From the Studio

I am going to LA!

12 years ago by

To Hollywood more precisely, where we are going to meet producers, agents, and execs from very important companies to talk about Pardon My French. Let’s see where it will take us…

Wish us good luck, and if you have cool spots, exhibits to see or people for me to meet, let me know!



Add yours
  • OMG trop cool comme nouvelle Garance, je suis complètement impressionnée du parcours que tu mènes :) Génial génial.

  • You are very gifted, don’t let LA get the best of you. As Mark Twain says, sail away from the safe harbor, explore, dream, discover.

  • Hi, I’m Marta, I’m an Italian blogger living in LA. I’d love to shoot pictures with you and maybe for you to feature them in your website…Let me know

  • Jane with the noisy terrier November, 5 2012, 10:32 / Reply

    This sounds amazingly good! How exciting…will Pardon My French become the Sex & The City of the new millenium? And who will play you and Scott in the movie version…. Best of luck!

  • Exciting! I wish you best of luck!!

  • You rock, Garance! Good luck!

  • oh my gosh thats AMAZING!!!!!!!! how exciting!

  • Tout ce que je peux pour L.A, c’est le numéro de David LaChapelle.
    Amuse toi!!!

  • Good luck Garance! Pardon My French is amazing as it is now, but I’m excited for where is can go. :)

  • I’m so excited Garance! Can’t wait to see you on the big screen! You go girl! Best wishes.

  • Woot woot! Sooo many things to do…

  • good luck! I have someone cool for you to meet…me! lol I live in LA! Would love to meet you!

  • Good luck garance!!!!!!!!

  • For sure the place to be pour PardonMyFrench <3 !!!

  • Woaw, bonne chance Garance !


  • Wonderful! As a native Angeleno, it’s nice to have you visit! Downtown will be totally out of your way, but you should check it out if you can. It’s getting very interesting…
    (Oh, and as the wife of a producer/financier, when are you writing the script about how you and Scott met? ;))

  • Ok wait, are you guys here today??? If so you are LUCKY, the Santa Anas are blowing which means less smog, so you have to get out and enjoy this beautiful weather. So, if I had taken a hooky day (and i had a driver) here’a what I’d do: I would go to the Getty or for a hike in the Hollywod hills. I’d have an early lunch at Sycamore Kitchen, go do some shopping, maybe hit up Downtown (I think you’d love to shoot at Union Station–lovely Art Deco architecture, albeit somewhat sketchy at times), I’d go to Sustain Juicery for a pick me up, then I’d have dinner at MoChica.

    Wish you and Scott had some sort of gathering, I just bought his book yesterday! Have fun!

  • Fantastic! Good luck and I hope it takes you as far as you want it too!

  • “Tan and tan and young and lovely”! Fantastic photos and beautiful colours, glad to decide to choose this location.

  • Good luck, sounds really exciting!! x

  • I am a fashion student in the LA area, and I would love to meet you.. You are such an inspiration!
    I’ll be keeping an eye out :) hope you enjoy your time in California.

  • GJelina a Abbot Kinney!! Super bon et super cadre!
    A ne pas rater!

    Des bisous. Xx

  • good luck….safe travels….can’t wait to hear more….xoxo

  • The Museum of Jurassic Technology on Venice Blvd. in Culver City is well worth a visit if you have the time. It’s not fashion-related exactly, but there’s no place like it: part cabinet of curiosities, part faux-museum. The museum’s creator received a MacArthur fellowship for it. Be sure to watch the introductory video, and to have tea in the tea room upstairs.

  • extra, bravo !! plein de bonnes choses !

  • So wonderful that you will be here, and in December, too! I just wanted to mention Society of the Spectacle. I see their card peeking through in your graphics. They are wonderful. Not once but twice did I wind up buying the first pair of frames they had me try on. They know what suits a person, truly love what they do, and are very fun and easy. I could stay all day in their shop, really I could…

  • “des gens vachement intelligent”? Et vachement superficiel aussi ^^! J’espère juste que tu laisseras personnes transformer “Pardon my french” en une soupe commercial bonne pour fashionTV :D!
    Ah et si tu lis ce commentaire (parceque j’ai appris que t’avais des personnes qui se chargeait de ca maintenant..) ca serait bien un post sur une surfeuse ;)

  • In bocca al lupo Garance ! Bonne chance !

  • C’est génial ça, bonne chance alors!


  • Antoinette November, 5 2012, 12:15 / Reply

    Much success in L.A. And everywhere in all you do

  • Hi!
    Je suis francaise et vis a L.A. depuis 16 mois.
    Si tu as besoin de tuyaux resto/sorties/shopping ou autre, n’hesites pas!
    Bon séjour.

  • Ooooh, Garance, I SO want something incredible to come out of your trip. In particular, something incredible that would let us see Pardon My French much more often (and maybe in longer format). You are a source of joy and inspiration to me, and by blazing your own path you’re showing so many other people what is possible. ROCK ON, and enjoy yourself!!

  • Garance si tu as le temps de passer dans le quartier de westwood village (la ou se trouve UCLA) entre bel air et beverly hills, tu devrais t’arreter prendre un cookie chez diddy riese et puis ensuite aller diner chez Yamato, restaurant japonais! Mes préférés de LA :)

  • Hi Garance,

    I would love to meet you! I live in LA and am a big fan! Go to Abbott Kinney. It’s an interesting street.


  • I don’t wish you luck just because you don’t need it. Your work is GREAT and you seems to have an outgoing personality and THAT will speak for itself.

  • Best of luck Garance! Hope you & your Pardon My French team grow to megastardom!

    Try to visit downtown LA…some great places to eat/drink are: Church & State, Seven Grand, Sugar Fish, Wurstkuche, Wood Spoon, etc. Ask around, you’ll get some good recs!

    Gros bisous!

  • ALWAYS something interesting at The Hammer. (MOCA and LACMA probably as well.)

    Shops on Third are great–a nice mix and more LA character than the big names over on Melrose Place.

    Any Suzanne Goin restaurant.

    RTH is really unique it’s very close to OC.

  • Félicitations Garance Superstaaar! Je te lis depuis le tout début, qui aurait dit que tout ca finirait a Hollywood! C’est dingue, et je suis sure que tu vas assurer. Bisou bisouu

  • Hmmm…LA you say…just remember us little people when you make it onto the big screen, ok Garance?

    As an aside – is that a business card stamp of some sort? Great idea…scribbles on a bar napkin are out – stamping your details on them, in.


  • That’s great! I can’t wait to hear about LA when you get back!


  • Sex and the city, je ne sais plus quel épisode de quelle saison!!!!!! Si tu croises, toi aussi, Matthew Mcconaughey, prends son numéro!!!!!

  • Wow! Congratulations! So cool! Good luck and stay who you are ;-) xxx

  • Every Sunday there is a wonderful flea market off of Fairfax and Melrose that is full of interesting curiosities and people. Just went there yesterday, and I thought to myself, “If Garance and Scott visit L.A. they should come here.”

  • Bravo Garance. J’adore ton Pardon My French.

  • Wow, good luck and hugs from Ukraine!

  • Hi Garance! First time commenting on your blog, which is part of my daily coffee/wake-up ritual. I live in LA and so excited you will be here and about your projects. Your work is such an inspiration to me. And yes, I wish you had a gathering of some sort, cos it would be great to hear about your work. But anywaaaay, I recommend you check out the new Kubrik exhibition at LACMA. Also, the Observatory is great, and the view is amazing. And then you can hang out in Los Feliz/Silverlake area. Really good food, lots of hipsters and chill atmosphere. Have a great time and lots of luck with all your projects.

  • Try the restaurants Pace, Border Grill, and the chic food store of Joan’s on Third. I think LACMA has a Stanley Kubrick exhibit right now. Then hop over to the famous La Brea Bakery.

  • That’s so exciting, Garance! Hope it goes well!

  • Félicitations :) Et bonne chance c’est super :)


  • From Russia with LUCK! And kisses!

  • Ah super!!

    Tu devrais contacter Maia Gysens la créatrice des maillots Sabine de Brumes:

    Je suis sur que tu vas adorer ses maillots rétro ;-)

  • That is so awesome!! Congratulations! xx

  • Michelle November, 5 2012, 1:36 / Reply

    Congratulations, Garance! LACMA has a Robert Mapplethrope exhibit right now along with the Stanley Kubrick one that was previously mentioned. The Getty Villa in Malibu is lovely.

    If you’re on Abbot Kinney in Venice shopping, eat at Gjelina! Sugarfish for great sushi. The Spare Room and Library Bar at the Roosevelt Hotel have delicious cocktails. Proof Bakery for the best pastries.

    Welcome to LA!

  • PS – go to Family Bookshop on Fairfax for the best art and comic books and L&E Oyster Bar in Silverlake for the best oysters in town!

  • princessglee November, 5 2012, 1:49 / Reply

    On Thursday nights there is “Beach Eats” in Marina dell Rey at Mother’s Beach. Gourmet food trucks gather, people buy great food and dine at the picnic tables at the water’s edge. I reccomend if you’re looking to wind down, escape the fray or be near the water and outdoors. Also a couple of blocks away is Abbott Kinney Avenue in Venice–great shopping with the one-of-a-kind type shops that carry items from Angela Scott.

    I’m hoping your meetings with Pardon My French go very well. Bon chance!

  • Foteini Ioannidou November, 5 2012, 2:26 / Reply

    Garance that is super-amazing! Good Luck from Thessaloniki, Greece!!!!

  • I wish you the best of luck! You deserve it!

  • There is a Robert Mapplethorpe exhibit at LACMA, which is supposed to be amazing.

  • Haaa super, break a leg Garance ;)

  • Ahh, congratulations!! Best of luck! :)

  • Wow! Congrats!!!

    In bocca al lupo!! ( that’s italian for good luck!!! )

  • That’s so exciting! Have fun and I’ll will keep my fingers crossed for you!


  • Hiiiii bonne chance!

  • Ah! So exciting! I hope you have some time to enjoy the city, weather’s still warm and summery :)
    Good luck!

  • Kudos, Garance! Love PARDON MY FRENCH.

  • super programme ! enjoy L.A. ! :-)



  • I love your jovial spirit in your “Pardon My French” videos…. So exciting you will be in LA and good luck to you meeting with the execs!

    If you are craving some comfort food and you want to have fun building your own burger with a vast array of topping choices, visit “The Counter”, it would be a good lunch spot if you decide to go to the LACMA one day, address is: 5779 Wilshire Boulevard // Los Angeles, CA 90036


  • Caroline November, 5 2012, 5:27 / Reply

    Congrats Garance!!! That is so exciting. You are such an inspiration to me—pursuing what you truly love, staying true to yourself, and letting the success follow. And you have such a wonderful aesthetic and vision. Coming from a creative background myself, it is not always easy to find/create that niche in the art & design world that really fits you and be successful at it! Are you coming to Chicago at all? I would love to meet you! x

  • Je suis jalouse, oops, I mean bonne chance, porter sunscreen!

  • Garance, you must swing by Tender Greens, everything is organic or responsibly grown and delish! They have several restaurants now, Hollywood, West Hollywood, Santa Monica, Culver City. You won’t be disappointed!

  • Yippee! We need a dose of Garance out here in Lotus Land. Can’t wait to get your take on my town.

  • how fun!! i can’t believe i have never been to LA as many of my friends are from there! it seems like such a magical place. have a great time and enjoy the sunshine

  • If you are in hollywood eat at The Hart and the Hunter at the Pali Hotel. The two best chefs in LA (both adorable young and tres cool) are making wonderful things there. Plus, the bar is mid-century fun and DJ’d.

    And don’t forget Venice, particularly Abbot Kinney, with all of its boutiques and restaurants. I suggest checking out the Japanese shops, Tortoise for inspiration (take a peek in the back yard where they have a studio) and their clothing/kicks shop across the street–Waraku: best kicks in town; straight out of Japan.

    Tasting Kitchen is the perfect cocktail spot and the food is damn good (bread and butter that will blow your mind).

    And if you have a day, rent a bike and ride the bike path up to Temescal and stop for an Arnold Palmer at the Annenberg Beach House (the food is tourist but you can put your feet in the sand…) then ride your bike down Rose to Venice Beach Wines and hang out with the locals (people on tv) or have tacos next door at Oscar’s Cerviteca (great brunch too, with awesome micheladas). Shoot , did I leave anything out?

    Axe! Perfect for star gazing, but you already know them… and they have a great 100 something grain pancake…

    Hope to see you on bike!


  • check out my friend Chantale’s brand new store! – Yes on Sunset. Select vintage apparel for men and women, jewelry and amazing vintage sunglasses – It’s in the back of Reform School in Silverlake, Sunset and Hyperion.

  • We’re all routing for you, Garance!! If I was a Hollywood exec, I would totally bring you on board and we would make tons of fun, quirky, hilarious and (of course) fashionable movies together!

  • NYSgonzalez November, 5 2012, 8:23 / Reply

    Simply amazing! or like they say out there: AMAZEBALLS! (Do they still say that? Did they ever? Or was that just E! News staffers?) This is so very much like that SATC episode–so do it right!!!
    Bonne chance!

  • Garance – fly up to San Francisco!!!!!!! Have you ever been there????????

  • Bring your bikini and your rain coat. It’s been 90 degrees the last two days but its supposed to rain later in the week. The weather is crazy!

    I hope you have fun!

  • Lea Sanders-Wilcox November, 5 2012, 11:36 / Reply

    So exciting! I moved to LA last January and it is so much fun! I won’t tell you where to shop–you are at a different level than I. But FOOD, I love FOOD so here are some options: Baco Mercat in Downtown LA (we sublet a loft downtown for awhile) is AWESOME. It was ranked in Bon Appetite’s best newcomers top 10 (would go to Cole’s for predinner drinks and The Edison for an amazing after dinner bar). GenWa for Korean BBQ (KBBQ is a must while you are here). And Cliff’s Edge patio for ambiance. Red O is also so good for fancy Mexican–but also hit up a taco truck while you are here because honestly there is nothing better.

    Oh–Beach–go to Manhattan Beach. It is near LAX but beautiful and you can go right when you get here and right before you leave, calm little town. Sunny.

    If you need any more recommendations let me know. I love it here and I love your blog!!!

  • I have an amazing glass blower/artist friend in Highland park that you might like to shoot, crazing eclectic style. Feel free to email me for the info.

    My EastSide LA picks,
    Society of the Spectical, love that you featured their card…best glasses in LA.
    Men’s store- Mohawk General store.
    Women’s- Lake Boutique, Confederacy Boutique, Driftwood.
    Housewares & gifts- Lawson-Fenning & Yoke.
    Restaurants- Blairs, Caffe Stella (Frenchie), Pazza Gelato, Alegria (Mexican food), Pho Cafe, Intelligensia for espresso.

    Hope you have a fantastic trip!

  • If you want to get your hair done while you’re in town, stop by Look 101 in Santa Monica. It is a private salon suite, providing an ambiance that is comfortable, discreet, and sooo relaxing!

  • Bravo et bon courage!!!

  • Surfing cowboys / creatures of comfort / Joan’s on Third / Lacma / Soho House / Choke Motorcycle shop and coffee shop / Mohawk General Store / Deus Ex Machina / Babycakes / Farmers Market at the Grove / Pizzeria Mozza / Huckelberry Cafe / Urrth Cafe / The Eveleigh/…..


  • Have a great trip to L.A.

    I just got back.

    If you’re in Brentwood check out the Brentwood Country Mart.

    Great shops (like Sugar Paper for letterpress stationary) and food (the Farm Shop is amazing).

    Can’t wait to hear about your experiences dealing with the execs and agents.

  • Murielle November, 6 2012, 5:19 / Reply

    bonne chance Garance
    Tu vas devenir une vedette de cinéma ?

  • Good luck Garance! Have your morning coffee at Urth Cafe on Melrose. Delicious coffee and great people watching!

  • Such a cool business card!

  • If you have a day to spend, go to Malibu! Check out the Malibu Wines, it is a lovely place for wine tasting and picnic; El Matador beach is secluded and beautiful; The Hungry Cat has delicious seafood; and lastly Shore bar for some tasty cocktails and great music :-)

    Hope you have a safe and successful trip in LA.

  • I love LA and love reading other peoples favorites places!

  • Wishing you lots of luck in Hollywood. They will love you! For quick fix food…Have heard wonderful things about In-N-Out Burger!! Bon Chance :)

  • Yay, hope the meetings go well! You came just in time, the weather is perfect right now but there will be rain later this week. If you can get up to Griffith Observatory to watch the sun set, do it. It’s a little touristy, but the building is absolutely beautiful and the sky should be super clear right now.

  • Welcome!

    In no particular order….Obsolete/Blackman Cruz/Bazar/Mister Freedom/Lost&Found/RTH/Guild/Shareen Vintage/Roseark/Unionmade LA/Feal Mor/Santa Monica & Hollywood Farmers Market and the list goes on…..

  • omg! yes! i smell reality tv show? hahah that’d be awesome <3 congrats and good luck!

  • Good luck Garance! We were lucky to visit LA and thought these places to be mint! Seven Grand (bar, 515 west 7th St, 2nd floor, downtown), Heath Ceramics (7525 Beverly Boulevard), American Rag (50 South La Brea Avenue) and Milk (treats, 7290 Beverly Boulevard). Enjoy!

  • Alexandra November, 7 2012, 4:12 / Reply

    Bonjour Garance,
    va faitre un tour au Getty museum. Magnifique!!!Rien que les jardins et l’architecture du lieu valent le coup d’oeil! Et je te parle pas des collections!
    Moi j’aurais besoin de bons plans pour New York justement (ben oui on prépare déjà les vacances d’été 2013… et alors?!) et notamment logement alors si t’as des pitites idées et 5 minutes…Pense à moi. Merci!

  • how lovely! I live here, and the weather has been sublime lately. and oh girl, so much good shopping, so little time. i’d be so over the moon to run into you! eep! oh, Kubrick exhibit at the LACMA. costumes and all.

  • Feal Mor in Silver Lake near the Sunset Junction is a must for Breton striped wool sweaters, surfboards, museum worthy vintage pieces and amazing linens and ceramics. You will love and so will Alex!

    In LA, where you get your morning cup of joe determines your indie cred or coolness factor. If you want to get asked for your autograph go to Intelligentsia, but if you want an amazing cafe au lait hidden in the barrio stop by Sqirl on Virgil. They also have really yummy food!

    You can’t leave LA without going to Griffith Observatory.

  • Hello Garance.
    et Congrats!

    Il y a une super expo photo de WILLIAM EGGLESTON à la Gagosian Gallery de Beverly Hills. Sinon Ed Ruscha, Kubrick & Robert Mapplethorpe au LACMA. Enfn, l’une des meilleures expos photo de l’année au Getty Center Museum : Ray K. Metzker and the Institute of Design.

    C’est dommage cette semaine temps n’est vraiment pas terrible, j’espère que ça va s’arranger ce week-end.

    Good luck.

    Enjoy L.A!

  • I know that your focus is on fashion, but if you love interiors and amazing antique Swedish furniture/objects you should visit Lief. Its worth it to just visit the space–amazing! It’s considered a must stop if you’re in LA!

    Enjoy your stay!


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