
12 years ago by

All right ! After long debates about the way to make you win a few of these sublaaaaaaaime Kate Spade iPhone cases (which are already out of stock, uhoh !) we decided that the best thing to do would be to have you participate in our team work…

Cause right now, we are working on season II of Pardon My French at fashion week, and we’re asking oursleves so many questions, that we thought we could ask them to you too. Here they are :

Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
Why did you like them ?
Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

If you want to refresh your memory, all of the videos are here.

Ok so the answer should be posted in the comments, they can be long, short, funny… They only thing is that they have to be a little bit realistic, because we are really going to use them !

We will choose three of them and include them in the next season of Pardon My French.

That way, not only do you win a super cool iPhone case, but you also see your idea on screen.

Youhou ! We really thought that one out, hope you like it ! And can’t wait to read your answers!


Add yours
  • C’est une super idée de proposer ce jeu à tes lecteurs et de les impliquer pour tes prochaines vidéos.
    Très belle initiative Garance.

  • my fav.. were the jcrew add in japan .. loved the mood , very inspiring.. also loved cannes 2012.. awsomeness

  • Hello, Garance.

    My favorite moments from season one were:

    1. seeing you hang out with your girlfriends in between the fashion week events, and

    2. (the highlight) seeing you pinch the crystal from the Chanel show.

    I had a small epiphany seeing you with your friends. I realized that all over the world there are women convening together, eating, talking, and enriching their souls in a universal act of communion that has probably gone on for thousands of years in one form or another and will continue forever. I was once in Kyoto traveling alone and sat at a lovely small cafe next to a group of women, just like my friends in Los Angeles. It was very heart-warming, which was exactly how I felt when I watched you and your friends at Fashion Week. Pinching the crystal was just a nice fashion coup d’etat of sorts. It made me smile.

    I would love to see more local spots around Paris (or wherever else you wind up in the new season) where local artists and designers are making interesting and gorgeous things. Also, photos and videos of beautiful and little known, quiet corners of a city.

    I would love it if you could interview Marion Cotillard. You saw her at Cannes and she indeed looked stunning. She’s also a brilliant actress. I would love to know what her preferences are, what inspires her, what brings her joy.

    Hope this helps you.

  • All are enjoyable and very entertaining but Episode 4 struck a chord with me because you were featuring Chanel with the amazing ice prisms and also Lanvin. The combination of your running commentary with cool background music not to mention sense of humor all works wonderfully. Pardon my French but my only comment is that maybe you can interview more up and coming designers in conjunction with the more established ones. Looking forward to the next episode.

    life/style blog at

  • Alors alors : ce que j’ai préféré dans la saison 1 c’est l’épisode à Tokyo ! Tu nous montrais des personnes inspirantes sans forcément être du milieu de la mode !
    On dit que la mode se nourrit de la rue : pourquoi ne pas faire quelques micro-trottoirs par exemple ?

    Ou bien donner une pièce issue de la collection Kate Spade x Garance Doré à plusieurs de tes amies ou inconnues et leur demander de l’intégrer dans leur placard et savoir ce qu’elle évoque pour elle !

    Et puis, encore et encore de tes sourires et fous-rires ! Ils nous font beaucoup de bien !

    Garance, sais-tu si Kate Spade va bientôt livrer en France ? Car pour nous c’est d’un frustrant !! ^^

  • OK Garance – this is exciting! Thinking back on all your videos one of my favorite things about them (aside from your super charming narration) is the music – I always love it & I always find myself adding your songs to my playlist! So that makes me think – how great would it be if you could share a little bit about the soundtrack that goes into the shows. It’s always so good & totally sets the tone – but hardly ever gets any attention! So you know – meet DJ that is putting it together – listen to the track – share some of the mood – put your spin on it – whatever you do will be super adorable! xx

  • All the videos were fun and diverse…interviews were fab!

    My suggestion:

    A fun collage of vignettes would be to find a key model from each show (after the show, when most are breathing and apt to be silly) and ask, “What would you take home with you right now, from this show?”

    Then illustrate from the show. That means you have to have footage of the shows you do the question with. A lot of work, for sure! But it should be fun!

  • Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?

    Sans aucune doute, l’épisode 4, quand, entre copines, vous commentez les shows… Voir des images des défilés, pourquoi pas, mais on voit les mêmes images un peu partout. Ce que j’adore, c’est découvrir l’ambiance, les impressions de chacun(e), avant, l’excitation, après, les réactions… Avec des images pour illustrer, et des images qui montrent les fous rires, ce sont des moments-vérité, les moments les plus passionnants.

    En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ?

    La fraîcheur, la spontanéité, la subjectivité. Si on veut du journalisme froid et qui nous laisse nous faire notre avis, on va voir les clichés, on va voir du sans voix off… Les Pardon my french sont TON avis, et c’est ça qu’on (ok, que je..) cherche, à connaître un avis.

    Un seul moment? Tilda Swinton, merveilleuse, intense.

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?

    Des nouveautés… Je ne sais pas. Bosse, un peu, mince! Plus de “vignettes”, c’est sûr… C’est court à regarder (faut penser à nous au boulot!), drôle, ça donne un coup de fouet… Même si c’est pour ne rien dire, c’est toujours neuf pour nous, même quand c’est juste pour montrer comment poser son mascara, souligner une erreur de prononciation… Nous, pauvres mortelles, on ne SAIT pas tout ça! On en est avide.

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?

    TOUT LE MONDE. Tes potes, qu’on aperçoit dans les photos, pour les voir se mouvoir. Ton homme, qu’on ne voit pas, planqué derrière ses photos. Les grands noms… et les petites mains? Dans les coulisses, celles qui mettent au point la dernière épingle? Elles sont glamour elles aussi, non?

  • Concours et initiative sympathiques alors je tente ma chance !

    Mes moments préférés de la première saison ?
    Les coulisses des événements, les rencontres avec les personnalités et créateurs. Mais aussi les moments “off” et le fait que grâce à ton accent, je comprenne parfaitement ce que tu dis quand tu parles en Anglais, et sans les sous-titres !

    En quoi est-ce qu’il m’ont marqué ?

    Les rencontres que tu fais sont toujours intéressantes car on sent que comme tu es quelqu’un de simple et naturel, les personnes n’hésitent pas à se livrer à toi, et à se confier en toute honnêteté (en tout cas, c’est l’impression que cela donne).

    Une rubrique / idée que j’aimerais voir dans les prochaines vidéos ?

    Une présentation de ton équipe, savoir comment vous travaillez ensemble, la répartition des rôles… bref, découvrir qui se cache derrière la Garance Doré team !

    Qui j’aimerais que tu rencontres dans la nouvelle saison ?

    Pourquoi ne pas partir à la rencontre d’autres blogueuses mode, pour qu’elles nous donnent leur vision de la mode, leurs points de vue sur les défilés en question, échanger avec elles sur ton parcours, leur donner des conseils… Je pense à des jeunes blogueuses comme The Little World Of Fashion, Pauline Fashion Blog…

    En tout cas, sache que Pose Mag adorerait te suivre pour un reportage durant la prochaine fashion week parisienne !

  • Saloute Garance ! :)

    Moi ce que j’ai adoré c’est tout simplement de voir comment ça se passe en dehors des shows. C’est vrai on nous en met toujours plein la vue avec des shows plus beaux les uns que les autres mais c’est chouette de voir l’insight de tout ça. Aussi ça nous permet d’imaginer (avec un peu de folie certes, mais qu’est-ce que c’est excitant) que nous aussi on est là qq part! Parmi tes girlfriends! Et qui ce le caméraman arrêtait de se mettre devant nous, on pourrait aussi enfin être filmé avec nos nouvelles sandales :)

    Une rubrique nourriture :) Préfériez-vous un cupcake myrtille car il va avec la couleur de la robe ou un bon hotdog qui remet bien le ventre en place après une soirée bien arrosée. Parce que bon, on me la fait pas à moi :) C’est bien de boire du thé vert (j’en bois tout le temps) mais un bon ptit burger ça fait quand même du bien par où ça passe! Et puis vous avez gouté aux aperitivo du Blender à Milan? Ou ceux du Navigli? Peut-être qu’une bonne baguette française avec un bon fromage est le meilleur moyen de déjeuner entre girls. Bref, vous mangez quoi pour vous sentir belles et fraiches?

    J’aimerais que tu rencontres les couturières d’une grande marque! Parce qu’on oublie parfois que même si elles, pardon ils (ne soyons pas machistes), ne dessine pas les outfits, tout tient sur leur épaule. Y a pas intérêt à confondre largueur et longueur! Et puis broder toutes les pièces à la main! Quel travail! Ca m’épate moi! Quand on regarde les robes du défilé Chanel Byzance, que de bijoux sur les robes! On travaille en équipe? Je couds et toi tu découpes? Ca marche pour moi en tout cas!

    Des bisous

  • My favorite moments of season one were: when you showed how you apply make up in the “episode” The parisiennes, and when you spit what you were eating at the exhibition at colette (so funny, I just loved these not-too-serious, not-too-fashion moments!)
    And then the chats with Diane Von Furstenberg and Isabel Marant, because, hey! they’re amazing women!
    In the new season, we could follow you doing yoga or going running (since you’ve written several times about these healthy activities of yours).. Well, and I’d love to see the new places you’re going to! (and more interviews and chats with your girlfriends!)

  • Hello Garance,

    j ai adoré les episodes de pardon my french!

    pour ma part, les meilleurs moments ont été multiples! d abord le fait qu on te voit pas mal à l’ecran jongler entre interview (sublimes avec isabel marant) , ta vie perso et drole avec de superbes filles (cf tes virées avec viviana et elisa) et bien sur tout plein de mode et des defilés!!!

    enfin bon en un mot, j ai juste haaaaaaaaate de voir les suivants ;)

    quant aux rencontres, je reverai de te voir parler à des fashion editoooors genre taylor tomasi hill ou encore la sublimissime carine roitfeld!

    le moment le plus drole à mes yeux, et l’un des mieux réussi est lorsque l’on te suit avec tes cops entre défilés,cafés,fiesta,apero et qu on croise scott!

    en fait c est un tout,

    a bientot


  • I LOVED the Julianne Moore moment “Back at ‘cha!” I admit to rewinding that a few times.

    Season 1 made fashion week your oyster! Although I loved the glamour, it was cool all mashed up with all the real NYC/ Paris moments like walking, touching up your makeup in the park, the high school reunion feel of fashion week and all the taxis in between.

    I was really inspired that you gave a voice to a lot of fashion insiders, Emanuelle Alt, Isabelle Marant, etc. Next up, how about Victoire de Castellane, Raf Simons, Haider Ackermann, and to dream big lets say Lagerfeld!

  • 1) I really enjoyed the scenes with you and your friends.
    2) In watching this season I really felt like your true passion for life an fashion really shined through. And I Loved when you met up with your friends after Chanel and revealed the crystal you had taken as a souvenir.
    3) I would Love to see longer episodes because I really couldn’t get enough.
    4) longer in depth conversations with designers. I would love to see you do an interview with Marc Jacobs or Hedi Slimane. Even you meeting other bloggers with a different perspective like Pelayo Diaz from Kate loves me or Jane from sea of shoes.

    Most of all I would Love to
    See this show outside of the perspective of Fashion week.

  • What I love about Pardon My French is that the videos are sincere and
    have heart.
    The voice from your blog is transferred seamlessly through this medium.
    That being said, I would suggest more on Garance Doré studios and a
    video version of Career. I’d be curious to hear about the career paths
    of women who created their own jobs in the fashion/beauty industry
    through a video montage following them throughout their day and/or

    Et si je peux suggérer de voir encore plus de la fabuleuse Isabel Marant?


  • Bon bon Garance, tu sais que je te harcèle pour cette coque d’iPhone depuis Twitter, impossible donc que je ne participe pas!! Tes Pardon My French ont été très inspirants pour moi et m’ont donné envie de réaliser mes propres vidéos. Donc je te dirais “ne change rien!”, mais je participe à un concours après tout, alors voici mes réponses!

    Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?- Lorsqu’on te voyait faire la fête et tous les moments que tu passais entre copines.

    En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ? Bien que ton travail ne soit pas que glamour, de voir que tu t’amuses (et que tu bois!) et que tu as des fous rire sincères on sent moins que c’est un job, mais une circonstance extraordinaire. Et tout le monde rêve d’un congé pour passer du temps entre amies mais pour toi, c’est une partie du job.

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ? Une partie humoristique où tu dirais “dans le prochaine épisode de Pardon My French” et vois les “mauvais” côté du job, par exemple on te vois avoir de la difficulté à te réveiller suite à une fête ou te vois mettre tes vêtements sans dessus dessous pour trouver la tenue idéale. Même si on ne le voit pas dans le-dit prochaine épisode, ça ajouterait quelque chose de drôle!

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ? Shala Monroque est mon icône, mais j’ai beaucoup aimé lorsque tu nous présentais ta traductrice de Tokyo. Quand tu nous présentes des gens qui sont pas directement liés à la mode, j’adore ça!

    À bientot Garance et encore une fois bravo pour ta collaboration avec Kate Spade!

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?

    My favorite moments had to be the narration and the behind the scenes look at all of the cool and stylish people in fashion week. Whether we’re sitting down with them at their home, before the runway, during the runway, or our to lunch – it feels like the viewer is a part of all the action!

    Why did you like them ?

    As an avid subscriber, I clearly already love reading about the world and about fashion from your point of view. It makes the videos seem like you’re watching an old friend on an exciting journey. The humorous tidbits like Scott and you in the freezing winter of New York made the videos that much more charming ;)

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?

    In the upcoming Pardon My French series, I would love to see even more designer interviews, and maybe even a behind-the-scenes look at the crunch time before Fashion Week. So rarely do we get a peek at all of the hard work and effort is put into each show from the models to the PR to the backstage planning.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

    Maybe in the new series your videos can be broken up to portray what Fashion Week is like for new designers, designers who are doing their second go-around and veteran designers. I’m interested to see the differences between how each designer prepares for this huge moment in their career.

  • I really like how personal it all is and how different each video is. I like that you put different things i’m each video – something from the shows, the time before and after a show and something personal.
    The commentary is sooo good! I live how you make fashion more accesible to everyone :)
    My favourite scene is the ind with your friends having tea, very sex and the City as you said.

    I would love an interview with stella McCartney, because like you, i love her! :)

  • I loved most episode 3, Women for the candid moments with stylish women being just them selves. Garance you are so personable and charming on camera I would love to see more more more!!!

  • Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?

    Te voir entouré de tes amis au café ou avec scott dans le taxi. Bref les moments intimes avant-après les shows où l’on découvre l’aventure totale qu’est la fashion week.

    En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ?

    Parce que justement en plus des strass et paillettes que peuvent être les shows, on voit des moments simples et surtout drôles ! The true and funny Garance comme dirait les américains ;)

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?
    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?

    Ce que je trouverais sympa ce serait de continuer à suivre les grandes icones fashion (editor etc..) mais aussi (si c’est possible) d’interviewer quelqu’un du show qui participe à l’envers du décor. Comme je ne sais pas couturière, organisatrice, maquilleuse… Quelqu’un du background qui délivrerait une impression du show; ou bien des interviews de mannequins, voir comment elles ont senti le show, leurs goûts vestimentaires aussi …

    voilà voilà. bonne chance et vivement la saison II !

  • Hi Garance!

    I most adore in the first season of Pardon My French all of your little extras, like when you close your eyes to successfully apply mascara (I do this trick now every day!).

    I loved the overall mood of the Dior bag episode. The colors, music, evolution of the bag and overall feel of the clip. Something like this episode is most inspiring and fun to watch.

    I’d be crazy cool if you could interview Anna Della Russo or LSD. And DEFINITELY continue to interview trendy people like Lana Del Rey (because however much everyone hates her big lips I still play her music over and over and over again)!!

    I’d also LOVE to see, of course, more of your own personal fashion trends and ideals, like in the taxis!! I love your little taxi clips with your friends and Scott, jaunting from show to show, lots of energy and movement! Maybe add more interviews in the cabs like you did with Emmanuelle Alt!


  • Voilà une belle idée, Garance, que de nous faire participer de la sorte !
    Alors pour ma part : j’ai apprécié les Pardon My French, pour leurs images pleines de gaieté, de spontanéité, de couleurs, bref, de vie.
    En opposition aux itws du type de celle d’Isabel Marant par exemple, pourquoi ne pas pousser la porte des boutiques multimarques de quartiers, tenues par des filles certes inconnues, mais souvent super créatives, imaginatives et au final, très inspirantes ? (bon, d’accord, là, tout de suite, j’en ai bien une, de boutique et de fille, en tête, qui réunit TOUTES ces qualités, mais bon, je ne parlerai que sous la menace… enfin, je veux dire, si on me le demande !!)
    Et puis aussi, pourquoi ne pas pousser la porte de ces autres boutiques, ultra-connues celles-là, et qui aussi représentent une part d’identité d’une ville ? A Paris, Colette, par exemple…
    Merci encore, Garance !

  • Garance!

    J’ai adoré la première saison!! Le moment le plus hilarant est clairement quand tu as volé Chanel!
    C’était super intéressant de voir les coulisses de la fashion week à travers tes yeux et pour la prochaine saison j’aimerais beaucoup que tu interviewes des éditeurs, acheteurs, PR etc (bref tous les métiers impliqués) pour qu’on puisse avoir leur perspective sur la fashion week et savoir comment ils la vivent. Encore mieux si c’est les incroyables Miroslava Duma et Taylor Tomasi Hill.

    Raconte nous aussi comment tu fais pour choisir les fringues que tu vas porter pendant toutes ces semaines! (oh calvaire)

    Je me réjouis déjà de la prochaine saison!xx

  • Salut ! Super idée !
    Alors mes moments préférés :
    Le Japon off course ! Je ne connaissais pas du tout et j’ai adoré ! La peinture au temple sur le Lady Dior reste en particulier en mémoire, ensuite dans celui sur Cannes, les moments sur le scooter, c’était le bordel mais tellement réaliste et drôle dans cette ambiance très “élégante” de Cannes, Ha et bien sûr les interviews de Emmanuel Alt et de Isabel Marrant, en fait les moments dans la voiture que je trouve parfaits, un espèce de “caméra café” à la Garance Doré !!!
    Une idée ou une rubrique peut-être faire un Pardon My French sur ton studio dont tu nous parles parfois, ou en Corse (tiens ouii en Corse !) , ou sur la réalisation d’un Pardon My French ça pourrait être sympa !
    A la prochaine saison, j’adore le style d’Alessandra C. si jamais on peut faire une interview de son parcours ! Sinon Charlotte Olympia & Alice Dellal, et pourquoi pas de Scott sur son parcours !
    Gros bisous !

  • Favorite moments? Discovering Isabel Marant and Emanuelle Alt in “Les Parisiennes”, because I had the chance to see the amazing women behind a famous fashion brand (that she built!) / the best fashion magazine – Vogue France. I would love to hear more fashion advices from them (as ‘essentials’, etc) or other extraordinary women. I think it would be great to see interviews with controversed people like Victoria Beckam – I heard that she îs witty and has a great sense of humour, si different from the ‘ice queen’ image in tabloids …. I think you are great, Garance, and I wish you all the best! Alexandra

  • Super!!!! Merci pour le concours!

    Alors, mes réponses:
    – ce que j’aime dans la première saison, c’est le mélange entre images de défilés et de tes commentaires. J’aimerais aussi voir un peu mieux les tenues que tu portes car elles sont vraiment des sources d’idées. J’aime aussi les rubriques où tu parles avec tes copines. Et le choix des musiques est très chouette.
    -personnes à interviewer: Inès de la Fressanges (je la trouve sympa et j’aimerais avoir son point de vue sur la fashion week) + un nouveau styliste comme Cédric Charlier
    – rubrique que j’aimerais voir: comment tu te prépares pour la fashion week


  • Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?
    Les interviews de créateurs que l’on n’a pas l’habitude de voir à la TV. My favorite celle d’Isabel Marrant.

    En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ?
    Ces interviews sont très fraiches et informelles ce qui rend les créateurs très accessibles.

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?

    Tes sublimes photos de défilé car avec on peut mieux découvrir et aimer les collections qu’en vidéo!

    Sinon ce que personne n’ose dire pendant les défilés.

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?
    Kate Moss
    Frida Giannini
    Marc Jacobs

  • Hi Garance, I dont know how It till work for international readers, Im from brazil from I’ll be in NYC some days during fashion week.
    Loved Pardon my french! Its funny to slowly see how many talents you have.

    – Which were your favorite moments of season one? Why did you like them?
    Not gonna lie that I have a lot of favorite moments, really! Here is the top three:
    The one about technology and Scott tweeting behind your back, best scene ever! LOL Both of you work with fashion, photograph and have blogs, so Its interesting to see that what can look similar is actually very different.
    You show us a different side of fashion week. Fashion videos are usually about glamour, amazing clothes and the models, perfect bodys and prefect looks. I love that you talk about your hair, says how you are tired, in the end of one of the episodes you are posting late at night and I think you are wearing pijamas, this shows how fashion week really is!
    And the friends!!!! Different perspectives from the shows, opinions from people that are cool, funny, smart… I already feel like a friend of you all!!! LOL Can I go to the next brunch in Paris?
    Last but not least, the whole episode from Paris, one that you stole the cristal from Chanel!!!! Everyone wants to do it, I doubt Anna Wintour doesn’t!

    – Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos?
    How you choose what you are going to wear! I wonder if Scott suggest something.
    And you dont seem to be shopaholic, you see so many beautiful things during fashion week, and meeting designers, going to all this cities, dont you just want to buy it all? How do you select what is going to be on your closet?

    – Who would you like for me to meet in the new season?
    Maybe Galiano?! Well no one ever talked to him after what happend, doesnt he have something to say? I bet we all wanna hear. Or Karl! He is just amazing, always has something to say on everyone. A third option, Sarah Burton, such a powerfull woman and she has done an amazing job at the maison McQueen.

    I want the case so bad!!!!! :)

  • Kristina August, 13 2012, 3:28 / Reply

    Garance you little videos is like a life – you can’t choose just one moment from it. Because if you are happy, you’re enjoying every single moment of it !!
    I’m crazy for les macarons. And when I’m watching yours videos and feeling something like that when I’m eating them – time stops for extraordinary pleasure !
    I live in small country. And I always dream a lot about Paris. I have a list what I would love to do in this city. After you videos it it increasing rapidly… :)
    Till now you knew , who you want to meet and what you want to shoot. These videos went from you heart and this is the reason why it touched our hearts. Keep going !

    Pardon My French, but J’adore Garance Dore !!!

  • My favorite moments of these videos are actually hearing your voice and seeing your personality. After years of reading your blog, I think people feel like they’re your friend because honestly we know A LOT about you…how you treat your skin, what dress you bought and never wore, or how you couldn’t find a razor once….but these videos gave a voice, a sound, to your amazing words. So….I hope in your future videos there is even more of you (and based on your recent posts….perhaps a little bit Corsica!).

  • Carmen LYnde August, 13 2012, 3:31 / Reply

    Loved the interviews … esp with DVF, Isabel Marant & Emmanuelle Alt. Would be great to see you interview Cecilia Bonstrom next. Enjoyed the videos and thanks for ‘taking us with you’!

  • Bonjour Garance,

    Ah quelle bonne idée! Je me lance donc.

    Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?
    Sans aucun doute l’épisode hey Ladies où l’on te voit avec tes copines en train de déjeuner et commenter les défilés. Vous avez l’air de vraiment vous amuser, d’être en symbiose et…finalement si normales qu’on pourrait être copines nous aussi avec vous. Le film est si bien fait qu’on a envie nous aussi de commenter à vos côtés, de vous dire, je n’ai pas tout compris et d’échanger des éclats de rire. Et puis cette rencontre intimiste avec Diane ou la rédactrice en chef du Vogue Italien m’ont énormément inspirée.

    En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ?
    Le fait de me sentir de la fête. Le fait de faire de nous des petites souris que tu emmenais partout avec toi m’a conquise! Et puis, véritablement, vivre tout ça de l’intérieur avec toi comme guide, c’était assez enivrant et instructif à la fois.

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?
    Sans aucun doute les interviews natures (comme celle dans le taxi avec Emmanuelle ou celle avec DVF), ou moments insolites dont on retire un petit souvenir – tangible une tendance, un dessin ou une phrase – que tu pourrais collecter comme dans cet épisode de Tokyo que je trouvais extrêmement artistique. Pourquoi ne pas essayer de collectionner quelques touches et inspirations par ci par là dictées par des personnes qui t’inspirent (couturiers, mannequins, maquilleurs, photographes, bloggeurs…) afin de nous livrer en avant première un petit carnet de bord de la saison à venir telle que tu l’as ressentie. Juste une petite idée comme une autre.

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?
    Karl Lagarfeld – je vous vois éclater de rire ensemble, je ne sais pas pourquoi.

    Mais quoi qu’il arrive, je pense que les moments les plus sympas sont ceux où l’on te voit échanger, sourire, partager….

    Bonne chance pour la saison 2 & merci de demander notre avis!


  • I liked the part where you and your friends met up for lunch and you all agreed that packing for Fashion Week is a nightmare and that you never get it exactly right. I love this because it highlighted how an ensemble that makes you feel uncomfortable or uncool or somehow inappropriate can completely deflate your mood and confidence. (Ok, none of you were as dramatic as that about it; that was just me projecting.)
    So, in some future episode, I would like to take a peek into one or more of these girls’ suitcases. I want them to explain their logic in packing what they did, which pieces they’re excited to wear and with what, which pieces they’re sorry they didn’t leave at home (and now have conceived an irrational hatred for and probably will never wear again), which pieces they consider standby old faithfuls, and which are completely fashion-fresh. I’d also like to know what kind of stuff they gravitate towards, no matter the season or trend, that never fails to make them feel comfortable and confident and how they negotiate their fashion comfort zone with the pressure at Fashion Week to look like a total glamazon. Or are they too cool and blase to feel that?

  • I truly love everything you do, bringing the fashion world to us, “little average people” working about and carrying on every day. Thank you for the beauty, creativity, humour and inspiration you bring into my life every day. Your episodes are superb, showing us bits of the world and opening the door of the fashion world for those of us who are curious but not directly involved in it. I can’t say I have a favourite episode, many details stand out for me, already mentioned above, and ( also already mentioned ) – the music is perfect!

    One aspect of the fashion world I have NEVER seen yet, and anxiously await someday, is women who are not ideally proportioned, but having that same unique individual style, and most of all, CONFIDENCE as I’ve seen in the women you’ve featured so far. I’M 5’1″ and a size 12, above average AND petite. Finding fashion inspiration and style advice for someone my size is pretty much impossible. I long for a time when women of all shapes and sizes are represented in the fashion world, those whose bodies are not ideal, but who still look amazing and make other women look amazing too.

    Seeing a feature of someone like that would be so very welcome!

    Thank you and stay creative!!

  • Hello Garance!

    Top moments of Pardon My French Season 1 would definitely be those of the second episode, Welcome to Paris! Such an amazing, original and beautiful viewpoint of the city of lights from a parisienne! I also loved the mini interview with Emmanuelle Alt inside a limousine, as well as the chit-chat with Diane Von Furstenberg… Her words were really inspiring to me, a 19 year-old girl! I love that through these videos the viewers can take a small sip of your everyday frenzy. I would like to see a video dedicated to Corsica, maybe with some of your family members appearing, just for a glimpse! Also, small moments from the fashion shows would be awesome! I twould be great if you could meet and make a feature of a jewellery designer, maybe to see how are things done in the process… Even if I am not one of the three lucky ones to win the Kate Spade case, I really hope I helped somehow!

    Thank you and your colleagues for inspiring my inner world!

  • Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ? J’ai adoré en particulier l’épisode parisienne ( Oui , oui ce n’est pas vraiment original pour une française mais bon j’aimerais vivre dans Paris et travailler pour un magazine de mode alors quand dans une seule vidéo tu mets Paris et Emmanuelle Alt c’est un peu un rêve éveillée ( je sens que je commence déjà à vous ennuyiez ! :D )
    En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ? Tes nombreuses rencontres mon marqué ( DVF , Emmanuelle Alt , Franca Sozzani et j’en passe ) , Ta simplicité à les interviewer .. Bref je suis fan :)
    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ? Peut être une vidéo sur des personnalités de la mode dans lesquelles elles raconteraient leur parcours , ce qu’elles ont fait et par ou elles en sont passées pour arriver là ou elles sont aujourd’hui ( Mon dieu j’ai moi même du mal a me comprendre alors si vous y arrivee .. Chapeau ! )
    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ? Je pense que peu importe que tu rencontres , je suis sure que ce sera une personne inspirante .

    Voili , Voilo .. J’espère peut-être vous avoir inspiré ( Si moi , j’arrive à inspirer Garance Doré et son équipe je pourrai mourir tranquille :P )

    Bisous à vous , Anaïs .

  • Ohhh, the best moment was when you were in Paris and teaching us how to put mascara on in the park.

    I loved you were so happy and so Parisian.

    It could be interesting if you could do fashion videos all around the world with each country fashion styles. I believe it could be unique if it’s done by your camera and eye.

    There are plenty of people I would love to see. In case you have chance, get close to Madonna :-D

  • Alors, Garance ! Le moment que j’ai beaucoup aimé dans la première saisons été celui de la fête anniversaire des dix ans d’Albert Elbaz à la maison Lanvin. Lorsque tu danses avec Nathalie Joos m’a fait mourir de rire ( ne cherche pas pourquoi, moi non plus je ne sais pourquoi je m’esclaffe à chaque fois que je vous cette vidéo ). Bref. Ça marqué parce qu’on sent qu’il y a quand même des sentiments d’amour et d’attachement pour un designer ( moi qui pensait que le monde de la mode aimait se la jouer à la Anna Wintour ).

    La rubrique que j’aimerais voir dans la deuxième saison serait comment faire pour tenir une journée de Fashion Week ( comment d’habiller selon le défilé dans lequel on se rend, faut-il se changer une ou plusieurs fois ?, ou comment se retrouver dans une ville en pleine FW de rendez-vous en rendez-vous ?, comment jouer avec les photographes de Street Style etc etc ).

    Pour la personnalité que j’aimerais que tu rencontres, je verrai soit une hit girl ( Alexandre Chung, Pixie Geldof ou Poppy Delevigne ), ou une grande blogueuses ( Rumi
    Neely par exemple ) ou pourquoi pas Raf Simons ?

  • Cassie Dulworth August, 13 2012, 4:04 / Reply

    Hi Garance!

    Personally, as soon as I found your blog I was in love with your PMF videos. The thing I love is that you show all of the little moments that a reader doesn’t normally see from pictures. The unglamorous moments like waiting around for people to photograph or talk to. These moments when you’re talking or just being yourself make me so happy because that’s how life actually is!
    I think it would be amazing if your continued featuring little conversations with the designers you meet as collections are so much more magical when you know the mind and thought behind them. Maybe also, you could talk about your favorite pieces in difference collections and how you would actually wear them in real life. Something you’ve talked about before is that you can’t just throw on trends of clothes because you have to stay true to yourself and your own style. I love this!

    Good luck to all.

  • Hello Garance !

    Just wanted to tell you that I really like that you do ! All your posts are fun, light and fashion, everything I like !

    1. My favourite episode was… the very first one. Why ? Because it was the first one and it was new. And also because I felt like : Wouah, a video, that’s so cool ! I couldn’t wait to watch it ;-) I felt like I was travelling as well, and that feeling is just great. Thank you so much !

    2 + 3. I don’t know, maybe try to interview people who don’t usually get the main attention during a fashion show ? And ask them what’s the nicest memory they keep from the show/ the fashion weeks they went to/ their career ?

    Anyway, I’m sure the next season will be amazing ! I can’t wait to watch it !

    Thanks again for what you do. Take care and enjoy London ! xxx

  • bonjour

    je vais sans doute rien gagner a dire ca mais c est sincere . tes articles sont vraiment bien ecrits et l univers qui s en degage est bien plus magique que les videos que j ai vu .
    en effet , je pense qu une video demande beaucoup et le resultat est souvent le contraire de ce que l on voudrait transmettre . Celle que j ai vu, m ont paru donner une ambiance superficielle
    je prefere de loin tes entretiens par ecrit .
    bon c est que mon avis , et bien sur je te souhaite de reussir dans le domaine qui t inspire .
    a bientot .

  • 1) Mes moments préférés furent : le moment où tu étais dans ta voiture avec Caroline Issa , et où on voit vraiment que tu es une personne très drôle dans la vie et pas seulement que dans tes articles :) , le moment où tu as interrogé Diane Von Furstenberg , et où elle nous a donné sa recette de son thé au gingendre en toute simplicité , comme si on était dans sa cuisine avec elle , ensuite ce fut le moment où pendant un instant on t’as vu travaillé sur ton canapé le soir , j’adorerais savoir comment tu conçois tes articles et tes dessins :) , et enfin les essayages de robes à Cannes , où l’on t’as vu très coquette mais toujours aussi drôle (très drôle le moment avec la bague ).

    2) J’ai aimé ces moments car sans être vulgaire ou faire voyeurs on a pu découvrir ton intimité , ta manière d’être en live , et j’ai pu réaliser que j’étais pas la seule avoir du duvet (you have moustache :))

    3)Moi j’aimerai avoir un rubrique sur la préparation beauté avant d’aller au défilé , on t’as entrevue dans une de tes videos te faire coiffer , ça serai cool te voir comment tu te prépares le matin (comment tu te maquille même si on a eu un petit aperçu) , et j’adorerai voit ta penderie (bon c’est peut être un peu trop déplacer mais bon ça coûte rien de demander ) , ou alors une rubrique , où à chaque video tu interroge un pro de la mode sur une tendance beauté ou un conseil qu’il a envie de donner (je suis preneuse de conseil sur les cheveux bouclés indomptables)

    4) Enfin j’aimerai bien avoir une interview de Anna Dello Russo ou Elisa Nalin ou de Vivianna Volpicella ou de Scott :)

    Merci Garance pour ce fabuleux concours , mille fois mieux que mon idée de l’argument contre les tatouages , en plus perso je suis pas contre les tatouages
    Bisou <3

  • My favorite moment was you singing New York, New York in the back of a cab. I love it because it is something I would do! Followed by the entire video an Cannes. You are very funny :)

    I would love to see you interview the designers behind Creatures of the Wind. I think their line is incredible fresh and new. I would also love to see you interview Bill Cunningham :)

    A segment I would love to see is: What is in your handbag. I would love to know what people cannot live without and what made it inside!

    Thanks and good luck with season 2!

  • Hello Garance !
    J’ai adoré les Pardon my French ! Je me souviens particulièrement de celui sur les Parisiennes, Franca Sozzani et aussi le périple du sac au Japon :-)
    Ce que j’apprécie par dessus tout, c’est de voir un peu l’envers du décor, les dé-briefings entre copines, toussa toussa !
    Et tiens, comme rubrique, quelque chose sur la musique des défilés, ça m’intéresserait bien, avec une interview de Michel Gaubert, why not ?
    Et aussi un gros truc sur Hedi Slimane chez YSL, ce serait énooorme !! Comment il travaille depuis les States, ses influences, l’héritage Saint Laurent, la musique et la photo. Je sens que ça va être un tantinet plus rock, j’ai hâte de voir ça !

  • I loved every single one of your Pardon My French episodes because it allowed readers like me to really get a sense of who Garance Doré is, not that your personality isn’t already portrayed in your writing. In a sense, it made you more real.
    If I were to choose my favourite episode, it would have to be the one where you went to Tokyo to do the collaboration with the white Lady Dior bag. I’m not sure if this episode counted towards your Pardon My French series, but I loved how you used the Dior bag as your passport around Tokyo. Essentially, each stop you made, the artists gave the bag their own personal stamp. It’s so creative! The perfect souvenir anyone could ask for. You may not have intended this, but by doing this video, I have written down all the places you visited hoping to put it on my itinerary when I head to Tokyo. So thank you!
    I think I would love to see something like this again in your new season with another city! I think it’s a great way for your readers to see the local artists, for then you can really witness the city’s true culture.
    Thanks for doing this contest and hoped I helped out!!! =)

  • Mon préféré est sans hésitation le Pardon My French à Cannes! Le plus drôle!! Je l’ai visionné au moins quatre fois tellement j’ai ris!!! Hé oui, rien de plus drôle que tes “hot bodyguards” qui dansent magnifiquement bien (j’ai adoré la session “party” (hahaha “J.No” danse tellement bien!!!)), le “be careful to the police” stressé de J.No en scooter, la liste impressionnante de stars, le magnifique paysage cannais, ton humour (le fait que tu ne te prends jamais pour une star, ton vrai bodyguard qui est un mix entre Georges Clooney et Ryan Gosling (là il faut imaginer et c’est… spécial…), ton pastis mais aussi lorsque tu montres l’énorme bague qui nous fait mal aux yeux!!) J’ai adoré! Avec Emily et J.No, vous formez une sacrée équipe!
    Pour un Prochain Pardon My french, je te verrais bien à Paris en train de nous montrer tes habitudes de Parisienne, ce qu’on croit sur la Parisienne et qui est vrai/faux! Ou sinon dans une ville avec des créateurs un peu méconnus du grand public… Mais bon, nous, on regarde surtout tes vidéos pour te voir parce que c’est toi, la vrai star, et non les créateurs ou acteurs que tu rencontres même si ça nous intéresse beaucoup!
    Pleins de bisous, Garance!!!!!!!!!

  • Hi Garance,

    My fave bits of Season One: the imaginary conversations – ‘Stella, will you be my BFF?’ ‘Hello, Kenzo?’

    I would like more of the same next season please – the beautiful insights into the shows, the girlie shopping trips, meeting your super cool new friends (hello, corrine bailey rae!) and of course, the guess the celebrity ‘yes’ ‘no’ game from the stolen seat cards. Naughty Garance!

    And if you could include a little meeting withn Her Royal Highness Miuccia Prada too then that would be, well, super cool! ;)


  • Hi Garance!
    I absolutely love Pardon My French! It’s so refreshing and never fails to put a smile on my face.
    My favorite moment in the 1st season was when you lifted the crystal from the Chanel show. What a great souvenir!
    What I loved the most about the videos was how happy and friendly the people in fashion are. We’re alwasys shown pictures of un-smiling models, and it’s nice to have a sneak peek at their lives off-duty.
    What I’d love to see in the next season would be the inside of a purse. What do models/designers/editors carry inside their beautiful bags?
    Thanks so much for bringing such amazing videos to our lives! Love you guys!


  • I loved the interviews with DVF and Franca Sozzani– I think the older generation is so fascinating and has so much spunk and insight! I would love to see an interview with Costanza Pascolato!

    also I loved the interview with Charlotte Dellal and it would be so interesting to meet her sister!

    you do such a great job with PMF, it really succeeds because your personality shines through, and the personalities of your friends then as well.

  • Dear Garance,

    Big congratulations on the collaboration with Kate Spade! Your print is amazing and it turns clothes into pieces of modern art which is great!

    – “Which were your favorite moments of season one ? Why did you like them ?”

    In the first season of Pardon My French I just loved the short talks with fashion professionals in the car – it looks as if they are shot while you are travelling from one show to another. It gave me the feeling that I am there with you feeling the thrill of being very busy, meeting different people and being a part of the world of fashion.
    I also loved the episode showing you work on your I-pad in the cafe – it looked like a beautiful moment in the life of a young and dynamic professional.

    – “Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?”

    How about something like – Fashion week through the eyes of the working girls.

    In one of the episodes you showed what you had in your purse – how about also show us what other girls working in the field of fashion have in their purses? You could pick a few of your friends – one for every city in which you would shoot Pardon My French this season – that work in the field of fashion (stylist, editor, photographer) and that visit the city to cover Fashion week.
    You could run with your friend around the town, show us show how busy her schedule is, you could show us what she has in her suitcases – how many clothes and shoes did she take with her, how she decides what to wear for the different shows, when and how she works. It would be super fun and very interesting :)
    You could start with an episode showing how you prepare for your month of Fashion weeks – from your schedule to packing. You could take us into your closet and show us what you take with you for your travels.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

    You’ve already written about Caroline Issa and Elisa Nalin but it would be very exciting to see them in action during Fashion week – what inspires them during this period for their work, what are their tasks during the week in a city that they visited specially for the fashion shows.
    I also loooove the work of Christopher Bailey… so meeting him for us would be great!

    Can’t wait for the new season! Have fun :)

  • Dear Garance,

    First of all Ithink your blog is a refreshing change in the world of fashion. I read it on a weekly basis buring breaks and always enjoy the topics you choose and the pictures you take. If blogging could be a form of art I think that you are one of its groundbreaking artists.

    I really loved your little interviews that come along with tips (that everyone can use) , for example with DVF the ginger tea (which is a delicious recipe)! I also loved hearing different points of view (who liked/desliked which show). You always meet up with challenging and iconic people (Isabel Marant, Emmanuelle Alt, Charlotte Olympia) which is just inspiring and amazing to watch. What I especially love is that your videos always give an “insider’s” view on fashion with intimate moments and also honesty without being harsh (which is rare).

    I would really love to see more of backstage before the shows or before fashionweek and more in depth interviews with models.

    In the new season I would really love to see more Carven, Rochas, Thakoon and Marni. Carine Roitfeld, Stefano Pilati and also Alexander Wang and Sarah Burton. People from all over the world, street style and the wackyiest outfits in the audience of fashion shows always impress me.

    Thank you so much for all the time you commit to illuminating our breaks and browsing!



  • Moments préférés: Tous les à côtés durant les shows. c’est toujours très intéressant de voir un peu l’envers du décor, ce que les uns et autres pensent, l’excitation, la tension… et aussi l’épisode au Japon mais ça c’est purement subjectif (j’adore l’Asie)

    Idées ou rubriques pour prochaines vidéos: un aperçu “rapide” de votre travail d’équipe

    Qui rencontrer: des artistes divers et variés: musiciens( ceux participants aux défilés), cinéastes, acteurs, graphistes,architectes….

  • Season 1 était magnifique! Cette fois-ci, j’aimerais bien voir une rencontre avec Solange, qui est tellement adorable et tellement chic. Bisous, xo

  • What I like the most is the shoots outside the shows! It’s so inspiring to look at the so well put together outfits people wear for fashion week!

    I would love more of those shoots as well as meeting more of your friends, and hear about their favourites. They are so cool!


  • Hi Garance,

    Pardon my French is amazing, I just watched 4 and 3! I didn’t know Charlotte Olympia was so beautiful. WOW! Plus, you and your friends are more stylish than sex and the city. Anyway, I wanted to win your lovely iphone case. It would be super cool to have it at the IFB conference, but it is more important to me to enjoy all your videos even if, it will be to late to make a comment…

  • 1 – Which were your favorite moments of season one ?

    Oooh, there were too many! Really, Garance, how are we supposed to decide? But, if I must, the Vignette #7 about Leigh Lezark and the French photographers was hilarious! No words, just humor. I also loved hearing you connect with Corinne Bailey Ray. She seems marvelously down-to-earth and so naturally beautiful, inside and out. You captured her inner grace in conversation, which is part of why I’ve loved your new video adventures!

    2 – Why did you like them ?

    Ok, whoops. I think I sort of answered this one in the question above. Seeing you in action and hearing the voices and seeing the faces of other inspiring people that I may never meet but would love to know. You made that possible last season.

    3 – Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?

    I would LOVE to see you pack for fashion week!! (or month, I guess). I get anxiety trying to coordinate outfits for my family reunions and can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to prepare for a fashion event. Do share!!

    4 – Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

    Hmmm… Ashley and Mary Kate Olsen. I know totally celebrity lame, but you have to admit, they are kind of fascinating! And making a few splashes in the fashion scene too, I hear! ;-)

  • Hi Garance!

    ‘Which were your favorite moments of season one?’
    I really loved Lanvin party, it seemed so emotional and fun, specially Natalie Joos and you dancing! The moments you were with your friends were really nice too, you look so happy surrounded by who you love! The interview with Corinne Bailey Rae was cute! It’s nice to see people from the music world connected with the fashion (just like Paul Mccartney going to Stella Mccartney’s show). The fashion shows are a success a part, and I have to agree with you, Miu Miu’s shows are always adorable and Dries Van Noten is wordless.

    ‘Why did you like them?’
    The hole atmosphere is magic, the fashion shows and the street style, and the way you report it to us is wonderful! Congratulations to you and your team, hope you do it more and more!

    ‘Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos?’
    I’d love to see you talking more about the french style (like you did at “Les Parisiennes”) or talking with the people who work and make the hole thing happen, maybe photographers and journalists.

    ‘Who would you like for me to meet in the new season?’
    I’d like to see you meeting with Anna Wintour and maybe show us the Anna Dello Russo’s closet. I really think photographers are extremely important, you should interview Bill Cunningham, he is an icon!

    Thank you for taking us with you, bisous

    PS: Anna Piaggi was sooo cool (I googled it!).
    PS2: I just loved your make up tips.

  • Moi je ne sais quelle vidéo est ma préférée je les adore toutes ! j’aime beaucoup quand tu es avec tes amies :)
    et se serait bien aussi que tu filmes les petites mains des ateliers, toutes ces personnes qui travaillent derrière tout ça, mais qu’on ne voit jamais.

    bonne continuation !

  • Merci Garance pour cette super idée de cadeaux
    Ce qui m’a particulièrement plus dans cette première saison de Pardon my French est l’épisode qui relate l’évolution d’un sac. Il est classique est tendance au départ et devient archi fashion et personnalisé à la fin…tout au long d’un parcours nous montrant de belles personnes.
    Reprends cette idée d’utiliser un outil pour démontrer le talent et la créativité… des frenchy!

  • Bonjour Garance et sa team !

    Ce qui m’a marqué dans tes vidéos, ce sont les rencontres, notamment avec Emmanuelle Alt, personnage assez mystérieux finalement. J’aimerais bien d’ailleurs un reportage sur le magazine Vogue. Emmanuelle Alt et ses collaboratrices… Il y a quelque chose qui m’intrigue, c’est leur look, très similaire (rappelant une sorte d’uniforme assez fashion !)… est-ce pour éviter les dérives des looks over-dressed à l’extérieur des défilés ? J’aimerais bien en savoir plus, cela m’intrigue.
    J’aimerais beaucoup connaître le processus créatif d’un magazine comme Vogue, avec ton oeil Garance. Cela pourrait être très intéressant.

    Et pourquoi pas une journée dans ta vie pro, et voir le décor de ton blog, tes assistants, etc.
    Cela comblerait la curiosité de tes lectrices !

    Et j’aimerais une rubrique gastronomie… une blogueuse mode qui fait s’exprimer des grands chefs sur leur création… et la vision de fashionista sur le travail de ces artistes culinaires ! Une française se doit de défendre la bonne bouffe !

    D’autres idées de rencontre : Victoire de Castellane… Kate Moss, Kate Middleton !!!!

    Bon, là je délire…. Ah si, même si on la voit souvent, pour moi, Ines de la Fressange est incontournable !


  • Salut Garance !

    Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?
    Les Pardon My French que j’ai préféré sont celui du Japon (pour la découverte d’un endroit qui m’est complétement inconnu et de te suivre dans ta recherche de l’originalité pour le sac Dior) et celui de Cannes (parce qu’on te voit, naturelle et très drôle, parmis les stars dans un endroit magnifique)

    Une rubrique de 30 secondes où les gens qui sont proches de toi, des gens que tu vois tous les jours nous donnent leur petit conseil personnel sur la vie, la beauté, la mode…

    Des gens inconnus de tes rubriques On The Street ou encore plus de stars, des directeurs artistiques, des personnes au style incroyable …

    J’espère que ces idées te plaisent ! Bisous !

  • Hello,

    Mon Androïd Samsung est juste très très très jaloux ;-))

  • Bonne idée de concours! Même si j’aurais préféré qu’on ait plus à “mettre la main à la patte”, être créatives/créatrices :)

    Moments préférés?
    Je ne sais pas si on peut parler de “moments”, mais plutôt d’instants : ces gros plans dans lesquels tu filmes de très très près tes amis ou connaissances, où on les voit sourire, faire des mimiques. Comme si tu n’essayais pas de filmer leur “beauté” technique, mais leur charme, leur personnalité propre, ce qu’ils dégagent. Cela donne une impression de proximité, qui est bien plus chaleureux et plus humain (car plus sensible).

    En quoi sont ils marquant?
    Ils m’ont surement marqué car on se dit que ces personnes extraordinaires sont aussi plutôt ordinaire, des “girls and boys next door” (mais en 100 fois plus passionnés, donc passionnants)

    Idées pour la suite?
    J’ai beaucoup aimé tes articles ayant attrait au corps, au poids. Ils semblaient vrais, vécus (et sans langue de bois…). De la même façon, une vidéo sur ce sujet pourrait être intéressante. Car oui, il y a des filles rondes somptueuses, mais aussi des filles maigres magnifiques. Qu’on peut accepter ses formes tout en étant parfois complexée par elles. Qu’on peut être mince et être toujours au régime, car c’est à ce poids et avec ces efforts qu’on se sent bien. Ou qu’au contraire qu’on puisse être grosse (oui, ce mot n’est pas tabou!) et aimer manger tout en étant ravie, belle et classe en se régalant d’un hamburger.

    Rencontres futures?
    Donc rencontrer ces personnalités multiples, qu’elles soient tes amies, des connaissances, des stars, qu’importe! Juste qu’elles soient franches, avec leurs défauts, leurs fragilités, leurs forces…

  • Hello everybody at Garance Doré Studio!
    My fav. moments were…
    The Women Power moments:
    1) DVF
    2) Emmanuelle Alt
    By inspiration:
    1) Japan&Dior Bag
    2) You smiling, tired, partying…
    What I’ll really like to see next is:
    1) You at work…specially drawing but also writing and taking pictures…
    2) And your life between one plane and another, making the luggages and all that…
    3) An interview with a wonderful mature women like Juliane Moore or Christy Turlington talking beauty&style life…in a cab maybe…or around a coffee or green thé (beurk!)…
    4) Also more about your chignon “issue”… thats really cute…( I started being “cool” so now i’m using chignons all the time and it’s in part your fault!)
    Ok…I think thats it…by the moment..!
    Nani from TLSE

  • – j’ai adoré les moments de retrouvailles avec tes amies où vous échangez sur ce que vous avez vu étaient top. Ils rajoutaient un peu d’âme au contenu. Les images des défilés, on les voit partout. Mais ce qu’en pensent en backstage ceux qui les ont vus c’est autre chose.

    – j’ai été marquée par ta rencontre avec Isabel Marant. On aurait dit 2 sœurs. La même décontraction, le même naturel, la meme degaine, le même chignon.

    – idées futures : un micro-trottoir à la sortie des shows pour savoir ce qui a marqué les esprits, les tendances qui émergent, ce qui a le plus plu.

    – Rencontres futures : avec des mannequins en backstage. Et continue à aller à la rencontre des créateurs avant leur show, c’est génial de sentir cette pression pré-défilé.

  • Garance!

    * My favorite episode EVER was when you went to Tokyo and had your bag turned into the ultimate souvenir. It was super cool because more of YOUR personality ad style showed.. And we got to meet all of those quriky artists and the likes.

    ** You should realllyy just meet up with anybody you think is interesting. Maybe when you do your cute little interviews with friends and photoshoots with fashionable people you could videotape it. It’d feel as if we were there! Which is where we’d all rather be anyways. Maybe you could meet up with some of the greats tooo. Like Anna Wintour??! Or perhaps some of the presumably ultra chic members of your staff? Or take us shopping with you? I think you may have done that in brief, but maybe a whole epidsode about it?


  • Bonjour!!
    What a fabulous and fun way to win such a cute iPhone case!! Which of course I would love ;)

    Here are my answers:
    1. Paris!
    2. I love how the episodes are so YOU! What is said, shown, and how each one is edited is beyond brilliant. Each one is like one of your blog posts that has come alive, they’re 3D!
    3. If your episodes were longer, or if there are more of them, that would be amazing! If that’s not possible, I’d love to see more of your illustration work… You working on it, talking about it, etc.!
    4. This might be far-fetched, but I’d love to see you interview, illustrate, and interact with Charlotte Casiraghi!

    Merci beaucoup! XO

  • Bon Garance, on va faire à l’essentiel étant donné le nombre de pavé que tu vas devoir te farcir ( pardonne moi l’expression ) !

    Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?

    Les sorties de show, les mini interviews sur la banquette d’un taxi, très confession intimes de luxe en soi ^^ et surtout les moments de débats par rapport au shows passés…

    En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ?

    Du fait que tout semble naturel et cool, vécu d’une façon très simple et non hautaine et vaniteuse

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?

    une rubrique consacrée à la tenue des hommes qui accompagnent les modeuses, nous faire vivre au moins une fois, un show vu des coulisse avec toute l’agitation qu’il en ressort ( si possible Givenchy ahah ) ! mais encore nous faire REDÉCOUVRIR la fabuleuse Emmanuelle Alt et son équipe !

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?

    Catherine Baba off course, et puis tiens la suivre toute une journée tellement elle est funny et décalée !

  • Paris was my absolute fav and I loved seeing you with your friends!

    For future pieces would you consider interviewing those standing waaaaay back at the shows. You know, the newbies – maybe it’s their first show and they’re trying really hard to look cool but really they’re beyond excited, or maybe they sneaked in! You have to really love fashion to do that…

    So looking forward to seeing what you come up with. x

  • Je crois que j’adorerai une vidéo avec Mr Dries Van Noten! Ou sur le studio textile!

  • Dear Garance,

    I love love loved your moments in the taxis with your friends and Scott. Just those little hectic moments in between the show.
    I would love you to do a video on what you’ve packed for fashion week. I’m sure we’d all love to see what an awesome person like yourself (just a thatch of flattering there, but I mean it!) brings to an awesome event like nyfw.

    Thanks for everything! <3

  • 1) The episode of you in Tokyo, decorating the handbag.

    2) I loved this entire episode because it seemed like you were having an out of the ordinary adventure. You were going to places well outside your comfort zone, interacting with people that you had difficulty communicating with, and in the end, the depth of the journey really showed through on the bag.

    3) I’d like to see you style something with your mother and/or sister(s). One of my first memories on your blog is a photo you took of your sister, profile, short wider pants, boots, pony tail. And I remember you detailing a styling story where your mother came to the rescue during one of your shoots in Corsica. It would be great to see them on video as well as in your photo stills, to hear them talk, and see you interacting. Plus I bet you make a striking group.

    4) I would like you to meet Anna Wintour! Wouldn’t that be amazing. I wonder if you could make her laugh.

  • 1. I really liked when your did home visits!
    2. The people you talked to was very inspiring!
    3. If you could put together outfits and show us what you are wearing every day, and maybe give us some tips and stuff – that would be inspiring, I love love love your style!
    4. mmh, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen! hhehe :))

    I really love the iPhone case!


  • 1) You dancing to the Kenzo show sound, you dancing in the street in Cannes, you enjoying a little vin chaud and having a choucroute, your franglais attitude with your so called ” EXTRA(s)! ”

    2) Because you stick to reality and stay true to yourself…

    3) I’d say, maybe more glimpse of the “EXTRA(s)” point of view.

    4) How about men in the fashion world/industry? More men being interviewed that be interesting too… or people totally apart from the fashion world? like… your sister !!! (that would be amazing).

    Anyway, so looking forward to the next pardon my french episode with your extra(s) they are fun !!!

  • Hi Garance… I love all your insite into the fashion industry. I would find it interesting to go a bit behind the scenes: The models, choice of music used at shows, venues for the shows, how does one attend, the hype before shows,,,,,,etc. Ther is so much we don’t see from the media, magazines, etc….
    Thanks for sharing your life with us.

  • S o….I love vignette #5 (les Parisiennes). Super!!! The make up lesson was awesome – imagine NYC girls running around with their make up like Anna Piaggi? I loved it that Emmanuelle Alt admitted her wish: to wear the same clothes everyday!

    Je suis tellement folle pour cette petite caisse – bonne chance a tous!

  • Hi Garance!

    I so enjoyed watching all of your Pardon my French videos.
    What I really liked about all of the videos was the juxtaposition between the high fashion moments and your intake on the fashion of the shows and everything surrounding the shows. Too much video of the fashion shows would not be very exciting, and your commentary on the shows and all the activity that surrounds them really personalizes the whole Fashion Week and makes it more relevant to us, the reader.
    I especially love the moments when you and your friends are hanging out together, just chatting and sharing stories.
    Perhaps it would be a fun idea to go more inside the atelier of individual designers, to see how their preparation occurs; all the work that goes into the final fashion show. Even more of the sights and sounds and culture of the cities that you are in would be nice as well.

    I would really like to see you meet either Jenna Lyons or Taylor Tomasi Hill, love their style and the work that they do.

  • Chere Garance, j’aime tous les “pardon my french” parce qu’ils sont gais, chaleureux mais j’aime particulierement celui a Cannes, peut-etre parce que j’y ai vecu.
    J’aimerais particulierement aller “behind the scene” et decouvrir tous les gens qui travaillent pour les fashions shows et connaitre leurs impressions un peu comme les “special features” a la fin d’un film.
    j’aimerais aussi vous voir dans l’intimite de votre equipe et la preparation de votre travail.
    Dans le futur, j’aimerais voir des fashions hommes car, aussi bizarre que cela puisse paraitre, je m’en inspire quelquefois.
    Et puis rencontrer Ines de la Fressange serait le summum pour moi car elle represente la parisienne dans toute sa beaute et son elegance.
    Je demande beaucoup mais je suis accro a votre site !!!

  • I loved your videos showcasing the runway looks with dreamy music in the background and your adorable comments. I also love getting to know YOU Garance, more than anyone else! You are so cute and vivacious on film. We all get to really see what it is like to be where you are (for example, the Cannes video) ! It would be fun to get a City Tour from you … Paris perhaps? Hear you speak some French? I also like getting to know Scott through video. xx

    N Josephine

  • Here goes :

    Which were your favorite moments of season one ?

    The moments that touched my heart were the brunches with your girlfriends. I just loved seeing how, at the end of the day, us women are all the same : we love a good chat with our girlfriends. And the women of the fashion industry are no different!
    My upmost favourite moment was when you took the Chanel crystal out of your bag to show it to the girls, a very “girly” moment of “oohs” & “aahs” ensued, I loved that!

    Why did you like them ?

    I loved the “girly moments” most because they were SO GENUINE! Plus, I’d already seen Caroline & Elsa on The Sartorialist a couple of times, and watching them in Pardon My French was like watching cartoons come to life (not to say that your friends are cartoons, but you get my drift… right?) I finally matched voice to face and wardrobe!

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?

    Garance, although we love all the amazing people you interview, I think we could do with a little bit more you. What happens on a typical Garance day/week/month? Would love to see the behind-the-scenes of all of the crazy collaborations you have going on!

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

    Now, I know you’ve already met but… I particularly enjoyed your “Essentials” post with Solange a while ago. Why not a Pardon My French featuring Solange Knowles?!


  • Lisa Marie Fernandez Lisa Marie Fernandez Lisa Marie Fernandez …. moi j’aime lorsque tu rentres sans voyeurisme dans l’intimite fashion de certaine personne. J aime voir des personnes elegantes et differentes dans leur interieur.
    Lisa Marie Fernandez chic et choc meme lors de fashion prise de risque

  • Un contest pour TOI Garance! Tu dois embarquer un élément de décor de chaque show!!
    ce qu’on aime c’est ta spontanéité bien sur! et aussi les vidéos des after parties!

    et si tu as un interview d’Anna Wintour, la, c’est le jackpot! (ou plus sérieusement Olivia Palermo ca serait bien aussi!)

  • Super cool idea. I liked videos so much, so I am happy to answer :)

    Which were your favorite moments of season one? Why did you like them ?
    When Garance is doing her make-up in the middle of a road. Her comments are so funny!
    And I liked interview with Isabel Marant. It started to open this designer for me. I would not mind the interview part would be a bit longer.

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    It would be interesting to see fashion form the production side. More of people, who are known in the industry, but not often in media.
    Garance goes Sweden and find fashionable people there, that would be So nice, because I live in Sweden :)

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season?
    Reed Krakoff, Clémence Poésy, Geraldine Saglio, Riccardo Tisci, Tom Ford (he is just so nice, I cannot resist asking), Alexander Wang, Dries van Noten, Acne.

  • I really really loved every Pardon my French episode, but if I had to choose just one it would probably be the Paris one.

    What I love about Pardon my French -and the blog in general- is that you really find interesting people who do interesting things, inspiring, creative, beautiful, so I am sure any future episodes will be as good as those in the first season.

    And for the question of the people who I’d love to see in the next season I think that it will be great if you could interview people that have already appeared in the blog, such as talented créateurs (Lara Melchior, Gaia Repossi, Charlotte Olympia, Tine and Luisa from TL 180, Lisa Marie Fernandez…and also Saloni Lodha, even if I think she never was on the blog!) people working for interesting concept stores (Sarah Lerfel from Colette, Laure Heriard from The Webster, people behind Merci in Paris, Carla Sozzani from Corso Como…) it would be interesting to know how they work, how they find the interesting designers, how they create the looks…

    I also loved seeing your friends in the episodes (specially Caroline Issa and Lauren Bastide)

    Interviews with anyone in the bussines (stylists, models, designers…) are very interesting, because they help to understand fashion beyond the frivolous image people might have some times.

    It will also be interesting to hear more abour the Ever manifesto project, the one developed by Elizabeth von Guttman, Charlotte Casiraghi and Alexa Niedzielski.

    What it will be also a great idea would be showing us your own work: how yo design and illustrate at your studio. Your work is beautiful, so maybe an episode about your career and work?

    And, of course, more of Emmanuelle Alt and her team!

    Anyways, if you continue showing us those funny moments, interesting new places around the world (Claus in Paris etc) I am sure the second season will be a success.

    Congrats for the print, you should certainly do more!

  • I loved the one of you in Tokio transforming your Dior bag into a souvenir. When I started watching it and saw you making the first drawing on it I was like: “NOOOOOOOO! Garance what are you doing!!!” and then as I was watching the video the feeling transformed into: “Wowww this is SO cool!!!” I loved it so much that I specially created a new board to my Pinterest page called “Cool Stuff” to pin it there :)

  • Dear Garance,

    First, I would like to confess that I indeed do not own an iphone. Yes, my phone is stupid. However, I LOVE your design so much I would love one anyway just to put it one display. I can see it already, in a black frame, on my wall, in my apartment hallway.

    My favorite moments are the ones that show the true spirit of fashion week: HARD WORK. I love the scenes where you run around, your team of people run around, you semi-passed working on the couch, getting ready for 8am shows, the chaos backstage… These are the elements I relate to – this is what inspires me about fashion week. Oh, and of course those classic Garance moments with big parkas and margaritas <3

    As a suggestion, I would like to meet more people who use fashion as a platform for other causes. Who are the designers partnering with global health/peace/education organizations? Which are the companies looking for more sustainable ways of treating leather? I would LOVE to be introduced to the generous and worldly side of the fashion community.


    Thanks for reading!

  • 1/la rencontre avec Corinne Bailey Rae, celle avec Franca Sozzani ou Emmanuellle Alt
    2/des moments off de la fasion week qu’on a l’occasion de voir nul part ailleur et c’est tout à fait dans l’esprit léger du blog
    3/Une rubrique concernant les bonnes adresses des villes où se déroule la fashion week
    4/ Alexa Chung, Jason Schwartzman, Leigh Lezark

  • My favorite moments of season one: Corinne’s hair, Corinne’s hair, Corinne’s hair, Yves Saint Laurent’ show, Charlotte’ shoes and Lanvin’s party.

    Why did you like them ?
    The reason why I loved Corinne’s part so much is because she talked about Brazil, where I am from. My hair is exactly like hers and here most people refer to it as “bad hair” (racism is a big issue here, yet a forbidden one; Brazil is a twilight zone), so it’s good to see that in other parts of the world people find it beautiful.
    As for Yves Saint Laurent, well, the outfits were amazing, as well as Charlotte’ shoes. And I liked the party mostly because you guys introduced me to Ornette’s music, which I didn’t know.

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    Hair styles. And, please, PLEASE, if you could at least once entertain the idea of asking why are there so few black models on Vogue covers (specially French Vogue) I would love you even more.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    Michael Fassbender and Steve McQueen, the director of Shame.

  • Une première saison et déjà une atmosphère, le rire, la passion, un carnet de route qui révèle les dessous de ces grands sommets de la mode où se réunissent ces femmes perchées sur des hauts talons. Pourquoi j’ai aimé cette saison ? Parce qu’elle satisfait ma quête de CONFORTABLE. Je m’explique. Un film qui nous happe par son esthétique si parfaite (Dolan pour ne citer que lui), une musique et une voix qui bouleverse comme Cat Power, un bon plat, un taxi libre au milieu de la nuit, un moment partagé entre amis à une terrasse de café, en plein hiver laisser couler les heures au coin du feu (et finir rouge braise, mieux que les UV non ?), en plein été sous la chaleur écrasante plonger dans l’eau sans réfléchir, et tenter en vain de faire la planche face aux vagues immenses (ça va dans la liste des choses à ne pas essayer). C’est vrai pourquoi ça pourrait pas être « confortable » ces moments où même le nez dehors on est aussi bien que dans son lit ? Venons en au fait : Tes vidéos sont confortables Garance (mon dieu, dit comme ça….) c’est ça qui m’a marqué, la touche Garance, quelque chose de bien fait, sous contrôle, un bon montage, de belles images, une musique qu’on garde dans son Ipod (Bon Iver à un défilé, Ornette), un regard décalé pour attraper l’envers du décor, et du rire, surtout du rire. Tilda Swinton getting emotional in front of an oversized cake ? Cette vidéo est une gourmandise qui fait sourire. La rencontre avec Franca Sozzani, un instant de partage, simple et enrichissant, le show Lanvin et son spectacle un moment de cabaret qui fait rêver, comme on ose plus en voir. C’est confortable de voir en une série de films ce que tu nous transmets habituellement par des mots ou des photos, le plaisir dure un peu plus longtemps ! La mode, ce mot immense… aujourd’hui on y a accès online, on s’abonne à Vogue de mère en fille, mais des vidéos comme celles là c’est encore autre chose, c’est une touche en plus, une nouvelle approche, un projet qui durera j’espère au milieu de cet éphémère magnifique qui se renouvelle à chaque saison. Une rubrique/rencontre : Une virée dans les coulisses des shows ou des maisons, je suis curieuses de voir les petites mains des grandes maisons, la veille des défilés, et de les entendre parler de leur métier, c’est aussi elles qui rendent le rêve réalité.

  • What I like about the series was getting the know Garance as opposed t0 just viewing the images and writing of her blog which of course are fabulous, but this gave her blog a true point of difference. Her dress sense, her gorgeous accent, charming nature etc all made the films very entertaining.
    My favourite scene was Garance getting ready to receive her award – choosing the dress, makeup, shoes: all the normal anxieties we suffer in our everyday fashion worlds.
    I’d like to see a day in the life of fashion week from Garance’s perspective.
    I’d love you to meet Romeo Gigli my absolute fashion idol.

  • I remember being impressed with Franca Sozzani. I found her to be intriguing and beautiful. I also loved her long, wavy hair.

    Like many other post, though, my favorite moments were you with your friends. It was quite lovely and empowering to see women together and enjoying each other.

    I think seeing more of up and coming designers or collaborations could be interesting as well as other women who fascinate you.

  • ** Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?

    Tous. Mais, je me rappelle précisément (sans retourner voir les vidéos) d’une tablée de copines qui rigolent et commentant les défilés.

    ** En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ?

    C’est la vie rêvée. Comme lorsqu’on était petite fille qu’on voulait devenir princesse (bon, en vrai dans mon cas, astronaute) et qu’on ignorait que c’était impossible.
    Parfois, dans tes réponses aux questions, tu ne te rends pas compte du fossé qu’il peut y avoir entre tes lectrices et toi. Par exemple, je me rappelle du post sur les 5 pièces maîtresses d’une garde-robe. Jamais je ne pourrais me payer ce que tu proposes (et pourtant j’ai un bac plus 8). Mon unique pièce de Maître (et je crains qu’il n’y en ai pas d’autre) : une jupe Kenzo, qui est sensée me suivre dans la tombe.

    ** Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?

    3 en fait. (Tu as dis que les réponses pouvaient être longues, il est temps d’assumer).
    1/ Ce merato des designer. Le drame de Simons qui ne travaillera pas à Paris. En un mot, comme les designer voit les défilés des autres, comme ils s’influencent, se jalousent, se démarquent, etc.
    2/ Le rush, l’instant qui précède le défilé. Celui où tout devrait être parfaitement prêt et où il y a un truc qui part en sucette (parce qu’on ne me fera pas croire que cela ne part jamais en sucette). Et qu’il faut rebondir quand même. Que ce soit dans les coulisses, dans la salle (côté podium ou public), ou pour ceux qui doivent retransmettre d’une façon ou d’une autre le défilé.
    3/ Les make up et les coiffures. Bien sûr la fashion week c’est pour les tenues, mais parfois le make up peut rebuter ou subjuguer, il transforme notre vision de la tenue. Qui du coup n’est plus la même lorsqu’on la revoit dans la vitrine. Comment ces make up et coiffures sont choisis, pourquoi, l’influence etc.

    Désolée, ça fait très sérieux, très rabat-joie comme idées.

    ** Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?

    Un « candide ». Quelqu’un qui comme nous (enfin je suppose la majorité d’entre nous) n’est pas (ou pas encore) de ce monde. Celui ou celle qui vit sa première fashion week, pour savoir le stress, les étoiles dans les yeux et tout, et tout. Par exemple, un mannequin dont c’est la première fashion week, ou un journaliste, ou quelqu’un qui n’est pas du mode de la mode, ou un monsieur tout-le-mode. Je pense à ça, car je ne sais plus pour quelle occasion (j’ai quand même récupérer le lien de la vidéo, Margot Motin (illustratrice de son état) devait expliquer sa mode, son style. Et c’était complètement décalée avec son écharpe toute boulochée, très drôle, très rafraîchissant. Alors, je me dis quelqu’un qui débarque à sa première fashion week, il doit avoir un regard neuf, une innocence ; il doit être surpris ou se poser des questions que plus personne ne se pose lorsqu’on est un habitué. Cela peut être drôle, rafraîchissant certainement, et peut-être proche de celles qui ne participeront jamais à une fashion week.

    Voilà, en espérant ne pas avoir été trop sérieuse.

  • I love how truly genial you appear to be in Pardon My French. Whether it’s at a show, with your friends or interviewing someone, you can tell you love where you are in that exact moment. That coupled with the awesome music and your absolutely charming voice, made for entertaining, witty, and fun videos.

    As someone who will probably never make it to fashion week, you offered not only an insider’s look, but also a amazing backstage pass that was wonderful to be a part of.

    I would love it if you were able to interview Cate Blanchett or Eva Green. They both have their own, unique, breathtaking style that I would love to hear about.

  • I like when Garance dances!

  • I love your wonderful voice-overs! You sound so charming. Video from fashion shows, I always enjoy that. I loved Season One!

    Please pick me <3

  • J’ai adoré la série, c’est un regard rafraîchissant sur la semaine de la mode. J’ai adoré voir la vie entre les défilés, c’était sympa de pouvoir sentir l’énergie et de se sentir devenir complice. J’ai adoré les moments entre copines. Et je ne peux toujours croire que tu as prises le cristal du défilé Chanel !!!

    J’aurais vraiment aimé voir les croquis que t’on inspiré les défilés, un peu plus sur ton processus créatif ! J’adore tes illustrations, j’en voudrais plus !

    J’ai aussi aimé voir le contenu de ton sac à main (je sais c’est un peu voyeur !!!) mais j’aimerais voir ce que tu emmène dans ta valise. En fait, qu’est-ce qu’on mets dans sa valise pour la semaine de la mode ?

    J’aime le ton informel des entrevues dans la série. Le thé au gingembre de DVF, c’est le genre de détails qui rend le tout unique. Plus de cela !!! Il serait aussi intéressant de pouvoir voir la vision d’une semaine de la mode (ou d’un seul défilé) de différents points de vue (maquilleur, styliste, etc.).

    Alors voilà ! J’ai bien hâte à la prochaine saison, en espérant voir une de mes idées quelque part !!!

  • One of my favorite moments was when Scott commented on your (pardon my french) “mustache” because my mom has done that to me before and it drives me crazy!! She’s mentioned it before going out to dinner or some other public place and it’s like — “okay mom, there’s nothing I can do about it right now except feel super paranoid and not want to wear lipstick.”

    I also really liked when you were having lunch with your girlfriends and going over your favorite shows from Paris. I feel like conversation often brings out the best insights from people so it was really smart to dub you guys casually talking over footage from the show.

    In regards to something I would like to see–maybe you could meet with someone who does hair and/or makeup for the shows and they could give little hints about what looks cool right now and maybe even some easy tricks on how to bring looks from the runway to real life? Just a thought!

  • Hello, Garance. Below is my response to the contest questions:

    Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    1. “Hey Ladies” recap of fashion week with your girlfriends. Why?
    There is nothing better than seeing (or over hearing) well dressed
    women getting together talking fashion over drinks and dessert. These
    are the things that make us the happiest: fashion, chatting,
    food/drinks….(and we can’t forget our men :) – which in most ladies
    outings will come up in conversation eventually:))
    2. Also, I found the ‘secret tweeting’ endearing…very cute – and why?
    Because there is nothing secret about tweeting! :)

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    I would like to see more of Garance’s favorites. Your favorite
    designer, seasonal piece and shoe. Must mention your favorite
    bag/shoe for the season. I would also like to see a feature of how
    you style/some of your favorite places to shop.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ? the man behind
    the ‘red bottom’ Christian Louboutin, Brunello Cucinelli, Carolina
    Herrera, Kate Moss, Salvatore Ferragamo team, Kerry Washington, Freida
    Pinto, Tory Burch, Tracee Ellis Ross…the list goes on and on…

    Thanks for thinking of us viewers…

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?

    I loved all the little things that give us a peek into your world… margaritas before Marc Jacobs, the chats in cabs (especially Emmanuelle Alt!), watching you and your girlfriends dish about all the shows in beautiful cozy restaurants, those horrible macarons…. I also loved how the videos were made in such a way that I felt like I was taking those adventures with you! I watched them all more than once.. it was glorious being transported to Cannes while eating breakfast or to the streets of New York while folding my laundry… I even got my boyfriend to watch a few and now he wants to go to Tokyo! But most importantly I LOVED THE FASHION! My girlfriends and I all just love your blog and to get to see all the shows and parties through your eyes was just so so wonderful!

    Why did you like them ?

    Well I suppose I covered that…. But I also wanted to say I loved the way they were edited! The perfect balance of fashion, personal tid bits (like how you show us what’s in your purse, how you get ready for Cannes), and hilarious moments (when you accidentally body checked that woman in Cannes I nearly died!) Oh and the music you used really added to overall appeal of the videos…

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?

    Seeing as many of us have a tricky relationship with our hair… maybe it would be neat to get a behind the scenes look at some of the hair stylists tricks at fashion week. Or you could talk with one of the stylists of a show and see their process of putting a look together.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

    I really liked how you interviewed some of the designers (especially Isabel Marant!)… so maybe some more designer profiles (Stella!) or some model profiles (Karlie!) but mostly I would like to see you talk with some people who regularly show up on your blog and Scott’s blog like Giovanna Battaglia… and I really would love to see more of Elisa, she’s great. And always more of you! Of course!

    Thanks again for the great work!

  • Hello, Garance. Below is my response to the contest questions:

    Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    1. “Hey Ladies” recap of fashion week with your girlfriends. Why?
    There is nothing better than seeing (or over hearing) well dressed
    women getting together talking fashion over drinks and dessert. These
    are the things that make us the happiest: fashion, chatting,
    food/drinks….(and we can’t forget our men :) – which in most ladies
    outings will come up in conversation eventually:))
    2. Also, I found the ‘secret tweeting’ endearing…very cute – and why?
    Because there is nothing secret about tweeting! :)

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    I would like to see more of Garance’s favorites. Your favorite
    designer, seasonal piece and shoe. Must mention your favorite
    bag/shoe for the season. I would also like to see a feature of how
    you style/some of your favorite places to shop.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ? the man behind
    the ‘red bottom’ Christian Louboutin, Brunello Cucinelli, Carolina
    Herrera, Kate Moss, Salvatore Ferragamo team, Kerry Washington, Freida
    Pinto, Jenna Lyons, Tory Burch, Tracee Ellis Ross…the list goes on and on…

    Thanks for thinking of us followers…

  • Hello, Garance. Below is my response to the contest questions:

    Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    1. “Hey Ladies” recap of fashion week with your girlfriends. Why?
    There is nothing better than seeing (or over hearing) well dressed
    women getting together talking fashion over drinks and dessert. These
    are the things that make us the happiest: fashion, chatting,
    food/drinks….(and we can’t forget our men :) – which in most ladies
    outings will come up in conversation eventually:))
    2. Also, I found the ‘secret tweeting’ endearing…very cute – and why?
    Because there is nothing secret about tweeting! :)

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    I would like to see more of Garance’s favorites. Your favorite
    designer, seasonal piece and shoe. Must mention your favorite
    bag/shoe for the season. I would also like to see a feature of how
    you style/some of your favorite places to shop.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ? the man behind
    the ‘red bottom’ Christian Louboutin, Brunello Cucinelli, Carolina
    Herrera, Kate Moss, Salvatore Ferragamo team, Kerry Washington, Freida
    Pinto, Jenna Lyons, Tory Burch, Tracee Ellis Ross…the list goes on and on…

    Thank you for thinking of us followers…

  • Bonjour Garance! What I love most of season one is your chicness, the fun access to fashion shows and events, your view of Paris and of course your JOIE DE VIVRE!! Bisous, bisous!! xx

  • Hello,

    It would be wonderful if a feature on London could also be included this year? It was lovely to see you in New York and Paris last year, but so much cool fashion stuff is also happening in London with so many up and coming designers. Seeing it from your point of view would be fab. It is also the city of the moment given the events of this summer – so maybe even timely…

    London baby!! :-))

  • my very favorite: the “girl-time” moments in Paris and New York – Pardon My French made it feel like we were all sitting in the room together chatting about fashion week! and “meeting” Isabel Marant and Emmanuelle Alt – two women I sooo admire for their work and their elegance.

    oh, also the moment when you met Julianne Moore – just because it was totally adorable.

    I’d love to see more of Carine Roitfeld. another fave inspo ;)

    and more behind-the-scenes-type moments – you are all so much fun!! makes me wish I were right there with you. if you even need a sketch artist to follow you around… I’m you’re girl!

    thanks for doing this!!

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    “I can’t run in these boots” in the last episode

    Why did you like them ?
    I related to you and to fashion. we all want to turn heads and sometimes, it comes at the risk of not being able to run…in those fabulous shoes

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    show us some bloopers! in real life we all are not perfect!

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    I want to meet your family…people who inspire you…you are fabulous to watch and those supporting your fashion cause – well they must be just as amazing

  • I recently discovered your blog, and I immediately fell in love with your fashion vignettes, digital sketches, beauty advice, gorgeous photography, and amazing videos! I especially like your “What Makes Love True” video that features you and Scott on a love photo journey. This is the cutest video ever! I absolutely love it!

    Thank you for making your blog a happy place! I’m truly hooked, for I visit your blog each day. I wish you much success with Kate Spade; and yes, oh, yes, I want to win that cute iPhone cover!

    Bear hugs, Garance!

  • I love your Dior bag episode because of the travel and artist connection. It was very unique. I do not really think of you as a person in fashion but more as an artist with your view on the world through your camera, relationships, experience and your artwork whether you talk fashion or travel or American life. The person that you are shows through and connects you to your readers like me.
    I would like to see more travel and your illustration work
    I would enjoy features of other artists around the world that you admire or collaborate with.
    I sent the Dior bag episode to my young niece to showcase the whole experience and to use it to model her own unique experience and come up with something memorable (and I only send her stuff to aspire to and inspire her as the great aunt that I am!….)

  • Bonjour Garance!

    My favorite moments of season one were definitely the “TaxiCab Chitchats” – hearing fashion people talk in a calm but intimate, behind-the-scenes but not rowdy setting is such a breath of fresh air! I also loved how the videos incorporated the seasons and really show how weather – something that affects all of us – impacts the fashion industry as well. (A memorable line: “…tomorrow is parka and socks, forget about fashion!”)

    I was happy to see Season One explore new ways of storytelling – i.e. the vignette format and special topics like “fashion and technology”. I think more videos in the future should feature “fashion as work” and help fans see the different ways fashion goes beyond shows, parties, and glamour.

    Many people in fashion talk about how important fashion is to society and how much current society influences fashion. So in future seasons, I would like to see interviews with people whose work or perspectives illustrate how fashion trends are connected to what the rest of the world is going through – i.e. designers whose work is inspired by technology.

    Looking forward to season two!

    P.S. I’m trying to learn French so the few conversations en francais were very enjoyable!

  • Hi!

    Honestly all of the videos are super fun to watch, just as your blog is so fun to read. But what I love most is that you keep it all so real and down to earth, always remembering that life without humor is not worth the ride. So hat off to you!!!

    And thus, of course my favorite moment is “Vignete #7: French photographers have no idea how to say Leigh Lezark”…hilarious!!! Also loved the Les Parissienes & Tokyo episodes.

    Whatever you choose to do for next season, it will be great, because is not about who or what, is about your unique point of view. That’s what keeps all of us coming back to your blog, YOU!


  • My favourite moments of season one were Carven and Dries, seeing you at work on the run at Fashion Week, and seeing you at home on the couch, working your magic on your computer. I loved your time with Emmanuel Alt in the car talking about French Vogue. I loved your interview with Isabelle Marant and I loved seeing your tips on fashion and beauty on the go!

    Because they were very natural, and candid and I enjoy this point of view when it comes to such high fashion as it makes it more accessible and relate-able for me.
    I love the music you use, the editing and find your narration rounds it out so well as its like reading your blog, we hear your voice, and see your images but in another way.

    I would like to see more of you at work, getting your blog done, drawing pictures in your home or office and perhaps choosing your outfit for a day.

    Meeting for interviews with the Olsen twins would be nice, I’m interested in their approach to fashion, they’ve made a respectable entry into the industry and I’d like to hear their thoughts.
    Interview with Anna Wintour would be amazing, but scary, but really anyone you choose tends to be extremely interesting.
    I really love Carven, but don’t know much about them, can you meet with them?

    Also, I want to see what is inside the gift bags at shows!
    I won’t ever get to go to a show, so I need you to show me whats in those little bags!
    It always seems to exciting to me, but the people at the shows see them all the time, so its no big deal to them. Whats in the show bags Garance?

    have fun! xx

  • Hi there,

    fav moment: you laughing about your skin and look; Cannes; I like your commentaries and sens of humor
    future video: virtual tour of your office
    love: your interview with inspiring people; we should get to know your assistant and closest team, as I have a feeling they put a lot of effort in what we can read everyday,

    love from Oz;
    Sabina x

    p.s. I adore Miami part!!!! Please always update us on your trips, and film about summer in Mantouk would be divine!!!!! Yes-MANTOUK, please!

  • “Yes, there’s not enough wonderful to tell you how wonderful it was to share fashion week with you”. That was my favorite line…

    I simply loved everything about Ep#4 from the Chanel show and the pilfered crystal to LV and the SJP cameo. The most moving moment was Alber Elbaz’s Birthday party complete with all the glitter. THAT GLITTER! Such a beautiful, fun moment.

    I also loved NYC fashion week including the Margaritas and Moustache moments. So funny!

    What makes your videos so captivating is that your personality shines through and you have an amazing knack for sharing all of these experiences with us as if we are close friends. I became a huge fan after seeing these PMF vids.

    As far as new ideas? How about a re-purposed one? I loved the video Scott did with the lunch. I would love to see you get a diverse group of people together – artists, designers, photographers, musicians, bloggers ;) for Margaritas or beer-something lowbrow, no champagne or tea (although I love tea). Keep the group to no more than 10. There needs to be a unifying theme (like a simple white t-shirt, a handbag or a shoe) and some provocative topic to help break the ice. Being a fly on the wall for that party/happy hr would be really cool.

    Another idea: I’d also love to see a vignette of you packing for Paris Fashion Week. It must be SO hard to choose what to wear! I don’t know how you do it.

    Lastly “who” should you meet? Honestly, I think the people you surround yourself with tend to be more fascinating to me than any celebrity or designer, BUT if I had to choose it would have to be Marc Jacobs, because I’m fascinated by his collaborations with artists like Murakami and Yayoi Kusama.

    Aesthetically, the direction, photography and musical direction are flawless. Keep doing what you’re doing! I know that you have some surprises in store for us and that’s what I look forward to!

  • I was so excited when I saw an article about your collection in Vogue UK (or it might have been Elle, or both!). It is really cute and the drawings are so beautiful. I love this phone cover so much I might even get a ‘real’ phone, mine is so old it’s been mistaken for a tv remote haha. x

  • I loved season 1 and am so glad you’re doing another!!! Here are my answers:
    Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    I loved watching you and your friends hanging out in Paris!
    Why did you like them ?
    Because I love Paris! And because it was great to see that we are all the same in the end.
    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    I loved you interviewing designers and also loved watching you attend fashion shows. It’s amazing to see them first hand. So I’d vote for more of those!
    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    Me :)

  • Je n’ai pas d’iphone! J’ai tout aimé… Surtout les moments où tu es un peu saoules ;-)
    Et ce que j’aimerais vraiment, c’est un programme un peu moins “clippé”, qui atteigne le quart d’heure pour, la prochaine fois, atteindre la demie heure. Qu’on se sente encore plus “en immersion”!

  • Mon seul tip.. Plus de vidéos avec les cheveux lâchés !!!

  • Hi Garance,

    My favourite part of Pardon My French was when you went to Dries Van Noten with your friends. I liked this (and that whole segment, I suppose) because you were just a group of stylish women going about your friendly business – no nastiness or anything that can so typically be portrayed of women and fashion and women in fashion.

    I would like to see more along these lines – maybe women who work in these beautiful shops? Sort of similar to your career series? Or women in their offices – a video version of the career?

    I would love for you to meet with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen -I bet they would have a lot to say about style and shopping and stores and general awesomeness!

    Looking forward to the next series!
    xxxx Zoe

  • ben kingsley, maria bethania, raf simons, dries van noten, milton nascimento, chico buarque, maria rita et le frere…tout anvers, tout le bresil…caetano veloso..tina morelenbaum et son époux jacques…marcus miller..illustrations cheyenne brando, miles davis 13-14..ryuchi sakamoto or maybe haruki murakami.. greta schacchi…
    ou ç peut etre moi qui reve …mais vous faites tellement rever mlle…:)

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?

    Conversation with Emmanuelle Alt, Lanvin party, New York moments where atmosphere is captured (like Moncler ice skating show).

    Why did you like them ?

    Emmanuelle was sincere, unpretentious, friendly and even a bit vulnerable…it was like a conversation with a friend, who doesn’t try at all to leave a good impression…
    As for other things, moments you’ve captured was exactly how I imagined fashion weeks must have looked like – glam, but a lot of hard work put behind it all, and wrapped up with humor and positive vibrations..

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?

    London and Milan…(which doesn’t mean you should skip New York and Paris.. :) )…I’d especially like to see what’s happening before, after, in the front and in the back of Burberry Prorsum show, since, given by last two seasons’ videos, that was the place to be.
    As for Milan, I’d like to see Italian happy faces, and that air of luxury they carry around them..

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

    Riccardo Tisci, Viviana Volpicella, MariaCarla Boscono, Lara Stone, Mario Testino, Stella McCartney, Emmanuelle Alt (again), Carine Roitfeld, Inez&Vinoodh, Mert&Marcus, Peter Dundas, Frida Giannini, Domenico&Stefano, Alexander Wang, Alber Elbaz… (pfffff, how many episodes are you planning to make? :) )

  • Bonjour Garance,

    Ce que j’ai adoré dans la première saison c’est la diversité. Chacun des épisodes était très différents. J’aime voir les villes (NYC, Paris, Tokyo….), parce qu’on parle de mode mais on n’en oublie pas qu’on est dans les plus belles villes du monde.
    L’épisode de Tokyo était le plus sympa, nous faire découvrir tous ces artistes (que je ne connaissais pas), de voir leur créativité. J’aime beaucoup cet esprit de travail commun, que chacun appporte sa pierre à l’édifice. J’ai trouvé l’idée super originale.
    De plus pour moi la mode ce n’est qu’une forme d’art, et j’adore voir les interractions de différentes disciplines artistique, voir comment elles se nourissent et s’inspirent.
    Alors photo, sculpture, musique, joaillerie, tout cela est très complémentaire et pour moi il ne faut pas les oublier.

    Les personnes que j’aimerais voir dans la saison II:
    Karl parce que c’est Karl, et que ses défilés sont de véritables voyages
    Inès de la Fressange une femme des plus inspirantes
    des musiciens qui s’occupent des bandes son des défilés

    J’aimerai aussi voir les coulisses des défilés, sentir la tension qu’il peut y avoir…

    allez bonne journée.

  • Salut Garance!
    Voici mes réponses à tes questions:

    Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?
    Les moments entre copines où vous échangez vos avis sur les différents shows que vous avez vu!!

    En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ?
    C’est drôle, et en plus ça permet d’avoir une vision d’ensemble des défilés dont on a vu des images dans la vidéo, mais aussi de ceux que tu non filmés, que tes copines racontent! et parfois des détails que nous on n’a pas remarqué!

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?
    Des designers un peu moins connus, des petits nouveaux.

    J’espère que ça te donnera quelques idées,
    Bravo pour ton travail sur ces vidéos!

  • I loved the Tilda Swinton moment. Such a little thing, but I really loved it. Gives me the same feeling as with photographs that has not been set up at all – an intimate moment. And then I also loved the French photographers not pronouncing Leigh Lezarks name correctly – very funny and subtle humor. And you interviewing Corinne Bailey Rae because we as viewers really get the feeling of you two “clicking”, as you describe it yourself. And meeting up woth Julianne Moore. And you dancing. And…. Oh my, so much good stuff in the episodes!
    For season 2, interviewing people behind shows about the shows. Models, make-up artists, stylists, designers.. And up-an-coming designers and collaborations..
    And meeting Cate Blanchett and Michael Fassbender I would love(like really love).


    Benedikte from Denmark

  • Bonjour Garance,

    Mon épisode préféré de la première saison a été celui tourné à Tokyo, qui m’a beaucoup touché car je connais bien cette ville – et je suis contente qu’elle t’ait également plu!

    Mais je me suis aussi demandé quelle était la somme de travail et de préparation afin de pouvoir tourner 6mn de vidéo ‘l’air de ne pas y toucher’, surtout dans une destination inconnue.

    Alors voilà, j’aimerais beaucoup découvrir comment tu approches un job, depuis le brief reçu par la marque, ensuite le brainstorming avec ton équipe, et ensuite les préparatifs concrets (modèle, stylisme, location, …) avant la réalisation par Garance herself – et son studio bien sûr. Une sorte de making of.

    Peut-être pourrais-tu interviewer quelqu’un qui t’a fait confiance à tes débuts et qui t’a donné un de tes premiers jobs et qui mesurerait avec toi le chemin parcouru.

    Ce sont certes des sujets assez ‘moi je, Garance’ mais je suis sûre que tes lecteurs trouveraient ça super intéressant, moi qui suis une fan de la première heure, je suis très impressionnée par ton parcours et ce sont des questions que je me suis souvent posées.

    Merci de nous faire rêver, keep it up!

  • Ce que j’aime dans tes vidéo c’est le coté speed et puis ralenti, les “Oh My GOOOD” que tu cries, les discussions entres copines sur tel ou tel show : ça tu devrait nous en faire plus des fashion tea time, en parlant de tea, la recette du thé au gingembre de Diane Von Furstenberg ça m’a fait mon hiver, mon mec s’est posé des questions sur ses prouesses … voilà, des FFS : Foodfashiosecrets des mannequins, des stars, des personnalités, des petits tics de “mangeage”, ok la mode, les fringues les podiums, les clopes les taxis, les lumieres, a croire que plus personne ne mange ni ne dort dés que les FW commencent ….

  • Flûte déjà 95 comments et je peux pas les lire tous donc je vais peut êtrE dire des trucs que d’autres ont déjà dit mais bon…
    Le truc que j’ai préféré c’est quand tu pâpottes avec tes copines. Ça m’a marqué parce que c’est vraiment une parenthèse pleine de naturel. La personne que je voudrais que tu interviews c’est Aurélie bidermann ou Stella Mac cartney ou Delfina Delettrez
    Et la nouveauté serait de demander aux créateurs comment ils puisent leur inspiration, font ils appel à des cahiers de tendances ou bien est ce un souvenir de vacances ou bien internet, mais bon ça doit être un peu rude de demander ça.
    Pardon my french est déjà parfait comme il est! Il n’y a vraiment rien a ajouter si ce n’est des minutes. C’est toujours trop court et il n’y en pas assez souvent. Il faudrait un épisode par semaine, pas besoin de parler uniquement des fashion weeks, tu pourrais faire exactement la même chose que sur ton blog mais en vidéo, even les week end inspirations!

  • I mostly love all the super personal moments in pardon my french and any other of your videos. I would love to see more of Garance in context of the fashion week.

    This is more a mood suggestion but I would be so excited to see you exploring the shopping side of the fashion week metropoles.
    I heard a lot about all the super cool people who hit the stores during fashion week and go crayz about it and I really, really would love to see you in there, searching for some great stuff, commenting the athmosphere. Showing us your favorite stores. Trying something on you really like. Having a beauty experience at a spa or something like this.

    I guess most of the people love that you tell about the things “as they are”. This is what we want to read and want to see. The REAL report of someone who really made it and who is still so down to earth and vulnarable. So:

    I think this blog is so much about you and the people you love while other blogs turn more and more into a magazine with just fashion photo series. This is what makes your blog so special; this is what it’s name is telling us and this is what I would love to see soo much more!

    So finally, there should be just a lot of you and your point of view! :-)

  • Garance,

    J’adore tes Pardon My French, et quoi de plus French que les Parisiennes et ce qui fait leur charme: le côté faussement simple et négligé, la moue un peu boudeuse p-ê, mais aussi un entrain, un appétit pour la vie, la bouffe, les terrasses, les kirs, etc…

    D’ailleurs, le sexy français, c’est la sobriété et l’élégance….alors que le sexy américain est moins subtil, plus show-off, et le sexy italien plus voluptueux, plus en rondeur, plus charnel…

    Bref, pour cet épisode, tu peux viser des filles comme Clémence Poésy qui a la douceur ou même Louise Bourgoin, qui a le pep’s et l’attitude…enfin, les meilleures ambassadrices de la Parisienne seraient sûrement tes copines…ou les miennes!

    Continue à nous emmener avec toi partout, on adore! MERCI

  • Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?
    j’ai bien aimé tous les moments qui représentent des instants-confidence, quelques secondes partagées avec une personnalité ou tes amies

    En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ?
    je crois que c’est l’authenticité, la spontanéité, le caractère unique et l’énergie de ces moments qui m’ont le plus marqué

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?
    comme beaucoup de commentateuses :o) j’aimerais bien voir/entendre des personnes qui travaillent dans les ateliers, qui s’occupent du make up ou de la coiffure, des gens qui “mettent la main dans le cambouis” quoi …

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?
    des stylistes : j’ai vu un jour sur Arte un docu sur Alber Elbaz, j’ai adoré ! c’est tellement intéressant de voir la personnalité qui se cache derrière tous ces vêtements

    Vivement les prochains Pardon my French !

  • ah j’oubliais …. une idée pour les prochaines vidéos : j’aimerais beaucoup te voir at work with your team… c’est quelque chose dont je suis curieuse depuis longtemps maintenant…. mais c’est peut-être une partie “indévoilable” de ta vie, cela fait peut-être partie de tes “moments pudiques”, à toi de voir Garance

  • I don’t think that I can even chose my favorite Pardon my French moment. I loved the conversations with Emmanuelle, Diane, Franca, Chralotte; that the Margot illustration exhibit; you singing New York :) The thing that got me really hooked was the type of behind the scenes of the fashion week atmosphere you have going on. We never really get a chance to see what usually goes on before/after fashion shows and you offer a great insight for many of us who can only dream being there :)

    And you friends… You people look like you have the best time in the world, it is just lovely to watch you hang out.

    I also got some useful tips:
    1. don’t wear something just because it’s a fashion trend if you know you won’t look good in it (Emmanuelle)
    2. be careful not to become a slave of you telephone :)
    3. and the mascara tip that really works

    Overall you offer us a way to see things that inspire you, not only as far as fashion is concerned but everything that comes with it. And apart from your amazing photographs these videos showed a flow of your daily life during fashion week. I think that many of us can relate to your vision of fashion, which is why I can’t wait for season 2.

    As far as who would I like to see in the next season, as I said before, you do a great job showing us people and things that inspire you, so it’s completely up to you.


  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    Lanvin, moving moment and you could tell the emotional moment by watching the fashion pack and Kenzo for its scenery
    Why did you like them ?
    Its a fresh new way of documenting as opposed to just reading colums up and down about whats happening during fashion week like most- the vid’s gives an extra edge and you and your camera man are funny! Especially the one who is not so fashion savy as yourself HIGHLARIOUS! :-) You’re adding abit of entertainment to your blog which is appreciated

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?

    Behind the scens and perhaps prior to the shows :-) .. see design studio work /the people who put their hearts and souls into the collections designers and seamstresses i.e not a documentry but a flash prior to show…. before and after type of deal

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ? DIOR! and Team Raf and Saint Laurent team Hedi Slimane

  • Dear Garance,
    in the next season of PMF I would like to meet you, a personal approach to the artist that we follow everyday. The behind-the-scenes-person Garance, the everyday you. What does she eat in an average day, how does she sleep, her yoga classes, her hair making. All that you write of, the video version of it.

    Another aspect of your life that I think all of your readers find it inspiring is the behind-the-scene-proffessional Garance. I would like you to present to us your studio and your staff.

    In other words, it would be charming to see the making of the magic and to meet the hard working persons behind it, although you make it seem so simple and fun every time.

    Although I appreciate every episode of the first season, cause they all are so concentrated with great moments, my favourite moment of the first season was seeing Tilda geting emotional. It got me more crazy inlove with her that I already am. And that music drove me crazy, I’ve searched a lot to find who was singing that night.

    Thank you, Garance, for reading my opinion and really hope to see it online soon. All the best!

  • Trop chouette ce concours!
    C’est mon iPhone qui tweetera de joie s’il est l’heureux gagnant ;)
    Et moi je pendrai les poses les plus dingues pour le montrer ! :)

    Mes petites réponses:

    Moment préféré : Vos petits mooves de dance dans la vidéo “Pardon My French/Paris Episode 4”. Pourquoi ? Beau moment de légèreté, de joie qui manque des fois à toute cette ambiance de Fashion Week.

    Idée / Nouvelle rubrique : “Fashion coulisses” (coulisses de défilés de mode, tournages de séries tv “bien habillées” par exemple, de films… de concerts, rédaction de magazines)

    Prochaines rencontres en vidéo: Anna Wintour et vos lecteurs!

  • Chère Garance,

    Super idée, ce concours.

    Alors mes moments préférés de la saison 1, c’est ton “reward” quand Julianne Moore dit “Yes, I know who you are, too…” (à crever de rire, ça rend la vidéo tellement “Garance”!) et l’air blasé de DVF qui coupe ton enthousiasme sur le “ginger tea” et qui dit “oui-non-mais-moi-je-fais-mieux” et après qui nous donne en live sa recette d’infusion de l’hiver. La mauvaise foi de Scott qui fait “oh un éléphant rose / hop, moi je tweete”. L’honnêté d’Emmanuelle Alt quand elle dit qu’elle décourage tous les photographes streetstyle parce qu’elle porte tout le temps la même veste…

    En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ?
    Parce qu’ils sont frais, spontanés, qu’ils cassent l’image que l’on peut avoir du monde de la mode. La rédac chef de Vogue France, si elle adore sa nouvelle parka, eh ben elle peut la porter tous les jours voilà! Si Diane Von Furstenberg n’aime pas le thé en sachet, eh ben elle s’invente sa recette, voilà! Si Julianne Moore kiffe Garance Doré, eh ben elle le dit, voilà! Si un photographe veut tweeter alors que sa douce n’aime pas ça, eh ben il trouve un prétexte à deux balles, voilà! ;-)

    Ca montre une grande liberté individuelle, qui semblait disparaitre derrière les diktats de la mode, et c’est très rassurant finalement.

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?
    1) une rubrique BOUFFE : bon sang de bonsoir, à part le champagne et le café, et une image de tartine beurre/saucisson, tu ne montres rien! C’est à croire que les gens de la mode sont des êtres désincarnés qui se régénèrent par un procédé inconnu du commun des mortels…

    2) une rubrique “le truc anti-fashion de la semaine” : de la même façon qu’on a tous nos mauvais goûts, notre “bar PMU” comme tu dis, la fashion week doit bien avoir ses travers elle aussi. On a compris que tout le monde est super, rigole, papote gaiement… Alors, dans chaque vidéo, tu pourrais prendre quelques secondes pour nous montrer LE truc pas “fashion week” du tout, qui te fait rire ou qui finalement te plaît…

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?
    Marc Jacob : il a le même statut de rock star que Karl Lagerfeld, mais en mode plus déjanté, je trouve. (genre je me couvre de tatouages et je sors avec une star du porno gay.) Et COMMENT CE MEC arrive à sortir à la fois des petites ballerines-souris choupinettes et des défilés monstrueux comme celui avec la locomotive?!? Il a un imaginaire polymorphe et multidimensionnel, je l’adore.

    Miuccia Prada : parce que dans le genre “éternelle rebelle” c’est la reine. Et puis j’ai envie de voir plus de personnalités “vieux de la vieille” dans tes vidéos, (d’où le fait que j’ai adoré l’intervention de DVF, j’ai trouvé ça rafraîchissant, au milieu de tant de jeunesse fougueuse) ils ont beaucoup à nous apprendre je trouve… Ceux qui ont connu les années 70-80, tu imagines ce qu’ils ont à raconter??

    Oui, en fait tu pourrais leur demander plus de choses concernant le passé de la mode, de comparer avant et maintenant. ça serait intéressant parce qu’il y a peu de chances pour qu’on tombe sur le discours du “c’était mieux avant”.
    Les premiers défilés, c’était les mannequins qui s’habillaient et se maquillaient elles-mêmes, yavait zéro musique, et elles portaient un numéro. Entre ça et ce qu’on voit maintenant, le fossé est énorme! Raconte-nous, par ces interviews, comment tout s’est mis en place… Karl Lagerfeld pourrait en raconter énormément, DVF, Sonia Rykiel…

    Une rubrique vintage, des souvenirs et des témoignages d’une autre époque… Non?



  • Pas mal ce principe ! Toujours en interaction avec les internautes, c’est plutôt cool !

    Alors alors ….

    > Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?
    Les partages à l’écran (avec tes amies issues du fashion world), la complicité et la manière dont on peut accéder au travers de ton regard aux podiums et aux collections à venir. J’aime surtout le montage et la mise en scène des vidéos qui sont atypiques et originales.

    > En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ?
    Parce qu’on a la facilité à entrer dans leurs ambiances, que le fait que tes connaissances interagissent avec toi à l’écran nous permettent d’en savoir plus sur toi, sur le monde de la mode, et surtout c’est chouette de voir en animation “réelle” tout ce monde qu’on voit généralement qu’en photo figée. On aime aller à la rencontre de tes amies !

    > Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?
    Des petits entrevus avec toi (coups de gueule/coeur) face caméra, des confessions, du backstage, des moments perso (comme dans ce qu’on retrouve avec tes articles), tes shoppings perso, des shoppings de star, des “à la maison”, des idées recettes faciles de working girl new yorkaises .. Pas forcément toujours en lien avec la mode mais ça peut être du style life !

    > Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?
    Des tops ! Ashley Smith, Anja Konstantinova, Bambi Northwood.. Avoir leur ressentis quant aux collections mais aussi en savoir plus sur elles, leurs modes de vie, leurs fashion faux pas, où elles se voient dans 5 ans, une sorte de “questionnaire des curiosités”!

  • N’ayant pas d’Iphone je ne vais pas participer, mais l’idée est géniale!
    Hé oui je résiste à la vague d’Apple!

  • Bon bah pour faire suite a mon post, je veux juste pas d’une nouveauté qui va prendre de precieuses minutes de perfection de mon Pardon my French!
    Je vais qd meme reflechir à un truc nouveau!

  • What would I like to see more of? You!
    It is your joie de vivre that’s so inspiring, and your happy, funny voice-overs that are so uplifting.

    So, without sounding like a total stalker: show us you, just like on the blog: the lovely, slightly nutty French New Yorker we can all identify with because despite your life being awesome, you still pinch a Chanel crystal and dance like a loony at Kenzo.

    Your wardrobe, your view on all things fashion and female, what constitutes your personal style, and perhaps even a day at your studios, so we can meet your team. The same goes for the other people you meet: it is much more inspiring to see the personal style and lives of ‘normal’ people, and although most people you’ve featured so far are as much ‘normal’ as they are crazy (which is a good thing!) I’d love to see more of them.

    Basically, show us what we can’t see in Vogue or on the interesting life on the periphery of the spotlights.

    And thank you. I loved the first season of PMF, and can’t wait for the second one.

  • Chere Garance, voici mes reponses :) :

    So favorite moment was definitely les parisiennes, because i’ve been living in Paris for 4 years now and im still falling in love with it more and more, I also adored the moment when you having a “sex and the city” moment at a cafe around the table with your friends. :)

    In the future I’d like to see a typical Garance Dore day, different moments of your day from the moment you wake up until the night. And also a video where you welcome us to your closet and introduce us your fav pieces would be very intesresting. :)

    A person I’d like to see in your coming videos is Emmanuelle Alt ( again ), because she is everything! :)


  • First I have to say: I’m addicted to your blog! I just love it.

    Anyway, the questions:
    My favourite moment from the last season was when you where in New York and you (and everybody else) thought it was SO cold. It was my favourit moment because it was like minus 6 degrees celsius in the big apple, and in Norway (where I sat inside, in front of the fire and reading your blog) it was around minus 25 degrees celsius for a couple of weeks. I remember to be inside and think: I would gladly experince those TERRIBLE minus 6 degrees celsius!

    In the next season i would like to see a mix of the classic fashion week, behinde the scenes, interviews, you and your friends, street fashion and videos of the surroundings (which is generally very beautiful). And keep ut funny and different. I hope you stick to the main ideeas from the first season, because i really liked it. And one person you could meet: Hanneli Mustaparta :)

    Keep ut with the good work, Garance! You make my days always a little brighter.

  • 1
    -the end of Pardon My French/Fashion & Technology, when you prepared for scott a little bread with butter.
    -the music, it’s so great to hear your music, every time I jump and start to dance on my chair.
    -the moments with your team, with your friends, your questions about hair, your writing fanyy comments about some things, like when you play that game(who am I) and your comment was: look I play it super serious!
    -and I like very much the ideas of montage and directed videos.

    – just relax and usual moments. like a movie. it’s not just about stilish and glamour. it’s about people. and the most important thing: intelligent humour.

    – in episode 7(I think) I saw a very short moment: people who just watch the show and turn their heads again and again. I like to see people’ reactions, famous or not so famous people who stay there on their chairs: like good and quiet children.

    -oh, I like to see you talk with natalia vodianova. but not so seriously.

    and please pardon my english (pardon is the same in my language)

  • I really want to hear about Kate lanphear and her opinion on fashion, je l’adore, elle a un style unique ou sinon Taylor tomasi mais définitivement Kate ! !

  • Hi, Garance.
    Sorry for not properly “saying goodbye” in my msg yesterday. Was exhausted and about to fall in bed.
    Hope you got some good ideas.

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    definitely the tokyo story with lady dior bag!!
    Why did you like them ?
    an awesome idea and funny reportage of your trip
    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    show your team and office, how do you work
    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    mira duma!

  • Dear Garance,

    First off, words cannot adequately describe how I adore your blog. You are so down- to- earth, refreshing that sometimes I find myself rewatching videos you’ve posted just for a laugh or to jog my memory on how to apply mascara, deal with my similarly unruly coif, etc. Speaking of which, my three favorite moments were your reactions to each macaroon you tried ( fish? Ick), your girlish enthusiasm when you nabbed the crystal after the Chanel show and finally, your interview with Charlotte Olympia.

    I would love to see more interviews with the unfamiliar, rising talent designers or simply more of you, being you, traIpsing around the city, showing us more of your favorite haunts. Whatever you decide, I cannot wait to see!

    – janae

  • Salut Garance !! Très bonne idée de concours, à la fois on gagne quelque chose (et pas n’importe quoi en plus) et en plus on peut participer à Pardon My French qui est vraiment génial !!

    1/ Alors mes moments préférés, je dois dire que c’est assez dur parce-que j’ai vraiment tout aimé mais quand tu retrouves tes copines pour discuter des défilés ou les fameuses margarita pré Marc Jacobs défilé, c’est vraiment super ! Ces petits moments où qu’en mode on se prend pas au sérieux et c’est vraiment pour s’amuser ! Continue de nous faire partager ces moments hors défilés :)
    Et aussi la rencontre avec Isabel Marant, j’adore quand on voit d’un peu plus près les stylistes !!!

    2/Ces moments m’ont marqué tout simplement parce-que on en voit tous les jours pour ne pas dire jamais, des moments comme ça !!
    C’est plutôt scolaire ce qu’on nous montre des défilés et toi et ton équipe vous nous proposez de voir l’envers du décor qui est tout aussi important !

    3/Pour une nouvelle rubrique je dirais si c’est possible un petit moment avant les défilés en coulisse avec le styliste et ses impressions ! Ou alors les indispensables des stylistes un peu comme tu fais dans tes articles sur les personnes que tu rencontres !

    4/ Enfin j’aimerais beaucoup que tu rencontres les créateurs de Proenza Schouler !!!

    Voilà !! Hâte de voir cette nouvelle saison ! Bon courage à toi et toute ton équipe ! Vous êtes vraiment géniaux :)

  • I love how personal you made Pardon my French!! I feel that I am there with you and have enjoyed each one.

    Please don’t change! Continue to share your experiences and interviews with us!

  • Je ne connais pas ! (au secours ! ) Mais je trouve l’idée bonne ! bonne chance aux lecteurs !

  • Plein de bonnes idées ont déjà été postées (auxquelles j’adhère), voici les miennes, pour le fun du jeu (car je n’ai pas d’iPhone :-) ) !

    Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?

    Les apartés plus perso, quand on voit l’envers du décor avec un ton humoristique et tendre.

    En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ?

    Parce qu’on a l’impression d’être avec vous, on a envie d’être avec vous !

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?

    Les pièces que vous avez préférées chez un créateur

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?

    Des gens connus ou inconnus passionnés de mode comme vous sans être snobs ni arrogants

    Voilà, belle continuation et mille mercis pour ces moments sur le blog

  • I do love the fashion and inspiration that it brings but as I sit here and reflect without re-watching them, the moments that still stand out in my mind (and, they have actually popped to mind other times as well which makes me know they really ‘stuck’ for me)… I loved when you were talking with Corinne Bailey Rae and how she said she will start to experience things in beats, in music and you said that it’s funny b/c you’ll immediately experience things in images. I love how that just shows the diversity and uniqueness in us all. No wrong or right, just being yourself. And that’s the other thing that I loved about seeing you in action…just being you. The laughter, the joy, the silliness and lightness. For an industry that can sometimes be intimidating and seemingly serious…the FUN you brought was infectious and inspiring (and fashion should be fun non?). Not to mention the ‘we really do eat charcuterie and, ok, there may be a pimple to accompany it tomorrow’ moment….and the awesome shoes that are sometimes not super easy to walk in…but so so cool. And yes, again, the fashion, the fashion… so Beautiful. And your make-up tips were delightful. Thank you for making it all so approachable and fun…and absolutely inspiring!!

  • J’ai adoré la saison 1 et ça été vraiment top de vivre fashion week avec toi, de voir ton Paris. Pour la 2, pourquoi pas une journée dans ton quotidien, pour mettre des images sur les mots que tu partages avec nous: un voyage en Corse, une journée a NYC dans tes boutiques et restos préférées, un clin d’oeil dans ta garde-robe par exemple. Des trucs de tous les jours donc.

  • Salut Garance !
    Tout d’abord j’aimerai te dire que ces quelques vidéos sont une immersion totale dans le monde de la mode et c’est vraiment super ! J’adore !

    Mes moments préférés ? Les passages où on voit les show bien sûr ! Mais mon moment préféré est l’épisode “hey ladies” où on peut te voir toi et tes amies tout simplement !

    Des idées pour la saison 2 ? Des petites adresses que personne ne connaît, des petites boutiques qui regorgent de trésors et dont on ne connait pas encore les stylistes ! ou bien des endroits reculés dans les petites rues de paris, new york …
    Et puis bien sûr : plus de show, plus de découvertes encore dans les villes où tu vas et de ta bonne humeur qui nous fait tant de bien !
    Continue comme ça, c’est tellement un plaisir de te lire et de te suivre à travers le monde !
    Bisous bisous !

  • I would love it if you could interview Daphne Hezard!! She’s my beauty and fashion icon!

  • Hey Garance! Tout d’abord je flashe sur ces motifs! Après un passage sur le site de vente de K Spade, je m’aperçois qu’il reste… peu de choses (et si tu fais du 40, you’re dead).
    Comme je veux habiller mon mobile nu et triste, je copte bien te filer un coup de pouce.
    Moment préféré: les Parisiennes, cliché de la Française qui refuse tout effort de prononciation (E Alt, tu m’as fait poiler! Respect à I Marant pour sa persévérance toutefois).
    Ces vidéos m’ont marquée pour le côté intrusif et pas sophistiqué (hallucinant, quand on parle du fashion world).
    J’aimerais voir encore plus d’instants crus, davantage de banalité (N Vodianova se coupant les ongles d’orteils, Nathalie Rykiel se disputant avec la concierge, Scott Schuman pétant une crise de jalousie, des mannequins en galère de tampons…)

    Dans la prochaine saison j’aimerais voir davantage de techniciens de la mode, des couturières, des vigiles, des livreurs. Tout ça en gardant la même nonchalance, fraicheur, singularité et même franchise que ce blog.

    J’espère t’avoir ouvert de nouveaux horizons. Bon, en attendant mon téléphone est toujours aussi laid dans sa coque en cuir noir (sur le point de s’effriter).
    Quoi qu’il en soit je savoure toujours autant chaque nouvelle publication! XX

    (au fait, Marseille c’est sympa, balade par canicule : done!)

  • Je voudrais dire que j’adore les videos parce qu’il y a un melange parfait des moments avec des amis, des moments intimes et des defilees.
    Je pense que vous devriez toujours rester attentifs a la musique dans l’arriere plan parce que j’aimais beaucoup tous les chansons que vous avez utilises et je pense que ca donne un charme special a toute la serie.
    La camera est aussi importante – j’aimerais voir plus de plans des villes comme dans le video introduction, en outre je dois dire que vous avez filme pas mal de plans tres innovants et que c’est de la joie regarder des belles scenes comme par exemple dans le video 10 ans de Alber Elbaz.
    Mes moments preferes sont quand tu chantes avec Scott, c’est trop chouette :3 ou quand tu donnes des avis sur maquillage parce que c’est fun. Pour cette raison, j’aimais aussi la rencontre avec Diane Von Furstenberg, le moment quand elle parle de manteau, c’est top! Je pense que c’est le mieux si to rencontres des personnes a l’impromptu comme tu as fait avec Corinne Bailey Rae.
    Ce qui m’a fait penser, c’etait l’episode ou il s’agit de la technologie, parce que c’est vraiment incroyable jusqu’au quel point elle a change notre mode de vie.
    J’aime le fait que tu est de plus en plus a l’aise devant la camera et j’espere que tu deviennes completement a l’aise dans la saison prochaine.
    Enfin, je pense que tu pourrais donner plus de tes avis sur ce que tu n’as pas aime aux defilees.
    C’est tout :D

  • Hello Garance,

    Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?

    Le Pardon my French à Tokyo a été mon préféré.

    En quoi est-ce qu’il vous ont marqué ?

    Ce qui m’a le plus marquée, et touchée, dans cet épisode c’est le sourire des japonais et la notion d’échange.
    Ce que j’aime le plus dans les voyages ce sont les rencontres. Ca+le côté artistique avec la personnalisation du Lady Dior=moi comblée !

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?

    J’aimerai bien voir les coulisses des défilés, notamment du côté maquillage et coiffure, avec pourquoi pas des conseils des pros et les routines soin/make up des mannequins.

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?

    Sans hésiter, l’équipe de Garance Doré Studio, tes assistants, les personnes qui travaillent avec toi quoi.


  • 1. My favorite moments of season one included the montage of all the Parisans’ accessories and outfit accents (in the final episode).
    2. I liked this because it really conveys the attentive detail that Parisans have in their everyday wear! SO CLASSY AND BEAUTIFUL!!!
    3. Future videos should include more of YOU, Miss Garance! You are extremely savvy and interesting, and I’m always dying to see what you choose to wear. If you have any footage from your interview with Bazaar, maybe include that in an episode.. =]
    4. THE MAN REPELLER! or Alexa Chung! Both are so interesting, charismatic and fashionably genius!

  • Hi Garance!

    From the last season, my favorite video was the one that discussed fashion and technology. This is a major subject that touches all arts nowadays, and it is really interesting to see the point of view of people who work on the other side, like Franca Sozzani (amazing interview, by the way), and how it affects their lives. We can see through your video that, if we are not careful, we can live our lives through our phones and not actually live it. However, it is great to think that fashion shows are available live to everyone online, something we couldn’t imagine happening a decade ago. Fashion industry give the same opportunity to everyone to participate and interact with others.
    Next season, I would like to see another side of the changes in fashion with technology evolution, and that would be something you always talks about in your blog: how fast fashion is today. I know you talk about it a lot in your blog, but it would be fun to see how people work on the other side (the pressure, the creation process, the influences). And I would like to see you working on your new column for Vogue Paris! I think this would be really funny!
    If you can, you could interview Emmanuelle Alt, she’s such an interesting woman.

    Good luck with season two, we’re all looking forward to it!

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    Some of my favourite moments are in Les Parisiennes, like when you talk to friends/colleagues in the back of the car, and the short interviews with people like Franca Sozzani.

    Why did you like them ?
    Your talks/interviews feel so personal, casual and FUN!

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    Street style during fashion week.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    How about Anna Wintour, or Karl?

  • Dear Garance,

    Sometimes I think people misunderstand fashion as superficial because it appears to change so quickly, like the weather or the wind. The enormous energy which drives a certain pattern or fabric or style may persist for months, but then suddenly it changes course and the memory of that intensity is lost — think of a film of sailors following the wind on the surface of a great sea. Can the camera capture that feeling of the salt spray, the power of the invisible forces?

    I would say yes, if done well; I think you have an opportunity with your blog, and specifically your video clips, to (so to speak) make the wind visible.
    How? First, to see the present one needs a frame — the past and future. For instance:

    I’d love to hear experienced models speak about, say, the way shoes have changed, the energy of the crowd, the rise of the celebrity attendee.

    I’d love to see some episodes connecting clothing with “life” — a kind of streetstyle vlog where we see an image of a woman, and then you ask her what was on her mind when she left the house this morning, what she considers the political issues of the moment, what she hopes will be invented or solved in ten years, and if she can say a whimsical word or two about how her fashion choices fit into this matrix. How would she describe what her clothes say?

    I’d love to hear someone from the great textile houses talk about how innovations in fabric drive design, and what the real challenges are technically — what would designers do if “raw material” were no object? We know designers are major players in politics (e.g. the Obama re-election campaign) — how do they feel the role of fashion is changing? What is their public role?

    A variant on “une fille un style”– interview different women who wore the same dress about how it made them feel. Or organize some videos around asking several different women the question — what ideas about beauty did you absorb growing up? What is the greatest revelation you have had about your own beauty?
    What would you tell a girl watching this 50 years from now about being a woman in our time?

    I think with your signature light touch, you could do a wonderful job even with non-trivial topics, which could be very refreshing. As we know, fashion is not a stranger to thought.

    Bonne continuation.

  • Chère Garance,

    Quelques galères capillaires plus tard, me re-voilà !

    Je dois avouer que malgré la qualité des sujets “fashion” traités, les moments les plus marquants de la saison 1 sont selon moi (crescendo):
    1°) la pose de blush (ou comment être à deux doigts de se crever un oeil avec son pinceau) et de mascara en pleine rue ;
    2°) la so chic dégustation de macaron (manifestement dégueu) version Scott;
    3°) la groovie dance improvisée lors du défilé Kenzo;
    4°) la séance de dégustation de cochonailles post-défilé;

    Parce que;
    1°) il faut savoir prendre des risques dans la vie (dont celui de se crever un oeil);
    2°) il ne faut pas avoir peur de dire (et de le montrer) de quelque chose que c’est dégueu (même quand c’est le traiteur soirée chez Colette);
    3°) il faut savoir être légère quant tout autour de soi paraît si sophistiqué;
    4°) la cochonite aïgue touche même les meilleurs.

    La saison 2 pourrait être un voyage à la découverte et à la rencontre de ceux sans qui la mode, les créateurs et les défilés ne seraient rien, j’ai nommé les artisans de la mode (les couturières, les artisans qui fabriquent les tissus exceptionnels qui vont servir à donner vie au rêve du créateur, les coiffeurs, les maquilleurs, les attachés presse, etc…).

    Certes, ils sont sans doute moins glamour qu’Emmanuelle Alt ou Franca Sozani (quoique c’est pas dit) mais pour autant ils sont tout aussi importants car sans eux pas de magie.

    Tu pourrais ainsi nous faire découvrir les métiers de la mode au sens large et donc nous faire rencontrer ces petites mains si précieuses, même si idéalement j’aurais adoré que tu puisses rencontrer le Père Nöel ou moi, tout simplement parce que je serai à NYC pendant la fashion week (mais pas pour y assister…malheureusement).

    Allez pleins de bisous de Paris (officiellement ville morte en cette veille de 15 août)!

    Alda Mori

  • 1. Coffeeklatsch with your fashionable friends. Make this a fixture!
    2. It’s girly giggly and fun!
    3. What about comic speech bubbles that pop up and tell us what you are really thinking at times.
    4. Peut-être Monsieur Jean Paul Gaultier!


  • I watched the series over and over. I think what’s so amazing about them is your personality infused with the world of fashion. It shows us inside this amazing world as if we are a part of it. I loved the interviews with power women like Diane, Isabel and Emanuelle. Super inspiring!
    You know who would be great to see? Stella McCartney, Marc Jacobs and Prabal Gurung! Those are three designers who not only have amazing designing skills, but also a personality. And maybe some bloggers like Leandra Medine from the ManRepeller

    For the rest, dont change anything. Dont make it super proffesional or acted. Keep it spontaneous !
    Xo Alice

  • My favorite moments of the first season of PMF were Garance stealing the crystal at the Chanel show (too funny!); Alber Elbaz’s 10th anniversary celebration (the stage was glorious!); and watching Garance spend time with her girlfriends. She seems so genuine and full of light!

    In the next season, Garance and her friends should go shopping at the Prada store in Soho. I would also love to see Garance sit down and talk with Elle Lanphear, Esperanza Spalding (if she’s at the shows), and Ines de la Fressange.

    Looking forward to the next season!

  • Hi Garance! I love this idea! I didn’t read the other comments in order to give my own original ideas. I hope I don’t repeat someone else’s words. So here are my answers:

    Which were your favorite moments of season one ?

    I liked when you were making fun with friends in front of the camera, being yourself, not taking everything so serious. Also I loved it when you were bringing celebrities in your car and making interviews with them.

    Why did you like them ?

    I think it’s what everyone wants to see – how these people talk, how they move, what kind of personality they have… We all see them on photos, but it’s different to feel the person, and when you ask interesting questions (not just talking about their outfit today), it’s even more attractive.

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?

    Pardon my English, I hope I get this question right. A feature is not a material object, right? :)
    Here’s some Ideas for shooting:

    1. I would like you to follow fashion celebrities trough their everyday lives in order to show more details about their work, what difficulties they have, how they deal with fame.
    2. Another interesting thing for me is how show business stars go shopping. I can’t imagine Lady Gaga going to a normal store for example. Do they make appointments with the designers and how does all the process go?
    3. Also, another idea is to show the organization of a fashion show. All the things that have to be prepared, all the people involved, how many different companies are taking care of the event?
    4. Ask how the fashion brands choose whom to invite on their fashion shows? What kind of people do they send invitations to and why? And the opposite – if some celebrity wants to visit a fashion show, is it possible to create a place for him/her if all the invitations are already sent and the guest list – full and confirmed?
    5. Go to “Paradise” – the wardrobe of some huge fashion magazine and try clothes. :) Ask them what they do with all the clothes after the shoots. Do they return them to the designers? Do the designers put them in stores?
    6. Follow the life of a fashion piece. (inspiration, idea, design, choice of materials, production, being worn by a model on a fashion show/being delivered to a store etc. )
    7. You can ask all of your guest celebrities to do something funny in front of the camera. Like… singing or dancing or anything that can show them having fun.
    8. Feed models. Try to give them something sweet or fat and see their reaction. Ask models about the way they eat, about diets. I am sure there are a lot of people who would like to know how to look like a model.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

    More ordinary people, like walking in the street, seeing somebody interesting and asking them questions about their style, about some interesting problem (which could be the theme of the episode, for example).

  • 1. PMF: Hey Ladies had two of my favorite moments.

    2. I loved this episode and these moments because you were more heavily featured than in the others. I loved seeing you in your natural habitat so to speak, surrounded by friends and talking fashion. It was very intimate in that they are your friends yet I was there listening, but it was also intimate because it felt familiar to me; I do the same with my girlfriends all the time whether the topic if fashion, or guys or family.

    That interview with DVF is my favorite moment of PMF, (full disclosure I love her) She has a glamor and style that’s accessible, it’s not snooty (which sometimes high fashion can be) I love how thoughtful she was about her designs and how you can wear DVF and use fashion to communicate interest or apprehension to someone (a potential romantic partner in her example). There were things I took away from her interview that have become a part of my style. I treat myself to a delicious and healthy ginger/lemon/honey tea often, this isn’t just a fashion thing, it’s an example of the transcendence of great fashion. Being in control of my brand, my person, how people perceive me through dress has driven to feel empowered to care for my body, my soul if that makes sense. I’ve also taken to spritzing my favorite fragrance around my home on special occasions–life’s too short to not live in a great smelling home.

    3. Ideas for future features: I’d love to learn more about your work, take us through the process of putting together a post; from no vision to inspiration to illustration to iteration etc to the finished product. I find artists so inspiring and I think you have such a unique voice in fashion. Also, please ask DVF to adopt me…I can make ginger tea for us.

    4. I’d love to see people who are more behind the scenes in fashion. The tailor that makes a Tom Ford suit a Tom Ford suit, the milliners, the people that dye the fabric just the right shade of green, the person that agonizes over the right brass button to go on the coat because they understand the power of details in a garment, Garance sketching and sketching away until she has the perfect image to share with the world.

  • Hi Garance,
    I’ve loved your videos, such a voyeuristic thing to do! Like most women I love beauty, fashion, clothes, perfume… but what I really love about these little videos are the really personal touches – I liked Franca Sozzani in her apartment because it was such a privileged view of her life.

    Some of my favourite other pieces that you do are the ‘my essentials’ interviews – perhaps you could do more of these as videos ‘season 2’?

    There isn’t one particular person that I would like to see you meet, but I would like it to be a woman of a ‘normal’ healthy size, and for you to ask about health and beauty regimes, much like your Harpers Bazaar interview. You made such a splash with your previous health and diet posts which really seemed to touch a nerve with women everywhere, that I’d like to see this revisited – I’m sure a feature like this would be very popular. We women are inquisitive and enquiring minds want to know about better role models for the new woman!

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    -I enjoyed seeing the snippets of your personal style.

    Why did you like them ?
    -I feel it’s an accessible style that appears pulled-together but not over-thought, which is what I strive for, and think many others do too.

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    -More talk about accessories (which are the most important to pull together a look? What’s important to spend more money on?), interviews with designers about their design process and staple wardrobes

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    -You! Also, Isabel Marant, Diane von Furstenburg. And non-super-celeb designers, people we maybe haven’t heard of yet or are just starting to hear about (Black Crane, Boessert Schorn, etc).

  • Hay garance, hello from Israel! We love u here u should defenetlyncome by and check out our fashion scene.
    The person who most I would love to see on your videos is the amazing leandra medina who is the man repeller. I love both of your blogs and I think that the contrasts between u two and your special views about dressing and fashion will be very interesting. U should defenetly let her dress u up “man repelling” style!

  • Garance, I’ve been quietly reading and enjoying the multiple layers-illustration, street fashion, profiles, inspiration- of your site for a few years now. I just love your drawing lines…as a Canadian gallerist I can tell you have serious talent. Thank for this opportunity. Like you, it’s so much fun.

    Which were your favorite moments of season one ?

    There are so many to choose from…but the ones that stay in my mind are the following: 1. Diane von Furstenberg spritzing perfume on the runway…and learning about her family recipe for ginger tea. No one else has captured those details about Diane…and that’s exactly what will inform my list of hopeful interviees at the end.
    2. You, Scott and Caroline laughing in the car. I think there’s a seriousness to fashion that you totally unravel by sharing these moments with us. We get to be a part of your world.
    3. Simple moments like waiting. Waiting for celebrities or an elevator in Cannes…those shots where you and your team climb the stairs…those are insightful moments where you reveal the process of your work. Love them.
    4. But my top moment was the quest to transform lady Dior…where you met…Ten-You…your calligraphy teacher. If 98% of documentary film is caught off caught the 2% on film in that moment. It was authentic…and I could see how learning about lines would inspire you as an artist and move you to tears.

    Why did you like them ?

    Oh…I talk too much. My explanations are above about why I liked each moment.

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?

    Many. I would love to go inside Moda Operandi…and see that world from your perspective. There’s something insular about that world…and I think your warmth would make it approachable.
    Canadian Fashion…please consider visiting Toronto Fashion week….we have some brilliant designers.
    Getting behind the beauty secrets…could we go inside a Joelle Ciocco facial…those inside moments are especially fun for those of us who don’t get to travel as much as you do.
    Corsica…wow…that looked amazing.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

    1. A Canadian that lives in Canada…stylist and Flare fashion director….Liz Cabral
    2. Anna Wintour…the interviews of her so far never scratch the surface. So far the best ones always seem to be on late night talk shows…with comedians. I suspect you could cast a new light on her……and draw out a sincerity like no other.
    3. Sally Singer…oh the brains…she’s always willing to go there in an interview…she gives everything…and you two would have fun.
    4. Lady Amanda Harlech


  • My favorite moment is your conversation with Emmanuelle Alt in the taxi. She’s wearing a leopard coat.

    This is memorable to me because Emmanuelle has an impeccable and original sense of style and I was interested in hearing her speak. When I look at past season photos of her she always looks fashionable and never makes a mistake. I was pleasantly surprised that she was approachable and nonchalant. I can see how she loves fashion but has a rich life outside of the fashion world.

    My favorite aspect of your videos and blog are the portraits of individual style. Videos add a layer of depth- the movements of the person, how their clothes look as they walk or turn or laugh. I love seeing what chic people are wearing at the present time, around the world. Not everyone wants to pose for the camera and show us what they are wearing but if they do, this is what I find most interesting.

    In future videos I would love to see more women in their everyday, chic clothing versus evening gowns. We can see the latter in any mainstream magazine and everything starts to look the same. I loved your profile on Andie, the salon owner. She is original and stylish even in her casual clothing.

  • My absolutely favourite was the one with Lady Dior in Tokyo :) I just loved how the bag became more personal and each souvenir added to it was really cool. All together it was just a masterpiece, even more so because it was spontanous :) I am always excited to see Pardon my French. For me, someone who’s living totally outside that wonderful world of fashion and art, it’s a great chance to get a look inside and see what it’s like since watching a video is quite different than just reading about it in Vogue. I would love to see more different cities in Pardon my French in the future. You could be our guide and show us all the cool places to see :) It would also be great if you could do some career profiles in the videos.

  • – J’ai adoré quand tu as rencontré Julian Moore, j’étais pratiquement jalouse!
    – Ça J’aimerais bien que vous passiez plus de temps dans les coulisses des Fashion show. J’adore voir l’envers du décor, qui habituellement est fermé au grand public!
    – J’aimerais bien que vous rencontriez des top model comme Coco rocha, Karlie Kloss ou Lindsey Wixson!

  • As a producer, I love your videos, they are excellent! Keep them coming.

    I loved the interview with the editor of Vogue Italia, the business side of publishing and fashion is interesting for all of us who are obsessed! Seeing any behind the scenes is also cool.

    I would love to see you shop for Fall, it seems daunting this season, I don’t feel as sure about what to wear, I can’t seem to find a direction, an inspiration, am I the only one who feels that way? So what would you buy/wear/love etc? Its all making me want to go simple. And now that there is so much coverage, its seems odd to get the September issues. I love it and yet, I feel a little overloaded.

    So perhaps you interview buyers, or people who have a defined style. How to plan for each season.

    And, I would love to see interviews with people who have started small brands. You have done some in print, but to ask them how they got the courage, etc, and to see the process would be cool!


  • Hi Garance!
    I really just loved your girlfriends sitting around at a cafe, talking about what they liked best about the fashion shows. I love your street-style pics, but seeing your subjects in motion, on video, really brings their style and personalities alive!

  • Bonjour garance ,
    Mes 3 vidéos préférées par ordre : le sac lady Dior et l’interview d’Isabel marant . J’ai beaucoup aime la vidéo sur alber albaz .
    Ce qui me plairait serait une interview d’Anna wintour et aussi de Carine roitfeld . … Et pourquoi pas de Karl lagerfeld . Mais aussi de Scott dans un Carrier .
    Et aussi un pardon my french a Milan et Londres .
    Un pardon my french sur la maison hermes serait formidable . La maison guerlain aussi . Et d’autres comme balenciaga ou Martin margelia .
    Merci d’avance .
    Cette coque d’i phone est adorable sans être ostentatoire .
    Merci pour ce concours .
    Merci de nous offrir cette minute glamour chaque jour .
    Bonne chance .

  • Bonjour Garance!

    Depuis le premier épisode de “Pardon my french”, c’est une joie de découvrir les nouvelles vidéos. Pourquoi ? Car vous faîtes part de vos rencontres au monde entier, vous dégagez une fraîcheur qui, personnellement, me motive m’ouvrir aux autres. De plus, vous avez un humour, qui donne instantanément le sourire!

    Ainsi, au cours de cette première saison, j’ai pu découvrir par exemple une autre facette de Tokyo. Il est vrai que les rencontres avec les habitants, les habitués, donnent une vision nouvelle sur un pays.

    Il me vient une idée : Pourquoi ne pas mettre en vidéo, les basktages de la mode ? C’est-à-dire vous suivre durant la création d’un projet (nous en avons eu de brefs aperçus lors de la collaboratiob avec Thiffany&co), d’une collection ? J’aimerais voir en vidéo et non en photos, la génèse d’une idée qui sera mis en abyme par la mode…

    Et si une vidéo retraçait le parcours des personnes qui vous inspirent, à l’image de vos articles “my essentials” ?

    Ou encore, j’aimerais que vous nous fassiez découvrir les nouveaux talents de demain, qu’ils soient français, américains, italiens, allemands, chinois, japonais, etc!

    Votre talent et votre vision de la vie m’inspirent beaucoup. Restez comme vous êtes chère Garance.



  • I love all of them, Garance! Especially when you have little interviews and follow people around. The Chanel show was amazing to see—and I love when you talk about your outfits!

  • hello garance,
    i haven’t read all the comments above, so i might be writing what has already been said…

    among all the PMF videos i probably like most the “welcome to paris!” episode. so much fun… and that is what i’d like to see in the next series – it must be the personal fashion week diary (as you say it in “episode 1”) – so keep as personal as possible. show the city and your favorite places, show all the glamorous outfits coming to the shows (see “hey ladies”), invite your friends to talk about the shows, that is the best commentary i appreciate (see “paris episode 4”), show us the small details – tilda swinton and birthday cake, get some more interviews with all the interesting people (see “paris #3: women!”) and especially those funny moments like french photographers not knowing how to call leigh…
    by the way – those short “vignettes” as you call this videos are superb (more shorter videos are better than only few too long ones. neither i want to be too long, so shortly – keep on dancing, singing, showing your make-up, handbags and give us some more video “language course” as in “welcome to paris!”…
    back where i started:)

    best, k

  • Bonjour Garance,
    first of all thanks for this amazing opportunity how to express our ideas and thoughts about PMF videos and also the possibility to win!
    What I like the most about your videos is that they are so approachable and you really seem like one of us, which makes everyone, me included, to wanna have you as their best friend.
    The nicest moment for me was your super short make up video, just to see that people from fashion industry are also humans and do crazy stuff like all of us:)
    In the future you can just add maybe more shots from the cities you film in and also how you film and some interviews from designers, ‘cos the shows themselves are all over the internet after a while…
    You’re doing a great job – bon chance! x

  • HelloGrance

    Et pourquoi pas un Pardon my French à Bordeaux! bon ok c’est pas pas New York ou Paris…… J’adore ces vidéos, ce sont mes “petits bonheurs” .

    Les séances avec tes copines , j’en veux encore et toujours, ma meilleure amie est à 300km , alors tu penses bien que ça, je kiiiffe! nous la rigolade c’est à travers nos iphone, tiens d’ailleurs le mien frétille à l’idée de porter cet fabulous coque. Chuuut

    Dans cette première saison j’ai adoré la métamorphose du Lady Dior à Tokyo ainsi que les défilés , c’est toujours bon de voir des show auxquels on ne peut assisté.
    Tiens ça aussi il faut continuer

    Ah moi ce que j’aimerais c’est un Pardon my French dans les Salons du Palais Royal , chez Serge Lutens! et aussi une petite “causette” avec Muccia Prada. Un défilé , ben celui de Yamamoto et celui d’une copine à moi qu’elle organise en décembre (c’est pas possible …bon d’accord)

    Et toujours et encore ton sourire, ta joie de vivre .
    Ah j’oubliais , j’aimerais bien aussi un sujet sur les chaussures……Louboutin, Jimmy shoo…….

    Merci pour tes petits bonheurs


  • Hi Garance,

    I love them all! and I have watched them all many many times. Reading your blog everyday is like going to temple. It has become my religion.

    In terms of my absolute favourite video, I especially love the new one for J.Crew, when you are filmed walking the streets of Paris. You look amazing, you skin is flawless, your outfit is so chic and laid back and I love seeing you so happy walking along some of the most beautiful streets in the world. I also am a big J.Crew fan, so it was a double whammy for me and Scott’s cameo is super cute too!

    Please do more videos, you are so simpatica!!!! Your voice and storytelling is so sweet. I only wish you had your own tv show.

    Bisous de Montréal, xxx, Marisa

  • I loved loved loooved seeing you and Scott in between shows, or at the end of the day getting some drinks, and the general hanging out with your friends. I like the type of approach you show towards Fashion Week. Like, sure, it´s all glamour and stuff but you put it out there how it really is for “media people”: the enjoyment, the hectic schedules, the rush, the emotion, the fatigue, the chit chat, what´s “behind the magic”, the down-to-earth point of view, all that jazz. On a different subject, your videos have shown me that you can be professional, get work done and have fun at the same time, experiment, “play”, which is really inspiring.

    Also, I very much enjoyed seeing the different places that I´ve never been to, like Paris, Cannes or Japan, especially in a Fashion-related way. Oh, and on top of that, I can´t get over the dress you wore for the Cannes Film Festival, talk about pretty!!!

    On your future videos I´d love to see a bit more of your take on styles, like you do on your regular written blog. Say, to see a show and a little forecast on your part on who you think will be wearing this or that, or wether you think it´ll be a hit.

    I think it´d be very refreshing to see you meeting some of the new faces, for example Blake Lively (not so new, but still young) or Emma Roberts.

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?

    I especially loved the ‘tech’ themed video because it really illustrated how technology and ‘gadgets’; phones, laptops, twitter, and the interwebs have changed the way we live. It amazes me that the internet has really changed our lives and our world. A girl from the Bronx, me, can see a fashion show happening an ocean away, and that influences how I live. AMAZING, no? And the internet and technology have made it possible for the world to become small and manageable – like you said, it makes it possible to make friends all over the world, which is quite beautiful.

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?

    I want to see you working!!! A ‘working girl’ type series on video!!
    What camera’s/lenses you bring with you on fashion month.
    How you shoot according to weather.
    Where you shoot according to weather.
    Your editing process. How many pictures you took, and how you decide from all those pics what you will feature.
    Business meetings.
    Your inspiration for sketching/drawing.
    How you decide what to wear in order to make the work day better/easier? Or, why you decided what to wear because you were meeting/interviewing someone, or going to a specific show, and wanted a specific look.
    How the weather affects how you shoot.
    How you decide who you interview.
    Your process for getting the interview ready.
    Why you decide to go to which fashion shows.
    Your team!!! Every great business/brand has an even better team that holds it up. Who are the people that travel with you and what do they do? What is their process? What is the studio (hotel room when you travel?) like when then come in? How do you all start the work process? What decisions are made when? Your assistant and her workflow? What is your team like? Do they love you? Do they not love you sometimes?
    Downtime – what do you do on break? How do you unwind during fashion month?

    Also, I want to see a Pardon My French – Corsica Edition.
    I know it would not be part of Fashion Month, but it could be a cute parody!
    Things you must do while in Corsica.
    Catching up on sleep.
    Eating mom’s cooking?
    Or what do you eat? Where do you eat?
    Interviewing the locals on their style.
    Giving your mom your laundry to wash. Ha!
    Packing for Corsica.
    What the fashion is like there.
    An interview with the woman behind the woman – Your mom! What fashion means to her? What inspires her when it comes to fashion? What you were like when you were younger? What her reaction was to the rapid success of your blog? What you are like as just a daughter, not a blogger, photographer, influencer or illustrator – Just her girl…What’s that like?

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

    Would love to meet Caroline de Maigret, Jenna Lyons and Solange Knowles (I know you have featured Solange more in depth on the blog, but it would be nice to see her on video) – I have a girl crushes. Find out what fashion week means to them? How do they prep for it? What are their weeks like? They are all mothers so how do they balance family life with work during fashion week/fashion month?

    And Martin Margiela. ;) I kid!!!

    Dear, Lawd! I have written an essay.

  • Salut Garance!

    J’ai moi aussi adoré la première saison de pardon my french pour cette vision à part et très naturelle que tu nous proposes.
    Je trouve ton point de vue et tes idées toujours très inspirants. Les personnes que tu nous présente aussi. A chaque fois que je te lis je me sens vraiment enrichie.

    Alors ce que j’aimerai connaitre dans cette deuxième saison, ce serait les sources d’inspiration des personnes que tu rencontres ou filmes. Qu’est ce qui les fait vibrer, ressentir, créer…

    Merci en tout cas pour toutes ces belles choses


  • Call me starnge but I enjoyed your taxi conversations…. talking as you are travelling to and from events. I also loved seeing you & Scott together – I think you guys are so cute! :)

    I’d like to see how you observe style on the streets, approach someone to take a photo, get a sense of their character, train your eye, etc.

    I’d also like to see what unique fashion/ style you see coming out of the cities you visit eg: a new colour trend from London, hair styles in New York, Jewelry from Rio etc.

    Bisou xx

  • I loved it when you review the shows with your friend over ooffee. More casual conversation. More conversation about what inspires people . You really do a fantastic job!

  • My favourite episode, completely, was Les Parisiennes. Loved seeing your exchange with Emmanuelle Alt in the car. Two of my favourite female influences together having an exchange over an issue of Vogue? Unreal. And Isobel Marant too! I just enjoyed witnessing these inspiring women talk about aspects of their careers with realness and sensibility.

    In terms of a feature, I always love your musings on body image, health, exercise, diet (I hate using that word but you know what I mean) etc. It gives us a little window into your every day and it’s relative to everyone across the board. Healthy life = beautiful existence. Would love to see something in this vein.

    And there are so many people I would love to see you interact with. Mabel van Oranje, Vanessa Bruno, Carol Lim and Humberto Leon, Penny Martin, Solange Knowles (loved her in your “My Essentials” series), Michelle Williams etc etc.

  • Salut!!!
    First of all, my favorite moments were when u took us to Paris, to the streets of NY with all the fashion week chaos. it’s like watching ur pictures about fashionweek but with movement and its sooo much better! It is so exiting to watch all the fashionistas interacting between and before shows, because we the mortal people just see pictures of them and the runway but we never see the actual atmosphere before the models come out.
    I would like to see more of you and Scott together interacting i think is very interesting, because the majority of your readers also read Scott’s blog.

  • Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?
    Les défilés. Vos amies. L’épisode du sac Lady dior.
    Toutes, sont intéressantes et captivante.
    Et les musiques derrière j’adore. C’est nouveau et cela ne passe pas à la radio. ^^^

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?
    Pendant les défilés j’ai regardé deux sites qui sont pour moi les seules qui proposent un autre aspect des défilés.

    1) Garrance Doré
    2) «le journal de la fashion week» par Jennifer neyt

    Ce que je propose :

    Poser 5 questions rapides au front row des défilés (H/F) et les mannequins du moment (freja beha, anja rubik, arizona muse…)

    la musique du moment
    le sac du moment
    le livre …
    la tenue du moment
    la ville du moment ……

    Le but découvrir leurs coups de coeur du moment et leur personnalités …

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?
    Le front row des défilés. Homme et femme.
    Anna wintour. (Même si c’est impossible)
    Victoria Beckham.
    Karl lagerfeld
    Alexia chung
    Kate moss
    Olivia palermo
    Poppy delevigne

    Plus d’interview avec des françaises et en français. Nous avons une si jolie langue.

  • Hello Garance,
    The series is just fantastic. Fresh, inspiring and delightful… I had the pleasure of doing makeup and hair for you and Scott for Italian Glamour during your “Arizona dreams” fashion shoot… When I watch the series I feel your “kid in a candy store” excitement and appreciation at shows, events and upon meeting fashion icons or celebrities… that jadedness that we expect from a fashion person is nowhere to be found…. I too feel that you may be my imaginary bff in the alter fashion universe that swirls around in my head…

    Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    It’s hard to choose between girls lunches, SJP, DVF, Albers 10 year anniversary serenade… Lanvin, Louis Vuitton and so much more…but a moment of fashion theft and smuggling at Chanel, is bar none the best… talk about seizing the day – carpe diem!

    Why did you like them ?
    It is the romantic notion of a fashionable life… if only we could sit and sip with the girls, dance the night away in Canne or pull up a chair with Diane Von Furstenberg and glean little drops of wisdom from her… The series is a little door to living vicariously.

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    How wonderful would it be for others to see you creating… being on set and styling and watching your process in action?

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    Other than wishing that you would take me with you (that is if your makeup and hair people are unavailable)… I would love to see more “meeting of the minds” with designers and one thing I love about your blog are the objects and places you discover… how lovely to see more of those admits the hectic and chaotic pace that is fashion week


  • 1. I looooooooved all the clips of you dancing this season haha! So cute! Of course, meeting isabel marant was amazeballs. I also really liked the clip from Cannes of Tilda Swinton getting emotional — it was so tender and sweet.

    2. it’s just really fun to get a glimpse into a world most people don’t have access to — but particularly through the garance dore lens, which is to say, with a uniquely warm and inviting point of view!

    3. I would love to see a feature that focuses on shoes! in particular designers like loeffler randall and miu miu, or maybe exploring the crazy world of jeffrey campbell.

    4. see above! plus, it would be really cool if you interviewed someone like alexa chung!

  • Dear Garance,

    I especially like the episodes number 1, the first real episode from Paris (parisienne) and Paris #4, bacause they have something spontaneous about them. I would love to see more of this in the coming season. I would also love to hear even more about your opinions about the shows.
    And I would also love to see more about your own preparations for the shows, how do you choose your own outfit? (like the one episode when you tell us about Scotts cardican and the super cool boots in which youa can’t run) (in a very serious way, I loved that!), and as a final point: I think it would be great to learn more about your opinions about skirts. (Yes, about skirts, you seldom say anything about skirts. I know you love white jeans, denim shirts, jumpsuits, military jackets and so on, but what about skirts?) And please, don’t hesitate to give us a very subjective, and possibly very french point of view!

    Best regards!

  • Which were your favorite moment of season one ?

    Episode 3 was my favorite.

    Why did you like them ?

    I personally liked the glimpses of the fashion shows and Garance going out with the girls. I appreciate the inside look and seeing people moving and doing everyday things in the clothes we all admire so much.

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?

    How Garance’s illustrations became fabric which then became Kate Spade clothing and accessories. It’s fun to see how these thing develop.

    Also, a glimpse of her working as the photographer of a spread and how she coordinates with the stylists.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

    Tonne Goodman

  • please do an episode about your illustrating, how you draw, your drawing tools, how you learned to draw and why you like to draw, and how you drew the kate spade fabrics. it is so creative and would be exceptional if you shared with us your thoughts about your own creative artistry.

    then, i would love if you could go into a design house, where they do a lot of hand work, so we could see some of the crafting skills that go into making clothes, or shoes or bags, just to be able to go behind the scenes – whatever interests you will interest us.

    and let a designer or a team put your look together, it is so fun the way they think and the way you react.

    those are truly behind the scenes in a special way and would love to hear and see your impressions.

    happy summer, n.

  • They r all so lively and inspiring, my favourite was without a doubt the one about Cannes. Could be really cool if you could feature in your videos young designers,photographers and artist,a good way to show their work and know them in a more relax and casual way like you always do with your videos.

    All the best xx

  • j’ai vraiment été littéralement transportée au visionnage du Pardon my french à Cannes. Depuis toute petite je rêve de ce festival, je vis à son rythme pendant 10 jours, et cette année alors que je devais réviser le bac, tous les soirs j’étais vissée sur Canal, puis vissée sur leur site pour admirer les robes/les actrices/les bijoux/les staaars bref Caaannes! La vidéo était irréelle et drôle, légère et profonde, lumineuse et si pleine de nuit, pleine de stars inaccessibles et d’une équipe accessible. C’était Marion-pleine de grâce et Lana del Rey en Marie-Madeleine solaire et illuminée, c’était Garance et ses lunettes, vedette de la croisette, c’était les marches… C’était le rêve dans mon écran, le rêve dans ma petite vie, c’était trop beau pour être vrai mais c’était vrai!
    Je serais vraiment passionnée de voir Kanye West s’exprimer dans une prochaine vidéo, parce que j’admire l’artiste, et surtout j’aimerais connaitre son rapport à la mode, dans la mesure où il a décidé de créer sa propre ligne. La sensibilité de Garance, la capacité de votre équipe à créer une sorte de proximité à la fois dans l’image et dans le contenu, jamais snobe, toujours touché par une sorte de grâce amusante, serait un angle de vue intéressant pour aborder la personnalité de Kanye West. Merci encore pour la qualité, et le transport que suscite chez moi ces petites vidéos que j’attends toujours comme les petits cadeaux qu’ils sont. Clara

  • Je crois que mon moment préféré et quand tu “traînes” avec tes copines !
    Tu semble si réel, loin de ta “célébrité”, c’est extra et une très bonne idée !
    J’aimerai voir encore beaucoup de ces moments, pour me sentir plus proche de toi.. te voir entrain de faire les boutiques, sélectionner tes coups de coeur, hésiter.. être HUMAINE :)
    J’aimerai beaucoup, dans un prochain épisode, que tu “fasses parler” Sarah Jessica Parker ! Et je suis certaine que tu ne serai pas contre cette idée ! Ca nous permettrait de la découvrir à ta façon..

    Je te félicite pour ton travail, c’est vraiment extra tout ce que tu fais ! Et puis, je voulais aussi te remercier car je ne vais entrer qu’en terminale et on peut pas vraiment dire que je sois très douée en anglais, mais avec ton petit accent tout mignon (qui ressemble beaucoup au miens) j’ai absolument tout compris ! Et ça m’a donné envie de mieux me pencher sur cette langue, et faire des efforts pour l’apprendre.

    En septembre, pour mes 18ans, je recevrai l’iphone, et je serai très heureuse qu’il arbore cette jolie coque :)

    Bon courage pour la suite, continue tout ce que tu fais,

  • My fav moments in season one was just the realness of everything. Nothing seemed scripted, it was just raw, genuine. I really enjoyed how you meet diff types of people famous or not, like local artists. I would like to see an interview with Kate Moss. I realy enjoyed the Dior purse traveling around. Maybe something like that again :)?

  • I really love all the behind the scenes, after and between the shows… the girl talk.
    I love that you help make high fashion accessible and real.
    I would love to see lots more behind the scenes, in the design studios, workrooms, back stage etc., But also more “at home” with the designers, makers and models, all the people and places you are able to see and share with us.
    Keep doing what you do!

  • Garance:

    I love your blog. I am a boring attorney who dreams of fashion so I live vicariously through your blog. I loved every moment of season one of Pardon my French. I thought the personal moments where you shared what it is like to be at Fashion Week were the most fun. I also liked the behind the scenes glimpses of the shows.

    I like these moments because they are more personal and real. I enjoy your writing style and perspective and so that is why these more personal aspects appealed to me.

    I would love to see you follow a model from arrival to catwalk. I’d love to know what the fitting process is like and how they decide what the hair and make up will be for the outfit. A day in the life of a designer one the day of their Fashion Week show would be fun.

    I love love love Laura Love and would love to see you follow her for a day. I’d also like to see a segment where you are editing an episode. You must take hours of video and the editing process would be fascinating (and challenging). I adore Katie Ermilio’s line and love Lauren Hutton’s style so either of them would be terrific as well.

    Thanks for the chance to give feedback.

  • Favorite moments  – Alber Elbaz 10 Year Anniversary, you chatting with your friends, all of your moments with Scott (too voyeuristic?)

    Videos I’d like to see: an investigation on where are and what are designers like Zoran, Romeo Gigli doing right now?

    Who to meet   – Tilda Swinton, my all time favorite actress. Her style is truly inspiring!

  • Bonsoir garance (il est 22h21 à Paris),

    Donc, pour répondre à ces questions, mes moments favoris de “Pardon My french” sont: l’épisode de Tokyo et ceux de Paris.

    Pour Tokyo, j’ai aimé ce voyage, cette balade dans les rues et les gens que tu as pu rencontrer. C’est génial de nous faire partager tout cela. Et j’ai aimé la customisation du sac sachant que chaque détail a une signification. Et pour Paris, c’est un tel plaisir de voir la beauté de la ville de lumière et toute cette frénésie de la fashion-week. J’adore! Je rêve d’y participer un jour (tant qu’il y a de la vie, il y a de l’espoir).

    Pour la rubrique, est ce vraiment nécessaire? Je préfère vraiment quand il s’agit de ballade spontanée et de rencontre hasardeuse.
    Mais si il en faut une, la voici: une rubrique sur les meilleures adresses dans chaque ville. Mouais? Bof?

    Et concernant les futures rencontres merveilleuses, pourquoi pas Kaiser? Ou les blogueuses qui parlent de mode, de beauté avec un point vue totalement différent des magasine de mode et avec leur propre style?

    A ta prochaine vidéo. Bien à toi.

  • Garance,

    I liked the whole season 1 of Pardon my French, because it showed a glamorous fashion week from a fresh angle, showing people taking part in it as real people and not some unaproachable stars. And I absolutely loooove your witty comments.

    However I do have two favourite moments: the first one is you stealing the Chanel crystal and catching up with your friends later and showing them the crystal (because it was so you – hillarious, simple and cute at the same time).

    I would like to see a feature concentrating on photography and a feature on backstage events of a fashion show (the transformation of models, the changing of clothes, the vibe in the backstage, the tricks they use…), or a feature on “accidents” of designers, models and others taking part in a fashion show.

  • Hi Garance.

    Just like every one else in here you have inspired me beyond my imagination. I am a danish desinger and I am slowly building my own brand and sort of running a blog on the side.. I love all of yours and scotts movies they are so fresh, clear and relatable and I love that you are doing it together. Of course my favorites are pardon my french. I can´t put my finger on just a few because I wouldn´t know where to start. I love fashion but I hate having to search for it and that is why I look at your blog every day.. It is so easy to follow you and what ever is going on and not get caught up in gossip or a forced oppinion on what ever is hot at the moment.

    If I did win the case I would give it to my sister. She is not in fashion but is a very serious math student (totally gonna hire her later) but the illustration reminds me of her ..

    I hope that my answer is good enough.

    – Signe

  • C’est mon premier commentaire à vie alors c’est tout dire sur le design du case.

    Ce qui m’a le plus marqué, c’est la collabo sur le sac Lady Dior. J’ai adoré la simplicité et la générosité des artistes et la réaction géniale des fashion people par rapport à cette idée et le côté une peu enfantin de l’exécution.

    Une idée de rubrique? Après Pardon my French, ce pourrait être un segment Keep it Real. Un des trucs que j’aime le plus de tes chroniques, c’est le côté vrai, le fait que tu n’es pas parfaite… Tes 5 kilos. Perfection is terribly boring.

    J’aimerais bien une rencontre avec Jenna Lyons. Et Vivienne Westwood. Et SJP. Et Charlotte Gainsbourg.

  • Hi Garance
    My favourite episode was Les Parisiennes. I loved your interview with Emmanuelle Alt. She’s incredible! More interviews with magazine editors/photographers would be great. Taylor Tomasi Hill… Maybe you could also show us some of your favourite places in Paris and show us more of life in Paris. It would also be cool to see a behind the scenes at a fashion show, not just the models but also the work that goes into creating the sets/runways. I don’t know how feasible this is, but an interview with Alber Elbaz would be amazing!

  • D’abord, I love the little casual moments from season one — you and Scott coming home from the ice skating show and laughing at the nippy weather, the funny tasting salmon macarons at the Colette exhibit, all your coffee cups during the New York shows and then curling up on a couch at night… these moments are so fun because they’re real, personal and full of your quirky charm — the perfect contrast to the order and precision of a fashion show.

    A feature I’d like to see… hmmm, perhaps a bit of the food side of fashion week (I’m a foodie and believe food can be fashionable, but I’m also curious to see how people in the fashion world, who tend to be very fit and body-conscious, approach food). A bit like the episode where you lunched with your girlfriends.

    And I’d love for you to meet with Eva Fontanelli — you’re right, she’s a modern Audrey Hepburn, and I love her style!

    Je t’adore, Garance, merci pour ton blog charmant et plein de vie!

  • I would love to see you become friends with normal people – not just big names and celebrities. I mean, they’re cool, but I’m just a normal person so I’d like to see that.
    Insight into your post-processing process for photographs would be so enjoyable!
    Also, what if there were stories about how you decide to build an outfit for yourself?
    Basically I love your videos… and I can’t wait to see more :)

  • 1/ Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?

    – Pardon My French/Episode1

    0min59: le « voilà », très français de Scott
    2min13: ces horribles lunettes bleues
    2min52: et ton très français “I have MOUSTACHE ?”
    3min05: “cooofeeee” lyrique

    – Pardon My French/Episode2

    2min41: ta chanson “New York New York”

    – Pardon My French/Hey Ladies!

    3min34: ton “ah ouais”
    4min13: “non mais moi je fais mieux” de Diane Von

    – Pardon My French/Welcome to Paris!

    0min57 : ton expression.
    01min07 : la scène et ton « seriously, seriously » qui l’accompagne

    – Pardon My French/LesParisiennes

    0min31 l’accent d’Emmanuelle Alt « verry affective » (et son manteau)
    1min03 : ton chignon vite fait (qui en réalité n’en n’est pas un)
    1min59 : la musique du show
    4min07 : coïncidence, le mêmes chignon soit disant vite fait, d’Isabelle Marrant
    5min17 : la tête de Scott
    06min02 : le naturel déconcertant de Colette

    – Pardon My French/Fashion and Technology

    2min05 : les couleurs, la prise de vue, les modèles : tout
    6min37 : ton naturel encore une fois

    – Pardon My French, Paris #3 Women!

    03min08 : vos 03 silhouettes cote à cote
    06min20 : ton soulagement, celui d’avoir gagné un jeu super important
    07min54 : ces trois rires/sourires synchronisés

    – Pardon My French, Paris episode 4

    2min02 : ton : « t’as vu c’est un peu dégeu »
    06min49 : ta dernière petite danse de la 1ere saison de Pardon My French

    Pour résumer : majoritairement, tous ces petits « plus » hors défilé.

    2/ En quoi est-ce qu’ils vous ont marqués ?

    Pour une fois dans le milieu de la mode : Spontanéité. Naturel. Humilité. Proximité.
    (et cela vaut d’ailleurs, pour l’ensemble de tes billets)

    3/ Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?

    Ton carnet de note, tes dessins et croquis que tu peux faire (si tu as le temps ?) pendant la fashion week.

    Rubrique les IN CONNUS : (« ils sont IN même s’ils ne sont pas connus »)
    Suivre des inconnus tout au long de la FW. Les faire participer.

    4/ Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?

    Moi, évidemment.

  • hello Garance!

    toutes tes vidéos ont eu une atmosphère qui t’est propre, liée à ta personnalité – l’approche des choses, ton regard sur les gens, ta bonne humeur, la musique… – donc difficile de dire précisément ce que je préfère, mais je peux te dire ce que j’aimerais voir dans les prochaines vidéos comme nouvelle rubrique: c’est un genre de bêtisier, de making-of qui montre l’envers du décor (de l’envers du décor que tu nous montres déjà avec les coulisses, etc.), une mise en abyme en quelque sorte!

    sinon comme personnes, j’aimerais bcp que tu interviewes:
    >sofia coppola
    >chloé sevigny
    >kate moss
    >et peut-être plus réaliste : ) scott schuman

    hope this helps.


    PS/ et j’oubliais, un autre truc que j’aimerais bien voir, c ‘est toi en action (en train de dessiner), l’artiste à l’oeuvre! on t’a déjà vue en train de prendre en photo en séance shooting et ça c’est vraiment chouette

  • 1. and 2. the short interview with emmanuelle alt. i like when you have a free-form chat with editors, designers, artists without the typical structure of an interview.

    3. please, pretty please do a feature on “professional dress” for working woman in high power cultures. you have the freedom — in the fashion world — to be creative with your dress. but what about those of us working in environments where conservative (uncreative) style is the norm?

    4. frieda pinto

  • All of the videos from Season 1 are so charming. The music and the candid moments make them priceless. It’s inspiring to see the passion and fun you have for your work. Your excitement makes me excited to keep up with your blog and your video diary. My favorite moment was the discussion you had about how cute the couples were that you were photographing … what you liked about them. It was sweet. I also loved the interview with the Oh So Glamorous DVF, particularly when she was talking about wearing a form fitting dress underneath a large coat. It felt like a “fashion insider” moment and it was great advice!

    I’d love for you to meet your dream interviewee in Season 2, becausee you meeting “your dream” would be simply charming!

    Keep it up!

  • I like the moments when you seem genuinely smitten by your surroundings and situation, like when Sarah Jessica Parker pops up, or somehow you end up in a limo at Cannes. By far, the Alber Elbaz show was the best because we felt like we were participating. I would love for you to go on an American road trip in the west with Alber and some other fashion stars or friends. If you do this, go to the food carts in Portland, and the flea market in Santa Fe–both hot pockets of American street style.

  • Fantastic idea! I loved the first season, and I re-watched them all just now for fun.

    I loved your interview with Charlotte Olympia- all of her shoes are so fantastic and whimsical, and I’ve always wanted a pair. Making footwear like that has been my dream job for years. Not even that, she seems so charming and her pantsuit was perfection!

    Your videos are great because even though they’re about Fashion Week and clothes that are probably unattainable for the most of your readers, they’re so down to earth! Everything about them- your commentary on the shows, the interviews, the vignettes- I can connect with them! And I get a lot of fashion inspiration from them too, so it’s a good thing Toronto has a great second-hand market, haha.

    It’d be cool if you could show us more on what other fashion mags and bloggers don’t report on- we all get to read about the shows, see all the pictures, stalk the street style, and hear about the after parties… but what are we all missing? It’d also be interesting to hear about how the people you interviewed got started in what they’re doing, you know? Did the go to school and work for years or just sort of fall into the profession?

    I’d also love it if you could talk more with the makeup artists of the individual shows, or the hairstylists, because it’s a super fashion-y thing we could all try at home (and I’m always looking for an excuse to get a new lip color!).

  • Ok, so I actually already own the iPhone case, and I love love love love it!! I was meandering through Kate Spade a few weeks ago and there it was! I snagged it right away. I love the illustration and the colors- and I’m constantly getting compliments from others about how unique it is.

    So excited for more availability of your illustrations in print/fabric!

  • Bonjour…

    I shall answer the questions in the order they were asked so my thoughts stay clear and in season. :)

    1-2. The key moments for me were as follows —– Rochas show…particularly for the eyewear (pure eye candy – no pun intended lol), Interview with Isabel Marant – I think she is a very talented designer yet I feel she is under-rated. The ability to mix fashion with practicality and unique textiles is a real talent! So many moments but my last two are : Charlotte Dellal — she has a fantastic presence, it feels very real! unlike many in the fashion industry who are just bit over the top with how fantastic they are. haha. And lastly, the Chanel show was insanely brilliant! Their production design for the fashion shows is always so above and beyond anything anybody is thinking or doing! Truely ahead of the game.

    3. I’d like to see a feature on Phoebe Philo. The one that once was the brilliance behind Chloe.

    4. I’d like to see you meet with Leandra Medine. Two completely different and talented fashion bloggers sitting and having a convo. :)

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    My favourite moments were you hanging out with your friends during fashion week.

    Why did you like them ?
    They gave me the opportunity to feel like I’m actually there living it all

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    Best places to visit while there. (Restaurants, bars, shops, etc.)

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    New and young designers and artists

  • Hello, Garance!

    First of i would like to say – i love almost all your videos, they are so inspiring to me, thank you! (and your notes and illustrations and photos too:) )

    1. My favourite moments are:
    you giving MAKE-UP LESSONS :)
    opening party at COLETTE
    you with your friends hanging around PARIS

    2. I like them because they are full of LEGERETE and INSPIRATION, like “Man, why can’t life always be this easy” (this line is from “Flashing Lights” by Kanye West:) )

    3. Just be more and more cool! And show more CAPTURING MOMENTS ABOUT PARIS itself – you know, it very inspiring for people who love Paris, but live abroad and don’t go out that often as they would wish!

    4. Meet the Roitfelds! (or i’ve missed them already?but i think i’ve watched all of your videos..)

    xoxo Marie

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?

    I loved your commentary! You were always very honest and funny, and that made the videos a lot of fun to watch. I also really enjoyed the interviews with fashion insiders and celebrities like Corinne Bailey Ray – they were really interesting and fun especially since they were laidback and different from the typical fashion video. Finally, my favorite moments were when the videos has blooper-ish moments like in Cannes when you ran into someone and started laughing. It was just really funny and kind of cool to see you and others in the videos not trying to act perfect. It was realistic and fun to watch. That’s kind of what I liked the most about your interviews with designers and celebrities – they weren’t Vogue interviews which were serious and extremely focused on one project. They were the questions that I would ask if I met women like Diane von Furstenberg or Emmanuelle Alt. That made it very enjoyable to watch. OH! And also the Lady Dior purse video in Tokyo; that was just the coolest video and so fun to watch. Who doesn’t love to see the creative process?

    Why did you like them ?

    Kind of explained above!

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?

    Ohhhhh… this is hard. I’d love to see your travel life. Your blog lately has featured you in a different city every week, and it would be interesting to see how you handle life on the road! Also, someone above mentioned an interview with Sofia Coppola which would be REALLY cool. I’d love to see shopping with Garance (and friends! that was such a fun part of your videos to watch!) – how you choose where to shop and what to splurge on.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

    Like I said, Sofia Coppola. That would amazing. Also, it would be cool to contrast older generations of women in fashion with the new, so it would be great to hear from women in my own generation like Emma Watson or Cara and Poppy Delevingne with women from older (but not old!) generations of fashion like Carine Roitfeld and Jane Birkin.

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  • If my comment come up twice, that’s because the first time I posted, it said that it would not post, so I’m posting again!

    Which were your favorite moments of season one ?

    So many! For one, I loved seeing the behind-the-scenes moments from Fashion Week. It’s always so exciting to see beyond the runways and the drama of the clothes and all the perfection that is up on the runway. It was interesting and fun to watch you experiencing the real Fashion Week. I loved the candide-ness of the videos as well. I thought that was so great to be getting your honest opinion on so many different aspects of life and the fashion world! I loved when you spoke to Emmanuelle Alt, that was just one of the coolest moments because she is such an amazing figure in French fashion. It was cool to hear her thoughts and opinions in a more informal setting. Going along those lines, I really really liked all your interviews with fashion moguls and industry figureheads because there was an ease that you don’t often find in magazine interviews. They all seemed genuinely excited to talk with you, and the relaxed manner of the interviews made it more fun to watch and more exciting to watch because as a viewer, I knew I was hearing and seeing a part of these people that is not often shown in public. Really cool. Finally, I loved when you ran into that man on accident in Cannes – it was honestly just really funny, and I loved the blooper moments in the videos. OH! And also, Lady Dior. The whole thing. That was an amazing video. Who doesn’t like to see the creative process unfold?

    Why did you like them ?

    Kind of explained above!

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?

    This is a hard one! I’d love to get a view the fashion life of you and Scott. You’re both such important people in the bloggosphere and in the fashion industry, so I think it would be really interesting to see a candide Day-in-the-Life sort of the thing with the both of you. Also more with you and your friends sitting and discussing! That was fun to watch. Ummmm… I’d love to see an inside look into the creative process that goes into your blogging like the photography, the drawing, the creating. That would be interesting. oh! And also the creative process designers go through during fashion week.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?

    I would LOVE for you to meet Sofia Coppola. That would be interesting to discuss fashion with her in terms of her own fashion and the influences she gets for the fashion in her films. Also, I’d really love to see interviews with different generations of important women in fashion – like contrasting the ideology of fashion for women of my own generation like Emma Watson or Cara Delevingne and the older (not old!) generation of women in fashion like Carine Roitfeld and Jane Birkin. I think that would be really interesting!

    Thank for the giveaway!

  • Super idée!

    Alors mes moments préférés étaient sans aucun doute, ceux passés avec tes amies, vous me faites rêver! Vous voir rire , débrieffer sur les shows,… c’est génial vraiment.
    Et puis en grande romantique que je suis , les p’tites attentions avec Scott quand il t’ouvre la portière de la voiture, quand il s’amuse à tweeter derrière ton dos, .. Toutes ces p’tites choses qui nous en dévoile plus à côté des shows que j’ai adoré regarder bien évidemment

    Pour ce qui est de la rubrique que j’aimerais voir :) alors j’aimerais que tu nous montres un peu les backstages pour certains défilés, ce serait vraiment sympa de voir ça de par tes yeux! J’aimerais beaucoup

    Et pour les rencontres , que dirais tu des jolies frenchies? Cotillard, Bekhti, Charlotte Gainsbourg , .. Ca me plairait de les voir dans PMF

    Voilà :)
    Bisous Bisous


  • Bon, je n’ai pas d’iPhone alors je ne participe pas mais… canon cette coque :)


  • Ce qui m’a particulièrement marqué dans cette première saison de Pardon My French ? Le rouge à lèvres de Garance dans l’épisode “Les Parisiennes”. Non, mais franchement, il faut que tu nous en parles, il est incroyable ! Blague à part, j’ai adoré les moments où tu te retrouves dans un taxi/dans un café avec tes amies. Vous êtes toutes hyper-bien lookées, etc., mais au-delà de tout ça, on ne voit plus qu’une joyeuse bande de copines, et on a qu’une envie : commander un café (ou une margarita, pour le coup !) supplémentaire, et partager ce moment avec vous. Donc voilà, évidemment et comme tout le monde, j’adore voir tes interviews avec de grands noms comme Isabel Marant, Emmanuelle Alt ou encore DVF… Mais en recherchant sur Internet, on a déjà des tonnes de vidéos, d’interviews de ces personnalités ultra-médiatisées, même si c’est toujours un plaisir de les voir car on les admire… Mais je trouve, plus intéressant, pour Pardon My French, que tu nous présentes tes copines (CAROLIIIIIIIIIIINE ?) qui travaillent dans la mode… Parce-que je pense qu’on ne parle pas suffisamment de ces personnes là… Et pourquoi ne pas mettre en avant les petites mains, aller dans les ateliers de confections, aux petites retouches de dernière minute… Ou même aller du côté des mannequins… En fait, je pense qu’il faudrait qu’on voit la mode, la fashion week d’un point de vue nouveau, différent que celui des super grands designers et rédacteurs…
    Voilà pour mes suggestions qui valent ce qu’elles valent… Et merci à toi et à ton équipe, si vous avez eu le courage de lire mon (boriiiiing) petit pavé ! Bisous !

  • Salut Garance!
    1.Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ? Les rencontres avec les créateurs (Isabel Marant par exemple) ET SURTOUT les moments non contrôles, les tranches de vies que vous avez filmés, les fou rires.

    2.En quoi est-ce qu’ils vous ont marqués ? C’est un regard neuf et nouveau sur la mode! Un regard de fille cool, qui bosse dans la mode mais essaye de ne pas se prendre la tête. Le regard d’une fille accessible ;)

    3.Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ? Ce que j’aimerais c’est te voir avant les défilés, te préparer, tes tenues. Puis toujours autant de “moments volés” ce c’est qui fait le charme de Pardon my french.

    4.Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ? Guillaume Henry, les filles de chez Rodarte et la jeune Lé peckre (Qui a gagné le festival de mode de hyéres en 2011)

  • Moi je ne peux pas choisir un episode car c’est ta personnalite qui fait tout comme je te lis depuis le debut , mais montre nous toutes tes tenues j’adore ton style et tu ne le montres pas assez! Ce serait drole de faire un road test de certains vetements ou accessoires vus sur les podiums genre a velo, dans le metro et de voir comment toi tu le porterai …ou ce qu’en pense le quidam dans la rue. Ou bien de demander a chacune des personnalites leurs dernier achat a moins de 75 euros ou leur dernier achat High street parce que les blogs mode sont devenus beaucoup trop axes sur le luxe je trouve ca tres dommage, c’est alienant or les blogs etaient justement bases sur le cote accessible.N’ayant pas d’iphone(c’est mon cote rebelle!) et comme je suis tres arrangeante je veux bien la siouperbe blouse a la place eh eh! Prevois des pulls pour Londres il fait gris et frais. Hate de voir ce que tu as fait avec Vogue et encore bravo pour tout!xx

  • Hi Garance!
    I had so many favourite moments in season one. Probably the most memorable were when you were playing celebrity heads using the seating cards from Valentino, when you were dancing at the Kenzo show and when Scott was trying to tweet behind your back in that ‘Fashion and Technology’ episode . I loved all these moments because they were so funny, and so real. Humour can have such a big impact, and all those little bits made my day (really!). Even though the videos themselves brought me closer to your world with all the shots of all the runways, the funny moments were the most powerful for me.
    I like your videos as they are, so keep them coming! I love all the cool music in them because I can listen to it and pretend to be super hip and name-drop the French musicians to my friends (e.g. Ornette – I didn’t even know if that was a band, a boy or a girl; please forgive me!).
    Maybe for one of your next videos you could do something on ageing. I hear French girls start wearing eye creams when they’re 16 – does it work? If so, I have to get started! And of course I have to ask – can you please do an episode in Sydney?
    Oh, and it would be amazing if you chatted with Lee Radziwill in the next season! I think she’s so graceful and elegant – maybe you could talk to her in the segment on ageing. I don’t think I can describe how much I’d want to dive into my computer screen if you did.
    Thanks for your blog, I really love it (maybe even more than Scott’s; sorry Scott, I like your blog as well). You know how you said that thing in your video about you being BFFs with Stella McCartney? I think I can speak for a lot of your readers when I say I feel like that with you (too creepy? OK, maybe too creepy).

  • Hello again,

    just as an addition to my previous comment: I think interviews with people like e.g. Alaxa Chung would be a great idea.

  • Oh, I think we are all very curious and like to see what we cannot see elsewhere, so your chats with friends commenting everything and the images of the “real thing” as when you explain how Cannes really goes: the jewel bodyguards, the ques, the multiple parties and the imposibility of attending to all of them… All the little things! :)

  • Bon ben, je vais être dans les 250 eme mais tant pis, je tente ma chance quand même ( j’l’aime trop cette coque d’iphone ).
    Ah une semaine près, j’ai raté le lancement chez Kate Spade à new-york :-(
    Je pense que je me serais laissé tenter pour la chemise ( superbe ) et le trench Dianne .

    Alors, moi, mes “pardon my french ” préfères sont “les parisiennes” avec Emmanuelle alt et isabel marant qui incarne pour moi, la parisienne chic et branchee par excellence + la vignette de la super démonstration du mascara. C est tellement ça les moments de filles :-)
    et aussi ” welcome Paris ” pour tous ces petits clichés tellement Paris !

    Une rubrique que j’aimerais voir : les coulisses des défilés avec les make-up, les coiffures, les habilleuses, … Tout ce petit monde qui s’affaire, ça serait chouette.

    Et une personne : je vais restée dans le domaine beauté, les make-up artist et les coiffeurs pour leurs bonnes astuces.

    En tout cas, moi ce qui me plaît dans ces vidéos c’est tous ces bons moments, les fous rires, les défilés que l’on voit sous un autre œil ( le tient ), ça fait rêver.
    Et après, une journée de boulot en rentrant le soir chez soi, quel bonheur de découvrir toutes tes vidéos et articles :-)

    J’ai hâte de voir les prochaines en septembre.

    Bonne journée à toi.


  • alors pour moi ce serait :
    Aux 10 ans de A Elbaz quand on voit le cake a droite de l’ecran et T swinton qui pose sa main sur son visage, dans une ambiance festive.

    Quand DVF asperge les allées de son parfums qui doit couter une fortune (enfin ca c’est qui le dit ;-))

    Quand tu sirotes avec une paille une marguerita avec une amie dans un bar a NY. On a l’impression d ‘un moment partagé très intense en deux gamines. Episode 2, 1mn08

    Quand tu prends une photos fce camera, on y voit l ‘appareil et tes cheveux. Ca te caractérise bien. Episode 1, 24-25s

    Quand tu rigoles avec tes copines dans l’épisode Fashion&Technologie à 1mn30.

    Dommage qu on ne puisse pas retranscrire ton rire

    A bienot

  • Quelle belle idée ! All the ideas above are great but I wanted to thrown in something a little different – something that would take your blog back to its street style roots. I do love all the fashion insider’s stuff et ‘les petits moments entre copines’ moi aussi, but I’d love to see great style from people outside the fashion industry, people who do interesting things, have interesting career and their probably more realistic but similarly inspiring take on style and fashion – perhaps peopel in the lifestyle industries? Architecture? Publishing? Media?
    Thank you for the oppportunity.

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    The tea with Diane Von Furstenberg, the way she explained how to prepare the tea. And also, when Garance almost drop with a woman in Cannes. So funny!!!

    Why did you like them ?
    Because I love the way Garance presents us fashion, like when she took that crystal from Chanel show, she is so human, yet very fashionable. She has endless sense of humor and a great notion of fashion.

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    Maybe I´ll like to see how she prepares before a post on the blog, like her amazing handwriting she puts in the photos, and how does she edit the pics, and writes the articles.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    Very cliché: Taylor Tomasi Hill and Kate Lanphear. But also, more about the roots of Garance, her life in corsica, and how she becomes this gorgeous girl with a red Kelly on her arm.

  • Coucou!!
    1- Pour ma part j’ai adoré les quelques secondes que tu as montré du défilé de Dries Van Noten!! du coup je l’ai trouvé sur le net et je l’ai regardé encore et encore!!!

    2- Pourquoi?… Cette musique est tellement ennivrante et tellement évidente avec le reste de la collection, bref je m’en souviens puisque c’est le jour où je suis tombée amoureuse de lui!

    3- Pour ma part j’adooooooooore les DIY! ou a tes invités.. la derniere chose qu’ils ont fabriqué de leurs mains… quelque chose autour du thème du DIY!

    4- et la personne a rencontrer… des filles de la rue qui ont vu le show tout simplement mélé au regard du styliste!

    bon ca parait un peu compliqué et je sais pas si c’est clair au pirr tu as mon e mail!!
    bonne journée!

  • What I love best is the splicing between fashion/runway and your lovely personality and behind-the-scenes experiences. That’s the best! My favorite bits are always the ones where you’re laughing and meeting people. Can’t wait to see more!

  • Hello Garance,

    1. I loved the episode “Women” when you visited Charlotte Olympia

    2. From the beginning to the end it was so exciting. The way you talked with the people, fashion shows, designers and hanging out with your friends, so on & on…. All the moments were so CAREFREE!

    3. Things such DVF sharing her own tea recipe. Intimate moments :) or fun moments making of Pardon My French

    4. Marc Jacobs!!!

  • J’aime!! <3

  • Garance, I’m so excited for this giveaway and for Pardon my French!!

    I loveeed every moment of season 1, and didn’t miss a single episode, but I supposed if I had to narrow it down to my top favorite moments it would be:

    -When you went to Tokyo and watched the Japanese woman perform calligraphy
    (so beautiful, precious and priceless, I felt like I learned so much about Japanese culture in that one moment)
    -the Louis Vuitton fashion show at Paris fashion week!!! (the train! the models! the clothes! So incredibly fabulous, I teared up a little bit)
    -When you and your friends met up after Paris fashion week to discuss the shows! (So sex and city! It was wonderful seeing you with your girls! I feel that much more connected to you :)

    I love that you put together the Pardon my French videos and it is such an incredible part of your blog! It gives a young, aspiring fashionista like me a glimpse into the exciting, glamourous world of fashion! Not only that but amazing glimpes into cities like New York, Paris and Tokyo! Everything that I’m dreaming of in life… :)

    In terms of future videos, I would say keep trusting you instinct and inspiration you naturally have, because your videos are always fascinating/amazing already! But if I could have one humble request, I would love a video that gains a peek into the life of someone working at Vogue or Elle magazine! I’m dreaming of working at a major fashion magazine, and I want to know EVERYTHING about it!

    Next season, it was also be awesome if you could meet some New York supermodels! I’m a big fan of Karlie Kloss and Chanel Iman so that it would be sooo cool to get to know them a little bit :)

    Thank you for letting me share all my little thoughts and requests, Garance!
    I am so excited for Season 2!!

  • Balli barett : directrice de la soie chez hermes
    Virgine viard : chez Chanel
    Daria derbowy : top model
    Scott : Carrier
    Un épisode sur le sac Chanel 2.55 ou le kelly d’hermès customise comme le lady Dior .
    Et le top serait Mme Obama ! Waou .
    Anna wintour
    Carine roitfeld
    Karl lagerfeld himself ! Waou
    Un post sur les coloris et le nom ( toujours drôle )des vernis OPI .
    Farida ( la grande amie de Carla Bruni et de jp gaultier ) qui prend la direction d’1 prestigieuse maison de couture a la rentre .
    Et pourquoi pas des ” rituel beauty ” de tes fidèles lectrices ….
    Bonne chance pour nous départager .

  • Hello… cool, tu vas nous faire gagner des coques kate spade !
    J’espère néanmoins qu’il n’est pas trop tard pour te donner mon avis sur tes “pardon my french”
    J’ai adoré les moments entre copine, que tu fasses partager tes journées, que tu nous présente des membres de ton équipes… et tes retouches maquillages. Quand tu nous a montré le contenu de ton sac. Mais que portes tu, Garance pour assister à un défilé, portes tu des pièces du créateurs ? C’ est une question que tu poses à Corinne Baley Rae.
    J’adorais l’interview d’Isabel Marant et les passages de défilés bien sûr.

    J’adorais que tu nous face découvrir un jeune créateur, un coup de coeur, une interview de Carine Roitfeld, Anna della Russo, d’Alexandra Golovanoff ou d’une star fan de mode comme Alexa Chung, SJP, Blake lively.
    Question : quel est leur défilé coup de coeur, la tendance qu’elle pourrait porter, la pièce pour laquelle est on eu un coup de coeur et quelle est la chose qui ne la quitte jamais dans son sac ?
    Bon à très vite…. pour un prochain post.
    A bientôt

  • Dsl pour les fautes d’orthographe et grammaire !!!! J’ai honte !!! lol

  • Hi, Garance!
    That’s magnifique that we can be a part of your creative process.

    So, answers:
    1. The episdoes with Franca Sozzani was terrific! You have an absolutely non-standard way of interviewing people and at first it even shocks but then one feels that – Hey! That’s actually how that should be done – without all those stadardised dull unneccessaries.
    Also the post on technology was very interesting. But francly I loved every one of them.

    2. Watching your videos I realised all of a sudden that the fashion is not somewhere so far away and untouchable, that it is about flesh and blood people. You are managing to bring it so close, so down to the earth, but without losing any inch of the fashion being Fashion! Maybe the non-chalant way which your videos exude is one of the reasons for that. Thanks!

    3. I would like to see something touching on the designers getting to this or that idea – even to the idea of the whole collection. Why, say, baroque is so important for D&G this season. Or to see something that was to be fulfilled in the collection but later was discarded.

    Also it would be great to see how fashion peices find their way to the wardrobe of fashion-girls. Why they choose this dress or that skirt? How they plan to interpret them? What are their most useless or most usefull or most extravagant buys?

    4. I would love to see Carla Bruni, Uliana Sergienko, Carine Roitfeld, Sarah Burton, Miroslava Duma, Lulu Guinness.
    Thanks again for that absolutely adorable project of yours,

  • Ok, let’s do this!

    I loved Pardon my French Season 01. I just adored it! Maybe because Garance, you are just as funny and spontaneous as I always pictured you in my mind, and even more if that’s possible, yesssssss!!!

    My favourite moments? I think I loved two moments especially (beside the make-up videos that are just too hilarious!): the Fashion and Technology episode, because it’s such a contemporary topic and you talked about it in your ironic and funny – never boring – very special way. Wired would have liked it too!

    Second favourite moment: I am so into music so I was very interested in your quick interview to Corinne Bailey Rae. Music is such a huge source of inspiration and the perfect soundtrack can completely change your perception of a situation, in any moment of your life. Music can be so powerful…And just like fashion it evolves so quickly, it’s so fascinating! So I was thinking that Garance, I would like you to meet some more young (or not so young!) inspiring musicians: they always have an incredible, unbelievable and unique sense of style. And they always have good stories to tell! It would be interesting to pick very different artists from very different music fields and see how their style and sense of aesthetics changes….What do you think? Boring to death? C’ mon, be honest!
    I think I’d love to know more also about the guys that curate fashion shows soundtracks: they are always the coolest kinds, always in touch with the newst things…
    What do you think mia cara? I am so curious to know your opinion!

    Ok, I guess it’s enough, time to go: it’s Ferragosto in Italy and some cold white wine and great fireworks are coming soon!

    Buona serata


  • Bonsoir Garance !

    J’ai adoré la façon dont tu as vécu la fashion week, surtout la rencontre avec Isabel Marant, ou la soirée chez Colette. et ton humour, présent tout au long de cette saison. Ils m’ont marqués car j’ai souvent des extraits de ces vidéos qui me reviennent, et je souris, souvent, à leur sujet.
    J’aimerai une rubrique où tu nous montres concrétement comment tu t’habilles ! Qu’on puisse connaître un peu mieux ton style, puisque ta fascination pour celui des autres m’en inspire une pour le tien… et c’est tellement rare que tu te mettes en scène !
    J’adorerai que tu rencontres Marc Jacobs, c’est un personnage que je trouve très intriguant. Ou Marion Cotillard. Ce n’est pas du tout le même registre mais les deux me sont très mystérieux.


    Bonne soirée.


  • Bonjour Garance,

    Alors quels ont été mes moments préférés de la première saison.. Beaucoup! Mais de manière générale, l’ambiance des villes et des défilés et la spontaneité et la bonne humeur des moments.
    Ce qui m’a marquée? C’est beau, esthétique et cela semble tellement simple alors que ces vidéos représentent beaucoup de travail! J’aime la beauté des choses et des gens qui y est captée. La qualité photographique en film avec en plus une bonne humeur communicative.

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans les prochaines vidéos ? Un vêtement ( la chemise avec tes motifs par exemple) comme un fil rouge. Ce vêtement serait donné à une personne différente dans des endroits différents pour voir les interprétations de la mode et du style selon les pays et les personnes avec un même vêtement.
    Une rubrique sur le parfum aussi. Chaque grand nom à son parfum, qu’est ce qui les inspirent , en quoi le style et la mode d’une maison intervient dans un parfum.

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?
    Karl l et Jean Paul Gautier en leur demandant dans quelle tenue ils voient une femme au quotidien.

    Merci pour votre travail et ce partage quotidien!

  • Re bonjour Garance,

    J’ai oublié de mettre dans mon commentaire dans la rubrique Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?
    De jeunes créateurs pas connus. Un peu comme au festival de Cannes où des inconnus viennent pendant le festival vendrent leur film, présenter des inconnus avec des idées géniales, des jeunes qui viennent aux fashions week
    qui peuvent monter et grâce à ton blog les faire connaître ?


  • I spent my whole day watching all your Pardon My French clips on youtube. And I enjoyed every single bit! What was nice about it is that it revealed your personality. Yes, your photos, illustrations, and texts do justice, but a video is much, much, much better.

    One of my favorite moments of season one is every time you hang out with your friends. I love how you guys have different personalities and different styles but combined, you make a quite awesome and fabulous group. It felt like the viewers were apart of you.

    But my favorite episode? The Les Parisiennes one. We all adore chic French women and how they stay true to themselves. And I LOVE the part with Emmanuelle Alt.

    A feature? I’d like to see you in the process of working on your blog. From the gathering of concept and inspiration, taking pictures, editing, putting them together, and so on. A little up close behind the scenes of your lovely blog.

    I wish to see an interview with Hanneli Mustaparta! She is my inspiration and she has a great personality. So kind and approachable. She stays true to her own style and as you may also know, she is also a blogger-photographer. I have a wonderful feeling that you guys will get a long and click just as fast as you and Corinne Bailey Rae did :)

    Thankyou for the opportunity, I hope that this would be wonderful input, and I hope I get the chance to win your iPhone case (haha)!


    PS: I adore your accent and narrations in your videos!

  • Let me start by saying that I adore all of your videos. They’re so carefree and spontaneous in their structure.
    My favorite moment of season one happens in the Cannes episode. You were walking backwards and accidentally bumped into some couple. I found your reaction to this quite charming and frankly hilarious. This accident is just one example of the many moments when you’re just being yourself, all of which warm my heart. Of course, the surplus of celebrities in this episode was a treat as well! From Alec Baldwin and Marion Cotillard to Pharrell and Lana Del Rey.
    Regarding a feature I’d like to see in future videos:
    It may not be possible, but I think it’d add some cohesiveness and depth to future episodes if you asked the celebrities or whomever you meet on the streets of Paris, New York, Milan, etc. how they go about styling their outfits for the day or who their style or Fashion influences (role models) are or what their favorite labels and brands are (they don’t even have to be clothing labels, this question could expand to beauty products, for example). This question could be the one constant in all future videos (probably not all, but most) and become a short segment of each video. You could just pull someone aside, Scott (of the Sartorialist), for example, and have a simple, quick conversation with him against a clean white background (I don’t know why white, I just feel that that would the most visually impactful background for this) and ask him about his outfit or whose designs he’s most interested in these days. And then at the end of this segment you could have a still, an image of what Scott (I’m only using him as an example because I can’t think of anyone else at the moment) is wearing.
    This is just my idea and it definitely does not need to be used. I won’t pretend to know about videography or photography or what ideas would be easiest or most practical for you and your team to implement for Season 2. But I do think a feature even remotely like this would really structure upcoming episodes and lend a quality of gravity of them.
    Regarding who I’d like to see in the next Season:
    I’ve recently become absolutely fascinated with Marion Cotillard. I’ve seen her performances in La Vie en Rose, Inception and most recently Midnight in Paris and I find her remarkable. I’ll bet she has great taste.
    Well, I hope you take my thoughts into consideration. I’m so admirable of you Garance and wish you all the best :)

    Des moments courts mais intenses cette impression d’ être là de partager avec vous, l’ émotion de voir un petit Monsieur tout beau, Albert Elbaz, faire une déclaration d’ amour à ce monde qui lui permet de réaliser son rêve, car c’ est cela que l’ on vient chercher ici…
    Les éclats de voix, de rires, La VIE!
    La permission d’ y croire…
    Ce qui m’ a marqué
    C’est qui m’ a marquée…C’est qu’il n’ est parfois plus question de Mode mais juste de petit moment intime, petit morceau d’ humanité.
    Une rubrique?
    Les artisans, les petites mains qui nous parlent de leurs passions, de leurs difficultés aussi…
    Découvrir leurs ateliers, l’ endroit ou il aime manger!
    Qui rencontrer?
    Ta soeur, tes copines parisiennes et leurs points de vue!

  • Hello Garance !

    Premier commentaire pour moi ! Bien loin de la fashion big Apple ou de Paris, je suis marocaine ( genre , mais qu’est ce qu’on s’en fou ? ) . Non, en fait, c’est pour te dire que ton blog s’est trèès bien exportée ici et que mes copines ( à qui j’ai fais découvrir) raffole de ton blog, je veux dire que ton blog a complètement changé ma vision de la mode, du style, j’ai compris qu’il faut se fier à soi même, surtout pas se prendre la tête, have fun ! Avec tes nombreux posts ” carreer”, j’ai sû ce que je voulais être plus tard, et ça je t’en serais toujours redevable, l’ado indécise commence à prendre de grandes decisions ( à l’instar s’une jeune illustratrice que nous connaissons bien ), je voudrais gérer les finances d’une marque de vêtements ! J’ai même postulé pour des universités us et je prendrait mon tout premier avion vendredi prochain ! Je garderais toujours en tête ton article the magnifying mirror, qui a complètement changé mon regard dans le mirroir, j’ai décidé de ne plus voir mes défauts, alors je ne les vois plus !
    Non, je ne suis pas en train de te corrompre ( Oh ! tu ressembles tellement à Romy Shneideeer !! Hahaha !) Alors voyons un peu ces questions :

    Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?
    Mon moment préféré est sans aucun doute la customisation du sac de dadame dior au Japon, que j’ai trouvé incroyable ! j’aurais personellement JAMAIS osé toucher à un sac de luxe, résultat : Je l’ai trouvé encore plus suuublime, plus personnel, come ayant aquis une histoire. Ah aussi, j’ai eu un bon fou rire quand tu as dit à Cannes pour les pétanques : ” we call it , les boules” !
    Sans oublier le cristal que tu as piqué au défilé Chanel, et dévoilé avec une grande fierté devant les yeux ebahis de tes copines dans un salon de thé Parisien !

    En quoi est-ce qu’ils vous ont marqués ?
    Ces trois moments que j’ai cités, je les ai aimé surtout pour leur spontaneité, que rien n’ait été écrit ou programmé à l’avance ( exemple, le sac Dior ), c’est la definition même de la créativité et de l’imagination, qui sont une partie intégrante de la mode ! Sans oublier l’humour,et surtout le partage bien sûr !

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?

    Pourquoi pas une video men ? après la women ? Ou alors une spéciale super adresses de salon de thé-shopping-librairie à New york ? Une avec les parcours des personnes dans ce milieu un peu fermé ? Une sur les pièces fares indémodables ( genre le 2.55 de Chanel, les docs Martin, les converses…) avec la raison d’un tel succès, comment plusieurs personnes ayant la même pièces la mixe et l’apercoive tout simplement ? Une sur le fashion fantasme ( tooout le monde en a un! quoi ? vous avez dit une robe de mariée ? Pff) Une Spéciale Hair ? ( avec Christophe Robin, Fred de cutbyfred )ou alors Une qui s’intitulerait le Chic à la Parisienne ? ( avec tout ce que ça implique, les pièces fares les icônes, la vision des américains sur le style frenchie, loin du cliché Brigitte Bardot… ou pas !)

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?
    J’aime beacoup la créatrice frenchie implanté à New York Juliette Longuet, qui est aussi une animatrice de la génialissime émission New york New york Paris Paris, ça serait sympa de la rencontré ! Ou alors Anna Dello Russo ( pourquoi un tel engouement pour les fruits Géants ?? hahaha J’adoore ) Pourquoi pas de jeunes créateurs, illustrateurs talentueux ? Ou… Scott ! Eh, un petit pour la route : Marc Jacobs ! ( On a le droit de rêver un peu non ? )

    Allez, bisous
    P.S : Un remède pour les jet lag ? je sais que tu es la reine des valise et des avions, si ?

  • Bon alors moi je vais faire court: les sourires, les copines, la musique !!!( top), et un peu de love quand on te voit avec ton homme. Bref, de l’intimité…
    Voilà tout ce que j’aime dans ces vidéos! Bisouu

  • Garance,
    (I am late with this!)
    I have to say first that I LOVE the videos you do! I think what I would like to see more of is the day-to-day life of those that you interview. The fashion world can seem very mysterious, and it’s great to get to see how those who make this their living and passion live day-to-day. It’s inspiring, and also lifts the intimidation that can be there sometimes! Thank you for bringing us such great candid humor and perspective. What I like to see most also are videos about you!

  • Oh oh, après avoir laissé filer ton tee-shirt Gap, ton sac en coton, cette coque ne me passera pas sous le nez, non mais oh !
    1) Sans hésiter, l’ambiance très friendly de l’épisode 4 je crois (où vous débattez entre nanas). Très SATC.
    2) LE TON ! A ne surtout pas changer, c’est frais et spontané.
    3) Que tu fasses une rubrique : “Tout ce que vous n’avez jamais osé demandé sur…” Genre un peu CV / coulisses / confidences. Exemple, tu prends Alexander Wang et tu lui fais raconter ses pires fautes de goût, son premier dessin, sa première égérie. Ca fait souvent des anecdotes amusantes et agréables à lire / écouter ! Tu peux aussi le décliner en “Tout première fois”.
    4) Moi j’aimerais une ITW un peu à coeur ouvert avec une ancienne reine des podiums, qui jette son regard sur les années 2010…
    Bises Garance !

  • I loved when you were at the Chanel fashion show, and you were absolutely tempted to take a cristal back home. we were all thinking about it, and you just went for it. It kind of breaks that barrier between average peop and the few lucky ones who get to go to fashion weeks :)

    the fact that you then shared your little mischief with your group of girlfriends was definately the breaking point for me. there you girls were, giggling over the theft of the chanel cristal. looooved it.

    what would i like to see on the next PMF? well.. i d def love to see a man’s point of view. interview someone like marc jacobs, or maybe a male model, like david gandy, and ask them about their essentials, how they prepare for a fashion week, etc. you ve gotta give us men some tips for the lucky few that actually read your blog garance ;) alleeezzzzzz



  • My favorite was when you interviewed Franca Sozzani. She’s an intelligent, impeccably dressed woman who’s always willing to take Italian Vogue to new places.

    I’m loving British designers at the moment, so a feature on some of them would be exciting – Sarah Burton at McQueen, Vivienne Westwood (who adores Christina Hendricks as I do), Erdem, Burberry, Victoria Beckham, etc…

  • Ah Garance! It’s difficult to choose a favorite video! In fact I’ve viewed many of them over and over!!! And I’ve sent them to friends and family! I think what makes them and YOU so special is your incredible spontaneity and joie de vivre! Despite the fact that for some time now you’ve had access to exclusive top fashion people and environs you still behave like a child on Christmas morning when describing these situations! Excited, sincere, enchanted and amused and never too cool or jaded and blasé. You don’t take your self too seriously and have no problem looking silly! We love that! It’s addictive! In fact that is why your future plans of a possible show, whether it will be on cable tv or online will surely be a success! “Pardon My French” is too short! As to who I would like to see in future episodes? Perhaps behind the scenes people who put the clothes together in the ateliers? Les petites mains? There can’t be many left? But I would be happy watching anything because you would put your own Garance spin on the story!

  • Merci Garance for this lovely opportunity!

    Which were your favorite moments of season one ? Why did you like them?
    a. The vignette of Tilda Swinton at the Lanvin party was my favorite. She is an fiercely independent but beautifully androgynous woman and to see a more vulnerable side of her, candid also, was a treat.
    b. The cameo of Emmanuelle Alt in the car. She epitomizes French chic and as a woman who rarely does video interviews (in English), it was wonderful to listen to her input on the Vogue cover.

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    My favorites are when you show candid conversations with your friends, with models, or take us into an event or party that we can only dream to attend.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    Clemence Poesy!

  • Hm… favorite moments in season 1, quite a few, but I particularly enjoyed the “Macaron question” at Colette exhibition, the discussion about technology, tweet or no tweet… I hate the thought that all the effort the staff behind the more or less famous designer’s name is neglected by one comment after a glimpse, just a seconds lasting impression, just because it’s published via twitter – I am a NO-Tweet person as you might guess… and the fabulous Episode 4. I liked it because of its pace, the off comments of you and your friends, the music, and last but not least the designers presented. Your great sence of homour sets the spark to it all. Give us more, Garance! Outlook to the future: why not present few less established designers. Otherwise: just keep going! I loved it!

  • j’ai mon idée!!!

    1) moi j’aimerais bien voir, une série video sur le make up et tenue.
    j’entend par la: le choix de la tenue, le make up, les soins!!!
    un peux comme les “essentiels” mais en vidéo.

    2) te voir un petit plus Garance!!!! Parce qu’on t’aime bien

    3) un petit film réaliser entre vous, voir un petit clip video sur une musique mixé!!!!

    4) donner la chance à fille comme nous de faire une séance shooting par toi!! le rêve Americain en quelque sorte !!! parce que j’aimerais bien faire ça avec toi moi!!!

    5) les backstage d’un créateur de chaussure, parce que je suis passionné par ça!!! et j’aimerais bien avoir ton approche à ce propos.

    6) continuer les voyages comme celui du sac Dior Japan!!!

    7) te voir entrain de dessiner et de travailler!!!

    et bien plus
    mais surtout ne change pas
    parce qu’on t’apprécie comme ça et ça nous plait!

    aller kiss kiss bang bang

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    -The frank moments, the personal insiders, the grit and hard work behind the scenes. Like your car ride with Emmanuelle Alt (yes, I had to Google how to spell her name). You never hear the reasoning behind the look or the design of magazines from editors or top dogs, so it was a nice insight from her about the cover. Also, seeing all the work or not work you had to do at Cannes to catch celebrities. It was nice to see that grit and work, that it wasn’t all easy breezy glamorous. :)

    Why did you like them ?
    -These moments felt real and original.

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    -More “real” moments…not just glossy, glamorous moments (although I love those too of course).
    -Asking interviewees what their job and fashion mean to them.
    -I just saw David Beckham’s new ads for H&M so underwear’s on my mind….quick celebrity question: what (underwear) are you wearing? Undergarments are fashion too! I’m sure D&G would agree.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    -Keeping with the Beckham theme…Victoria Beckham!

  • 1. My fave one would be “Welcome to Paris”

    2. coz seriously, which girl doesn’t want to visit Paris? Unfortunatley it is not long enough. Please make a longer version Garance!

    3. I love seeing you travelling around. And so for next season, add more places from around the world, with longer video (say 3 mins mininum?), please!

    4. And if there’s people you should interview, that would be: ALBER ELBAZ and PHARRELL WILLIAMS, please please pretty please! I love you, Garance! Merci! :)

  • This is sort of two different ideas but I think it would be great to see a small part of the behind the scenes of putting together a runway show. For the most part all people see are the beautiful clothes coming down the runway. It would be different to see the hard work that goes into putting it all together. Or following a model on a day of fashion week. Going from show to show. Its interesting how they sometimes fit 3 shows in a day, different hair, makeup…

  • Je crois que parmi les vidéos que tu avais postées que j’ai préféré, il y a en a 2:

    – la 1ere n’est pas dans les Pardon My French, c’était une vidéo où il y avait Scott, et qui résumait tout le mois de fashion week – elle remonte à février 2010 je crois. La musique, la longueur de la vidéo, et le fait de vous suivre durant l’équivalent d’un mois et le ton font que c’est ma préférée

    – la 2ème c’est le 1er épisode de Pardon My French, parce que tu donnes ton impression et ton ressenti sur ta nouvelle ville d’adoption, et le ton frais qui te caractérise est conservé

    – j’ai également beaucoup aimé l’idée du Pardon My French pour Dior à Tokyo, recréer les différentes ambiances de la ville et voyager dans la ville à travers un sac, c’était vraiment original et agréable à voir

    La vidéo que j’ai le moins aimé c’était le dernier épisode de Pardon My French lors de la Fashion Week à Paris qui était plus sur la technologie et la beauté – cet épisode manquait de ce ton frais que j’évoquais plus haut – et je crois que c’est aussi celui on en t’entend le moins t’exprimer.

    Comme nouveau point de rendez-vous, j’aimerai bien voir les/tes choix de tenue pour aller assister aux défilés (qu’est ce que cette personne s’est dit au moment de choisir ses vetements, et pourquoi pas l’inspiration …).
    Une autre idée serait de demander aux designers ou aux personalités rencotrées un adjectif sur l’insipration/la mode de la saison…et de recréer un portrait robot de l’ensemble de ses adjectifs à la fin – évidemment il y aura plein de choses contradictoires, mais c’est cela qui sera drôle..

    Bonnes vacances !!!

  • Hey ! Chouette idée !

    Donc :

    – Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ? En quoi est-ce qu’ils vous ont marqués ?
    ****Tout d’abord, les musiques ! C’est vrai, à chaque fois je cherche comme une damnée sur la toile pour trouver leurs titres pour les écouter à ma guise. La chanson qui fait “Bye baby bye-bye” de Ornette par exemple que je ne connaissais pas du tout.
    Alors, si pour tes prochains “pardon my french tu pouvais rajouter le titre des musiques ce serait* hyper* bien. Parce que parfois, ça se révèle *hyper* long de trouver un titre surtout quand, comme moi, tu baragouines l’english.
    Smiley_ThankU_My french*

    ****Ensuite, j’ai sur-kiffé le volet numéro 2 : J’ai été happée dès les premières images ! NY sous la neige, les yellow cab, le chauffeur de taxi, les chapeaux, les fourrures et puis ton ‘akcente’ et l’intonation choisie, c’était cool. Ouais, je l’ai trouvée cool cette vidéo.

    De toutes façon, comme s’est tourné ( les images, la lumière…) c’est tellement propre que de toutes façons, tu pourrais venir me filmer le matin au réveil, que tout le monde me trouverait cool aussi. (Bon, ça dépend du nombre d’heures de sommeil à mon actif, de la période du mois, de ce que j’ai bu la veille,…).

    Je me souviens aussi d’un épisode qui débute avec un “let’s talk about women, let’s talk about fashion”=>j’ai tout compris et j’ai été émue. Je me souviens avoir regardé autour de moi (dans mon open space mais chut) si toutefois mes collègues avaient noté un changement chez moi tant je me suis sentie…transformée, ‘in”. Tu m’as réconciliée ‘avé’ l’anglais.

    Je pourrais t’en citer d’autres mais (je n’en ai pas envie:) ce serait trop long !

    -Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?

    Alors, une rubrique :
    – Aujourd’hui, avec Mila, top model italien, on va t’expliquer comment marcher perchée sur 15 cm de talons !
    – T’es brune, avec les cheveux crépus, la peau mate, tu mesures 1m60, on va te dire quelles fringues porter pour, enfin, te mettre en valeur.
    – A Milan, A Paris, à New York, où et qu’est-ce qu’on mange pendant la fashion week ?
    – A quoi ressemble un atelier de créateur filmé par GR ?
    – Sont où les futurs grands créateurs de la mode ? C’est qui ?
    – Les mots, les expressions les plus entendues dans les coulisses de la mode,
    – Une rubrique, c’est qui cette inconnue ?

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?
    – Rien à voir avec la mode mais une ITW de karine Viard et Isabelle Huppert serait top. Ah ! et aussi Marion Cotillard tant que j’y suis ! Et Pénélope Cruz ! Et Leonardo Di Caprio pourrait nous donner son avis… Leo-nar-do Garance, imagiiiiiiiine !

    – Hi Leo, let’s talk about women, let’s talk about fashion…

    Alors, chiche ou pas chiche ?

  • Things I Love About Pardon My French, Reasons I Wait For The Next Episode Like Crazy!! And Reasons I Have Butterflies In Stomach When The New One Is About To Start!

    #1 the title
    (you know that you’ll eventually have to swear to make it more substantial, right?)

    #2 great music that suits perfectly
    (first ones episodes)

    #3 a feeling in the beginning that you’re going to watch a fairy-tale
    (especially episodes recorded in winter! not sure if you can use it right know, though)

    #4 cute garance english

    #5 cool “present” fonts!

    #6 cute garance english

    #7 scenes that show people hard working and loving it! it’s so inspiring!
    (show more work!! more work please! so, you know, we could really think that you’re working as well as having fun – i know i know you’re having fun while you’re working but i’m talking about seting your shoulder to the wheel here! :P)

    #8 people working so hard and being so tired but … still… looking good!

    #9 showing professionalism mixed with craziness and stupid comments :P

    #1o showing things that you maybe think are so normal but shows garance as a real person who has such habits like making-up on the street or gathering all the things you may potentially need in your purse

    and the last but not least …

    #11 garance liking to play “who am i?” !!

  • I loved just about everything from your Pardon My French videos. Everything was so fresh and re-watchable many times after. My favorite moments included the chats about shows in cafes, the mini interview with Diane von Furstenberg…

    I loved these pieces cause they showed stuff that I couldn’t get anywhere else. And since it was a video, we got the whole experience – your reactions and emotions, Diane’s (for example) responses and character, and a sense of the environment in which the discourse occurred. I also since added Cafe Gitane to my list of cafes to nibble at when I visit New York!

    I also really loved the Dior in Tokyo PMF video. I was so clever and great to see how the Dior became this amaze passport through Tokyo and to see all the cool people you met and chatter with. Scenes at exclusive events in New York and Paris are so great and I love seeing bits of the fashion, style and conversation there. It something I wouldn’t be able to see otherwise (and fully experience with audio and video) which makes it perfect.

    Of course see glimpses of the fashion shows in New York and Paris is splendid. With your voice over narrating and commenting is great. Would you attend more fashion weeks, perhaps in Milan?

    I would love to see a mini interview or chat with Anna Wintour and scenes from your work with French Vogue and how it’s like to be a columnist for the magazine. So excited to read your piece and see your sketches from French Vogue and glad it’ll be a lengthy one.

    Garance, what instrument do you sketch with?

    Congratulations on your beautiful print collection with Kate Spade. Everything about it is perfect.

  • Dear Garance,

    My favorite moments are the moments where you are humbled. You are very relate-able and warm and talented and I like that you are surprised when others notice.

    When I packed recently I took notice of an entry you had about your essentials…Corsica.. I think, well I mentally pictured I was you packing just this past week and although my best efforts were put forward my packing still sucks (pardon my Wisconsin French :) I’d love expert tips on fashionable, travel friendly, carry-on sized, been there done that women to share their secrets. I still need help after all these years.

    I’d love for you to meet your family, for us to see. I’m still pretty new to your blog but I’d love to see an inspirational aunt or crazy cousin. A glove box kind of peek into your personality. Cheers! xo

  • Which were your favorite moments of season one ?
    1 – Diane Von Furstenberg teaching how to make the perfect tea.
    2 – You talking about make up and Anna Piaggi, making it so naturaly to mention a great fashion icon.
    3 – Dancing on Kenzo show.
    4 – Franca Sozzani runnig and trying to catch her dog.
    5 – Corinne Bailey Rae talking about her hair and how it was when she came to Brazil.

    Why did you like them ?
    Because are moments like these, that makes the videos come alive, that makes we feel it. And they are, for me, even more important than the shows and the celebrities, because they left the fairytale part outside and talk about the reality behind the imagination that we have, and that reality is even better than the fairytale.

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    I would like to see more backstages, all that hurry before the big time. And if it’s possible, see even more things about Paris, about its culture and people.

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    I would really like to see Gustavo Lins. I think we already know a lot about the greatest designers and journalists, I believe that’s also interesting to know more about the new designers and the ones that are not always in the media.

  • Hello! I really love this iPhone cover, will it come back in stock?? Pleeease answer in your next post:)


  • c’était génial. j’ai beaucoup aimé la musique qui accompagnait les vidéos, bien sur te voir avec scott, voir les lieux emblematiques de la ville, les invités au défilé, des extraits choisis.
    il faut garder tout ça!!!!
    et peut etre pourriez-vous davantage montrer le backstage, les stylistes et des extraits de conversation avec vos amis… et pourquoi ne pas montrer les invitations papier au défilé qui sont souvent très belles?

  • et pour répondre a ta derneire rencontre: des rencontres avec les stylistes (marc jacobs)….
    gros bisosu et encore emrci et bravo garance

  • Quelle bonne idée, et quelle idée sympa ! En plus, c’est toujours très cool de revoir ces vidéos, si inspirantes et rigolotes !

    Mon moment préféré, celui que tu as partagé avec Isabel Marant, mais aussi toutes ces rencontres avec des femmes marquantes du monde de la mode (et c’est d’ailleurs les femmes que je trouve les plus inspirantes et mystérieuses…), ainsi que toutes les vignettes qui m’ont beaucoup fait rire…

    C’est aussi le travail colossal de toute ton équipe qui est très inspirant pour les jeunes et les moins jeunes qui s’intéressent et se passionnent pour le monde de la création, si bien représenté grâce à ces vidéos !!!

    J’espère que tu continueras à rencontrer des femmes de savoir, qui ont un oeil éveillé sur le monde, les êtres humains et leurs besoins, ce serait aussi intéressant de découvrir des filles simples qui aiment la mode et vont au défilés pour la magie du show, et aussi de rencontrer les mannequins !!! Et plus de toi Garance, ton rire est contagieux ! :)
    Merci pour ces belles vidéos :)

  • J’ai bien aimé le passage avec Diane Von Furstenberg. Je ne la connaissais pas du tout et je l’ai trouvé très classe.
    J’aime bien les interviews avec des personnes intéressantes qui ne sont pas forcément dans le domaine de la mode. Dans ces cas là on aimerait que la vidéo dure un peu plus longtemps.
    Une idée serait de faire un vidéo sur les coulisses de l’organisation d’un shooting ou d’un projet d’illustration de A à Z (pas juste le moment du shooting mais aussi toute la préparation avant).
    Ca serait sympa une interview avec Alexa Chung dont je trouve le style très intéressant. Sinon des photographes, des blogueurs, des créateurs…
    Sinon j’aime bien les vidéos telles qu’elles sont, elles respirent la bonne humeur.

  • What a great idea!
    My favourite moments would have to be when you’re getting together with some girlfriends and just chatting about clothes, and shows, and ideas and opinions… just gives us everyday people a seat right at your table and feels like were right there with you.

    I would love to see something that features say, a conversation/interview in the back of car travelling between shows or between drinks, or between lunches with yourself and a designer/stylist/photographer/model/etc etc ‘ getting from A to B’ and really discussing how the ‘interviewee’ got to where they are and the little steps they took to get there.

    So many wonderful people you spoke to already – I loved Diane Von Furstenberg & Franca Sozzani. What about Vivienne Westwood, Alber Elbaz, Azzedine Alaia, Jean Paul Gaultier, Iman, Isabella Rossellini, Catherine Denueve, Christian Lacroix – you know, the classics!

    Good luck x

  • Moi ce que j’ai préféré c’est IT’S FEBRUARY ! J’ai ri, mais tellement RI devant mon ordi que mon mec est venu voir ; c’est devenu notre toc de crier ca a chaque fois qu’on est contrariés par le temps (je suis a Bruxelles pour le moment, c’est assez fréquent en vérité). Bon, ca et ta mission spéléo discrete chez Chanel…Pour le reste, je pense qu’il faut absolument que tu interviewes a. le dressing de Maman Doré, parce qu’on est probablement beaucoup a te lire depuis des années et attendre tapies dans l’ombre, et b. Dora Moutot de la gazette du mauvais gout, parce qu’elle écrit des trucs géniaux. Bisou !

  • My favorite parts were your dicussion in the car, very lively behind the scene moments !

    Maybe you could have an interview with Ines de la Fressange, I love her short videos where she shows boutiques in Paris. Epatante ;)

    Can’t wait to see part II of your pardon my French videos.

    Hope I can win the Kate Spate case, your collaboration with this brand is lovely.


  • Hello Garance,
    Ilike very much Les Parisiennes and Cannes with very nice music and very nice people.
    I hope for future litle films that you would show us Corsica, Brasil and other places you will visit.
    Sorry for my bad english.
    You are very sympathique and beautifiul

  • Hello Garance

    Mes moments préférés en vrac :
    1. Déballage de sac (!!!) encore plus encore plus (++++) , la version repoudrage home made , toi, Scott + le vernissage Colette + les macarons dégueux.

    2. La déco Pink, Yellow de Kenzo; ton manteau ; toi + Scott + l’instant saucisson.

    3. le pantalon de Charlotte + les chaussures version bonbons en vitrine ; hair obsession (encore+++)

    4. Le pink bag Chanel (je le veux); ton faux col en fourrure (re je le veux) ; Karl kARL kARL ; la déco fête foraine Lanvin ; party, party party.

    En quoi est-ce qu’il m’ont marqué ?
    C’est comme des flash de couleurs, de lumières, d’émotions et des vrais rires !!!!

    Une rubrique / idée que j’aimerais voir dans les prochaines vidéos ?
    ++++ des déballages de sac !!!!!
    +++++ des déballages de dressing !!!!!

    Qui j’aimerais que tu rencontres dans la nouvelle saison ?
    Karl, Karl, kARL et d’autres blogeuses ;)

    Merci pour tous ces instants de passion fashion ;)

  • 1-Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?
    Le vidéo sur la mode et la technologie

    2-En quoi est-ce qu’ils vous ont marqués ?
    Simplicité et instructif à la fois, et sans se la pêter (se prendre trop au sérieux ; je suis du Qc, Canada ;)

    3-Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?
    voir le processus que tu as traversé pour ta collaboration avec Kate Spade. les essais erreur avant d’arriver à ce superbe imprimé. Ah ! et t’entendre en français pour faire tes commentaires et/ou entrevue.

    4-Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?
    J’aimerais que fasse une entrevue de fond avec Scott Schuman (tu devrais y arriver avec tes contacts :) qu’on ait la chance de voir le point de vue que tu as la chance d’avoir de lui… parce qu’il a l’air un peu réservé sur les vidéos.

  • Hello garance
    Pour commencer Bravo pour cette belle aventure que tu nous fait partager avec le monde entier que tu parcours. Ensuite difficile de faire un choix sur les meilleurs moments tellement ils sont tous extra. Mais j’avoue avoir encore en tête ton séjour au Japon pour le sac Dior trop extra trop forte j’ai eu l’idée de copier j’ai acheté un sac que je souhaitais customiser à ta façon mais j’ai jamais osé commencer à l’idée que l’on ne peux rivaliser avec toi il ne pourra jamais ressembler à celui que tu nous a créé . Alors ,j’ai fini par acheter une de tes création ta pochette de Kate Spade trop jolie ….!!! Dior devrait vendre tes créations je ne comprends pas …???
    Tes Pardon my French trop bien car par tes vidéos et le son de ta voix c’est une autre façon de voir tes découvertes et d’être en quelque sorte avec toi sur tes promenades tes fashion week …de partager tes fou rires avec tes amis et tes idoles. Cannes sur la moto génial !!! Et les interviews avec toutes ces personnes si différentes donnent envie de partager votre tasse de thé …. DVF j’ai aimé ;)
    La suite on te fait confiance tu a toujours de bonnes idées tu en a tellement nous on prends tout et on attends chaque jour tes nouveautés……!!!! Una approche toujours terre à terre et accessible au plus grand public. Nous faire rêver mais aussi partager et profiter de tout ce que l’on peut obtenir grâce à toi et ton mode de communication universelle (texte vidéo photos what else?)
    Mon souhait une interview avec complicité et une rigolade avec Karl Lagerfeld ou Coppola je sais que tu les aiment (Scott aussi …!!!!)
    Alors le mot de la fin MERCI et Bises

  • Hello, saison 4 le brunch débriefing entre copines , en fait l envers du décor c est super intéressant et dédramatisant. D ailleurs ton maquillage express me plaît , nous on fait ça dans la voiture après avoir déposé les enfants à l école ( ok moins glamour) a développer une carte de tes lieux magiques adresses secrètes et bon plan que tu pourrais actualiser genre hôtel chambre d hôte brunch manucure express déjeuner avec copines les bons plans de garance j aimerais également que tu nous présentes tous les métiers qui sont nécessaires pour les défilés attachés de presse , chauffeuse de salle ( euh y en a pas ?) vivement les prochains défilés !

  • Bonjour !

    My absolute favourites moments are yours make up videos :) they are so cute !! also the moments from parisienne life ( which i hope to live one day ) they’re just wonderful !

    Any idea of a feature you would like to see in our future videos ?
    I would love to see some of your ( and your friends )favourite places in Paris, maybe Le Loir dans La Thiere which i fell in love with when i was in Paris and i would love to see some of the great pastries through my notebook :))) aaaand some amazing french markets, or tiny places known only for real parisiennes :)

    Who would you like for me to meet in the new season ?
    Guillame Canet !! and the hole cast of Bienvenue chez les Ch’tis :)

    Have a great day!!!, Kisses

  • Bonjour Garance!

    I would write this in post in French, if I didn’t think I would mess up all the words. I have only taken French in high school!

    My favorite moments in Pardon My French so far are when you interviewed Diane von Furstenberg and she gave you the tip on ginger tea and also your quick make-up tutorial. I loved both because they were small, funny snippets, but they were also very personal and unique to each of you. And they were also good tips to know!

    I would love to see your illustrations work there way into the videos. I love seeing your handwriting in the episodes, but the images in PMF are so vivid and strong that I think they would only be enhanced by your drawings.

    Plus, when you were in NYC and Paris, I always thought ‘Wow these cities have so much life. They are like characters in PMF all on their own, so it would be amazing to see one of your favorite spots in the city you are filming in, featured in the episode to give the city even more life and also to give it your personal touch which I always love.

    I have so many ideas for who you should interview. What about Pamela Love? She is an amazing jewelry designer and I haven’t seen very many interviews with her. Leandra Medine from Man Repeller would also be amazing. You guys are both fashion bloggers and both so funny. I would love to see what would happen if you ended up in a room together. Third idea is Lianne La Havas, because she is an amazing singer and also because she always wears her hair in a bun like you (and me too!). And last, when your friends appear in the video they always seem so cool! It would be really fun if maybe you had impromptu interviews with them.

    As you can tell I love your show. Bonne chance with next season!


  • Hi!
    I absolutely loved the “Dior bag episode” where you travelled around! Your bag as a diary is a new fun idea! Overall the videos with someone just hanging around, kind of like an introduction of people in video, are my favourites.
    I would love you to meet up with Karl Lagerfeld!
    And I’m hoping for a video that includes you cooking ;-)

  • Alors, je te ecrit en retard et sans accents (Le français est très difficile e je ne sais pas ou trouver les accents e les cedilles sur mon ordinateur)

    La chose que j’ai plus aimée dans “Pardon my French” c’est toi, tes cheveux (coiffé ou pas) ton humour, ta façon très naturelle de parler avec les personnages.

    Ton rencontre avec Franca Sozzani a été mon moment préféré. Elle est une femme très intelligent.

    Mon idée est la suivante: proposer a des couturiers de réaliser des vetements ou une part des vetements avec des matériaux pauvres (papier, nylon transparent, ecc.). Je sais, pendent la fashion week ce ne est pas facile…

    J’aimerai que tu rencontre Christian Dior ou Balenciaga mais Giorgio Armani peut aller également bien.

    Bon travail

  • Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ?

    Il y en a trop mais en general les passages ou Pardon my French s’autorise a être décalé par rapport a tout ce qu’on trouve dans la presse mode: les moments en voiture, les debriefings informels entre amis, les courses entre les show et le ton des interviews plus intimistes que ce qu on peut trouver habituellement.

    Mon top 3 :
    Le défile Chanel , l’apres show dans le Grand Palais et le debriefing chez Claus
    Le show Moncler et la scène qui suit avec Scott et Garance qui crient de froid
    La scène en voiture entre Garance Caroline et Scott dans le même épisode.

    En quoi est-ce qu’ils vous ont marqués ?

    le ton : les vidéos montrent les dessous de la mode avec humour et on voit ce qu’aucun magazine ne pourra jamais nous rapporter : l’attente, parfois les ratages, l’esprit des défilés etc.
    Et la je pense surtout au passage pendant la soirée Lanvin, savoir quelles sont les personnalités qui sont venues, on le sait d avance mais l’atmosphère qui régnait lors de cette soirée un peu particulière on le voit que dans les vidéos.
    Et la bande son est sublime.

    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ?

    les gens moins connus : les acheteurs, les pro, les techniciens de la mode, ceux qui sont derrières le front-row, qui sont ni des journalistes ni des people.
    et encore les soirées de la fashion week.
    Mais aussi les nouveaux créateurs et encore plus de moment en extérieur dans les villes, Paris est spéciale pendant la fashion week.

    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ? MARC JACOBS <3

    Mieux que MadMen la saison 2 de Pardon My French !

  • Je voulais te féliciter pour cette superbe collection que j’ai pu découvrir à Londres, Covent Garden. MAGNIFIQUE!!!

  • Quels ont été vos moments préférés de la première saison ? Le Festival de Cannes.
    En quoi est-ce qu’ils vous ont marqués ? L’incarnation du glamour à la française et même si j’aime beaucoup te suivre dans tes pérégrinations à l’étranger, ce que je préfère, c’est lorsque tu parles de ce qui se passe ici.
    Une rubrique / idée que vous aimeriez voir dans nos prochaines vidéos ? Un tour des chouettes boutiques que l’on peut trouver disséminées un peu partout en France, même dans les villages de 50 habitants.
    Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ? Catherine Deneuve.

  • Qui aimeriez-vous que je rencontre dans la nouvelle saison ?

    Tu devrais interviewer Dora Moutot , la bloggeuse derriere la Gazette du Mauvais Gout!
    Elle est géniale, super jolie ( Scott l’avait pris 2x en photo à New York d’ailleurs il me semble) , elle est diplômée de la Central St Martins et son blog c’est du GRAND délire=

    Elle est aussi derrière ce projet qui buzze à fond sur la toile:

    Je t’adore Garance! Vivement les nouvelles vidéos!


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