Tell me about it!
I love a jean jumpsuit, but a mini one, that is just too good.
love, love the look. As usual the picture is beautiful.
this look works well on a very thin frame; add some curves, and i think you start looking rather dowdy or a bit too sausage-and-pie-diet amish looking, out on the farm, tilling the land.
I know the 90s are back and everything, but there is literally on way in hell overalls will ever be good. I’m not in 4th grade anymore, neither is anyone else reading this.
She looks great! Not for me at my age, but it makes me a bit nostalgic for my Southern California youth when I certainly would have worn something just like this.
Euhhhhh comment dire….. je suis moi-même victime de l’attrait mystérieux de la salopette en jean… la mienne, achetée l’an passé, reste soigneusement rangée (en bordel) dans mon dressing… et n’a jamais pu aller plus loin que le pallier de mon appart…..
This one’s getting mixed reviews, eh? I have to say I’m with the thumbs down gang on this one. Yes, she looks lovely in this photo, but I’m guessing she would look lovely in a potato sack. Those of us less naturally radiant may need to avoid mini denim rompers.
Oh, one of my personal favorites!! How do you keep it up? You must be the busiest girl on earth Garance. Just tell me that you are. It’ll make me feel better:)
Cela fait très Coachella !!
Tu as pris cette photo dans Central Park ou en Californie ?
Tu me donnes une idée… je vais ressortir ma salopette short et la customiser ainsi !
Et les mecs, on a droit au ventre adipeux sur bermuda long avec t-shirt glissé dans la poche arrière ? :( ;-D Je sais pas pourquoi ça m’a attiré l’oeil…
Please don’t take pictures of people with cigarettes in their hands/mouth. It’s a disgusting habit which unfortunately is still more acceptable in Europe than in the US. I’m European and my favorite thing about California is that smoking is frowned upon.
My mother’s brother, sister, father, one uncle as well as my ex-husband’s mother all died from smoking cigs and my sister in-law’s father has just been diagnosed with lung cancer. I’ve never smoked cigs, never will.
Everyone knows that a smoker’s clothes (not to mention their hair, skin, breath and home) smell ,so for a fashion/style blog to show people smoking is beyond absurd.
And you know the old joke: kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. Ewwwwwww!
Wow, she really looks fabulous in denim overalls!? Who would’ve thought such an old time American staple would translate so glamourously? Beautiful shot G!
Welllllll, she’s lovely and the photo is great, but the overalls look like something I wore when I was seven years old and we had patches on our clothing because we were poor – who knew something like that would ever be in fashion??? I guess I should think of my childhood clothes as being way, WAY ahead of their time! :-)
Oh please. C’mon fashionistas, it’s not a jumpsuit, it’s BIB OVERALLS, very big in farm circles here in the states. :) Been around forever, and I wore them in high school back in the 70s, just like that but with a tube top. Recycled fashion – nothing new here!
J’en ai des frissons érotiques, comme devant Jane Birkin dans la Piscine…
Mais soyons lucides : ce n’est pas la salopette si chouette qui est merveilleuse (J’en avais une avec des empiècements fleuris à 14 ans, Chipie… douloureux souvenir).
C’est la brindille qui est dedans, magnifique, fraîche, joues rosies, souriante…
Et ton talent aussi, évidemment, plus encore que le sujet !
Merci Garance :)
Beaucoup de fraicheur dans ce look. Je crois que je préfère de loin ce genre de photo même si il est toujours plaisant de regarder les robes de soirées. Mais je ne suis pas trop attirée par les looks “red carpet”
Sorry Garance, but you would never catch me dead in a jumpsuit like that! Sure, she looks lovely, but as mentioned in previous comments, she would look lovely in just about anything! There just isn’t any class in this look… bring back tailoring, I say xxx
She’s lovely, very radiant indeed, but I’m not sure about the overalls… or the cigarette… or the boob that fails to be held in by either bikini top or overalls.
Aaaaa, is short the new long, are you f-ing kidding me????? I’ve just found the courage to buy the (loveliest) long dress and now I you’re saying short is better? I guess I have to dig out my short shorts then, as well :D
It looks good because the woman wearing it is slim, pretty, smiling and shining through it. Though I expect a good proportion of people will be unable to concentrate on her smile and eyes, worried (or hoping) that one boob really is about to fall out.
the flower detail makes it really sweet, it’s a good idea for a DIY. But even if i love dungarees and feeling like a farmer for a while, i couldn’t say no to my long skirts…
Désolee de vous dire que moi aussi je suis choquée par la cigarette.
Garance, tu as du pouvoir, tu es un tel exemple pour une multitude de jeunes filles !
Please, fais attention …..
eh bien moi…je n’aime pas trop cette tenue ! Les seins trop visibles qui tombent, les poches apparentes… non, ça ne me parait pas chic du tout. Le sourire du modèle en revanche est tout à fait plaisant (la cigarette moins).
Mais les goûts et les couleurs n’est-ce pas…
Par ailleurs, je viens très souvent consulter ce blog agréable à parcourir, les photos sont toujours intéressantes et les post amusants.
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Oui exactement, le retour à Coachella tombe bien.
Ca me donne envie de me mettre au DIY ce week end!
Tout simplement j’adore, ta photo est superbe.
OOOOOH so cuuuute…
Trop fraiche cette combi avec ses poches en liberty…
Ca donne des envies d’évasions…. ;))
PS: quel était ton vernis lors du Gala, la couleur était vraiment sympa ;)
NEWS: Lily ALLEN 1rst Collection
Oh yeah! Laissons les robes de soirée à l’exceptionnel et enfilons nos salopettes! ;)
;’ai été voir The beaver, … Touchant
The floral applications and green zipper make it gorgeous!
Oui tu as raison, ça fait du bien un look relax après la folie de Cannes !
J’adore, c’est très frais et rock à la fois!
Moi qui n’aime pas du tout les salopettes en jean… je dois reconnaître que celle-ci est adorablement charmante!
The Working girl
Tell me about it!
I love a jean jumpsuit, but a mini one, that is just too good.
love, love the look. As usual the picture is beautiful.
Soo Fresh – love it! Great break from the maxi on a gorgeous girl x
TOTALLY!!! She is so fresh and fabulous! :D
Wow! Just stunning, perfect wear for summer. I’m must truely thank you for this inspiring picture.
I love it, she wears it very well!
C’est vrai qu’elle est vraiment super mignonne ! J’aime beaucoup les p’tites poches ;)
A bientôt,
Sophie –
this look works well on a very thin frame; add some curves, and i think you start looking rather dowdy or a bit too sausage-and-pie-diet amish looking, out on the farm, tilling the land.
Adorable le look et très fraîche l’attitude. Mais au risque de faire ringard : On déteste les poches qui dépassent…
I know the 90s are back and everything, but there is literally on way in hell overalls will ever be good. I’m not in 4th grade anymore, neither is anyone else reading this.
Only if we’re under 25.
She looks great! Not for me at my age, but it makes me a bit nostalgic for my Southern California youth when I certainly would have worn something just like this.
The Styleseer
So young and fresh!
And yes a nice change from the dresses.
Encore un exemple du truc qui va pas à tout le monde mais sur cette nana c’est juste parfait!
Bisous Garance !
Euhhhhh comment dire….. je suis moi-même victime de l’attrait mystérieux de la salopette en jean… la mienne, achetée l’an passé, reste soigneusement rangée (en bordel) dans mon dressing… et n’a jamais pu aller plus loin que le pallier de mon appart…..
Yessssssssssssssss !
Hi Garance! : )
Just wandering what kind of camera and lense you use for you’re AMAZING fotos??
I have a Canon 550 D, but wow my foto’s aren’t as nice..
Oh ça colle parfaitement avec la saison, c’est super frais et bucolique, j’aime beaucoup! :)
Garance, que j’aime voir la photo d’une fille si fraîche… avec une cigarette!
ça me plaît ça me plaît ça me plaît
This one’s getting mixed reviews, eh? I have to say I’m with the thumbs down gang on this one. Yes, she looks lovely in this photo, but I’m guessing she would look lovely in a potato sack. Those of us less naturally radiant may need to avoid mini denim rompers.
so summery, love it!!
Exactement ! Elle est superbe en plus !
Je suis sous le charme !
J’sais pas si j’oserais la combi en jean mais en tout cas ça lui va super bien.
J’adore Rebecca !
Rock & fresh
Less is more <3
Oh, one of my personal favorites!! How do you keep it up? You must be the busiest girl on earth Garance. Just tell me that you are. It’ll make me feel better:)
Cela fait très Coachella !!
Tu as pris cette photo dans Central Park ou en Californie ?
Tu me donnes une idée… je vais ressortir ma salopette short et la customiser ainsi !
Very cute and fresh!
She looks so cute and fresh!
She looks so cute and fresh!
Yes yes yes, I just love summer!…
Take Care…
C’est adorable, j’ai besoin de m’en trouver une.
Aussi belle que dans une robe haute couture…
Et les mecs, on a droit au ventre adipeux sur bermuda long avec t-shirt glissé dans la poche arrière ? :( ;-D Je sais pas pourquoi ça m’a attiré l’oeil…
Love your blog, Garance BUT:
Please don’t take pictures of people with cigarettes in their hands/mouth. It’s a disgusting habit which unfortunately is still more acceptable in Europe than in the US. I’m European and my favorite thing about California is that smoking is frowned upon.
My mother’s brother, sister, father, one uncle as well as my ex-husband’s mother all died from smoking cigs and my sister in-law’s father has just been diagnosed with lung cancer. I’ve never smoked cigs, never will.
Everyone knows that a smoker’s clothes (not to mention their hair, skin, breath and home) smell ,so for a fashion/style blog to show people smoking is beyond absurd.
And you know the old joke: kissing a smoker is like licking an ashtray. Ewwwwwww!
Very natural style. Lovely!
such a cute photo. overalls or jumpsuits or whatever you call them, remind me of when I was younger. I used to wear them all the time
Wow, she really looks fabulous in denim overalls!? Who would’ve thought such an old time American staple would translate so glamourously? Beautiful shot G!
Peace. Love. LOL!
Haute Khuuture Blog
Bring on summer! Yet another thing I wish I would’ve saved from years ago – – overalls!
Welllllll, she’s lovely and the photo is great, but the overalls look like something I wore when I was seven years old and we had patches on our clothing because we were poor – who knew something like that would ever be in fashion??? I guess I should think of my childhood clothes as being way, WAY ahead of their time! :-)
Ouf, j’avou, ça fait du bien.
On respire !
cute. young. adorable. summer. fun.
Like a sartorial palate cleanser!
trop mignone.
je vais resortir ma mini salopette !
Looks fabulous. Simple but great :)
i love! definitely finding myself a duplicate for Bonnaroo next week! thrift stores beware.
sooo sweety…….!
Cool attitude !!! oh yeahh !!!
I know this girl!!! My friend Miranda – from San Francisco…
This is so effortlessly styled and free spirited!
Reminds me of being a teenager in summer camp. Cute, yes. But, isn’t pulling down the bikini top a bit…obvious?
Rare example of pure beauty and creative clothing-love it!
C’est très frais. Bien que la salopette, j’ai des sentiments mitigés. C’est mignon mais ça peut très vite tourner à la catastrophe…
Oh please. C’mon fashionistas, it’s not a jumpsuit, it’s BIB OVERALLS, very big in farm circles here in the states. :) Been around forever, and I wore them in high school back in the 70s, just like that but with a tube top. Recycled fashion – nothing new here!
Those exposed pockets are back again; how did that trend happen?
I do love overalls, though. They can be very sexy with the right attitude.
which camera are you working with ?
J’en ai des frissons érotiques, comme devant Jane Birkin dans la Piscine…
Mais soyons lucides : ce n’est pas la salopette si chouette qui est merveilleuse (J’en avais une avec des empiècements fleuris à 14 ans, Chipie… douloureux souvenir).
C’est la brindille qui est dedans, magnifique, fraîche, joues rosies, souriante…
Et ton talent aussi, évidemment, plus encore que le sujet !
Merci Garance :)
Beaucoup de fraicheur dans ce look. Je crois que je préfère de loin ce genre de photo même si il est toujours plaisant de regarder les robes de soirées. Mais je ne suis pas trop attirée par les looks “red carpet”
So cute! I love the overall mini on her!
Great shot! And the jumpsuit is uber cool! :)
En effet cette salopette est tellement cool qu’on en oublie toutes ces belles robes de gala!
LOVE this look. so youthful and fun yet understated. super super cute. i love it.
… un joint à la main?
Super j’adore la salopette et les details liberty font tout le charme de sa tenue!! j’adore
Normal, c’est bientôt les festivals de musique!!! ;-)
Refreshing and utterly fabulous. I can practically hear the music.
Top !!
ok ok, je suis la seule que ca choque, elle est bien seins nus sous sa salopette ?
quelle audace!
de la fraîcheur, un beau sourire, de la douceur… elle est sublime cette photo
Sorry Garance, but you would never catch me dead in a jumpsuit like that! Sure, she looks lovely, but as mentioned in previous comments, she would look lovely in just about anything! There just isn’t any class in this look… bring back tailoring, I say xxx
wow this is such a sexy jumpsuit. so feminine!
So cute!
It suits her well.
She looks very cute!
The jumpsuit is whatever, but the girl is STUNNING!! J’adore <3
Love her outfit!
Love the vibrant colors in this photo. Was this taken at Coachella???
J’aimeeee ! J’crois que c’est une bonne idée DYI.
Clémence, elle a une maillot de bain, on voit les bretelles. J’ai cru pareil au début..
Just gorgeous!!
PS: We’ve launched a prize draw to celebrate our Anniversary. Would you like to take part in? Good luck!!
An awesome summer outfit!!!
Lovely simple outfit. There’s something about denim and florals together that is so relaxed.
Look très frais, le background est TOP et la demoiselle est naturellement BELLE;-)
xoxo from a “chasseuse de styles” in Brussels
Céline Mademoiselle
especially when you’ve got the amazing body to pull it off!
Natural and Pretty! she’s remind me about how we can wear jean in summer,.. ^^
Beny Ricardo Sadewo
This is so cute! :) Btw, I emailed you! I hope you can answer back :) Thanks!
This is my kind of sexy. Lovett! ;D
Adorable! Ca fait du bien.
she’s so beautiful and her smile is contagious! Great photo!
holala elle est trop mignonne la salopette ;) j’adore !
She’s lovely, very radiant indeed, but I’m not sure about the overalls… or the cigarette… or the boob that fails to be held in by either bikini top or overalls.
Love it…So cute!
Non tu n’es pas la seule ! j’allais commenter qu’elle avait oublié de mettre un soutif ou au moins un bandeau
Aaaaa, is short the new long, are you f-ing kidding me????? I’ve just found the courage to buy the (loveliest) long dress and now I you’re saying short is better? I guess I have to dig out my short shorts then, as well :D
Kisses from your follower! ?
With love Little Sable
Is it Rebecca Dayan?
Mmm, summer is in the air. Denimblue skies… Enjoy! Love FAB
Cest tout a fait dans l’esprit de la robe salopette cacharel, super jolie!
It looks good because the woman wearing it is slim, pretty, smiling and shining through it. Though I expect a good proportion of people will be unable to concentrate on her smile and eyes, worried (or hoping) that one boob really is about to fall out.
She look so natural!!! Its so Oysho!!
i dont think i could pull it off, but she sure can!!
Her smile is the greatest thing she is wearing! Its gorgeous!
beautiful girl and beautiful picture
OH I love it! Any idea where could I get one like that? Or where is that dungaree from? THANX so much, I fell in love..
the flower detail makes it really sweet, it’s a good idea for a DIY. But even if i love dungarees and feeling like a farmer for a while, i couldn’t say no to my long skirts…
Désolee de vous dire que moi aussi je suis choquée par la cigarette.
Garance, tu as du pouvoir, tu es un tel exemple pour une multitude de jeunes filles !
Please, fais attention …..
La photo est superbe !!
On doit tellement être à l’aise dans cette salopette courte, tu le tenterai toi Garance? :)
charming and funny picture as happiness))
eh bien moi…je n’aime pas trop cette tenue ! Les seins trop visibles qui tombent, les poches apparentes… non, ça ne me parait pas chic du tout. Le sourire du modèle en revanche est tout à fait plaisant (la cigarette moins).
Mais les goûts et les couleurs n’est-ce pas…
Par ailleurs, je viens très souvent consulter ce blog agréable à parcourir, les photos sont toujours intéressantes et les post amusants.
j’aime beaucoup :) (malgré la fille extrêmement belle qui porte le vêtement)
Avec un peu plus de t-shirt peut etre ^-^
Adore denim and this jumpsuit is amazing!!!
So lovely and refreshing!
superb pic, speaks alot