
12 years ago by

I am in Tokyo for the first time in my life, and really… It’s like a dream.

I realized today that the city is sooo mystical. I was really worried of being disappointed. Well, I am not.

The people are the kindest in the universe and sooooo well-mannered*, the food is as unsettling as expected**… And its the same thing for fashion, you have to get used to extreme flavors and crazy mixes. Men are super fashionable (I LOVE their style) and girls have so much fun with their make up, hair colors and manicures.

Yoon, who is an amazing graphic artist and jewelry designer (you can check her wonderful world here), that I met today told me it’s really the thing to do in Tokyo. No, Garance, you can’t stay like that with you nails all naked, come on*** !

Ok, that said, I have to go: I am not on vacation here but shooting a Pardon My French for Dior – I am so excited, I’ll tell you about it soon and I’ll definitely try to get a manicure. I mean, come on, they can even stick Hello Kitty on your nails – WHO COULD RESIST THAT !!!?? ;-)

Big kisses and see you later !


*I am preparing some posts about Japanese manners right now – I mean compared to them I feel like a savage !

**Talking about savage, you should see the faces I make when I taste some of the food !

***You savage !


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