
11 years ago by

[La La Land – The term either refers to Hollywood, Los Angeles or a state of mind synonymous with Hollywood that is out of touch with reality, focusing on dreams, fantasies or frivolous endeavors.]

The scene you see here is not real…

In LA, nobody walks anywhere. If you’re walking down the street, everyone looks at you weird (from their cars). So what happened here is that Daphné and I were driving around and I thought this street was so perfect that we should do a picture.

I just got back from LA where I settled for two weeks to work on my book.

It was a crazy luxury, honestly. Like a creative retreat, which is even better than a vacation if you ask me. That’s why I wasn’t posting a lot from there. Most of the time I was in my room with a view, at the Standard, writing and drawing, attempting to take a step back from my daily life.

I chose LA because it’s a city where I feel free.

Funny because I hated it the first time I went, but every time I go back, I fall a little more in love with it. There’s the soft and cool autumn sun, the sublime views, and a super chill, laid back feel to it, with a lot less hustle and bustle than the craziness in New York. And then there’s the brilliant mix of dream and reality that so profoundly inspires me.

Like Daphné, who lived there for a while says… “It’s my happy place.”

By the way Daphné and I decided that we are going to write a New York vs. LA post… It should be fun.

In the meantime, here’s an impossible photo of Daphné wearing one of her impossible Californian outfits – It’s freezing in the morning and night yet it’s super hot during the day but cool in the shade – which means winter and summer clothes have to come together and I just love it.

Have a wonderful Monday !


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  • Love her cardigan and the denim look! I also want a post LA vs New York and I can’t wait to read you book!

  • mixing thin and thick clothes: i like that! :)


  • Beautiful photo! I hated L.A. too the first time I went, but it’s growing on me… That being said, I don’t think it’ll ever replace New York in my heart :-)
    Can’t wait to read your book!!


    Xoxo! Cory

  • Great !

    À bientôt, Laëti

  • I love her cardigan, it’s really cool. I need one like this!!! I hope you enjoy your time in LA!!!


  • charlotte Gayraud November, 4 2013, 9:25 / Reply

    Les couleurs : OUahouuuu! magnifique pull , on peut avoir la marque?
    Vivement le livre Garance!

  • Oh I cannot wait to hear some news about the book because I so need a copy! I absolutely adore your work- the way you draw, the way you write, … all the ways you express yourself- keep it going, Garance! You are such an inspiration to us all! Greetings from Europe! ;)


  • love the look: the cardigan with the sunglasses and the jeans. I love this back to straight jeans trand. What are they? The sandals look good too. In a granny sort of way, no?

  • You just described my EXACT feelings about LA. I absolutely hated it the first time I visited, and over the past few years, I’ve traveled to LA several times a year for work and various events. Each time, I fall deeper in love and it now feels like my home away from home. You’re right about it feeling like a freeing, creative retreat and there is something so surreal about the thin line between reality and fantasy there. Like Daphne, it is definitely “my happy place”.

  • It may not be too chilly in LA, but that sweater would fit perfectly in NYC where it is currently freezing!

    Your Friend, Jess

  • et oui, LA la ville où moi aussi je me sens le mieux. En plus il faudrait une vie entière pour en faire le tour. Magique !

  • I love this!!!! I’m from California and you got it down. Thats the beautiful mish mash of California, its a world unlike any others. People who first move here hate it…and its not until you understand the magic of the city that you grow to appreciate the way of life and uniqueness. Thanks for the LA post!!!!

    I LOVE LA!!!!

  • So not true about walking in LA! I have lived here all my life and I walk all the time. It would be more accurate to say there is no walking in Beverly Hills-which is where your photo appears to be taken….

  • Ohlalala ! J espere que tu as pu prendre quelques breakfast margarita au petit dejeuner du Standart, au bord de la piscine…

  • J’adore LA l’ideal serait de vivre enter LA et NY, j’imagine bien LA être une bonne source d’inspiration entre reve et realite…

  • Nice LA view, and I love her denim shirt!

  • C’est super d’avoir eu la possiblité de partir pour travailler sur ton livre! J’adorerai visiter LA!


  • I heart LA. I moved to LA from NY 2 years ago (truly never thought I’d peel myself away from NYC) and was astounded by that winter/summer fashion hybrid style that Angelenos can get away with: Uggs & shorts, flip-flops & sweaters, dresses & shorts worn with cowboy boots. Things like this just don’t happen in NY. Ever. It’s growing on me…! The vibe of the city, however, grew on me from day 1. So never say never, but I’m NEVER moving back to NY.

  • Good luck with the writing process!!

  • Ah ouaaaaais, ça c’est le luxe ultime: pouvoir se poser à LA deux semaines pour pouvoir travailler en paix sur un projet…J’en rêve Garance! J’espère que le projet avance comme tu le souhaites, hâte hâte de le découvrir :)


  • On dirait une affiche de film !!

  • LA lover c’est par ici!
    Je rectifie: on appele cela Lalaland car on y rencontre plein de gens qui font de fausses promesses, qui racontent n’importe quoi et qui vendent du rêve.
    Par contre on y marche dans la rue. En temps normal vous m’auriez rencntrée par là avec mon chien. J’ai même une preuve sur mon blog de mon passage dans le quartier:

    PS Garance pour la prochaine fois il faut trouver cet endroit:

  • Marta Pozzan November, 4 2013, 11:46 / Reply

    Always nice when I see pictures from the City of Angels


  • Je suis excitée et impatiente a propos de ton livre et j’aimerais bien s’il auras un peu de cette atmosphére La La que tu décris ici:))))))

  • I’d love to visit la la land once! Everybody falls in love with it, it must be something magical there :)!
    And I love what Daphne is wearing, so effortless and cool!


  • I thought that was you! I saw you on Sunset -walking past me – I live in WeHo and walk everywhere! People do walk in LA.
    You looked great. Effortless and chic. You had on a green military coat, scarf and cute flats. Your hair is adorable too.

  • Carrément cool !


  • You are right about everything being so fake… it’s sad how a lot of cities give you that vibe but unfortunately that is very true.


  • You are so right about the weather right now in LA, hot during the day, cool in the shade, and cold at night.

    and that sweater coat is the perfect after surf coverup. Also the flair jeans + cork-ease still look cool in LA.

    from a 30 year LA resident (los feliz, the coolist little corner; you should stop by next time you are in town).


  • J’aime the hippie look of that girl, her sunglasses, and her cool-boyish way of walking :) and of course I love her cardigan!

    New on Taimemode:

    Jumper worn as a dress!



  • Clothilde November, 4 2013, 2:04 / Reply

    J’ai dû mal lire…..tu es entrain de REALISER UN LIVRE!!!!!??
    Il est 20h, j’ai eu une journée p.o.u.r.r.i.e et tu viens d’un coup de me l’illuminer! Merci : )
    Je suis de tout coeur avec toi, bonne continuation!


  • La photo est superbe j’adore! J’ai toujours rêvé de visiter cette ville, j’espère qu’un jour mon rêve se réalisera et j’ai hâte de lire ton livre, je l’achèterai direct ! :)

  • New York Vs LA , une bonne idée de bouquin mais perso mon choix est déjà fait, je préfére New York , sans hésitation …
    La parenthèse Enchantée.fr

  • Tes photos sont TOUJOURS belles !
    Douce soirée**

  • c’est ce qu’on aime avec les states. On y va plein d’a-prioris, et quand on en repart, on a juste envie d’y retourner!!!
    Sinon, c’est les pulls à la mode à LA? vu sur Rumi neely il y a peu. Moi j’aime pas trop… trop vintage, trop 70’s.

  • What a coincidence – I’m watching The Big Lebowski right now – do you know the scene, when he is wearing his knitted cardigan, smoking and drinking in his car, later sitting in the cinema?
    Well, he is wearing the very same cardigan. A totally diffirent attitude, but the same item…Lebowski lives in LA also.
    I wish you a happy time at your new happy place.

  • J’imagine à quel point cette retraite créative a dû être géniale et mille fois mieux que des vacances. Les vacances ça va deux minutes et puis on s’ennuie. Alors qu’un retraite créative ne peut pas être ennuyeuse vu que l’on fait exister ce qu’on veut :-))

  • Nice shot! Looks cool walkin’ on the streets there! Why nobody do that?


  • Oui, ça serait super un NY versus LA!

    Sandrine x

  • Having moved from NYC to LA – 13 years ago – I might add that it is the LAND OF CASHMERE, SUEDE and HEELS.

    Cashmere — because it IS freezing in the AM & PM but a layer of cashmere will definitely get you through.

    Suede — because it almost never rains, hence you can never ruin suede shoes or flats or boots…

    Heels — because you almost NEVER have to walk. Yes! It would almost appear forbidden. On the flip side — everyone has great sneakers because we all hike in the canyons and parks — maybe not you Garance if you were at The Standard. Next time, stay in Santa Monica and walk at the beach ;)

  • That street is the perfect backdrop for a photo!



  • oui oui oui….I just moved to LA from Paris (after living there for 17 y!), 4 months ago….no comment….it is the best place in the world!!! please – don’t stay at the Standard when you come next time…..stay here in Silverlake, with the view on the Observatory….sweet vintage feel and…..ahhhhh…it just feels so perfect…….come to visit! bises

  • princessglee November, 4 2013, 9:39 / Reply

    Perfect LA street. Yeah it looks quite unnatural that she’s walking. Looks editorial. If this were for real, she’d be wearing flip flops or be barefoot b/c the only reason you walk in the street in your ‘hood is:
    1. To make a quick dash to the neighbors’ for whatever.
    2. To meet up with neighbors immediately following a really rockin’ quake.
    3. There’s a block party.
    4. You’re trick or treating with your children. In this case you may be wearing actual shoes b/c Halloween is typically the 1st real cold/chilly weather day.

  • I love LA! Next time you go stay near Santa Monica- and yes walk around! I used to live there, and walked/ rode my bike everywhere. Stay near Abbot Kinney in Venice, or around Montana street towards the Palisades, for good walking neighborhoods without too many tourists).

  • I’m looking forward to the NY vs. LA post! Although I am from LA, I love both cities so much. LA has the perfect weather year round. You can go to the beach or the mountains within an hour! I also love that people are health conscious here. Gotta have our juices and organic foods. The only thing that continually sucks is traffic and the transportation system. I used to want to move to New York for so long, but I am finally satisfied living here. One more thing….NY nightlife >>>>> LA nightlife.

  • Aaaaahhhh LA… C’est mon “happy place” à moi aussi! Que je t’envie d’avoir pu y faire une retraite pour avancer dans la création de ton livre! Je suis sûre que moi aussi si je me mettais 2 semaines (lire 6 mois) dans une chambre au Standard j’arriverai à finir la rédaction de ma thèse sans problème! ;-) Continue de nous vendre du rêve, surtout s’il vient de LA, j’adore!

  • Of COURSE people walk in LA! We walk (and hike!) all the time.

  • Ce match est très approprié pour vous de porter cet automne, portez à aller faire du shopping qui est confortable et élégant, très bon

  • What? You were here and we did not go out for fish tacos and beer? Next time!

    Hey, Daphne must be in LA for a while now because she got the balance of light/heavy perfectly right. The secret is to make it look like you don’t think about it (tres french, non?). Looking forward the LA vs NY post.

    PS: Awesome pic, Garance. Well done.

  • Preeti Kaur November, 6 2013, 2:59 / Reply

    Such an easy going outfit! Love it :)


  • Merci Garance pour ce joli post sur ma ville d’adoption que j’aime tant! J’ai eu pourtant la même impression que toi la première fois et j’ai détesté cette ville… puis il m’en est resté une impression indélébile, comme une station balnéaire géante, couvée par la lumière, bercée par un rythme nonchalant, j’en suis tombée amoureuse et je crois que je ne la quitterai plus jamais!
    Vivement le post L.A/N.Y!

  • I’d love to see an LA v. Paris post. Please do one! I’d love to hear things you notice that are different about French v. American (LA) women. I was born and raised here in LA, but went to school in Europe and travel there yearly. I do not like LA at all, and have dreams of moving someplace less crowded and much cooler weather. It is unbearable here in the summer……but this has been my home now for over 50 years, and home is well, home, and family, and friends Can’t wait until your book comes out Garance!.

    All the best~

  • LA is the world’s best kept secret.
    in fact, it has everything, but nobody realizes it–always under-rated and berated.
    all the better for those who benefit from all it has to give :)

  • I La La Love this outfit!

  • J’ai vécu un an sans voiture à L.A. l’année dernière et en effet j’ai expérimenté les regards interrogateurs quand je marchais dans la rue :D

  • Bonne année Garance ! Et que de papillons pour moi en ce début d’année ! L.A. est une ville dans laquelle j’ai eu la chance “L.A. style” grâce à deux amis qui nous ont accueillis. Y retourner …et y vivre est un de nos rêves. Génial que l’année commence avec ça ! Merci à toi.

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