Disons que les Birkenstock c’est pas canon mais c’est cool et bien pratique. La a vouloir etre trop fashion, avec une plateforme massive, on vire dans le moche! Ca fait vraiment des gros pieds… No thanks
This is my try everything year, but still I don’t know if I’d dare this one…
I’m tinkling about the possibility, but still I don’t know ;-))
xox, Gap. http://www.gaptoothedgirl.com
No, no and no… Just when you thought birks couldn’t get any uglier. Still, they’re such a no-no that I feel challenged to find evidence that somehow or somebody can make them appealing.
I’d definitely rather go for the classic flat Birkenstock style. These are fun though, definitely statement-making! Also loving that skirt, it reminds me of a Maya Hayuk painting!
I just purchased my first pair of black patent Birkenstocks. Can’t wait to get a pair of white!
So comfortable and surprisingly flattering with a pedicure.
I am so glad they came into fashion because I use to make so much fun if them. I feel ashamed now.
But, these are a little too much, going one step too far.
These have been around in Buenos Aires for quite some years now… worst of all, neon color, suede, platforms! Well, now everything is platform-y now in BA (even brogues and havaianas). Mostly used by teenagers-early-twenty-somethings, I still can´t manage to even tolerate looking at them, they are not stylish, do not elongate the legs, girls walking on them look like walking on bricks…
Question of bodies…If you have legs like Olive’s Popeye, it’s no-no! But otherwise they look comfy and a bit edgy. Maybe a nice every-day way to get some extra height!
haha, que je ne les porterai jamais ;)))
C’est dingue l’impact que peut avoir une tendance sur un ensemble de gens, alors qu’on trouvait ça impensable avant. Moi je vais tomber complètement dans la tendance du jean blanc (si ca me va avec mon fessier, j’ai peur que ca fasse un effet grossissant), bref : comment ça fonctionne une vague de tendance qui embarque des milliers de gens ?
I think that there is no reason to stomp around with elephant`s feet:whatever it means :Converse Chucks, Birkenstocks,Havaianas,etc…..
trying to make your feet looking ugly:i don`t see the point….
Enjoy your day!
Garance, j’ai reçu le parfum Bonpoint et visiblement je l’aime autant que toi! Merci beaucoup à tout le studio et merci de ce blog qui est chaque jour meilleur.
I love these new comfortable, practical, don’t-mess-with-me shoes on other people. But, I don’t know if anyone else feels the same way, they just don’t really flatter my size (European) 41 feet. So sad because I think she looks cool.
I like the idea but not the execution. For me, at least, when the front part of the platform is as high as the back part, the shoes are hard to walk in gracefully and don’t help my posture. I prefer the Lola Sabbia for Eric Michael “Cody” sandals for a similar heft without the clunk. Also they are super-comfortable and I feel like they do wonders for my back when I wear them.
Dans la mode je crois qu’il faut toujours se laisser du temps pour réfléchir, bien observer la “chose” avant de donner son avis final. Il faut imaginer la pièce portée, avec tel ou tel association. Bref, je change souvent d’avis dans la mode. Avant les Birk c’était NON pour moi, puis maintenant… J’hésite ! Celles ci sont très sympa je trouve :)
J’en ai déja porté !
Pas ce modèle exactement, mais un similaire qui a énormément crapahuté ! Une partie de ma jeunesse… Tiens encore une chose que j’aurais peut-être dù garder !
Birkenstocks are one thing, but these just remind me of all the huge, clunky shoes from the ’90s. Impractical and hard to walk in. At least Birks are comfortable and thanks to the recent trend, versatile. But hey, if you can manage them without falling down (as I would), then I say more power to you.
J’aime pas le genre Birkenstocks mais celles-ci sont tellement “too much” qu’elles ne me déplaisent pas. Par contre, la jupe, j’adore : les couleurs, les motifs… Où pourrais-je en trouver une pareille ?
Garance, pourrais-tu poster quelques photos de jolies MAXI jupes ? Nous donner des conseils sur comment les porter…
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Pas mal! et cool le sac plastique.
j’ai beaucoup aimé la photo precedente avec des jolies bleus!
bonne nuit, ici il fait super beau c’est vraiment géniale!
Pas fan de la semelle trop épaisse à mon goût…!
Bonne journée!
Le monde des petites
i love the current slide invasion but the platform is not something i would go for… :)
I despise all slides and mules. But I do like the platforms, and I do like the wide straps. But I don’t like backless shoes at all.
Not so much. Sort of reminds of something ‘Big Foot’ might wear.
I agree, still I don’t know…
xox, Gap.
Disons que les Birkenstock c’est pas canon mais c’est cool et bien pratique. La a vouloir etre trop fashion, avec une plateforme massive, on vire dans le moche! Ca fait vraiment des gros pieds… No thanks
This is my try everything year, but still I don’t know if I’d dare this one…
I’m tinkling about the possibility, but still I don’t know ;-))
xox, Gap.
Um, no. Heel is just too clompy. Is that a word?
Do not make me crazy these sandals but i like the skirt!
Passa a trovarmi VeryFP
Beurk. Je préfère les vraies Birk, tant qu’à faire.
Je n’arrive pas à comprendre la mode parfois :P
Je ne pensais jamais porté ça parce que je n’y pense toujours pas ;)
Des bises !!
No, no and no… Just when you thought birks couldn’t get any uglier. Still, they’re such a no-no that I feel challenged to find evidence that somehow or somebody can make them appealing.
So cute… but I’d rather buy the original Birkenstocks!
I’d definitely rather go for the classic flat Birkenstock style. These are fun though, definitely statement-making! Also loving that skirt, it reminds me of a Maya Hayuk painting!
xx Ella
Ella Et Cetera
I remember wearing backless flatform shoes in the early 2000s and they were soo difficult to walk in …never again!
Moi, je dis que c’est portable, après confortable je ne sais pas ?!
Des birk sur plateformes ? A quand les compensees ?
I just purchased my first pair of black patent Birkenstocks. Can’t wait to get a pair of white!
So comfortable and surprisingly flattering with a pedicure.
I am so glad they came into fashion because I use to make so much fun if them. I feel ashamed now.
But, these are a little too much, going one step too far.
Go for the Birks…..
These have been around in Buenos Aires for quite some years now… worst of all, neon color, suede, platforms! Well, now everything is platform-y now in BA (even brogues and havaianas). Mostly used by teenagers-early-twenty-somethings, I still can´t manage to even tolerate looking at them, they are not stylish, do not elongate the legs, girls walking on them look like walking on bricks…
orthopedic ?
I prefer these divinely pretty ones from Tomas Maier , actually….his whole collection is just stunning
that is more what I am into these days…..I feel those big clunky shoes will be over very soon
Question of bodies…If you have legs like Olive’s Popeye, it’s no-no! But otherwise they look comfy and a bit edgy. Maybe a nice every-day way to get some extra height!
I’m so obsessed with these sandals!!
Trop belles! J’adore la photo…et la jupe!
Not sure at all… Would rather go for the skirt!! like the colors!
Bisous quand meme…
J’adore! Topshop en propose des similaires.
pas surfan, mais sympa….
i love that!
I still wouldn’t wear this… :/
Really cool!!
xx – My Fantabulous World
I do like that trendy shoes for women are becoming more and more comfortable for real.
Parfois, je me dis que la mode marche sur la tête …
Des Birkenstock, oui. Mais des Birkenstock compensées, jamais de la vie… Même avec mon 1,55m !
haha, que je ne les porterai jamais ;)))
C’est dingue l’impact que peut avoir une tendance sur un ensemble de gens, alors qu’on trouvait ça impensable avant. Moi je vais tomber complètement dans la tendance du jean blanc (si ca me va avec mon fessier, j’ai peur que ca fasse un effet grossissant), bref : comment ça fonctionne une vague de tendance qui embarque des milliers de gens ?
A few years ago I would have never worn these shoes but I might change my opinion after seeing this cool picture!
Love’m….. comfy and just right for my “solid” legs :-)
J’aime.Avec un joli vernis ça passe très bien je trouve.
I love them!
J’aime, j’aime, j’aime !!! J’adore l’association avec la jupe qui est sublime !
I find them very unflattering and “man repeller” :) They look like platform Birkestock so… no!
Comment alourdir sa démarche inutilement?
J’aime beaucoup ce genre de photos prise dans le vif du sujet. de plus le chaussures sont top
I think that there is no reason to stomp around with elephant`s feet:whatever it means :Converse Chucks, Birkenstocks,Havaianas,etc…..
trying to make your feet looking ugly:i don`t see the point….
Enjoy your day!
Garance, j’ai reçu le parfum Bonpoint et visiblement je l’aime autant que toi! Merci beaucoup à tout le studio et merci de ce blog qui est chaque jour meilleur.
I love these new comfortable, practical, don’t-mess-with-me shoes on other people. But, I don’t know if anyone else feels the same way, they just don’t really flatter my size (European) 41 feet. So sad because I think she looks cool.
I like the idea but not the execution. For me, at least, when the front part of the platform is as high as the back part, the shoes are hard to walk in gracefully and don’t help my posture. I prefer the Lola Sabbia for Eric Michael “Cody” sandals for a similar heft without the clunk. Also they are super-comfortable and I feel like they do wonders for my back when I wear them.
I think it depends, but in the picture it’s so chic!
Pas très flatteur non? Ca alourdit la jambe. Cela manque de délicatesse à mon sens.
Dans la mode je crois qu’il faut toujours se laisser du temps pour réfléchir, bien observer la “chose” avant de donner son avis final. Il faut imaginer la pièce portée, avec tel ou tel association. Bref, je change souvent d’avis dans la mode. Avant les Birk c’était NON pour moi, puis maintenant… J’hésite ! Celles ci sont très sympa je trouve :)
I am sorry but it is really awful!!!!
J’en ai déja porté !
Pas ce modèle exactement, mais un similaire qui a énormément crapahuté ! Une partie de ma jeunesse… Tiens encore une chose que j’aurais peut-être dù garder !
elles ont l’air hyper comfortable! :) Je les trouve cool et je les porterais sans hésitation!
Well, I thought I would never wear Birkenstocks and I bought a pair last week… So… why not lift them a little bit up?!? I already love them!!!
Birkenstocks are one thing, but these just remind me of all the huge, clunky shoes from the ’90s. Impractical and hard to walk in. At least Birks are comfortable and thanks to the recent trend, versatile. But hey, if you can manage them without falling down (as I would), then I say more power to you.
Eeek. Rather walk in my bare feet. Or crawl on my hands and knees :—)
J’aime pas le genre Birkenstocks mais celles-ci sont tellement “too much” qu’elles ne me déplaisent pas. Par contre, la jupe, j’adore : les couleurs, les motifs… Où pourrais-je en trouver une pareille ?
Garance, pourrais-tu poster quelques photos de jolies MAXI jupes ? Nous donner des conseils sur comment les porter…