
Too Late?

10 years ago by

Is it too late to still wear open toe shoes? Is there actually a cut off temperature or perhaps there’s an I don’t have a driver date that’s more realistic.

Its something I think about in New York when I’m shivering and holding all my belongings so close to me in the hopes they might help keep me warm, and I see a girl in sandals and skirt. Is her body temperature that much different? She’s confidently wearing sandals and I have on socks and fur lined boots. Or maybe she just has a driver…


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  • There is a temp cut-off! It is cold here now. No open toe shoes for me. My feet are the first thing to get cold.

  • This look is great, like bare legs in winter, but I’m a freazy girl to dare these looks!
    XOX, Gap.

  • Avec des grosses chaussettes c’est parfait !

  • the outfit looks great. it’s too late only if your toes freeze! :)

  • I guess it depends where you live right?? Like LA would probably never have a cut-off date, but London definitely would!

  • love her shoes

    giveaway on blog!

  • I supposed one could manage this in London (it never gets THAT cold) if not for the rain…

  • Love this outfit! When you’re ready to retire the open toed shoes consider selling them on Bib + Tuck. Definitely worth checking out.

  • Moi ca me fait aussi halluciner… Je ne voyais pas ca a Paris mais a NYC tout le temps…
    Je pense que certains filles sont un peu des mecs et ont tjs chauds ;-)
    Peut être que dans 10 ans on le fera aussi! J’ai de moins en moins froid…Je repousse le jour ou je vais remettre ma moncler le plus possible…
    Meme quand je passe ma soiree a commander des Uber je ne pourrai pas être jambe nue… Elle n’a pas de chauffeur for sure…

  • Des chaussures comme celles-ci à Genève, en novembre? No way!
    J’aime trop mon confort.

  • Pour moi, c’est no way : il est aussi impensable de porter des sandales en hiver que des bottes en été ! Et pourtant je ne circule qu’en voiture (sans chauffeur).

  • Non il n’est pas trop tard, puis elles sont tellement canon!


  • Ri-di-cule ????

  • I think the temperature cut off depends on how much you want to wear that pair of shoes. I would personally psych myself up to flash my toes if I could not wait for a few months to dig into those babies haha xx

  • Moi je pense sincèrement que là, sur la photo, elle est en train de regarder ses orteils en se disant “mais qu’est-ce qui m’a pris ce matin?”

  • LOVE those shoes. They might have to wait a bit as temps are dropping to 20 degrees (-7 Celsius) this evening in Chicago.

  • To each its own. I don’t think there should be any rule, people should focus on themselves, wear what they want and are comfortable. Sandals are just so easy to wear that I push on wearing them as long as possible, I stop when my toes give me the message that winter is here. If ppl frown on me because it’s “weird” it’s all good. I’m living my life…

  • Katherine November, 11 2014, 5:45 / Reply

    It depends on the weather. I’m still wearing open toed shoes but it’s around 58 degrees. It would look weird if you were wearing a fairly heavy coat and open toes.

  • Here is Chicago, there is definitely a temperature cut off,. I think once it drops below 60, you start see women wearing tights and pants, no more bare legs. Definitely no open toe shoes. Midwesterners focus on function so much in their clothing, even those that are driven around.

  • I think maybe below 40? 60 is pretty much room temperature. If you can’t manage bare legs at 50 degrees you are definitely not meant for the midwest. Anyhow, in Denver and in Minneapolis both I frequently see people wearing shirts and skirts in 40 degree weather. When coats come out is when people stop.

  • Je trouve ça plutôt cool, elle a l’ air d’être à l’ aise totalement . Elle assume et puis chaqu’un est libre d’avoir froid ou non. Moi je déteste les chaussettes ,collants etc , et cette manie qu’on les gens a toujours s’inquiéter si j’ai froid ou pas ,c’est dingue! Bref on se fou de la météo le plus important est d’être bien dans ses chaussures ouvertes ou non!

  • Definitely a cutoff! My feet get *cold* once the outside temperature gets much below 65F.

    But I still want to know who makes those sandals, them!

  • They’re Loeffler Randall!

  • This screams “antibiotics!” to me

  • When you are young or fashion addict ..the real temperature has no influence on your body ..everything is in your mind…
    Yael Guetta

  • i live here….great photo ….great style….did u photo shop the cars…lol

  • Its still relevant in Arizona. We haven’t put away our shorts yet.

  • Open toes = pedicure $$. Around this time of year I pack away the sandals and open toes. cut down on my visits to the nail salon and bring out my ankle high boots.

  • No more open shoes it is unhealthy :(

  • It’s not too late! I just bought a pair of white leather Birkinstocks and I’m in LOVE with them! …that all being said… I live in Vegas and it’s still 75 degrees out! I’ve been getting so many compliments on these Birks I love them!

  • Never too late to be too cool for school! I love the sandals and chunky knit combo!


  • Nice skirt!!


  • Maybe she has ultra strong skin? Yesterday I went for Stan Smith without socks (they look really cute with my boyfriend jeans) and even though my feet were OK, my ankles were ffffreezing! Today I’m wearing opaque tights and a good pair of boots. I just can’t.

  • Ah non c’est pas possible, trop frooiiiid !! Je trouve ça très beau mais je ne sais absolument pas comment elles font ! Enfin peut être qu’elles restent juste 5′ dehors par jour ? En tout cas c’est clair que si on marche, ça devient difficile sans attraper de rhume, non ?

  • Love her outfit! I think this is something I can wear for spring though. Temperature has dropped here in Germany to 5-9°C (41-48°F) and there’s no way anyone can wear sandals without getting sick! That lovely skirt isn’t helping much either! I guess if I really want to wear a pair of sandals and can’t wait for warmer months then I would at least put on socks. Personally, my cut-off is 15-18°C, chilly winds, and no sun. But that’s just me.

  • Chacun est libre, mais dans les règles de l’art on porte la chaussure ouverte qu’en tenue de cocktail ou de soirée en hiver, même si on a un chauffeur en journée. Il faut être cohérent.

  • ladyoflettuce November, 12 2014, 5:59 / Reply

    at school there were rules about this sort of thing, and if I’m ever in doubt I revert back to this (sadly enough): If the max temp is forecast as 25 degrees (C) or over then sandals are OK. But never with socks. And never with the Winter uniform. There were other rules too: Summer uniform only in Spring Summer Autumn, Winter uniform in Winter, Autumn and Spring; Stockings or socks with Winter uniform, socks only with Summer uniform etc etc etc…

  • Le bon sens devrait pouvoir répondre à cette question sans soucis.

  • Francesca November, 12 2014, 7:03 / Reply

    I love wearing sandals even in mid fall if the weather allows it!

  • today Im wearing open toe shoes & ok I live in Athens, Greece, where the temperature now is around 17 degrees C, was def colder this morning when I left the house though & Im always the one who`s freezing 1st, but so far for today Im ok :)

  • Hello!
    Chacun est libre de faire ce qu’il veut mais pour la petite anecdote* j’ai un jour demandé à une fille qui portait une jupe sans collants avec un débardeur en plein hiver comment elle faisait pour supporter les basses températures, et sa réponse m’a beaucoup amusée, elle m’a dit très simplement qu’elle tombait malade régulièrement mais que le jeu en valait la chandelle (apparemment!)
    Donc voilà, elle n’était pas si waterproof ni coldproof finalement!
    Bonne journée !

  • J’adore porter des sandales ouvertes aussi, non parce que je ne suis pas frileuse, mais parce que ça m’embête de me dire que je ne vais plus pouvoir porter toutes mes jolies chaussures pendant de longs mois…

    En tout cas l’asso avec cette jupe est trop belle, et elle assume ses jambes blanches, j’adore !

  • aghhh I’m dying for those shoes!!! They are from Anthropologie, right?
    I live in the Caribbean, so I could wear them all year long .. haha!

    The Key Item

  • Those shoes are so beautiful, want want want x

  • L'épingle November, 12 2014, 12:37 / Reply

    Mine de rien, les semelles de bois, ça isole très bien du sol froid. Dans le temps, les marchandes de quatre-saisons portaient presque toutes en hiver des sabots en raphia avec des grosses semelles.

  • Margarita November, 12 2014, 2:32 / Reply

    I’m having a last hurrah pedi this weekend because you never know. I also don’t mind (much) open toe shoes with a good pantyhose, but only when there’s minimal exposure to the elements involved.

  • In Arizona, it’s sandals til January.

  • As soon as I need to wear a sweater in the house (i.e. feel cold), it’s time to put away the open toes (black all-leather Milano Birkenstocks or heavy-soled, thick leather , flat Roman sandals for me). Wearing a sweater usually means my toes need to be covered (with shoes and/or socks). At that same time, my legs also usually follow suit, with leggings under long skirts/long dresses or jeans (no more bare legs).

    It’s how my body feels that determines whether or not I’ll wear sandals or not: not the designated season, event, nor fashion ever dictates what what my feet will wear on any given day.

  • I somehow think this is the fashion thing to go out in the (freezing) cold bare feet. It sometimes looks cool, but these girls must be pretending they do not feel the cold.
    In my country, it’s still recommended you warm your feet, because you could have health issues, and it’s sometimes so old fashioned it goes on my nerves. Like, some girls put on sheer tights to look like they do not wear anything, but it looks so tacky. I’d either wear no tights, or wear good quality matt ones.
    Also, this combination of warm clothes with sandals and stuff is so fashionable in the recent years, but is it something you can pull off in the real life? I would ask all fashion bloggers to be honest and tell how long they can stand the cold when they do not go in and out of the venues or don’t have a personal driver. :)

  • To each her own…. ditch the fashion rules.

  • J’ai croisé deux ou trois filles avec des sandales, mais en manteau et grosse écharpe, je dois dire que ça m’a un peu interpellé. En même temps, j’ai toujours froid aux pieds, même avec chaussettes, bottines, et tout ce qu’on veut, alors si elles le supportent je leur tire mon chapeau, mais ce n’est définitivement pas une option pour moi :)

    xx CarolineJ

  • I guess like everyone else says there is a cut-off with the weather but I love open toe shoes so much that sometimes I try to stretch it!

  • Ma théorie perso : tant que je peux me passer de gants, je peux être pieds nus…

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