 2013, 5:01 / Reply

    I found out about the Jenna Marbles phenomenon (thanks to the NYT, so sniff, my intello credentials stand up) and about died laughing at this video where she empties her purse and shows several handfuls of lipstick, lip gloss, etc. This woman is brilliant.

  • I’m not a lipgloss kind of girl, it’s just to sticky for me and yes, my hair gets stck to it too ;) I’m more of a matte lipstick fan xx

  • I loved my Juicy Tubes! I use Bobbi Brown clear now, great consistency and shine.


  • I too have quite a collection of lipglosses, lipsticks etc across the brands! Juicy Tubes were a favourite but in England with our changing weather – hair sticking to the lips is always going to be a problem but I always want to go back to gloss in the summer. Clinique Chubby Sticks are a favourite at the moment or Chanel Lèvres Scintillantes for gloss with a hint of sparkle !

  • Dior Addict – the one with the applicator that swirls

  • I still love the juicy tubes, they make me pout, and my favourite one is the toffee flavour. Bobbi Brown lip gloss is also very good.


  • Wow, memories. I used to be obsessed with collecting MAC Lipglasses. The shinier, the stickier, the better… I wanted my lips to feel HEAVY. These days I stick to bold matte colours, but for something more natural, I love a stain (Covergirl’s is so great and cheap, same with Joe Fresh for the Canadians!) with some balm on top. Have you tried Baby Lips? Cringeworthy name, but damn, they taste like Lifesavers.

  • Alex! This is off topic, but try running to David Guetta’s ‘I’m a Machine’, and ‘Titanium’ from his ‘Nothing but the Beat’ album. Great motivating tracks.

  • These days if I want anything more than a tinted lipbalm, I go for the YSL glossy stains. They have enough shine to be like a lip gloss but are less sticky, and when it wears off, the stain still leaves color on your lips. I tend to have dry lips and glosses are so much more forgiving than lipstick!

  • I’m not the gloss type but I love the Dior one, it’s a soft pink, hydrating and sticky!!

  • metka May, 7 2013, 2:35 / Reply

    I love DiorKiss – 488 Lychee rose. Perfect color.

  • I never use lipgloss, I prefer lipstick or colored lip balm, like Labello. I used lipstick when I was younger, but I don’t like the sticky effect and it doesn’t last 5 minutes!

  • Ideal Cheese May, 7 2013, 4:10 / Reply

    Lip gloss… meh. Stickiness. I can feel it sitting on my lips, making me want to continuously smack them together. Lipstick is my bitch, e.g. Tom Ford in the glorious Narcotic Rouge.

  • yesss Clarins Instant Light Lip Perfector is amazing! great smell and also it is not so shiny but smooths lips and a bit glossy

  • I used to wear lipgloss, but these days I’m not a fan. I always put it on, and then look in the mirror, and it always looks DREADFUL. I think it’s because I’ve got very large, soft-of soft edged lips, and they just look….. blobby.

    So these days I’m a lipstick/balm girl.

    (Never had to worry about getting my hair stuck in it…. great thing about hip-length curly hair–> you never wear it down–> never gets stuck in stuff! Then you wear it down once a year and everyone goes “WOW!”)

  • carol May, 8 2013, 1:26 / Reply

    The Lipgloss Double Whammy – first, the hair blows in face & gets sticky (then I pluck hair out of gloss). Second, the sticky hairs blow back onto eye/sunglasses & leave sticky smudge (then I must clean glasses). JUST NOT WORTHWHILE.

  • Now that I wear glasses more often than not, this former gloss addict has switched primarily to tinted lip balms (because hair would get in the gloss and then sweep it across my lenses – not fun!). Fresh Sugar balm is fantastic of course, but a great cheap option is either Maybelline’s Baby Lips for a hint of color, or Revlon’s Colorburst Lip Butter for a bit more coverage. Also, they’re easier to apply without a mirror! :)

  • I don’t own any lip gloss, the idea of glossy and sticky lips doesn’t attract me having a boyfriend (I think he isn’t too keen either) plus they remind me of my teenage years when I used to wear a light pink lip gloss.. At the moment all I wear are different shades of red lipstick :)

  • Merci pour cette info ! Je vais acheter « Dolce Vita » ! Même si je risque de marcher dans la rue avec des petites ciboulettes collées sur mes lèvres…

  • Romy Fossa May, 9 2013, 12:22 / Reply

    I am attracted to lip gloss to the point of buying at least three or four a year…which means that I have at least two in each bag in my closet and at least one in each pocket of a winter coat (in fact sometimes I find one I had totally forgotten about!). I am over the sticky ones, apart from the hair thing, I have unpleasant memories of eating a crumbly biscuit, sitting on the beach on a very windy day (natural lip scrub…) and worst of all, a cachemere or very fluffy mohair pullover or SCARF on a windy day. This last has put me off sticky lip gloss for good. My favourites now are ysl volupte sheer candy, smells divine and the case is a little piece of yewellery! And brown pot rouge in powder pink

  • heu….après avoir lu ce post, je suis allé l’essayer en parfumerie…beurk !
    Il est vachement épais, et il a un goût bizarre !
    Je suis vachement plus adepte du Rouge Charnel d’Innoxa !

  • camila May, 11 2013, 5:08 / Reply

    I miss Labello cherry, the original because now, in Argentina, there is only Labello cherry “shine”, why i have to use something shine in the morning? It used to became my lips with a natural color…

  • jessica May, 13 2013, 5:35 / Reply

    le nouveau lisse minute gelée crystal de Clarins! j’adore

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