From the Studio

Je Suis Charlie

9 years ago by

Here are a few links we wanted to share with some reactions and opinions about what’s happened in Paris. Please feel free to share anything you’ve read that can contribute to this dialogue in the comments.

Sophie Fontanel asks, where is Charlie? from The Daily Elle.

Jon Stewart on Team Civilization from Slate.

The attack on Charlie Hebdo is ultimately about control from Wired.

The pen versus the gun from The New Yorker.

The predictability of Charlie Hebdo from The Atlantic.

What to do but cry from The Daily Elle.

Cartoonists raise their pencils in solidarity from Slate.


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  • I’m a French girl but decided to post in English so more people could understand. What happened was terribly wrong, a real tragedy. Everyone here is shocked, sad, feel wounded. Our Republic has been attacked. (but we’re NOT AFRAID.)
    However, I would like to react to the comments Garance had to read since yesterday. As she said, everyone remained polite. But, everyone is entitled to their own way of processing these attacks. The yesterday post was indeed badly timed, but I was reading it as the news of the attacks appeared on my TV screen. This post was not bad taste. It was just bad timing. You can all see she stopped posting after this (unlike some magazines who posted Je suis Charlie between two articles about shoes and coats).Concerning her reaction… well, first we’re 6h ahead here in France. And I know it’s difficult to get information as precise as we have here from the US, as some of my French friends studying in the US are relying on me to get as much info as possible, and that there was a bit of a confusion over there. Not reacting instantly on the social networks doesn’t mean you’re not supportive. We are all shocked, and so was probably Garance as a French person. Don’t forget she’s a drawer too – maybe she admired one of them, or knew one of them. What I mean is that, it is a lot to process, and hard to process. Hence her “””late””” reaction. I appreciate much more her authentic post of today than someone changing right away their profile and cover pics just to prove you’re in the thing.
    And, thank you to everyone being supportive, even you’re not living in France. These values are universal. Vive la liberté !

  • Thanks for this, Garance. The Wired article said this was an attack on all journalists – NO, this was an attack on all thinking people. Je suis Charlie. Vive la liberte!

  • Free speech cannot have limits, as it would no longer be free. It’s taken us millennia to cultivate religious toleration, rights for women, free education and all the other wonderful things that make us civilised. You take away freedoms of speech and the right to ridicule religion, and we go back wards, into the dark ages.

  • je suis charlie. je dirais tous ce que je veux.

    international giveaway on my blog

  • Freedom of speech and expression is an unalienable right that will never be taken away…
    Violence motivates and encourages us to speak louder and makes sure our messages are read!

  • #jesuischarlie
    Freedom of speech
    Freedom to write
    Freedom to be…..
    a very very sad time for the world…
    Yael Guetta

  • Thanks to all of you who are supporting us.
    We are not afraid… We will keep laughing of everyone and everything because freedom is made of that.

  • Je suis Charlie et j’ai envie de dire deux choses, sans doute fort dérisoires mais persistantes:
    -l’une aux terroristes: il y a tellement de choses bien plus intéressantes et belles à faire de SA vie plutôt que d’aller se faire exploser ou de tuer des gens, par exemple: rêver, dessiner, skier, prendre un café à une terrasse, regarder des enfants jouer, regarder des heures des oiseaux dans un jardin, écrire, rire, faire des dessins rigolos, boire une bière ou dire n’importe quoi ou même, soyons fous: allez discuter avec les gens dont on trouve qu’ils exagèrent avec leurs caricatures sur les Musulmans, ce qui s’appelle le dialogue, et c’est l’exact contraire de la violence…. Bref, TOUT, mais pas ce qu’ils ont choisir de faire de leur vie au nom de leurs idées (car ils la gâchent, leur vie, autant qu’ils le sachent….)
    -l’autre, c’est cette pensée toute simple: «Buter des dessinateurs au nom d’un mec qui est mort il y a 1600 ans? Faut être cinglé.» (ce qui conclut et rejoint ma première remarque: z’ont pas AUTRE CHOSE à faire de leur vie?) (cf Eric, Perpignan, ds l’Express:

  • analyse hyper intéressante de cet enseignant chercheur: nos sociétés fragilisées par les “storytelling” et le poids et la rapidité des images (ce qui, en fait, a commencé avec le 11 septembre 2001 et l’essor définitif d’internet où l’image et son immédiateté est devenue l’arme absolue):

  • Ik ben Charlie, I’m Charlie, Je suis Charlie

    We all ought to be…

  • #notInMyName

  • Jennifer January, 9 2015, 8:41 / Reply

    While I do not totally understand the depths of what happened in Paris, I remember what the terror attacks of 9-11 felt like, the sadness, the loss, the fear and the unity to support each other and not be scared. We mourned and the world mourned with us. I pray for Paris and know with time the absolute beauty and light of such an amazing city and country will shine again. I am so sorry for your losses. These acts of violence should never occur.
    I am grateful for Garance and the Studio team as well as all the people who comment on this blog as I am learning a lot from it.
    Peace and blessings.

  • L’hommage poignant de Sophia Aram à ses amis de Charlie Hebdo

  • Quelle prise de position ! Enorme ;)
    Bisous quand même Garance :*

  • I just wanted to say how much I appreciated your day of silence. I never really saw the artistry of fashion until I started reading this blog — I guess magazines like Vogue were too inaccessible to peak my interest — so I think it’s fitting that a blog devoted not “just” to fashion, but also art and design, would stand in solidarity with the slain satirists. Satire, art, fashion, journalism — they’re all about presenting a vision of the world and its inhabitants. Vive la liberté to express those visions.

  • Dear Garance and members of the studio,
    Thank you for this opportunity to share ideas and feelings.
    I write from Madrid, a city brutally attacked by fundamentalist terrorism in 2004, so I understand the emotions, the pain and the shock France, but specially Paris is experiencing right now. There is a moment for just feeling the sorrow, the grieve, the sadness even the anger. The only positive thing I remember from 2004 was the feeling of solidarity, the feeling of community, I did not feel in a big city full of strangers, but in a place, where if something brutal happenned, many people would help me, as many people showed those days donating blood, attending psychologically the families of the victims…The only positive thing that can emerge out of these brutal acts is precisely defending the most precious elements of our lifes: freedom, laugh, love, empathy, respect…Brutality exterminates beauty (understood here in a wide, metaphoric and subjective meaning), let´s avoid that.
    Leaving aside feelings, there is a political analysis to do with many different aspects to take into account, I would like to share just one. I consider it would be a positive step not to repeat like a mantra, “our values”, as opposed to the muslim societies´ values. The fundamentalists are not all the muslim communities, and I am sure we all know, many muslim people, here in Europe or in North Africa and Middle East Countries that defend rights and freedoms, and try to fight against authoritarian politics and unjust laws. As the French Middle East expert Jean-Pierre Filiu explains, at both sides of the Mediterranean sea we are facing the same challenge. These fundamentalists are killing everyday muslim people that do not think like them. Tunis is a good example of all this, this country is struggling thanks to a committed civil society to pursue a democratic transition, still uncertain as all transitions are. Definitely many muslim people share, defend, even die for democratic values, this are not just “our values”, and the more they are shared, the more we will cut down the growth of fundamentalism. Here I include the comment of the Jean-Pierre Filiu a professor of Middle East studies at Sciences Po in Paris: with the title: Charlie Hebdo : à Paris et à Tunis, les mêmes assassins de la liberté

  • Actually I live in London and I am very afraid. But that is no reason to capitulate and allow a bunch of phanatics to regress us into the stone ages. Those who would like to see us all wearing burkas and would deprive our children of education. It is very disapointing that New York times decided not to publish the cartoons! Freedom of speech is one of the cornerstones of or civilisation and no individual or faith should be exempt from it. It is a very slippery slope. We are afraid but we should do it anyway.

  • Mariateresa January, 12 2015, 5:06 / Reply

    La douleur…merci pour cet mots mais c’est tarde, tard!

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