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A Good Butt (in Jeans)

10 years ago by

A Good Butt (in Jeans)

The search may be over.

I’ve never really sought out super bum flattering jeans, mostly because 90% of my shirts cover up 60% of my butt in jeans. My denim concerns tend to focus on the legs. Is this skinny leg skinny enough? Is there a good amount of ankle showing in these boyfriend jeans? There have definitely been times when I don’t even look at my butt in the mirror when I go try on jeans. I know, I know.

Last night I bought a new pair of jeans that give a really good butt. I first saw them online and immediately thought: mom jeans. But I still wanted to try them on. Something was pulling me in (maybe it’s that the style name is “The Perfect Summer Jean” and I mean, that sounds like something I want). I went into the store with Brie last night (Brie has a good butt in all of her jeans, so I consider her an expert and I’ve taken her on more than one denim shopping excursions) and tried them on. Brie approved! They are really high waisted and a light wash (hence the mom jean vibe meets 90s Levi’s vibe) but the placement of those back pockets makes my booty look major.

What jeans give you a good butt?

PS: These are my good butt jeans!


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  • I need a good pair of jeans but I’m like a 00


  • ok, same size as me, here is what I found. Jeans are all containing stretch/spandex, at about 2%,which means they sag after 10 minutes of wear. So awful! I have gotten American Eagle (a teenager brand, but oh well) jeggings- again, this used to be such an ugly thing, but these are very jean like- actual pockets, zip, the whole thing. They have 00, various lengths, and the best thing is with More spandex, they actually stay right in place rather than drooping in the butt and waist. Believe me, try them! They are only 30 $ ! I have dark, light, and black.

  • i don’t wear jeans. ever! :)


  • I like all SEVEN jeans style, GOLDSIGN high waisted skinny (hard to find but super comfy, I wear it almost everyday) and J Brand ankle skinny (I’m more on a petite frame). J brand is good for petite or skinny frame. My friend who is Brasilian with Brasilian butt loves SEVEN jeans and PAIGE denim. J brand doesn’t fit her nice.

  • I diet.. a lot, and now finally I’m again of my “classic” size, it’s time for me to buy a pair of super butt jeans!
    I’ll tell you how it goes…
    Love, Gap.

  • I think i am the most unbearable jeans chooser on earth haha ! I want my jeans to be perfect, and i always find a little detail that i dont like.. I need a perfect butt, they have to make my legs look thin and to be tight on the ankles. And the most important, they need to be a little stretch, just enough to be comfortable… Also not too washed out… Well, told you, way too many criterias !!


  • Minerva May, 15 2014, 6:30 / Reply

    Um, probably not permitted to say here, but Rock and Republic (now found at Kohls) give good butt, for cheap!! Also, old skool Sevens give a chic-ass.

  • Stretch denim– the unsung hero of butts everywhere! The cuts/ styles may vary but personally, i think the stretchy denim material hugs the butt better than the other thicker non stretchy denims.

  • Très prometteur et flatteur en effet! ;)

  • Such an unusual shape for a jeans : A king a man repeller style : looooved by women and deemed suspect by men – unless they are into style or gays.) Definitely the type of jeans you must try on before !And wear crop tops or but Tshirts under the jean.

  • Martine June, 2 2014, 2:59

    Yeah…I don’t notice that. Whenever I west my high rise flares, especially the white ones, I seriously get a more intense reaction then if i wear a micro mini. Believe me, they do NOT repeal men in the least. Its just some nonsense someone wrote once and everyone repeated. Try it out. But be warned, guys will seriously follow you around.

  • Lansky May, 16 2014, 3:22 / Reply

    J’avais acheté une paire de jeans chez Urban Outfitters de la marque BDG ! Il me fait un beau cul MAIS au niveau de la taille il est quelques millimètres trop grand et il n’est pas vraiment serré au niveau des chevilles il a encore des millimètres d’espace entre le jeans et mes cheville. Je le trouve malgré tout parfait. De parfaites imperfection j’imagine! Il m’a coûté que 60$. En fait, le seul jeans qui me va bien de partout de la taille jusqu’à la cheville c’est le jeans à 24.99$CND chez H&M! Mais hummm le zipper est briser il va falloir que je l’amène le réparer. Rien n’est parfait juste presque parfait j’imagine.

  • Rien que la description me donne envie de l’essayer (si toutefois tu veux des “referal fees”, dis le moi, je citerai ton nom à la marque ;) )

  • Je trove les jeans hyper importants. J’en regarde tout, le cul, les jambes, la longeur, le couleur… mais sourtout le cul, n’importe le top que je porte. Il y a déjà 5 ans que je porte SOS jeans, ils sont sans aucune doute les meilleurs pour moi. Avec eux je me sens tirée a quatre epingles!

  • aurore May, 16 2014, 4:51 / Reply

    Oh il a l’air pas mal du tout ce jean ! Et il fait pas trop le cuissot dodu ? (autre problème des mom jeans je trouve)

  • I would like to see photos, haha. The butt almost doesn’t seem important with jeans anymore, but I always check. I love Paige, AG and some Mother for what they do with your behind, but my best butt jean is still a very old pair I bought at Zara years ago.
    Simona/OFF DUTY

  • I just ignore my butt. If I can’t see it, it doesn’t exist.

  • The placement and size (low and large) of Freepeople jean pockets tend to be flattering, I think, making the bum look generous in all the right ways:

    Same story with their corduroys, I think:

    Although there many different ideas about what that ideal look is…

    A lot of Express jeans give a look I like, but in a different way, the pockets still quite large but not so low – this style looks especially great high-waisted I think: http://www.theseventhsphinx.com/fashion/features/hit-em-high/

    (I second the Rock & Republic recommendation!)

    (I think about this issue a lot, actually, I realize…)

  • C’est marrant j’aurais plutôt dit qu’il faisait un cul plat… Peut être est ce le modèle qui n’a pas de fesses et quand t’en as pas ba t’en as pas !

  • Acne! Just invested in one super skinny pair, and my behind looks goooood.

  • DL1961 Nina skinnies, also high waisted – I always thought high-waisted would be the opposite of good butt jeans, but these are great. On second thought, I think it’s what they did to my thighs that sold me.

  • I prefer the high waist (no muffin top). These are great and the price is right. But I cannot purchase jeans online; I need to try them on. I wonder what shops carry them?

  • J Brand Skinnies!!! Love love love love. (Love.) AND they hold their shape pretty well so I can get more than on wear out of ’em.

  • Jennifer May, 16 2014, 10:25 / Reply

    Im ok with jeans as long as the do no have anything at all on the pockets. My favorite jeans I just purchased they are Cropped Rail mid rise by J band. Butt looks not bad. I love J brand its the brand that fits me the best.

  • I actually love boyfriend jeans- i think i could live in those. Skinnies are good as well but then the problem is usually pockets – which either make the butt look bigger or smaller. So I suppose it depends a lot on the pocket size.

    Sandra from http://www.chicplaisir.com

  • I have a big butt and I cannot lie (sing it with me!) and it’s not easy to find flattering jeans. They either squash them or fit too loosely on the legs, or are too low waisted, and don’t even start with the high waist that transforms into something really strange due to the diference in the back and the front. I finally found amazing jeans at Salsa (salsaonline.com) where everything is at its right place. My bum gets slightly lifted and my legs slightly hugged. It is a portuguese denim brand and finally gave me hope on fashionable denim for those who are more butt gifted. But has a line for the opposite: the wonderjeans. I love it! No one has been forgotten!

  • Je sais que certaines personnes, quand elles achètent un jean, font attention aux coutures, aux poches…Pour ma part, je me contente juste de voir si je rentre dedans car je crois que la clef pour bien porter un jean c’est d’avoir un corps harmonieux en dessous. Donc les jeans push up qui font un beau cul je n’y crois pas deux secondes: il y a juste des jeans qui me vont et d’autres pas!

  • Surprisingly enough, Uniqlo jeans. (Surprising because I’ve never liked their jeans or fit before I found the perfect one.)

  • Daniella May, 16 2014, 2:36 / Reply


  • Louise L May, 16 2014, 4:05 / Reply

    On veut bien les conseils de Brie alors!!

  • I tried these on this week and didn’t buy them but can’t get them out of my head. Definitely good butt jeans. Also, because of the high waist, no muffin top. It’s a win, win. I think I’ll head back to madewell and pick a pair up.

  • I wear jeans almost everyday (I live in Paris, which means a lot of trousers, and subway means too scared of damaging real classy pants), anyways.
    My favourite ones, for a good butt, are uniclo skynnies, and Gap jeans !

  • i cannot wear mum jeans…. i am a size 2 with no butt, this type of high waisted-slim leg-light wash style is an epic no no for me. i had a pair of dark wash mid-rise flare jeans that sort of give me some butt (they are from Zara). i am still on my quest to get the perfect jeans but i know i am not alone ;)

  • L'épingle May, 17 2014, 9:39 / Reply

    Mon Helmut Lang, que j’ai trouvé pour quinze euros dans une solderie. Pourquoi quinze euros ? Parce qu’il s’auto-détruit en permanence, bouffé par le produit chimique qui a servi à lui donner son aspect gris -mais-blanc-aussi. Je le rapièce régulièrement par l’intérieur. C’est un travail de romain. Sa combinaison coupe/matière est parfaite pour mon arrière-train et mes cuisses (qui sont moches). Dedans je suis serrée, mais serrée-gainée, pas serrée-boudinée.
    Et lorsque je sens venir la boulimie, il suffit que je pense à ce futal et à lui seul, et au plaisir que j’ai à le porter pour repousser les tentations.

  • I live in New Zealand and I wear a lot of a local designer’s jeans because they use quality denim instead of all the elastane drenched versions, and too soft fabric that holds nothing together.

    But really my concern is more the overall fit and leg lengthening properties, than making my butt look a creation way. rag and bone are another good go-to for me, because they just seem cooler in their styling than a lot of others. and i literally wear jeans everyday. x

  • nicole May, 17 2014, 9:39 / Reply

    Omgosh..Madewell has the BEST good butt jeans

  • J’en avais un il y a quelques années, c’était un Diesel. L’achat fou: acheté sur Internet, je l’enfile et…. le corps de D.S (ah non pardon déesse!). Il dessine ma cambrure naturelle, me fait des jambes longilignes, le combo par-fait. Dedans, j’étais une bombe! Je l’ai tellement mis qu’il a fini par s’effilocher au milieu, jusqu’à avoir un trou presque béant. Je n’ai jamais retrouvé un jean digne de ce nom, alors je cherche…

  • Maggie May, 19 2014, 12:30 / Reply

    The Guess 1981 line is my favorite high-waisted skinny! Just the right amount of elastic, is small enough in the waist and wide enough in the hips for my hourglass shape! Paired with a simple white tee and BOOM- Claudia Schiffer would be proud!

  • Margaret May, 19 2014, 2:10 / Reply

    For all of my twenties and thirties I had almost no jeans, because I could never find a pair that I looked good in – it was as if my butt, thighs, and calves all needed a different size. A couple of years ago I tried Sebastian McCall jeans, and they’ve changed my life. I’ve got them in blue denim, colored denim, and corduroys. They’ve revolutionized my wardrobe. http://www.sebastianmccall.com

  • I totally agree that Madewell makes the best and most comfortable and flattering jeans. I bought the “Boyfriend” cut 2 years ago- decided I was ready to move on from low waisted and skinny…and have gone back twice since for the same cut as they are my go to jeans. Pocket placement is huge for making the butt look just right.

  • Maybe I have a problem: I don’t have any kind of problem to find a perfect jeans. I mean, ever. I just go to a Levi’s store. But when I see all these questions about a perfect jeans I can’t help wonder that.I must must have a problem. The truth is that Levi’s jeans neves ever let me down: I always end up with blue jeans and Black jeans and my beloved white jeans that just fit perfect all the time! And yes, my butt is always great in all my Levi’s jeans. And I am very very serious about clothing.

  • Martine June, 2 2014, 2:55 / Reply

    Thats all I ever wear are high rise jeans. I like Levi’s high rise skinny. But I like Cheap Monday. I like Top Shop mom jeans. I like a mix of skinny, straight and flared, and I wear them in different ways, but high rise jeans always have good behind, and make legs look long. I don’t even need any heels with them. It will be a cold day in Hell before I wear a low rise again, even though I grew up with them. And I never cover up my bum. I like crop tops.

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