peter giang mens street style garance dore photos

Les Hommes!

9 years ago by

When I first heard we would be having a full-on Men’s Fashion Week here in New York, I was a bit nonplussed. Then I realized that we finally had an obvious reason to feature some hot intriguing men around the city — and I signed up! (RSVP: YES please + everyone in the Studio). So following our style story with Phillip, which we opened up men’s week with, we decided to venture to some shows and presentations. They were surprisingly similar to the women’s, albeit with a few more men in attendance…

peter giang mens street style garance dore photos

luke forbes mens street style garance dore photos

greg chait mens street style garance dore photos

It’s really the same game, and they take it just as seriously. But what I really love is the real men we bump into on the streets — the casually cool characters New York is know for: polished, with a bit of quirk. That endearing sensibility that is sometimes lost in fashion. So we opted to capture a few of our favorite men; those artists, designers, photographers and creative types this city is blessed with. I take so much personal inspiration from menswear on a daily basis, it only felt appropriate to make a nod to menswear and the guys who wear it best.

This site is woman’s world, but it would be nothing without a few men ;)

curtis kulig mens street style garance dore photos

luke forbes mens street style garance dore photos

curtis kulig mens street style garance dore photos

greg chait mens street style garance dore photos

greg chait mens street style garance dore photos


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  • Je trouve que c’est une très bonne idée que d’apporter une touche masculine ;)
    Soit dit en passant il est vrai que le vestiaire masculin est beaucoup moins riche que celui des femmes, c’est donc très intéressant de voir comment ils se l’approprient et se différencient par un simple détails. (c’est que nous les filles ont est un peu toutes habillés pareils)


  • Actually, this post and the one about Phillip are two of my favorites this summer. It’s nice inspiration when thinking about clothes for the men in my life (a husband and two adult sons) and I take a lot of inspiration from men’s styling when dressing myself.

    So, yeah, keep mixing things up!

  • I completely agree, and it is why i visit this site to look at women’s trends. Name dropped you in my comment.

  • I spy “Love Me”. Nice.

  • I am very happy to see you delving into the men’s space a bit. Like Judith, we visit the blog to find new ideas for what to get our significant others of the opposite sex, to stay informed so we can be educated shopping partners ( i know, shocking, but there are a few of us that enjoy shopping with them more than shopping for ourselves (much less guilt when it is for someone else, and it always fun to make/see someone happy), and to be inspired about how to style out clothes too. You lost me on the white ankle socks, but other than that I loved all the pics and choices.

  • j’adore cet article il a l’aire top , les photos sont trop belles et les looks sont magnifique et ton blog est parfait , je suis aussi une blogueuse et j’aimerais bien que tu viens voir mon blog et merci :*

  • Love this spotlight on men’s fashion, these lovely gentlemen and their style! My favorites are the ease and grace of the shirt and shorts looks…

  • Marjolaine July, 20 2015, 12:54 / Reply

    Ma parole, Curtis Kulig est magnifique!

  • Candace July, 20 2015, 12:59 / Reply

    Love it! Menswear is so inspiring, simple, clean yet full of depth……I love the style men of NY and Europe as a whole. It goes without saying that men who take the time and effort to dress well and look good always get attention. Those photos are great, such diversity. Each man has his own unique style, and though it’s casual, I’d love to see what each of them look like dressed up!

    Here in the SF Bay Area, particularly SF itself, guys around here look like dog crap, they don’t care about style at all, they dress way down all year round, and will wear anything, anywhere, basically blandly blending in. The uniform is the same; sneakers or flip flops, shapeless trousers, some silly T-shirt or occasionally, a cheap button down or polo from Uniqlo or Target. Now that we’re having a rather warm summer (unusual for San Francisco) the scene is just sad. Whenever I see a well dressed guy here, I always presume he’s from back East or from Europe. There are a few guys that make the effort to be stylish and true to themselves, and it’s like a breath of fresh air!

    I guess we can blame the high tech industry for making it ok for grown men to dress like teenagers, regardless of the occasion. I know in NYC and Paris, the pressure to be stylish is relentless, and that’s a good thing!

  • Love this post! Keep them coming! The black guy in the blue shirt looks like someone I could try and get to know! If you know what I mean?

  • Lindsay Sue July, 20 2015, 2:09 / Reply

    Half of these outfits I want to wear :-X Esp the pink one.

  • Love this article!
    Do you know the men label Etudes Studio? It’s really amazing. They mix Fashion and Art. You probably know their hats!

  • This, so true:
    “That endearing sensibility that is sometimes lost in fashion. ”

    I think sometimes women get hung up on consuming more and needing the look or the “it” piece of the season. Men often stick to the staples and add some quirks. While men’s fashion does change, there isn’t that mania for change all the time that exists in women’s fashion.


  • la mode masculine est interéssante elle est le reflet de notre société d’une part et ne pas oublier nos mecs méditerranéens et oui qui savent porter encore des chemises blanches

  • Bon ben voila : je crois qu’en matiere d’hommes on ne doit pas avoir les memes gouts…?

  • nothing better than a well dressed man

  • J’aime bien l’introduction du nouveau sujet mais le propos était un peu condescendant et ‘paternalistes’ par rapport à la mode masculine. Pourquoi ne prendraient-ils pas cela au sérieux ? Si je lisais l’article et remplaçait ‘homme’ par ‘femme’ disons, j’en serais tout autant vexée. Je comprends qu’il y avait un brin d’humour mais ça ne passait pas …

  • Some men just have the knack of looking cool haha!

  • So rare to see men in bright colors xx

  • Great post, I think menswear should be part of your posts, so inspiring to see elegant and stylist men shot by you !!! Please post more,
    Paula ( from Rio )

  • Il n’y a rien de plus sexy qu’un homme qui porte ses vêtements avec ce petit quelque chose de débraillé et d’original, tout en étant recherché. J’adore :-)

  • Like the style ;)


  • Margaux July, 21 2015, 4:03 / Reply

    Bonjour, pourriez vous me dire quelle est la marque de la casquette de Peter Giang?

  • Francesca July, 21 2015, 5:05 / Reply

    Gorgeous street-style inspiration!

  • An inspiring post for anyone, really. The different ways we look at beauty depending on if the context is masculine or feminine becomes so evident with posts like this one. A variety of faces, all looking natural, relaxed and enough just the way they are… The features that counts as beautiful and is being appreciated when it comes to men – I want to use the same eyes no matter what person I’m looking at. No male gaze or competition needed to tell me whats hot or not, the ambition to be the best version of oneself is enough reason to feel beautiful.

    From Sweden with <3

  • Qui est celui avec la moto et la casquette?

  • I think it’s a great idea. Men’s fashion should be celebrated as much as women’s!

  • There were a few pieces from the collections I not so secretly want to wear. I was especially enamored with Public School and the trend towards “genderless” fashion was pretty clear.

    Accidental Icon

  • Mais c’est super bien cette Fashion Week à NY! Et puis les hommes en photos sont plutôt beau-gosse XD


  • More men in this blog please :) !

    And you should present them, a name, their work.
    Who is the blond one for example?
    Hey , hey. Thank you Garance Doré team. <3


  • C’est une très bonne idée de montrer des hommes qui ont du style! C’est un blog sur la mode, et je trouve qu’ils y ont tout à fait leur place, pas uniquement pendant la Men’s Fashion Week :) Je dis oui pour voir plus de style masculin! Je trouve que l’inspiration en ce qui concerne ce que l’on porte vient souvent sous forme de détails, et ceux-ci peuvent venir à la fois des vestiaires masculin et féminin. J’avais déjà aimé voir des hommes dans vos interviews Carrières, même si c’est vrai qu’ils sont moins présents dans votre milieu, ça rappelle que la mode est quand même un monde mixte!
    Je suis impatiente de voir vos articles pendant cette FW ;)

  • Love these photos! Great looks.

    XO, Jessi

  • J’adore ton article pour les hommes que tu as choisie de présenter parce mis à part un look vraiment original qui se veut basique, se sont vraiment des hommes du quotidien. Et c’est génial que tu penses à les mettre sous le feu des projecteurs. Toujours aussi agréable de te lire, ta plume est génial :)

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