
Lol or Hahaha?

Lol or Hahaha?

I pride myself in being a “hahaha” person. I even have my own spin on it, “bahaha.” The “b” makes it seem more authentic, like I am bursting from the seems with laughter. And if...

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6 years ago by



I’m scared.

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Miu Miusic!

We always get excited when the brands we love try new and interesting things outside of just...

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It’s hard to believe there was ever a world without mobile phones, when making plans meant...

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When my tech life feels organized, for some reason, I do too. And it’s weirding me out a...

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It’s funny to think about how much our personalities come through in modern communication.   Take...

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The Science Of Sleep

Somehow living in the city that claims to never sleep can make you all the more aware of how...

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Letting Go

And if you won’t, this app will make sure you do. After a breakup, it’s always the small...

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My phone battery is always dying. I’m that person who’s always asking the waiter if they...

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Burn After Reading

The savior to your sent-too-soon emails is here. Almost like a bigger, badder and more grownup...

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Selfie Beware

Yep, beware of the selfie. It’s a thing, a dangerous thing – and the Russian government...

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Break Up Right

Is there an etiquette to break ups? Ok, so all relationships have unique circumstances (oh yeah,...

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Work It!

I’ve tried everything when it comes to exercise, but my general conclusion is that I’m just not...

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See Saw

Here at the Studio, we’re all big fans of art — and New York has so many great galleries!...

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Would You Wear The Apple Watch?

It feels like, right now, everyone is asking that question! Probably because it feels like we’re...

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Tune Out

How do you tune out? On the weekend, I was forced to. I went out of town and had no cell service....

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Emoji Life

The new emojis are here! Remember how we admitted that we sometimes spiral into emoji-only...

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Fashion News #12

Fashion News #12

Christopher H. Peterson Named President, Global Brands for Ralph Lauren. The company shakes up its...

9 years ago by