Style Story / Tessa Tran
5 years ago by
Tessa Tran is the creative director of the jewelry line, Chan Luu. She lives in Los Angeles and her wardrobe and house reflect that easy L.A. vibe. Read on to hear about her ideal uniform, and what is influencing her style these days…

Describe your style in three words or phrases.
Minimal, relaxed, and fun! I tend to be understated but sometimes I do love to go all-out and wear something totally wild.
What is your ideal uniform?
As I get older I find myself valuing simplicity and quality. Vintage Levis, a Petit Bateau t-shirt and my mini Cartier Panthère (my first ‘big-girl’ watch). I recently bought a book of Cartier’s old designs and I was blown away by all the amazing objects they made- jeweled makeup boxes, lighters, combs…it was so inspiring. During warmer seasons I’ll wear an Organic by John Patrick slip dress and a crisp white shirt tied around my waist. His slips are cut just right and the colors are really sophisticated. They are definitely a staple in my closet.
Who or what influences your style?
Honestly, my brother! I just like how he mixes things together so effortlessly and without any B.S. It feels very relaxed and confident and that’s something I aspire to. I also travel a lot, going to New Delhi, Paris, Tokyo, New York, and Mexico several times a year and I always find inspiration on the street.
How does living in LA influence your style? Do you consider your style to be quintessentially LA?
I think having a healthy lifestyle does more than a bag or shoes could ever do—Los Angeles is certainly conducive to that. Rick Owens said, “working out is modern couture” and I think about that a lot. There’s a sense of ease that runs through Los Angeles, which I think is totally unique. LA people sometimes get a bad rap for dressing down too much but I think it can be done in an interesting way.

You’re juggling two jobs at once, working with Milo House and Chan Luu. Do the worlds collide and influence each other or do you keep them separate?
The Milo House is a fun personal project, and I can really take my time with each of the products, like our candle. Chan Luu is obviously a much bigger brand and there are so many moving parts—it’s like trying to create beauty inside of a hurricane. It’s hard work, but I love the energy all the same. I think the two jobs balance each other out.
What is the most coveted item in your wardrobe?
A diamond that my 94 year old grandmother passed down to me when I got engaged. I had it set with eagle claw prongs on a thin 1.5mm band. It’s timeless, just like my grandma!
What is the most important to you, comfort, beauty or innovation?
I think women deserve all three! I believe in comfort but that doesn’t mean leggings and a sweatshirt. I rarely wear makeup so I try to treat my skin like I would a silk shirt. Solid advice from beauty queen Emily Weiss. Innovation is key, and I think we’re conditioned, for better or worse, to always expect something new. But I think it’s important to respect the ideas that have lasted the test of time.

Pants, Ulla Johnson; Sweater, The Row; Shoes, The Row; Jewelry, Chan Luu
Pants, Jesse Kamm; Sweater, Maiami Berlin; Jewelry, Chan Luu
I loved this interview, and I love Tessa’s style! It’s simple, chic, and timeless.
Bonjour, style sympa.
Peut-être qu’il faudrait préciser que la montre en gros plan est une Tank de Cartier (sans doute une Tank Louis Cartier, d’ailleurs) et non une mini-panthère…. la précision, ça compte :)
Love love love love love love love
J’aime ce style minimaliste ainsi que la deco interieure tres depouillee.
D’ou vient le tapis sous la table de la 4eme photo ?
Where is that amazing light fixture from? Beautiful home!
Love it!!
I do love Style story. If you ask me who ot what my style influences, that is this section of your site! Please keep going! ?