
11 years ago by

I found it interesting that in a season where you see so much fur in the shows, the focus of Carine’s outfit the other day was an gigantic fake fur coat, straight out of the Max Mara show. I also love the look itself, this nude, almost out of bed effect… But it’s true the coat really caught my attention.

It’s difficult to have a conversation about fur, because it’s such a passionate debate. It’s understandable.

I can tell you, it’s almost impossible to spend a fashion week without showing fur – it’s in almost every fashion show. So, a fashion week without shows? Mmmm…

For me, I am thinking about it without yet knowing what position to take*, and I’d like to hear what you think – in a reasonable, respectful way obviously… If it’s possible ? Yeah I know it’s possible. I am sure it’s possible !


*The kind of thoughts I have: Yes, but I am not a vegetarian, yes but I’ve heard fake fur is worse for the environment than real fur, yes but how do you cover fashion week without talking about it, etc…


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  • I think that the fur conversation suffers from a lack of understanding of the complete picture and also it seems the ability to live with hypocrisy. I remember wearing a vintage fur coat that belonged to my grandmother. I was in NYC and an anti-fur activist came up to me with video camera and a rubber skinned fox, telling me fur is murder and etc. Well I said to him and on camera “I understand and respect your opinion. However, the animal who made this coat is dead and so is my grandmother who gave it to me – I call that even.” He stopped filming and walked away.

  • It was the right answer !

  • Haha! Great response! I honestly don’t know what to think about that subject. All I know is that I don’t feel comfortable knowing I’m wearing a dead animal’s hair… Eventhough I LOVE leather and wouldn’t trade that fabric for anything. Tough call
    THE DEEP BLUE CORY Fashion blog
    THE DEEP BLUE CORY Facebook Page
    Xoxo Cory

  • haha that’s an awesome story.
    Honestly, people are so sensitive about FUR than anything else because of convenience – how many people say they are against fur but eats meat or own leather products?? It’s a lot easier to be critical of others than to become a vegetarian yourself. The time we live in today – everything we rely on daily comes from killing the environment, so the environmental argument IMO is useless in this debate. Drugs are tested on animals before giving them to people. Are these people going to refuse cancer treatment because in order to develop the cure animals had died? Don’t think so… I know fashion is not a life and death situation, just saying the moral grey area is big when it comes to taking animals lives. I think the best thing to do in terms of fashion week is just to cover it – and the people who are against it can choose not to read it.

  • Same here. Vintage furs that belonged to my great-grandmother, I don’t see what’s wrong with that. And I also don’t see why we can wear leather and not fur – as long as the animals are treated well, that is.

  • sorry, but I don’t get vintage fur! If we all start wearing our grandmas’ fur, that will be encouraging for others to wear fur…Viva Carine! and come on ladies, buy 100% wool, it keeps warm too for god’s sake!

  • I feel each of us must decide what is right for ourselves. I eat meat, wear leather and adore my silver fox fur collar. That being said, I stopped eating veal when I discovered at 10 years old that it was made from baby cows. I still can’t bring myself to eat it to this day, I’m 37, as the idea turns my stomach despite knowing how delicious it is. And I don’t think I could feel comfortable wearing a full fur coat, despite my love of my fur collar. I also love the look of a zebra rug but only the printed calf hair ones. The real zebra skin rugs with the mane attached look to me like road kill. I stayed at 6 Columbus, a Thompson Hotel in NYC, and the lobby is lined in pony skin floor to three story ceiling, it made me nauseous. Apparently, for me, too much becomes grotesque.

    The debate of vintage vs. new is silly. As the previous poster said, wearing vintage encourages others to go out and buy new. It’s a vicious cycle. I find the comfort vintage fur wearers find to be similar to the delusion people who wear big fat “conflict free” diamonds tell themselves. Sorry, but it may make you feel better about your choice, but you are still promoting an industry with a dark history of cruelty.

    When Jackie Kennedy wore a leopard coat when her husband was president, the demand for leopard coats became so great that over 250K leopards were killed nearly wiping out leopards from the planet. Oleg Cassini, the coats designer, felt so badly about the terrible effect his design had, that he totally stopped using fur and helped develop fashionable alternatives to fur.

    Obviously, I am conflicted and more than a little bit of a hypocrite. For now I draw the line at excessive displays of fur. I would never want a real leopard fur coat, but I do enjoy my faux coat. It looks just like the one Emmanuelle Alt wears and I got it for $30 at Forever21. And I will continue to wear my fox fur collar, it is unapologeticly fabulous. If I could look so good after I die, I would be happy to be stuffed and put on display. Also, what do you people suggesting others wear wool think, that sheep live happy content lives on resort like farms. Stop kidding yourselves, no industry is completely cruelty free, look at how Apple treats it’s iPhone factory workers.

  • Eternel sujet de débat – nous avions fait un petit post à ce sujet et vous ne pouvez pas vous imaginer combien de personnes sont venues nous voir…
    Magnifique manteau sur la photo, mais le reste est tellement nude, même les jambes…

  • Je n’ai rien contre la fourrure, mais seulement en seconde main ! Certes, je mange de la viande et je n’achète que des chaussures en cuir, mais je ne mange pas de renard, de lynx ni de foetus de brebis écorchés vifs dans le ventre de leur mère. Je pense que manger un poulet élevé en plein air ou porter un sac en cuir de vachette (dont la viande sera utilisée dans l’alimentation) n’a pas le même impact que de tuer des animaux sauvages, parfois en voie de disparition, récupérer leur peau et balancer le reste…

  • Ce manteau est magnifique, et il est en fausse fourrure! Donc ce n’est peut-être pas nécessaire d’élever des animaux dans le seul but de prélever leur fourrure. Quand je vois de la fourrure de renard par exemple, ça me fait mal au coeur. Stella McCartney prouve que l’on peut faire des défilés sans vraie fourrure car elle n’en utilise pas, et je trouve ça super.

  • Moi j’ai ta même position. J’aime beaucoup la mode et dans la mode et dans son histoire il y a de la fourrure. Je crois que il faut quand même éviter les excès. Trop de fourrure e trop de luxe tuent l’élégance. Des bords en fourrure, des cols que on peut réutiliser et peut être des manteau aussi, mais qui puissent durer pendent des ans.

  • “Faux” is totally fine for me ! Carine’s Coat is Chic !

  • Salut Garance , tu es matinale, normal tu es à Paris (trop cool fini le décalage horaire pendant une semaine)et j’aimerai tellement être à Paris. Sinon concernant la fourrure et la fausse fourrure, on va dire que quand je vois le manteau de Carine Roitfeld , je suis sûr que la fourrure n’est vraiment pas faite pour moi, c’est pas mon style mais la photo de Carine est cool, on dirai qu’elle sors du lit :)

  • I totally understand what you’re saying; fur is so beautiful, but on the other hand it is cruel at the same time.. That is why I prefer vintage fur. Why to kill more animals when there are so many vintage fur coats? And in my opinion these are so much more beautifuller aswell. Same as leather; it needs to ‘live’. Kind of strange to say this about two fabrics which are both from dead animals.. But then the other question; why are people so much against fur and is leather not that big of an issue..? Really difficult discussion.. You kind of have to find your own way in this..

  • jamais je n’acheterais de la fourrure neuve, c’est mon principe, par contre en deuxième main, la fourrure est déjà passée par le marché et elle ne l’encourage pas. + le manteau a une histoire, c’est tellement noble que je trouve beau qu’il ait déjà une histoire.

  • tout pareil, plutôt pour la fourrure de seconde main. Et de façon générale, encourager le “seconde main” un peu pour tout, c’est participer au frein à la surconsommation (puisqu’un nouveau produit n’est pas fabriqué exprès pour l’achat)

  • i have high hopes the fur is fake :)

  • carine roitfeld toujours tellement inspirante…
    je n’ai pas d’argumentation imparable sous la manche contre la fourrure, peut être car je ne suis pas végétarienne et que je ne porterai pas de vraie fourrure (si j’en avais les moyens) ça c’est sûr
    Et puis manger n’est pas se vêtir, et puis je n’ai jamais mangé de python de croco de renard ou de lapin… en bonne française, j’ai été élevé au poulet rôti du dimanche, au gigot pour les fêtes de famille. suis je une criminelle sanguinaire ? je ne me vois pas comme tel mais c’est vrai que je me pose souvent la question de devenir végétarienne dans une société où on mange trop de viande, les usines à poulets comme on en voit dans les reportages me dégoûtent, et je trouve les images d’abattoir insoutenables…
    contradiction dites vous ?

  • La fourrure oui, mais tout dépend de l’animal concerné! Car pareil je ne suis pas végétarienne, mais je ne mange pas encore de vison…

  • No. Go with Stella McCartney. There is simply no need for fur. You can have a perfect show without it. Besides the ethics of killing an animal, the horrendous way it is produced (it is not true that it is more environmentally friendly, it requires huge amounts of chemicals which endanger not only the environment but the people who produce the skins) – besides all that: There is no beauty in death.

  • I absolutely agree with you Sofia and I respect and admire Stella for her strong choice, she’s great.

  • With respect – death is an unavoidable part of life. For all of us. I believe that no beauty in death means there is also no beauty in life. BOTH are beautiful, or neither. What gives a death beauty is the dignity and purpose of the life that preceded it.

  • @ MADDY MARCEL : A very philosophical and poetic, yet beautiful point. And so respectfully written.

  • I agree – Stella has the right approach. Fur/skin free and cruelty free should be the aspiration. I struggle with the ethics of animals myself. I aspire to eat vegan, but I’m not as strict as I’d like to be about dairy and eggs. I would not buy fur or skins, but I buy leather and sometimes use products with fur trim or snakeskin that I’ve had since before I became conscious of the issues. I’d like to eliminate leather – especially if there were more fashionable animal free products like Stella. But I don’t try as hard as I should. I read an interview of Stella and she said something to the effect that developing and using non-animal based products is modern – and that resonated with me. For me, the answer is very simple – we know better. But making the life changes to get there is more difficult than I thought it would be. Even when I could cry at the mere thought that an animal suffered because of me.

  • CrassierD February, 26 2013, 3:58 / Reply

    J’ai toujours refusé de porter de la fourrure ou d’acheter des pinceaux à maquillage en poils naturels car la provenance m’est opaque souvent ils sont en poils d’écureuils ou autres mignonnes bêtes (hors marques bio). Je mange de la viande et porte des chaussures en cuir …. Et je viens d’apprendre que notre consommation de chaussures en cuir contribue à la déforestation massive des forêts du brésil car les bovins sont élevés la bas et il faut de plus en plus de place.
    Comme la Vegan Nathalie Portman égérie Dior qui a fait fabriquer des chaussures vegan par Dior alors que cette même marque crée des sacs en crocodile.
    Donc au delà d’une réflexion sur la fourrure ….c’est un casse-tête au quotidien avec sa conscience.

  • Si la fourrure est vintage- qu’est on peut faire? À part ça, je suis d’avis qu’il n’y en a plus besoin de l’utiliser dans la mode. Je pense pas que la fausse fourrure glorifie la situation non plus, mais je peux comprendre ceux qui sont contre cela aussi.

  • De mon côté, du mal à me positionner aussi: je trouve assez souvent la fausse fourrure très moche (comme ici, d’ailleurs, ça n’est qd même pas extraordinaire, cet effet matière du manteau, même si le nude n’est pas si mal..). En même temps, ça me rend malade de savoir ce que subissent certains animaux pour fabriquer manteaux, vestes ou étoles… Mais à moins de TOUS boycotter ces produits là, du moment qu’ils sont fabriqués et déjà sur le marché, à quoi sert vraiment le boycott? Et puis, on se scandalise bien plus de la souffrance (réelle, certes) du raccoon ou du lapin en Chine, que des cancers provoqués sur les humains, enfants ou adultes, par la fabrication des cuirs, jeans et autres vêtements chimiquement traités à l’autre bout du monde, et à destination de l’Occident… Donc voilà, je ne suis pas contre la fourrure naturelle, ni le vrai cuir (le “no cuir, no fourrure” ça me paraît assez incompatible avec le goût pour la mode), et surtout, parlons d’abord des situations dramatiques dans lesquelles travaillent ceux qui fabriquent nos jeans, avant de se scandaliser sur les lapins… Après, on pourra causer…

  • Val de Bruxelles February, 26 2013, 4:03 / Reply

    En fait je m’en fiche un peu, qu’on élève des poulets, des porcs et des ânes pour les manger ou bien qu’on élève des vaches, des ratons laveurs et des renards pour leur peau/fourrure, le résultat est le même.
    Est-ce qu’on culpabilise le lion ou la guêpe d’être des prédateurs? Bon ok c’est pas la même échelle ect ect.. le débat peut-être interminable et les argument très bons des deux cotés.
    Par contre ce manteau est affreux, on dirait qu’elle a mis un déguisement de Winnie l’ourson mais qu’elle a oublié la têtes ;-D

  • Bonjour Garance et le Studio ! Je ne suis pas végétarienne, j’adore la mode et succombe facilement aux tendances…. mais la fourrure c’est non, jamais. Qu’elle soit vraie ou synthétique, c’est non, nous avons la possibilité d’être au chaud sans tuer des animaux uniquement pour leur poils. C’est çà qui me dérange, ces élevages dans des box minuscules, puis l’abbatage dans des contrées lointaines que je trouve assez dégueulasse. Ce n’est qu’un point de vue perso, mais si on mangeait des animaux élevés dans de bonnes conditions et nourris de manière traditionnelle ( même si la fin est la même au moins leur vie n’aura pas été souffrance), si on arrête de ne voir que le beau dans la fourrure sans voir la barbarie qu’il y a derrière, je sais pas, peut être que çà nous permettra de réfléchir aussi à tout ce qui se passe autour de nous….On ne va pas pouvoir continuer à faire comme si de rien n’était et à ne penser qu’à son plaisir perso. Eveillons nous face à tout çà, je crois que les derniers scandales sur le cheval en Europe nous l’ont montré, et idem aux US pour les poissons et OGM…on nous fait avaler n’importe quoi…dans tous les sens du terme. Aucun rapport avec la fourrure ? Si…on nous fait croire que porter de la fourrure c’est juste de la mode, et que le nutella il n’y a rien de meilleur pour commencer une journée ;-) ( merde, j’adore le nutella….mais çà ne peut faire du mal qu’à moi…. ,pour la fourrure….vous aurez compris ou je veux en venir….)… Gros bisous et bonne journée à tout le monde !

  • Marie2Paris February, 26 2013, 8:42

    Le Nutella est composé essentiellement d’huile de palme,et pour cultiver la palme, on déforeste à tour de bras. Donc manger du Nutella ne nuit pas qu’à soi-même ;-)

  • à Marie2Paris,

    Oui on est bien d’accord pour l’huile de Palme qui fait des ravages sur les forêts. Là, je parlais de torture directe… mais biensûr indirectement les populations et les animaux en souffrent. Je suis entièrement d’accord avec toi, et cela rejoins ce que je disais…. il va falloir éveiller les consciences que tout ce que nous faisons à des répercussions, et le plus souvent néfastes…. alors si chacun y met du sien çà sera déjà un premier pas…..

    Pour la fourrure seconde main…. je trouve cela hypocrite de dire “mort pour mort….autant le porter”… le fait de voir de la fourrure dans la rue ne fait qu’encourager ce commerce.

  • I think Stella McCartney is the perfect example that fashion and show are not only possible, but also glamourous without fur…

  • Ah, la fourrure…
    On ne peut pas dire que c’est de la barbarie moderne au service de notre narcissisme, puisque les hommes de cro-Magnon se couvraient déjà de peaux de bêtes avant de tondre les moutons et de tisser la laine…

    Moi aussi, j’ai du mal à me positionner là-dessus.
    J’aurais du mal à porter un manteau 100% bébête, mais une parka comme la tienne Garance, pas de problème !


  • Je porte des manteaux de fausse fourrure, l’hiver pour la simple et bonne raison qu’ils me tiennent plus chaud.
    La seule chose qui m’agace profondément, ce sont les nanas qui se proclament végétariennes, te font la leçon sur ton régime alimentaire…. et portent fourrure et accessoires en cuir.

  • Catherine February, 26 2013, 4:11 / Reply

    Mmmm oui, sujet délicat. Je me permets donc de commenter!
    Pour ma part, j’ai des manteaux en peau de lapin, et je les adore (les manteaux et les lapins hehe!). Ça ne me gêne pas de porter de la fourrure d’animaux dont on se nourrit, des animaux qui ne sont pas en voie de disparition, et qui ne sont pas torturés (je l’imagine effectivement, puisque je ne suis pas dans les abattoirs…). Si je mange de la viande de lapin, je peux bien en utiliser la fourrure aussi? Après voilà, de manière générale, étant donné que la majeure partie des rouages de notre société de consommation est complètement biaisée par des intérêts de parts et d’autre, RIEN (j’exagère exprès!!) n’est réalisé avec éthique. Je dis ça parce que ça me fait toujours bizarre d’entendre certains qui iraient jusqu’à cracher sur ceux qui portent de la fourrure, alors que bon… ils roulent avec de l’essence, vont faire leurs courses dans un supermarché, mangent McDo ou équivalent, vivent et utilisent bon nombres de choses qui ne sont pas arrivées sur le marché de manière équitable et respectueuse. J’utilise des clichés bien sûr mais c’est pour essayer ensuite de faire la part des choses. Ça n’empêche pas d’être regardant sur tout, y compris les fourrures, d’où elles viennent etc… comme on peut le faire pour tout ce qu’on achète!
    Je pense que ce sujet est délicat car sujet à beaucoup beaucoup d’imaginaire, d’idéaux… Après voilà, pour ma part, j’essaierai toujours de faire attention, de ne pas acheter de fourrure d’animaux exotiques, ou rares, (je n’en ai qu’un comme ça mais il vient de ma grand mère…) et ça c’est mon approche, à mon sens réaliste compte tenu du monde dans lequel je vis et de qui je suis.

  • nadamerica February, 26 2013, 4:13 / Reply

    Chère Garance et chères toutes
    merci pour ce post qui invite peut-être celles qui ne l’auraient pas fait à réfléchir sur leurs pratiques de mode et plus particulièrement sur la fourrure, devenue incroyablement et inacceptablement banalisée, y compris dans la rue.
    Je me permets juste d’attirer l’attention sur une chose: la question de la fourrure dépasse largement celle sur la consommation de viande etc. La fabrique de la fourrure s’inscrit dans des pratiques de torture sur l’animal qui place l’enjeu éthique bien plus haut, au niveau de celui de la vivisection.
    Donc ce n’est pas une question de passion mais tout simplement de raison.
    Voilà, je crois qu’il n’y a ni beauté nu style sans intelligence et conscience, non?

  • stephanie February, 26 2013, 4:18 / Reply

    I think, there are so many ways to dress beautifully without fur, even without fake fur! I don’t wear fur so far because of the conflict concerning the fur giving animals. An alternative in my opinion is, to wear vintage fur or fur from animals, that are not raised or killed only for their fur…

  • I’m from Denmark – a small country that colonised Greenland about 500 years ago, to make a long story short … For the people of Greenland, the anti-fur campaigning has been disastrous. They were used to hunting seal, as they always had, for food = pure survival. They used the sealskin for clothing. And when other people discovered Greenland, the natives FOR ONCE got the chance to make a little money by selling sealskin from seals, they had already eaten, as top quality fur coats etc. The anti-fur campaigning put a stop to that. I am absolutely against animal cruelty, meaning bringing up animals and giving them a dismal life purely in order to skin them. But for Greenland, it was a question of survival. I am NOT an expert and might even have gotten details wrong in this little story – but my message is: It’s not a simple issue, and it’s not a question of luxury for everyone.

  • Et si la fourrure restait un vrai luxe, celui qui coûte vraiment cher et que peu peuvent s’offrir ? Cela permettrait peut-être des conditions de “production” plus décentes. Produire de la vraie fourrure de qualité médiocre pour que toutes les grandes enseignes à petit prix puissent en proposer c’est peut-être là le problème ? Doit-on tous pourvoir tout s’offrir ? Pour ma part je peux très bien vivre en rêvant de posséder telle ou telle chose tout en sachant que jamais je ne pourrai me l’offrir… c’est cela même ça qui est sexy dans le luxe et à mon avis la fourrure doit faire partie des produits de luxe…

  • bonjour garance,
    je suis pour la vraie fourrure .
    on mange bien de la viande et nos chaussures, sacs et ceintures sont en cuir de vache.
    Je porte moi meme de la fourrure .vison , lapin, raccoon et renard .
    le vison est comme le lapin : il est élevé en cage.
    par contre , je suis contre le fait de porter de la fourrure qui ne viendrait pas d’animaux d’élevage.

  • les fourrures que j’ai …. oui LES … shame on me, mais pas trop parce que ce sont celles de ma mere, ou que j’ai acheté en vintageries … donc ma belle panthere, mon astrakan, meme si l’astrakan est la pire des barbaries, d’ailleurs quand je le porte mon mari ne me touche pas ! mon vison blanc , ou mon petit col en vison noir … bref, toutes ces braves bêtes sont mortes il y a longtemps, et ont déjà servi d’autres alors les racheter et leur donner une seconde vie pour moi ce n’est pas cruel … en racheter des flambant neuves c’est une autre histoire. Mais comment ne pas craquer lors d’un defilé Fendi !

  • Comment ne pas craquer lors d’un défilé Fendi ?????? Dis…c’est une blague cette question ?????

  • Je n’aime pas la fourrure, je ne trouve pas ça jolie donc je n’en porte pas et je trouve les conditions pour les animaux bien trop cruel!
    C’est dommage qu’il n’y ai pas assez de recherches d’autres matières et alternatives comme le fait Stella McCartney!

  • La fourrure, un sujet bien compliqué ..
    Je me suis souvent dit qu’il ne fallait pas en acheter, par respect pour les animaux, mais le fait est que je ne peux pas résister, je trouve ça tellement beau, par petites touches, essentiellement sur des manteaux !
    Je pense que le principal serait de faire des progrès au niveau de la législation, pour éviter aux animaux de vivre dans des conditions déplorables. Un gros problème serait alors réglé, mais ne retrouve-t-on pas le même problème avec la viande ? Les animaux sont parfois très mal traités et ce sujet concerne beaucoup plus de monde, et pourtant le fait est que nous n’en entendons jamais parler ..

  • I agree with you. Even though I love animals, I am not a vegetarian either and I admit I wear fur and leather. My fur coats are vintage and that makes me feel better.

    See you in my blog, maybe.

  • this oversize coat is fantastic!!!

  • Uh… this is difficult. I always thought fur is beautiful, but it is for slightly older woman (I mean older than me, I am 23) and never had anything against it. However…

    I am in a middle of a process of decorating my and my husband’s first appartment. So we went abroad and I saw this woderful, burgundy carpet, made out of even patches of horse skin. It was really perfect (and expensive too). So we were thinking, and finally decided to buy it the next day. We went back to our hotel and I kept thinking about it. But then it came clear to me… I could not possibly have and step on something that was once alive. It felt so cruel all of a sudden. So I said no.

    Then again, it would be equaly cruel to buy a Pakistaneese rug, which was probably made by childe-workers, who color them in these toxic holes. And i wonder if it is equaly cruel to eat meat. But then again, eating is our primar instinct, and maybe we are made as carnivores. But wearing fur… it is for pure vanity, we must not forget that.

  • Hello, i don’t think it is difficult to ‘have a position’. Fur looks beautiful but it is just cruel and so unnecessary, everybody with honesty could agree with that.. You show us beautiful clothes every day who didn’t require an animal to the skinned for it. The whole argument about ‘cavemen did it so it has always been like that’ is frankly hypocrit as we now have so many alternatives. My mother had a fur coat when I was little (inherited from her grand mother) and each time she tried to wear it my sisters and I just wouldn’t talk to her until she took it off. Eventually she gave up. This was in the 70’s. I knew it was wrong then, I know it is wrong now….but i am with you with the fact they look beautiful, the picture shown today proves they can look as stunning fake and no one get skinned!…by the way Garance, since you are a Stella fan I am sure she would have demonstrate to you how wrong it is when you intervied her. She make amazing clothes without killing anyone….who want to walk around wearing a cemetry on her shoulder?……..

  • J’ai quelques pièces en fourrure dans ma garde-robe, de la vraie et de la fausse, mais toutes sont vintages, achetées en vintage shop ou de ma grand-mère. Il est sur que le traitement des animaux dans la grande industrie est déplorable, mais je ne suis pas végétarienne pour autant. Je préfère manger peu de viande, et de bonne qualité, en sachant d’où elle provient, et que l’animal a été bien traité.

    Et je suis entièrement d’accord avec Catherine, on peut être contre la vraie fourrure, et s’insurger contre le traitement des animaux dont la fourrure est utilisée pour des vêtements, mais à ce compte-là, il ne faut pas porter de chaussures en cuir, ni manger de viande non plus. Et rares sont ceux qui allient tous les aspects de ce discours. Il faut garder un peu de cohérence à l’esprit, et être respectueux des animaux, ce qui n’est pas le cas de la société de consommation et de la grande distribution aujourd’hui.
    Consommer peu mais consommer bien, c’est ce qu’il y a de mieux à mon sens.

    En espérant avoir été raisonnée et respectueuse, merci Garance pour ce blog, c’est parfait !

  • Stephanie February, 26 2013, 12:00

    Bonjour à toutes,
    Merci d’avoir soulevé cette question, je dois avouer que je suis épatée par ce débat respectueux et par les idées échangées ici ! Bravo Garance d’avoir créé ce bel espace de dialogue !
    Etant végétarienne et fan de chaussures, je ne suis pas au bout de mes contradictions… Mais je continue ma quête !
    Je suis d’accord avec Alexia ; au-delà de la question éthique se pose la question de ce que nous consommons et de comment nous consommons : entre la fast-fashion où l’on achète tout et n’importe quoi sous prétexte de bas prix et le renouvellement complet d’une garde-robe à chaque saison pour celles qui peuvent se l’offrir, il y a plein d’alternatives : s’offrir de belles pièces que l’on garde longtemps, acheter du vintage, encourager les petits créateurs et la mode éthique, recycler/donner/échanger ce que l’on ne porte plus, etc.

  • I find it relatively strange that fur has become such an issue, whereas industrial meat production has received much less attention. The cruelty related to fur industry is minimal compared to the cruelty related to getting the beef on our plate. You only buy fur very rarely, whereas most people eat meat on a daily basis. I personally feel that I am committing a far greater sin by eating industrially produced meat than by wearing fur.

    And yes, all my fur is vintage, which lessens the sin even more.

    And yes, living in a country where the temperature stays below 0C for 4-5 months each year, wearing fur is a way of keeping oneself warm and stylish at the same time. Until somebody comes up with a matching substitute (fake fur or down parkas are not), I will continue wearing real fur.

  • Bonjour Garance et merci pour ce post qui fait réfléchir. Je viens souvent surfer sur ton blog sans pour autant commenter. Cette fois voilà, je vais donner mon opinion simple… Chacun doit faire avec sa conscience! Maintenant il est clair que quelqu’un qui signe une pétition pour arrêter les conditions de vie désastreuses et le massacre des visons d’élevage en Belgique mais qui porte une superbe fourrure bein c’est pas honnête.

  • Toutes les raisons que les gens trouvent pour porter de la vraie fourrure ne sont que des excuses hypocrites.
    OUI, pour faire un vêtement en fourrure, l’animal souffre horriblement. On ne prend pas la fourrure du lapin que vous mangez. Il y a des élevages faits pour ça, et il suffit de regarder une fois une vidéo pour ne plus pouvoir se cacher derrière de fausses excuses.
    Stella Mc Cartney le montre bien, la cause animale et la mode ne sont pas incompatibles.

  • I’m not a vegetarian either and I have a lot of things made out of leather, so there were many animals killed…. and I have this fur collar which I love, it’s not even vintage….. and I loved many of the accessories from the latest Fendi collection, there was really a lot of fur in so many collections! I respect Stella McCartney a lot, what she does is really consistent and I admire her for that (and many other things…) I’m really not very consistent…. sometimes I think I should…. but then on the other hand I just love a good steak…. and for the fur question… I think it is really important where the fur comes from. There are big differences and I actually wonder, if there is a thing like a “Bio Fur Label”, well not bio, but a label that would guarantee a “ok” treatment of the animals before they get killed or a label that would say that it’s “Recycled Fur”, is there any such thing? If not, this might be a good thing to try?

  • And the difference between wearing fur and leather is…??? Plenty of leather for the footwear industry is from animals grown and killed for their skins and some fur (rabbit in particular) can be a by-product of the food industry. I don’t think anyone can really take a moral high-ground about wearing fur unless they are vegan and don’t wear any animal product whatsoever.

    And, aside from anything else, I really object to anyone saying ‘I don’t agree with XYZ [insert any number of things in here], therefore no-one else should do it either’. If you like fur, wear it. If you don’t, don’t. Simple.

  • J’aime la fourrure et j’assume, mais j’aime les animaux (j’ai un chien :-)). Bon fourrure d’élevage et vintage principalement. Mais c’est vrai que ça me questionne. Il faut, je pense, avoir une consommation modérée, tant au niveau de la viande que dans l’achat de ce type de pièce. Oui mais et le cuir?

  • In Argentina for example, where there are 2 cows per 1 person and most of leather are getting rid of, because people are “enviromental friendly” they have to produce “eco” leather which involves a very contaminated process…. why don´t they take advantage of all of that natural stuff? after all, argentinian people eat a lot of meat anyway… and it´s crazy… We are discussing about this matter here without having enoght information…. about all of those industrial process…. and how the media can manipilate people….

  • I see the fur question as quite black and white and i am bemused by people who eat meat or fish, wear leather shoes but are horrified by the idea of wearing fur.

    I totally respect stella macartney’s position – as a vegetarian she does not use fur.

    When I was vegetarian for 20 years I would not either eat meat, fish or wear fur. However, Now I have decided to eat meat again I just can not logically see the difference between killing an animal to eat or killing an animal to wear. I eat rabbit and I would wear rabbit if the climate i lived in was suitable.

    I have always found not eating a particular type of animal because it is perceived as “cute” or somehow anthromorphising it ridiculous. And nothing annoyed me more when i was vege than someone tucking into a steak saying they could never eat a guinea pig (like i did in peru) and this also applies to wearing it.

    I would never either eat or wear an endangered animal.

    I think that if you are not a vegetarian then it is fine to wear fur.

  • Entre de la fausse et de la vraie, désolée, je préfèrerai toujours la vraie…aux fourreurs (métier que j’admire) d’expliquer les conditions d’obtention des peaux. Je ne pense pas que les animaux dont on récupère les peaux ont été maltraité. Tout comme Catherine, je pense qu’il y a beaucoup d’imaginaire et d’idéaux sur ce sujet!

  • If the coat is fake fur then I admire the wearer for making a statement. It looks so chic and elegant but also bohemian at the same time. The woman has the look of a very interesting, arresting and beautiful physicality and personality. You captured a moment . . .

  • Chère Garance,

    pour moi le positionnement éthique d’une marque est important sinon indispensable (et cela vaut aussi pour ton blog donc merci de lancer le débat!). Pour la fourrure/cuir, j’apprécie les positions de Stella McCartney (une vendeuse a halluciné en voyant ma joie quand elle m’a annoncé que mon sac coup de coeur n’était pas en cuir!! trop contente de l’acheter !!)

    Je serais aussi ouverte à des labels genre fourrure vintage ou fourrure d’animaux élevés dans des conditions respectueuses. A mon avis, il n’est plus possible de se voiler la face sur la provenance de ce que l’on achète. Difficile d’invoquer l’ignorance, surtout après des documentaires comme celui d’envoyé spécial sur les victimes du cuir au Bangladesh ou les campagnes detox de Greenpeace à l’encontre de Zara et H&M.

    Donc à nouveau bravo de lancer le débat mais que penses-tu d’en faire une section permanente dans la partie “diary” du site intitulé “ethics” or “values”?

    Tu pourrais y aborder plein de sujets importants en lien direct avec l’industrie de la mode (anorexie, consumérisme, impact environnemental, bien être animal, cout de la main d’oeuvre, maintien de l’artisanat, les dérives du marketing etc…) Avec ton regard bien à toi je suis sure que tu pourrais nous faire des petits bijoux et nous faire rencontrer des belles personnes qui aiment passionnément la mode mais pas à n’importe quel prix!

    Alors tu dis quoi?



  • Hi Garance,

    A_ I don’t wear fur. We don’t need to. Since cave ages other fabrics have been invented, so there is no need anymore to kill animals to get dressed. And most of the animals which are grown up for their fur are unfortunately the cute ones. Let’s not voluntarily kill cute animals in the name of fashion.

    B_ I am sorry but the first thing I think of when I see this coat is “bathrobe”…

    Have a nice day !

  • Then, do you eat meat? We are not in the cave era anymore and we know how to produce other sources of proteins So we don’t need to kill animals to feed us. Plus it happens that animals we eat are also cute ones: rabbits, veal, lambs, chickens… This is in my opinion a way too easy and hypocritical point of view that you have there…

  • Is nobody bored with the ubiquitous fur? there are so many interesting wools out there at the moment – in the recent shows the streetstyle was all the more interesting for those who were not wearing fur – the cuts and styling were so inspiring. There were shows before fur was “acceptable” again and there will be should it become unacceptable again. My personal views are the same as those toward meat – it is how the animal lived and how it died that are important – and that you have the respect to use all parts of it if it has died for your consumption – therefore i suppose the skin would be part of this if it was not hunted or treated appallingly ie an organic meat by-product – then i could not object to it ethically myself – although i dont weat fur – as it feels wrong but i do eat organic meat so it would be hypocritical to object to its byproduct. This i believe does not exist and it is the lack of standards amongst some fur producers that really are not acceptable to me.

  • I’m fine with faux, and Carine’s coat is amazing.


  • lolotte68 February, 26 2013, 5:43 / Reply

    “Real fur or fake fur….that is the question…!”
    Le manteau de Carine Roitfeld est indéniablement fashion…mais sera-t-il toujours aussi beau dans 3 ans?
    Le même en vrai fourrure gardera son aspect, sa classe et sa valeur plus longtemps, me semble-t-il, mais à quel prix? En effet, l’idée d’instaurer des gardes- fous me plairait assez: ne pas tuer d’animaux rares ou en voie d’extinction, établir une filière /traçabilité, obligeant des conditions d’élevage et d’abattage dignes pour les animaux …après tout, il suffit de voir une seule fois des poules élevées en batterie pour ne plus jamais acheter autre chose que de oeufs de poules élevées en plein air …ne peut-on pas faire la même chose pour les bêtes à poil? ça permettrait aux élégantes de ne pas porter leurs manteaux avec toujours un arrière-goût de culpabilité!Allez, go, Garance! c’est des filles comme toi qui peuvent faire avancer les choses!!

  • Je ne sais quoi en penser…Je ne trouve pas ce débat toujours très cohérent à une époque oú la moitié de la population citadine ne serait pas capable de tuer un animal pour s’en nourrir mais laisse des restes de viande dans son assiette à chaque repas. (Je suis bien plus traumatisé par les conditions d’abattage des usines Charal que par l’élevage de vison!!)

    C’est pas non plus très cohérent quand on ignore d’oú vient sa chemise en soie ( l’élevage de vers à soie et le filage de la soie reste une activité cruelle…pour ces petits vers), les plumes d’oie de sa parka, le cuir des chaussures et des sacs à main…etc

    En règle générale, je ne juge pas. Tout doit être dans l’équilibre, la modération – avec ou sans fourrure. Du moment oú l’on sacrifie un animal on devrait tout en utiliser. Ce contre quoi je suis définitivement contre, c’est le gaspillage, la surconsommation pour rien, les achats à 10€ qui portent en eux leur prix de fabrication (artisans sous payés).

  • L'épingle February, 26 2013, 5:45 / Reply

    J’ai eu un manteau qui ressemblait à celui-là.
    En fait, je l’ai toujours, pas folle. C’était un Rodier, d’une époque ils avaient un bon styliste (comme maintenant). La fausse fourrure était dans la même matière que les ours en peluche des années 50, c’est à dire avec une grande proportion de coton. C’est pour ça qu’à part la doublure que j’ai refaite, la pièce a bien vieilli. Parce que c’est un peu le problème avec la fourrure synthétique, on ne peut pas dire que ça se bonifie avec le temps.
    Comme j’ai tout de même un côté Cruella, je disais à mes enfants, pendant qu’ils étaient en train de caresser le poil, que c’était de la peau d’ours en peluche et qu’il avait fallu en occire plein pour réaliser le manteau….

  • Le problème avec ce débat c’est qu’on se doit d’être cohérent, si je suis contre la fourrure, je devrais logiquement aussi arrêter de porter du cuir, ne plus utiliser de make up testé sur les animaux et puis finir par ne plus manger de viande.
    Sauf qu’évidemment ce n’est pas si facile à respecter dans la vraie vie (rien que pour la disparition du cuir dans la mode ce n’est pas vraiment d’actualité aujourd’hui), mais est ce que commencer par ne plus porter de fourrure (et ne plus en vendre en conséquence) ce n’est déjà pas un bon début? Est ce que ce n’est pas déjà un pas vers une haute-couture plus respectueuse ? J’aimerais le croire, alors la fourrure, non merci.

  • Ah Garance, je suis heureuse de lire que je ne suis pas la seule perdue sur le sujet. Pour la rubrique mode que je présente à la télé, j’ai fait un sujet sur la question la semaine dernière. L’angle était simple et partait d’un constat : de plus en plus de fourrure, vraie et fausse, sur les podiums et dans la rue. J’ai filmé les “vraies” gens dans la rue, beaucoup portaient de la vraie fourrure et je dois avouer que c’était beau souvent. J’ai précisé que je ne prenais pas position pour la vraie. Peine perdue. Je me suis fait “assassiner” par les téléspectateurs, et par des mails anonymes.
    Ce sujet met les nerfs à vifs apparemment. C’est compréhensible comme tu dis. La question que je me pose : les animaux tués pour leur fourrure sont-ils plus maltraités que ceux élevés en batterie et tués pour être mangés ? Est-ce plus répréhensible de se vêtir que de se nourrir ? Vaste sujet…
    Réflexion plus futile : es-tu certaine que c’est un manteau que porte Carine et non pas une robe de chambre en pilou pilou? Mais sur elle tout est permis, non ?
    Merci d’avoir soulevé la question. Cette Fashion week on me dit dans l’oreillette que les podiums vont dégouliner de fourrure…Immorale fashion…

  • I love animals but I do wear leather and eat meat (but only cow, pig and chicken and no baby animals). But for me there is a high difference between a cow skin on the catwalk or a chinchilla coat for instance. In one huge coat there are like 100 chinchilla’s, only killed for the fur. For me fake fur can be just as good as real fur when you put enough time in it. Beside of that I just can’t touch real fur without getting goosebumps all over my body. I’m not a person that gets radical and judges everyone who wears fur but I would never ever wear it for two important reasons. 1) I think fake fur is just as beautiful and 2) I just can’t get over the fact that they killed over 30 little cute animals to create my fashion statement…xx

  • For fur the only way is vintage. I could never ethically purchase a new item which was made of fur… unless it is from widely farmed animals, who are not raised solely for their skins.

  • i’ve never understood why people make a difference between eating meat and wearing fur (or why there are differences made between pet and stock animals). for me personally, killing another living being to satisfy one’s own needs is always ethically questionable. so I really don’t understand how some people can be ardently against fur, but still have a steak now and then. it’s rather hypocritical.

  • Oui, mais la fausse fourrure fait moins de dégâts sur les animaux ! Quand on voit les conditions dans lesquelles ils sont dépecés en Chine par exemple, on ne voit plus les choses de la même manière…

  • Le sujet pour moi n’est pas tellement de savoir s’il faut se vêtir de fourrure ou pas, l’enjeu me semble trop important, il serait utopique de faire interdire la fourrure. Ce serait comme interdire la commercialisation des diamants ! Ce n’est pas réalisable.

    Toutefois, on pourrait imaginer des conditions d’élevage (pour la viande et la fourrure) plus respectueuses des animaux avec des bases légales interdisant certaines pratiques. Il s’agit dans ce cas de légiférer.

    Oui, je ne suis pas pour ou contre la fourrure mais pour légiférer, légiférer, légiférer !!!

  • Benedicte February, 26 2013, 6:14 / Reply

    J’adore le coté “tombée du lit” de la tenue de Carine Roitfeld et ce manteau !!!!
    Habitant Paris (maximum – 10°, 3 nuits par an) je ne vois pas l’utilité de contribuer à l’élevage et abattage barbare de certains animaux. J’ai une vieille peau lainée de mouton héritée de ma mère qui fait l’affaire les jours froids. Cela dit, si j’habitais au Groenland ou en Sibérie, je ferais comme nos ancêtres, je porterais des peaux de bêtes, c’est certain. Et sinon, la débauche de fourrure durant cette fashion week (défilés ou street style) me donne quand même un peu la nausée.

  • My biggest concern with fur is animal welfare. Animals farmed for fur alone live under horrible conditions, and are then killed to make fur products. It is not ethical and it is not pretty. And neither is fur.
    I am not a vegetarian, so I am not opposed to killing animals for food, but I really do not see the need to kill animals purely for clothing. I think leather is different because you are using a part of an animal that has been killed not only for its skin, but for food as well. Note, I live in Norway and cannot speak for animal welfare in other countries, but here there are strict rules about keeping farm animals. Cows and sheep are grassing in large outside areas most of the year, whereas animals in fur farms are not so lucky being kept in their tiny cages throughout their short lives. So I say fake fur or no fur.

  • I view fur in the same way I view the handbags and shoes made out of crocodile skin – any animal bred in captivity in awful conditions solely for its hide is an atrocious act.

    Eating meat, like wearing leather, should be done sparingly. It’s not neccessary, it’s not needed. Fur, well I just don’t see the point in it. And I’m not even a vegetarian! I just don’t see it at being chic at all, it’s just needless, and never classy.

  • Merci Garance pr cette article!! Et merci à Carine d’avoir porté ce manteau! Et les faux renards Ma

  • each one does what she/he wants as long as within the legal boundary…. please, no lessons from pro to con, or vice-versa….
    do what you think is right and leave the others in peace…..

  • josephine February, 26 2013, 6:25 / Reply

    Fourrure… sujet délicat qui ne m’inspire pas aujourd’hui, tout est dit, des adeptes, des non-adeptes… Chacun ses raisons.
    Ce qui m’inspire plutôt, c’est cette photo et cette tenue de Madame Roitfeld : Pardon, si une femme lambda sortait ainsi dans la rue avec en prime le cheveux gras, personne ne la trouverais jolie.

  • Merci Garance pr cette article!! Et merci à Carine d’avoir porté ce manteau! Et les faux renards Marc Jacobs étaient si drôle aussi!

    Pr ma part, j’adore les moumoutes, les fausses fourrures qui s’assume, que je trouve super second degré et chics= perfection. Et concernant la fourrure, il faut faire les choses avec respect (de l’animal, sa douleur, son stress…pas les entasser dans des camions sans eau pdt des heures…) et raison parce que les filles qui s’achètent 2 doudounes à capuches de ratons laveurs/mois, ça me choque!!

  • Moi, je n’ai absolument rien contre la fausse fourrure et la fourrure de seconde main (aussi bien l’utilier au lieu de la jeter ou quelque chose !) ). La vraie quant à elle, je suis moins convaincue. Il me semble qu’avec la technologie d’aujourd’hui, nous avons la capacité de faire de la fausse fourrure réussie qui ne va donc pas sacrifier le style. :-)

  • En lisant en diagonale les commentaires, je trouve assez juste de dire je porte de la fourrures animal dont je consomme le viande. Ceci dit on peut dériver sur le cuir… oui ou non??? Stella à une position assez trancher mais un canapé en cuir oui ou non? Un autre sujet, au jour d’aujourd’hui on doit faire de l’élevage pour sauver des espèces, les chevaux par ex. ce qui implique la consommation de la viande et l’utilisation du cuir. Bien ou pas?

  • Harricana?
    Si tu connais pas, jette un oeil ici:

  • I think on that pic it is faux fur coat.. because I wore faux fur coats too and many brands use it too. And I undesrtand.. Fur is so nice.. But the other hand.. Like you wrote. Have a nice day.

  • frida kahlo February, 26 2013, 6:36 / Reply

    Oui.. mon dieu..une vie dans un box minuscule…c est à pleurer…attention au KARMA..

  • First of all, Garance, thanks for wanting to know our opinions.
    As a vegetarian, I only use leather shoes (no leather bags, no leather belts etc) and I like furs so much. I would never say that furs themselves are ugly, because some of them are very cute. And I want to stress “some of them”. Honestly, Marc Jacobs’ fashion show was painful to watch, with all those animals hanging from models’ shoulders.
    Said that, I can understand the use of vintage furs, at least they don’t increase the market.
    I have some faux furs which are lovely and I read that they are bad for environment because they’re produced with oil. I recently read that it takes 3-4 liters of oil to make one fur. Well, if you think that real furs are good for environment… it’s something totally false!! Few months ago I saw a creepy photo, I was speechless. It showed a mountain of dead animals, without furs obviously, that had to be thrown away. It was a mountain high as a 3-4 floors building. Is that good for environment? I don’t think so.
    Then, few days ago, Lav (it’s the italian Peta) divulged the news that some brands (included two among the most famous italian brands of fashion) produced clothes for children with furs containing high quantity of toxic substances (like chromium and lead). They had to retire the clothes from the stores.
    Making real furs needs high quantity of toxic substances, it’s not natural at all. And it’s not ethic. Animals do not exist to be cruelty killed for our pleasures!
    I understand the need to show fashion shows photos, perfectly. Well, there’s no need to write something like “the furs were amazing, so refined etc etc”, like I read on some papers.

  • People who wear fur don’t know how it is produced. The meat industry is in more cases than not, more humane. Knowing the absolute horrors the fur industry causes makes me feel really ill seeing any kind of real fur. Ignoring ethics in favour of fashion is completely idiotic and supporting these trends supports torture of animals, and that is no exaggeration. Look into it if you assume it is humane. Faux fur needs a lot more support and it is developing quite well. Alternatives to fur such as silk fur etc (though silk is still arguable in ethics) also really need to be explored and I feel disappointed and bored at designers who don’t bother with innovation and instead push problematic trends. Fur is beautiful, soft and warm, because it is for keeping animals alive and healthy. It belongs to them. We don’t need it.

  • Beautifully said!

  • I totally agree! Totally.

    I do think many people should be much more aware of the impact of their choices in food, clothing, cosmetics etc.. Both on the animals concerned, and on the environment. It’s so easy to get access to information about these things.
    An example. Just google the words fur and china – not to pinpoint China here, but to get an idea of the workings of a big part of the fur industry. Try to watch the links that pop up with dry eyes. Why would anyone in their right mind deliberately choose to not know and be indifferent to the suffering of other beings, and advocate the products that cause this suffering?

  • Personnellement, je n’ai aucune hésitation : ni fourrure, ni cuir, ni aucune matière animale. Une telle position limite les choix ? en effet, sans l’ombre d’un doute, mes prétentions à l’élégance sont entravées et même anéanties car, des matières d’origine animale , il y en a PARTOUT. Je m’habille donc comme je peux mais je me sens à mon aise car en accord avec mes convictions. Pour en revenir à la fourrure, les animaux sont “élevés” dans des conditions ignobles (cages trop petites etc), et tués de manière abjecte (électrocution anale, gazage …il ne faut pas abîmer leur fourrure, n’est-ce pas) ou même écorchés vifs…Les élevages engendrent aussi de sérieux problèmes écologiques (rejets, excréments…) à tel point qu’il n’en existe pratiquement plus en France ou en Allemagne. Des pays moins regardant s’en chargent: Chine, Russie …Quant aux animaux sauvages piégés , ils succombent après une longue agonie. Le cuir, la laine, la viande aussi sont pour moi l’objet du même questionnement éthique. Et là, ni l’industrie de la mode ni toute notre organisation sociale n’en sortent indemnes. Mes excuses pour cette longue intervention…

  • Rien à voir avec la fourrure mais elle n’a pas froid aux pieds ? C’est comme porter des UGG
    avec un short… J’aime cette idée d’avoir du style sans être en accord avec le temps qu’il fait… :)

  • Sarafraîchit February, 26 2013, 7:09 / Reply

    je profite du sujet pour vous demander (aaarrgghh!) COMMENT FAIT-ON POUR RETIRER CETTE ODEUR DE GRENIER imprégné dans le magnifique col en renard argenté que ma vieille tante vient (enfin!) de me léguer?!
    Sinon, oui j’aime la fourrure (raisonnablement) et la fausse fourrure aussi…je suis normande ;-)

  • Ma question dans l’affaire c’est plutôt : “comment est il possible de porter de la fourrure -vraie ou pas- avec les jambes nues?
    Le collant m’a l’air d’être l’ennemi principal de ces fashion week hivernales… Non?

  • Hello Garance!
    Avant je trouvais que la fourure n’apportait rien a la mode et qu’on pouvait tres bien s’en passer. Et puis un jour j’ai eu l’occasion de porter une veste en vison vintage et j’ai adore. Je n’ai jamais rien porte d’aussi chaud, doux, agreable, d’une couleur sublime et du coup ca m’a donne envie d’en avoir. Je n’ai pas de probleme avec la fourure tant que c’est issu d’elevage. Je comprends qu’on soit contre mais le discours manque souvent de coherence. Comment etre contre la fourure et porter vestes, chaussures et sacs a main en cuir? Et les vetements fabriques en Chine dans des conditions pas tres humaines? C’est l’etique de toute l’industrie de la mode qui est a questionner.

  • I think fur looks so beautiful. There is nothing like it for warmth and softness and luxury – if it’s a good fur. There are really really really (can I just emphasise that one more time) REALLY ugly furs that have a horrible almost hard feeling on the underside that you can feel under the lining. A good fur feels beautiful but a bad fur feels like you truly do have a crusty dead animal skin covering you.
    I’m totally contradictory. I probably wouldn’t buy a fur but if someone gave it to me as a gift I would be thrilled though conflicted. I would feel like I have to keep my happiness a secret. I don’t think I could wear it out of the house though because of the pressure I would feel. I hear the way people, friends talk about it – though all these people are meat eaters and wear leather and it’s not true that leather is a by product from the meat industry, most leather goods are from specially slaughtered animals and usually more cruelly slaughtered than animals are for meat. I’m vegetarian, most of the time though I don’t like labels and don’t use it other than to make a point here. And normally I would avoid fur and I don’t condone industrial killing of animals but surely there are cases when it’s OK. Like when it’s part of someone’s culture.

    I like Skylark’s comment about native Greenlanders. What about furs that are produced this way? And what about people who live in freezing conditions? I think in these circumstances it should be fine but people seem to have this ‘take no prisoners’ approach to fur that is completely out of proportion and hypocritical.

    I think people love to hook onto a black and white argument without any consideration for the complexities. The idea that ‘fur is bad’, ‘people who wear fur are horrible cruel people’ because it’s something they can have a strong position on that makes them look ethical. They ignore any other possibility. And it’s an easy position to have because it’s probably highly unlikely they’ll get called out for being a hypocrite because it’s highly unlikely they would have brought a fur anyway – at least hear in Australia – regardless of their political position.

    You’re right, Garance. It’s difficult to think through all the arguments. I just read what I typed above and could right another 10 paragraphs going backwards and forwards. Vanity over necessity. Value of workmanship, craftsmanship against this society that devalues longevity in garments and true craftsmanship. Maybe it’s the topic for an in depth essay not a comment.

  • You are a brave woman Garance. This is a difficult subject. Personally, my feelings about fur have changed thru the years. If I wear fur usually its vintage so I feel better about it. As I write this comment I am struggling…Maybe if there were a more humane way to obtain the fur? If the rest of the animal were being used for food… that might feel better…Most people wear leather and that doesn’t stir up so much controversy…. I think people should have a right to wear fur without fearing they will get attacked or yelled at by a stranger.

  • Je pense que le vrai débat ici est directement lié à la manière dont les humains ont utilisé les animaux depuis des millénaires. C’était une question de survie. Aujourd’hui, pour nous qui vivons dans une société de consommation, c’est une question de choix.

    On continue à manger des animaux, à utiliser leurs peaux, leurs poils, leurs fourrures, un certain cycle de la vie perdure mais il est en cours de transformation. Une conscience collective s’éveille. Nous avons de vraies alternatives. Mais le changement va prendre du temps, car il y a des industries entières, des traditions, des vies en jeu. Il est clair que tuer des espèces rares ou en voie de disparition pour de la mode, c’est vraiment imbécile et totalement inutile. Mais fabriquer du faux cuir, de la fausse fourrure à partir de synthétiques – souvent dérivés du pétrole – est tout aussi imbécile. Il faut donc faire des choix conscients, qui prennent en compte la question dans sa globalité, des préférences personnelles, d’une vision à long terme: oui au recyclage, au vintage, aux produits dont on connaît l’origine et dont on sait où tous les dérivés vont aller. Non à l’inconscience, au gaspillage mais surtout non à toute forme d’extrémisme et d’agression. Envers qui que ce soit. Informer et rester transparent pour que tout le monde soit en mesure de faire un choix.
    A part cela, le manteau de Carine est marrant. C’est la première fois qu’on ne la voit pas tirée à quatre épingles. Elle est en train de casser le mythe…

  • MMM… moi j’achète mes fourrures vintage pour me donner bonne conscience (en quelque sorte je ne participe pas à cette consommation et ne pousse pas à un nouvel “abattage”, mais je sais que c’est un peu un faux-semblant)…
    C’est vrai que pour les neuves, il faudrait avoir une sorte de “traçabilité” que la bête n’a pas été torturée, tout son ensemble utilisé (Et oui je suis carnivore, et le lapin c’est très bon…pourquoi ne pas utiliser sa fourrure?).
    Un peu comme la vente de diamants finalement…prouver que ce ne sont pas des diamants de guerre (vaste sujet).
    Après pour moi interdire la fourrure en tant que tel…que dire des fermes d’élevage de crocodiles pour faire de jolies sacs Hermès…? on peut aller très loin avec tout ça.
    Quant à ce manteau en fausse fourrure, suis pas fan du tout: on dirait le peignoir en pilou pilou de ma grand-mère…

  • Je n’ai pas lu tous les commentaires déjà postés et il y a de grandes chances que je répète des choses déjà dites mais bon… C’est un débat difficile en effet, et pourtant je pense que beaucoup de gens y plongent par facilité au contraire. Il est en effet bien plus facile de se déclarer anti-fourrure parce que c’est cruel pour les animaux que de devenir entièrement vegan. Je ne veux pas généraliser, mais je pense que certaines personne rejettent la fourrure sans être gênés par le cuir (c’est aussi de la peau d’animal après tout!) ou la consommation de viande. L’argument suprême, c’est que la fourrure, c’est de la cruauté envers les animaux. Dans ce cas, en quoi l’élevage de bêtes en batterie, entassées les une sur les autres, sans voir la.lumière du jour, gravées d’anti-depresseurs et de médicaments, tout ça pour produire de la viande, en quoi n’est ce pas de la cruauté? Je ne suis pas contre la fourrure, le cuir ou la viande produits de manière éthique, même si dans tous les cas je n’aide pas l’idée de devoir tuer des animaux. C’est cependant inévitable, cela a toujours fait partie du mode de vie de l’homme. En revanche, depecer des animaux encore vivants, c’est effectivemement de la cruauté. Tout comme l’abattage d’animaux encore conscients par ailleurs. Je suis également contre le prélèvement de fourrure sur des animaux en voie de disparition. Quant aux animaux sauvages non menacés chassés pour leur fourrure, j’ai du mal à me prononcer… Tant que l’animal ne souffre pas ou que cette poétique ne met pas en danger l’environnement, je crois que je n’y vois pas d’inconvénient, après tout c’est comparable à la chasse ou à la pêche. Bien sur, c’est triste de tuer des animaux sauvages, mais je ne vois pas en quoi c’est pire que de tuer un animal soi disant “élevé exprès pour ça”. Pensez à un agneau tué pour sa viande…
    Je pense que ce débat souffre aussi d’un manque d’information (volontaire ou non, car dans le monde d’aujourd’hui il est difficile de démêler toutes les informations contradictoire que l’on reçoit…). Il est difficile de dire à première vue si tel ou tel animal est élevé pour sa fourrure ou est sauvage. Pour le lapin, il paraît évident que ce sont des élevages (je tiens à préciser par ailleurs que le lapin élevé pour la fourrure n’est pas le même que pour la viande à priori) en revanche pour le renard? Eh bien j’ai appris que c’est un animal que l’on élève, et qui tombe donc sous le coup de “l’animal élevé exprès”, tout comme les vaches pour leur cuir. Pourquoi crier au scandale dans ce cas? Au.niveau de la fausse fourrure, certes il s’agit d’un produit fait à base de composés pétroliers, donc polluant. De là à dire que ça l’est plus qu’un élevage d’animaux qui rejettent des déchets organiques en masse, je ne sais pas. Mais le volume de fausse fourrure produite est surement supérieur à la vraie donc je pense que cela reste quand même plus polluant. Mais cela permet aussi de créer des produits accessibles à tous financièrement… Il est de toute façon bien difficile de savoir aujourd’hui quels sont les comportements les plus éthiques. C’est bien de vouloir relocaliser la mode car un vêtement fabriqué au Bangladesh ou en chine doit être transporté sur des milliers de kilomètres, mais ces populations se retrouveraient alors privées de leur travail et de leur revenus… Je pense cependant qu’il y a des comportements simples que l’on peut tous adopter pour aider un peu la planète. Et je pense surtout qu’il faut arrêter l’hypocrisie dans certains débats comme celui de là fourrure! (cf mes arguments précédents!)

  • Catherine February, 27 2013, 4:04

    Tout a fait d’accord! :)

  • Hello Garance!
    J’ai un avis assez tranché sur la fourrure dans la mode aujourd’hui, car j’ai déjà vu en vrai la manière dont on maltraite les animaux pour leur arracher la peau (au sens propre du terme), ça dépassait tout ce que j’avais imaginer. Je ne mange pas de viande (je ne suis pas végétarienne, mais je n’aime pas ça tout simplement!), mais je porte des sacs en cuir, je pense que tout dépend du devenir de l’animal. Les boeufs on fait de la viande, des sacs et autres mais tout est utilisé et l’animal est élevé dans un but précis, après aller tuer un animal de manière illégale très souvent pour récupérer sa peau et ne rien faire du reste je trouve ça dommageable. Du coup en y réfléchissant, je n’ai rien contre la fourrure vintage, puisque les époques se suivent mais ne se ressemblent pas, dans les années 60 ça ne dérangeait personne, mais je pense qu’en 2013, c’est trop barbare et le monde l’est déjà suffisamment comme ça…

    bonne fashion week Parisienne Garance!!

  • From the modern moral point of view, the answer is very simple: meat, leather and fur are murder. And murder or cruelty go far from being morally right when they are not strictly necessary for your own basic survival. As for the rest of the attitudes: “but fur is pretty and leather is rock’n’roll!”, “meat tastes sooo good!”, “we are killers on top of the food chain”, “we kill only happy non-cute animals”, pft, these are just cozy hypocrisy blankets for us too feel better with ourselves. Vintage fur is perhaps ethical only from a personal point of view. It is still an advertisement of that it’s OK to wear fur and a glorification to barbarism. The animal that lived in a cage and was killed and skinned for sure doesn’t care what happens afterwards. Not to mention the other types of horrors that happen to animals and to which we are oblivious to simply because we, as consumers, are far, far away from the production process. On the bright side, I think that nowadays it is possible to experience a good quality of life without resorting to harming animals for that. On the other side, what about those families whose existence depends on killing animals for a living? Lots of shades of gray out there.

    That being said, each decides for herself. No judgement. Culture is not always right or moral, and we humans succumb to it easily. I am a vegetarian who wears leather shoes, for instance. I’m still working on connecting mentally that the leather of my bag came from the cute baby cows I see on the fields. However, we could still hope to better ourselves and get closer to living as conscious people, if we want to “be the change we want to see in the world”.

  • C’est vrai qu’il est beau son manteau. Je ne l’ai même pas reconnue sur le coup !

  • Personnellement, je ne pense pas que porter de la fourrure seconde main change quelque chose à l’affaire. A part peut être de se donner bonne conscience.

    Même si j’aime la mode, et que je ne suis pas végétarienne ou anti-fourrure, mon point de vue sur le sujet est purement pratique. Porter de la fourrure à Paris par “grand froid” c’est à dire 0° est pour moi une aberration. Ce n’est même pas agréable ou confortable, il ne fait pas assez froid. Et c’est peut être même un peu ridicule…Dans les climats extrêmes oui, mais pas à Paris/ London/ NYC où l’on peut se contenter d’une fausse.

    Et puis même s’il y a des fourrures que je trouve sublimes, chaque fois que j’en touche une je ne peux pas étouffer une sensation de frisson, comme quand on touche quelque chose qui est mort. Après ça c’est très personnel et ça ne vaut pas pour tout le monde…

  • Its complicated. I could not go purchase a new fur coat, but I love my Grandma’s and would wear it in a heartbeat. I think vintage furs can really work, and besides what are you going to do with the furs? Give them a proper burial? At least with leather, the animal is already killed for its meat, so using the skin makes absolute sense, but killing JUST for the fur? Not so much. Maybe an avant garde designer will start collecting road kill and utilize the fur that way (gasp)

  • Elizabeth February, 26 2013, 8:43 / Reply

    It’s a difficult subject, so you are brave to broach it.

    I wear leather & eat meat, so I will wear fur, but under similar constraints. Just as I don’t eat cheap industrialised meat, I would only wear fur that is Quality Assured or SAGA marked , I would not wear fur just as a trimming where warmth is not an issue, I would only wear a classic style ( a well looked after fur coat can last 40 years). Nothing else is as warm, though technical fabrics and down coats are much better than they were.

    I would never wear fake fur however. It made from acrylonitrile which is an extremely noxious petroleum derivative, so not renewable, unlike fur, and difficult to dispose of. It cannot be recycled or incinerated so it sits in landfill where it does not biodegrade for hundreds of years. Even the expensive fake furs are constructed on a knitted backing so they are not warm at all & they don’t last well at all, especially if they get wet so they are very wasteful.

    It is hard to set one’s own ethical framework: I don’t buy fast fashion because of the working conditions, I avoid dairy because it is such a cruel industry, I eat meat occasionally & only when I know the provenance (& never Halal or Kosher though I respect people’s religious constraints)I don’t eat endangered fish or shellfish, I haven’t been on an aeroplane for 10 years… My best hope is that good information & respect for others’ views can lead us forward

  • Si je puis me permettre une autre sorte d’opinion, je dis que la fourrure c’est bien quand elle est nécessaire, c’est à dire quand on vit en Sibérie ou dans le Grand Nord Canadien où les températures négatives peuvent vous tuer. Je comprends qu’on veuille en porter à Montréal ou à New York parce je ne connais rien de tel pour vous protéger du vent (j’ai essayé, je suis née dans le grand nord et ai vécu à Montréal longtemps).
    Mais quand je vois du vison à Cannes ou à Monaco ou en même en Bretagne ou à Paris, je trouve superflu donc inutile donc déplacé d’en porter.
    Tout est une question de latitude.

  • Tout a fait d accord bavec toi! Cf mon commentaire un peu au dessus.

  • I wear fur but only fur hat has already been made. So for instance: somebody gave me her fur coat or my grandmother died and so I got the fur coat. I know they aren’t in style anymore, but I am not willing to buy new fur. So I will only buy vintage or wear the ones I have been getting from other people. In The Netherlands (where I come from) they think very low of people wearing fur and they even hate you if you wear it the way I do. Don’t really get that though, but they think that wearing fur in any case makes you look like a dumb person. But I am not going to burn the coats I already have, why on earth would these creatures have been killed then? I think it’s better to wear it until your coat is done and ready to be thrown away… And let’s be frank, it’s nice and warm because right now I am in Paris and I’d wish I had taken my fur coat with me!
    Thank you for making this possible to share, because I have been dying to write about it on my blog for such a long time but I am afraid people really don’t understand my point of view in my country.


  • I would love to see a major designer take on the challenge of making repurposed fur coats/accessories. There are so many vintage furs in poor condition in circulation, that it would be wonderful to see someone turn them into something new and beautiful.

  • Actually there is one designer here in Montreal who recycles old fur and makes accessories and coats, really great.
    Here is the site

  • La fourrure je suis pour, mais uniquement de la fourrure d’animaux qui se mangent. Donc ça limite à la peau de lapin en fait..

    Concernant le cuir, ça peut être de l’agneau, du veau, du porc………

    Mais non à la peau d’ours, de renard, à la peau de serpent !

    Pour la part, la fausse fourrue, je trouve ça morche, comme le simili cuir d’ailleurs.

  • I’m glad you brought this up! Last christmas whilst visiting my grandparents I found out that about 40 years ago, my grandmother set out with her two daughters (one of them being my mother when she was my age) and bought 3 beautiful fur coats. My aunt still has hers, but as my grandmother and my mother hadn’t worn their coats in 30 years and I was quite enthousiastic about them, I was gifted both. I wear my mothers coat all the time with the cold weather we’re experiencing right now, but my grandmothers coat was damaged by moths. It’s very chique and princess-like and I absolutely love it, but am not sure I should have it repaired. Vintage fur is ok by me, but repairing it would involve using new fur. The coat has been hanging in my room for about two months now and I still don’t know what to do with it. Fur is such a difficult issue!

    In the end, I do think more designers and high street stores should follow the example of Stella McCartney. We can look fabulous without harming animals!

    Also, I didn’t know anything about faux fur being bad for the environment?

  • H,
    You can use your vintage fur making a new short one, without using new fur. I did it and now I can re-use my mother’s old coat as a sleve less jacket.

  • No to fur. I just couldn’t. I’ll move to one side if someone is wearing fur. That said, I do wear leather shoes but fur just seems so much worse. And it’s probably really hypocritical.

  • I worked a few years ago for a fur company. It was a company which sold fur and made clothing and accessories with fur. Before I got to work there I didn’t had a real opinion about the use of fur. Afterwards I can say I learned a lot.

    The problem with this whole discussion is mostly about not listening to other opinions but sticking with your own. I don’t believe wearing fur is always good. There is sure a great difference between fur from animals who didn’t suffer and fur from animals who did suffer. If someone wears real fur and can’t explain from where his fur is coming there’s a problem. I do wear real fur, but only if I know where it is coming from. Vintage fur for example is in my opinion a better choice. But also fur coming from places where animals didn’t suffer, is in my opinion ok.

    When I meet people that are against fur in total, I always ask if they wear leather and if they eat meat. I think you can compare this. If you eat meat when you don’t know if the animal did suffer, it is in my opinion equally bad as wearing fur from such a place.

  • I honestly don’t think fashion “need” to have fur. Fake or real. I don’t think we need that for warmth anymore, since we have the best technology to make warm clothes now, without sacrificing poor animals for their skins only, I mean think about it, it is really really cruel! I once had the opportunity to be at Saga mink fur and got to see firsthand everything, and I still don’t approve of it, nor do I think it is a need for us humans. Just because we can do whatever to animals or beings that cannot protect themselves from us, doesn’t make it right. I am not a vegetarian, but I do choose what I eat very carefully trying to do my part a bit. To say that fake fur is worse for the environment , I don’t think most of our clothes are environmentally friendly and most of the things we use aren’t either, so to think that fake is worse than real, even though I think I understand your point, make little sense to me. In that case we should really start thinking about all that we use or do, which in reality what we really should anyway.

  • Ohh I want it, looks so cozy! She is so stylish even with a piece like that….

  • I only wear fur from animals we eat, I will never wear furs from animals that are used only for their furs. I only understand vintage fur coats, but I dont wear them.

  • The debate here is all about fur. BUT, as anyone considered the fact that another Muppet has bitten the dust here…?! Oh the humanity!!!

  • Charlotte February, 26 2013, 9:40 / Reply

    I don’t know what to think about it either. On the one hand, I am strictly against fur coats, but then my grandmother inherited my mother and me a large fur coat, so the right thing to do would be to … throw it out/give it to charity? But the coat meant so much to my grandmother and she specifically gave it to us (my aunt got an old dior hand bag……..).
    We’re not going to wear the coat, it doesn’t fit our style (my mom’s too short for it and I’m only 20). We’re thinking about making pillow cases or ‘shawl’ thingies for a formal event… We’re definitely not going to throw it out, though.

    But I think no one can behave perfectly ethical, it’s just not possible. We all make mistakes, but we can all set priorities and live consciously. And no one should try to push their values onto someone else. It’s good to discuss about it and share thoughts and facts, but let’s not judge each other!

  • A partir du moment ou les animaux utilises ne sont pas en danger d’extinction et que par la meme, eleves dans un but commercial, je suis plutot pour. Certes si en plus l animal utilise peut faire office to repas (un manteau en lapin plutot qu un manteau en renard), alors bon, pas plus malheureux qu une bonne vieille vache.

  • Carine looks beautiful, and I’m really happy that you’re using this opportunity to bring up such a serious subject. Hugs! This is why I read you.

    Kudos too, to everyone who has commented, and been thoughtful, respectful, and considerate.

    Personally, I agree with Varvana. I eat meat, and I wear leather. I also wear fur. I’m concerned about the conditions that exist in factory/industrial farms of ALL kinds. All animals should be respected in life and death, not just those that produce fur. I believe the solution here is to work towards a world where that’s true across the board. Eliminating fur – and leather, and meat, because we have to be consistent, right? – is not the answer. (Having lived through the Canadian winter, I don’t accept the argument that fur is a special case because it’s only for luxury.)

    This may mean that some types of furs fall out of use, and we’re limited to rabbits, seals (Skylark makes a good point about these), etc, where no part of the animal is wasted. But I think limiting sourcing is OK, even good. Nobody would wear an endangered animal, after all. (I hope!)

    I don’t know too much about the relative environmental impacts, and would be interested to find out more about this. As I understand it (I may be out of date), a lot of fake furs are petroleum products. Another important consideration with respect to environmental impact is how well synthetics hold up, relative to real. I’ve never heard of anyone passing down a vintage synthetic fur coat, and pretty much *everything* we make and cast off winds up in a landfill.

    I’m running on here, but I guess a majority would agree that more humane treatment, supporting small producers (as a path to humane treatment), and eliminating waste are all desirable things. So how do we make that happen?

  • I love the coat, it kind of looks a little bath robe-ish but I guess that is what makes it so cool.

  • Bravo d’ouvrir la conversation (plutôt que le débat). Pour moi les mots de Tolstoy résonnent comme un motto : “This is dreadful! Not the suffering and death of the animals, but that people suppress in themselves, unnecessarily, the highest spiritual capacity – that of sympathy and pity towards living creatures…” Donc no fur!

  • I understand the question of real fur in fashion is a controversial issue, especially seeing the latest comments on your website after the MJ and Fendi shows.

    Before making snap judgments on fur, I would invite everyone to remember that:
    – Animals used in fur are raised in farms, and hunting of wild animals (especially endangered species) is forbidden by international laws
    – Like good quality leather (or good quality meat!), good quality fur comes from animals raised humanely. Something to think about when buying cheap leather/fur/meat…
    – Of course, fur is not a necessity in our day and age (years ago, it was the only solution to protect you from the cold) – but neither is leather. Stella McCartney, in my opinion, is very consistent with this philosophy. If you’re truly concerned about animal welfare, don’t wear leather, and don’t eat meat.
    – I think most of the strong reactions regarding fur derive from the fact that you can’t hide the fact that you’re wearing an animal’s skin. It’s much easier to forget about it when you’re wearing leather. But eventually, it’s the same.

    I understand people who say they don’t like fur when it’s a question of personal taste, but saying fur has to stop because it’s cruel – when the animals we eat or use for leather are so often raised and killed in much worse conditions – just doesn’t make sense to me. It sounds hypocritical.

    I’m sure many of your readers would be interested in hearing your opinion/thought process on this issue! And I believe the topic would benefit from cold-headed facts (environmental, animal welfare etc.), too.

  • >Realy?! Where do you get those information?!

  • I wasn’t sure how I felt about fur either and then as I was scrolling through the Marni show I felt a little sick to my stomach and realized maybe I do have an innate aversion to wearing fur. At the same time I love leather and realize the hypocrisy in saying I would never wear fur. Whenever I go to the thrift shops there are racks of fur coats, vest, etc. These pieces could easily be taken and repurposed. The same with leather goods. I think that is the direction I’m leaning. At the same time I have a deep respect for people like Stella McCartney who are uncompromising in their stance on fur and leather.

  • Denisse Espino Barros February, 26 2013, 10:09 / Reply

    It’s funny, I was just having this conversation with my mom yesterday. And I don’t think there is a need for fur. Killing an animal merely for its fur is wrong, and no one is consuming the meat. They’re just dying for our artificial needs. My mom says it’s a cultural thing, since how can you ask the Russians for example, to stop wearing fur when it is something they have been wearing for hundreds of years–especially because of the weather condition. But I looked into warm materials for coats, and a wool coat seems to be accepted as being the warmest. And the benefit of wool (like Alpaca wool) is that you don’t have to kill the animal, and it can simply be shaved off.

    I’m not a vegetarian and I like leather goods, but I think there has to be a balance and an ethic about how we go about living. At least a cow can be eaten. Though I don’t like snake leather, that I think is also just about the skin and I bet no one is eating that, either.

  • Si j’ai bien compris une bonne partie de ce que je viens de lire en commentaire :
    la fourrure “vintage” serait plus morale que la fourrure neuve! (notez que ici vintage = seconde main ou emprunté ça marche aussi)

    En effet, on peut considérer que l’animal mort “il y a longtemps” n’est pas mort pour rien (bah oui on va pas la ressusciter la pauv’ bete donc portons ce manteau en sa mémoire…)

    Perso je n’ai pas vraiment d’avis sur le sujet mais si je devais un jour en porter (question de budget) j’assumerais sans excuses fallacieuses.

  • Personnellement je pense que ce manteau est fantastique, mais je voudrais souligner c’est en effet fourrure! C’est sheerling, cependant de la fourrure d’animaux qui se mangent……je l’adore absolutement!!

  • Hello,

    alors moi dans ma famille il y a des fourreurs depuis 3 générations voir plus… Au début j’en avais honte, on disait de que je faisais partie d’une famille d’assassins…
    Puis finalement, après en avoir parlé dans ma famille vu des reportages.. : je suis pour. C’est beau, c’est doux, c’est chaud…
    Cependant je ne suis par pour les braconniers, ni pour des activités illégales.. Donc avant de juger, de dire que les fourreurs sont des assassins il faut se renseigner sur leur activité, la loi qui l’encadre.
    Il faut savoir qu’en plus (en France en tout cas) on ne peut utiliser et vendre légalement des peaux dont l’animal n’est pas en voie d’extinction normal ;).
    Et une dernière chose, quand on ne porte que du cuir (de la veste, en passant par le pantalon, les chaussures et accessoires types sac et gants) il ne faut pas se montrer hypocrite ! Même si ça fait bonne figure d’être contre.
    Et bien évidemment je respecte toutes les personnes contre, tant qu’il n’y a pas d’agressivité en retour, ou qu’on ne balance un pot de peinture rouge sur ma fourrure ! aha.
    Vive la liberté !

    Voilà, Bisous bisous.

    Ps : J’ai reçu le ELLE de cette semaine et j’ai pu voir que 3-4 pages étaient consacrées sur tes lieux fétiches ! j’ai tout dévoré !

    Ps 2 :

  • J’ai un gilet en fourrure de lapin que j’adore, je n’ai pas honte de le dire, ce manteau est vraiment superbe, le nude est tellement une belle couleur!!!

  • It depends. I live in the country, where -20 is normal every winter, sometimes we have -27-30 degrees below 0. Fur really works in these temperatures. Although I wear vintage. Anyway, even being vegetarian I wear leather and have some moral dilemmas. But I think that in some northern countries it is acceptible to wear fur, however, if I lived somewhere warmer it would be a tabu.

  • Il me semble que la bonne question à se poser serait celle de l’utilité d’en porter. Si j’habitais le grand nord, l’utilité serait évident et j’en porterais sans hésitation car je suis très frileuse. Dans les pays ayant un climat plus clément, le port de la fourrure sort de ce cadre purement utile. J’en porte quand même mais en petite touche, parce que je suis toujours très frileuse et un col en fourrure est chaud et sensuel! et je ne serais d’accord de porter un manteau par grand froid. Jeune, j’avais un manteau vintage en lapin rose poudré ! pratiquement la même couleur de celui de Carine. Actuellement, j’habite au soleil, donc plus d’utilité sauf lors des voyages!
    Bonne journée, bonne continuation, j’adore votre blog Garance.

  • À mon avis, il faut éviter d’acheter de la fourrure de basse qualité dont la provenance est douteuse (je parle ici de ce qui vient de Chine par exemple). S’il est possible de s’assurer que la fourrure provient d’un producteur qui respecte les droits des animaux alors oui. Le seconde-main et la fourrure recyclés sont également de très bons choix éthiques.

  • I think there’s a lot of double standards concerning the fur issue, it’s a complicated thing. I’m with you on the environmental issue. I don’t now how the materials in fake fur affect nature during decomposing. But fur is natural so it doesn’t pollute in the same way that plastic and other artificial materials does, that’s for sure. I feel the same way about fake leather. (Though I’m unsure about the tanning process, I guess it is also quite nasty.) One of the great things about fur is that is often inherited or resold, I can’t see how there should be anything wrong in using a fur coat that is given to you/that you have brought in a second hand store. Quite on the contrary, you show that you respect the environment by using what is already made, instead of contributing to the fast-fashion industry. An argument against fur is that we don’t need it, but we really don’t need meat either to the extent that we consume it in the western world. Like fur is, meat has/is in a lot of cultures a luxury product, something that is not consumed every day. To be respectful to the environment and the animals, we should limit our consumption of meat (every second day, twice a week…), and only buy our meat from farms, and not in a supermarket, where the animals are treated in a respectful manner. It’s the same with fur, the animals should also be treated with respect, not like objects. But they are not. This is my problem with the fur industry. But at least fur is not something you buy each week, it’s an investment piece meant to last and then, hopefully, to be passed on to the next generation. If we were better at treating the animals well and using them up from heat to toe (it’s stupid to slaughter a cow, throw the skin away, then slaughter a fox, just to throw that meat away), the fur industry would be that bad.

  • Je suis pour la fourrure dans la haute couture.
    Par contre je suis perplexe comment peut on posséder autant de sacs et de chaussures en Cuir sous prétexte que c’est du veau ou de la vachette…pauvres vaches et bonjour la planète ! .)

  • Dear Garance, finally you’ve raised the question!
    I totally agree it is complicated – though I am not vegetarian, I do hope things get reasonable when people decide they will go with “fur” fashion. There are people who wear fur/fake fur just to compete for attention – well, I’d say style is all about yourself, not necessarily what you wear, but more how you wear it.

  • Such a sticky subject. I have no problem with fur, leather, etc being used in clothing. Leather has so many purposes so why not use the fur as well. Maybe that’s evil of me to think but I’m ok with that. Let me also throw out there I’m all AGAINST animal cruelty. I eat meat, wear leather and fur but let’s try to get these resources in the most humane of all ways. On the other hand, I’m very intrigued by Stella McCartney’s no leather theory and how she still makes insanely beautiful clothing without it.


  • The fur topic is quite delicate. The thing is, if you give up fur you would be expected to give up leather, crocodile skin and a series of products derived from animals. Leather is more accepted due to the fact that you actually feed on the cow, and get a lot of skin out of one animal; whereas mink, and foxes are only killed for their skin, and you need to sacrifice many just to make one garment. I love animals, all of them, so for me this is a tough issue. It all becomes complicated because you say, “wearing fur is cruel” you give it up, then they tell you cows, chickens etc, suffer so you can eat them and make diary products. Then, you have to eat certain types of vegetables because others have pesticides bad for the environment. So, in the end I think it is impossible to be 100% ecological. Not even Stella McCartney. Still, we could do a lot better. If every person gave up meat for one day a week it would help the planet greatly. I have some amazing furs that belonged to my grandma, I don’t wear them because I don’t want to be seen as a fur promoter. I think designers should work harder at being ecological, Stella M is the living proof it’s possible. And we should contribute as well

  • Fourrure, pas fourrure, je ne rentrerai pas dans ce débat.
    Par contre le look de Carine Roitfeld, on en parle ?
    “Tombée du lit” que ça s’appelle. Bah ouais. Sans passer par la case shampooing douche, apparemment.
    Je ne comprends pas ce snobisme à avoir l’air pauvre. Si, si, je trouve son look pauvre. Tu prends la tenue, tu la mets sur une nana lambda dans la rue, dans le froid, en Moldavie et on en reparle.
    Là, tu prends la tenue, tu la mets sur Carine Roitfeld entre deux défilés de la fashion week et ça devient formidable.
    Bon, après, le manteau doudou oversized, oui, ça doit être bien confort.

  • Merci Garance pour ce post. Je trouve courageux d’aborder le sujet.

    La question étant très complexe, je me pose aussi beaucoup de questions et ne trouve pas forcément de réponses définitives. Je ne peux cependant m’empêcher de ressentir un profond malaise lorsque je vois des vêtements confectionnés avec de la fourrure d’animaux que nous (ou notre société, si on est végétarien) ne mangeons pas. Tant que certains animaux seront mangés, je trouve raisonnable que leur peaux et fourrures soient utilisées et non jetées. Dans le cas contraire, ne serait-ce pas du gaspillage, de l’irrespect vis-à-vis de la vie sacrifiée ? Par contre, le fait de tuer des animaux uniquement pour leur fourrure ne me paraît pas écologique. Il ne me semble pas que l’on puisse mettre au même niveau alimentation et esthétique, du moins dans notre culture dite occidentale (ailleurs, j’imagine que cela peut concerner des questions rituelles, religieuses, etc.).

  • Animals are intelligent creatures that deserve LIFE. They feel and suffer and experience joy as much as we, humans do. They should not live in terrible conditions just to sattisfy our VAIN. They deserve compassion and their own skins for their own life :-)

  • If you know where your coat came from, ie: how the animal was raised, if it was killed humanely, who tanned the hide and what chemicals/processes they used for the fur, then I feel you can wear it proudly and with a clear conscious. (Also – do you know anything about the animal you’re wearing? It’s native environment – even what it looks like??) This is idea of knowing about all the steps in the process to make your fur is SO hipster and very Portlandia, but it also brings power to the consumer. We need to ask more questions when purchasing so that those producing furs realize they will need to answer to consumers who care about humane and fair treatment for the animals who gave their hides.

  • I love the look of fur, but please let it be faux! It’s one thing for us to voluntarily suffer in heels, it’s quite another to force cruelty onto another living being in the name of beauty. I’m currently working on phasing all animal products (leather included) out of my closet, since 2 years ago I went vegan and this is my last crusade :)

  • Quel manteau en effet ! J’adore :)

    Pour ce qui est de la fourrure, je ne suis pas fan. Même si un petit col en fourrure est bien sympa. Véritable, fausse, j’avoue que j’ai du mal à me positionner…


  • encanta el color nude tan hermoso! es como llevar UGG aunque :) xo

    Emma <3
    My Face Hunter

  • HI Garance!

    It’s a very difficult topic, and like sensitive topics, gets heated very quickly. After reading this story on Jezebel, I did some research, appeared on HuffPost Live to discuss the debate, and then wrote my own thesis.


  • No comments ref Fourrures ou pas fourrures… Carine a changé d allurre !

  • I am soooooo glad this issue is finally raised! It is such a big issue, especially in fashion. I don’t think a lot of people have a Cruella Devil mentality where they think it’s preferable to wear a heard of puppy’s. I do think that the industry is an industry without any integrity our morals when it comes to animals. They are no more than products and money in the bank.
    For the consumer, I always feel the real issue is awareness. I am a vegetarian myself, but I do realize the difference between eating meat and wearing fur. In a lot of cases fur is a luxury item, purely used for esthetic. To me it is a lot less understandable to kill an animal to “look good” than it is to nurture your body and make use of the whole animal, not just it’s outfit. The fur industry is an industry which brutally kills animals and keeps them in heart wrenching conditions. In my opinion, to wear fur is to advocate for animal cruelty.
    I don’t have any issues with wearing vintage fur, in a way it is at least giving the dead animal a purpose so he was not killed in vain. However I would never wear it myself because you know it’s vintage, but it might still send out the message that wearing fur is ok.

    I am so happy this issue is raised and almost dumbfounded by all the intelligent and openminded reactions.

  • As someone who is always cold, it’s the practicality of fur that I really appreciate. No down, cloth or leather coat keeps me as warm and comfortable as fur when the temperature is low. Personally, I find it beautiful and very sensuous: I understand that others don’t. All my furs are vintage and cheap – rabbit, which is also a meat. Interesting debate: I hope it stays respectful! x

  • Perso porter de la fausse fourrure est encore plus hypocrite à mon sens = c’est juste encourager le fait de porter de la fourrure mais en se disant “je ne suis pas concernée car moi ce que je porte est faux”. C’est encore pire que de ne pas porter du tout, il faut assumer ses choix.

  • Buy vintage fur. Reuse and don’t promote the additional killing of animals.

  • I love how fur looks in fashion and music celeb photos. it looks like such a statement piece (outrageous or so plush). but I know it’s not quite my style, I don’t think I would spend for it, and I also believe in wildlife conservation (a lot of animals are going endangered these days). I don’t think I can tell people what they should wear (it’s along the lines of what to eat, what religion to believe in, etc). I do really want a cool leather jacket but sometimes I touch the polyurethane jackets out now and they really feel like leather (I’m tactile when it comes to clothing). but it does seem like a point, if we buy a lot of inexpensive pleather jackets/clothing and those end up in landfills, it’s not great for the environment later and I wonder if there might be negative health effects from wearing too many plastics (??).

  • Tu nous consultes sur la fourrure : je dis oui. Pourquoi pas, c’est doux, c’est chaud. On se couvre avec de la fourrure quand il fait froid depuis des millénaires non ?
    Tu ne nous consultes pas sur Carine Roitfeld (tant pis !) : mais là je dis non. Bien sur, je ne suis pas une spécialiste de la mode… mais non. Son allure est franchement moche ! Comme je l’ai lu plus haut, sur quelqu’un d’autre, en d’autres lieux, tout le monde trouverait ça hideux… Enfin, je crois.

  • Bonjour Garance,
    Dur de trancher en effet sur ce sujet épineux qu’est la fourrure, je crois cependant que bizarrement cela me dérange moins lorsque la pièce est “héritée” ou même chinée plutôt qu’achetée en boutique.
    Quant à Carine Roitfeld, même si j’apprécie cette icône du style je ne la trouve pas mise en valeur dans ce manteau fausse fourrure-oversize et beige de surcroît, qui aurait pu être éclairé d’un accessoire de couleur ou même un beau rouge coquelicot. La fausse fourrure pour un blouson oversize pourquoi pas, mais ce grand manteau nude + teint hivernal produit un peu un effet nounours dépressif qui a raté son tour d’adresse. (aïe!)
    Bonne journée

  • I think if it were possible to be sure the fur was humanely processed, it would be different. Personally, I would only wear vintage pieces, because the method of killing the animals is quite brutal (some are, frankly, skinned while alive).
    Faux fur is great, and vintage is great. It does seem silly that people are vehemently anti-fur, yet many of them happily wear leather. Ideally, fur would be just as ethically sourced, and we could wear both without guilt.
    Maybe the solution is that all high-fashion fur should be sourced from cattle! (ha ha…)

  • Je le trouve très joli ce manteau. Cependant, je suis sensible à la cause animale donc je privilégie les fausses fourrures bien évidemment. Certaines imitations Made in France sont très belles !

  • I grew up in Los Angeles and was of course very against the wearing of fur which seemed entirely impractical for the climate and only worn to appear fashionable. When I moved to New York where the winters are a bit colder, I witnessed my apartment mate running outside for quick errands in her grandmother’s long fur wearing just a long sleeved t and jeans beneath. Meanwhile, I was bundling up in multiple layers beneath a wool coat to be warm. I borrowed her coat once and realized that fur is far warmer and more comfortable given freezing weather. So, my feelings changed a bit. I am now ok with people wearing fur when the climate is appropriate. It does serve a legitimate function in my mind. However, nobody in Dallas, Los Angeles or any moderate climate really should have a fur wardrobe. Even people in colder climates really should think before they purchase and get something that will be used for years, does not involve further endangering a species, and hopefully takes into consideration that animal lives are lost over fur and some types may be farmed better than others.

    What I hate to see: 1. animal tails on purses as a “charm” (not charming at all to me!) 2. fur trim on a denim jacket 3. fur handbags 4. Fur on people walking around in Beverly Hills when it is 55 degrees. 5. Trendy fur coats and jackets What I like to see: practical, classically styled fur on people in freezing weather. Especially when that person is at least 70 and also wearing a fur hat because it is 10 degrees and she is still out running her errands.

  • Fur is cruel, there is no way to kill humanly. There are options like Vaute Couture – beautiful, warm, cruelty free coats. Vintage fur can be donated to animal shelters. Be a compassionate, gorgeous, fabulous person and never ever wear fur.

  • I say to each his or her own. I don’t try to tell others what to wear or do.

  • I’ve been hanging out for you to bring up this topic! I think it’s a debate filled with several inconsistencies. While I have complete respect for someone like Stella McCartney, who decides against all animal products and the seemingly inevitable cruelty, I cannot see the logic in those who have no problem with leather products or eating meat, but baulk at the unnecessary cruelty of fur. That said I think there is a difference between the generation of grandmothers or mothers who acquired one fur that served them season after season, sometimes a whole life, to the mass-produced fur items from fashion giants in the business of ‘trendy’ items that lose their appeal after a season or two. Fur is incredibly warm, living in Berlin (or further east on the European continent) there’s is simply no substitute in terms of keeping you from the freeze. I acquired a long vintage rabbit fur two seasons ago and haven’t looked back. Aside from a new wool jacket (for Autumn and Spring) I really won’t need a new winter warmer for years, and in that way fur is a more environmental option than endless updates of the ubiquitous parka (often trimmed unneccesarily with fur!).

  • How is the “fur discussion” different than the “leather discussion”? Leather skirt, leather cap, leather trousers… Not really essential for survival…

  • I think the whole ” fur” discussion is much more complicated than most lovers/haters make it seem, so I prefer to stay rather neutral.

    But this coat is not my cup of tea, makes her look like a giant teddy bear. Probably very warm and soft though
    new outfit post

  • Géraldine February, 26 2013, 1:19 / Reply

    Enfin ! Enfin on parle de la fourrure… Je commençais à me demander si ça te posait le moindre problème ou pas…
    Je suis végétarienne, donc n’en porte pas (et je trouve ça globalement hideux et connoté). Et j’ai du mal à comprendre qu’on puisse encore tuer pour se vêtir.
    Je lis des commentaires qui pourraient se résumer ainsi : “les végétariens qui portent de la fourrure et du cuir sont méprisables et débilement incohérents”. Ok pour la fourrure. J’invite néanmoins ces personnes à essayer de trouver des chaussures potables en faux cuir (sur le marché français en tout cas c’est extrêmement difficile, à part si l’on passe sa vie en baskets…).
    En tout cas, merci d’avoir ouvert le débat, c’est triste de voir que parfois le monde de la mode semble ne pas avoir la moindre notion de “valeur” (autre que monétaire j’entends).

  • Pour la fourrure ou le cuir, le mieux est d’écouter Stella qui a fait une video parfaite :


  • Bonjour Garance
    Je pense qu’il y a vraiment un problème de sensibilisation par rapport à la fourrure et que la plupart des gens aujourd’hui ne se rendent pas compte de ce que les animaux subissent pour un simple petit col tellement c’est devenu banal. Si chaque personne devait regarder dans quelles conditions l’animal qui a servi à faire leur manteau a été tué et dépecé je pense que très rare seront les personnes à l’acheter par la suite.
    Malheureusement la plupart des gens préfèrent aussi ne pas savoir et privilégier leur apparence à l’extrême souffrance qu’a pu ressentir un animal. Mais il est vrai que cette hypocrisie ne concerne pas que la fourrure: acheter des vêtements ou jouets provenant de Chine alors que l’on peut facilement imaginer les conditions d’exploitation des salariés revient au même.

  • I’m afraid one look at the documentary Earthlings would change anyone’s opinion on wearing fur. They enter into the world of fur production and shine a light on the incredibly inhumane practices used to obtain fur for fashion. Fashion is wonderful, inspiring and a playground for brilliant imaginations. It should not be dependent on the torture and death of so many beautiful animals. I adore your site and yet sadly whenever fur comes up I have to pass over it. Just a few years ago all the models rallied to say no to fur and then so many of them wore it again. It really made them look so flippant and like their opinion didn’t matter. The choice to re-introduce fur was a sad time for the fashion industry. It made fools of so many great minds involved. Thank you a million times for raising this issue again. The coat in the picture honestly looks fake funnily enough.

  • I love your blog, Garance !!! thank you for being brave to bring up the issue of fur. I live in Oregon and my eyes have been opened to the truth about fur when my neighbor came across a coyote that was caught in a steel leg-hold trap. It was a heartbreaking experience and opened my eyes to the issue of trapping animals for fur. The trapper who had trapped the coyote was trying to trap bobcats and minks; he had already trapped 14 bobcats in the canyon next to my house. I was shocked to find out this was going on and how many of our wild animals were being taken and their populations in danger – all for the sake of the fur industry.
    The main traps used are steel leg hold traps and snares, which both cause unimaginable suffering for the animals- with no consideration for what their death leaves in store for their mate or offspring. Animals suffer for days before the trapper finally comes and shoots them or clubs them to death. Clubbing is preferred because it leaves the coat in better condition. Many dogs get caught and killed in traps and last year one of the last three wolverines left in Oregon was caught in a trap.
    I do not agree with attacking someone for wearing fur. I feel that the more we learn about what really goes on in the trapping industry and in fur farms, fewer people would wear furs. Many believe that all furs come from farms but a large percentage comes from trapping and skinning our precious wild animals.

    I inherited a fur from my grandmother and occasionally wore it when I lived in NYC but after moving to the Pacific Northwest and learning about animal trapping, I donated it to our animal shelter where it is used to comfort homeless cats.

    I love creative style but let us hold dear the lives of all species.

  • Hi Gatrance! I am not a “furperson” but in my opinion this is a bigger issue than just fur in clothing. As many already have said “what about leather?” I would also add “what about eating meat?”. I am not a vegeterian beacuse I am not against using animals as food, nor as produducts (if we kill the animal we could aswell just use everything) but I am against how we treat the animals. I prefer buying meat from produceras I know have a good ethics (trust me its posible) and I think this is were we all should put our focus – taking our responsibility as consumers and buy from producers with ethics, aswell as in food as in clothing, even if they are a litle bit more expensive (there is a reason why they are). That is how we change the system.

  • To take an animal life just for vanity today when we have all those sophisticated ways to create much better materials for me is just pure ignorance, cruelty and in most cases neglect for suffering of other beings. Anyway for me every time I see that someone wears fur first thing that comes to my mind is how that person must be shallow and heartless. And this fur on your picture is just wrong and I wonder how many life is taken so that this fashion mistake could go around and flaunt it.

  • Parfait!! la coupe, qui me fait penser un peu à un peignoir bien comfi, associé aux talons nudes, c’est juste canon…tjrs une longueur d’avance…

    ( je ne porte pas de fourrure, par principe et je trouve d’ailleurs que toutes ces capuches ajourées de poils commencent à se démoder ces temps-ci…) vivement les beaux jours ;))

    Bisettes, Cat

  • Je ne suis pas contre la vraie… Mais personnellement je ne pourrais pas porter tout type de fourrure. J’ai un peu la phobie des rongeurs (souris/rats, …) et je ne pourrais pas porter de l’hermine, fouine, vison…donc pas un animal qui me dégoute! Sinon, je serais pour une charte éthique pour les marques pour protéger l’environnement, éviter toute barbarie, conditions de travail ignoble, etc.

  • If you are not vegetarian:
    Wear animals that you eat: rabbits and sheeps.

    Fur is super warm and beautiful.

  • Difficile de prendre position quand on mange de la viande.
    Tout dépend des conditions dans lesquelles arrivent ces fourrures sur le marché de la mode..

    Ce manteau ne sied pas du tout à Mme Roitfeld : on a l’impression qu’elle porte une robe de chambre…

    N’en déplaise aux personnes qui se pâment parce que c’est Carine Roitfeld…;) restons lucides !

  • I think that animals should not be treated as commodities. Skinning an animal in the wilderness to wear for warmth is one thing; using them to add flare to fashion items in quite another. Sure, it’s hard–if not impossible–to lead a 100% ethical, eco-friendly lifestyle, but I think that the fur industry is a pretty clear oppourtunity to say “no.”

    Plus, there’s the empathy and kindness thing. If I didn’t happen to be on the top of the food chain, I would still expect to be treated with dignity and respect.

  • I have no problem with vintage fur, because those animals are already dead and gone, and by purchasing or owning a vintage fur coat you are not fueling the demand for any more animals to be killed for their pelts.

    BUT what is the problem with rabbit fur? In New Zealand (where I live) rabbits are a pest and they damage farmland as well as the native ecosystems here. This is the same for possum fur. Possums ruin our native trees and kill rare birds. They are killed by our Department of Conservation because they will drive our unique plants and wildlife to extinction. In my mind the fur from rabbits or possums can be distinguished from fur from a fox or another animal.

    I think that it is barbaric to kill an animal for no reason other than because its pelt will look nice made into a coat. But to my mind we can have both animal welfare and fur co-existing. In fact, if a rabbit has to die because someone wants to trap it to keep it from ruining their land or to protect the environment then it is less wasteful if the fur is used in a productive way.

    I hope that I am not upsetting anyone with this comment. I just think that we can have a compromise, although this may be easier to achieve in a country like NZ where we have the conservation issues I mentioned.

  • Vaste sujet la fourrure, je possède un manteau en astrakan qui appartenait à ma grand mère ,je l’adore et je ne me sens pas du tout coupable lorsque je le porte et au niveau de l’allure c’est nettement mieux que le déguisement teddy bear de Carine Roitfeld!

  • I think with all the fur out there now days its much chicer to wear a beatufiul tailored coat. Also, when done right a faux fur coat can be a fun alternative. Not that I am going all PETA but when ever I see a women wearing fur all over its just seems like overkill and ostentasious.

  • In my opinion it is ok to wear fur from animals people eat, like cows, sheep and reindeer. I dislike fur from caged animals like mink and fox and would never buy it or even wear a vintage fur made from it. I also find down difficult, as it is often plucked from live animals. I live in a cold climate but do not need fur to keep me warm. To me animal welfare is the most important, and I only buy organic eggs, chicken etc.

  • Je suis contre la fourrure, je ne mange plus du tout de viande depuis 15 ans et j’essaie de ne plus manger de poisson …. par principe, par idéologies et j’ai beaucoup apprécié l’interview de Stella Mc Cartney surtout quand elle évoque ce sujet ! (avec douceur !)
    Je travaille dans une maison d’édition publicitaire et je participe à l’élaboration des catalogues de mode pour le prêt à porter et haute couture, sans citer les maisons concernées, je dois dire que je suis choquée de recevoir des peaux d’animaux (pythons, zibeline, vison, galuchat, lapin etc…) entières et destinées à finir coupées et collées en petits carrés pour les catalogues ! Certes c’est magnifique mais je préfère de loin les voir sur des animaux vivants !
    Je sais bien que c’est vain de dire cela mais on pourrait sensibiliser les gens sur l’élevage de ces animaux qui est tout simplement horrible, et se pencher aussi sur les abattoirs (vu l’actualité !!!)
    Ne pas oublier que l’on vit sur une planète déjà malmenée et que le respect du monde animal est tout simplement nécessaire ! Alors vive la fausse fourrure !

  • My best fur accessory is my pet! I just take him along with me and my outfit always looks better!!!! He makes me happier too and gives the best hugs!!!

  • Une grande question dis donc…. pas seulement la fourrure selon moi, mais comment on consomme cohérent et respectueux !
    moi je suis végétarienne (surtout pour des causes écologiques), mais je mange d’autres produits issus d’animaux ( du fromage donc) pour lesquels on force des vaches à produire 10 litres par jour et qui ont alors des problèmes de santé. j’ai des chaussures en cuir, mais mes baskets en plastique (peut-être cousues par des enfants et dont la semelle est issue de la pétrochimie) sont-elles plus éthiques ?
    et le diamant (petit ;) qui trône à mon doigt de femme mariée, il est moins pire que mon col en fourrure ? le diamant (avec l’or et l’argent qu’on trouve dans des composants des objets électroniques, dans les avions, et le nickel de nos iphones) est un produit dont l’extraction crée une instabilité géopolitique grave et qui tue des milliers de personne (pas un “cute” chihuahua mais un enfant, une femme, un homme).
    l’argument contre la fourrure du mignon animal qu’on tue, je trouve ça horrible. parce que les moches n’ont pas le droit de vivre ?
    ce qui au final me semble important (parce que moi je suis pleine contradiction….) c’est une législation pointue et qui tente de réconcilier les inconciliables : oui au diamant, mais peut-être que van cleefs pourrait être sûr d’acheter à des producteurs sérieux et pas à des seigneurs de guerre, oui à la fourrure à petite dose et qui assurerait des conditions décentes de vie et de mort des animaux, oui à la viande de temps en temps parce que c’est bon et qu’on est omnivore, oui à la protection de TOUS les animaux (et pas seulement les mignons) ce qui ne veut pas dire qu’on ne peut pas les manger, s’en vêtir- selon moi…. mais avec des règles strictes, très strictes- et donc qui vont augmenter les tarifs….
    éternels contradictions, éternels problèmes. Consommer c’est compliqué ! et ceux qui sont sûrs d’eux me semblent quelque peu dangereux….

  • lisa marie fernandez February, 26 2013, 5:22 / Reply

    I absolutely love Garance for her true understanding of style. She sees and photographs style over “fashion” as many others do in such an obvious way. Garance sees the woman in the clothes and not the other way around. I never commented before on her blog even when she has photographed me so beautifully from time to time. But when I arrived in Paris today and saw this beautiful photo of Carine, I felt I had to comment on how refreshing it is to see the woman not trying so hard…just being herself. We need to see more of this. XX

  • Thank you Garance for bringing this subject up! I believe it’s an important conversation for us all to have. I have a beautiful vintage rabbit fur coat my mother used to wear when I was a young girl in the 80s – I brought it out of her storage locker in case it got cold enough to wear this winter (which it didn’t here in Vancouver). But I do have mixed feelings about wearing it. I don’t want to be misunderstood as supporting fur fashion – because I don’t. But I also don’t see the point of letting it rotting in a storage locker. I am a big fan of fashion and think that fur has had its place, and now there are alternatives. Certainly at one point in our history fur was used in fashion out of necessity (warmth in northern climates, lack of other materials). But my eyes have been opened to modern fur harvesting and it is too brutal a practice to ignore or support. I am like you in that I’m not a vegetarian – but I am against brutality against any living beings. Ignorance is not bliss in this case. Now that we know better, we must do better.
    For anyone wanting to shed some light on fur production, here is a film for you to watch:

  • Chère Garance, que de commentaires que tu ne pourras lire au complet. Je crois qu’il faut reconnaître la complexité de tout ça. Tuer un animal est horrible qu’il soit domestiqué ou sauvage. Mais cela a fait partie de la vie des humains et leur a aidé à survivre. Les espèces en voie d’extinction devraient être protégées. Donc pour moi, c’est du cas par cas et ça dépend comment on tue les animaux.
    Pour ma part, au risque d’enrager certains de tes lecteurs, j’ai de superbes bottes en peau de phoques (voir le lien ci-dessous). Il faut absolument savoir que cette espèce n’est pas du tout menacée dans le golf du Saint-Laurent, bien au contraire car on estime le cheptel à environs 6 millions de têtes et que les campagnes anti-chasse au phoques sont carrément démagogiques et sensationnalistes. On ne chasse plus les blanchots depuis 25 ans au Canada (on retrouve systématiquement les images de jolis bébés phoques dans les campagnes des militans anti-chasse au phoque). Deuxièmement, comme le disait un lecteur plus haut, cette activité représentait un moyen de subsistance auprès de populations très pauvres et démunies qui peuvent exploiter la viande, les omégas, la fourrure. Pour ce qui est de mes bottes, elles représentent ce qu’il y a de mieux pour affronter les hivers québécois car elles sont chaudes et imperméables. Il faut savoir aussi qu’elle dureront jusqu’à la fin de mes jours et donc elles tiendront le coup pour au moins 20 ans. Peut-on en dire autant de toutes ses bottes (moonboots ou autres) faites avec des matières synthétiques dérivées du pétrole. Par ailleurs, il n’y a pas plus d’éthique dans les abattoirs. Au moins les phoques vivent en liberté et les tuer à l’agapik en leur fracassant le crâne .est la fâçon la plus rapide et la plus efficace pour éliminer la souffrance. La vue du sang est simplement plus spectaculaire sur de la neige que sur une dalle de béton.
    Pour ce qui est des autres morceaux de fourrure que j’ai, il s’agit là de fourrure recyclée.

    Je crois qu’il faut vivre dans un pays très froid pour comprendre l’utilisation de la fourrure.

    Voici le lien concernant mes bottes dans lesquelles je peux marcher pieds nus à -20 degrés.

  • My rule of thumb is to wear vintage fur, there are a lot of great brands out there that work with vintage furs to create something new. Last season I bought these gorgeous fox-fur earmuffs from a Quebec based brand Harricana (, they are eco-friendly and haven’t killed any animals to create their products! Although I do a agree with some of the girls points, there are so many techniques designers can use as an alternative to keeping fur off the runway (and you have to admire designers like Stella McCartney who have the moral to keep fur out of their designs). xx!

  • every time i see a beautiful well-dressed person wear fur in someone’s blog or on the street i always feel hurt. my point is, if people had to actually kill an animal in order to wear fur, i believe there would be a lot less fur in our clothes. or at least if we had to witness a beautiful animal go from “alive” to “dead” and then ending up on our coat – that would make people more “decided” on the issue, i believe. but we live in a world where, sadly enough, fur is just another kind of fabric. it is “manufactured” rather than ripped off a bleeding body. then it’s easy for people to say “oh well, everything and anyone dies at some point anyway!”

    i’ve lived alongside dogs for all my life. you probably know that some clothing companies got into media scandals when it was discovered some of the “faux fur” they sold was actually dogs and cats from countries like China where human rights are virtually nonexistent and factories are poorly regulated. to me the very thought of having a dog killed for fancier clothes is preposterous — given my experience with them and my knowledge of how emotionally-advanced they are. i read a story about an experiment that took place in Siberia back in the 50s where they bred silver foxes — obviously, for fur. they invited scientists in to have them figure out how dogs got domesticated thousands of years ago — they tried to re-create the process of domestication on silver foxes by selecting them according to their ability to withstand human company – only those relatively tame and friendly to people were allowed to breed. some 20 generations later (that’s roughly 10 years with foxes) they came up with a totally new kind of silver fox that acted pretty much like a dog. cynically enough, the fur manufacturers, when giving comment on the experiment, said “they benefited from this change in the foxes’ behaviour because it became so much easier to kill them when they simply came when called like dogs do). i shuddered to read that part, as you might have guessed.

    sorry for such a long-winded comment, just wanted to give you a more personal account of why i take a stand against fur.

  • Wow, so many comments. Glad to see that you have dared to at least ask this question, Garance.

    It is only in the discussion of killing animals that we see how shaky the foundations of morality are. For me, animal cruelty/animal ethics are subjective and vary from culture to culture. In my opinion, using “animal cruelty” as an argument against fur is a poor argument. What then would we say of leather and eating animals? Why is killing a cow for leather more cruel than eating a fish or dog? They’re all animals. If killing animals at all is cruel (even for consumption), what of plants? They have lives too.

    And the argument goes on and on.

    Not to forget that the fact that we are able to discuss this on the Internet shows how privileged we are to live in a progressive society with different alternatives. There was a comment above by ‘skylark’ about the sealskin industry in Greenland – killing animals ensures their economic survival.

    For me, the problem lies in environmental concerns – direct scientific effects traceable by scientific research. Killing endangered animals is wrong because that affects the balance of nature, which will ultimately affect us.

  • Chacun ses convictions. Je ne suis pas végétarienne mais je ne mangerai pas de viande de baleine. J’ai des chaussures et des vestes en cuir (mais pas en serpent) mais je ne mettrai jamais du renard, du chinchilla ou du lapin . L’industrie de la fourrure est extrêmement polluante (et des études sérieuses montrent que la production de vraie fourrure est plus nocive que celle de fausse fourrure, University of Michigan) est la source de toutes sortes de problèmes pour des milieux naturels après l’introduction d’animaux non natifs (le nutria aux Etats-Unis par exemple). Je ne suis pas de ceux qui aspergeront de peinture ceux qui en portent, mais je suis contre, absolument contre, et me désole du regain de la fourrure.

  • Bonjour !
    J’ai commencé à lire tous ces commentaires fort intéressants mais il y en a vraiment beaucoup, j’espère quand même apporter des idées neuves ^^
    Pour ma part, j’ai une veste en cuir que j’aime beaucoup mais ai décidé que ce serait mon dernier achat dans le style “partie de cadavre animal”. Depuis un peu moins d’un an j’essaie de faire de mon mieux pour consommer de manière éthique en tenant compte des intérêts des autres animaux auxquels j’ai en fait toujours accordé la même valeur qu’aux miens (sauf bien sûr si ma vie en dépendait, mais c’est un autre débat, on est peut-être aussi tous cannibales potentiels…).
    En croyant que l’exploitation animale pour nous nourrir était nécessaire, normale et naturelle, je n’avais jamais vraiment remis en question ce système (jusqu’à lire un article, puis des livres et tout ce que je pouvais trouver de fiable). L’élevage industriel en particulier soulève, en plus des enjeux moraux, des problèmes sanitaires (la proximité des animaux facilitant la transmission des maladies et l’abus d’antibiotiques entraînant la résistance des bactéries dont les infections qu’elles causent deviennent donc plus dur à soigner) et environnementaux (accélération des changements climatiques entre autres). Concernant la fourrure et le cuir, il me semble que l’injustice du traitement (proportion des souffrances par rapport à l’utilité procurée pour nous, si l’on convient que certains sacrifices sont acceptables même si injuste (c’est mon cas, mais seulement par rapport à certaines situations où le progrès scientifique est en question par exemple)) est encore plus flagrante, mais il est assurément facile de fermer les yeux et d’apprécier avant d’avoir pris le temps d’y réfléchir.
    Changer mes habitudes s’est avéré être le bon comportement à adopter pour éviter la dissonance cognitive ; il m’arrive parfois de faire des exceptions, j’essaie alors de comprendre pourquoi, sans culpabiliser et en sachant ce qui est bien au fond, comme quand on regarde trois épisodes d’une série au lieu de travailler par exemple ;)
    Malheureusement, je comprends que ce ne soit pas donné à tout le monde de vivre ainsi ; on ne peut pas subsister de façon autonome dans certains pays au climat contraignant autrement qu’avec l’élevage…

    Bonne réflexion personnelle (et recherches) :)

    P.S. : Bravo et merci si tu lis tous les commentaires, tôt ou tard !

  • Et j’oubliais, c’est vrai que c’est incohérent de refuser la fourrure sans être végétaLienne (le végétarisme n’est pas vraiment cohérent dans l’état actuel des conditions d’élevage des poules pondeuses aux États-Unis et au Canada en tout cas (en Europe ça s’améliore, mais de peu) et l’industrie laitière ayant pour sous-produit des veaux, il semblerait que leur abattage soit soutenu, par là même). Mais c’est toujours mieux de refuser la fourrure que de ne pas le faire alors qu’on pense qu’il le faudrait !

  • Julia P. Valentine February, 26 2013, 11:20 / Reply

    *The kind of thoughts I have: Yes, but I am not a vegetarian, yes but I’ve heard fake fur is worse for the environment than real fur, yes but how do you cover fashion week without talking about it, etc…

    I try to do better — better than I did last week, last month, last time. I try to not make choices. purchase or promote in any way something I have learned from credible sources that might be the result of or cause suffering to an animal. I came to a point where that was more important to me than potential environmental impacts. There are terrible environmental consequences of human population growth, but we save people and heal people because we can and we do not want to cause harm or pain. That’s my thinking.

    By trying to do better, over the years I have chosen to eat fish (now preferring the safest and most sustainable according to the monterey bay aquarium guide, now an app), but no longer the beef or pork on which I grew up. I eat poultry when it is certified organic, humane and preferably form one of the farming families at my local market. I saw a documentary on pate and it seems barbaric to me so I won;t touch it. I don’t pontificate to someone else eating it, or picket a restaurant, but I would comfortably tell anyone why I won’t touch it.

    I no longer wear fur because it makes me very sad. I stopped using products tested on animals about 10 years ago. You can only do as much as you can do and make choices that you feel good about in the most educated way you are able.

    Carine made a deliberate conscious choice, and you amplified that. You have tremendous influence in fashion and related industries. You are an opinion leader. And you just added a very influential voice to public opinion on this. Impressively, you did it in a positive way, without tearing down or insulting, but, rather, highlighting a positive. And you also solicited opinions and facts and placed the conversation somewhere others might also benefit. And you just moved this ball down the court in public, and also for your own decision making. Bravo!

  • I wonder if ethical fur farming has taken off yet, where animals are allowed to die of natural causes before their skins are used. I feel like as long as the animals aren’t killed to be skinned, it’s ok.

  • Je pense que la fourrure n’a rien de pire que le cuir, quand on connait l’origine de sa fourrure j’entends bien! Surtout les fourrures (et c’est vrai pour les cuirs exotiques aussi) rares, mais qui sont aujourd’hui élevé dans des fermes prévu à cet usage. Par exemple, le Gucci Group a réussi à sauver une espèce de croco en disparition en l’introduisant dans ses élevages (en milieu naturel). Il est important de discerner production de masse et luxe dans ce débat je pense….

  • I think fur is obscene but no one in your position can afford to take the stand on this as some of the people and companies that you need on side in your business are in the business of fur – as usual ethics and free thinking are superseded by money and favour – i adore stella Mc Cartney & her mother for what she has done for animal rights. I like Carine’s coat as well.

  • I would be interested in seeing the poll results on this.
    See my problem is this – my cat, Mortimer, has the shiniest and softest black fur with a touch of tabby running through it depending on the light…I can’t decide whether or not to make him into a little collar or not. Am I bad??

  • Après lecture de nombreux commentaires, je vois qu’il y a souvent cette notion de : tu refuses de porter de la fourrure mais tu manges de la viande ?
    Il faut savoir que la fourrure utilisée pour réaliser des vêtements est une fourrure issue d’un élevage spécial. La viande est jetée, car pas viable à la consommation humaine. Le traitement alimentaire de ces animaux est spécifique pour rendre le poil plus beau.

    Il n’y a donc rien à voir entre la fourrure et la nourriture !
    Comme Iris j’admire beaucoup Stella Mc Cartney pour ses principes concernant la fourrure.
    Et vive la fausse !

  • Alexandra February, 27 2013, 6:40 / Reply

    Bonjour, j’ai lu aussi beaucoup de commentaires, et je me suis dit que avant de dire “c’est bien” ou “c’est mal” faut peut être savoir de quoi on parle :
    La fourrure c’est un marché de 15 milliards de dollar , donc c’est loin d’être peanuts et pas consommé, d’ailleurs les marchés ne sont plus concentrées sur l’Europe (en crise) mais bien sur sur l’Asie
    Et quand à la notion “d’industrie ” (et donc de rythme de production plus proche de mac do que d’artisanat) à, 80 % des fermes d’élevage sont européennes / Amériques du nord et familiales et donc suivent les régulations extrêmement fermes aussi bien au niveau de la souffrance animale, des régulations vétérinaires que du volume possible.
    Bizarrement (^^) la seule région qui se met à produire en masse et sans aucune contrainte est …. l’Asie (et notamment la Chine).
    Donc c’est comme toute la mode, regardez vos étiquettes avant d’acheter et si , une fourrure synthétique vous tente plus, sachez qu’elles sont en énorme majorité fabriquées en Asie (Inde et Chine) avec tout le je m’enfoutoussime de conditions sociales / environnemental que l’on connait….
    Personnellement j’ai une fourrure, qui appartenait à ma grand mère (et comme disait une jeune femme plus haut, la bête est morte et ma grand mère aussi) et je l’ai fait mettre au gout du jour par un petit atelier dans mon quartier, par un vieux monsieur qui était super triste de se dire que les techniques artisanales transmises depuis des générations allaient mourir avec lui…
    Quand au reste de ma garde robe, je regarde toutes les étiquettes en privilégiant ce qui a été fabriqué en Europe, et je vais de plus en plus dans les boutiques de seconde main, mais ça c’est un autre débat.
    Et pour finir, la tenue de CR, heureusement que c’est elle qui le porte, moi j’aurais juste l’impression de sortir avec ma robe de chambre !!!

  • Hello
    en ce qui me concerne, la fourrure c’est non, et non et non. Je ne supporte pas l’idée de porter une fourrure parce que ça m’évoque la souffrance animale et trop de vanité de la part des personnes qui le portent dans mon entourage. Je n’aime juste pas du tout l’idée que qqchose d’aussi cher vienne d’animaux tués on ne sait comment mais sans doute pas dans de belles conditions. Donc c’est non. Et pour ne rien te cacher, je suis encore plus choquée quand il s’agit de loooongs manteaux hyper lourds, j’ai l’impression de voir Cruella Denfer :) Surtout quand on sait que dans le passé, certaines fourrures étaient retirées d’un animal vivant, pour ne pas ternir les poils….J’ai réalisé récemment que la douceur des manteaux de fourrure me faisait penser à celle de mon chat… j’ai failli vomir!

    Donc trop de souffrance, pas assez de nécessité, ça me suffit pour clamer que je suis contre.

  • They’re all hypocrites…well everyone but Stella McCartney then who is at least consistent. If you decide to eat meat and wear leather then why should you not wear fur (given it’s not an endangered species)? We can all make conscious decisions to buy free range and humanly farmed produce but otherwise – let everyone decide for themselves where their limit lies and leave everyone else to do the same. What’s really to say that having a fox fur is any worse than eating foie gras or eggs from battery farm chickens?

  • I am a vegetarian (and was a long time vegan) so i’m in the minority here, but i do have to respond to people saying, essentially, ‘Are YOU going to change the ways and the reasons animals are killed?’ because, yes…yeah, that’s the goal.

    However, for some people it’s easy to cry about the terrible business of slaughtering foxes for fur while still eating chicken salad sandwiches – because fashion is frivolous and food is…not. For me personally, giving up leather was MUCH harder than giving up eggs – i love shoes! And i don’t want to wear espadrilles or Converse every day of my life. But those things are a choice. It doesn’t help your argument when you say something like, ‘Oh fur is so bad?? What about hamburgers??’ or, ‘Synthetic fabrics are bad for the environment TOO!’ Because NOBODY IS PERFECT. Nobody can stay 100% within the bounds of their stringent personal morality and also live in the world, on the city streets, among people. Concessions are made. But people who are conscious of the harm their choices cause end up making conscious choices. Nothing bothers me more than an attitude like, Well you can’t be perfect so forget it!

    I choose to forgo leather, fur, and animal products in my food. Some people choose the latter. Some people just swear off leather and fur but can’t give up sushi, and some people just hate fur. And then of course, some people see why it’s problematic, but choose their personal style over everything else (which is of course a valid choice.)

    Whatever you choose, it’s an important conversation to have, (and I think Garance a million times for having it!) but flippant remarks about someone’s lifestyle choices BEYOND the conversation at hand are petty and ridiculous.

  • Also, sorry had to add, fur and leather don’t just biodegrade happily in landfills. They are treated with copious amounts of very harsh chemical substances to get them all soft, pliable and wearable. It’s not like throwing a dead pigeon in the trash. It’s like tossing a bottle of Drano and battery acid in the trash.

    The point is sort of moot, because as people mentioned, furs and leathers are often passed down through generations and are NOT meant for the trash, but still – the making and treating of furs, from the animal farms to the garment factories are not (historically) environmentally friendly at all. It’s not “natural.”

  • Hi Katie,

    While I agree that many furs are prepared with chemicals, any fur can be prepared with nothing more than the animals own fatty tissue and smoke. This method of tanning produces a much softer, supple texture, preserves the hide and is 100% biodegradeable.

  • melissa lee February, 27 2013, 11:34 / Reply

    Love fur…

  • quel débat, j’avoue ne pas trop comprendre mais faudrait que je vois comment cela se passe.

  • I believe that it all comes down to how the animal was treated before it died, and if the rest of the animal was used for food. I just started a small clothing company and this is something that I would like to research more as to find out an ethical way to get fur and leather. I have friends that hunt and tan deer hides and that for me works.

  • I say Live and let Live. Wear Fur if you love it, if you don’t get over it!

  • Bethsabée February, 27 2013, 12:11 / Reply

    Coucou Garance, j’ai juste lu un article aujourd’hui qui m’a fait directement pensé à ce post!

    WWF lance sa collection de vêtements et d’accessoires en (fausse) fourrure certifiée 100% d’origine animale imaginaire :-) : Wonder World Fur. Les “animaux” ont la particularité de perdre leurs beaux pelages sans éprouver une once de douleur.

    Je trouve cette démarche assez intéressante parce qu’ils vont justement sur le côté mode de la fourrure, avec de belles photos. Et en plus, ils ont ajouté un peu d’humour avec la création d’animaux imaginaire.

    “Ces fausses fourrures sont apparemment obtenues par la transformation de la laine mohair d’Afrique du Sud et la soie, qui sont des fibres naturellement renouvelables. C’est le collectif londonien Bouddica qui a dessiné la collection et imaginé ce joli compte d’hybrides animaliers.” (Source article :

  • Some time ago I purchased a white Marilyn Monroe type fur coat for 70 Euros from somebody who was in so much disgust of it. She inherited it from her granny who had bought it new in the 70s. I do not understand her reaction, the coat was perfectly in shape, just a little stiff because it hadn’t been worn for some time. I call it a fortune that I took that coat to me. Sure it would have been ruined when it had been longer hidden in that back closet.
    Before I did big research and found out that 6 winter foxes gave their skin for it. I do not recommend, even now, no matter how certified, to buy fur of seldom free living animals. But if you find an old one, than wear the heck out of it. Until it falls apart so it is not wasted. I have the same feeling with meat: Quality above quantity, source out where it comes from, use the whole animal.
    There is a lot of shit cruel fur like from china, people, please don’t produce sth out of that and just don’t wear that. But also there are a lot of furs which come from shooting overpopulated animals like rabbit, racoon and squirrel.
    Also it holds me warm like nothing else in my closet! Hey, just fucking 70 bucks! I have really less money and layering just doesn’t do it. I simply just can’t get myself buying an ugly synthetic jack wolfskin jacket like so many other Germans here. I hate plastic. It is everywhere and we can’t get around it anymore but it doesn’t need to be on my skin. Do fur hating people know what cruel damage plastic causes to the earth? Consider that!

  • My general rule of thumb… I wouldn’t wear anythign I wouldn’t eat. Cowhide fine. Goat, fine. Shearling, fine (Mmmm,tasty lamb). It’s really a by-product of the food and if it’s going to be slaughtered for food, it would really be a waste not to use every bit of the animal. But I wouldnt wear things killed just for the fur, like fox, mink, etc.

  • What a wonderful debate! And how varied and intelligent the responses! I personally find the fur thing difficult because unlike meat and fish, you can’t really know how your fur has been obtained. Though I feel that the argument for vintage fur more persuasive, one can’t ignore the fact that some of those skins could have been illegally obtained, and could even be from animals that are now close to being extinct in the wild as a result, amongst many things, of hunting. I saw a beautiful vintage cheetah coat and matching hat in an antique store once, I wanted to buy it sort of out of guilt for the dead animal, but I knew I would never ever wear it because it would feel like I was being very vain to think this majestic creature is better as a coat than alive and breeding. I agree with many other people that those animals which are regularly slaughtered for meat should certainly be used efficiently. My view is if I don’t eat it, I wouldn’t wear it, and if an animal’s existence in the wild is in any way threatened then I wouldn’t even wear its fur if it the garment were 100 years old, because I would feel ashamed about the devastating impact that our human dominance can have. I think it is extremely important for everyone to decide what is important to them, and put their money where their mouth is when they shop.

  • Elena Benrarroch fait de fabuleux manteaux de vison rasé (5mm!), innovants par la technologie utilisée, tant dans le traitement des couleurs que dans les textures des peaux, qui rend ses pièces si souples et si soyeuses que seul un oeil averti reconnaît qu il s agit d une fourrure… c est le sommet du luxe…
    J ai la chance d avoir une de ses pièces d exception que je porte depuis trois ans, pratiquement tout l hiver… je ne m en lasse pas… parce qu atemporelle, parce qu elle révèle ma sensualité en plus de me tenir vraiment chaud – sans “layering” ! parce qu en Suisse, où j’habite, les hivers sont longs et rigoureux…

  • Beaucoup de mes pensées ont été exprimées déjà, mais j’aimerais tout de même ajouter un aspect à la discussion. Plusieurs ont déjà mentionné que notre attitude vis-à-vis la fourrure reflète nos habitudes de consommation, et je suis bien d’accord : le débat que la fourrure suscite n’est qu’une facette d’un problème plus large, celui de notre consommation rapide et notre gaspillage.
    Le débat génère aussi des questions quant aux options offertes sur le marché contre lesquelles presque personne ne s’insurge. La fourrure demeure un luxe, comme très peu de gens peuvent s’en offrir régulièrement, mais comme c’est un luxe très visible, il attire toute l’attention. Beaucoup parlent de remplacer cuirs et fourrures par des matériaux synthétiques, mais très peu semblent considérer que ces matériaux synthétiques sont presque tous faits à base de pétrole. D’après moi, délaisser le cuir et la fourrure pour s’habiller de plastique ne fait que déplacer le problème, que ce soit de façon éthique ou environnementale (oui, je sais que le débat quant à la cruauté contre les animaux est décalé quand on parle de pétrole et plastique, mais il me semble hypocrite de considérer l’un en pardonnant l’autre).

    Le PVC, le polyester et l’acrylique sont tous extrêmement polluants et peu durables. Je trouve hypocrite d’être fortement contre l’utilisation de la fourrure et du cuir, mais d’encourager leur substitution par ces matériaux; le marché de la mode devrait réviser ses pratiques, mais aussi offrir davantage d’options quant aux matériaux. Aussi, le côté pratique des vêtements devrait avoir plus de poids: la fourrure a une fonction dans les régions nordiques qui demeure encore inégalée par les autres matériaux, et le cuir demeure toujours le matériau le plus durable et confortable pour les chaussures de base. Parcontre, les chaussures estivales pourraient bénéficier de plus de bois, jute ou raffia, et la toile cirée pourrait faire davantage office de cuir quant à nos sacs et manteaux, et peut-être même chaussures.

    En bref, il n’est pas question que de fourrure, mais d’une industrie entière qui devrait se renouveler et expérimenter davantage.

  • Fur is the warmest garmet a person can wear. Fake doesn’t even come close! I live in the interior of Alaska and when it is -60 cold snap you wear what is warmest. Even to the grocery store. Just driving from you home to the store you bundle up! You don’t know if you will have car trouble and be abandoned in the freezing weather. I sew and wear fur proudly! I acknowledge that the fur came from a living creature, just like I aknowledge my burger came from a creature. That is why I do my very best to ensure I don’t waste the precious gift!
    Living this close to nature I also realize that game management is important. You can’t hunt some animals and not others. It is a delicate balance and you can’t just protect what is cute and furry!
    Another thing to consider when demonizing fur is the small business you are hurting. The fur farmers, the trappers, hunters and the small businesses like me. In rural Alaska there are few ways to make an income and fur is one of them. We aren’t all banded together to put out multi million dollar campaigns to promote and defend our trade like PETA can.
    I also find it disturbing that artificial is considered better? Since when is producing non biodegradable products good for the environment? Artificial fur quality deteriorates quickly, but stays with the earth for a very long time. Real fur on the other hand has been used for centuries and when fur is properly cared for can last generations and when it has given all it can can be returned to the earth quite easily.
    When you live so close to nature and can responsibly use it resources why wouldn’t you? Isn’t it better for the environment to hunt deer and use that for protien rather than use loads of fossil fuels to transport other sources of food? Isn’t it more responsible to use furs locally than to pollute with fake fur?
    I realize the value of fur, from the animal and to the value it providers in warmth and income to people and the balance achieved with careful responsible game management.

  • Garance, cela fait longtemps que je vous lis avec plaisir et je me lance a commenter car il me semble que cet article me concerne etant une des releve de l artisanat fourreur a Paris.

    La fourrure est une matiere naturelle, il ne faut pas avoir de prejuges dessus car nous l’utilisons pour nous vetir depuis l’evolution de l’homme (oui car les australopitheques en avaient une naturelle, eux!) Bref, tout cela pour dire que les manteaux en poils sont biodegradables pour preuve les collections ‘organic’ de plus en plus nombreuses confectionnees avec du cuir aui rappelons le est une fourrure a laquelle on a enleve les poils.

    Pour plus de details, je vous invite a visiter notre blog, a nous les vrais artisans du metier, blog tenu pour reponre aux perpetuelles attaques des anti fourrure qui sont, nous le savons tous, extremement virulents (et stupides) (il est en effet tellement facile d’etre contre la fourrure quand on ne cherche pas a en savoir davantage!)

    P.S: aucun animal n’est tue dans la douleur, chaque bete ayant une cage pour elle meme, etant parfaitement bien nourrie, suivie et soignee, qualite du poil oblige. Merci !

  • Bonjour
    Sans doute ne connaissez vous les conditions d’élevage et d’abattage en Russie , en Chine et j’en passe. Il existe de nombreuses images et vidéos particulièrement explicites. Les élevages sont très polluants ; de ce fait il n’en existe pratiquement plus en France ou en Allemagne. Quant à nos ancêtres qui portaient des peaux de bêtes, ils vivaient dans des cavernes : nous pourrions aussi retourner dans des grottes peut-être ? Et aussi pratiquer la torture comme au Moyen Age puisque nos ancêtres le faisaient ?La civilisation a passé par là et j’aimerais croire qu’elle nous permet de progresser.Ceci dit je comprends que vous êtes du métier et que vendre de la fourrure est votre gagne-pain.

  • Chez moi en Finlande il y a beaucoup de débat sur l’élevage et l’industrie de fourrure. Beaucoup trouve cette industrie atroce, mais en même temps, beaucoup de gens vivent de cela. Pour moi le plus grande problème en est que même si chaque animal a son cage à lui, comme vous le dites, ces cages sont très petits pour un animal comme le renard qui devrait, dans son milieu naturel, vivre sur un territoire de plusieurs kilomètres carrés.

    je n’ai pas (autant) de problèmes avec les animaux chassés pour leur peaux, mais je pense que la chasse ne pourrait jamais fournir autant de fourrures que l’élevage.

  • I am a member of the Canadian Fur Trade, as well as an artist using fur as my primary material in a traditional craft.

    For Canadians (and many Americans) the fur trade is a very important way of life for many people. From hunters and trappers, to tanners and crafts people. I only use wild hunted furs, from animals that have lived a free and natural life. These animals are so important to so many people, the animals are respected and honored and in turn all members of the fur trade have every interest in preservinng the wild spaces so that these animals my flourish. We want the land to be healthy so the animals are healthy. We do not want to take all, but responsibly harvest so that the vitality of future generations can be ensured.

    Fur also sustains many cultures that with out traditional hunting would be forced from their lands in search of work and food. Banning fur and protesting fur directly impact these communities (referring specifically to the seal fur ban in the EU and USA) which has caused major damage to northern economies who no longer have a means to support themselves.

    Personally I do not use or wear fur farmed animals (unless vintage). In some cases I believe it is possible to farm fur responsibly but it is often hard to trace were these furs have come from and if the farm is following appropriate guidelines to ensure animal welfare. For example almost 100% of rabbit fur used in mukluks and moccasins that have been commercially produced comes from China. Where regulations on animal welfare are not as humane as in North America. These animals are no doubt farmed with every effort to produce as much fur as quickly as possible to keep costs low. For myself it is much easier to go to a tannery, I can take one look at a fur and often know by color and texture where this animal has come from. I can speak with the tanner and ask about the trapper or hunter who harvested the fur. Often I speak to the hunters myself. The cost is higher but it is an easy price to pay when the quality is ensured.

    Fur will never be for everyone, but it is extremely important to many. In order to wear fur responsibly you need to do your research. Find out where the animals came from, how they were harvested and who this supports.

  • Jackie Shearman February, 27 2013, 6:25 / Reply

    I don’t think the wearing of real fur is ever cool. If you do some research on how the animals are farmed and then killed for their fur, and then you can still wear it – well theres not much more one can say.

  • Je pense sincèrement que mentionner le fait de consommer de la viande n’apporte rien au débat.
    De nos jours porter de la fourrure n’est que question d’esthétisme alors que manger de la viande c’est quand même pour se nourrir et tuer des animaux c’est malheureusement le principe de la chaîne alimentaire !
    D’autant plus que aujourd’hui il est possible de faire de la fausse fourrure qui rend très bien !

  • One can argue that there is a difference between wearing fur and wearing leather/eating meat. The animals used for fur are usually skinned just for that and the rest of the animal disposed while animals used for leather and meat are fully used for leather, meat, gelatin, etc. This is not the case always, but in most cases. This is not what I believe but it is an argument. I myself chose to go vegan many many years ago.

    What I say to people who say fur is fine is the same thing I say to those who eat meat (and that includes chicken and fish btw) and wear leather. If you can watch an animal get killed for that purpose and still feel fine about using or eating the product, ok, go for it. But most people would have a different mindset if they saw how these animals get treated and killed. It is horrible, especially with fur.

    Vintage fur is sort of a mute point in this argument no?

    As for the arguments from people who make money from fur that fur is a way for people to make a living, that it has always been part of man and evolution, that the animals are treated humanely. Please. These comments are from people who make money from fur! Of course they will say something like that. These are stock answers for such companies.

    And finally, fur, fake or real, makes everyone look cheap. Even Carine.

  • I think I am a bit late, however, this has been a very interesting discussion to read. I used to be a vegetarian, and while I was one, I didn’t buy any leather or fur. However, I’m not sure I thought about it entirely–mostly I just couldn’t afford real anything! Now I am no longer a vegetarian, and while I still cannot really afford leather or fur en masse, I do own some leather shoes and a few vintage furs (from my grandmothers). While I am not taking a stand in either way, as I truly am not sure how I feel about such a complicated debate (especially after reading comments about places where animals are eaten and then their hides are thrown away!), I would be interested to hear a person who is against fur speak on the vintage furs. It seems wasteful and almost disrespectful to throw away an old fur, when it was made during a time without this debate–especially a beloved coat owned by a deceased relative. Could anyone speak to this?

  • maybe we can adopt an animal welfare standard for fur as we have at Whole Foods for meat =P Placed right underneath the brand label – Orange Step 1 for organic free range listened to jazz and massaged daily – Green Step 5+ for entire life in cage, fed on dead designers and failed collections *insert dramatic music*

  • Nicolette February, 27 2013, 9:36 / Reply

    I wear real fur gladly,but never diamonds, silver , gold……people ( not animals ) die whilst mining on a regular basis. Only once in a while are these incidents made public.The idea that poor people and unskilled labour must resort to mining as a life’s job because they are not so fortunate to have other opportunities for making a living ( mining is one of the worst jobs in the world in my opinion) to obtain precious metals that the more privileged flaunt as jewellery, seems as horrendous to me as wearing fur from animals seems to others.
    To understand the tragedies of South Africa for example and its shocking economics in terms of having of the highest level of unequity in the world, look no further than the history of mining in that country , the discovery of gold and diamonds and how the stage was set for the tremendous horrors of the Anglo Boer war and all the eventual exploitations of labour in the mining industry…….wow, wearing fur pales in comparison if having a conscience and making a statement is what is important in what one wears.

  • Controversial as this may be, i say with no hésitation whatsoever, I love fur..the Real kind…AND I bought mine new: vison(mink), renard(fox) and raccoon. For me, it’s a question of practicality. I hate the cold and nothing keeps me as warm(as I commented on your article about what best to wear in the cold). I could buy fur either new or vintage just that I haven’t gone looking at vintage stores.
    I can watch PETA films and still wear my fur and think of the next coat I would like to acquire: a sheared mink or an astrakan or anything I can afford from FENDI!
    While you are in Paris where I live(it’s not Siberia but any winter is already too cold for my liking), I’m currently in Manhattan and getting lotsa compliments on my mink coat(américains are a lot more effusive than the french) much to my surprise. Only once I had a woman say to me as I walked by “you wear death”. But you know what? I don’t care.. I’m warm and cosy more than I can ever be in my down jackets or wool coats and that’s all that matters to me!

  • Nowadays they are plenty of great faux fur pieces, or like many mentioned, vintage pieces worn before

  • Garance, this is a question you have to answer from your heart as well as your mind, and by yourself, for yourself; no amount of asking for other’s opinions will help you make up your mind. Everyone has their own reasons for how they deal with fur, leather, etc. It takes a lot of time and thought, and educating yourself on the subject. I wrote a comment to you a few months ago about this and suggested you might start with speaking to Stella McCartney because she is a designer who grew up a vegetarian and has a unique perspective on this and whom you may find comfortable talking to. I would assume she would be very willing to speak with you about it.

    There are many things we have to make a choice to do or not do. In the fashion world there is fur, leather, snakeskin, crocodile, etc. etc. It always involves the death of an animal, bird etc. and it always becomes a moral choice. As far as fake (faux) fur, there are many many stories that have surfaced in the past few years about what it is really made up of and it has been proven that dog and cat hair is found in a lot of ‘fake’ fur clothes, trims, children’s’ toys and stuffies etc. There are also instructions given on how to tell if it if fake or real fur. Watch some videos online from various sources to see what happens on animal farms where they are bred for their skins, or when they are trapped in the wild, or where they are skinned alive. There are hundreds+ of these videos, or if that is something you can’t stomach, read some books on the subject. Wander through some department stores at the end of the winter season and check out the fur department. There are hundreds of furs that are hanging there, on sale, some ridiculously ugly coats, jackets, vests, scarves etc. dyed pink or blue or green and think seriously about where they came from and what the animal’s life was taken for. So, in the end, you have to educate yourself and then you can make your decision accordingly and in good conscience.

    Garance, major kudos to you for bringing up this subject and for reading all the comments!

  • This is something I have fairly strong feelings about, and have thought about a lot. Obviously everyone is going to follow a different path of logic and emotion to decide whether or not fur is something that works for them, but this is the logical path of analysis that has lead me to my feelings on the subject: I am a vegetarian (a whole lot of reasons for that that I won’t go into), but I wear leather. Not because I think it’s okay to kill an animal for its skin, but not for its meat, but because leather (from cows) is a byproduct. The animal was going to be killed anyway for an industry that is even bigger than leather – meat. And in that respect I find it is responsible and appropriate to ensure that every part of the animal is used for something and does not go to waste. But fur is different. Fur is not a byproduct. Most of the animals that become fur coats or fur trim are killed for their fur. I don’t want to be responsible for the death of any living being simply because I want to look fashionable. There are plenty of ways to look fashionable without making a purchase that contributes to the deaths of numerous animals. That said, if the fur is vintage, the buyer or wearer is not making a purchase that propagates the fur industry so much as re-using and extending the life of an existing product. I think that to buy fur new is to encourage the continuation of the killing of animals for fur, whereas buying vintage or inheriting fur is not directly leading to the deaths of other animals. In short, my train of logic is to establish with each purchase whether I’m directly contributing to the death of an animal. I will never buy new fur. I will never buy crocodile leather. But vintage or inherited fur and leather, and cow leather as a by-product, is, to me, a responsible way of ensuring that the materials which come from animals which were killed for another industry, or another era, do not go to waste.

  • Gabrielle March, 9 2013, 8:48 / Reply

    Thanks Katie for such a smart comment!
    I won’t quote it but I totally agree.

    I’m actually surprised about what I read. I’m a vegetarian myself for 5 years but when I wasn’t yet, the idea of fur was unbearable to me, as foie-gras was because it’s not only about death, it’s about torture.
    And I understand a lot more that quitting meat could be an issue because it’s something very social, it’s about the food you share…
    But who in US/Europe NEED fur? It’s just such an unconscious whim…

  • I love love love your sketches – best medium for fashion, photos are best for catalogs, reality tv.

  • i wear what i eat, and it is as basic as that. therefore, i stick only to leather and i have one vintage rabbit fur piece, but have eaten plenty of rabbits in my day. but that is just me, and my opinion.

    i know many people ask the question of the difference between leather and fur – how people can bare wearing leather but not fur. again, solely my opion – but i find people are much more sympathetic to cuter and softer animals (fox, chinchilla) than they are to say a cow or a python. think about the uproar over horse meat found in “ground beef” frozen products. of course people are naturally upset because it didn’t label the meat content properly, but people are also upset because people love horses, they can keep them as pets and they are children’s favorite animals. you simply can’t say the same about cows.

    i also am very apprehensive about faux fur. i have read plenty about how un-environmentally friendly it is, and also how “faux fur” factories in china actually use dogs, as it’s wildly less expensive.

    i’m grateful for all these comments because i feel whatever your decision is on the subject, it is great to be informed.

  • I agree with you about how faux-fur is un-environmental. Thanks Garance for bringing this subject!!! seriously Garance thank you, cos I just watched a video on official peta youtube page, the one presented by Olivia Munn (you can search it on google “Olivia Munn Exposes Never-Before-Seen Footage on Chinese Fur Farms”) and goodness, I’m not vegeterian, but I’ll never let fur enter in my house because it seems to me that it is an uncontrolled cruel activity! poor animals……

    It’s all about the cruelty and how we make some animals become extinct and have miserable lives…..

  • Co’mon guys. so many of you use the same sentence ” If the animal is treated right, it’s ok the wear fur or eat meat etc” a fox in a cage is not treated well! That is the point, the mink in a cage is not treated well either! Animals in slaughterhouses are not treated well either. I was raised and born in the countryside in the 70ies on farm where animals where running outside and the the butcher came to the farm and killed the animal, no transport, no fear ( ok, maybe some for the last minutes ) no other animals looking and understanding what was happening. But I don’t think we have any of that anymore. I do not think there is any happy foxes in cages nor any happy pigs getting killed for us to eat. And as long people are only assuming things, I don’t think that is enough. Tell me where there is a farm with happy well treated foxes raised to be furs? That’s only excuses and ignorance in my opinion. And a fur coat does not even look that good. And about the thing how warm it is? Take a look at those guys working at south pole with polar bears and stuff, ever seen anyone in fur? :D No, me neither. So there you got it. We don’t fur, and fur farmings is gonna be banned in some years anyway. Thank you!

  • As a vegetarian I try to think from the side of animal use and respect. I do not eat meat; however, I do wear leather. I try to wear as much vintage leather as possible in order to recycle as much as possible. I do not wear vintage fur, but that is just my personal preference. The thing with leather is it comes mostly from animals that are used for other things; the animals do not go to waste. Every part of the animal is used for something and therefore leather is part of that too. I understand that leather is still an amazing material, has many uses and has it’s place and cause rather than synthetic fabrics. From an economical standpoint I can see the good in this (although many Vegans will mightily disagree).

    Fur on the other hand is cultivated purely for fashion. The express purpose of these animals being farmed, most often in more horrific conditions than battery or super-farmed livestock, is for people to wear. These are not domesticated animals which also have other uses, I am not an expert but believe much of the leftover animal used simply for fur goes to waste.

    I own vintage leather and suede and if I do buy new leather it is only for shoes or boots as they last me years and as yet I have not found a material that is as sturdy or lasts as long. Should new fabrics of this nature come along, I would be the first to endeavor to make the change. As for fur, I own vintage faux fur. I also would not buy real fur, vintage or otherwise, but again, this is my personal preference. I do not see wearing faux fur as being connected to wearing an animal. I think modern day style and prints and fabrics have moved away from skins and pelts to being a homage to wildlife of sorts. It nods its head to days gone by and the glamour of those days but now has a strong, modern look towards adaptability, freedom and growth within the fashion industry.

    I think animal care is changing in every department be it the food chain, health, economy and fashion. Look at the horse meat scandal or organic vs battery farmed. People are beginning to question not only where our food is coming from but how the animals are treated before and after death; how animals are used within the various industries and where the human/animal respect line lies. Like anything else, it just takes time.

  • Laura Rush March, 19 2013, 12:34 / Reply

    So….I am an animal lover….and a new gardener. An eye opening experience. If your sitting around eating nothing but bags of veggies and thinking you are so pure….guess again. Some living breathing creature had to die in order for you to eat. Be it a slug, a beetle, a rabbit or a mouse….something died. Life takes life. Ill say it again….Life takes life.
    I am not saying that animals should be raised and killed purely for their beautiful pelts…..however, if I inherit….and I have ..a beautiful fur coat and allow it to rot in my closet am I really honoring that animal that gave its life for my warmth and comfort?????? What I am saying is lets have a very honest discussion about what is deemed” humane” and what is not. Is the life of a mink more valuable than that of a slug or a mouse??????

  • I agree, thank you for the thoughtful post. I recently purchased a maroon fur boa at a resale shop and have been feeling guilty for it. I wore it once and felt uncomfortable. I also have Grandma’s fur collars that I have carried around for years, but never wore. Although fur has been a way to keep warm for centuries, it is not done the same way. We are not eating the racoon we are also wearing.

    I am passionate about the continued slaughtering of elephants for their ivory and against wearing/displaying any ivory old or new. Is fur differnt?

    This story in the NYT, titled “Real Fur, Masquerading as Faux” complicates the matter,

  • Est-ce que vous savez au moins que les animaux sont écorchés vivants ? Et qu’ils n’ont rien demandé à personne, surtout à pas à servir le caprice et les envies d’un moment ?

    Que ne peut pas opposer la défense des humains et des animaux ? Que ceux qui ont défendu les animaux sont les plus grands humanistes ?

    Garance, vous êtes mal informée, la fausse fourrure n’a jamais été plus novice sur l’environnement…De plus en plus ont des labels écologiques.

    On en peut pas comparer la fourrure du temps de nos grand-mères, avant les élevages industriels et le piegage illégal, avant c’était rare et cher…Maintenant c’est une désolante uniformité

  • synnove m April, 1 2013, 7:23 / Reply

    Hi, I love your site! I love the sensibility, style, humor, curiosity…

    I am from Norway a very cold country. We are about to ban the fur industry. The world has changed a lot the last 40 years. We now know than animals has feelings. That a fox is as smart, clever, sensible, curious and full of humor as a dog. It has a mother instinct, it travels wast areas in the free and it can communicate without using words. It can not tell us how it feels like being locked in a 1x1m box for two years. But we can use our intelligence to figure that out.

    It is inhuman, ignorant and unknowledgeable to support this very old fashioned industry. And you belive in fashion – right?

  • I can’t say that I am vegetarian because I still eat fish and seafood but I stopped eating meat 1 and half year ago. Wearing fur will never cross my mind and I stopped buying leather goods . I also stoped eating Nutella because of Palm oil.
    Before that, I was a meat lover, I had my daily Nutella toast and I didn’t care about animals.
    And one day, I saw a video which makes me change my mind and my habits. It was just the speech of a guy saying that basically, we (human) love animals. So why are we eating them? And why are we treating them so badly? It was not hard at all to take this decision.
    I just felt that I wanted to do the right thing and believed in it. World is changing… we are supposed to be more and more responsable.Fashion should go in this direction too.

  • I usually try to see both sides of all issues, but unfortunately with the fur debate I have to be staunch in my stance, and I hope Garance you can take the side of your friend Stella and see it too. The fur industry is probably one of the most inhumane industries that are currently out there. It appalls me that this is a legal, commended practice throughout the world. These animals are housed in horrendous conditions, and skinned/killed in the most inhumane ways possible (skinned when alive at times). I don’t think anyone has to be a vegetarian or a vegan to just realize that for the sake of pure vanity, this sort of killing is wrong. Animals feel pain, and are sentient beings like us. I’m starting to realize that to be a ‘good’ person, or at least try to be, it may be best to remove ourselves from inflicting this sort of pain on others. There is the argument about the meat industry, which is also horrible in it’s own ways, but I think that has a long way to go in terms of being resolved. With fur, if the awareness was built, this senseless murder could be stopped significantly with just the bowing out of these top designer labels from the industry. Carine is an amazing woman, and I commend her for making the choice she did. We are in a time where we luckily have the choice to choose synthetic, and I truly believe that’s what we should do. Thanks for putting the question out there, and allowing us to share our thoughts- xxx

  • Spot on with this write-up, I really feel this website needs a
    lot more attention. I’ll probably be back again to see more, thanks for the advice!

  • catherine March, 5 2015, 1:52 / Reply

    Being a vegetarian is not the point for me – I don’t like the thought of having to kill anything and the biggest thing that I have ever killed is a poisonous snake which was in self-defense. However, I think two points to consider with regard to your starting point i.e. the vegetarianism and fashion fur are: First, our teeth were designed to eat meat however, fashion fur, if not a by product of killing something for food, would mean that the animal was killed to satisfy nothing more than vanity. I, personally can’t accept that. I can accept that it’s ok to wear vintage fur as nothing will bring that animal back to life but, the timeline of what is vintage is a possible issue with that position… the fact that the grandmother who bought the fur is dead has no bearing on the fact that an animal was killed for the fur and for her vanity. Hopefully granny died peacefully in her sleep and had a long and happy life.

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