In The Know

G’s Netflix List

7 years ago by

G’s Netflix List

3 TV shows I love and they’re not all Netflix so I don’t know why we’re calling my column what we’re calling it and yes that’s a title.

Ok, so since my new role (given to me by my wonderful team) is to prove to the world that I never go out and just lie down on my ass watching TV shows (thank you very much team that’s nice), here is what I’m watching.

So my favorite show right now is on HBO: the John Oliver show, called Last Week Tonight.

It’s totally a political satire show, so very different from what I usually recommend (sci-fi romantic sagas) but it is so smart and so funny that I needed to include it here. Political satire is something I’ve been missing so much from France (French people love to hate on their politicians) that I couldn’t be happier mr. Oliver exists.

John Oliver, come on my podcast!

I also have to insist on a show I already have recommended to you in the past, Peaky Blinders. It’s on Netflix (there are 3 seasons for you to enjoy and two more to come) and not only is it great story telling but also great “rinçage d’oeil” as we say in France – “rinsing your eye” – on the perfect acting (aka faces and bodies) (no, just kidding, they’re actually amazing actors) of Cillian Murphy and, drum roll, Tom Hardy, the mighty.

It’s the story of a family of gangsters in England in the 20s, and their rise to power. Chris and I, we love it. I just didn’t ask him which female actor he’s rinsing his eye on.

Some things are better left unsaid.

Do you want a current show? All right. I started watching Big Little Lies on HBO and the first three episodes do deliver. It’s gooooood. The acting is gooooood. Reese Witherspoon, Shailene Woodley, and Nicole Kidman are goooood. Oh, Laura Dern. How great is Laura Dern!!!

The show is good, and upsetting at the same time. I haven’t read the book but I hope these women will be able to break the clichés they are in.

I hope there lies the arch of the story… Let me know what you think !

Let’s finish the story with my “I don’t like this so much” that you’re absolutely allowed to disagree on. And the winner today is: ZELDA on Amazon. Gosh, I wasn’t able to finish the first episode. It just rings wrong to me, I can’t put my finger on it, and I don’t really want to put my finger on it, but if you did, let me know!

So, there you have it! I swear sometimes I go out and see some real human people.


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  • I am OBSESSED with Big Little Lies. It is so gooooood! I very much agree with you. Plus, Nicole Kidman is blowing me away, even though of course she’s an amazing actress but this has put her in a whole new light for me. I can’t get enough of that show! I’m hooked. I did not know Tom Hardy was on Peaky Blinders…going to need to start that asap.

  • Big little lies fait un très bon début pour ma part. J’aime beaucoup. Pour le reste, je ne connais pas, n’ayant pas Netflix…

  • I love Big Little Lies! Normally i was not a Nicole Kidman fan, but she is so good in this show…

  • 100% agree. Could not get through the first episode of Zelda. I adore Christina Ricci but the accent- I wasn’t transported to that time period. It’s a no. One show I did like on Amazon was Good Girls Revolt. Can’t wait for the next season.

  • Kristen March, 14 2017, 8:49 / Reply

    LOVE Peaky Blinders… watched all 3 seasons. So happy to hear someone else watches, I feel like everyone I tell about it has never heard of it. Also really enjoying Big Little Lies. I read the book and thought it was fine, but the series is actually better (and I have rarely ever found a movie or show to be better than the book). Excellent cast though. Zelda was a disappointment…couldn’t get past three episodes.

  • I love Big Little Lies and Laura Dern is so beautifull !!

  • Justine March, 17 2017, 6:48 / Reply

    Je suis tellement d’accord pour Peaky Blinders ! Les deux premières saisons sont justes géniales. Je n’ai jamais été autant emballée par une série, je la conseille à tous le monde même si mon rèsumé n’emballe pas grand monde..Par contre je trouve que le personnage de Tom Hardy est un peu “too much”, dommage.
    Le créateur de la série à fait un interview pour le podcast de Télérama:,123764.php.

  • Goosh! G! You’re slowly becoming my absolute reference when it comes to TV shows… I mean, when you mentionned Friday Night Lights which was my very first and only (…till I discover Peaky Blinders (that you also seem to quite like to say the least ^^) which actually is now my ultimate) I was already fully convinced of your expertise and our matching tastes. That’s the main reason why, searching for TV shows inspiration tonight I gave a scroll to your suggestions… And my oh my! I was already totally hooked at the 7th minute of Big Little Lies… I’m now probably doomed to a big lack of sleep tonight… So you have all my gratefulness!
    Love, J.

  • I really recommend a Norwegian tv-show called SKAM. It is amazing and so real.

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