La Dolce Selfie
9 years ago by

I was pretty conflicted when I saw the Dolce & Gabbana show, with the models taking selfies of themselves as they walked down the runway.
It was either the ultimate show of how far fashion has receded to the fringes of pop culture, or the best PR stunt so far this season — and maybe the most inclusive, allowing people to follow the live updates of the images as they were posted directly to the brand’s social media channels.
I’m not really sure where the line should be drawn here. On one hand, I love that it meant that everyone had this intimate view of the show as it happened. (And it’s nice to see fashion week becoming more inclusive, like the Givenchy show with their allocation of tickets to the public.) But how much does taking a selfie on the runway take away from the traditional reason for a show, allowing the press and buyers to see the clothes in motion – how it would look on a woman walking down the street…
But, then again, so many women are taking selfies. So maybe it’s just a playful insight to the way women are today? What do you think?
Pourquoi pas? c’est vrai qu’en ce moment les selfies sont à la limite de l’overdose et que beaucoup trouvent ça vraiment irritant, mais je trouve ça interessant d’avoir un point de vue différent sur le déroulement d’un défilé :)
Not sure. What does a selfie on the runway do for this show or Fashion in general.
Je ne sais pas non plus trop quoi en penser. L’idée de créer de l’interaction avec le public me plait beaucoup, les défilés sont de plus en plus des spectacles, et non plus uniquement des “présentations catalogues”.
Cette créativité me plait bien (même si la mode n’en est peut être plus le centre)
I also wrote about the “Dolce selfie” – it is a reflection of society and a response to what is happening today with technology and it’s effect on the fashion world
I have no problem with this gimmick. As far as the purpose of seeing how clothes move on the street, let’s get some 5’6″, 145 lb models at least 35 years old (as few teenagers can afford designer duds) to see what the clothes will actually look like on the real customers. Until then, let the tall skinny teens from the Czech Republic have some fun!
J’ose espérer que cette idée de selfie était de l’ironie, un genre de miroir pour se moquer.
I think it’s too much
My first reaction was to roll my eyes over here, since I’m really not a selfie person. With all the selfie sticks and selfie celebrities, it all seems so overdone. In the same time, I do support bringing life on the runways, like in the Chanel shows. It’s nice to see models interact, show us how the clothes would look like in a common environment – like in a brasserie, or in a supermarket or even like this, when taking a selfie. At least, it’s not the same stiff walk anymore…
J’en pense que les gens qui font des selfies sont des imbéciles narcissiques, le reste du monde étant en général bien plus intéressant que soi. Importer ça dans un défilé c’est juste complètement con. Ouais je sais je suis un peu rétro.
tout à fait d’accord avec toi.
The REAL reason for the show is to see the clothes MODELED for the first time. All this social media frenzie in the big brands is tyiring! They are already FAMOUS, please, get back to what you are doing and forget about media….it will reach us all in perfect timing, don´t worry.
I guess the idea was taking all the cliches of Italy and seeing it the way tourists see it, so what could be more authentic than selfies with the big sights! They just need to replace the amazonian teens with middle aged American styled with socks and sandals haha
Anoushka Probyn – A London Fashion Blog
Over selfies? Welcome to the new era! A life in the MEDIA, here we are, now it’s a kind of official. If Dolce & Gabbana legitimise the topic in a catwalk, now everybody can have a sweet dreams.
just one nice thing : they are FINALLY SMILING !!!!! :-)
A mon sens, cette “idée” me semble si peu créative, si peu originale, mais tout à fait dans l’air du temps… La remarque d’une lectrice est juste, pour une fois les filles sourient, je veux dire qu’elles ont l’autorisation de sourire mais comme elles se sourient à elles-mêmes.
Kind of hard to believe it took someone this long to do it! And you know what? In the context of that show, with those designs & with smiles instead of the dreaded duck faces, I actually think it’s got some charm.
It seems that everybody its forgetting about Cara Delevigne doing it last year on Giles runway….
I believe the selfie mania is so omnipresent these days and it’s only natural to see it in shows, as it proves some democratization of fashion, the fact that the house has the sense of reality, of what’s really happening in the streets. Don’t really like it, but I understand it.
Surely the whole point is to sell their lower price point bread and butter product – phone cases! It happens to make a commentary on selfie culture…
C’est en effet un bon coup de maître pour faire parler de la maison.
Finalement dans la mode, tout tend à se populariser année après année. Les défilés permettent à la grande diffusion, après que les tendances soient digérées, d’adopter de nouveaux produits.
Si ce processus devient de plus en plus rapide, c’est plutôt avantageux pour le plus grand nombre, et peut être cela pourrait servir l’intérêt commun concernant l’esthétique des looks que l’on croise dans la rue. ;)
C’est aux marques de luxe de se réinventer pour continuer à perpétuer l’image de rêve, mais rendre une mode plus accessible à tous, est, je pense, une très bonne chose !
I have no problem with designers putting a unique spin on things whether it’s with selfies or human backpacks or whatever other gimmicky thing they know will get the press’s attention. As long as it’s not something rude or gross or vulgar, it wouldn’t be a problem for me. P.S. Beautiful photo.