9 years ago by
Considering how long I’ve been following Lisa Marie’s style all over the world, it was time for us to dedicate a Style Story to her! Lisa — whose gorgeous bathing suits you’re already familiar with — is a true jet setter. She never really stays in one place, and whether she’s in New York, London, on a beach in Italy, or on a boat in Greece, her style always reaches breathtaking levels of perfection.
It seems almost unreal, but that’s just the way she is, and I love watching her. For these photos, we went to find her at her (sublime) hotel in Paris, La Réserve…
1. Describe your style in three words.
Effortless, bohemian, expensive. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to look expensive.
2. You travel so much! How do you pack?
I always pack at least two Globetrotters. I am definitely an over packer. I like to have options due to climate and occasion. You just never know…
3. Do you find your style naturally shifts when you travel to a different city?
My style remains the same but my hair does not. I would rather not brush my hair in NYC.
4. What is your favorite outfit right now?
My LMF terry cloth bath robe at home every day. I don’t like to be dressed at home. Vita Kin embroidered dresses, and skirts and dresses from The Row. My jewelry is a lot of vintage snake bracelets and rings mixed with a lot of Eddie Borgo and a Cartier juste en clou bracelet, and Aurélie Bidermann rope bracelets. I absolutely love handbags and, lately, have been wearing the new Louis Vuitton petite malle, the new J.W. Anderson Loewe suede bounce bag, M2Malletier and Olympia Le-Tan clutches for evening, and Hermès Kelly of the garden party basket in summer. Shoes are Francesco Russo, Gianvito Rossi, Céline.
5. Are there things you have been wearing forever?
High waisted jeans and ponchos.
6. Are there things you won’t wear?
A sleeveless fur vest.
7. What do you have in mind when you design your swimsuits ?
I am traveling year round and cultivate ideas along the way. When it comes time for design, I already know the direction.

8. You recently launched an active wear line, how do you fit exercise in your travels ?
I find it the most difficult thing!! Whilst in New York, I do Karen Lord pilates and I love to bike in the warm weather months, I never exercise in other cities but I swim when in the Mediterranean every day.
9. What are your favorite places to shop in Paris?
Bon Marché, Francesco Russo, Valentino and Céline. And I love Astier de Villatte.
10. This hotel is amazing ! What do you look for in a hotel?
I love to be inspired as much as I can and always choose a hotel that will hopefully do that. I have been patiently waiting for La Reserve to open its doors. I stay at La Réserve in Ramatuelle, which is super chic, and know Paris would be the same. I prefer an intimate hotel with character and interesting design, but the most important aspect of a hotel is the experience.
11. What is your travel outfit ?
My travel outfit is now our activewear. The brushed microfiber catsuit doubles as cozy flying pajamas or the Elisa bra top and legging paired with a chic sweater from The Row.
12. What have you seen on the runway that you can’t wait to wear?
I am finding myself less interested in runway looks lately.
13. How much does fashion week inform your personal style?
Actually, not at all. My personal style is pretty much set in stone.
14. Who is your fashion muse?
I am inspired by there, here and now, and try and let my personal experiences dictate my fashion style. I have never had a fashion muse as we are all different, and what suits one person doesn’t necessarily translate to another. I am a strong believer in individuality.

For more style stories, click here!
Suede jacket, Céline ; Bag, Loewe; Embroidered dress, Vita Kin; Nightgown, Vintage; Nude heels, Gianvito Rossi
Black Heels, Francesco Russo
Wonderful photos and amazing interview! She’s truly elegant!
Ces photos sont magnifiques! <3
Et la paire de chaussures!!! OMG! J'adore!
Merci pour cette belle interview!
Le monde des petites
The most enriching voyage is an inner trip into yourself ..that’s how you find your best style that defines who you are And where you want to go..no trends no labels..but just harmony inside out…..
Beautiful images as always merci Garance:)
With Love
Yael Guetta
Amazing, stunning shoots!!
XOX, Gap.
OK, it’s decided: I will also start designing swimsuits to be able to afford a stay at hotel where even the tiniest room is 750 euros a night! The only question is how to become a successful designer!
Magnifiques photos, très belle interview!!
Name dropping de marques pour jet-set… Portrait inodore et incolore, ou règne surtout l’odeur et la couleur de l’argent. Pas trop cliente de cet aspect du blog, j’espère que vous diversifierez les personnages, autres milieux, âges, originalité. My 2 cents !
Liz, regardez nos autres Style Stories… Diversifier c’est aussi parler de femmes comme Lisa Marie :)
Oui, il en faut pour tout le monde (j’ai failli le rajouter à la fin de mon com que je cherchais à adoucir, sans y arriver vraiment !). Mais je sais qu’ ici une rumeur, en faveur de la diversité, gronde ! J’ai lu le blog en entier je crois et je suis une fidèle d’entre les fidèles, et ce profil est, il me semble, surreprésenté. Toutefois, et c’est un simple avis de lectrice, il me manque des portraits d’autres cultures, autres milieux, autres âges, voire autre façon de consommer la mode. Je suis certaine que vous y viendrez, ne serait-ce que pour vous démarquez du catéchisme de magazine de mode qui peut parfois, dans un désir louable d’éditer un contenu pro, inonder l’éditorial du blog.
Par ailleurs, j’attends votre livre avec impatience ! ;-)
Such a wonderful interview and gorgeous woman! Her style is impeccable! x
Wonderful place & shoes!
Her hair is sublime! So beautiful.
“Pas forcément besoin de beaucoup d’argent pour qu’un style soit sophistiqué.”
Mais tout ce qui est cite est extremement cher….
Jolies photos comme toujours sinon!
Je pense exactement la même chose en lisant cet interview. Non, l’argent ne fait pas toujours de style chic, mais cela peut aider! Pourquoi nier?
This is an awesome interview – I love her thoughts on fashion week and how steadfast she sticks to her own taste. She is gorgeous!
Warm Regards,
I love the answer to question 1! Then all the other answers following. Plus ALL the LA MER products. The sincerity of it all…
This was exactly my thoughts as I was reading this interview!
Same here!
Le cadre est somptueux! J’adore la robe noire brodée qu’elle porte, cette interview est très inspirante!
Je l’adore ! Mais je la contextualise toujours plus à l’hôtel il Pellicano en Italie plutôt qu’à Paris !
Baci, Ali
Garance, j’aime beaucoup ton blog, que je suis depuis quelques années maintenant et je trouvais que l’un des côtés très cool est le naturel, la simplicité et l’autodérision avec lesquelles tu fais face à un monde assez superficiel, assez imaginaire et quelque peu hypocrite qu’est la mode. Et surtout un monde dans lequel on voit sur le devant de la scène essentiellement de gens qui ont les moyens ( et c’est le moins qu’on puisse dire)
Certes nous voyons dans ton post une très belle femme, très bien habillée et photgraphié dans un décor chic qu’elle a le mérite d’avoir su choisir mais également de pouvoir payer. Je ne nie aucun de ses qualiés, mais la question est où est la vraie originalité quand on a les moyens? Certes il y a pleins de riches qui n’ont pas de goût, mais aussi pleins de “pauvres” qui en ont. Or voit-on ces derniers temps par ici des filles “ordinaires”, de revenus ordinaires et hyper bien stylées?
Je sors de l’expo Gaultier où parmi les premier modèles on voyait une robe en sac poubelle avec des bijoux en boîtes de conserves. Elle n’avait l’air ni cheap, ni de mauvais goût. Elle était vraiment classe. Je crois que si ce n’était pas écrit je ne me serais pas aperçue qu’elle est réellement faite en sac poubelle. La vraie leçon de mode et de style est là je crois!
C’est justement l’intérêt de montrer différent types de femmes et de lifestyle. Je connais énormément de femmes qui ont beaucoup d’argent et absolument aucun style – ce n’est pas le cas de Lisa, qui est aussi une designer très talentueuse :)
Great photos and very interesting interview!
Amazing story. Love it!
xx, http://girlswearblack.blogspot.com.es
Quel style sublime, et alors ses cheveux sont magnifiques :)
This is such a great interview! I love her sense of style. She is always so sophisticated and chic.
The Office Stylist
her style is really cool
Love it when a woman admits she doesn’t travel light. Claiming you can travel two weeks with only a carry-on makes me dislike a woman every time.
As for the critical comments in French (I only read the two Garance responded to) it’s what I love about French culture. I love the honest and critical comments on elle.fr too. They won’t take any BS either! The french don’t fall so hard for marketing and veneer. And they don’t gush so easily
Either that or they just seem more wisely critical because French is my second language! But that’s not wholly it
I want to add, I don’t want this blog to veer too far luxe either
I love the current “lettre d’ines” with 16 euro sandals etc. go Ines de la Fressange!
Of course Ines is “un vrai cendre” (is that how you say it?) so everything looks great on her
Her style is casual but so individual. Effortless!
The pictures are sublime and she is clearly a very beautiful woman and perhaps a talented designer but something didn’t come through for me in this style story. It isn’t that original to wear very expensive labels , stay in fancy hotels and wear your bathrobe at home. I am not sure I got the true sense of her style you were trying to convey.
Très belle fille, et photos sublimes, mais je rejoins Liz… L’interview me laisse de marbre surtout quand je lis “pas besoin de beaucoup de moyens pour avoir du style” et que par la suite ce n’est qu’une énumération de marques prestigieuses… Bof. Ce ne sera pas ma “style story” préferée ;-)
J’adore ses chaussures! Très jolies photos également!
love these interviews. desirious of that green sofa
I don’t know what I was expecting but I didn’t get any sense of her style because you can’t really see it in the photos although you do get a sense of the hotel and the fact that it is very expensive. She didn’t really answer some of the questions, just made some broad statements that meant nothing. To live like that you have to be extremely wealthy so a lot of people, including me, can’t really relate. I would like to hear about some people in the style story who are not wealthy and don’t have dreamy jobs but her are very interesting as well as stylish.
Her style exudes laid-back sophistication! Loved reading the interview!
Oh là là, mais comment tu fais pour que les Style Stories soient toujours aussi réussies ? J’ai adoré celle-ci, parce que Lisa Marie est d’un chic absolu, et que La réserve est juste sublimissime. Quelle chance elle a de voyager partout !!
The photos are exquisite! But the interview made me laugh out loud:
– Describe your style in three words.
– Effortless, bohemian, expensive. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to look expensive.
And then we go to the list of clothes, shoes and accessories that we see on the photos. Everything costs hundreds and thousands of Euro. I don’t mind that per se! But it looks kind of ridiculous, when you put the two together. Unless, of course, spending approximately EUR 2,000 on a Loewe bag or is not spending a lot of money. A matter of perspective, I guess.
PS And the shelf full of Le Mer products…
I really liked this style feature! And that penmanship!
oh thank you for saying you hate sleeveless fur vests. Me too!!! I will see them on women and the first thing that comes to mind is a dwarf hamster.
How can packing 2 Globetrotters when travelling be ‘effortless’?
I don’t want to be a negative nelly but I can’t handle this. This is my first ever negative comment on your site, Garance, but I have to.
The relentless designer name dropping, the idea of an exercise catsuit on an airplane, the over packing, the wearing of a robe at home and mainly taking one self so seriously. Not stylish! It all feels so contrived! I love her swimwear, I’m sure she is a great business woman but no, just no. To me this isn’t about style as much as about conspicuous consumption- no matter how much she likes things like individuality and ponchos. I feel underwhelmed and annoyed at once.
Her style is beautiful and it IS very expensive. Choosing the exclusive, classical brands she choose, it’s easy to look good – in my opinion. I guess she inherited the money she spends, you can’t earn so much money by designing swim suits…
“Don’t need money to look sophisticated” and then she ONLY talks about extremely expensive things, has La Mer and just stays in a hotel that none of the readers could afford. I started reading blogs because I could relate to them, I felt like I could be that girl too, all I had to do was go to the thrift shop or H&M or save up for one expensive piece. These interviews are nothing like that anymore, it’s like a TV shows that is fake (a la gossip girl) – entertaining, but not the purpose of blogs (at least for me). More accessibility would be nice! :)
Astier de Vilatte n’est pas un hôtel :-) C’est un créateur d’objets d’art en céramique !
I can’t help but think that it is incredibly easy to look “stylish” when travelling with two suitcases and wearing only designer brands. I believe truly stylish girls can pack light and balance vintage, designer and contemporary while looking expensive.
Très belle ITW, j’adore ce type d’article “une fille, un style” surement mes préférés.
When I first read this interview, I was like, “sure, it’s not expensive to look stylish, says the girl carrying a suitcase of La Mer products, an Hermes bag and staying at an incredibly expensive hotel”. But then I did some research on Lisa Marie and read her interview in Into The Gloss (I think) – despite her expensive tastes (and why not, if you got the money), I found her more relatable and “real” than many women interviewed here. She likes to take it easy, spend time on vacation, travel, eat good food, likes her body as it is (aka not super toned or muscular because she doesn’t love working out and hates the gym)… kind of the life I would live if I could haha! I found her self-confidence and self-love inspiring.And I appreciated her honesty about not packing light, because seriously, who does? :)
More like this, please! I love style stories. And Lisa Marie is a favorite.
Anna! I completely agree! This article did not make a lot of sense to me. While I certainly don’t care how much you spend on clothes (I would do it if I could!), it is comical to say “you don’t have to spend a lot of money to look expensive”, and then go on to list the designers that she does? Oh well.