from the beauty closet

In My Hair

10 years ago by

In My Hair

I got a lot of questions about my hair yesterday

I realize I didn’t tell you anything about what I do to take care of it, and since it’s really super simple, here’s a flash Beauty Minute on hair!

I wash my hair every other day with a very simple, mild shampoo – any kind, but right now I’m using Not Your Ordinary Daily Shampoo from CO Bigelow, which I bought just because I like the bottle, and I want my new bathroom to be filled with nothing but beautiful products.

Then I put in a completely crazy amount of conditioner – right now it’s from Phylia de M., and I let it sit as long as possible.

Then, after towel drying my hair, I put in a few drops of Mythic Oil by L’Oréal Professional (I hide that one in my cabinet, not that the bottle isn’t pretty, but it doesn’t go with the theme of my new bathroom, hahaha) – no more than that or it makes your hair greasy.

I part my hair on the side, then slick it down – it’s the only way to get that straight, but fluid texture. If I dry it with a hair dryer, it gets too straight and flat, and if I don’t slick it back, I get a cow lick on my head that’s just impossible.

And that’s it! Once my hair is dry, I tousle it a little and I avoid putting anything else in it the rest of the day.

Voilà ! Let me know if you have any other questions!!!

Translated by Andrea Perdue


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  • What I love most about this shot is how your eyes smile as well! I just got my super short haircut a week before you did and I loved it. But every once in a while you get a stare or comment. One quick thought ‘Come on! It’s got Garance’s stamp of approval’ and it was gone. So I guess thanks for that and for being your stunning self.

  • Waouuuh stunning Garance!! Love this pic’ ;-)

  • Interesting! I have a phobia of too much conditioner for my hair, as I fear it will weigh it down too much/make it look dirty. I might give this a try. Merci !

  • Radieuse!
    tu transmets bonnes vivrations…!!

  • Merci! Pour la premiere fois de ma vie j’aimerais avoir des cheveux boucles pour arriver au meme resultat!
    And yes I’m silly about matching products in my bathroom. Have to use specific products in the shower for the color of their packaging too. But the medicine cabinet is starting to collect a rainbow

  • Hey Garance! Thanks for the beauty routine and like Charlotte just said for “being your stunning self” ;-) I love the comments you’re getting from your readers and especially after this summer the initimacy of some. I was sad myself for you just like I am when a friend has a tough time. Reading things like “I found this and thought you may like it for your room” is kind of cute. I guess not all celebs have this proximity with their fans. Cheers!

  • Les photos sont sublimes. Cette énergie positive et cet appétit festif de vie (je ne sais pas si cela est très français, mais j’assume) est très communicatif. Merci. Et quel sourire !!!!

  • Claudia Bustamante September, 12 2014, 7:40 / Reply

    Je suis très heureuse de savoir que tu as trouvé ton bonheur avec tes cheveux.
    Je les trouve beaucoup plus beau maintenant ,plus féminin ,comme tu l’a dis,
    et ça te donne du style sans te donner du travail,le rêve! les photos sont magnifiques
    aussi,la couleur presque monochrome est sublime.Qui était le photographe? Scott?

  • What is the deal with all the “argan oils” that everyone uses??? For years we just used shampoo and conditioner – so why do we suddenly need oil? (Cool first comment left by phone! I’m so grown-up…)

  • Yay to simple beauty routines.

  • Garance, why do you use that particular oil? Any reason or you just like it? Also do you use hair masks or just the conditioners?
    I adore this picture, you look fantastic!

  • (Garance!!! A la rescousse! Je poste ici parce que sur les posts où il y a trop de commentaires, l’affichage de ceux-ci n’apparaît plus après le 30 ième environ…donc l’affichage de la petite fenêtre pour poster non plus… peut-être un bug du nouveau site, auquel je me familiarise, et que finalement j’apprécie de plus en plus) (à moins que ce soit mon ordi).
    Bon, tout ça pour dire que tu portes les cheveux courts à merveille, tu es rayonnante! J’adore la photo ou tu as les cheveux plus plaqués et la marinière, on dirait que tu as 20 ans!!

  • Thank you, Garance! I have short hair that tends to get curly, if not properly tamed, so I am more than happy to read / hear how other people with the same type of hair manage to look stylish and cool. Rather than messy and struck-by-the-lightning-like.

  • C’est vrai que cette coupe plus souple avec les meches discretes est tres feminine et versatile.
    J’aime aussi le tres court avec une grand meche devant, un peu a la Kate Lanphear.

  • L'épingle September, 13 2014, 12:14

    Attention ! Versatile… Un faux-ami.

  • frida Kahloa September, 13 2014, 11:47 / Reply

    Trop belle sur cette photo..

  • Simple Garance, you look so effortlessly beautiful. It must be hard staying so natural (especially when you’re not 19) in the fashion world. You look awesome, radiant, young but being actually your age at the same time. <3 <3 <3

  • C canon Garance! Tu rayonnes…
    Question: et le secret de ton teint photoshopé, c’est quoi? Super healthy, lumineux et transparent, ça me fait carrément rêver!!
    Bisou, f

  • Renata de Rabakoz September, 13 2014, 3:30 / Reply

    “le thème de ma nouvelle salle de bain” non mais Garance tu arrête?????!!!!!!! tu pousse le bouchon trop loin!……..sans blague, les filles nous toutes on devrait avoir cette attitude envers soi-même: -Le thème de ma nouvelle salle de bain -L’AMOUR DE SOI, c’est important, c’est beau

    c’est vrai que le typo de chaque flacon est beau, mais ses gros bouchons noir sont bofs

  • I just adore your hair style! I have had a very similar cut for years and am looking for ways to style it differently. Your post has inspired me to try out some different looks. I was wondering though, do you let your hair air dry, even during the winter? I live in a climate which is very cold in the winter and I’m not sure I could go without my hair dryer the whole year!

  • hairdresser here….try Unite Lazar Straight lite weight closes the cuticle of your hair ….easy to blow.. not sticky….great product
    english company

  • Garance, you look beautiful, and like you are a teenager!

  • Exactly what I thought too. The centre part is very flattering on you!

  • Merci L’Epingle ! Je me suis americanisee et je mélange souvent le francais et l’anglais !

  • Merci jolie Garance d’avoir pris le temps de me répondre car je fais partie de ces nombreuses questions.
    J’ai en ce moment les cheveux plaqués et je les étire au fur et mesure qu’ils sèchent pour essayer de maîtriser le résultat ! on verra demain matin au réveil….
    mais cette huile n’est elle pas pleine de silicones ? j’avais entendu dire que les produits l’Oréal ne sont pas dépourvus de chimie
    tu resplendis et encore merci;


    What a stunning photo of Garance.
    I really can’t believe it has been so long she has had her hair short. Seems like only the other day she did the big cut.


  • So lovely smile!!! And a perfect hair!!


  • This photo of this particular way in which you’ve styled your hair so simply is gorgeous. You look unbelievably happy and that makes you look so fresh and light – like you’ve easily stripped ten years away from you, in a good way. Just goes to show that joy is the greatest beauty treatment to revitalise and refresh. And I mean that with the greatest respect to you, Garance, for you look so elegant always: but here, you just look like you’re overflowing with “abundant amazingness”.

  • i love the middle part, this is such a beautiful photo of you!!!

  • Une beauté angélique ! une coupe de cheveux simple avec un sourire parfait !

  • Oh my goodness Garance, this is the most beautiful picture of you!!! You are so naturally stunning and have an amazing smile. Thanks for the short hair tips. I’m a short hair girl too and I’m going to try these x

  • Qu’est-ce que tu es belle sur cette photo, c’est une de mes préférées. J’adore tes tâches de rousseur, et on dirait que tu as 20 ans!

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