Loving Lemaire
9 years ago by
When someone drops the first name of their company, you know it means business. And, after 4 years as Artistic Director at Hermès, Christophe Lemaire’s own collections are just as lovely… the muted tones, the subtle but ladylike silhouettes.
What I love about Lemaire the most though, is it’s really classic Parisian style. She is chic but she still wears boots too, and in just three looks you get the entire lifestyle of the Lemaire woman.

Very chic!
so Parisian chic!!
XOX, Gap.
they are also doing a colab with uniqlo can’t wait!! he could be the new jil sander for them!
That’s so great to hear!! In love with the black suit in the second photo.. finally a suit that is cool and légère, almost in the style of a jumpsuit. Hope it will make its way down to Uniqlo!! or Zara & the likes which are more in everybody’s budget..
Great pieces !
J’adore le travail de Christophe Lemaire, je trouve les vêtements très fluides et aériens mais chic aussi ce qui donne un effet de confort tout en restant élégant.
Can I have them all!!
J’ai adoré évidemment !!
Garance comme moi tu étais fan de Jil Sander pour Uniqlo….eh bien l’hiver prochain c’est Christophe Lemaire qui va faire une collection pour uniqlo!!!
Il me tarde de voir ca!!!
When the proportion is over sized, how do you style the look? When do you say this is an interesting volume and when does it become a mistake? Is there a good rule to think about such as, always have a little skin, check the fit in the shoulders or a sharp shoe to offset the volume? Please help. The look is so pretty but I avoid it because it’s a delicate balance.
I. agree.
so chic! love that!
No other designer makes me yearn for that level of maturity in style.
I agree his clothes are so chic but can be hard to pull off. It is a delicate balance.
Pas très fan des looks 1 et 3 mais alors la 2ème photo, j’adore!
J’adore les lignes et matières de cette collection!
The second look is my absolute favorite!
The style is so cool!!
C’est vraiment la féminité-masculinité dans ce qu’il y a de mieux ! La femme Lemaire me fait penser à Caroline de Maigret, sublime dans son costume d’homme !
Cette collection est super-chic!
j’Adore !
Elodie – http://www.luxetoutou.com
Love the red sweater-jacket of the 1st picture :)
J’aime tous les 3 mais je me vois dans le 2eme????
J’aime tous les 3 mais je me vois dans le 2eme????
I have been a Lemaire fan since he first started and own pieces from his very first collection. The thing with Lemaire is that his pieces are timeless, extremely well tailored and super versatile. I’m such a fan of his work and will be sleeping in front of Uniqlo this Fall for his Capsule collection with the Japanese brand!
Lemaire is such a talent
Enfin un billet sur Christophe Lemaire ! C’est amplement mérité. Je suis ravie de constater qu’il se fait peu à peu sa place dans la fashion week. Les vêtements qu’il crée sont indéniablement désirables tant ils sont épurés et follement élégants. J’adore.
His clothes are so gown up and elegant. I love every piece.
What makes this collection (or these three outfits) so definitively Parisienne is their agelessness. They would look as appropriate and cool on a silver-haired woman in her 70’s as they do on these beautiful young models. And to me, that’s what great style is all about!