Let's Talk About...

Daria’s Chop

11 years ago by

Ok, I know that I am not the soubbbllllaime Daria, but my hair obsession just got to an uneluctable dimension, like, I can’t go back now.

Gaaaaawd, have you seen Daria’s new crop on the new Mayiet campaign ?
My fave model (all right, the favorite model of everyone) just copied my haircut BEFORE I EVEN DID IT !!!
Is she a psychic? Of course she is a psychic. She’s Daria.

My appointment was already made, but because I didn’t want the chop to be a fashion week monster (Fashion Week Monster !)(making a post about it asap!), I rescheduled it for the last day of New York Fashion Week, aka, next Friday.

Aaaraggg, do you like Daria’s haircut?

Say yes.

Ok, one looove! (I thiiink I listen to too much reggae)


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  • Yes I saw that picture and I immediately thought of you Garance and I somehow had the feeling, that you are going to loooove it! I love it too, she really looks so amazing with that cut! I really can’t wait to see you with your new cut!!!! It’s so exciting! xxx

  • this choppy cut only looks great if you are a supermodel… :)


  • haha! True that, don’t try it unless you’re daria. It fits her personality. I’m not sure just anyone can pull it off.
    Pretty please, Tell me what you think of my blog?

    Xoxo Cory

  • She’s so beautiful. Love the haircut !


  • J’adore cette coupe, curieuse de voir ce que ca va donner sur toi.
    Car là elle a les cheveux raides.

  • Je ne me lasserai jamais des coupes courtes. Je trouve qu’elles mettent tellement en valeur le visage, donne un aspect frais, dégagé, un peu enfantin.
    J’aime beaucoup la coupe de Daria, effet un peu “sortie du lit”, pas de prise de tête, naturelle. Ah, pour rien au monde je ne laisserai mes cheveux repousser !

    Couleur Spleen.

  • PS : D’ailleurs, j’ai hâte de découvrir ta nouvelle coupe de cheveux ! Je pense que ça fait du bien de changer; on dit toujours qu’une femme qui se coupe les cheveux est à l’aube de grands changements dans sa vie ;-)

  • La coupe est super, mais en même temps n’importe quelle coupe doit lui aller! Je pense que ça va être super beau sur toi aussi!


  • Jane with the noisy terrier September, 6 2013, 11:22 / Reply

    Wow! I love it. She’s just flawless, ever since her crop for the Celine ads a few seasons ago, she has been the one to watch for cool hair ( the title previously shared by Freja and Arizona). It reminds me a bit of that great cut that Sam McKnight (hair god/secret crush) gave Carmen Kass before the Balmain show years ago. One word of warning… You have curly hair and once a lot of the weight is removed, it may be even curlier. So even with your hair straightening process, still expect to spend a good deal of time to achieve Daria’s ” born this way” breezy look. Can’t wait to see your new ‘do!

  • Oh agree, agree, agree.
    Having curly hair (even if it’s straightened somewhat with a keratin treatment)means you must adjust your expectations and your styling time when you are looking to “replicate”. I speak from much experience, and years of coveting the short pixie with long bang like, say Kate L. The problem is I have a high forehead and super curls when short, so I was always disappointed, and then spent hours torturing it into a semblance.
    I am NOT saying don’t do it, just please listen to your stylist and have the best version of this that works for you alone. Always picture your own beautiful face when you are imagining how it will look.


  • Oh my God !! Hâte de voir ça…

  • Oh no, it’s too short! I like Daria very much, but this is a tat too boyish… I would have prefered the Karlie-bob crop. What is it whit models cutting their hair anyway this past couple months?? And isn’t the fringe making a comeback?
    And please Garance, don’t go this short! please! ;)

    She Wears: Fashion Illustration Blog

  • Love it, she has the perfect face for that cut.


  • But who isn’t obsessed with Daria at this point? From her hair to her nails…

    Your Friend, Jess

  • Oh well, she can do whatever she wants, she will always be the most beautiful.
    Looking forward to seeing your new do!!! But I have to admit I love you with your bob, it look sooooo good on you!
    PS: Fashion Week Monster??? Tell us more about it!!!

  • LOVE IT Garance!!! Your wave will give a bob a really soft sweet look, whereas Daria’s straight/textured style is more edgy :) Do it, girl!!!

  • Oh dear! Another cute haircut to factor in to my decision tomorrow! I, too, am in a “hair conundrum” :)
    I desperately need a cut, color, and highlights….10:30 tomorrow!

    Typically, I just go in with no plan, but I’ve been “feeling” the shorter thing, too! (Not too short, and still has to be the lazy girl’s liking!) But, I’m going to go in armed with ideas for once!

    Merci for the inspiration!

    xox Kim

  • I have my appointment for this Tuesday!!!! Wish me luck for this daring pixie! ;-)

  • At first glance I thought it was Anja Rubik. Daria looks great. I can’t wait to see your hair cut :) Good luck!

  • I love Daria…and!!! she is Canadian to boot!!! But I hate this haircut! I thought it was a boy at first! I much.much.much prefer the ‘carre court’ on the girl a couple of posts down…cute and modern but still uber feminine..like you would want to know her secrets…daria’s hair leaves nothing for me to imagine about..

  • I agree with Carley here. I much prefer the carre court cut from the other day, and actually love your current cut. Why change so quickly when you’ve just found something that works with your hair texture and features?

  • Daria is also half Polish :) xx
    Yesterday I saw her pics where she has this haircut and I change my minde. She looked better in longer hair.

  • LOVE the hair cut ! good luck on friday …… soooooo scary and yet : go for it !
    no regrets
    if it looks weird you can always slick it back with a gallon of hair gel or get a cute wig

    did you ever try going to one of those places that have good wigs in all modern styles ( not just stripper style ) to try some on for your haircut inspirations ?


  • je n’ai que 20ans et pourtant je porte les cheveux courts depuis bientôt 4ans. Un vrai bonheur en plus du côté pratique ! Ca révèle vraiment la féminité qui est en nous. Je n’ai jamais regrettai mon choix et je ne pense pas que tu vas le regretter aussi

  • Please think first that you don’ t have the same hair type! Don’t go to short….you have to do it slowly!

  • Sublime effectivement. Je serai pas de celles qui tenteront l’expérience prochainement. Un jour, peut-être…

  • Et si ce serait une perruque … ?

  • Garance i am a hairdresser….Daria has thin straight hair….u don’t….If u r going to really cut your hair …postpone till after the Paris shows…..show your hairdresser all these photo…ask will i look like her with no effort??? Once a husband of mine cut my hair so short I looked like a young gay boy…I wore a scarf on my head all the time and even in bed…i didn’t care and i was sleeping with him….horrible..curly hair grows out crazy….straight hair not a problem

  • How about a sexy curly shag…..your hair would do that

  • like Maria Schneider in Last Tango in Paris my fave film Gato Barbieri music Bertolucci & Brando

  • there is a new post on the Sartorialist “Grand st.”..like her hair….but suited to u take a look

  • sublime sur elle mais je ne pourrais jamais faire ça;-)

  • Mmmm…Les effets de la FW sur ton organisme et ton humeur n’auront pas tardé à se manifester,Premier symptôme: le nombre de points d’exclamations multiplié par 15 à chacun de tes derniers posts! (ouais ouais j’exagère …) :)))… Gwaaad! j’ai hâte de voir les vidéos PMF!(J’espère que toi et ton équipe êtes sur le pied de guerre!)

    Sorry mon commentaire n’a rien à voir avec le post en fait ;p … Ah si! Ne coupe pas trop court! :)

    Bises Garance

  • Heu… pas sûr personnellement. Mais est-on sûr qu’elle s’est coupée les cheveux et que ce n’est pas un postiche-Friedrich genre Marc Jacobs ?

  • Love this haircut! Can’t wait to see how you end up rocking it!

  • Blonde, cheveux “baguette”+effilage =garance !!!!?????
    Si tu y crois très fort pourquoi pas

  • Love this so hard!

  • Daria is one of my favorite models. So gamine, so light and beautiful. Those eyes, those features.

  • The cut looks soo good but requires a really good hairstylist. Thankfully there are a lot of those in New York ;]

  • LOVE it! Love, love. My 2 year old has more hair than a hairy thing and I’ve just had her hair cut in a very close style. Coolest little 2 year old ‘do ever!

  • J’en déduis que tu as réussi à convaincre Scott!!??
    En même temps, une coupe de cheveux c’est trop personnel, si tu en as envie, vas-y! J’adore ta phrase “mon obsession capillaire vient juste de prendre une dimension inéluctable, genre, je ne peux plus faire marche arrière.” Je comprends exactement ce que tu veux dire. J’ai coupé mes cheveux courts il y a 6 mois et je ne pouvais pas reculer, j’en avais trop envie, j’avais bien préparé les photos à montrer au coiffeur et hop je me suis lancée et je n’ai pas regrettée. Je les coupe toutes les 6 semaines depuis.
    En tout cas tu nous fais un teasing de folie, le suspens est insoutenable, nous avons trop hâte de voir le résultat.

  • Quelle jolie coupe de cheveux ! J’ai hâte de te voir avec :)


  • Allez je me lance un défi ! si tu te coupes les cheveux, j’en fais de même et je t’envoie la photo dès que tu as posté les tiennes … Bisou, Garance.

  • Woo j’adore, elle est superbe avec cette coupe ! En même temps, c’est Daria, elle serait magnifique avec la tête rasée … Mais tout de même, j’aime !!

  • Love! Don’t you find it similar to the new cut Michelle Williams is sporting in the Louis Vuitton campaign? Definitely showing that to my stylist next week.

  • Je trouve cela AFFREUX. Ça me fait penser à ma poupée Barbie lorsque j’avais essayé de lui couper les cheveux le jour de mes 8 ans.

    Et puis comment tu fais quand t’es cheveux allonge après ? Ça va être un pénible 6 mois…

  • Owwwww ouii garance! Moi aussi j’ai les cheveux bouclés comme toi, et les couper à été une des choses les plus effrayantes et excitantes que j’ai fait avec! Et aussi la meilleure coupe de cheveux que j’ai jamais eu! Je ne l’ai jamais regretté, j’adore les cheveux courts !!!

  • Sorry, but I don’t like it…. I think she looks like a teen boy…

  • Positively love this cut. Showing it to my stylist tomorrow!

  • Sérieux Garance? Avec toutes les coupes qui existent sur terre t’as choisi celle là???
    Je te soupçonne de vouloir tester l’honnêteté de ton lectorat sur ce coup là!;)

    Après si tu te coiffes façon robin wright dans house of cards… je ne pourrais que valider!

    ps : Je suis sûre que mon avis compte beaucoup pour toi :)

  • Noooooooo! I didn’t even like it when she cut a lob. Loved her hair long. Garance you would be making a mistake, if you go short, you have to go REALLY short to kill the curl, that would suit your delicate features. Otherwise I’d go with a layered bob, to give you a sexy shape, the latter would also be easy to grow out, whereas short hair….no, no, no, unless you’re prepared to keep it that way.

  • mi god amazing hair ;__; i’m rooting for short hair too but never stay short as long as i expected :(


  • Hâte de te voir avec ta future nouvelle coupe !

    J’essaye de faire repousser mes cheveux mais à chaque fois que je vois une photo d’une femme avec un beau carré ça me donne envie d’y replonger. C’est dur !

  • I think this is amazing! I was just starting to think about growing out my hair, but now that I’ve seen this…


  • Claudia Bustamante September, 7 2013, 11:00 / Reply

    Je suis d’accord avec Sophie et Carole cette coupe n’est pas pour tes cheveux. Attention danger !Cherches plus tôt une coupe qui ressemble à tes cheveux bouclés et volumineux, comme les miens aussi .Bonne chance.

  • I love the haircut. I have friends who have curly hair. Whenever they go short it tends to look like the old ladies who go to the salon every week and get their hair done. In other words, it looks like a “hair do”. Not sure I would do it with your beautiful curls.

  • Daria seems to be a rare model who makes a statement without being outlandish. I like her haircut and I am glad to be seeing her in print ads more because she is everything.

  • Lindsay King September, 7 2013, 4:40 / Reply

    Garance… yes… don’t listen to anyone, but your heart! I Love this cut and there is something totally liberating and womanly about chopping your hair! Plus its all about the whole design piece you know?!… Meaning your hair is just part of the entire ensemble and you’ve got the rest of the design (aka, your clothes, accessaries, shoes, YOU… etc…) already down! Can’t wait for your hair holiday! Au revior mon ami!

  • Saw her in Dublin last week and her hair is fab but much longer than this. Perhaps this is a pixie wig?? She is a beauty though. The best skin I have ever encountered! xx

  • amazing….love… xo

  • Andrea Z. September, 8 2013, 4:33 / Reply

    Hi Garance, The cut is lovely, but might be difficult on curly hair. Personally, when short-haired, I found it incredibly difficult to get the feminine/masculin balance right. Clothes and shoes work and look differently with short hair (oversize plus flat shoes I found a no go.)

    Love your blog – enjoy FW!

  • I am sure I am just echoing what a few others have said. be careful about
    your realistic expectations with a style like this. hair comes out of your scalp differently than this model. play up your awesome awesome curls.
    I can’t wait to see your new do.

  • Très très sympa mais pas pour moi !

  • Magdallena September, 8 2013, 3:00 / Reply

    The chop is great, she looks fantastic!! but unfortunately it works best for very slim girls, very very sporty girls..with firm body and energy steaming out ;-) if your body is more feminine and you have curves, you are more melancholic or just not that super active person, this haircut will look a bit out of place.. and this is just my personal opinion.. xxx

  • C’est ravissant mais ça donnera jamais la même chose sur des cheveux bouclés! Je pense que les cheveux courts t’iront très bien (tu les attaches de toute façon tout le temps) mais ça donnera pas pareil !

  • Je trouve cette coupe atroce ! Même sur Daria l’effet “raté” est flagrant ! Noooon Garance, ne cède pas aux sirènes de la coupe courte sur cheveux raides alors que tes cheveux sont bouclés !
    J’ai personnellement passé le cap de la coupe “courte” (carré sous les oreilles) il y a 6 mois et depuis je guette la repousse impatiemment … Si l’effet est plutôt joli, je trouve que le côté frais et stylé laisse vite la place à une coupe beaucoup plus exigeante qui demande des tenues plus pointues , un maquillage nickel et qui en plus apporte un air poupin dont je me serais bien passée…. Bref, si j’aime bien ma coupe, elle me prend plus de temps et me prend plus la tête que quand j’avais une longue crinière à entretenir.. A méditer !

  • I just went for the chop last week – my hair was getting down to my waist and I was over it. The longest bits now are about collarbone-length at the front and i love it! My hairdresser kept asking if i was ok during the cut (i think expecting a regretful breakdown) but I was totally fine, totally ready for short, and have received so many compliments on it since!

  • I don’t like her hair in this photo, she’s beautiful in spite of the hair cut, because she’s a beautiful woman. Maybe with another styling…
    If you have curly hair Garance, this is not your cut. Do you remember when Audrey Tautou cut her hair short years ago? That’s the cut you should consider, in my humble opinion.

  • Agree! Daria’s cut is the perfect cut for a very VERY straight hair. Go Audrey!

  • I can’t wait to see it! How do you think it will go with wavy hair? I have been dying to cut my hair like this too but have been too scared. It’s fabulous. Please post pic when you get it done!

  • C’est une perruque / This is a wig she is wearing for Maiyet Campaign !
    Her hair are actually growing and getting longer. She is stunning whatsoever… The model of the decade… She could have easily been as successful as Gisele and earn at least as much money but she is not so much into the business, very low profile, dating an irish carpenter for a few years and now living in Ireland (really, who other model has this life??). I have learned a lot reading her interview for the british Vogue (September issue).
    Her best career decision was probably to refuse the contract offered by Victoria Secret, this was so not her… She opted for Lancôme then.
    She is so different than other models and seems to be a very nice human-being…
    To be back on your subject, chopped hair really suits her, as it does on many girls… You should never get to influenced by men with their fantasy on long hair… This is all a question of personality. The only thing is to have a perfect neck!…

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