
10 years ago by

Author’s note: Mom, don’t read this.
Everything about this guy seemed ideal: he had a genuine interest in the mundane details of my day, a career and a regular flossing habit.
Everything, that is, until we had sex.

Sex with him was like playing opposite day with a Cosmopolitan article: silent (not even a single moan? c’mon!), fast (“Have you seen a doctor about this?” fast), boring (there are other positions, you know) and embarrassing (of all words you could string into a sentence after, “I” and “am” and “sorry” are just about the worst picks).

I gave the failing sex a pass for a few weeks. Maybe he was nervous. Maybe it was me. Maybe I could teach him. Maybe I needed to be more vocal with my wants and needs and “a little to the right.” Maybe it would get better. Maybe we just haven’t found our rhythm yet. I rationalized and sympathized for as long as I could.

But it didn’t get better, and the more times we had sex, the less interested I became. By the time my next rent check was due, my sex drive disappeared altogether (come back! where did you go?) and numbness, not to mention a tiny bit of spite and dread, set in. Suddenly I was claiming exhaustion and headaches and “I think I’m getting a cold.” The more we discussed what was going wrong, the more I wanted nothing to do with it, and ultimately, him.

Which brings up a touchy subject: Is bad sex a deal breaker? At first thought it seems so shallow. But what about his steady job and solid education, you ask!

Untimately though, I kept coming back to the question, “Can I live with bad sex forever?” And the answer, after a half-second of soul-searching, was a resounding, shout-it-from-the-rooftops no, never, nuh-uh, absolutely not.

To his disadvantage, when he and I started dating, I was still licking my wounds from a particularly painful breakup — a breakup with a long-term boyfriend who was the best in bed. That’s a tough act to follow, no matter how skilled you are in bedroom tricks. But here’s hoping he figures out what makes both him and a lady feel good. Because, really, his teeth are far too perfect and plaque-less to be single forever.

Watch, Chanel; Wallet, Vianel; Bowl, Alexander Wang; Lip Balm, Diptyque; Body Oil, NARS; Glasses, Stella McCartney; Bra, Agent Provocateur.


Add yours
  • I think the sexual chemistry is very important in a couple. We can’t be perfect for everyone, but I’m pretty sure we can be perfect for a special someone, and that’s what makes the difference between an OK relationship and THE relationship.

  • i had a similar experience: the most boring, lifeless sex. in my mind, the guy is now classified under “salad fingers”! :P

  • It’s like a bad meal at a restaurant. You send it back, hope it improves, but if it doesn’t you don’t eat at that restaurant again. Take good care of your vagina, ladies, and it’ll take good care of you. Promise.

  • bad sex ? yikes !

    er…………. ?

    nope thanks

    as Mafalda says….maybe it works with someone else ? but if it ain’t happening to you then run fast

  • Of course bad sex is a deal breaker! A healthy sex life is so important for a long-term relationship.

  • Funny post, I think the sexual chemistry is fundamental in a couple!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • Hahahaha, j’ai vécu la même histoire, pareille en tout point (après une rupture avec le coup parfait tout ça tout ça)! Le truc c’est que moi je suis toujours avec et on a réappris le sexe différemment, à notre façon et c’est bien, même si le petit grain de folie manque des fois quand même! ;)
    Bravo pour tes articles Megan!

  • Lors de ma première relation longue, je pensais que le sexe ne faisait pas tout. Lui avait souvent envie, et moi peu (il faut dire que ce n’était pas non plus la meilleure période de ma vie à ce moment là), et honnêtement je prenais très peu de plaisir à la chose. Alors j’expliquais à mon homme qu’il fallait qu’il se montre un peu moins insistant, que je l’aimais quand même malgré ma libido pas très active, que pour moi il n’y avait pas que le sexe dans la vie et que je pouvais très bien envisager de m’en passer, pas complètement bien sûr, mais que j’assumais totalement ce faible désir pour lui. Je pensais être comme ça, pas une grande fan de sexe, je ne voyais pas ce que les autres y trouvaient de si formidable, et surtout de si addictif. Mes quelques aventures extraconjugales (oups!) et mon peu de sensations lors de mes rapports sexuel me faisaient quand même peur, et si j’étais frigide? Après notre rupture, les choses se sont un petit peu améliorées, j’ai essayé de me lâcher un peu de me convaincre que le sexe c’était génial et que j’adorais ça, j’ai enchaîné les partenaires sans grande conviction pourtant.
    Puis j’ai rencontré l’homme avec lequel je suis aujourd’hui. Et là, c’était le miracle, wahou, l’extase! Sans exagérer, je suis devenue accro. Je connaissais le manque, le désir irrépressible, et je suis tombée amoureuse en moins de temps qu’il n’en faut pour le dire alors que je pensais ne pas me recaser de suite, que je le voyais comme une n-ième amant de passage. Ça n’a sans doute pas tout fait, je ne suis pas en couple avec mon homme uniquement pour le sexe, il a bien d’autres qualités, mais ça a sans doute joué. J’ai l’impression d’avoir partagé tellement avec lui, bien plus que deux années de relations, bien plus que tout ce que j’ai partagé avec mon ex en plus de temps que ça.
    Alors même si on peut vivre une histoire avec un mauvais coup (ou en l’étant soi même), mon expérience me pousse à croire que l’alchimie sexuelle est d’une importance capitale. Ce que j’ignore, c’est si cette alchimie fonctionne juste entre lui et moi uniquement. Est-ce lui qui a éveillé toutes ces sensations en moi ou quelqu’un d’autre y serait-il arrivé? Quelqu’un y arrivera-t-il après lui (si un après lui il y a)? Est-ce moi le problème et lui le bon coup? Aurait-il les mêmes “résultats” avec une autre que moi? Ma rupture et mes aventures ont-elles finalement changé quelque chose en moi?

  • severine March, 13 2014, 10:10 / Reply

    Tres bonne question..Mais aussi, est ce qu’on peut dire qu’un mauvais coup pour nous est un mauvais coup dans l’absolu ? Après tout il y a des histoires d’alchimie, de peau, de façon d’embrasser, et ce que tu peux trouver nul fera peut être le bonheur d’une autre (mais j’avoue je suis sortie pas mal de temps avec un mauvais coup et je me suis toujours demandée ce qu’une autre fille aurait pu aimer dans sa façon de faire). Il y a aussi la question de l’ âge, le fait de te dire que tu ne peux pas te résigner à passer toute ta vie avec un mauvais coup, tu le fais facilement quand tu as 20/30 ans, mais est ce que avec le temps ( et tous les autres bcp plus gros défauts que peuvent avoir les mecs) on ne se dit pas que finalement, le sexe n’est peut être pas si indispensable? J’ai souvent du mal à imaginer 85 % des couples de plus de 45 ans autour de moi avoir une vie sexuelle. Est ce que de toute façon ce facteur ne disparait pas plus ou moins au fur et à mesure que l’on vieillit, et est ce qu’il n’est pas plus important de partager d’autres choses ?

  • Adding my voice to the chorus – of course bad sex is a deal breaker! Sex, in my humble opinion, becomes even more important as you get older. And it can get better as you get older, but starting out with flat-out bad sex is NOT the way to begin! :-)

  • Je pense que c’est avant tout une question de désir et d’investissement quelque part. Comme n’importe qu’elle activité, pour prendre du bon temps et s’éclater il faut y mettre du cœur à l’ouvrage. Peut être qu’il n’en mettait pas suffisamment dans cet état d’esprit. Je fais partie de ces personnes qui pensent qu’il n’y a pas dans l’absolu de bon ou mauvais coup, car pleins de choses peuvent alors rentré en jeu.
    Super post! J’apprécie énormément, hâte déjà de lire le prochain!!

  • If sex works it’s 1 % of a relationship, if it doesn’t it’s 99 %. Your decision was right.

  • so right!

  • Léonore March, 13 2014, 11:20

    Well said:)

  • I agreed a 100%!

  • Katerina March, 14 2014, 2:53

    Yep, that’s about it! Totally agree!

  • Thanks, this is definitely how I feel!

  • Cette nouvelle rubrique ressemble a Sex and the City. Et c’est genial! Megan ecrit de maniere sincere, directe, drole, intelligente. On en a besoin. Bonne continuation!

  • Cet article m’a fait penser a une piece de theatre. Une mere dit a sa fille : “ma p’tite fille, il n’y a pas que le sexe dans la vie”, ce a quoi la fille repond : “ah bon ? Quoi ?”

  • Je suis canadienne française, lui canadien anglais. On a une chimie incroyable… Dans la vie, moins dans le lit. On communique beaucoup depuis le début et ça avance. Même si on vient du même pays, j’ai l’impression que nos origines et notre religion, anglican pour lui, catho non pratiquante pour moi, joue énormément. J’ai connu beaucoup d’hommes et je suis de nature flamboyante, lui moins de femmes et de nature réservée. Oui, je peux parfois être frustrée, mais d’autres fois comblée. Dans notre couple, c’est la seule chose qui peut clocher et on le sait. Donc, on y travaille! S’il y avait d’autres aspects de lui que je n’apprécierais pas ça ne fonctionnerait pt pas, mais tt le reste est parfait, son amour, l’attention, l’investissement, tout, tout, tout. Donc…

  • Caroline March, 13 2014, 11:30 / Reply

    Deal breaker…
    Il n’y a pas de bon ou de mauvais coup, il y a des questions d’alchimie qui sont difficiles à expliquer. Après, ça ne fait pas tout, on peut avoir une super connexion au lit et l’histoire peut mal se passer à côté, auquel cas, il faut aussi partir.

  • Oh, I’ve been here. And it was the worst. I tried once to tell him what I wanted and … well, let’s just say he didn’t take it well. So after that, I would just let him get on with it and lie through my teeth when he asked if it was good. He desperately wanted validation, but refused to accept any suggestion that he might not be doing it right. Pretty sad.

    In the end, it got to me so much that I started to resent him (even though he was really a good guy, other than his lack of bedroom skill). So one night when I was out with some girlfriends, I got drunk and went home with another man pretty much out of spite. Obviously I didn’t feel good about it the next day, but I did realise how much the bad sex had been eating away at our relationship and my sanity. I ended it the same day, and I still felt I had to lie and tell him it was nothing to do with the sex, and that there hadn’t been anyone else …

  • This whole mess reminds me of an episode of Sex and the City. Samantha was with a guy with a tiny you know what. When she finally told him it just didnt work, he said, Oh year? Maybe your vagina is too big! All you can do with these guys is throw them back in the water. Men are annoying enough without problems in that area.

  • So true! It’s either there or it’s not…

  • wow spicy stories on the blog! well this is an issue that we all sympathise in a way unfortunately..
    bad sex is a deal breaker!

  • Je ne peux qu’acquiescer.
    J’ai connu des mecs avec qui c’était incroyable (bon ok un seul) et par contre….beaucoup ont été mauvais.
    Pour moi le sexe, ce n’est pas seulement physique, c’est une tension “intellectuelle” entre deux personnes. Comme un affrontement, avec des surprises, des feintes, des moments de doutes, un peu une sorte de jeu du chat et de la souris, mais très subtil. La personne nous raconte une histoire par ses gestes, ça peut être violent, très doux, moqueur, bavard ou tout ça à la fois.
    Et qu’est-ce que j’ai eu trop de fois? Des mecs qui te disent “on le fait? attends 2s”, se désapent entièrement, font les préliminaires comme des automates (alors toi d’abord, puis moi après) puis hop hop coït convenu (à chaque fois ça me rappelle “les temps modernes” de Chaplin quand il sert des boulons à la chaîne).

    J’incrimine vraiment youporn pour cette éducation sexuelle sans nuance qui ressemble plus à une masturbation à 2.

    Résultat : bin j’ai pas envie et je joue les migraineuses.

  • Marimorue March, 14 2014, 7:11

    Tellement en accord avec tes propos.
    Il y a aussi le genre d’homme qui a peur, qui veut bien faire et qui y met toute son énergie. Ca reste motivé par une envie d’être bon élève, et qu’est ce qu’on se fait chier avec les bons élèves.. :)

    Je crois que la connexion intellectuelle fait beaucoup. Ca ne veut pas dire penser la même chose, simplement comprendre l’autre.

  • Accepting to live with bad sex? Well ladies…. NO! Never do this! I’m 44 now and I met my husband when I was 32, well almost 33 and I had to kiss a lot of frogs until I found what I wanted. But yes, the sex is not everything, but it is so important and I guess this is one reason why my hubby and I are still happy together :-) I think some things in sex can be learned, but when it’s really bad…. move on ;-) xxx

  • Ahahaha ! excellent ! Mais je pense que finalement il y a des hommes que nous rangerons dans la catégorie mauvais coup direct, tandis que le même homme sera dans le top 5 d’une autre femme. Tout est question d’alchimie, de peau, d’odeur… enfin je crois ! Et tant mieux pour les hommes …

  • sometimes when ur heart’s not in it, it makes it that much worse – which is likely in this case coming out of what used to be a great relationship

  • You know how they say – it takes two to tango. You two were obviously not a good match, but I’m sure he’s making somebody else really happy. I, for example, am a woman who doesn’t like changing positions and come in like 2 mins. I think we should all as a society stop shaming other people about their sex lives – everything’s normal if you like it. You didn’t, so you moved on. I hope that poor guy will never read your article.

  • you did so right, Megan.
    and your story reminded me some that I lived: a perfect guy, so pretty, cute, gentle, polite, sweet…but no able to have sex with me. he even said that he masturbated a lot thinking about me, but this helped a lot.

    good to read about sex at the blog, girls!

  • lomarce March, 13 2014, 3:31 / Reply

    bonsoir a mon avis c est tres important de debuter une une relation par une connaissance tres profond des deux avant de de penser au lit c est pas la passe d une relation sérieuse

  • The struggle of my life! And I still can’t decide what to do with the lack of sexual chemistry in our relationship… We’re together for almost 10 years, so as you can imagine other things are above perfect!
    He is not bad in bed at all, but I never really felt the kind of sexual atraction towards him.
    If it wasn’t for my dissatisfaction with sex life, we would have been married for years now. But so, I just can’t decide to commit. Oh, geee.

  • cheapfashion March, 13 2014, 5:06 / Reply

    My ex stopped having sex with me because religious reason (Taiwanese Buddhism). I wasn’t informed until I realized we hadn’t have sex for 2 months. I was sure he did not cheat on me because he deeply believed that he had to have surgery because we had sex before marriage.

    So my heart just started to slip away. And I broke up with him. He couldn’t take the fact we broke up. I did not tell him the real reason. Till now I still feel that guy was such a …… I don’t know how to describe him. It was 11 years ago. And we had 4 years relationship. Goodness.

  • Shantell March, 13 2014, 8:45 / Reply

    I was in the EXACT same situation.
    I met a man with whom I had the best sexual chemistry of my life with. The kind you only find once in a lifetime. We broke up because we’d argue just as passionately. Go figure!
    It was the worst breakup, I’m utterly torn apart by it. Looking back now, I’d put aside our differences just to be together. I nit picked too much. Ladies, please don’t do this so that you don’t lose what I briefly had!!
    After the breakup I tried and tried for 2 years to get him to forgive me and get back together. Nope.
    So I dated. I tried. I met one men right after who was decent on paper. Educated, fairly good looking, had a social life. But the sex? Worst of my life. I kept thinking it would improve. Nope. I made suggestions. Still it was terrible. He was bad in bed. It came to the point where he started to disgust me. I felt dead inside. Numb. No interest in sex. I told him I was tired. I was stressed. Really, he was bad in bed and there were no sparks, no fireworks.
    Did my former, best lover ever ruin me for life? I don’t know.
    I know that I dumped mr.bad sex after 6 months. I too thought about an entire lifetime with him & if I could put up with bad sex or no sex. I said no. I deserve a life of quality, I’m human after all, meant to have good sex. Or nothing at all!!!
    I’m praying I meet a man with some sexual chemistry in order to have good sex. Or I just won’t do it.
    I honestly believe I’ll never meet another man with whom I’ll share such mind blowing sexual chemistry with like I had with that one boyfriend but at least I had experienced it once!

  • I think we may be the same person lol great post! Sex is (almost) everything.

  • jessica March, 13 2014, 9:57 / Reply

    Story of my life, it reminds me of a post secret card on which was written “i traded good sex for good man”… It’s a dilemma any modern women has to face in her life!

  • Ai-Ch'ng March, 14 2014, 12:21 / Reply

    IF – initially – you both adore being one another’s company (a steady job – or a string of jobs that help pay his bills, and personal hygiene being a very close to second to all the after-mentioned!), make each other laugh insanely, are amazing support and inspiration to one another and are actually attracted to one another pheromone-wise from the outset (meaning you literally looked at one another and LIKED one another before you even touched each other physically)…

    … THEN even if the sex is lousy, as long as you’re both comfortable and willing to talk about why it’s bad and how you can improve it or be trying new things, and you both have the willingness to be open to reading, listening, trying new things that fulfil you both, I think it can work amazingly well – and you may just end up with the partner who’s perfect for you, because you’ve both grown together in that aspect of your lives.

    I’ve been with the one who is incredible physically, with off-the-Richter scale chemistry, and without the steady job (not even the odd job here and there), unbelievably sexually exciting to be with… and I’ve been with the one who has the steady job, awesome personal hygiene, who attracted me so much with his strength and optimism, generosity and humour, that he became the father of our adored fifteen year old son. While my now-husband and I didn’t initially have the sexual chemistry and fireworks I had originally thought so important in the initial stages of my previous – and our – relationships, the way our personalities complemented – and opposed (lots of fireworks there) each other, and his eagerness to learn and openness to trying things out because he recognised we needed the sexual chemistry, has meant that sixteen years on, I am still truly, madly deeply with this funny, courageous, wild, amazing being…. and the physical side of things is truly out-of-this-universe. The physical side of the relationship is important to both of us, and I realises I’m lucky we worked it out after a few years together.

  • Diane S. March, 14 2014, 3:20

    Well, that’s the thing, isn’t it? You’ve got this amazing man, and one of the reasons he is amazing is because he wanted to work on this with you. He didn’t get all defensive and egotistical, but worked and played with you. You are lucky and blessed!

  • Humm… Euh… je suis présentement dans cette situation. Il est vraiment bon au lit et tout… mais le bémol il vient TROP vite, ça me tue (avant 15 minutes). Si je le stimule trop c’est pire, donc j’essaie de faire de mon mieux pour que se soit bien mais que ça dure, mais je n’y arrive pas. Je suis une jeune femme (23 ans) avec qu’un an et demi d’activités sexuels avec peu d’expérience (enlever 8 mois sans activité). J’ai une bonne libido. Je suis jeune et énergique. J’ai besoin que le sexe dans notre couple dure plus longtemps, c’est le seul bémol. Ça ne me prend pas 15 minutes pour venir malheureusement, il m’en faut plus. Mes amies me disent de lui en parler… mais je n’ai pas envie de toucher son orgeuil ou je ne sais trop quoi. En même temps elles m’ont dit tu risques d’être frustrée à la longue si tu ne t’ouvres pas sur le sujet. Il pense qu’il est bien (il l’est), qu’il me fait jouir etc… et pourtant pas du tout. Avec moi c’est une question de temps, je suis encore dans un stade où j’apprends à connaître mon corps au niveau sexuel. Je vais forcément trouver un moyen de lui en parler d’une façon diplomatique. Sinon, pour le reste on s’entend super bien. :)

  • My ex-boyfriend is a Japanese, when we make love, he likes me to wear evening dress, and then tear it, a little perverted ah

  • Ou le contraire de ton histoire: j’ai vécu une passion qui a durée 3 ans, l’achimie entre nous était instantanée et très très forte, mon ‘perfect match’ sexuel si tu veux..
    Le problème après c’est que les autres hommes paraissent fade et que je me demande toujours si un jour je revivrai cela? ou si c’était jsute la chimie entre lui et moi? Mêmes questions que Nina (ici plus haut).

  • Reminds me of Charlotte & Trey. x

  • Lysanne March, 14 2014, 6:07 / Reply

    Some men are bad at it, but sometimes it’s just a lack of chemistry.
    I’m sure White Teeth will find a girl and they will be perfect for each other.


  • I think bad sex is deal breaker (as shallow as that sounds.) You end up dreading having sex with them (no matter how wonderful they are as a person) which ultimately ends up driving a wedge between you. It may not be that someone is bad at sex, it could just be the lack of chemistry. I think it is chemistry, on every level that keeps a relationship going through the years.

  • Diane S. March, 14 2014, 3:17

    I disagree with something you’ve written. This does NOT sound shallow. It’s important. As women, we’re still caught in the “good girl/bad girl” trap. Our pleasure is important. We are worth pleasure, and we are worth good sex. You, my dear girl, are not shallow at all. Being older than most women on this site, I’ve seen a thing or two, and this is a big area where we undervalue ourselves. You are all worth it.

  • THE BIG M. March, 14 2014, 8:16 / Reply

    “Parce que franchement, ses dents sont vraiment trop nickel pour qu’il finisse célibataire.”

    Megan, ton article est top, mais j’ai encore plus aimé la conclusion je crois!

  • Ca me fait penser à ce livre que j’ai lu récement: alchimie incroyable au téléphone et par romans interposés, bide total dans la réalité: Auteur de romans érotiques par Anissa Millon =>

  • Thanks for this delicate topic, Megan!

    I’ve spent ten years of my love with the most intelligent, generous and attentive gentleman with the best sense of humour ever! Sex was really the only thing which was missing in our relationship and I believe that some things cannot be helped. I am being divorced now and dating away another guy who is a great lover.
    Good luck and never regret your decision!

  • I hope this guy doesn’t read this blog. I know you didn’t mention any names, but if he was into every detail of your life, he’ll figure it out.

  • It’s sad to me that this is considered a “sensitive” topic or that it seems anything other than banal to talk about it. As many commenters have already mentioned–OF COURSE it matters, and as many other references to pop culture have been made, this “what to do now/how much does it matter/did I do the right thing” angle has been played out to death. Not very interesting in my opinion.

  • p.s. where is your watch from in the photo? It’s fabulous.

  • Hi Jess!
    The watch is Chanel!

  • Diane S. March, 14 2014, 3:14 / Reply

    Deal breaker. Sex is one of life’s great simple pleasures. Sexual satisfaction is an important component in a happy, healthy life. If a guy isn’t willing to work with you on it (and working on it, make no mistake, is fun, fun, fun!), screw him (intentional joke). If your pleasure and satisfaction are not worth something to him, and it should be worth a lot, if his ego is more important to him than learning a thing or three, it’s time to move on. This is one self-absorbed guy. You are worth so much more.

  • J’avais une question et que je voulais savoir si c’était possible d’avoir votre avis et même la réponse (vos solutions sont les meilleures :)
    Tombez sous le charme d’un garçon (bon folle) mais je ne pense pas que cela soit lui qui fasse le premier pas. Est-ce possible que cela soit moi qui fasse le premier pas ? Si oui, comment ?
    Merci si vous pouvez m’aider

  • Camille March, 14 2014, 5:09 / Reply

    why have bad sex forever when you could have amazing, mind-blowing, thinking about it all day, make your fantasies come true sex? Good sex is way more fun. of all the fish in the sea, there is definitely a batch whose sexual chemistry align. enjoy?

  • Not a deal breaker AT ALL for me, but I am not a very sexual person. It sounds like sex is much more important to you than it is to me, so you probably made the right decision.

  • ouch, j’espère qu’il ne se reconnaîtra pas dans ces lignes le pauvre…. si on écrivait ça sur moi, sans même prendre le soin de brouiller les pistes, je me flinguerai socialement en m’expatriant à Djibouti.

  • Léopoldine March, 17 2014, 4:04

    ahahah !!!

  • I remember talking about this with a bunch of French girls in my class. A girl told me her mother said “you can’t live with bad sex, no matter how good or handsome the guy is, if he is bad (in bed), run away!”
    You can eat the burnt breads for breakfast once or twice a month, but not the whole month :) No, we can’t live with bad sex. Totally!

  • To me it doesn’t seem shallow at all. A relationship does after all have a lot to do with physical chemistry. What does seem shallow is to care about his steady job and good enducation.

  • J’ai trop pensé à cet article. Je l’aime vraiment bien !
    Un peu la même histoire:
    1. SUPER coup + SUPER rupture
    2. Nouveau mec + Moyen Moyen coup

    Au début, Je n’aimais pas ses baisés, ses caresses, etc. Mais, à force “d’entrainement”, les choses deviennent à notre gout. Je voulais absolument retrouver LE MEME plaisir qu’avec “l’autre”. Je ne pensais qu’à ça! Mais au final, en donnant une chance à la nouveauté, on se crée des nouveaux plaisirs et de nouvelles sensations. Alors peut être qu’en oubliant le passé et en donnant ouvrant son coeur au présent: tout fini par s’améliorer.

  • “Which brings up a touchy subject: Is bad sex a deal breaker? At first thought it seems so shallow. But what about his steady job and solid education, you ask!”

    Wait… What? This might be a culture difference but where I’m from (the netherlands), picking a guy based on his education or job is perceived as more shallow than what you are talking about. Not being shallow means that you love him for what’s inside – is he good to you and others around you? Can you have good, deep conversations with him? Does he make you happy?

    I’m sorry if I’m late to the conversation but I read this a few days ago and couldn’t stop thinking about it. Is this an American thing? Or did I misinterpret?

  • What happened to Megan? I liked her columns, why isn’t she writing here anymore?

  • Laetitia April, 9 2015, 3:39

    I was just about to ask the same question ! Please bring Megan back !

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