How do you say…
10 years ago by

…Ann Demeulemeester?
This video from i-D shows you the A-Z pronunciations of all the trickiest designer (and one model– Xiao Wen Ju) names in fashion. Now you can practice at home before next season…
10 years ago by
…Ann Demeulemeester?
This video from i-D shows you the A-Z pronunciations of all the trickiest designer (and one model– Xiao Wen Ju) names in fashion. Now you can practice at home before next season…
It’s sooo funny!
I discovered some names I didn’t know at all =.=”’
A fashion & DIY blog…
now that ann d. has just quit fashion? :P
Sauf qu’ils se trompent! On ne dit pas “an de’me’mu’le’mes’ter”. Et on ne le prononce pas deMIUlemester… Hum.
Mais la vidéo est jolie.
Interesting, useful and funny!
Outfits and trends on lowbudget-lowcost Fashion blog
except that they are wrong!
Erdem, Hussein Chalayan, Ümit Benan, Ann Demeulemeester to name a few…
Yes! Kris Van Assche is also pronounced differently.
They do seem to have Americanized the names a bit in this video!
Exactly! I gave up on the video after I heard them say Ann Demeulemeester all wrong…
such a great video!
Too funny! Love it! I also just learned I pronounce some of these wrong.
— Alex at Cashmere Kangaroo
As a Dutch speaker I had to laugh at Ann Demeulemeester…
Anne De-me-le-me-le
All the time I thought that was a lipstick commercial. Would’ve been great :)
C’est fun mais faux !
Hahah omg this is amazing! I really laughed at Ann Demeulemeester.
and how do we pronounce Garance Dore?? “Gah-rawhns Doe-ray”? (sorry, poor attempt!)
Thank you for sharing!
Aw, how upsetting to read here that some of the names are still being mispronounced! I had no idea Loewe was pronounced like that, but it makes sense! Really wonder why ‘Nike’ is on there, and Alexander McQueen too, really?!? I suppose there were no other designers that started with Q?
Brigadeiro’s Blog
I saw this the other day and thought it was so clever! How many times have I tripped over my designer words, opting to mumble the last syllables!
This is really not the way we Dutch and/or Belgians say Anne Demeulemeester! Sounds funny though.
Love your blog. Love this post
What a funny video!
Je savais pas que l’on disais Niki pour Nike, en tout cas pas en français je pense ??
Sinon cool la vidéo, on a envie de la regarder jusqu’au bout .
This is epic!!! omg did you see Hanne Gaby? Loveeeeeee <333
Pas sure du Ji Vone Chi non plus! :D
Concernant Proenza Schouler j’avais eu un gros débat avec une collègue sur la prononciation.
J’ai récemment lu une interview d’eux dans un magasine où le journaliste a eu la bonne idée de leur poser la question.
Hernandez explique que le nom de jeune fille de sa mère étant d’origine alsacienne, il se prononce à l’origine Chouleur.
Cependant étant New-Yorkais, comme tous les américains il le prononcerait lui même Skouleur.
Il concédait dans l’article que les 2 prononciations étaient donc justes et qu’aucune ne le choquait :)
This was so fun. Although I keep on pronouncing Ann Demeulemeester and Walter van Beirendonck completely Dutch.
wow, that was like a trippy zoolander video..