Market Crush

Gucci Velvet Jordaan Loafers

6 years ago by

Gucci Velvet Jordaan Loafers

I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a Gucci girl… or at least want/strive/dream to be. I envied every single aspect of Caitlin and her hubbies head to toe Gucci outfits for their city hall wedding…. not to mention the fact that they were both personally sent the Gucci holiday catalogs, which just so happen to double as a chic coffee table books… v jealous. ANYWAYS! I have been hardcore crushing on the Gucci Velvet Jordaan Loafers for a very long time, since I think they instantly step up any outfit paired with jeans, sweats, track pants etc… You name the clothing item and I would pair these beauties with it! Definitely a small investment, but in my opinion it is totally worth it… not to mention, they come in all colors of the rainbow and funky prints! Try em, buy em, and let us know if you like them as much as I do!


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  • I cannot stop thinking of them, of the price over 500 Euro, of the wages of people making these shoes, of the people processing the leather, of the copycats, of the lakes and rivers around these factories which are most probably in all color of the rainbow by now

  • Je pense que je peux trouver les mêmes au marché!

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