the update instagram garance dore photos

8 years ago by

I don’t know if you follow me on Instagram, but it’s kind of becoming an even more personal visual diary, and even though I love this app (and hate it at the same time)(like any self-respecting non-millennial) there’s one thing that kind of bothers me – the fact that the images only scratch the surface and we really aren’t saying much at all.

So I decided to do a little weekly update for you, where I’ll comment on the photos I post so we can laugh a bit for a second or two.

beach kite the update instagram garance dore photos

Last week started in Miami, with a bright sunny day deluge of rain. To be honest, I was a bit worn out from all the traveling (I must have spent 50 hours in a plane last month) so all I wanted to do was sleep (in hopes of looking fresh-faced again) run (in hopes of getting back in shape since I’ve got a trip planned to Mexico for the beginning of the year) and eat ceviche (in hopes of eating ceviche).

So at the first sign of sun, I went straight to the beach (in Miami you can run on the beach, it’s as hard as… I wish my abs were) with Nikes on my feet and music turned all the way up. I was in total Rocky Balboa mode, I could feel my curves firming up with each stride (that’s kind of my problem, two exercise sessions and I’m already wondering why my jeans are still just as tight).

My other problem when I run outside is the distractions. After five minutes, I couldn’t help but stop to admire the kitesurfers on the horizon. Then I saw these two girls stretching and pretended to take a photo of the landscape while I was actually totally zooming in in total stalker mode. After that, people were selling mangoes on the boardwalk and I had to buy some, because you know, Mexic… I’m so healthy. After that, I couldn’t really run anymore with my mangoes… Welcome to my distracted brain.

gym weights the update instagram garance dore photos

That’s why, a bit dissuaded but still in emergency Mexico exercise mode I decide to head to the gym, and there, I adore it, but I have absolutely no idea what to do with the instruments of torture in front of me.

I run for two minutes on the treadmill, then I find a much better athletic activity: taking a photo for Instagram and asking people how they stay in shape (or in my case, get in shape) when they travel.

Thanks for all your great advice. At this very moment, I’m exploring all the options you gave me. Instead of actually doing them.

miami beach the update instagram garance dore photos

That’s me right before my book signing, pretending to be alone and happy on the beach (we were 3, and Emily took the photo)

miami sunglasses still life the update instagram garance dore photos

Next, day, after about the same work out routine as the day before, I met up with Emily and her boyfriend, Josh, at the Soho House, which was so packed at brunch time, you had to walk over (shaved and oiled) bodies to get through, which proves that this peaceful photo is totally a construction of Instagram. On top of it all, the seagulls attacked us and even stole a chicken wing from Josh. Time to fly off to Dallas.

vogue paris coffee the update instagram garance dore photos

My days on tour are kind of crazy because I have to keep working with the team in New York while still doing a million things wherever I am at the time, so I try to get up super early to make myself a nice breakfast and the new edition of Vogue Paris, with the amazing Vanessa Paradis as the special guest, photographed by the amazing Inez and Vinoodh, is perfect, is almost too much perfection to handle. It kind of motivates me for my day.

majectic dallas the update instagram garance dore photos

I got the totally cool AND absurd idea to bring my book to life like the garden gnome in Amelie Poulain, so every time Emily and I arrive in a new city, we go straight to the most famous monument and take a photo. Sometimes it is a huge pain that takes two hours, like in Hollywood. Or in Dallas, where “the most famous monument” isn’t really agreed upon. And trust me, we asked lots of locals. We ended up choosing the Majestic, because it’s beautiful, and because we were too hungry to go around the city three times.

fried chicken food the update instagram garance dore photos

So I’m trying to eat healthy because Mexico, goddamnit, and Emily orders fried chicken with mashed potatoes and a delicious thing called gravy, to give you an idea of the number of calories, while I eat a niçoise salad in Dallas. A niçoise in Dalllas! Pfffff. Delicious, but of course, it was Em’s plate I took a photo of. Much more interesting.

After that, book signing, then the next day at 6am, we caught our flight to La La Land. Yaaayyyy life! Yaaaayyyy dark circles under my eyes!!!

feet in water pool the update instagram garance dore photos

I’m already dreaming about moving to LA, but now that I was able to jump in the pool between two meetings, I’m totally in love. I love, love LOVE  LA.

Super nice book signing with my friend Rashida Jones, then dinner, then interviews the next day, and I’m starting to get so tired and mixed up that I start saying nonsense (after a while, you don’t really know how to answer journalists in a fresh way anymore and, when you’re tired, which I’m seriously starting to be, you end up confusing them for shrinks. Especially if you’re already an over sharer. Especially if you’re like me and you decide to take interviews directly from your couch bed.

Interlude without photos

I don’t have any photos of it, because I’m way too chic to take out my iPhone at Château Marmont – so I hope you’ll take my word for it, because I have to tell you the Château story. And I have to do a bit of name-dropping, because there’s no LA without dropping names.

So I had an appointment with my friend Corinne Bailey Rae (Name drop #1) at the Château (Château Marmont is a celebrity all by itself, so name drop #2) and we couldn’t manage to find each other, that’s how delirious I was by that time. Then, not without running into Harry Weinstein (name drop #3)(totally unimportant to my story) and Ali Larter (Yeeeah! The super beautiful girl from Heroes!!! Name drop #4)(also unimportant to my Château tale) I had my brand new patent leather Saint Laurent Paris shoes on my feet (Brand name drop, totally acceptable for a fashion blogger) and I was probably busy admiring them when I tripped on the steps and fell straight into the big, strong arms of Jason Segel (Name drop #5, last one, I promise) who, so adorable, asked me three times if I was okay.

Even being tired in LA is glamorous.
What? Yes, that was my story.

the update instagram garance dore photos

The next morning, 6am in an Uber on the way to San Francisco, and I’m starting to get chills. And I’m absolutely not as glamorous as in this #tbt photo from last year. My hair is a mess, I don’t have any makeup on and I don’t even know how I’m dressed because after two weeks of traveling, my suitcase is way over the weight limit for my airline, so I decide to become a human suitcase and wear five outfits on top of each other.
I’m suffocating, but there’s no way anyone’s making me empty my suitcase, they can threat whatever they like.

And, of course, they make me empty my suitcase. And I have to add a sixth layer to my outfit just to get down to 50 pounds, unless I want to go wait in line for three hours at customer service to pay $100 for the weight of a sweat shirt. The world has no mercy.

in my bag love style life book the update instagram garance dore photos

Since I talk way too much, I’ll let you admire the entrails of my bag in this photo taken for this article in the New York Post.

golden gate bridge love style life book san francisco the update instagram garance dore photos

Before going to an interview, we made a quick #GardenGnome stop by the Golden Gate Bridge, which I’d never seen. It’s absolutely sublime, touching, and incredible, except that I tripped on the asphalt and fell more or less flat on the ground. Again? Yep. I tripped on…nothing? Fatigue? Oh, and the day before, I forgot my thumb in an open doorway, which slammed shut violently on it. Swollen, blue, painful thumb. Forgetting parts of your body behind you? Fatigue.

That evening, my book signing follows, and I admit, I’m seeing stars. I’m absolutely exhausted. But it’s great and my lovely readers are beautiful and adorable. I go straight to bed afterward. The next day, I go home.

chris norton christmas tree the update instagram garance dore photos

Chris sends me this photo, which warms my heart. Not only do I get to go home and finally give him a big hug after two weeks of not seeing him, but on top of it all, he’s bought a Christmas tree.

It’s our first Christmas tree together. It’s so cool. Welcome home.

Translated by Andrea Perdue



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  • Garance, this is a lovely and refreshing post! I recently have been de-following a couple of fashion people on IG, because right now I’m in a phase where I’m trying to figure some things out in my own life and I have a hard time looking at other people’s perfectly curated lives on social media (because then I think I have to be that perfect all the time myself too, even though I know I shouldn’t!). So I really appreciate this alternative perspective :) Take care of yourself, hope you can catch up on sleep and have a great Christmas time!

  • Ho Garance cet article est adorable ! Profites bien de ton retour auprès de ton amoureux et reposes toi bien.


  • J’adore le principe du commentaire des photos Instagram. J’avais commandé votre livre mais ma fille de 14 ans avait eu cette idée pour moi à Noël, donc j’ai dû renvoyer mon exemplaire même pas ouvert et je dois attendre le 25/12 pour enfin vous lire. Reposez-vous bien !

  • I love your story ..and like any movie lover.. i would like to pose …go backwards …check everything that wasn’t so perfect in the image ..which most of the time is the most interesting anecdote….i used to love Instagram..but i think today it’s a kind of ”perfect” life and all the interesting details are not there… please some behind the scene…
    love and light
    Yael Guetta

  • CecileMaki December, 15 2015, 9:51 / Reply

    Instagram commenté, j’adore! Avoir le contexte d’une image, c’est aussi voir “l’envers” du décors.
    Bon courage pour tes dernières séances de dédicaces de l’année. Ca doit être crevant, mais ayant raté celle de Paris, j’espère que tu auras à nouveau l’occasion d’en faire :)
    Bonne fin d’année Garance et merci encore et toujours pour tes mots plein d’humour et de vie! Bises

  • asianfreak December, 15 2015, 9:52 / Reply

    Cher Garance, toujours aussi drôle et sincère.
    Beaucoup de fatigue mais aussi beaucoup d’émotions je suppose.
    Etre entourée de la bienveillance de tes lecteurs, j’espère que ça te donne l’énergie de continuer ton book tour, en espérant que ton tour en France soit un peu plus complet.


  • Garance, love your rambling. Devoured every word. I think you should make a habit of globtrotting and reporting your findings. Very entertaining. Thanks,

    Janine Claire

  • I second everything you said! The stream of consciousness rambling is what endears us to you, G.

  • Hey Garance,
    Je te suis depuis un petit moment, toujours un plaisir de te lire, allez très bonne continuation et bon courage pour la suite ! ;);)

  • I love and follow your instagram, the workout recommendations were very useful, some of them I already know and some will explore.

  • Super idée, ces photos commentées !
    Je te souhaite de te reposer quand même un peu pour ces fêtes de fin d’années !

  • Chere Garance, j’aime toujours lire vos posts pleins d’humour et de legerete (tout depend du sujet, bien sur.) Celui-ci m’a fait rire et m’a fait chaud au coeur en meme temps.
    C’est vrai que “la fatigue fait oublier des parties de son corps derriere soi.”
    Bon repos bien merite !

  • Le paragraphe name dropping était tout à fait indispensable ! Tellement drôle.
    Moi aussi je me suis écroulée en pleine rue (déserte, ouf) avec témoins familiaux (encore ouf) car sinon personne n’aurait cru que j’étais tombée à cause du foutu trou dans le bitume (je discutais avec ma fille qui si elle n’est pas grande n’est pas au niveau du bitume !) mais à cause de mes talons compensés alors que les gars : je me tords les chevilles en tongs, ou pieds nus sur du plat…

  • Lisa Walker December, 15 2015, 11:06 / Reply

    You’re awesome and loving your LAness. It’s so cliche and so true! You will not regret moving here, when you do.

  • Garance, I love your weekly re-cap! This was a very fun look into the “reality” behind real pictures that share but a moment of our lives. And of course, getting to “know” you more is always fun. Sorry to hear about the seagull attack ;) And congrats on the first Christmas tree with Chris! Very very exciting.

  • Ah mais que c’est agréable de te lire ! Le ton, les anecdotes, les photos… J’adore. Merci pour ce joli partage.
    Une lectrice de Montréal qui a été ravie de te rencontrer à la séance de dédicace.

  • I follow your IG account and love it!
    Your pictures are so authentic!
    It’s a great idea to tell us more on these pics you post! Like it! <3

    Petite and So What?

  • ah oui ah oui ah oui …la californie…..c’est le paradis sur terre …ma fille habite Santa Barbara ……et je m’y precipte des que je peux ….on ne s’en lasse pas ….je prends le bus qui part de l’aeroport et qui longe le pacifique jusqu’à Santa Barbara ….2h de pur bonheur….
    ton blog est mon préféré … est tellement…plein de tout ce que j’aime

  • I love blogs much more than Instagram and for the same reason – IG only scratches the surface. When I look at the pictures I always want to know more. And the blog gives an opportunity to use words to paint a picture. :)

    I once started an account on Tumblr, but then I found out that I just couldn’t fit myself within the assigned amount of letters.

    So really nice to read the stories behind your photos! And my favourite photo is the one of you on the beach. I miss the sun!

  • rorococoeugvic December, 15 2015, 12:21 / Reply

    Génial et tellement drôle !! Suis épuisée rien qu’à le lire !! Joyeuses fêtes !!

  • Love this. You are the perfect story teller and make the perfect pictures so much more real. You see us so much better than we see ourselves. These posts kind of make up for having to miss the book signing in LA. You see that it takes us 5 hours to get anywhere and BH was just impossible to swing. I hope you had a few moments to enjoy the west coast.
    Enjoy the holiday. Maybe I will have time to catch up on some of Instagram myself.

  • Haha, I really enjoyed this post and it made me smile :)) More of that authenticity, please :)
    Have a lovely Christmas time <3

    xo Stefanie

  • mademoiselle mauve December, 15 2015, 1:19 / Reply

    très sympa ce post. et la fin… arf <3

  • I disagree with all the hype about how people shouldn’t put up perfect photos on Instagram. I understand the intention behind it – to remind people that their lives are not perfect and to not aim for perfect lives. However, Instagram is a platform that relies on “the best images” and I think that’s okay to have. What’s not okay is to feel less about yourself as a person because of the way your social media is performing. However, I think it’s right to put importance on your social media stats in the realm of blogging (it is an indicator of your performance.)

    I do love this behind the scenes aspect though. I think it should be just that – behind the scenes look not put to light on Instagram.

  • Bon alors moi j’ai adoré vous lire. Cela m’a fait voyagé et cela me change les idées en rentrant du bureau . À refaire régulièrement. Décorez bien le sapin.

  • Vous êtes superbe sur la photo de plage.Bravo pour votre pink book que j’ai déja lu de bout en bout ( aussi mon kdo pour mes deux amies fashion).
    Garance, envoyez moi un de vos vieux sacs Mansur Gabriel que vous n’utilisez plus.J’adorerai ! ( ça me fera oublier mes emmerdes (2ieme chimio).
    Milles pensées, Joyeux Noel!
    Betty DROUODE
    111 r Colmet Lépinay 93100 Montreuil

  • I missed you and your words. You are the same old funny humble blogger from years ago. Hope your baby is keeping you awake and happy.

    Your all back outfit is perfect. Rockstuds on the beach, thats daring !

  • Quel joli post Garance! Il me rappelle ceux de tes débuts que j’adorais tant, drôles et personnels! Et la je suis en pleine lecture de ton livre… Une vrai pépite!


  • bavarian_blue December, 15 2015, 4:14 / Reply

    I love your ironic view on everything including yourself!

  • Garance, I’ve been patiently waiting for you to do this–doing commentary with your pictures. Instagram is ok but I need more, so thank you.

  • Thank God for people like you Garance who blow up the perfect insta life myth- the stories behind are MUCH more interesting than the photos (although they ARE lovely!)

  • This post is one of the reasons I follow you (and I’ve bought your book). My sister and I were just talking about how sad it is that people only seem to want to look at photos and not read anymore. Life encompasses both images and words. You’ve done a super job of proving that here.

  • Oh j’adore ce genre d’article où tu expliques tes photos instagrams! Ca pourrait devenir une feature régulière? :) Et sinon WOW, respect pour supporter ce “marathon” (t’as pas besoin de faire de sport vu le rythme) de book signing. Tu étais tellement adorable et abordable ce soir avec tes lecteurs de Londres, on aurait jamais deviné que tu étais fatiguée. Je suis repartie avec des étoiles dans les yeux car tu étais encore plus géniale que je le pensais. Tant de choses que j’aurais voulu dire, mais ça serait pour une autre fois j’espère. ;) Aaah le Chateau Marmont, ça me fait un peu fantasmer, c’est vraiment un mythe et pourtant je ne suis pas attirée par LA car j’imagine plutôt le revers de l’industrie là-bas et la distance entre les gens enfermés dans leurs villas. Ça m’intéresserait de savoir ce qui t’as plu particulièrement à LA (un city guide…?) et voir ta vision de cette ville pleine de paillettes.
    Félicitations pour le premier sapin de Noël avec Chris! Reposes-toi bien pendant ces fêtes de Noël. Plus qu’un jour et je rentre aussi voir ma famille, j’ai hâte! xx

  • Hi Garance! I just read your book on the plane on my way from San Francisco to Delhi, India, via Hong Kong. It was such a nice fun read and I am glad to know I am not the only one with the crazy work and travel schedule right now. I can’t wait until Christmas to finally relax! Big hugs! Tina

  • LOVE this.

  • Love the seagull story!:)

  • Gretchen Cole December, 15 2015, 10:53 / Reply

    Wonderful tour, but so sorry San Francisco was your last and most tiring stop – as it’s one of the most amazing cities in the world. I hope you return someday to really experience it!!
    I love your blog!!

  • When are you coming to México? Please tell me!!! I am excited anda to what part of México?

  • La fatigue doit être la rançon du succès! Bravo Garance! Je suis entrain de lire votre livre rose et or et cela me conforte dans l’idée que vous êtes une chouette fille. Je pars pour la première fois à New York en avril et je me dis que peut être le hasard fera que je vous croiserais au coin d’une rue…Je vous souhaite de bonnes fêtes près de votre amoureux qui lui aussi à l’air d’un chouette gars!

  • Super ! Ce petit décryptage de ton instagram :) !

    J’adore l’idée promo du livre façon nain de jardin d’Amélie Poulain !
    J’espère avoir l’occasion de le faire devant le palais impérial de Compiègne ou bien encore le wagon de l’armistice à Rethondes (euh, non, ça s’est glauque) !

    Merci pour ce billet d’humeur feel good et profite bien de ton sapin et de sa bonne odeur pour nous ;) !

    Happy Christmas Garance !!!


  • Such a lovely, fresh post!

    x Sophia

    Founder | Blog and The City
    Personal Blog | Tao of Sophia

  • Garance, j’ai adoré ton débrief photo!!! tu m’as fait bcp rire!!
    bises et vivement les vacances!

  • cynthia hacinli December, 16 2015, 10:35 / Reply

    Wonderful post. Where’s the cute black sleeveless swing top from?

  • Merci Garance, quelle merveilleuse idée de détailler plus tes photos IG Je surlike!!

  • Ahhh instagram, on l’adore…parfois ila faut pas beaucoup dire, just a picture explains it all.
    Et sinon, par example Humans of New York @HUMANSOFNY, cette merveille explique des longues histoires, parfois par étapes, toujours mouvantes. Bisous de Barcelone!
    Nous aussi sommes à Instagram

    @THESACBARCELONA Sac/Barcelona

  • C’est super sympa cette idée de partager la vie derrière Instagram! Et en plus drôle!! Merci!

  • Olala, j’ai l’impression que tu es une amie, me racontant, dans un petit journal, son voyage, loin de moi. Ca me fait chaud au coeur de te lire si ouverte et honnête ! Merci de partager les dessous de ta tournée et les coulisses de ces photos instagrams toujours si parfaites et rendues beaucoup plus humaines et vivantes !

  • merci. c’est trop cool, encore !!
    du coup j’ai compris qu’Emily faisait la tournée avec toi ?
    et ma pauvre je me demandais comment tu faisais pour gérer cette méga tournée de fou, et tu fais paf par terre, pouf le pouce, pim les étoiles :D
    et dis, tu as toujours des supers sacs supers pas rempli, mais où mets tu ton appareil photo (à part au bout de ton nez) et ton mac ou tablette ? (ça c’est mon éternel problème de sac et on me regarde toujours bizarre avec mon sac rose fluo à dos de course à pied, ca fait ni business woman ni fashion girl, donc ca va pas avec le reste)

  • LOVE this BTS! The Chateau story is very L.A.
    I was so happy to meet you in SF, Garance. You did not seem beat-up by your fall or your thumb AT ALL and I thought you were sooo good with every single person who stood in line. Formidable!

  • I laughed out loud at multiple parts of this, especially after the LA story. Really love it. Thank you for giving us a thoroughly Garance take on the beautiful photos on your Instagram. Snuggle and stay in this holiday!

  • After 9 years still following your blog and yes, Instagram followed, reading this post in the morning with a cup of coffee and a big smile. Thank you for this honest and funny, ironic post Garance!

  • Really nice post! It’s great to see the real life, not only great photos!! Love it.

  • Loved this.

  • J’adore ce post !

  • loved it, agreed many laugh out loud moments here! my friend just returned from a weekend at Chateau Marmont and her mouth was gaping the whole time she was there x

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