From the Beauty Closet

Olive Oil

11 years ago by

We talked before about all of us girls sharing an apartment during Paris Fashion Week and as promised, I got the low down on Camila’s (Scott’s photo assistant) olive oil beauty routine…

Alex: So, olive oil… My first question is, does it make you smell like food?

Camila: Yes, but it’s fine. I’m from Spain, and at some point during the day you eat something with olive oil, so it’s a smell that is with you anyway if you live in Spain.

Alex: I have a serum that I love but it kind of smells like pizza, weird I know, but it’s hard for me to wear it. Back to your olive oil routine…

Camila: First, it’s the best eye makeup remover that I’ve ever used. It removes the makeup perfectly.

Alex: I think some of our reader’s will agree with you there. They’ve recommended it for eye makeup removal before. So, what is your next olive oil use?

Camila: And then, I put it in my hair.

Alex: Tell me more…

Camila: Before you shower, you put it on the ends of your hair, depending on how dry your hair is (mine is really dry, but it’s beautiful), then I put all of my hair in a bun on top of my head. I do it about an hour before I’m going to jump in the shower. It hydrates your hair before you shower. Note: Don’t forget you have it in your hair…I’ve got a sofa and some pillows stained with olive oil…

Alex: Hahahhahaah. Do you shampoo normally after?

Camila: Yes. Just make sure you don’t put it on your scalp, because it can get too greasy. Afterwards, my hair is super hydrated. I do it once a week. Don’t do it everyday for sure.

[Editor’s Note: Camila has pretty amazing hair…]

So there you have it, Camila’s olive oil tricks! Have you worked olive oil into your beauty routine before?

PS : Thank you to Scott for the photo!


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  • Sounds pretty fun actually! I’ve been using jojoba oil instead of regular eye cream for about a year now, and I’d never go back, so I’m open to this whole natural oils thing. I honestly never would have thought I would be, but I love my jojoba so much I’m a convert!

  • i have been using baby oil and body oils since for ever but i have never tried olive oil. but i will try it :)

  • josephine March, 20 2013, 12:23 / Reply

    Ben pour la peau, mélangé avec du jus de citron et un poil de rhum. Bon, ça sent un peu la vinaigrette mais c’est souverain.

  • i am an olive oil devotee. i moisturize with it daily and i eat a tablespoon of it every night. hydration from the inside out!


  • I’ve been using organic olive oil as a face and body moisturizer for about a year. I use it at night on my face. (I use organic coconut oil as my daytime moisturizer.) Incorporating olive oil into my beauty routine has saved me money because I no longer spend $50 on a jar of moisturizer that lasts a month or two and doesn’t adequately hydrate. Plus, olive oil is natural, so I feel good about putting it on my skin. I don’t find that the smell is strong. When I use it as a body moisturizer, I can still wear perfume without any strange mixing of scents.

  • En effet ses cheveux sont incroyables!
    Vu la longueur des miens impossible de l’utiliser de cette façon par contre je vais m’empresser de l’essayer comme démaquillant!

  • Je suis comme toi, j’ai les cheveux bien trop court pour utiliser ce procédé, mais le démaquillage des yeux me tente bien. Alors, une huile d’olive plutôt espagnole? ;)

  • In my country it’s castor oil, but olive is good as well. But now I use coconut oil everywhere.


  • I love olive oil though I’ve never used it to remove makeup (certainly going to try now!). I use it in my hair and because my hair is thick tightly curled afro on most days, it does a great job hydrating it. I don’t use it every day but it’s a plays a role when I’m in need of moisture (which is more often than not). Thanks for the tips!

  • Love this post – my family in Italy makes olive oil so it’s always a staple in my house! I live in Canada though so when it’s freezing cold in the winter I use it once a month to moisturize my scalp … I have to rinse with apple cider vinegar&water after (it’s quite the process) but it’s worth it!

  • J’utilise de l’huile d’argan mais pourquoi ne pas tester :)


  • I’m gonna try putting olive oil in my hair, thanks for sharing!
    As for using olive oil in my beauty routine, I used to make homemade facial scrub using it + I used it for removing eye make up + I used it with a simple dishwashing liquid to clean my makeup brushes.

  • I also use olive oil as a lotion– sounds strange but there is no better thing! (Hey, they soaked olive oil on their skin in The Odyessy and The Iliad…good enough for me!) It is a little oily but I use a small amount and make sure to rub it in well. I use it on my face as well, which is combination and acne-prone, and nothing hydrates it more.

  • I used to put Olive Oil in my hair too, should Start to do that again! And during both my pregnancys I massaged my belly with it and I haven’t got a single stripe :-) might be just lucky, but I think the Oil massages helped too. xxx

  • Varvana March, 20 2013, 3:57

    During my twin pregnancy, I also rubbed olive oil to my belly every day. The result: no scars, marks, or even sagging skin. Of course, one cannot be 100% sure whether that was due to the olive oil or not. On the other hand, olive oil costs next to nothing, at least compared to expensive dedicated pregnancy lotions.

  • I blend my thick Nivea cream with olive oil and it makes the richest body creme, great for winter skin!

  • Oui, moi aussi je l’ai fait plusieurs fois et ca marche très bien.
    Aussi pour la peau avec du miel. On fait une petite mélange, environ deux cuillers de chaque un, et on le met comme une masque hydratante avant la douche. Même si on la laisse deux minutes là dedans, c’est super pour bien hydrater la peau. À la fin, la peau est tellement douce et lisse.

  • Grace a mes origines espagnoles je suis née dans de l’huile d’olive ! (pas très propre tout ça) donc je l’utilise régulièrement en masque pour les cheveux, baume à lèvres… Mais je n’ai pas encore essayé en démaquillant pour les yeux ! Je trouve que c’est une très bonne idée !! MERCI

    Check out my new outfit post :

  • I haven tried olive oil on my hair before but I prefer coconut oil. It works the same way except you smell like a pina colada afterwards! I also use it as a body moisturizer and in the extremely dry weather, I put it on my face.

  • You can make a fantastic body scrub using olive oil (coconut oil works too). Just mix some salt (or brown sugar) with olive oil and voila! Leaves your skin smooth and hydrated.

  • Amazing! I’ve used coconut oil in a similar way before, but never as a pre-shower routine. Sounds genius! Will definitely be giving it a try!



  • I use olive oil on my face and hands every night before bed! You would think rubbing oil all over your face would clog your pores, but it is the best moisturizer I have ever used. It leaves my skin feeling really smooth and hydrated. I always make sure to rub a little extra on my lips and any extra on my hands – focusing on my cuticles.

  • Besides, you’ll always have extra dressing in your purse!
    Win-win! ;D

  • Oh no, am I the only one with absolutely horrible results with olive/coconut/jojoba oils? Makes my hair oily, my skin break out, and my under eye skin peel. I cook with tons of olive and coconut oils though :/

  • Sur les cheveux j’en avais déjà entendu parlé, mais comme démaquillant, ça m’a vraiment étonné!

  • Une fois par semaine, masque huile d’olive jaune d’oeuf sur les cheveux. Seulement sur les pointes, un coiffeur m’a assuré que la matière grasse sur les racines, ça fait perdre les cheveux. Sinon, huile d’olive gros sel pour un gommage de la plante des pieds pour une pédicure maison

  • Huile de jojoba pour le corps (+sucre pour faire des gommages), huile d’argan pour les cheveux (sur les pointes), huile de noisettes pour nettoyer le visage (meilleur soin anti impuretés en ce qui me concerne = a changé ma vie, oui madame, MA VIE!)

  • I have always loved oils – i use carrot on my legs – makes them browner, olive oil soap to cleanse, argan on my face and almond when i feel like a change – i am definitely trying the olive in the hair trick – thanks for the tip xx

  • Georgina March, 20 2013, 3:29 / Reply

    I live in Spain too and olive oil was the only conditioner I used on my long, dry, curly hair for years. I always said that I smelled like a walking salad! And Camila’s totally spot on about inevitably encountering olive oil at some point of your day. I used to apply it after washing and on wet hair to seal in the moisture. I guess you could blend it with essential oils to mask the smell.

  • They say it is the best moisturizer!

    A new post is up on Local & Opulent – a review of the fall 2013 Pink Tartan show from World MasterCard Fashion Week. Plus, tops of photos for fashion inspiration!

  • Je l’utilise comme protection capillaire avant d’aller nager dans la mer, c’est excellent !

  • Victoria March, 20 2013, 4:10 / Reply

    I use olive oil and castor oil as a cleansing routine at night:)

  • Moi pareil: quand je fais ma couleur (un mélange de plantes que j’achète à Paris et que je mets moi-même à la maison) je mélange la poudre avec de l’eau, de l’huile d’olive et un jaune d’oeuf. je garde trois heures et je lave. Mes cheveux sont tellement plus beaux (alors que le reste du temps ils sont hyper-secs) que je vais commencer à mettre l’huile d’olive une fois par semaine en masque avant de me laver les cheveux. Non, on ne sent pas l’odeur une fois qu’ils sont lavés.

  • I always use argan oil, even on my scalp. I have such dry skin that when I wash my hair afterwards I don’t have greasy roots. Usually I put it in before I go to bed, put a towel on my pillow and then I wash it out the morning after. Doesn’t smell great but works like a charm ;-)

  • Haha, once again a great conversation and must agree. She has amazing hair! xx

  • Il faut que j’essaie ça! Mes cheveux sont tout secs après que je les aie décolorés….

  • I sometimes mix a tiny bit into my conditioner. I also use coconut oil under my daytime moisturizer and on the ends of my hair, and use castor oil all over my face at night, and on my body. I love oil! Affordable and effective!

  • I absolutely love olive oil! I use it on my hair, skin & in my food! It’s literally in every room of my apartment. My boyfriend used to think it was weird, and he still kind of does, but I think deep down he likes the organic approach. Plus if you add a couple of drops of an essential oil of your choice, then the scent really isn’t a problem at all! It’s definitely one of the best kept universal beauty secrets.

  • A Londres, j’ai trouvé un produit capillaire à base d’huile d’olive. J’en suis amoureuse. ^^

  • Yes! I mix it with grapeseed oil and aloe juice for an amazing makeup remover that takes off even stubborn Japanese waterproof mascara!

    I also mix olive oil with grapeseed oil, camellia seed oil, rose hip oil, argan oil, evening primrose oil and some citrus and bergamot essential oils for an amazing face serum cocktail that moisturizes, calms and is great for anti-aging! Olive oil is wonderful because of the linoleic acid in it that helps anti-age as well as calm inflammation!

    These tips are amazing. I’ll have to try them out. :)

    Love + aloha,
    Mae Xx //

  • dimitra March, 20 2013, 6:34 / Reply

    I am Greek and use olive oil for everything! I use it as a moisturiser every night on my face neck chest and hands and, as an amazing body scrub with brown sugar..I used to break out all the time with red patchy spots and boils but since using olive oil my skin has settled. It’s perfect if you have dry and/or sensitive skin but, probably not suited to oily complexions..Another great use is putting it through your hair before you go for a steam or spa, it leaves your hair silky smooth with no fly aways..

  • Emmanuelle March, 20 2013, 6:39 / Reply

    Je mets de l’huile d’olive dans mes cheveux à tous les shampoings. J’en mets avant la douche, et après, une petite quantité que je laisse en leave-in. J’ai vraiment les cheveux les plus secs qui soit, ils deviennent systématiquement aussi sec que de la broche lorsqu’ils sont sales. Avec l’huile, ils restent doux jusqu’au prochain shampoing.

  • Il y a un truc que je ne comprends pas: on dit toujours que l’huile n’hydrate pas au contraire de l’eau, alors comment ca marche? Sinon en Afrique du nord, certains aiment aussi boire un verre d’huile d’olive le matin a jeun pour réparer tout type de choses dans le corps.

  • I have used olive oil, and loved it. As for the smell, it does not last long. I am very sensitive to smell, and if a scent bothers me, I avoid it. I have also used coconut oil, which smells sweeter. I love putting all kinds of oil on the body and face actually. Each oil has certain things that my skin or hair needs at certain times, so I go back and forth with them.

    This blog is getting more interesting and I look forward to checking it daily. I love the videos and the interviews. I really enjoy seeing other peoples take on style, how they put themselves together, and how they take care of themselves.

  • I have used olive oil in a pinch when I have run out of shaving oil. But the smell was a thing for me so, I made my own shaving oil almond oil+olive oil+dr.bronner’s almond liquid soap.
    Thank you for posting this topic, love to read all the tips!

  • I live in the Philippines, so instead of Olive Oil, I use Virgin Coconut Oil. I use it for my face (as moisturizer around my eyes, and lips) and body (I don’t use lotion or other body creams, only VCO). I don’t wear a lot of makeup, but when I do, VCO does a great job in doing that too. I know in our provinces, locals use VCO on their hair, but I haven’t tried it myself. I shall soon… :) Oh, it’s great as a massage oil too. :)

  • Haven’t used olive oil in my routine yet but I’m interested in trying out the hair color damaged hair definitely needs a moisture boost. I actually use grapeseed oil to take of my eye makeup and as a nighttime moisturizer. Works like a charm in both areas. :)

  • Her hair is absolutely amazing, I definitely need to give this olive oil hair treatment a try

    x karen

  • Mireille March, 21 2013, 3:52 / Reply

    Hello Alex, j’utilise de l’huile de magnolia de Leonor Grey de la même manière que Camila et les résultats sont spectaculaires, j’ai aussi des cheveux longs donc tendance à être secs mais ensuite, ils sont super doux,
    brillants et faciles à coiffer.
    J’essaierai avec l’huile d’olive.
    Thanks for the tip


  • Je plussoie ! Je n’ai jamais eu une aussi belle peau qu’en me demaquillant avec de l’huile d’olive pure (ou bien l’huile demaquillante DHC) ! Il est je pense important de rappeler a toutes les sceptiques que NON l’huile d’olive ne penetre pas la peau donc est aussi ideale pour les peaux grasses ou a problemes ;) je vous conseille par la meme occasion la technique du layering/mille-feuille: je l’utilise depuis plus d’un an et, je le repete, ma peau est vraiment tres belle depuis :)
    Idem pour les cheveux secs, les huiles (olive, argan, jasmin…) sont vraiment super en bain avant-shampoing ;)

  • I use Virgin Coconut Oil instead! For my face and body :)

  • I’ve started to use sweet almond oil on my face and find it much more effective than Embryolisse and many other expensive moisturisers I have used over the years. It’s not greasy, it just keeps my skin properly hydrated and doesn’t make it break out.

  • I use olive oil on the last 15 to 20 cm of my hair in the morning on weekends then plait it or put it in a bun and wash in the evening. I use olive oil on my nails and the back of my hands to keep the skin looking young. It must be cold pressed and extra virgin oil. I have hair down to my hips and not a single split end although I’m going through cancer treatment.

  • The olive tree source is simply unbelievable. You can use olives, get best olive oil and the wood is one of the most beautiful and hardest woods on the world….Thanks Nature!

  • I’m Italian, I live in Paris (I love it) and I produce in Tuscania between Sienne and Rome Le Amantine extra virgin olive oils….J’ai grandi avec l’huile d’olive (ce n’est pas vrai qui fait grossir et au contraire fait beaucoup de bien.. même au moral!!)et j’ai toujours vu ma grand-mère utiliser de l’huile pour nourrir ses magnifiques cheveux…
    j’en profite au passage pour dire que toi, Garance, tu fais vraiment du très bon travail!!! Bravissima!

  • All hints to manage dry hair ends gratefully accepted and will be tried!! Thank you :)

  • Hi Garance, I have to say, black women, asian women have been using oils in their beauty routines for many years be it coconut, olive, castor, “Baby Oil” etc. My mum couldn’t believe it when I told her people are paying upwards of £10 for a small jar of coconut oil now! xx

  • Je l’utilise aussi comme démaquillant. Je suis d’origine espagnole, et là bas, les supermarchés commercialisent même au rayon beauté, des flacons de toute sorte d’huile destinées à la peau ou aux cheveux. J’utilise plus spécialement de l’huile de romarin ou d’amande.

  • J’achete des produits sur Madin Beauty, je mets de l’huile de coco fractionnee, car elle est moins grasse et hydrate mieux, sinon j’ai du beurre de mangue bio ou du beurre de karite que je fonds dans les microondes et puis je mets sur mes cheveux secs.Ensuite je mets un bonnet sur ma tete pour ne pas salir quoi que ce soit, j’attends une heure et apres je fais trois shampooings pour bien enlever et pour demeler je mets un petit soin leger que je rince.

  • Camille March, 21 2013, 8:16 / Reply

    L’huile d’olive me sert à tout!! Démaquillant mais pas que. Mélangé avec du bicarbonate de sodium, il fait un parfait gommage pour le visage et le corps ( un peu de cannelle retire l’odeur de l’huile) Enfin, chauffé au micro onde et mélangé avec du jus de citron, il répare et blanchit ongles et cuticules!!
    Et surtout en cuisine, c’est si bon!!!! <3

  • Karolina March, 21 2013, 9:06 / Reply

    I’m addicted to using coconut oil. I use it for everything! Olive oil is good as well.

  • I actually use olive oil too, not as a makeup remove but as a facial moisturizer. Sunscreen in the morning, oil at night. And not cosmetic grade oil in a teeny bottle either. Bertolli from my kitchen does the job quite nicely and really it’s the only thing that works for me in the winter. For a while I used oil of cocoa butter but it made my face smell like chocolate chip cookies.

  • Yes, Olive Oil is the best for removing eye makeup. You might want to check out this luxurious facial oil which has both olive and coconut oil as a base but also includes many exotic & healing essential oils. For the complete list and more info. please visit:

  • I use argon oil on my face as a moisturizer. It’ s amazing. Pure, natural, not greasy, not oily. And made by women in Morocco. Also good for your hair. Don’t put chemicals on your skin! Just saying…

  • I am lucky to live in a smal olive grove here in the South of France. We make our own oil and I swear by it! I’ve never used olive oil as an eye-make up remover but that sounds good to me (we use it for removing oil and grease when my eldest has been doing mechanics). Olive oil with a hint of lemon juice is all I use as a body lotion and deep hair treatment. Try it!

  • Emilie S March, 22 2013, 4:04 / Reply

    Pure coconut oil all the way! Started using it right after I returned from Thailand and it’s saved my skin both from getting burnt and drying up in Shanghai.Only problem… freezes constantly if it’s not warm in my apartment.

  • En plus de l’ajouter sur les pointes comme le fait Camila, je fais deux peelings par semaine avec de l’huile d’olive. J’y ajoute du sel et je l’applique par mouvement circulaire sur mon visage. Rien de tel pour enlever toutes les impuretés et nourrir la peau en même temps. Pour rincer, j’utilise un savon au lait d’anesse et ensuite ma crème de jour Avène que je ne quitte plus depuis 10 ans.
    Le savon au lait d’anesse est un must, vous l’avez jamais utilisé? Il a des propriétés exceptionnelles.

  • Quand je n’ai plus de démaquillant visage je prends de l’huile d’olive, c’est parfait…si on utilise un bon nettoyant après pour la rincer!
    Pour les cheveux, j’en mets près de 3 c.a.s. dans un bol que je fais chauffer 30sec au micro-ondes, puis hop je l’applique sur les longeurs avec un pinceau à fond de teint, un chignon, du film pour éviter d’en mettre partout et créer un effet de chaleur qui aidera l’huile à mieux pénétrer et le tour est joué!

  • I was sure she uses it for her hair, because I’ve always done it. It makes hairs shiny and soft. I knew it’s a good make up remover, too. You can also use jojoba oil, if you don’t wanna spell like food, Alex. Also, blend it with a spoon of yogurt and apply it on your face for 10 minutes. Your skin will be grateful.

  • Ideal Cheese March, 22 2013, 4:39 / Reply

    Leonor Greyl Palm Oil for hair is amazing. You apply it to the ends of your hair before shampooing, or whenever if your hair is crazy dry. Like olive oil, it’s completely natural, but unlike olive oil, it smells lovely.

  • I’ve definitely heard many praises sung about olive oil in beauty routines. Haven’t gotten the courage to do it yet, but I need to!

    Elizabeth of The Corner Apartment

  • Eeeem… Am I the only spanish girl who hasn’t rubbed olive oil anywhere in her body? Well, neither any other spanish girl I know. And we don’t end up smelling like it every day, I don’t think I’ve ever smell like that in my whole life…

  • Christina March, 22 2013, 8:21 / Reply

    I use macadamia nut oil for my hair.

  • I’ve been using olive oil for years. It’s a staple in my hair routine. My hair is super dry, so I warm the oil slightly above boiling water and apply it to end of my hair. It’s works wonders. I’ve never used as an eye make up remover though but will definitely try.

  • Nice! Well I knew you can use it this way already.

    I don’t use olive oil usually I find it too thick, I prefer jojoba oil for the skin ( I never use face cream, don’t work well on me) and rosehip oil to nourish more but at night!

    Almond oil is magic on scars and perfect for the body. I also put few drops of oil, in shampoo/shower gel if I find my skin or hair dry and it works well!

    Jojoba oil is non greasy so it really works well on hair and skin!

  • I can’t use olive oil very easily on my face or hair as my labrador insists on licking it all off! To him it’s food. But I have always used almond oil (bought very cheaply at the Indian/international store) on my face and to remove eye makeup. I am 64 and have very few wrinkles, especially under my eyes.

  • Yes, I like Camila, use it for make-up removal and for my hair. I’ve also mixed some sea salt in olive oil to make a body scrubb.

  • moi j’utilise l’huile de fruits de la passion et l’huile de noix du brésil parce qu’elles ne sont pas grasses! avant chaque shampoing, une petite cuillère sur les longueurs (attention à ne pas se tartiner les cheveux!)
    ils sont très doux. et chaque jour, je vaporise de l’hydrolat de bambou (ou rose, ou prêle, je tourne) avec de l’huile essentielle de bois de rose pour lutter contre les fourches et un peu d’aloé véra. Miraculeux pour la brillance et le coiffage!

  • I’ve been overhauling my beauty regime. Starting to get into the philosophy that if your organs can’t take chemicals that go on your face, why is it any better to put it on your skin which is an organ too? Natural is always better too says my mom. Now, I’ve been using olive oil mixed with castor oil as a cleanser. Then I follow up with apple cider vinegar, which you can drink with water. It’s only been a few days but the results have been good. My skin feels clean and moisturized.

  • I’m a complete organic oil devotee! Castor oil for eyebrows and lashes, and even hair. It strengthens the root so it grows thicker an stronger. Coconut and argan for hair (they actually penetrate the hair), and even as moisturizers on face and body. Almond oil is wonderful as eye make up remover. It’s also great because I noticed it makes skin on my body pretier and even diminishes stertch marks, so what’s not to love.

    Oils are in my opinion far better than any body lotions, because they actually soak into the skin and don’t just stay there like most body lotions that ended in my PJ-s instead on my body.

    Lately my entire skin care routine is consisted of oils, plus micellar solution and thermal waters. My skin seems happy, and it’s normaly sensitive and Sahara dry.

  • Jocelyn April, 1 2013, 8:35 / Reply

    There is a lot of great information on the internet on how to incorporate extra virgin olive oil into almost every aspect of your beauty regime.
    Here is a great link
    Works beautifully on all types of skin.


  • I use Olive Oil as a deep conditioner too. As I’m of African American and Caribbean descent I do put it on the entirety of my hair to keep my naturally curly tresses hydrated because curly hair is prone to breakage. I also use coconut oil on my hair and as a body moisturizer as well; it aids in hair growth and makes your skin silky soft.

  • I’m of Middle-Eastern descent and Olive Oil is pretty much our lives. Put it on your hair, your face… we’ve even got soap made out of it (the best is from Nablus, Palestine)! Got a muscle ache? Massage the area with OO. Hungry? Lather pita bread with za’atar (dried oregano) and some OO and you’ve got the tastiest treat. Olive Oil for president!!

  • Les filles! J’utilise l’huile d’olive sur mes cheveux depuis la parution de votre article. C’est tellement incroyable que je vous devais un post feed-back pour dire MERCI:)

    Ça donne des petits reflets roux-ambrés à la Camila aussi ou c’est moi qui hallucine??

  • Trophette April, 30 2013, 3:07 / Reply

    Careful when using Olive Oil as eye makeup remover.. I love its gentleness, but if you get it in your eyes you’ll be wondering why you’re sight is a little cloudy all day..

  • Indiangirl May, 2 2013, 9:22 / Reply

    Try coconut oil for the hair – leave it on the scalp for an hour or two then shampoo off. Works much better than olive oil. Used in India for centuries and the Indians have amazing hair. Rinse off thoroughly though – the scent lingers.

  • Rhosella May, 6 2013, 1:32 / Reply

    I use olive and castor oil mixture on my hair. Now my hair’s thick,dark and has increased in length••••also looking forward to adding avocado oil•••Thanks for the tips

  • Olive oil is great for hair. I agree with the smell which can be annoying to some. However, If it is included in a hair fluid formula then the smell is markedly reduced. Also, I mix it with natural liquid soap and us it as a shampoo… it is the best.

  • In my country India, it is almost a tradition. We use coconut oil, massage it through our scalp, let it sit for some time/overnight, and shampoo it all off the next day. It is almost unimaginable to skip this routine, we do it twice a week. It nourishes the hair, and hair grows super long.

  • hv to agree with Hannah…in our country (India) it is a tradition…

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