
12 years ago by

Personally, for me, I’ve come to terms with the fact that I’ll never wear clogs – I can’t figure out how to walk in them – but I’ve never been able to decide if I love them or hate them.

It’s a little like Birkenstocks… When tourists wear them with shorts, they’re the ugliest (Since Seth Meyers made fun of them at the CFDA , okay, I thought I’d aloow myself to do the same;-), but on a super awesome girl with super awesome style, sometimes I’m surprised by the coolitude that can come from those darn clogs.

So what do we think here? We love ’em or hate ’em?


Add yours
  • Oooh, I used to have a pair of great, comfortable clogs in highschool, I wish I had held on to them. I’d wear them with my summer maxi dresses.

    Enjoy your weekend and your award lovely! :)

    ~Natasha Fatah~

  • J’ose dire que je n’aime pas! Surtout parce que ça ne me va pas du tout ;)
    des bisous, elsa de http://www.elsamuse.com

  • Justement, j’y pensais ce matin en me levant, je me suis dit je vais jeter un oeil sur les eshops je veux des sabots Swedish Hasbeen! Les grands esprits se rencontrent! ;)

  • Moi non plus je ne peux pas marcher avec!… mais c’est pas grave parce que je n’aime pas! En plus je trouve que ça peut très vite faire vulgaire (le comble quoi!). Du coup c’est no way!

  • hate ’em:)

  • Elles sont superbes ! Mais je dois avouer qu’on faut avoir une vrai confiance en soi et son style pour quelles aient l’air mode. on peut s’inspirer de celles que Chanel avait fait pour l’été 2010 je crois !


  • Impossible de se prononcer non plus !
    Ça dépend de plein de choses, la personne qui les porte, la tenue, l’attitude…
    Mais on dit que l’essayer c’est l’adopter non ? :)

  • Very important question indeed. Love them! But wouldn’t wear them. Ha!


    Wandering Minds fashion


  • It’s exactly as you wrote it: it depends on who’s wearing them. But for me clogs are a definite ‘no’.

  • it really depends on the person wearing them. If the person is cool, they are cool. But if they’re not cool, they’re not. Personally, I wore them in the late 60s with my dragging on the ground elephant bells as part of my hippie persona at that time, so I don’t want to revisit that. It won’t look cool or ironic, just like a woman stuck in a time warp. : )

  • Sorry… I hate ’em…
    Although you do have a point: once in a while there is a cool girl who can pull it off!


  • Ha moi et les Birkenstocks c’est une belle histoire. Je trouvais ça aussi pas terrible, vieux. Ma mère et mon grand-père en porte. Et puis j’ai testé. Je les porte tous les jours hivers comme été. En pantoufles ou en sandales. J’adore ! Avec un jean slim et même un blazer. Bises Garance ;)

  • Le point faible de celles-là les agrafes, je préfère les clous….

    pour les sandales talons en bois made in france il y a celles de Valérie Salacroux. Une petite merveille, en sandales, inusables et super confortables :)


  • Love ’em! Clogs are feel-good shoes to me. I have always worn them at one time or another since childhood. Now it depends on my mood. Over the years, I have had an equal number of people come up to me to say: “yay”, “nay” (shrug my shoulders to both). Ultimately, clogs are more personal expression and less fashion statement. Mmmh, is there a difference?

  • J’en ai porté pendant deux ans quasiment tous les jours quand j’étais ado (en été, en hiver avec des chaussettes). Je ne sais pas comment j’ai fait, j’allais même aux concerts avec! Par nostalgie j’ai racheté des Swedish Hasbeens un peu comme celles de la photo il y a quelques années, je les ai mises environ deux fois, dont une aux Buttes-Chaumont où j’ai failli mourir (ampoules+entorses sur le terrain en pente). Je les ai revendues sur Ebay. No regrets.

  • HA! I love this post! I bought these exact clogs, and I wore them once, I feel so silly in them, I too want to be that girl, but its not happening! So they sit there, unused and unworn!

  • C’est marrant! Je m’ai acheté une paire exactement comme sur la photo cette semaine et aujourd’hui c’est la priemiere fois, que je les porte. Moi, j’adore!

  • I love them! I have two pair of hasbeens, but not the regular ones. My favorite are these booties, here a photo of them on my blog: http://www.jenins.nl/2010/09/16/dus-toch-2/


  • love it! Sur qqun qui a du style…

  • J’adore, simplement parce que ça me rapppelle mon adolescence ou tout le monde avait les sabots suedois. Donc j’en ai achete une paire des plus classiques en cuir naturel il ya deux ans deja rien que par nostalgie, mais j’avoue ne les avoir jamais mises. Mais j’aime bien les regarder et imaginer que j’ai 15 ans.

  • Love them… On other people :) have a great weekend now!

  • I think very few people can pull them off. I’m certainly not one of them (although, I loved wearing clogs when I was a little girl).

  • J’aime l’idée de marcher sur du bois et l’esprit scandinave. Par contre je ne suis pas sure de la version haut talon. Avec robe longue paysanne je préfère le sabot classique.

  • Alors, les sabots épais comme ça, je dis non. En tout cas sur moi, après sur des filles toutes fines avec de longues jambes sublimes, ça peut être simpa avec un jean, un haut décontracté.
    Moi, ce que j’adore par contre c’est les sabots genre ceux de chez scholl (http://www.sarenza.com/scholl-band-flat-s149-p0000030452?ectrans=1) , pas forcément pour le côté esthétique, mais surtout pour les souvenirs que ça réveille en moi. Les étés passés sur la plage, en Italie. A peine arrivées en Italies, après environ 15 heures passées dans la voiture avec mon père, ma mère, mon frère et ma soeur, avec ma mère la première chose qu’on faisait c’était aller dans le magasin de chaussures juste à côté de notre hôtel pour acheter ces sabots. Un peu une tradition de famille. Et la satisfaction de les enfiler tout de suite et d’entendre le clac clac clac alors qu’on marchait les quelques centaines de mètres jusquà la plage.
    Bon, c’est décidé, cet été j’en achète une paire :)

    Même catégorie que l’espadrille !

  • blergh. hate. they remind me of middle school, and not in a good way.


  • I believe they can look great with a proper outfit (think bootcut lightblue jeans), but can be horrendous at the same time when the outfit isn´t styled correct. I have decided they are not for me either, but that has more to do with the shape of hasbeens, bit the clog itself (after all, I am from Holland) xoxo

  • whatever it is 70ies… love love love!

  • Oh Garance please please please promise me to not ever, ever, ever again compare clogs with Birkenstock.

    Birkenstock is the pinacle of shoes, the most amazing thing invented after deodorant, my second skin during the summer. I LOVE THEM!!! I can hike for hours, travel, drive, dance, even sleep in those!

    As for clogs, hummm, what can I say, they’re comfy and make this nice sound (hlap-hloup-hlap-hloup) but all in all, they bring connotations to me which are not politically correct enough to be mentioned in your lovely blog :-)

    By the way, I loved your dress at the awards! Congrats once more!

    A big kiss from Greece!

  • I love them, but with the right style


  • J’adore! J’en avais des noires sans talons dans les années 70. J’en rachèterais si j’avais plein de sous et j’aime les version Botillons. En ce qui me concerne, je pense que c’est un classique!

  • J’ADORE, tout dépend de la façon dont on les portes ! mais attention aux faux pas !!!!

  • Garance, je ne suis pas super fan des sabots mais les comparer aux Birkenstocks, pfff, les sabots ne touchent quand même pas le fond à ce point, non? Si?… ;)
    Si je vois des Birkenstoks sur une fille canon je continurai á les trouver immondes, alors que les sabots sur cette même fille canon …

  • I like them, just not with feet in them! For example, in the above photo, they’re lovely. But if it were a photo of a hot young thang wearing them, then not so much.

  • No, they’re not for me either!

  • trop beau !!!!!!!

  • I think they look beautiful, but it’s the kind of beautiful that I’ll appreciate them but never wear them!

  • Ehm, I must admit I bought a pair of Birkenstock a couple years ago, but they were black patent leather!!!
    Worn only one Summer, now they’re somewhere between ’90s boots and early 2000 plastic wedges…

  • I just hate them!

  • Hey Garance, I was just like that… didn’t know if I hate them or love them. Till I find a perfect one from MiuMiu. It is so confortable, and the print is so lovely.. they win my heart! You should give a try! xoxo

  • I do like the regular clogs with no heels…and love Birkenstocks. But find sneakers much easier to walk long distances…

  • Pretty cool For summer… Attention, a Ne pas en abuser non plus.

  • Moi j’aime ! mais c’est toujours pareil, faut savoir les porter :)
    moi ça ne me va pas .. puis, pareil que toi je n’arrive pas à marcher avec :/ tant pis!

  • I personally looove Birkenstocks!! I have two pairs, first ones are white, designed a bit different then that usual ones, and second ones are mint, for this summer! They are super comfortable and they can also give a chic look to some elegant dress you would usually always whear with high heels!

  • Love love love!

  • I find them appalling! And I believe most men do too (same with platform shoes).

  • I hated them until I bought my first pair.
    And then I started wearing them when I wanted to add a quirky touch to my outfits. They add the unexpected feeling of not being too dressed up or perfect. ‘What should I wear today? I don’t want to be predictable … Aha! I ‘ll put my clogs on!’
    And I love the sound they make! Because of this they make me feel different for sure. And for the way they fit on the feet. Plus, with this noise they make you can’t go unnoticed haha!

  • Oh yes, and I love Birkenstocks! I appreciate that they made medical shoes so cool and wearable :).

  • chere garance-

    i read your blog faithfully, but have never commented; when i clicked on this morning, and saw this foto with the attached text, i felt i had to. i LOVE clogs. i have since i was about 8 years old. i have multiple pairs; high, low, wedge, sandals, boots…their combination of ruggedness, hand made rough-hewn design aspects, and their ability to easily agree with a casual outfit, while making one feel slightly more dressed and sexy are what i adore (and they last forever! and are comfortable!). sometimes i am sad they have become so popular. of course, they are not for everyone, nor do they flatter every leg. they are also a little noisy. BUT, i am faithful; when i need a shoe fix, and all other options fail, i head for the clogs.

  • I have to say that I love them. I love the staples and the height and the hippie/casual flair they impart.

  • Funny – I’ve been wrestling with whether or not to buy (replace) a simple pair of Dansko clogs. I had a simple black pair for years. And I was always shocked when fairly stylish people or fashion forward folks would complement me on them. I wore them with more of my bohemian’ish outfits or if I was going for a modern – industrial – Swedish time themed outfit. I wore them out – threw them away and have yet to replace them and I’m wrestling with wear (play on words) they fit in my wardrobe right now. I follow your blog and find that your influence over my fashion decisions weighs in more and more (because I love your style…I adore your perspective…and it always makes sense!) It would be so much easier if you would just say “yay” or “nay” on the topic of clogs and then I could move on. Please, make the decision for me this time. Strange how so much agonizing over a simple pair of shoes is such a big decision for me right now (considering I usually don’t blink an eye at buying shoes).

  • Love them…and really love the ones pictured! But Birkenstocks? Can’t stand ’em.

  • I hate!
    Je trouve que c’est vulgaire, et franchement qui a envie d’être vulgaire…. beurk!

    En revanche je trouve que t’es un peu dure avec les Birk. j’aime bien en vacances ou chez moi.
    bises et bon we.

  • Love them, but don’t think they look good one me. I have tres petite feet.

  • Ewwwwww almost as bad a fashion faux pas as Crocs . Some things will never be right …

  • As a Dane, I love the clog trend. Brings back great childhood memories. It’s true, though, that sometimes clogs look way cooler on certain girls than on others!

  • I think it’s all about getting the right pair. I love Sven clogs, and the wedges are actually pretty cute and fashionable (and so comfy). I think they exude a retro cool. I wrote about them here:



  • et bien moi j’ai des birkenstock slim rose miami que je porte quand je vais a la plage, elles passent super bien car elles sont dites “slim” donc moins “grosses godasses” que les anciennes et la couleur est super (ils ont fait de gros progres ^^)…et pour celles qui comme moi ne peuvent pas porter des tongs cause petit grain de beauté entre les orteils, et bien je te dirai que c’est une bonne alternative :)

    ..les sabots de couleurs et plats me rappellent mon enfance aussi
    et puis comme on dit, c’est la tenue que tu met avec qui rend ca chouette ou beurk

    sinon le reste du temps je suis en ballerines..et j’en ai une grosse collec mais par 30° et a la plage..il fait un poil chaud ;)

  • Dear Garance,

    I”m so happy you bring this up. I have a love (the look), hate (the discomfort) relationship with clogs. I see girls who wear them casually around town and it adds to their casual non-chalant style of “I don’t care what I look like but I was born with IT so I always look good.” But, I wasn’t born with “it” and I for sure don’t know how to walk with clogs so I’m starting to think I’ll never wear them either. But every time I see a girl in cute clogs, I still dream…

    PS Congrats to you and Scott for the CFDA awart. Just like you wrote about Leila Bekhti and how you feel proud… so I feel about your accomplishment. Brava! Keep on shining.

  • Love ’em, except when it’s wet and then they’re dangerously super slippery!

  • …sur les autres,c’est parfait! mais pas sur moi…

  • j’adore ! ça me rappelle mon adolescence, j’en portais des noirs dont les talons étaient si usés que je glissais !

  • je vais t’aider à faire un choix: c’est moooooche et ça va avec rien !
    faut pas aller plus loin! Y a juste le bruit du bois qui est sympa alors ça suffit pas où alors faut être aveugle :-)

  • Je n’aime définitivement pas… ça gâche une allure je trouve

    (bises garance )

  • As everything in life, is ALL about ATTITUDE!

    ps… and yes, I luv them! ;)

  • I think they can look really cool (I also like Birkenstocks!) but in my experience, men haaaate them. I typically dress for other women but sometimes there are items so loathed by the male species that it’s not even worth it…

  • Btw… congrats on the award! Bravo! so well deserved…

  • On déteste !!!

  • Hate, Hate, Hate.

    Sure, some extra cool girls can pull anything off, but come on…clogs?!

  • I cant decide either!! But I think I dont like clogs, they are too weird, in a bad way. But somehow, someone does pull it off!

    ps. I absolutely adore the foto of you and Scott that was taken for the CFDA, and I am so sorry for forgetting to send in a video, I would love to really tell you what you mean to me! well, you are my greatest sorce of inspiration. and, oh you are so pretty!

    Jasemin /Norway

  • il y a des filles qui les portent super bien et d’autres non . il faut avoir beaucoup de style , d’allure , un look bien précis .. sur certaines femmes , au contraire , çà donne un look négligé . le sabot est beau quand il est patiné par le temps .

  • Sorry…..but I hate ’em! Along with UGGS and birkenstocks. C’mon, these three even in models look bad….! :-/

  • My coworker and I were just discussing this yesterday. I’ve decided that I like them in theory – and maybe on Rachel Bilson!


  • J’en ai porte dans les annees 70 mais avec le talon classique.
    Jeans, sweat navy UCLA et panier : souvenirs…..mais plus maintenant.
    Quant aux Birk : beurk !
    J’opte pour les ballerines ou les espadrilles compensees en ete.

  • la meme doute, qu’est -ce que vous pensez des “wedges”?
    Je n’arrive pas a me decider.

  • The shoes are awesome!


  • J’adore les sabots de cette marque… sur les autres. Je ne sais pas marcher avec non plus !
    ET à voir : bon plan sur shopnextdoor.fr !

  • Ah ben tiens ! moi je vends les miens sur eBay si ça intéresse quelqu’un !


  • I’ve never met clogs I liked, they are all clunky and usually look huge on the feet. Too noisy to walk in. Now Birkenstocks, especially the tstrap ones that were so popular year or 2 back are definitely more my style. :)

  • Clogs!! I did them to death when I was a teenager in the 90s. I’m not going back.

  • Un choix cornélien je dois l’avouer !


  • Hé bé on décide que c’est super moche !
    par contre comme d’hab on voit ta photo et on trouve ça joli, c’est malin !

  • Isn’t it funny how cool girls can wear anything and make it cool, but when some one wears these to BE cool, not so much, right? I am definitely not cool enough to pull these off!

  • disons que tout dépend du contexte : dans une maison de campagne, bucolique, jupe longue vaporeuse ou petit short…. on adhère, mais c ‘est sûr qu’en pleine ville, ca peut vite faire ridicule.

  • I wouldn’t love it or hate it because it’s a clog; they come in all different forms. I would say, if you can pull it off, go for it; if not, stay away.

  • the first time I saw a Birkenstock I wanted to puke…but then fell in love with them over a summer in Amsterdam, good for certain looks, same goes for clogs, but I have been accused of being crunchy! Both are the opposite of what I really hate for daytime, which is the Jersey cougar look of stilettos or sky high platforms. Anyway, love your site Garance!

  • je les trouve juste pour le jardinage!

  • For me, I wear Birkenstocks in New York as an homage to my native Northwest home in Spokane, Washington. There, many of the girls wear sporty sandals with dresses. When I wear them in the city, I’ll run into New Yorkers who also lived in the Northwest and they become a conversation piece. But I don’t know about clogs. Those might be a stretch for me.

  • I own a pair, and I use them rarely… Usually web I wat to adhiere a seventie’s Style or add a few centimetres when I wear a floral dress…. And of course, with maxi dresses

  • J’adore Swedish hasbeens! Et le mot est faible, j’en ai 3 paires, et je me retiens …
    En sabot, sandale ou boots je les trouve très confort justement !
    Je ne comparerais pas aux birks non plus mais je vois ce que tu veux dire..

    Je reste fan et je ne vais pas m’arrêter la… J’ai toujours des compliments quand je les porte!

    Ps: Toutes mes félicitations pour le CFDA! Et tu étais très belle!

  • Déééégueeuuuuu, dégueu, dégueu, dégueu! Et en plus, ça fait des “toc-toc” cheap quand on marche. La seule personne qui passe avec des sabots, c’est Karen de “Californication”, mais encore la, elle serait même plus belle avec des Birkenstocks.

  • Hate them, though I wore them in the 90’s in Brazil in my early teens.

  • I love love love them! they’re chic and comfortable and add height without the pain!
    As a black-jewish-lesbian, I refuse to suffer for fashion.

  • definetly a big no no! I dont like how they look, the sound they make when you walk, and they look so unconfortable… for me, not even the coolest girl in the world could pull them off…

  • I am the same as you garance i can not walk in tnem either. I once tried to drive with clogs and it was an eperience tmmmmm

  • Je n’aime pas du tout !
    ça donne un poids au corps..

    ou alors faut que ce soit des vrais, genre “je les ai piqués à ma grand mère”, dans un cuir et un bois plus foncés.
    sinon, ça fait vite vulgaire.

  • Hate them. Wooden shoes, huh??

  • Love!!! I’m a huge believer in clogs. I’m a big fan of most wooden sole shoes on a whole and have a bit of a collection. I treat them almost like trainers, normally wearing them with jeans or trousers. The cobbler that care of my shoes adds a thick outer sole and padding on the inside for comfort.

    Congratulations to you and Scott, Garance your magnificent illustrations have inspired me to start drawing again.

  • Moi j’avais bien aimé les sabots Chanel blancs que tu avais pu essayer dans un shooting :) sinon cela sont sympas .

    Bisou bonne journée <3

  • definitely hate them! :)

  • I don’t like the word but since you ask about love and hate….I hate ’em! They don’t look good with anything!

  • Love clogs, especially these high heeled ones from Hasbeens. Hate Birkenstocks, Uggs, and especially Crocs (which are so popular here in Colorado) . I have this pictured shoe in black, but it is not as comfortable as I imagined it would be. Too bad. So I don’t wear it a lot…but I still love the style. I love the real wood in it and the visible staples. It is like wearable art.

  • Love it!! I have been spotting those a lot around Tribeca and Fort Greene, Brooklyn and I have to say, I learned to love ’em! With easy fit printed pants or bf jeans they look super chic in kinda funky way!

  • Je les aime en total look suédois l’hiver, mais ce n’est vraiment pas pratique!
    Conclusion: je les mets pour aller au jardin… Mais au fond, c’est bien leur usage à l’origine!

  • I have a pair of light blue Swedish Hasbeens sandals, and they are great. They don’t look like glogs, which I’m not fond of, but they’re just a modern version of the old fashioned clogs and I love them. Just check them on SJP, she has the high heel version in several colors!

  • Garance, I am a daily fan on both your and Scott’s blog, but rarely comment… this one, however, I must… CLOGS: These hefty shoes are a must in many parts of the world. I live in a resort town (Park City, Sundance Film Fest … ) and clogs are the way to go. They are great in snow, you can slip them off before entering a home, and some brands simply form to your feet … almost like slippers. In addition, congratulations! XO C

  • sabots .;;;lourds ! dans tous les sens du terme! c’est Non

  • I had a pair just like these, with tooled decoration and some color, I remember. It was 1974, or thereabouts. You had to be careful not to turn your ankle, and your jeans were flared over the clogs. Just gripping them with your toes was a workout. Would not want to try it today, I am way too “mature”.

  • Je possède deux paires de Swedish Hasbeens, et je les adore ! Mais ce sont des modèles plus ouverts et avec des brides à la cheville.
    Elles sont hyper stables et confortables, même celles avec des talons.

  • I’m from Sweden, from where clogs originate (Swedish hasbeens) and I simply cannot understand the hype around them… They are super uncomfortable, slip off constantly and really? they’re not all that pretty… I suppose it (as always) lies in the attitude of the wearer, anything will look great if worn with the proper mix of self confidence and attitude!!

  • Moi j’adore les “Softclox” qui ont une sorte de charnière ce qui fait que c’est très confortable à marcher avec. J’aime le bruit que font les sabots en marchant sur le trottoir.

    Voici un exemple: http://www.softclox.com/en/product/women-summer/fabienne

  • love love love!! my swedish hasbeens are ridiculously comfortable yet very chic! so many styles and colours. my faves are the high heeled t bar in natural leather. the closest i will come to being able to walk properly in a heel…!!!

  • Yes, only on the right girl! Personally, I like them best when they look more rock ‘n roll with studs along the sides rather than the staples. In that case, they remind of a shoe a beyond cool tattoo artist (think Kat Von D) would wear :)



  • Hi Garance!
    In the relaxed northern hemisphere the Swedish hasbeens clogs have been quite popular for some years already and those of my friends who actually have them have referred to the comfortability of walking in them. I personally don’t like the “heavy” look but at least in Finland people use them in the summer time.
    So hate for the look, love for the comfort!


  • C’est marqué dessus “hasbeen”, non vraiment moi je deteste surtout que comme tu le fais remarqué il faut savoir marcher avec ce qui est quasi impossible et ça parce que notre karma nous l’interdit!!

  • ce serait cool sur une fille blonde avec un chemisier à fleurs rentré négligemment dans un pantalon à pat d’eph brut, style 70’s / Brigitte Bardot. Mais elles ne seront clairement JAMAIS les nouvelles ballerines !

  • J’aiiiiiiiime *_*

  • Oh… Beuârk… ^^ !

  • I don’t know about the clogs, personally I’ve never been a fan…I always look silly and feel like I can’t walk properly, which no matter how fashionable you’re trying to be is just not chic. But if anyone can pull them off it’d be you Garance!! love reading your blog xx

  • La semelle en bois y’a rien de mieux pour en finir avec le mal de dos et de pied…du moins dans mon cas.

  • Aaah, j’en ai acheté une paire l’année dernière.
    Un coup de folie chez San Marina; j’avais craqué sur des beaux sabots à talon…. que je n’ai jamais portés. Impossible de marcher avec. La paire de chaussure la plus cher que j’ai acheté, et au final celle que je déteste le plus.
    Impossible à refourguer car, à voir dans mon entourage et sur le web, tout le monde trouve les sabots hideux. Mon cerveau se creuse actuellement les méninges pour leur redonner une quelconque nouvelle vie un tant soit peu utile…


  • love birkenstocks and clogs. i live in southern california near the ocean and all the girls wear flip-flops. so my navy birkenstocks and tan clogs are so much more interesting with shorts and skirts than flip flops. gasp…i even have a pair of dr.scholls! yes. and i get complements on these three throwbacks all the time! xo http://www.820am.blogspot.com

  • J’aime mais je ne porte pas!

  • kind of love them… sometimes I’ll put them on and feel there’s no way, other times they’re the perfect casual touch. especially ones with little heels…

  • Love it! The Swedes know how to do it… they can look so good with a dress or even a pair of jeans – you just need to know how to rock them

  • On déteste…. mais ne jamais dire fontaine je ne boirai pas de ton haut. C’est on jamais.

  • Personnelement, je n’ai jamais aimé les sabots.
    Dès que j’en vois, j’imagine la fermière avec son fichu sur la tête.
    Comme les mules, qui reviennent à la mode avec Prada et Vuitton c’est vraiment pas jolie.

    Bon après comme tu dis, si le sabot est porté par une fille qui déborde de coolitude et de style, pourquoi pas !


  • J’AIME ! Ma mère en a toujours porté, en chausson comme en ville. Mais mon mec déteste ahah
    Bonne continuation Garance !

  • Nope. No. Just no.
    Except… these ones are kind is growing on me!

  • Very intersting!
    Visit my blog, become one of my members!!

  • Je n’aime pas tellement, mais ça donne de la gueule quand c’est porté avec style.

  • Alors, Garance, c’est trés simple: ces sabots sont , ok, très mode…mais c’est tout. Elles sont TRES bruyantes (on écrit comme cela??) et pas du tout mais alors pas du tout elegantes..la marque est très connue car ils investissent pas mal en pub..pas de qualité, mais alors vraiment pas. Si tu veux marcher avec des chaussûres en bois tu devrais essayer SOFTCLOX,
    une marque autrichienne qui produit des vraies sandales en bois desseché, elles ne font pas du bruit et elles sont legères, c’est comme avoir des ailes aux pieds, promis!
    Allez, je te laisse….tu etais SUBLIME avec Scott dans la photo en blanc-noir!!

  • Berk ! Par contre les birkenstock je suis pour :)

  • I love them; sometimes. They’re silly comfortable to slip your feet into during a bouldering session after peeling off ludicrously tight climbing shoes when training indoors. Outdoors though I’ll stick with trainers.

    That however is as far as my love goes. The rest of the time I’ll leave them for Brian May and steelworkers. Give me a nice pair of brogues or Oxfords anyday.

  • chère garance, ce qui reste à dire:

  • ce qui reste à dire, part two:

  • J’ai les mêmes depuis deux ans. Je ne les porte pas souvent mais il y a des tenues en été avec lesquelles ils s’imposent , tout simplement, et puis ils me rappellent mon enfance ! En résumé , vive les Swedish même s’ils sont malheureusement fabriqués en Italie.
    Merci pour ton blog Garance et félicitations pour ton award tellement mérité.

  • I like ’em – when worn with long flared jeans that cover most of it ;)

  • love these clogs – just bought a pair in berkeley – they’re a bit dressier – a heel – and ohmygod – so comfy – walk everywhere – they’re the best – and oh gosh- hate birkenstocks – please god don’t let me wear those things! this particular brand of clog – if you even want to call it that – is very stylish and feel good to walk in and wear – so yes – love ’em!

  • C’est mignon si on a de petits pieds.
    Sinon, ça fait vite “gros-sabots-qui-pèsent-deux-tonnes”.


  • see, this is one of those amazing instances where, if you can take something not-so-attractive and make it work, then you understand the risk of fashion. I love clogs! Whenever I see a woman wearing a pair, I immediately wish I had a pair of my own

  • I love them! But I have to be really picky about style and color so that they totally, capital T, suit me. Only open back clogs in brown suede with a real wood heel worn with an outfit that plays up my legs and waist. Worn any other way and I look like a short person trying to look tall. (And I love khaki suede sandal Birks from the bottoms of my barefoot toes.)

  • Don’t fancy them…

  • I wore these in college! Which seems about right. I haven’t worn a pair since.

  • I have a feeling this post might encourage bringing them back to life!

  • I felt the same way…and then I bought a black pair of Sven’s from Aritzia…and then a beige nubuck pair…and I can’t stop wearing them. A perfect intersection of comfort and height and laid-back vibes…

  • They are beautiful on your picture, I would (definitely) try them. Actually, I have already tried some but they were not comfortable at all!

    What a gorgeously shallow dilemma :) (I love that “quote” of you: Oh Garance, you are so shallow :))) Let’s take it. We are shallow and we love it :)

    (After a couple of glasses of wine :)


  • love. very very much. in a, they will only get better and better, and will continue to drop out of and come back into “style” over and over again. but agreed, they are a handful to walk in – especially on rickety new york streets. x

  • LOVE! No question!

  • Hideux!!! En revanche la minette sublime en short avec les birkens, classicisme …mais pour porter ça il faut déjà être à des sommets d’élégance et de coolitude…

  • I hate them and the birkenstocks!!! Use them is killing fashion in two acts.

  • mmmm…no !

  • I agree, Garance, it takes some style finesse to make clogs look great. Those are super cute! (And I’m not a clogs-girl myself.) I don’t like when the heel is shorter than these in the picture. I think they look really frumpy when they have small heels. The higher the heel, the sexier the clog (isn’t that the case with most shoes?).

  • ATROCE ! Non non et non ! Mode ou pas mode !

  • These clogs? Yes.

    But Crocs? H-e-double hockey sticks No.

  • i love them! a lot of people don’t like them because they just think the are overpriced wooden shoe (candies). i don’t know i personally like the super high braided and am currently saving for a pair. try lower ones?

  • love it mais malheureusement je ne pourrais pas les porter ça me fait penser à moi quand j’avais 14 ans … et oui le sabot était un soulier « must have » dans les 90?s
    … donc par rapport à mon histoire de la mode c’est régressif et même si j’étais très stylé à cette époque, cet accessoire restera pour moi un symbole de l’age ingrat lol… ducoup je comprends mieux ma maman quand elle me dit que selon elle le retour des 80?s one hundred per cent c’est juste pas possible … think about it !

  • pour précision j’ai 30 ans d’où ” mon histoire de la mode”

  • I love them! That doesn’t mean I think I could personally pull them off…but nonetheless….je l’adore ;)

  • Oh I hate the modern clogs, I tried several times to overcome this “prejudice” I have against them but I can’t. It is more a aesthetical thing than an actual “prejudice”, I mean I can’t see any beauty in them.
    I feel the same way with the moonwalker boots…I just can’t deal with them.
    The funny thing is that really like the Dutch wooden painted clogs, they are not comfortable at all but they are beautiful.

  • I love how they look, I hate how they wear.

  • Love – because you wear them because they are comfortable and casual – not because you need a guy to love you in them – like a sexy Manolo. They are strictly a woman’s shoe to me. Comfy and gutsy and cool.

  • I always think of the Sound of Music when I think clogs, I don’t know why… I could never pull them off. I’d be too self-conscious of the clicks they make too, and how you have to drag them as you walk…

    Annie x

  • They are great for working a long day at the hospital–Sanita makes amazing clogs for nurses; so comfortable for legs and feet. Without the scrubs, though, not such a great look on most people.

  • My husband married me because he loved me in my clogs. Still wear Dansko clogs to work.

  • I love them… On other people! You have to know your own style and clogs are just not mine. But each season of late when I see other girls wearing them, I have a moment, but ultimately, I say no.

  • Have these in black. Love wearing them. I think they can hit just the right spot between hip and not.

  • I just bought a pair of Funkis clogs, which are a more contemporary take on the traditional clog. You should check them out ( http://www.funkis.com/clogs-sandals.html?SID=5482a33664ac1c0a16dd819c885fdeee ). You might change your mind after.

  • Personally I love them, at least the ones that are just a tad more modern, slimmer lines, maybe a higher heel… Works really well with rolled up/cut off (just above the ankle) jeans or chinos and a big white men’s shirt. (And then I slap on a lot of red lipstick and go for a very feminine small clutch, love the contrasts!) I think I’ve always found clogs cool because my very fashionable mum wore them a lot when I was a kid!

    As always, your blog is wonderful.
    Love, Ewa from Sweden

  • LOVE clogs for sure! Have since I was 5. Wooden soles are the best!
    -Sara, ME, USA

  • I love them…but he hates them…sooo… I use then not very often…

  • c’est moche!
    (très clivant, la question des sabots, au vu des commentaires…)

  • If you are young (in spirit), beautiful ( in heart) and thin (in figure) you can really enjoy wearing those shoes. The “key thing” is word humour…..

  • Affreux, hideux, ça fait très “touriste-qui-d’habitude-porte-des-Birkenstock-mais-qui-veut-innover” !
    3 raisons de ne JAMAIS en porter :
    1- Il est impossible de marcher avec (Garance comment vas tu faire pour aller à ton cours de yoga avec si jamais tu es en retard et que tu dois courir? )
    2- Quand on en porte, on est tout de suite catalogué “provinciale qui ne sort jamais du fin fond de sa campagne natale” ou alors “fashionista qui veut attirer les style hunter avec des horreurs aux pieds”
    3- Les mecs les détestent ! A toutes les célibataires, jamais de sabots pour un rendez vous galant ! Vous le ferez fuir les jambes à son cou !

  • J’aime ! Mais suis incapable marcher avec… pfff

  • Les miens sont très hauts (13cm) et leur talon est plus fin, du coup je les aime beaucoup parce que pas trop fermière !

  • I love les Birkenstocks.
    I hate les sabots, c’est trop pas pratique. La vie m’a appris…qu’en mode ou en déco, ce qui est beau doit être aussi pratique!

  • Ben moi, je me suis mariée en 74, un mariage bien bourgeois à Lyon, avec une jolie robe blanche mexicaine, les longues, avec une jupe large et plein de petits plis et de broderies, et des SABOTS BLANCS très très hauts, avec énormes patins !!!! J’ai eu mal au pied…….
    Chaque fois que je regarde les photos, je me marre….
    J’ai gardé la robe, mais je crois que j’ai jeté les sabots le lendemain du mariage !!!

  • J’aime mais ça dépend vraiment du style et comment ils sont portés


    GARANCE Je partage entièrement! C’est quelque chose FAIRE AVEC LE MOUVEMENT AVANT DIFFICILE BATTRE nécessaire, qui m’a mis sur OFF SABOT POUR LA VIE. Je pourrais les porter mais je soupçonne que j’aurais besoin d’aide à la marche … PAS un bon aperçu de moi pense XXX

  • Hate tout simplement. Depuis le début, et pour toujours je pense ; même les sabots haute couture me font horreur.

  • Trop inconfortales donc je déteste ! sans regrets en plus parce-que je ne trouve pas ça beau non plus !!!!!

  • must be made with soft leather….prefer low heel

  • They remind me of when I was a little girl. I still love the look of them but I do love the GUCCI shoes I just have given a makeover better. But lovely photo :)

    Blog love from STYLEFIG
    http://www.stylefig.com/blog revamp your Gucci’s

  • Au début on les déteste puis, à force de les voir partout, on finis par les aimer. Essayer de se souvenir de ces premières impression , ça trompe rarement…

  • Dear Garance,

    You know, whenever I look at clogs I think: ” Would Audrey Hepburn aprove it?”, and then the answer comes in seconds:”Noooo!”So it´s done.

  • These are beautifully made. Style is a choice. For some its about comfort, for others its about feeling confident, for some its about wearing the latest and greatest. SJP wear clogs often..I’d buy these.

  • I love them. I wore them through high school, and 30 years later I have a great pair made by Ugg.

  • J’aime bien mais que sur les autres ! j’ai peut être pas encore croisé la bonne paire !

  • I was given my first pair of clogs aged eight. They were Swedish, red patent leather and made me feel all grown up. Now, whenever I see a pair of clogs I fall in love all over again.

    This photo makes me want to rush out and buy another pair!


  • Love them…especially in the Australian summer weather!

  • sorry, but clogs are fugly. i agree, there are a few amazing women who can make them look fashionable, but they are superheros. there are just so many more attractive and more comfortable options out there– can’t see how one would choose clogs…..

  • That exactly happens to me! I don’t know yet.


    KISS- dona

  • On les voit en photo sur Garance Doré, forcément, on aime ! Tu te souviens elles étaient hyper trendy pendant la s/s 2010

  • Pas vraiment fan et incapable de marcher avec : ça simplifie les choses pour moi ! ^^

  • tu devrais penser à opter pour un modèle Valérie Salacroux
    sa boutique est dans le marais ..

  • Eh ben moi j’adore!! Avec des petits talons par contre!

  • Haha, I am wearing clogs right now as I write this…I love them but walking down stone stairs is a challenge….when heels are too obvious of a choice, I tend to wear my clogs…

  • At least these have a cute heel. In the NW, women wear clogs that look like bedroom slippers. Hate them. Or Crocs – an even worse version of the clog. Even the word “CLOG” is ugly.

  • Love them! Try them with jeans, or shorts as you say if you have wonderful legs!

  • Love them when Céline or Chloé make a clog

  • Nope. I wear clogs to run down the driveway to get the mail but have never worn them out . Never owned birkenstocks or crocs. But some people can wear a sack and look great…just not me. I have tiny feet too, big bulky shoes make me look footless.

  • On déteste!!!!!
    C’est moche et inconfortable, ne surtout pas céder à cette tendance qui fait le pied lourd et rustique (ne pas oublier que la mode, si au départ n’est que pour les filles “tendance”, se démocratise et touche un plus large public, alors non au sabot qui n’arrangera pas les looks moyens!)
    Non vraiment, voilà bien un drôle de retour sur le devant de la scène!

  • I have a soft spot in my heart for clogs. When I was in elementary school I would wear my mother’s clogs from the seventies–smaller heel but in a beautiful camel colored leather. (and yes, I had freakishly large feet as a child.) But would I wear them again? Some things are better left to happy memories…

  • Love it!!
    These were the shoes I and my friends ran around in when we were kids, although at that time a more basic model. Then they disappeared, to reappear again a few years ago. More stylish than way back, but reminding me of happy childhood summer days. So what did I do? Got myself some pairs, of course, since they now come in a multitude of models, heels, colors. Difficult to walk in? Maybe, if you were not born Swedish, but more easy than ordinary heels!

  • On décide qu’on aime… sur les autres.
    Bon WE

  • 1° Pas très confortable
    2° Peur de perdre son sabot à talon au moindre faux pas
    3° et puis ce gros sabot ça casse tout le mythe de l’élégance à la française

    Je vote non!


  • Hate ’em! Way too clunky.

  • Love but it is impossible to walk with them !!

  • Hate them! they are so chunky and for me clogs will never look elegant.

  • totally hate them !! Sorry!! Même sur le plus beau des mannequins on ne voit que ça… Seulement à part, peut-être, à la campagne?! Encore là…

  • je deteste! I made in a pair in eighth grade wood shop class and didn’t like those either.

  • J’ai des souvenirs d’enfance avec ma jolie Maman qui en portait.
    J’aurais bien du mal à dire que je n’aime pas.
    Cela dit, de mon côté, impossible de marcher avec !

  • My sister looks amazing in clogs I however look like a putz. I think its like all fashion not to be over thought, or at least look that way, and all about the confidence!

  • love them, also love my birkenstocks. I’ve always seen them on the coolest people.
    to me, someone in birkenstocks or clogs will always seem a million times cooler and more down to earth than someone in spike heals.

  • Australian label Gorman does beautiful clogs, although I am very partial to a good clog.

    Eg: http://www.gormanshop.com.au/criss-cross-clog-1.html

  • Absolutly hate them. Clunky and awkward I can think of no other way to make a woman look like a claudhooper. I vote for the elegant stiletto.

  • Love them, love them, love them. I love Birkenstocks too – but then again I’m half German :-)

  • They’re not the most attractive shoe. I presume that you’d have to walk a certain way to prevent them from slipping off of your feet, similar to mules. Of course, having never worn a pair, that’s only a presumption.



  • love them – comfy and look great with jeans! esp. white!

  • i´m in love! they are so sinple and casual. very cool

  • You have to love the Hasbeens! (Yes, I’m swedish) ><

  • As a Swede who has been wearing clogs since childhood, all I can say is: clogs are not supposed to be high-heels! The clogs in the picture are not real clogs, they are fashion-whore clogs. This is what clogs should look like:
    No wonder yours are difficult to walk in, a good pair of clogs should be as good to the foot as any Birkenstock. I think of these shoes as equivalents. And they are as stylish as you want them to be, just like Birkenstocks. It´s all about attitude.

  • On neutral ground…neither hate nor love..


  • I love my Swedish clogs – they make your ankles look tiny and add a unique twist on a summer dress or jeans and a blazer/

  • I’m not a big fan

    new outfit post

  • Dans l’absolu je trouve ça moche, trop grossier (même si les matériaux sont beaux).
    Et à mon avis, à moins d’être une as du décalage, très sûr de son style et d’être plutôt gâtée par la nature, mieux vaut éviter. Il y a moyen de faire bien fermière avec ses gros sabots.

  • LOVE them! Own several pairs – I wear then all winter working from home with cozy socks – they are so comfy. I have a couple pairs of Hasbeens too – they are not comfy, but cute with wide leg jeans and striped top…. chic without the “HEY! Look at me” vibe….

  • Hello,
    I really do not like clogs, I’ve seen a few that can look okay but okay is the best result clogs can get from me. I love your blog though.
    Love Hannah

  • I HATE THEM! Goofy, awkward and LOUD!
    no no no

  • I have this pair sitting under my bed. Never wore them, but love the idea of looking forward to wearing them one day. I can see how they would look great with quite a few things. Besides, I have fond memories of wearing clogs as a child. And they are good memories. I am surprised by how strongly people feel about clogs. As far as bad footwear is concerned, I can think of a lot worse than clogs and Birkenstocks. Like the Toms that everybody seems to favor and rave about nowadays.

  • I adore my clogs with cropped pants and just the right dress. I’m not sure they are all that attractive but I love the quirkiness they add to an otherwise ho hum ensemble.

  • I’ve always loved them. wore them when I was 14 and again at around 28. I’d still wear them, but somehow think that the time for me and clogs is over. I still admire them when I see them on other people though. Saying that, does anyone remember how much it hurts when you kick your ankle with them. (which is all the time!) OW!!

  • Bein là, aujourd’hui, j’aime bien (mais hier je détestais…).

  • As a Swede I grew up in them, I can not only walk in them I have played soccer in clogs! Although, my Australian husband hates them so I never wear them these days, although I have many heels with wooden soles so I guess it sticks with you :)

  • Love them. I own a navy blue pair, high-ish heel like the ones in your picture, but I prefer the finish on mine (smaller tacks). They are comfortable, but like all heels not ideal to walk for miles although they are super comfy if I have to stand around a lot, contrary to other heels. I wear them with straight jeans and simple shirts. Casual, fresh. I like that they elongate me without giving a ‘dressy high heels’ look. I really like the ‘strappy sandals’ version on other people but not on me as I have a most unfortunate case of ‘cankles’ and straps near the ankle are one of my biggest no-no’s .

  • j’aime le bruit qu’ils font :)

  • Non, non et non!
    C’est affreux, c’est horrible, c’est l’antithèse de l’élégance! Même des sabots Chanel, crénom de nom!

  • It’s not that I hate them, I just think I’m not the kind of a person to wear them :). I imagine them on some cool hippy chic girl with long legs, feather in her hair, … :)


  • Clogs became really trendy in Melbourne about two years ago. A local designer Lisa Gorman started stocking them in her Gorman stores and the following year every girl in Fitzroy owned a pair. It was really popular to wear them with black tights or colourful woollen socks. They were great because girl’s often wore them to create quite cute and quirky outfits that were a colourful contrast to the ageless Melbourne black. The height of their popularity has passed now – many have moved onto platform sandals!

  • Ah non non non! J’aime vraiment pas ca, ca gache tout un look qui peut etre archi style sans. Et puis ca fait trop wannabe hipster je trouve…

  • Sorry to say: hate. They’re dated and obnoxiously loud.


  • LIKE! I have a pair in red! I think they are cool cool cool! To each their own,right! =)

  • J’adore, j’ai une paire de rouge et une autre en cuir naturel. Je les aime tellement que je les mets même l’hiver avec des chaussettes !

  • Hate most clogs, somehow love Swedish Hasbeens. Weird.

    Becky at life.style.flash. x

  • J’aime certaines. Je n’aime pas celles qui sont ouvertes à l’arrière, sans sangle, puisqu’elles paraîssent (et sont) inconfortables. Aussi, il faut qu’il y ait une arche légèrement marquée, sinon je trouve que ça fait trop lourd. Aussi, le talon ne doit pas être trop haut car ça fait vulgaire! No 6 en fait de jolies (surtout celles de type sandale) et j’aime bien les ‘peeptoe high’ de swedish hasbeens.

  • I’m totally in between on the matter. i like them but also hate them at times. they could be a cool addition to a fall wardrobe though i have to say.
    xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/

  • I love Birkenstocks! And hate clogs! You can’t compare the two.

  • tout dépend de la marque (du suédois sinon rien) et ce qu’on en fait.
    Les Swedish que tu montres sont super sympas avec un jeans boots cut qui retombe au dos du sabot, sur le sabot. Parce que le problème du sabot, c’est ce déséquilibre entre l’avant très couvert et l’arrière très ouvert. Portés ainsi, avec un jeans, ces Swedish sont extra, on dirait que l’on porte des bottines avec semelles en bois. Et les traditionnels sabots suédois, rouges par exemple, portés avec un micro short, c’est aussi très sympa l’été (bon, à condition d’etre bien foutue, hein…). mais toi, toutes ces options devraient très bien t’aller… Et les Swedish sont très marchables, bizarre que tu n’arrives pas à marcher avec…(d’autant que j’ai vu que tu avais des plateformes à semelle rigide et c’est un peu pareil…)

  • Ouiiiiii aux sabots!!!! complètement. définitivement. En été, et même en hiver, avec des chaussettes (youpi), c’est beau, c’est confortable, y’en a de toutes sortes, de toutes les couleurs… que demande le peuple?!

  • Ewwww… je déteste. Je m’y ferais pas, ni sur moi ni sur les autres. Alors que les Birkenstocks ça passe avec certaines personnes et tenues!( Mais pas sur moi évidemment !..)
    Have a nice day

  • I personally love them and owe a pair as pictured above in black leather. I do have trouble finding occasions to wear them, which is a shame because they are so awesome in my opinion!

  • clogs are incredible…
    have you seen the clogs from australian brand gorman or swedish brand funkis??? beautiful pastels, soft leather, metallic tips…
    In sydney they have been massive….gorgeous colours, laidback heel with a little bit of height perfect for any occassion without trying to hard…like a (much) better version of a wedge.

  • I love clogs, plus you have the added benefit of everybody being able to hear when you’re approaching lol

  • J’aime! Parce que ma maman porte les siens avec une classe folle!

  • Like! It’s very cool with wide leg pants!

  • Je n’aime pas du tout les sabots. Que ce soit du point de vue pratique et esthétique :


  • Je deteste :-|

    I was not sure before and would see them on other people and make me wonder if I like it or not, does it work or not? .. I’ve even tried them myself but now I am sure that I will no longer waste my money on them.

    I dislike them for sure – they can easily look wrong and cheap but maybe a selected few can rock ’em, well done to them! But usually it’s because it is the actual person and their style that I adore :-)

    Most of the time, I’ve not been impressed :-|

  • Definitely love it !!!!!

  • I adore clogs. I have since high school. They’re comfortable (I seem to be able to walk anywhere, even with a bit of a heel), and depending on the outfit and the brand they can summon so many different vibes: preppy school girl, rock and roll badass, 70s Bohemian.

  • This is like Cinderella’s shoes at that before she became Cinderella…

  • i’m the same! i bought a pair that were completely perfect, but i literally couldn’t walk in them, they just slipped off all the time! had to sell them on, but it was a good experiment i guess. i would say i do love them, but i hate that they don’t love me!
    january, x

  • Comme tu dis, tout dépend du style que se donne la personne avec! Perso sur moi, je crois que ces sabots ne ressembleraient pas à grand chose…
    Mais sur des filles qui ont vraiment le sens du style, je pense franchement que ça peut être canon! :)

  • Le côté concierge me rebute totalement!

  • Je déteste et les trouve vulgaires !

  • As any girl of scandinavian descent I was raised in clogs! Bright colors and crazy patterns and I have a much more practical navy pair now, but they are almost all I wear! Versatile and comfortable, I can walk 10 miles in them in all sorts of weather!

  • I love them in any way and almost in any shape since 1986. That’s was the year I get my first pair (from Sweden) when I was living in Cuba. And the funny thing was that nobody knew were or how to get it or what was the meaningless having one. And either understand what the sound comes from. They sound a lot sometimes. But I can’t resist me to the fact that they are so wearable with jeans, long or short skirt and hippies dresses in the summer or at vacations.

  • Ps: Itsn’t so difficult to walk with clogs. It’s a matter of training at home if you don’t have woods flooring and you neighbors would be disturb that you walk at home and make some noise. Now that I’m living in Sweden I haven’ t some of them at all actually ( that’s ironic). But I ‘m going to get those from Hasbeens.

  • J’adore!!

    Loves! Loves! Loves!

  • Garance,
    Did you ever come around to clogs?
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE them *(no 6 are the best – sven makes them)… so just wondering!
    J’adore your blog!

  • Barbara June, 2 2016, 6:10 / Reply

    I´ m gonna definately buy them! Look great to 70´s Jeans and I need them everythime I have to go out to look for my children and so I only have to slip in quickly, even in autumn as they are closed in the front

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