
10 years ago by

Hi there! How do you like my moving outfit?

We (finally!!!) moved this Saturday, and I can’t even believe this new Studio.
We danced around like crazy we were so happy and this morning, for the first time in my life, I’m officially going to be working in my office.

Well…except that there’s not actually a desk in my office yet — no chair, no pens, there’s nothing yet, not even a computer since I’ve been working from my laptop for years, like a vagabond.

For years, it scared me to think about settling down somewhere – we talk about guys and their fear of commitment, but when it comes to commitment, I’m a total catastrophe!!!
But this I see like a home for the whole team, with a real space for taking photos, painting, cutting things out, putting things together, exchanging ideas, doing great things and stupid things…in short, a place to do all the things we love, with also a living room, a cool lunch spot, and we even have a great sound system so we can pump up the jams (just let me know when I need to stop using that expression)(and yeah there are desks and computers as well.)

Anyway, I can’t believe my eyes. I always thought of offices as being gray and awful, but now all I want to do is live there!!!

We’re going to decorate little by little, and I’ll show you pictures as soon as we’re done :)

(You can get an idea of what it looks like – and see some very happy dancing! on the Studio’s Instagram)


Other than that, there are some things we’ll talk about this week. Last Thursday, I held a conference for 800 people in Salt Lake City, and I’ll have to tell you why I should have never worn heels, I also fell in love with a gorgeous bag (it had been awhile) and I can’t wait to show it to you! I met Christy Turlington (ahhhh), I made a cake (event of the year) and so on…
Oh, and also, a super adorable story came out last week on the super adorable Fashionista site.

It goes over the photo shoot I did for Maison Jules, the Macy’s brand I’ve been working with for several seasons now. If you want to read it, it talks a little bit about how I work. You can find it here.

Otherwise, we’ve decided to do a nude theme this week, just because we like themes and we like to be nude ;)

That’s all I’ll say for now, but I hope you’re going to like it. I have to take off for an appointment now, but if you have any questions, I’ll be here during the day to answer them!!!

Big kisses!


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