It’s Britney B@$#%
11 years ago by
Last week we asked if you wanted a post on Britney, the comeback kid (who came back and back again)
So, here you have it! In the vein of our bellybutton ring post (yep, that happened) here is a brief history of the Britney Comeback:
High Point (1998-2002): All is well. Britney Spears dances into our hearts with “Hit Me Baby,” and manages to snag Justin Timberlake. The two wear matching denim outfits and Britney gives a number of awesome VMA performances. What could go wrong?

Low Point (2002): The denim duo break up. The world mourns. Justin’s “Cry Me A River” music video stars a Britney look-a-like who cheats on him — everyone is on Team Justin!
Comeback (2003): Remember a little song called “Toxic”? Yeah, we need Britney in our lives again.
High Point (2003): Britney and Madonna kiss on stage at the VMAs. Our minds are blown and Christina Aguilera is pissed!

Low Point (2004-2007): Let’s call this the “Chaotic Phase”. Britney’s shotgun Vegas wedding and annulment followed by her marriage to Kevin Federline leave fans less than happy with the pop star. A few Frappuccinos and barefoot gas station stops later, Britney finally comes out with a new album! We are excited until… The VMAs. SRSLY how did it go this far??!!! And how do we turn off our eyes?!!
Comeback (2008): Britney slowly reappears in the world and then: “Womanizer”. Need we say more? (okay we’re going to say one more thing)
High Point (2011): Britney is hired to be a judge on The X Factor. Meaning that millions of viewers trust her opinion of singing!! (Hello? Anyone?)
All this and her new single came out yesterday. You tell us, high point or low point?
ce n’est pas son nouvel album qui est sortit hier mais son nouveau single ;)
le nouvel album sortira en novembre me semble t-il
viva britneyyy!
qu’on l’aime ou qu’on la déteste ça fait 15ans qu’elle est dans le showbizz, et elle marche toujours autant !
Britney is such a badass! Love her! That new song kicks ass!
Closet sale with Dior items on my blog!
Xoxo Cory
i have never liked this kind of manufactured pop dolls: i’m more into real women with real talents :)
I looove the message the song is sending. But in terms of sound it’s kind of meh.
Un post sur Britney sur ton blog, Garance… je ne peux qu’être super super contente!! Et j’aurais adoré avoir ton analyse de son style (c’est vraiment celui de tt le monde? c’est la clef du mystère?) et puis aussi avoir ton avis sur prquoi elle est aussi méprisée par la mode alors qu’elle aussi, elle est, à sa façon, on the edge of the wave. Madonna ou Mickael Jackson ne l’étaient pas autant, si? Et Elvis Presley?
Enfin, ya bcp d’autres choses sur lesquelles j’adorerais avoir ton avis ;-))
Just the last piece of work she has to put out in order to settle her deal with the record label. Finally. Poor girl.
Thanks for making me relive my childhood…I still don’t know if this review makes me feel better or worse about myself. Anyhow, you go do your thing, Brit.
Your Friend, Jess
J’adore Britney Spears perso, je la trouve génial et sa musique est super cool, on peut la critiquer mais bon on ne peut pas s’empêcher de l’aimer je crois
AAAARGGGHHHH! I can’t watch the video!! The stupid GEMA and her broadcasting laws!!! If I can’t watch Britney I don’t want to keep living in Germany any more!!!!
PS: I’m sure Justin Timberlake still gets a headache everytime he sees a picture of that denim fantasia!
PS2: Viva Britney!!!
This single is really horrible, I tried really hard not to turn it off after first 20 seconds.
Really like the song, but it’s not available in the UK until November. It’s a crime.
I like the beat but I feel like it isn’t the work from a singer anymore. It sounds like 80% computer (or more). Such a shame…xx
Such a massive use of photoshop that I didn’t even recognize her.
Il était temps que Britney re-re-fasse un come-back, la dernière fois ce n’étais pas super, j’ai hâte de voir la suite…
Why does Britney suddenly have an English accent?
Either way, new favorite new workout song!
Actually it’s kind of a sad story. Growing up in front of a lot of cameras, everybody is judging.. I would have shaved my head a lot sooner then she did!
I’ve never been a fan of the music, but I am glad that the message is a realistic one for the youth these days: you need to work to get what you want.
Ahhh, ce single, j’adore ! Je kiffe grave :). Je l’avoue : j’ai monté le son chez moi et j’ai dansé plusieurs dessus comme une tarée. Et maintenant, je suis en nage. Et j’ai super envie d’aller cluber, mais dans un club où on passerait ce morceau en boucle (n’importe quoi !).
Donc : oui, un vrai come-back !
Merci, Garance, de nous avoir fait ce post sur Britney. There’s nothing like ton blog !!!
Come on guyz how can you not mention Star Search, Mickey Mouse Club…
on dira ce qu’on voudra, je suis toujours fascinée par les come back de britney
J’avais pas vu sa ‘non performance’ aux WMA , effectivement elle fait peine à voir !
Même si je suis fan de certains de ces tubes, je trouve que l’image qu’elle renvoie ces derniers temps n’est vraiment pas à son avantage ….
Love it!!!!! Love her!!!!
Mon dieu mais elle est toujours dans le méga creux de la vague ! C’est quoi ce single…
Creux de la vague à nouveau…
J’adoooore Britney, mais là elle est un peu has-been avec sa dernière chanson sur les Schtroumphs et son nouveau single est lassant…dommage. Mais je continue d’écouter ces albums à fond en dansant dans mon salon !
ps : Madonna a aussi embrassé Christina lors des VMAs, seulement la caméra a manqué une partie du baiser…
Mythique la vidéo de 2007, avec Rihana hilare au premier rang!
I always will love me some Britney.
Elle sait que la tecktonik c’était il y a cinq ans ??
A part ça… on touche pas à Britney –
i have never liked
Guilty pleasure, that girl is. I don’t often cop to it, but I have “Toxic” in my workout playlist. :-)
Defenelity high point – love the new single :)
Excellent résumé hahaha!
Justin et Brit’ . ” le couple en jeans”—–> MYTHIQUE! hahhahah!
We have to agree that Britney has had a lot of ups and downs! And I think it sounds like she is trying a little too hard with this new song.. I think she is trying too hard to be hip and modern, and she is failing a bit.. When I was a kid I loved Britney and knew all the lyrics of her songs, and this new song doesn’t feel like Britney to me. Too much techno-vibe!
Hi Garance,
I’m here trying to figure out WHY are you talking about this kind of girl? (a product). I mean, there are so uncountable more interesting things you can talk about!
Love your writing & mood!
The only crime is this song. Ghastly and horrible. Why would anyone want this in their lives? I just don’t get it.