G’s Netflix List
7 years ago by

Today, I only want to talk about one TV show, because it’s the summer and you should be out drinking rosé and reading books on the beach and not stuck at home with your computer on your lap. BUT, if you want to watch one thing, please watch Glow.
It’s on Netflix and I really loved it. I’m going to explain to you why, but first a little pitch. Glow means Glorious Ladies Of Wrestling, and it’s the story of how a desperate bunch gets to work to put together a TV show about women wrestling.
Ok, so, I couldn’t care less about wrestling. I don’t like people fighting, even for fun. When we go to the movies, action scenes with people fighting? That’s when I kiss Chris. Bored. Terribly bored. But you will have guessed it : the show is not about that.
The show is about women’s conditions in the 80s, about how union makes force, and about finding your power in unexpected places as a woman. And that’s great. But personally, to me, the show is not about that either.
Ok so what is the show about, G?
Well, what I love about the show is the main character, Ruth Wilder, the struggling, mildly talented actress played by Alison Brie. It’s her earnestness. Ah! Does that word even exist? I haven’t found that quality in a lot of movie or TV characters lately. That non-affected nerdiness, that sincerity, that willingness to be part of something. It sort of fascinated me.
I wish these character traits would be celebrated more often.
Apart from that, the show is funny, easy to watch, and full of hope. Perfect for summer! And in this season of Game of Thrones drama, I’m telling you, every body needs a bit of Glow!
image via vanity fair
Thank you for this! I never would have looked at it because…wrestling?
I love that it’s about “union” but would have loved even more that it’s about “unions.” In France, unions are still strong, but in the U.S. they have been crushed, and people suffer as a result.
Oui, oui, oui ! Cette série est vraiment à voir !
It’s true! Brilliantly cast and scripted. One of my favourites on TV in the last few years.
Great Great Show, saw it in two days!!!
I agree. This show is very empowering, makes you feel good, and it ‘s such a breath of fresh air to see a show with actual WOMEN, REAL WOMEN, fighting for their lives (metaphorically). Alison Brie which I knew (and loved) from Mad Men is just a perfect fit for Ruth. Thanks for writing about it, it will make more people watch it! :-)
I watched every episode the day it came out-love Alison Brie and was a fan of the original GLOW in the 80’s
But on a more important matter Ms. D I read your essay in Lenny today (8-18) and it brought tears and such joy and many more emotions.
Thank you for sharing
I agree on Glow.
And I agree on Michael’s comment on your text about IVF for Lenny!!!!!!! So important – especially to be able to stop and reconsider, and talk about it without knowing what the result will be!!!!!! (Without “”happy end””).
Thank you!