maryam malakpour newbark street style garance dore photos

Mix Or Match

9 years ago by

Matching bag and shoes? I’ve never paid attention to that old fashion rule.
(Now, with fashion, rules are meant to be broken.)

How Maryam bookends her look with loafers and an oversized clutch (both her designs!) in forest green, I love. It might be the color but it doesn’t feel like she’s following any rules, she’s so playful with patterns and hues.

Do you match your accessories? What fashion rules do you live by?

maryam malakpour newbark street style garance dore photos

maryam malakpour newbark street style garance dore photos

maryam malakpour newbark street style garance dore photos

Shoes and bag, Newbark; coat, Libertine.


Add yours
  • Ce look est parfait, j’adore cette couleur verte!


  • She’s so perfect with her imperfections…I love this look!
    XOX, Gap.

  • I love breaking rules, especially ones related to fashion and maxims like “age appropriate”. Her look is so lush and rich with saturated colors and textures, like a painting. That is what I love about fashion right now, trends seems to be losing importance and individual and personal style is becoming ever more important.

    Accidental Icon

  • I don’t match that often but sometimes I do and I think it’s a really variation. Love this match and what a gorgeous coat as well xx

  • The thing is what type of matcher you are…either you match old school style, ‘cos you always had, abiding by the old shoe-bag rule, or you match because you’re a hardcore mis-matcher being rebellious.

  • I just follow what my guts say; ) really, sometimes I do care about matching the two but more often I just mix colors and patterns and See how they go together!

  • Semidei michele March, 23 2015, 4:04 / Reply

    Le vert j’adore surtout dans le cuir , pas le vert émeraude
    Je n’en porterais pas ,mais le vert et bien oui le vert que porte Catherine Deneuve dans 8 femmes.

  • Je suis pas vraiment pour assortir le sac aux chaussures … mais j’avoue des fois je le fais sans faire gaffe : j’ai enfilé mes baskets bordeaux, et une fois sortie jme rends compte que j’ai pris mon sac de la même couleur … parce que j’avais envie, j’ai pas réfléchi à l’ensemble.
    (Ces mocassins sont tellement top !!!)

  • In the 50/60 an elegant woman had to have bags shoes and earrings in the same color … it was The must …later fashion opened up to a mix color and doING what you want…it seems to me that we are back to shoes/bags/earrings…again…
    For me fashion is an expression of who we want’s to be….and the image we wants to give…so i think as long as there is harmony in the image..that’s the most important things!!
    Yael Guetta

  • Beautiful pics and outfit! I believe fashion is all about freedom and no rules now. But you can still spot real trendsetters – they are the ones who match when current trends say missmatch :)


  • This outfit gets a big thumbs up from me ;)

  • wow, i love her coat!!!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • I dont care about the colors of my accessories, of course your combination mood is important. btw like the color of shoes and bag. but what an amazing coat! no matter how!!

  • Katheriene March, 23 2015, 8:08 / Reply

    I’m 100% PRO MATCH!

    I remember feeling really vindicated when that post of Viviana Volpicella in the red gingham shoe & bag combo went up. I love that old school twist in contrast to whatever other craziness may be happening in my outfit, or even in the matching accessories!

  • So, I totally overlooked the coat in the first picture and then I see the detailed picture and all of the sudden it looks so cool. A fashion rule that I keep just because I think it’s ugly is that brown and black do not go together. Other than that, there are no rules!

  • When it comes to accessories, I like them to compliment each other, but never match — unless it’s black.

  • Je valide n’importe quel gimmick en terme de mode du moment que l’on se fait plaisir!

  • Ai-Ch'ng March, 24 2015, 2:21 / Reply

    Wow, what a wonderful celebration of earthiness!

    Such an elegant shape to the coat, and the classic grey torn hemmed jeans with ankle socks – so practical and quirky – I love socks!

    I love what one of the posters said about following her gut!

    Matched shoes and bag or not, it’s up to the wearer on the day: with this slight match (the bag is still slightly different from the shoes, which is incredibly lovely), it brings a tiny element of “considered-ness” to the whole look, and makes it more acceptable in the office, if that’s where she has to go, while still being mismatched in a really harmonious way.

    Some days I wear shoes and bag in the same colour family, but in a leather for the bag and suede for the shoes; other days, it’s whatever is closest to the door.

    Mostly, if you wear cleaned clothes and take good care of your body and emotional health and are happy, I find you’ll look amazing no matter what. Look at all those indigenous women with their multi-patterened, mismatched clothes, or the classic New York winter all-black, or bare-breasted women with coloured skirts and head-wear and no shoes – each so incredibly lovely and dignified in her own way.

  • bavarian_blue March, 24 2015, 3:34 / Reply

    It’s perfect, because clutch and shoes share only the green shade. In detail they are different in style and materials-that’s cool. I remember the 80ies with accessoires-families (bags, shoes, wallets, belts) from Escada and Magli: every detail perfect tuned – very very ladylike but much to overdone for nowadays.

  • Francesca March, 24 2015, 4:07 / Reply

    J’adore les chaussures vertes!

  • C’est vrai qu’on ne fait pas très attention aux accessoires dans la vie quotidienne et pourtant, c’est la petite touche qui finalise un look !

  • Charikleia March, 24 2015, 5:35 / Reply

    Yup, old rule also had it that any leather accessory one wears should be of the same colour, including shoes, bags, belts, jackets etc. It could work in case you need to pass a strict, reliable, structured, in one word more professional look. It could end up matronly/stiff/conservative. I try to see my outfit as a whole and find symmetry in all its parts (even the ones that do not show such as lingerie or socks) without sticking to the matching bag and shoes rule. Sometimes I match my bag/shoes to my scarf/lipstick/coat/pants/skirt. As long as I somehow manage to feel this inner harmony all is good. I do have utter respect though for those who observe the rule without overdoing it.

    Great pictures, love the outfit and the rich green colour in both bag and shoes.

    A big kiss from Greece!

    A big kiss from Greece!

  • je suis un peu tradi au final hihi, peut être que les accessoires assortis c’est un peu too much, mais j’aime respecter le chiffre symbolique maximum de 3 couleurs..

  • Cool shoes ;))


    Mónica Sors



  • Love the detail in your look! x

  • Je n’ai d’yeux que pour le manteau, tres original.

  • This is a super outfit: stylish, creative and also completely functional/comfortable. The light green/dark green bag/shoe combo is inspired with this coat.

  • The ladies of lucky three love to follow the “no white before memorial day or after labor day” rule, and matching your belt with your shoes.

    But rules are meant to be broken, so sometimes we forget to follow them :)

  • What a beautiful outfit! Everything she wears is great. As regards matching and mismatching, my rule is that there are no rules :) Which means that I wear whatever accessories I think look good with the rest of the outfit. If they match – fine. If they don’t – cool :)

  • Love that fashion these days (I am a 47 year old woman) is so FUN & EASY! Everything goes. I remember a time when bags and shoes had to match, white shoes and pants only in summer and if you wore something that was “in” 2 years before- YOU WERE SO….OUT! Fashion has become more welcoming to all- more individual and rule breaking. The pressure is a lot less than back in the 90`s! I love the Fashion World now. Before it was closed and elitist.

  • Why does it have to be either/or? At times, it if fun to mix and match and at other times, the look needs to have some cohesion and a good way to do it is to match bag and shoes.

  • Je suis pour, mais uniquement quand c’est fait avec ironie, exactement comme sur la photo d’ailleurs !
    Genre je suis tellement cool que je peux me le permettre !

  • We’re living in a great period for fashion choice, as compared to earlier fashion eras where the rules governing a woman’s appearance were rigid. Personal style boils down to individuality, and ultimately to wearability. It seems to me the clothes a woman wears need to be relevant to her individual lifestyle – so matching not matching is another choice. It’s wonderful to know that despite the lure of trends, a woman today can steer her fashion decisions in any direction she chooses.

  • It seems that some rules were a blessing given the recent penchant for completely mismatched clothes. I am in favour of a bit of matching. Out with clown clothes, in with harmony.

  • I don’t match shoes and bag. I love to play with color in my accessories so I might have red heels and a teal bag (or vice versa) or simple black heels if my dress is really crazy. I love how Maryam used two shades of the same color though…I might have to try that. And I’m not a loafer girl AT ALL but sort of want those green ones! And THAT COAT is to die for. Love everything about her look. Thanks for sharing!!

  • Novel and very nice!
    Could be lovely with this pine tree colored bag:

    Kisses from Biarritz

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