Karl-Edwin Guerre is a street-style photographer and owns the blog Guerreisms…i love his different looks… he loves fashion &loves to be the subject…..and it looks great
Yael Guetta
Tres belle photo et que dire du Gentleman ! Semble tout droit sorti d’un film des annees 70. Avec ce sens inné du vetement et de la posture. Elegance absolue !!!!!!
I had the great honor of finally meeting Guerre at Pitti 89 in Florence. Aside from all his grand accomplishments he is the humble, nicest and most genuine gentleman I know. I have been watching him grow professionally and all I can say is keep your eyes open on this one…he’s going places and one is to the top!
I love his style and I love his beautiful street pics of sharply dressed men. I can only wish that he’d come to Florida and inspire young men here to dress like his subjects. #Impeccable
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
I LOVE this look! Makes me wish Men’s Vogue was still around.
Karl-Edwin Guerre is a street-style photographer and owns the blog Guerreisms…i love his different looks… he loves fashion &loves to be the subject…..and it looks great
Yael Guetta
Merci de la précision :-)
Yay ! Mens fashion !
Qui est ce bel homme ? Un artiste ? J’adore son style et sa decontraction.
Bon courage a vous tous qui habitez le nord des U.S. Be safe !
Tres belle photo et que dire du Gentleman ! Semble tout droit sorti d’un film des annees 70. Avec ce sens inné du vetement et de la posture. Elegance absolue !!!!!!
How classy…!! :)
I had the great honor of finally meeting Guerre at Pitti 89 in Florence. Aside from all his grand accomplishments he is the humble, nicest and most genuine gentleman I know. I have been watching him grow professionally and all I can say is keep your eyes open on this one…he’s going places and one is to the top!
Quel charme il dégage, cet homme !!! Qui est-il ? La photo, la lumière, son style, son physique…. <3
Great photo! Love those pants
I love his style and I love his beautiful street pics of sharply dressed men. I can only wish that he’d come to Florida and inspire young men here to dress like his subjects. #Impeccable
Très stylé! Classe & cool, j’aime beaucoup! :-D
Great picture and wonderful feature!
Love love love! x
il me fait penser à Gregory dans The Americans !
Quelle prestance!
Hot! Hot! Hot! (And stylish!)
Qu’il est beau!!!!!
Mr Casual Fly!!!