Happy 40th Birthday, G!!!
9 years ago by

Today is Garance’s 40th birthday! Happy birthday, G!!!
We may or may not be (but, really, we are) popping champagne bottles in the Studio in your honor! And, even though the REAL gift (it’s a big surprise, you’ll see) comes later, we wanted to, as a tribute to the letter you wrote, write a letter to 40-year-old Garance.
Dear G,
You’re pretty much the coolest 40 year old we know. Ok, that’s not true. You are the coolest, but we don’t want you getting a big head all of a sudden, now that you’re 40. There are a million things everyone knows you are good at — you’ve accomplished so much in these four decades — but, on this special occasion, we want to share the reasons why we think you’re amazing:
– You love to joke and laugh a lot, whenever and wherever and super loud.
– Nobody rocks short hair quite like you.
– Your dance moves are unparalleled.
– Personal space is no issue for you, which means we all get to be close to you every day.
– Aside from Melissa, you sing the best covers of Hozier.
– You have a deep love for chocolate, but you’re always willing to share with us.
– You’re kind and thoughtful, and always want us to be happy.
– There are few aside from us who can call their boss a friend.
So, thank you. Happy birthday, and enjoy 40. It’s the new 20.
Lots of love,
Emily, Erik, Brie, Elle & Neada
Happy birthday,Garance. Lovely to see you so happy with that handdsome man /baby your side. Hugs from Europe.
Un joyeux anniversaire à toi Garance!!
Happy Birthday Garance. I have being reading this site for years and didnt realize we were the same age. You are doing great things in life. God Bless you
Joyeux anniversaire, Garance! What a special day for you! (and on a Friday!)
Super Congrats Garance !!!!
Lot of kisses
Rock it out Garance! Have a wonderful celebration/s! x
Bon Anniversaire Garance!
Wishing you a magical day and year ahead! Celebrate all your wonderful accomplishments and blessings. It is just the beginning and continuation of a wonderful journey :)
Happy Birthday Garance. I am sure you are enjoying yourself somewhere fun. 40’s are amazing.
Joyeux Anniversaire Garance! Je te souhaite un incroyable anniversaire, une belle annee de 40 ans, et tous le joie dans le monde!
Tu es une vrai beaute!
Happy Birthday Garance!!!! <3 <3 <3 You are badass in this elegant and cool way, you're truly an inspiration. Your positive energy radiates through your posts and everything you do. I can tell you guys have the best vibes at the studio and care a lot about one another. You've created a beautiful world around you! Funny (weird) saying that, but I love having you in my life!
Have a bad bad (Rihanna bad) birthday!!!
xxxxx Liza
Rock on, Garance! Your staff is right, 40 is the new 20. Life is about to get very good!!!! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Garance! And after reading some old journals, I can say with confidence, that 40 is SO much better than 20.
Je ne sais pas pourquoi mais je sens que tu attendais ça, tes 40 ans, pour être heureuse pleinement (bah si je sais pourquoi ! Tu es si épanouie et belle sur cette photo) – Joyeux anniversaire !!!!! (et dire que tu avais genre 31 ans lorsque j’ai commencé à te suivre). Tchin tchin
Une chaleureuse pensée pour ton Anniversaire Garance !!
Merci pour ton incroyable travail, ta quotidienne présence et l’inspiration que tu apportes :)!
Have a wonderful day!
xo Alicja
Joyeux anniversaire Garance <3
Happy Birthday Garance!
You’ve created something so special, a place like no other, a place to be with stylish, intelligent, awesome women of today and dammit I thank you. This blog has brought so much inspiration and fun to my life that I practically call it a friend.
Here’s to 40 and to you! It’s the best age ever!
Très bon anniversaire de France ! Du Sud ! Et longue et heureuse route …
Joyeux anniversaire, Garance! You rock :)
Happy birthday Garance!!!!! if anybody knows how to live that would be you! Combining the Europen bit with New York and your good energy and humor, good taste and class keep us all interested! Good for you. I wish the best birthday, you deserve the best!
Dora Luz
Happy birthday Garance! Have a great one! x
Joyeux anniversaire Garance! Have a wonderful Bday.
Happy Bday Garance…..Cheers to many more decades of awesomeness!!
Dear Garance,
happy birthday Taurus-Girl! I love your blog, I really like your style. Have a wonderful day!
Another Taurus-Girl from Hamburg, Germany
Happy birthday ! :)
(et la photo… bombesque).
Très très bel anniversaire Garance!!!!
Just imagine how many people all over the world are happy you were born! The forties are a fantastic decade, so enjoy it from today on. This should be sung to you, in a round, by all who love you:
We wish you a happy birthday,
A joyous and celebrated birthday,
To our dear Garance,
We wish you a long happy life!
Very sweet post, and could the man in the photo be a potential suitor?!!!
Happy Birthday Garance, you’re intensely one of a kind and seeing your smile always warms my heart. We all feel your presence and are very fortunate to “know” you!
Très bon anniversaire Garance, et merci de nous écrire toi (et ton équipe aussi) avec autant de passion et de sincérité!
Many many happy returns to you Garance! xo
Garance has been one of my role models for the last 7 years, i love her work and have a deep respect for the passion and joy she puts on her job and her life. Later I’ll have a drink and I’ll think of you, happy happy birthday Garance!! xx Thanks for being amazing.
Happy birthday Garance! You are my inspiration! Stay true for yourself, that’s what I learned from you.
Happy Birthday G! You are such an inspiration!
Your blog is so special, its the first thing I check every morning!
Enjoy your birthday celebrations!
J’adore Garance! Elle est trop au top!
Felicità chère Garance!
Bijou ici Bari!
Happy birthday! Joyeux anniversaire! Auguri! Parabéns, Garance! X
Many happy returns – life is only just beginning!
Joyeux anniversaire Garance!!! Beaucoup de bonheur! Have fun!!! Love you! xxx
Vraiment touchant, quelle chance d’avoir une équipe pareil et autant de belles choses à se faire complimenter !
Happy Birthday, Garance! I completely disagree with the lovely (and loving) people who wrote this post. 40 is NOT the new 20. It’s better than 20. So much better than 20! Trust me! xx
Happy Birthday Garance! You are an inspiration. Greetings from a quiet commentator hanging around since..the early days :)
Joyeux anniversaire Garance! Merci pour tout ce que tu nous apportes. Heureuse décade, les fourties sont fabuleuses, tu verras!
Happy Birthday! Have a great day.
Happy birthday!
Love your blog since 2011, I think the first article I read was the Gwyneth Partlow-one! So, what really kept me staying was your personality and funny style:) You are a person worth listening to and I really learned a lot. Thank you for that!
Happy Birthday and all the best Garance!:) Love, Marketa
Happy birthday, Garance! You are the coolest! Have a blast. Warm wishes from Copenhagen.
Happy birthday, Garance !! Much much love for you from Jakarta!
You’ve been my inspiration since college, and I wish you the best years ahead! Cheers!!
Joyeux Anniversaire Garance. Plein de bonnes choses????????
J’espère que tu passes un superbe journée. Bisous
Une sublime femme de 40 ans… Cette photo est parfaite, tu es radieuse Garance, encore joyeux anniversaire !
xo CarolineJ
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Garance!
I really love your blog and I’m so looking forward to get your book, hopefully soon ;-)
Please keep on with your work, it’ s such an inspiration for many people around the world!
Joyeux Anniversaire Garance!
Allez pour tes 40 ans voici ma dédicace ( très personnelle) et pour un peu je m’inviterai sur la vidéo pour secouer le pompon en ton honneur!
Ainda que atrasados, Muitos Parabéns Garance! E ,Muitas Felicidades para todos os projectos que te envolveres!
Um beijo de Lisboa!
Lots of love G. Be creative, inspirational and joyfull – like you are right now – all your life. You are the Star! Happy Birthday! ***
Happy Birthday Garance, rock your new decade!
Happy birthday, Garance!
This picture of you is gorgeous! You look so happy and full of energy. The fact that you sing Hozier covers – I didn’t think you could be any cooler. Again, I aspire to be like you and I remind myself of it often.
Love you and your team!
As a greek song says… A 40 years old woman = with two 20 year old girls ;)
Happy Birthday Garance……
Happy birthday, dear G! :)
Happy 40 G!!!
And trust me it’s not that bad….
Happy Birthday from Estonia!
A belated but nonetheless very happy birthday Garance! Wishing you all the best!
Joyeux anniversaire Garance.
La multi ani!!! in romanian:)
and a very happy life!
Happy Birthday, Garance!! Wishing you all the very best this year!
Happy Birthday! ????
Happy Belated birthday Garance! Hope you had a wonderful day!
Merci , avec du retard mais beaucoup de chaleur bretonne (si si c’est possible chaleur et bretonne dans la même phrase) un très joyeux anniversaire, merci pour les photos et tes articles, ça claque!
Je suis fan d’une série de photo en ce moment qui va me servir de chute… “strong is the new pretty”… la bise!
Dear Garance, happy 40th birthday… from somebody who is turning 52 soon…. you will see how great are these years to come…. the best is yet to come… have fun and enjoy !!!! (By the way, I met my boyfriend at 41 ;-)))))
reading this made me cry. happy birthday, Garance! bisoux