Kronaby Watches
6 years ago by

If I told you that watch pictured above was a smart watch, would you believe me?
I personally didn’t believe it. I was down right confused when I was told it could be connected to my cell phone.
I was even more bewildered when I was told I could push certain buttons to decline calls, set alarms, pin locations on a map and even track my steps or keep track of various time zones.
All of this while not sacrificing style.
Despite being a “smart watch,” Kronaby Watches are designed to allow you to disengage from your phone and be present in the moment. With different patterns of vibrations that alert you when certain contacts contact you, you can keep your phone off the table and in your bag during all future meetings, dinners and any other time you should probably be making human contact instead of phone contact.
God how I miss those dinner parties before everyone had cell phones. The parties where people were prioritized over screens.
Maybe Kronaby can help us turn back time and get back there.