
Weekend Inspiration #50

11 years ago by

A king vulture, shot right after we interrupted his lunch (Sorry vulture ! We hadn’t seen you !). All the normal vultures have to wait for him to finish eating before they can fight for the leftovers. Creepy, but actually these birds are very important in preserving the balance of nature around them as they clean the space and restrict the spread of diseases.

This one was very very big, like if if I spread my arms, that’s the size of his wingspan.

So, this was the Animal Planet minute on Garance Doré.

(Sorry, I love animals!!!)


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  • Moi, des minutes nature et découvertes, j’en veux encore !! C’est cool ! :)

    Merci Garance

  • Majestueux…
    Il ne ressemble pas vraiment à un vautour, de loin ! (Vient-il de Rome, d’ailleurs, ce vautour-pape ?)

  • It’s so beautiful! I appreciate this post so much, and it’s wonderful to see how you captured this moment!

  • amazing! soo beautiful – i love it <3

  • Beautiful photo, and no need to apologize for loving animals! Anyway, don’t they provide us with fashion inspiration, too?

  • Merci :)))
    Le weekend, je me lâche !

  • Ça veut dire qu’on doit arrêter de se bidonner en semaine devant certain de tes post?;p

  • That’s why you sit on the first row at Chanel, isn’t it?? They only allow smart people!!! :D

  • Lila : right !!!

  • Non merci pour le moment natures et decouvertes j’adore les animaux egalment.

  • Bah voilà tout est dit! La nature est bien faite n’est-ce pas!?
    Superbe photo, ça doit être vraiment impressionnant “en vrai”…

  • pfff tu me rends nostalgique ! j’ai passé presque un mois au Costa Rica cet été en mission de volontariat pour la sauvegarde des tortues de mer…. ça dépayse tellement et ça te “recentre” je ne sais pas comment l’expliquer, après une première année passé à Paris c’était exactement que qu’il me fallait !!et j’étais tout près de Quepos !

    merci beaucoup de nous avoir fait partager ton voyage !!

  • What a wonderful creature! Love animals too and also love your weekend inspiration posts, we can be inspired by many things, fashion is quite often inspired by nature. xxx

  • Fantastic! Never apologise for nature.

  • C’est toujours bien d’apprendre quelque chose, surtout sur les animaux! Très belle photo!

  • Loooove! and I love the fact that you are not just about fashion all the time :) I love that about your blog! What a wonderful vacation it must have been! Beautiful pictures as always! Do keep it coming :)

  • annabella November, 30 2012, 9:30 / Reply

    You’re sorry for loving animals and an accidental, exquisite animal/vulture moment?! It’s a life”style” blog, right? (that covers everything stylish…right?)….If fashion doesn’t draw endless inspiration from the beauty of nature…what does…right? Come to think of it, I’ve never meant an ‘un-stylish” living animal ! Perfectly bedecked in their own stunning plumage, fur or skin If we need to stay on pointe here re: fashion…mindblowing wingspan plummage is always in fashion..on the vulture…and smartly ‘reinterpreted’ in fashion. Don’t you just love Stella (and her inspiratonal Mum, Linda) for tirelessly and brilliantly creating stunning animal free fashion… without preaching? So, i’ll shut up now.

    Thank you Garance for this gorgeous photo! My heart burst open when i saw it…but yours and the vulture’s(boom, really big boom) …had to be racing!

  • I am always amazed at how poignant your photo’s can be. Whether it is an amazing snap into a millisecond of a fashion moment or a bird flying down a runway in the skies…you always seem to capture it. Thanks for inspiring me in all the right ways!

    p.s. thanks for the Zara post! I have been shopping the same way you have at Zara for the last year. I love to read that people are as crazy about Zara as I am!

  • Wow, what an amazing shot!! So beautiful! xx

  • Don’t be sorry, thank you for sharing! This is a wonderful shot!

  • I was once almost attacked by a vulture. True story. I was at my uncle’s, in the mountains. I was sunbathing next to the swimming pool and suddenly my uncle said: hey, I’m going inside ok, you stay here… and run inside the house. And I was like, this woman is just crazy… I’m not moving, oh, the sun… wait a moment, where is the sun? And a huge vulture was coming and I swear to God the sun just disappeared behind him. Creepy. What did I do? I jumped into the swimming pool. Stupid, I know. Like vultures won’t attack someone if she is inside a swimming pool. Anyway, the vulture left and my uncle went out the house laughing…

  • charlotte December, 1 2012, 4:19 / Reply

    like all the “normal fashionaddicts” have to wait for fashion editors to pick their favourites of h&m collaborations before they can fight for the leftovers :)

  • Absolutely beautiful bird! This picture took my attention a little longer than most cos it sent my brain in a new direction…… It really got me thinking about this scavenging animal and the cycle of life. Then I remembered Jess Eaton the lady from Brighton (heard a radio interview with her) who collects dead animals for her roadkill couture collection! My mind boggles……. a lot to think about……!!

  • Kate Schuette December, 1 2012, 6:37 / Reply

    Hi Garance! First to let you know: I’ve been reading your blog every day since I had to get Google to translate it from French for me (I think 2008?). One of my favorite morning rituals is to start the day with a cup of coffee and your blog. I’m 5 hours behind New York, in Hawaii, which makes me lucky because there’s always something new first thing when I wake up! It helped me become interested in fashion to the point where I decided it would be fun to be a model, so I went to sign with Wilhelmina in LA and had a blast traveling around the world. I had never really thought about fashion much before. So – thank you for helping shape my life a bit!

    Anyway, I was getting some boots repaired today from an old local guy who really knew his stuff! But of course, in looking at the state of them began lamenting about how the construction of shoes is getting worse and worse. He pointed out to me where the designer had cut corners … I was surprised because they are the only pair I own that were actually quite expensive, and it got me asking questions about how to tell which shoes are high quality and which are not, but I couldn’t really get a definitive answer.

    I want to buy shoes that last, especially if I’m spending extra money! But I feel so lost trying to figure out which are worth the price. How do you tell whether shoes are constructed well? Which brands really don’t cut corners? I thought maybe to ask you because I always read but never say anything :)

    If you don’t see this or have time to respond, just want to say that’s OK and thanks again for your blog – it’s one of my favorite parts of the day. And if you’re ever in Hawaii I’ll show you the best spots to visit!


  • Très très belle photo, devrait être utilisée comme fond pour la National Géografic …

  • I love your animal shots.

  • Like it????????????????
    Follow my new post!

  • Pourquoi doit on se excuser d’aimer les animaux!? Nous sommes des animaux aussi, donc on devrait s’aimer tous! Continue Garance!

  • Moi aussi j’adore! je regardais tout le temps les documentaires animaliers avec mon père quand j’etais enfant! Trop beau

  • There is nothing more amazing than nature!

  • Oui, j’ai eu l’impression d’avoir attéri sur Garance Arte, mais ce n’est absolument pas un problème. Cette photo est superbe et l’endroit doit-être magnifique aussi!

  • Enorme, photo bien prise en plus…il a l’air beau comme oiseau. Si tu en a d’autres comme ça je suis preneuse ^^

  • Moi aussi! Love the butterfly and the vulture. Thanks for the variety and great photography.

  • This is my favorite inspiration post yet. :)

  • I have so enjoyed your blogs about Costa Rica, particularly this one, so thank you Garance!

  • I’m amazed that you can see anything in this picture, shooting up into the light like this! Were you just lucky, or are you so fast with the settings on your camera? Very nice…

  • Funny blog
    PS:you got a lot of comments :P

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