From the Archives: Coming Home
2 years ago by
“This is a list which was taped inside my closet door in Hollywood during those years when I was reporting more or less steadily. The list enabled me to pack, without thinking, for any piece I was likely to do. Notice the deliberate anonymity of costume: in a skirt, a leotard, and stockings, I could pass on either side of the culture. Notice the mohair throw for trunk-line flights (i.e. no blankets) and for the motel room in which the air conditioning could not be turned off. Notice the bourbon for the same motel room. Notice the typewriter for the airport, coming home: the idea was to turn in the Hertz car, check in, find an empty bench, and start typing the day’s notes.”

Wow Qui a fait la mise en page ? Choisi la police de caractère, l’atmosphère, c’est génial. Bogdana bravissimo pour les photos !
Vanessa, notre talentueuse directrice artistique, a réalisé une mise en page <3
Merci beaucoup pour ces commentaires si gentils!
Les photos, sublimes, sont dignes d’un “film noir”. J’adore l’atmosphere (sur fond de jazz que j’ecoute, juste par hasard !) Bravo pour ce post !
“Quite simply, I was in love with this editorial. I do not mean “love” in any colloquial way, I mean that I was in love with the editorial, the way you love the first person who ever touches you and you never love anyone quite that way again.”
The quotes and the narrative made this a magic kind of fashion story I would like to see many more of! Thank you!
SPECTACULAR! inspiring, magical, hard and soft. All things in one.
This looks a lot like Sarah Bahbah’s work….
MAGIC!! This post was pure magic…thank you!
I completely agree with Jason & Celine. I went directly to the comments section after reading (not a regular occurence) to observe what others thought. Unexpected & Unique editorial. xo
What a beautiful idea for a visual story! Congrats!
Simply beautiful
C’est rare de voir ce genre de contenu sur un blog. Un seul mot: Sublime
Bravo à celle(s) qui ont travaillé ce sujet, j’ai tout simplement adoré.
Really enjoyed this editorial, even more than most!
WOW j’ai eu beaucoup de plaisir avec ce post! Bravo!
Oh Oh someone is getting a call from Vogue soon?
Great Work ,Bog !!!
Very Well done , Chris !!!
Francis , you Killed in this shoot!!!
Contratulations to All the Brilliant Mind(s) behind this meticulous, Beautiful and artistical Editorial !!!
ochre mood–multidimensional space for imagination and movement. love it.
Well done!
Stunning. Visceral. My entire life in a nutshell. More, please.
This was incredible, congrats!!
Exquisite juxtaposition of the poems & the direction of photography of the editorial. Great atmosphere. Congratulations for creating this piece to the whole team.
I love your picture color. Good choice!