10 years ago by
Obviously, now that August has arrived, I can’t help but look at the fall collections.
I make plans for my wardrobe, imagine the new September me, and then when September finally comes, I’m so busy that I end up having to keep wearing all the summer clothes I’m totally sick of…I don’t have to explain it to you, we all do that.
Ok, it’s August 4th, so maybe it’s a little early, but all I know is I really want rompers.
Which reminds me of the photo shoot I did last spring for Ç Façonnable, the brand my friend Mira designs. We shot the photos with Candela, who you also know from seeing her here.

I really like the super comfortable aspect of everything she designs and also the fun side she brings to the collections, with the prints and embroidery (like on that amazing jacket in the first photo!) She’s obviously crazy about rompers, since they’re the most comfortable thing in the world (except at times like this). I don’t know if I could do the blue foral one, but I think it’s perfectly cool (and perfectly light enough) for a September afternoon.
What do you think? Should I embark on a floral romper adventure?
Translated by Andrea Perdue
I’m obsessed with that 2nd photo. The total look is killer.
Je dis OUI!!
J’adore les imprimés fleuris! Je craque sur la première veste!!! <3
Le monde des petites
they look unbelievable! :)
Yes! Definitely go for a floral romper! Love these beautiful pieces.
xx, Kristi
OUI OUI OUI ! c’est tellement joli ;)
I love this onepieces… they’re so comfy, and now even stylish!!
XOX, Gap.
I really like the look of the blue floral one and I think you could definitely embark on that adventure, especially in NY. I think I would be more shy about it and go for the grey one, because I’m tall. But I like how she breaks it up with the big scarf.
C’est tout toi cette combi fleurie!!!
I love the jacket in the first photo. I totally want to wear something like that all winter. Been thinking about making one…
I like how the rompers look, but I don’t think I want to wear one. Would love to hear your opinion on how it actually works in real life.
– Meredith M Howard
The first jacket is amazing.
Took a couple of minutes and read your piece from 08 on the hysterical realities of using the bathroom when wearing a jumpsuit/romper. Exactly! I had a couple of them in the 90’s, and recall how technical the enterprise could be when trying to keep the top from dropping into the toilet, and what happens to your pantyhose or tights because they have to be pulled up first, etc. I bought a really cute pale denim overall 2 months ago, and haven’t worn it yet, i think I need to do a trial exercise at home first. The beautiful garments you pictured inspire me, and your previous story was right on!
I think the floral romper is hot. now. but make sure no one photographs you in it, I think it will date quickly..
love the jumpsuit
J’adore le bomber, les motifs dessus sont vraiment beau!
Big love for the first flower printed jacket! Love it!
Yes you should! These are gorgeous. The detail on the first jacket is so nice and the second romper looks amazing with that chunky scarf and simple heels. Ahhhh! :)
Yes, yes- get the blue floral one! Anyone could pull it off- its sweetness and smallness of print and ease of cut, and calm, blue shades make it perfect for day or night. Just change your daytime Converse or flat Roman sandals to night time shoes and add a red lip for night and you’re done. Add ankle boots or lace-ups, top with that scarf and a heavy jacket and you have a cold weather piece… I just don’t know how you’ll do the toilet run in a one piece.
Otherwise- style wise- it is evergreen- won’t ever date. Prints head to toe have been done since we first learnt how to print fabric. It’s graceful and elegant.
And I’d suggest getting that lovely jacket in your first shot, too.
Really sooooo nice jumpsuits. xa
Loving the flowers.
Have a beautiful week.
Priscilla Joy
Dutch Caribbean
Cette combi fleur est une vrai beauté, donc OUI, vas-y, sans hésitation, lance toi ;)
xo CarolineJ
J’adore aussi les combis ! Ma préférée du moment, une Heimstone de la collection printemps/été. Je sais que je continuerai à la porter à la rentrée. C’est d’ailleurs mon moment préféré de l’année, la rentrée, pouvoir mixer des pièces d’été avec de nouvelles choses des collections d’hiver, les jambes nues dans des boots, j’adore ça….
Oui a la combi car feminine dans une belle matiere souple et tres confortable.
Le seul probleme est la gymnastique aux toilettes……
No, too trendy. Stay classic.
Mon job c’est vendeuse ds le pap. Et d’expérience, je dois dire: combinaison= warning!! Il y a vraiment moyen de très mal les porter et d’être aussi glam qu’un sac de pommes de terre (d’une ferme bio quand même). Globalement, ça va aux filles fines et élancées (pas forcément gdes mais élancées) et même elles doivent souvent mettre des talons pour allonger le tout!
That floral romper is amazing, as is the floral jacket at the top! love the looks x
Stunning the second look!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
J’adore ses vêtements, mais je n’ai trouvé aucun détaillants en ligne ou au Canada (Montréal) ?!?
pour bientôt peut-être :)
The prints and embroidery are so beautiful, specially the first two ones.
While they look great in the photos, all I can think of is the angst of having to use the toilet. Ugh.
I adore that floral romper (or onesie) BUT… You know you have to get totally undressed to go to the toilet don’t you? And try and hold it all off the floor if in a public toilet… While sitting (or hovering?) in just your bra…
HA! Just read the article that you linked to!
Where can we get the jacket from in the first picture?
YES to the jacket. In fact, where can I buy it? Perhaps you will consider adding a link to shop this beautiful piece!!!
J’adore la combinaison bleue à fleurs! Mais impossible de la trouver en ligne… et elle n’apparait pas dans leur lookbook non plus. Où se cache-t-elle?
J’adooore!!!! Ceci dit, tu as bien de la chance de ne plus pouvoir supporter tes vêtements d’été! En France c’est pas le cas, ils ne sont pas trop sortis du placard cette saison en raison de l’été pourri!!!
Oh oui, avec ta petite coupe courte, elle sera parfaite sur toi !
Ah non, tant qu’il fait beau je ne penche pas sur des habits d’hiver. Bon ok, j’ai acheté une écharpe et un bonnet en laine il y a 2 semaines mais ils étaient en super soldes, et je me dois d’être réaliste : dans 2 mois il fait 5 dégrés dans ma région.Mais j’évite tout de même de trop penser à l’hiver.
Nice jacket, handsome look !!!
You are tall and slim, you should!! I can’t even look at overalls without feeling fat and small. Overalls are a huge no-no for me!!
Oh mais j’adore !! Jr suis complètement fan de ces combis qui restent colorées et ultra fun !
De toute façon dès le début du mois d’août je ne pense qu’aux fringues de rentrée :)
Très jolies photos, et j’adore Candela, toujours très belle, et avec le sourire !
… sais pas. Certes, un combi est hyper comfortable, mais j’ai vraiment mal à porter un combi en dehors de la maison. C’est certainement parce que un combi sans les talons ça fait pyjama, par contre avec les talons ce n’est plus la même sensation de comfort.
They look extremely comfy and cute at the same time!! I´ve already curated a detailed list of what my Autumn wardrobe needs!… now I hope I can actually get everything! xx
Hmmm, I don’t know why but I don’t feel over the hills for neither rompers or floral prints…
Hey Garance
Suis d’accord avec toi, même que je suis à Paris et que je viens de me faire une rue Saint Honoré, Colette, Sandro et e j’ai vu plein de fringues super cool!!! Mais il va falloir que je retourne travailler pour m’offrir toutes ces belles choses…
Bisous et profite bien de tes vacances…
Check le post de Colleen sur la meilleure manière de poser son blush :
re Bisous
The bomber jacket in the first photo is stunning. I say, go for it!
Oh that jacket has the most gorgeous adornment! And how I wish I would own a good romper, like that in the 2nd pic. So so pretty.
They’re so unique! Love them!
Très belles photos et combis, d’autre part Candela pourrait porter un sac de poubelle sur la tête et ça nous donnerait envie d’en avoir un aussi…
I wanted a floral jumper but didn’t want to invest a lot of money in summer wear that is played in so much. The one I’m wearing in this post was $24 and is very sweet and girlie. http://www.elasticpantcity.com/?p=5160
Totally! love all the looks!!! Thanks for inspiration!
I’ve been around a long time and I’ve seen rompers come (rarely) and go (quickly). I’ve even owned one or two. I will tell you they are not for me. They can be binding when you sit, difficult to manage when you have to pee, and, frankly, are flattering on very few body types. The ones you have pictured are gorgeous garments, on gorgeous, tall, thin women. I may be gorgeous, but tall, thin, and young enough to chase after the latest trends? No. That all being said, what’s fashion for if not fun? Go for it.
Absolutely LOVE this! So cute xx
hello girls!
je ne connaissais pas C Façonnable, et maintenant que je la découvre, je fais une fixation : je voudrais tout!!!
Comment acheter de France? Où? Pitié, help me….
Gros bisous et heureuses vacances :)
Cette veste fleurie C Façonnable est une tuerie ! Au Bon Marché ce week-end, impossible de trouver le corner de la marque… Dites-nous où on peut se procurer ça en France please !!!
Amazing beautiful and really would like to get this outfit. Love it! ;-)2