happy thanksgiving 2015 garance dore erik melvin elle amanda chase brie welch emily note neada jane photo booth


8 years ago by


I came to adore this very American holiday that is all about love and gratitude and, with what’s been happening in our violent world in the last weeks, I don’t want to sound over emotional, but I think we’ve all felt a wave of love and appreciation for what and above all, who, we have in our lives. So I’m sorry, I tried to be funny for that post… But here are my answers to this little questionnaire.

(It doesn’t help that I’m in a café in Toronto that’s playing Hero by Family Of The Year, most romantic song eva eva eva. Love it.)

Friends: Even though Chris and I sometimes I just wanna pack our things and escape this crazy city, I’m often thinking of how much I would miss the friends I made here over the years. It took me a long time, it really did, but it makes me value even more all the amazing people I have on speed dial and that can deal with me and my crazy French manners.

Family: Well, I’m thankful for technology. And for the fact that we all jumped on it in my family, as a way to stay close and lead a continuous conversation, selfies included, that makes me feel like I’m even closer with all of them than I was before.
I mean I wish my dad would finally let go of his 1998 cell phone so I could What’s App him, but seriously, thank you Viber, thank you Skype, thank you What’s App, thank you Snapchat, you guys are awesome!

Studio: Well, it’s easy. I talk about them enough – the members of the studio are just the best people in the world. Real, fun, talented, humble, great dance moves, amazing cookie making, no bitchiness ever.
I’m the luckiest girl in the world! I know how boring that sounds, but just ask anyone who’s met the team…

Miscellaneous: I’m just thankful to be free, free to travel the world, free to love who I want, to feel loved and to basically be able to spend my life celebrating that through my photos, my illustrations and my texts. Ok now. Shut up b#%€h.



Friends: My friends are few and far between, but for the few I have, I am grateful that they are real, honest and loving to the core. And that I can talk to them about anything from love, to sex, to butt acne.

Family: Just one month ago I welcomed my first niece into the world! I am grateful for this beautiful baby girl (Nellie Note!) and the positive impact she’s had in my brother’s life already.

Studio: I’m probably most grateful for the studio! I’ve had a rough year—a break up, some health problems, and the team has been so supportive when it comes to work and beyond. Oh gosh, tearing up just writing this…I LOVE YOU GUYS!

Miscellaneous: Everyone at the studio will appreciate this…I am grateful for CAPE COD! My happy (future wedding) place…



Friends: Very few of them work in fashion, They love brunch and wine, they never expect to be out too late

Family: Having a big brother, no one works in fashion, all of my grandparents are still with us :)

Studio: Coffee maker, Southwest view (for sunset Instagrams), dance breaks, FAST WIFI

Miscellaneous: Sea salt in chocolate, Photoshop, growing up in Ohio, coffee, freshly laundered sheets, Spending a year in Paris …



Friends: I hit the friendship jackpot, and am so lucky to have the funniest, most talented friends both near and far who are truly compassionate and never take themselves too seriously. Love you, guys, for all of the midnight swims at Bondi, living room dance parties in Brooklyn, and shared bottles of wine… anywhere.

Family: Forever grateful for my big, crazy family who talk too loudly, cook too much food, and love without limit. Thanks for sticking with me through the awkward years, and special shout out to my mom for always picking me up from the airport when I come home!

Studio: The endless banter, the crude jokes, the embarrassing playlists that we blast at full volume anytime of the day… So much to be thankful for when it comes to my little work family :)

Miscellaneous: I’m beyond grateful for a life of possibility – one where I see no limit to my experiences, hopes… And for spending it with a man who makes me coffee every morning. Grateful, too, for having the freedom to write cheesy little gratitude posts every now and then…



Friends: Grateful my friends are always there to overanalyze messages with me at dinner… and then the next day at the museum ….. and then in follow up group chats.

Family: I’m grateful my mother decided we should venture out of suburbia and on to the Vegas strip for Christmas… you have to get a dose of Celine in somehow, even if it’s in the form of a powerhouse Canadian music artist.

Studio: Extremely thankful I can join Garance in walking around the studio half naked trying clothes on and noone even bats an eye… we’re like a whole new breed of family, one that often cares too much but doesn’t mind much at all.

Miscellaneous: To the Tokyo trip I was lucky enough to be a part of…. I am grateful for dreams coming true in the most surprising ways. And also for Japanese toilets, they rule.



Friends: Friends that I can call family! I’m an only child so I’ve always thought of my friends as siblings.

Family: Thankful that I have a super tight knit family that I can share everything with. I ring them every day, multiple times a day, even when I have absolutely nothing new to say.

Studio: Thankful for all the laughs that we share. Even when the pressure is on we love to break up the day with a boogie and tons of laughter.

Miscellaneous: Music. Can you imagine a world without it?!?! One song can turn my whole day around.



Friends: Friendships are so vital to my life. I may not see them as much as I’d like (why are plane tickets to LA so expensive?!) but I cherish the moments we do spend together. When we meet it’s as if nothing has changed. They still have that laugh that is so contagious I end up laughing so hard I almost pee my pants (yes, for reals!) and the same embrace when we hug that makes me feel so comforted and supported.

Family: Despite how crazy families can get I couldn’t be more grateful for their continued love. One of my most precious relationships is with my Grandma. We make it a point to call each other every weekend and although I end up saying a total of 10 words, the entire time I am smiling because I am so happy to just listen and learn from her. I am so blessed for the relationship I have with my little brother, from such a young age we have taken on the world together hand in hand. And my Mom, Dad and Papa thank you for teaching me everything you know. I love you all.

Studio: I am the newest member at the studio and I am so grateful for how they have welcomed me with open arms and hearts. I feel honored and so lucky to be part of such an intelligent, creative and hilarious team. I am inspired by each and everyone of you on a daily basis.

Miscellaneous: My dear Doni, you are such a beautiful human. I am so grateful to wake up next to you every morning, enjoy our coffee, explore the city and come back to your loving arms. I didn’t know what happiness was before I met you, so for that I am forever grateful. I love you to the moon and back <3


What are the things you’re most thankful for?


Garance wears: Beanie, Saint James; Top, Equipment / Emily wears: Scarf, Maison Kitsuné; Sweater, Uniqlo; Glasses, Warby Parker / Amanda wears: Shirt, Uniqlo; Jacket, H&M; Watch, Michael Kors; Magazine, Self Service FW2014 / Neada wears: Sweater, Rodebjer; Earring, Monocrafft; Ring, Annelise Michelson; Candle, Bella Freud / Brie wears: Top, Vintage; Sunglasses, Topshop; Earrings, Me + Ro and Maison Margiela / Elle wears: Top, Vintage; Umbrella, Sant Ambroeus; Chocolate, gift from Brie / Erik wears: Shirt, J.Crew; Coat, Neada’s vintage; Camera, Fuji.


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  • Je suis reconnaissante d’etre en vie. Le simple fait de me reveiller le matin est un emerveillement.
    Et puis bien sur la famille et les amis mais surtout mon mari qui est mon deuxieme coeur.
    Happy Thanksgiving !

  • Et bien tiens ! Vu qu’on ne fête pas Thanksgiving en Suisse, mardi je me posais la question de quand est-ce que c’était car j’avais de bonnes raisons de remercier ! Ayant oublié de checker sur google je suis étonnée que ça tombe cette semaine !

    Je peux dire merci pour le job que je viens de décrocher comme cheffe de service, ça a été une année pleine de remises en question, j’ai démissionné de mon travail que je n’aime plus sans en avoir de travail et je viens de trouver un travail 10 fois plus intéressant et qui regroupe tout ce que j’aime ! Ayant démissionné assez tôt je profite de partir avec mon mari 2 mois en Asie, et rien que pour cette dernière phrase je peux dire 1000 mercis ! Merci pour mon mari avec qui je suis depuis 8 ans alors que j’ai 27 ans et que j’aime toujours autant ! Merci d’avoir la possibilité et l’argent pour partir 2 mois voyager !

    Sans compter tous les mercis pour ma famille que j’adore et dont je suis hyper proche, mes parents, ma soeur, mes oncles et tantes, mes cousins et la famille de mon mari. Et mes amis que je ne quitte plus depuis plus de 10 ans et avec qui je partage tout malgré nos emplois du temps hyper chargés !

    J’espère bientôt pouvoir dire le dernier merci qu’il me manque et enfin avoir ce bébé tant désiré depuis plus d’une année !

    Pour tout le reste, pourvu que ça dure !

    Et merci à toi Garance et au studio, les articles quotidiens sont toujours intéressant et à force je me sens proche de vous ! <3 <3 <3

  • Thank you for sharing with us stories and stories …everyday on earth is a new discoveries good and bad…we know that both exist but we have to try and see/choose the good….and not forget that our liberty of thinking and freedom of mind is al the time in danger!!!!
    Let’s make sure that too much democracy will not kill the democracy our values of free and intelegent world!!
    with love and happiness
    Yael Guetta


  • Is it just me or Elle and Amanda (hi !) haven’t been introduced to us like the rest of the Studio ? I’m sure I’m not the only one who’d looooove to know more about them !
    Also I must say that at first, it felt quite weird reading posts/stories that weren’t written by queen Garance (haha..ha) but now, I really enjoy everyone’s touch (Erik’s eye and photos, esp the ones with Ana Kras which are so so beautiful, Brie’s sense of style or Neada’s posts about art and beauty, Emily’s interviews etc.). Bonne continuation ! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK ! And happy thanksgiving everyone !

  • Thank you so much Dounia! :)

  • Thank you for sharing this is beautiful. Happy Thanksgiving all!

  • Mariateresa November, 26 2015, 11:46 / Reply

    Je vous aime! Ici Bari

  • C’est trop mignon !! Je suis du genre très démonstrative, j’aime prendre les gens que j’aime dans les bras et le leur dire, tout le temps (surtout quand je suis un peu pétée !ahah souvent donc). Chaque jour je me dis que j’ai vachement de chance d’être aussi bien entourée et d’être née ici (oui même dans le chaos du moment). Mais la fierté de ma vie, ce sont mes enfants. Ce sont de belles personnes et je sais que quoi qu’il arrive, ils le resteront. Bon thanksgiving à tous !

  • Hmmm… je dois être trop habituée à râler pour tout ce qui ne va pas dans ce bas monde : les crottes de chien sur le trottoir et les cyclistes qui grillent les feux, pour commencer. Ma première réaction à ce post a été de lever les yeux au ciel en soupirant (“mais qu’est-ce qu’ils peuvent être cucu ces américains, ‘peuvent pas s’empêcher de faire des thérapies de groupe, c’est vraiment chiant…”)
    J’étais à Paris le soir des attentats, on devait sortir faire la fête avec ma cousine préférée…
    Alors moi aussi je remercie la technologie de m’avoir avertie à temps grâce à une notification : à une demi-heure près, ç’aurait pu être nous deux, à cette terrasse.

  • It’s funny in a way how serious and solemn thanksgiving sounds when I read this. I mean, I don’t know if it’s “good” to have a proper established day/week-end to officially be thankful and say it out loud around a table or in holidays. Or it’s better be thankful and show it and mean it everyday? Maybe it’s so deep rooted in the US culture : sorry don’t take me wrong but I’m really in the edge to to laugh because of this seriousness, whereas it should be sound completely natural and genuine . And it’s very American in a way (Hugs, luv ya, miss ya, etc.) and here I am thinking (here’s the French thinking I know…) : “yeah, but do you really mean it when you say LOVE me, coz here in France, when I say “I love you”, : Helloooo but I don’t say it to my neighbours or the cashier like you’re the love of my life, you’re my second half, I can’t breath without you!” : it’s really really deep here and I’m kinda nervous before I say it to the person I really love (lol)

    But i know what sounds kindda awkward now in this thanks notes moment : its like reading an epitaph on someone’s grave or an Awards’ thank U moment. (LOL)

    BTW, thank you Garance for what you are, love ya ! ;-)

  • I think we (americans) are kind of solemn and corny, maybe not as sophisticated as some others? We say what we are thankful for straight faced.

  • I think what this whole thanksgiving situation is relating to ( my Lithuanian interpretation) is not necessarily to those select people like your family and special ones, but other people and things that we sometimes forget to notice (but wouldn’t imagine our life without). You know the saying, you don’t know how much you love someone or something until it’s lost and I feel like especially in the last couple of years when the speed of life took to another level that such days are actually rather neccessary. There can not be too much of gratitude and appreciation and love and to say it out loud ( as much as to hear it ) is one of the most beautiful things. We need more of that. And yes – even beyond thanksgiving, but it’s a good start and a good reminder. Relating to those little things – I am grateful for my morning coffee and the opportunity to study what I love and for having everything that I have in life. I am thankful for coming across this blog which is a huge inspiration, and this year most grateful for sorting the friendship with my friend of more than 25 years – we didn’t speak for like 3 years because of stupid things. But after meeting this summer in hometown – we had a good laugh about it and it was great, you know.
    Ultimately some things and people deserve thank you more than others but either way – everything and anything is here to help us grow as people. And so that’s what I am thankful for.

  • Je suis reconnaissante à la vie…à la liberté .. d’avoir aimé, d’aimer et de pouvoir aimer à nouveau demain.
    I am grateful for life…for the freedom I have been enjoying every minute…for the love I gave and received, from the love I am giving and receiving, for the love I will give and receive tomorrow.
    Je suis reconnaissante à vous tous au Studio: ça fait partie de la liberté, du plaisir de vivre et de découvrir.
    I am grateful for every one of you at the Studio exists: it participates of life, freedom, appetite for life and discovery.
    In one sentence: I am grateful for living, loving and laughing.
    En gros, je suis reconnaissante de vivre, d’aimer, et de rire.

  • Ghislaine November, 26 2015, 2:29 / Reply

    Bon, d’un point de vue historique je ne suis pas du tout fan de Thanksgiving (ça tombe bien, je ne suis ni américaine, ni résidente!) mais si cette journée est une bonne occasion pour les familles et les proches de se réunir alors c’est déjà pas mal. Dans tous les cas, joli post …
    Love xx

  • Anika Zebron November, 26 2015, 2:30 / Reply

    Love this post! So happy for your studio’s success–it’s fantastic to see & read about how well you mesh and the fun you have all while producing rad content. Thanks for sharing your “thankfuls.” We’re thankful for Studio Dore!

  • Cute photos. Thanks to all of you from me for doing what you do.

  • Thankful for being safe and for my family, to still be able to keep such a strong contact with my long distance friends, and for Paris because that city is beautiful and strong, and survives even when the worst happen.
    happy thanksgiving !

  • How come you dont have a Frenchy in your team ? ;)

  • Super post, super photos, super équipe, super esprit. Merci à vous ;)


  • Bonjour Garance,

    Quel bel article plein d’humour et d’amour……ça sent l’esprit de noel……se retrouver et s’aimer ; la possibilité de le faire chaque jour avec mes amis ma famille mon travail et les rencontres improbables de la vie…….merci la vie ! Belle et lumineuse journée à vous et votre équipe

  • Lovely!

    x Sophia

    Founder | Blog and The City
    Personal Blog | Tao of Sophia

  • Bernadetta November, 27 2015, 7:13 / Reply

    Garance- you are more American now than French!!!! Then again, I don’t really consider you French either.

  • Sira- You made me laugh with your comment. Thought the very same when I read it. Agree with you in that we should be showing our appreciation quietly every day. I don’t do this public thanking very well. Sounds so fake to me.

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