From the Beauty Closet

Double Cleansing

10 years ago by

Double Cleansing

It’s twice as nice.

If there is one thing I love more than washing my hair (I know, you know), it’s washing my face. Nothing beats the feeling of clean skin. I first heard about double cleansing at a press breakfast last week (I know, do I live under a rock?). My ears immediately perked up when I hear the words. Say what? Washing my face not once, but twice?! I can have my cake and eat it too!!

Double cleansing isn’t anything new (google it, you’ll see it’s been a part of Japanese skin care routines for years). The first step focuses on removing makeup and the second step is really about cleansing your skin. Start with an oil based cleanser (we’ve talked about them before, remember?) and remove your makeup. Treat yo’ self to a face massage while you do it. Emulsify the oil with water and rinse it away. Next, grab your everyday cleanser and get to work. Your makeup is already gone, so now you’ll be getting the deep clean your skin deserves. I did it last night and I could immediately tell a difference.

Have you tried double cleansing? Thoughts?


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  • Je suis moi aussi une adepte du double clearing!!
    Je commence avec l’incontournable Bioderma – qui ne se rince pas!!! – puis savon a l’huile d’olive si si je vous jure! J’ai besoin de sentir que mon visage est TOTALEMENT clean…


  • i wash my hair once a week so i can allow for double washing. but i wash my face several times a day, so i will just do it once. my skin is quite dry :)

  • C’est ce que je fais, un démaquillage à l’huile, un nettoyage avec un savon naturel, une lotion à la rose et un hydratant ^^ j’aime aussi la sensation de peau ultra propre voire décapée même si ce n’est toujours indiqué !


  • Mais of Course Alex ! Le nettoyage en 2 temps c’est la base pour avoir la vraie sensation mon-visage-est-tout-propre. Je peux te dire que quand tu as eu un peu d’acné (je minimise), tu n’oublies jamais ton nettoyage double-phases.
    Baci ! Ali

  • Ali, j’ai justement un problème d’acnée… à 28 ans!!! Je ne connaissais pas le double nettoyage. Je nettoie ma peau avec une mousse uniquement. Je vais essayer le 2 phases!
    Bisous de Nouvelle-Calédonie

  • Yes, I use a double cleanse system too. I use Dermologica’s pre cleanse first and I love he scent. However, do you use toner also or is this overkill?

  • I take off make-up first then use the Clarisonic to get really clean. It makes such a difference!

  • I love this kind of soap! It’s a scrub but soft and natural!!
    XOX, Gap.

  • maria khan September, 22 2014, 3:57 / Reply

    double cleanse ?yes of course ! I’m a Caroline Hirons’s girl.

  • eastvillagesiren September, 23 2014, 7:43

    Yes to Caroline! I just started reading her blog, printed out her skin regime recommendations, bought two Nuxe cleaners and added an alcohol-free Clinique toner. In the last week I have seen a difference in my skin; it feels softer and doesn’t have the dry patches that I’ve been noticing since the NYC weather has gotten a bit cooler.

  • Treat yo self! Such a perfect mantra for the modern day woman. I have literally washed my face twice but never used a specialty product for it. :] // ? ?

  • I now realise I’ve been doing this for years without knowing there’s a special name for it. Thing is, I feel that no makeup remover can perfectly clean your skin so it won’t harm going over with another soap. Maybe a clean freak buuut it does feel squeaky clean and nice :)

  • Yes, I’ve been doing exactly this for years. I use a natural oil-based cleanser which removes everything amazingly well (part of the “First Class Natural skin-care” line for traveling called “ready for take-off”) and follow up with Dr. Hauschka Cleansing Milk. I don’t use toner, just right after I spray a bit of étoile – hydrating facial essence on a cotton pad & wipe everything off. Then I spray again with the same spray, followed by serum and face cream or face oil (alternated sometimes). A few times a week exfoliate (I’m trying the Neutrogena out right now). My blog: (travel/lifestyle/art/fashion/beauty/food/health/quotes – magazine format). xo

  • Un bon conseil,
    Ne jamais se nettoyer la peau le matin, la peau s’est régénérée pendant la nuit, le nettoyage du matin est donc une agression!
    De larges pschitt d’eau de rose suffisent , j’utilise celle de Melvita, et on tapote légèrement avec un coton pour réveiller sa peau.
    Quand on nettoie sa peau le matin, puis le soir, on a des boutons souvent. Moi, jamais. Nettoyer trop est une agression.
    On nettoie délicatement sa peau le soir avec un huile, jojoba, rose ou figue de barbarie, et quelques pschitt d’eau thermale ou d’eau de rose.
    Le double nettoyage, pas bon pour la peau les filles!

  • I thought it was the world standard ! Here in Japan, we do double clensing for night.
    I think most brands offer make-up remover (oil, cream or gel type available) and cleaner both.

    Alex, if you ever get a chance to visit Japan, please try visiting a big department store. There is a wide variety of beauty brands on large space and you can try so many items and will be treated like a princess :)
    My recommendation is 1st and B2 floors at ISETAN Shinjyuku in Tokyo.

  • Yes! I have washed twice at the end of the day (just once when I wake up) for years: first to wash off dirt, second to wash the skin. Doesn’t it make sense? Thanks for spreading the word!!!

  • I loooooooooove washing my face and removing my make up. I know is not a very popular thing, but it just feels so good! I use a gel by Clarins some nights and my Avene Micellar Lotion others. But I’ve never thought about using them both! Is that what you mean? Is not too harsh on the skin? Which products do you recommend? Can we mix just about any product and brand? Are these too many questions? :)

  • eastvillagesiren September, 23 2014, 7:48

    Hi yes, you can combine both and see if it works for you. I think, per Caroline Hirons, you would apply the micellar water first, on dry skin, then the Clarins gel. If it’s too harsh, you might want to finish with a milk or balm cleanser. Caroline does not recommend “foamy” cleansers, so if you use milder products, you shouldn’t have tight, irritated skin. Enjoy trying it out!

  • Oh oui, double nettoyage depuis presque deux ans et ma peau est beaucoup plus belle! Je vois vraiment la différence! Oléogelée puis un gel nettoyant doux le soir, suivi d’un pschitt d’eau florale de géranium… un vrai bonheur pour moi que je renouvelle tous les soirs. C’est mon moment à moi…

  • Camilla Rose September, 23 2014, 8:10 / Reply

    Long time breakout sufferer I am honing my skincare to a bullet proof cocktail of products. First a cleansing oil or cream, I love Avalon Cleansing Cream, to dissolve and wash away makeup. Next Burt’s Bees Purifying Gel Cleanser with natural salicylic acid blackhead slayer. Then while my face is still warm I tone with a mix of Rose, Orange Blossom, and Witch Hazel water. Finally moisturize with Dr Haushkas Clarifying Day Oil, this is such an important step, otherwise skin starts over producing oil to make up for its squeaky double cleaned state.

  • I like to do this with a washcloth and Province Apothecary’s Oil Cleanser and Biologique Recherche’s Lait U.

  • Ana Leonor September, 23 2014, 9:13 / Reply

    I’ve donne all my life without even noticing it! It always felt strange to me to simply remove the makeup, I never got that pureness feeling of a deeply cleansed skin so I’ve been doing it forever, and yes, the difference is huge :)

  • Im confused, please enlighten me! I have sensitive skin, ( some times) double cleansing sounds too much! I ve started the eve lom cleansing routine- can’t see how i would combine it with sth else. And one final question, is caroline hiron a facial guru? X from athens

  • I’ve been following the “Caroline Hirons method” and double cleansing for a couple of months now. My skin is thanking me. It’s never looked better. Emma Hardie Cleansing Balm, Sunday Riley Charisma Creme Cleanser, Exfoliate Tone with Biologique Recherche P50, Hydrating Tone with Caudalie Beauty Elixir, Clarins Lotus Oil, Sunday Riley Skin Adrenaline. Plus loads of water & fish oil. This has done for my adult acneic skin what’s years of dermatologist visits & prescriptions couldn’t.

  • I’ve known about double cleansing for 3 years now, since I was 18. I got introduced to it by using Japanese cosmetic brand Kanebo, which is sold in Douglas in my country. A good skincare brand. Not sure why I’ve never seen it in any of numerous beauty minutes on this website or any other american beauty blogs that I’ve been reading lately.

  • Absolutely. I love washing my face, too :)

    I’ve been enjoying the Lancer method, which is double cleansing but in the first step you exfoliate (not necessarily with his products, I just use the method in the abstract). Really satisfying and my skin is responding so well.

  • I don’t wash my face daily (but well… i dont use makeup at all)… i’ll do it only 2 or 3 times at week, the days i went to my atelier (i’m an artist)… but I wash my hair daily… every single day… if not i feel it ditry, maybe cause my culture, maybe cause the polution in the air (I live in Mexico City). any way, my hair looks, and feel, GREAT!

  • I clearly remembered that day when I visited a drugstore looking for a “makeup remover oil” eight years ago when I first moved to New York. She handed me a two-in-one bottle and confidently told me, “honey, this one will work great on you.” “oh no!! I am looking for something to remove make up before I wash my face. I prefer to have my cleansing ritual as through as possible,” I said. As I was going on and on about the difference between how Western countries have different ways of beauty rituals than most Asian countries and so forth. She bluntly cut me off and told me that what I did would only “depress” my skin. Long story short, I bought nothing and went home with a question: how can our beauty/cleansing ideas be so different? It is still beyond me that you don’t need to wash your face after the use of cleansing water/oil; it is enough that will perfectly done removing-your-make-up job. I mean no, it doesn’t. In fact, it will only UPSET your skin. I’ll leave cleansing water out this time, but you know how all those pores on your skin is like a tiny space when you have oil all filled up, you deciding solution is to only rinse it, and then you go to sleep and forget about all this? well, guess what? The dirts will only get trapped deeper. We all know that oil and water don’t mix, not to mention those depth of our pores. On top of that, your skin won’r receive all those serum, lotion, or cream that your desperatly rub on your face because of the oil barrier you have forgotten to wash it away. And not to be exaggerated, double cleansing is a standard, in fact, there is a triple cleasing ritual I heard all my life til I moved to NY. But there’s a correct way of triple clean it: you need to first open your pores up with steam (shower first before your wash your face, or cover your face with a warm towel), then first remove your delicate area, your eyes and lips with a special eye makeup remover (no, you cannot use the same ones that you put on your face). Then you use a makeup remover for your face, preferrablly oil based, face massage while you do it. Next, then you emulsify the oil with water and face massage again before you rinse it away. Why? Think about all those tiny pores. Lastly, you use a face wash to throughly “wash” your face. It might sound crazy, but without double cleansing your face is just like you don’t remover your make up and go to sleep and we all know how this will wreck our skin. So, why do it half way through only? PS: double cleansing hair is another story to me though. ;)

  • i’ve been double cleansing, sometimes triple cleansing, for years because i live in a hot, humid, tropical country and i have sensitive, oily, acne-prone skin. it’s the only way to minimise breakouts for me. i use an oil makeup remover (shu uemura), then use bioderma to remove residual make up and oil, and finally cleanse with face wash. origins in the morning, avene in the evening. it really sounds like a lot, but if you live in a four season country and do this during winter or autumn, it may be too harsh. think you should be flexible with your skin care routine when your environment changes.

  • Double cleansing after a night or day on heavy makeup. Or if I want to indulge myself. Dermalogica Precleanse Oil. End of story.

  • LisefromNL September, 25 2014, 8:44 / Reply

    Ca fait plus de 25 ans que je fais ça. Donc rien de nouveau pour moi. Un démaquillant n’a jamais nettoyé la peau; le coton est toujours sale. Impossible d’aller au lit sans laver mon visage au savon surgras. Résultat à 45 ans, j’en fais 10 de moins !

  • Yes , i do it every day with Kanebo, and i love the feeling of my clean Skin

  • Caroline October, 2 2014, 2:32 / Reply

    Bonjour Alex
    J’ai lu un article dans Elle à ce sujet : cela m’a ouvert les yeux sur cette frustration crée par “le coton toujours sale” etc… J’ai acheté cette semaine l’huile Melvita délicieusement parfumée : un vrai régal…. puis j’utilise mon lait tout doux.
    Mais pourquoi n’y ai-je pas pensé toute seule comme une grande !

  • I love the Dermalogica pre-cleanse oil – its soft, delicate and so so kind to skin xx

  • Non mais des fois vous me faites halluciner les filles : comment ça vous “découvrez” le double nettoyage !?
    Surtout celles qui se maquillent ! Comme dirait une non-cerebree non célèbre : ” T’es une fille et tu connais pas le double nettoyage de peau ? Non mais, allô !? “…
    Non comment sur la pseudo conceptualisation de “double cleansing”.

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