New York Vs Paris

tour triangle paris herzog de meuron garance dore architecture

Touch the Sky

Which skyline do you love more: Paris or New York? Of course we love New York — we’re constantly inspired just by looking up! But the historic bridges and manicured gardens of...

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9 years ago by

Garance Dore Illustration

La Perfection

In New York, the city of perfection, you always have this chronic feeling of being a little bit out...

10 years ago by

Garance Dore Illustration

Things Parisians Do

Parisians look a lot like New Yorkers: They dress like everyone in their neighborhood but feel like...

10 years ago by

Garance Doré Illustration

Things New Yorkers Do

I can’t believe it’s been three years since I moved to New York. So much has happened in the...

10 years ago by

Welcome to Planet New York!!

Welcome to Planet New York!!

Not too long ago I talked to you all about Juice Cleanses and some of you were were not too happy....

11 years ago by

Paris Vs New York / I <3 U!!!

Paris Vs New York / I <3 U!!!

The other day I was on the phone with my father, who I don’t call nearly enough (not calling...

12 years ago by

Gaia Weiss Photo

New York Vs Paris : The Ring

So here’s quite a difference… The engagement ring. World, it’s time you know...

12 years ago by

Party Dressing – New York Vs Paris

Party Dressing – New York Vs Paris

Let me say just one thing : Parisians don’t party like New Yorkers party. And vice versa....

12 years ago by

<em>Changing Lifestyle</em> / Becoming Gwyneth Paltrow

Changing Lifestyle / Becoming Gwyneth Paltrow

Here’s the last episode in the Changing Lifestyles series. You may remember how I told you all...

13 years ago by

<em>Changing Lifestyle</em> / Food Obsessions & Feel Good Books

Changing Lifestyle / Food Obsessions & Feel Good Books

This is volume 2 in the series Changing Lifestyle. You can read the first episode here, where we...

13 years ago by

Life in New York : The Sleepy Yogi

Life in New York : The Sleepy Yogi

Okay, so if you want the real New York experience, there’s something you absolutely have to do...

13 years ago by

Khaki Nail Polish Illustration Image

Life in New York
Manicure ! Pedicure ! Facial !

It’s funny, the first thing that I realized about New York, apart from it’s gigantitude...

14 years ago by