garance dore glamour love style life magazine illesteva sunglasses coffee

9 years ago by

I’m really excited to share this article with you from the October issue of Glamour. First of all, because there’s nothing wrong with a little self-promotion (hehe) and also because it marks the beginning of the campaign around my book… And finally because I wrote the article myself, especially for Glamour.
Love x Style x Life comes out in just about a month!!! I can’t even believe it…

This article talks about the art of living I try to create around me, the good French habits I almost lost, and the new ones I learned living in New York.

Here is an extract, I’ll leave you to discover the rest!


How to Live With Style

By a woman who knows– French-born blogger Garance Doré, author of the new book Love Style Life.

I’m a 40-year-old French woman, but let’s be honest here: I’m not a real Parisian. I come from Corsica, and I have to tell you, in the South of France, we do it better. We invented the slow life—leisurely meals, rosé en terrasse, comfortable homes, easy style.

I’ve been living in New York City for about five years, and it’s been quite an adjustment. In that time I’ve learned everything there is to know about multitasking, networking, power dressing, and restaurant hopping. Unfortunately, in the process, I also unlearned some precious things. It dawned on me recently that I had let go of some parts of my French identity. I didn’t cook anymore, didn’t spend any time at home, and although I’d made many new friends, I’d lost my sense of hospitality. Where I come from, a home is always filled with people. There is always a chilled bottle of wine in the fridge and an extra toothbrush should anyone decide to stay the night. But it wasn’t like that in New York. So I decided to reclaim my Southern Frenchness and bring that spirit to my life in America…”

You can read the full piece here

P.S. You can pre-order Love x Style x Life here.


garance dore glamour love style life magazine illesteva sunglasses coffee

Special thanks to Cynthia Leive, Jane Keltner De Valle, and the Glamour team.

Photos: James Ryang; Stylist: Sarah Slutsky; Makeup: Tatyana Makarova; Prop stylist; Erin Swift.


Add yours
  • J’adore cette interview! Etant française et vivant en Ecosse depuis 9 ans, je suis tout a fait d’accord, j’essaie autant que possible d’organiser des dîners, d’avoir un appart tjs ouvert pour les visites, je voudrais même commencer a inviter les amis pour le brunch le dimanche, un repas anglo-saxon mais c’est tellement français de le faire a la maison!
    PS: hate de voir ton livre!

  • Cristina Rodríguez October, 1 2015, 9:43 / Reply


  • Francine October, 1 2015, 9:56 / Reply

    Bravo Garance! Je viens de lire ton article sur et je suis 100% d’accord avec ce que tu dis! D’ailleurs j’ai une petit question par rapport à ton livre: est-ce que à l’origine tu l’as écrit en français ou en anglais? Dans un mois va-t-il sortir dans les deux langues?

  • looks amazing! congrats

  • I soooo can’t wait for your book! it will have a lovely home on the centre of my coffee table! xo

  • Jennifer October, 1 2015, 10:06 / Reply

    Congrats Garance! This is a great article, loved the styling!

  • Bravo ! You are so Mediterranean : kitchen essentials : (olive oil, hebs, salt, pasta, garlic) NAIL IT (I’d add pepper too) ! LOOOVE IT

  • Ma Garance its a great article and your words are ……wisdom ….so proud of you… so proud of this French Vision on everyday life ..its so hard to explain something that comes to you naturally …part of your heritage as french…
    bisous bisous
    Yael Guetta

  • From the very first paragraph, you had me! I am going to have to snag that book at pre-order!

    Nicolette | The Magnolia Girls

  • Ça donne envie d’en savoir plus et surtout d’en voir plus !!!
    Tu aiguises notre appétit Garance !


  • Love your style and can’t wait to get your book! :)

  • I really enjoyed reading your interview in the Dutch Elle magazine too! Can’t wait to order your book. Will it be available in Holland? Let me know! Would love to have it for my 23th birthday :)

  • Hi Mariska,
    Thank you for your comment! The book will be available in Holland. We’ll be launching a site for the book soon which will include all of the info on where it can be purchased, but in the meantime it can be pre-ordered through the site here:
    x Emily

  • Juliette October, 1 2015, 11:36 / Reply

    “A kitchen isn’t a kitchen without…
    Olive oil.”
    Je viens du Sud et ça m’a fait rire que tu indiques ça en premier, rien ne vaut la cuisine à l’huile d’olive <3

  • Wonderful article! After spending the summer in France, I sure do realize how much I am missing by not taking more time and entertaining like the French!
    Looking forward to reading your book.


  • I have always admired the sense of lifestyle you have! Amazing!!!
    The way to get used to the new living style in other country and compromise it with the living routine from the origin is an art. Looking forward to your new book.

  • Lisa Walker October, 1 2015, 11:52 / Reply

    I effing loved this photo. Great piece all around.

  • Vive le Sud de la France! Pour le succès de ton livre Garance, je bois un rosé de chez moi, qui n’est pas la Corse mais qui y ressemble par moment (ô douce Corbières)!

  • Yeay Garance! Enjoy your time being the cover girl!

  • Adorable, authentic, reassuring, inspiring. Go, lady, go!

  • Oh Garance! Thanks so much for this post! Living in London, I also realised that I was losing my ‘frenchness’ so I’m back on eating lots of bread (what’s wrong with carb?), try to invite more people at home for an aperitif and made my house very cosy. So far so good :)

  • Where is that book already ? Please move the date ahead. I have a weekend to myself this week and would love to get my hands on it.

  • Only a few more weeks! Promise it’s worth the wait! :)

  • Florence October, 1 2015, 3:22 / Reply

    Oh la la, comme j’ai trop hâte de lire ce livre!! J’adore (/adule) tes écrits, et je sens que ça va devenir mon nouveau “guide de vie” ^_^ Vivement la sortie en France!

  • “I like the way you move!” :) adorable…

  • Congrats, Garance! Love the article and absolutely can’t wait to read your book.
    xx Angelina

  • C’est drole que une francaise donne des conseils pour cuisiner de la pasta al dente! :-) mais les habitudes que tu racontes, sont vraiment typiques des pays autour de la mer mediterranee :-) bonne chance pour la sortie du livre!

  • Congratulations Garance. You’ve reinvented yourself again. Watch out Martha Stewart!


  • Ana @Champagnegirlsabouttown October, 1 2015, 6:54 / Reply

    Garance you are one fabulous lady! I can’t wait for your book! In Poland where I come from we also cook from scratch. My husband is French and despite our hectic London life we try to cook every day (trying being the key word here :) I love the pre dinner drinks at my in laws. I tried to do it in London but it wasn’t a good idea- I guess the point is to just have one, not five :)

  • Eeeeeep I’m so excited that you had this opportunity to write for Glamour! Great article and it does make me wish that America wasn’t so fast-paced and people actually sat down to eat TOGETHER and enjoyed each other’s company. Also – I’m craving pasta now.

  • Hi Garance! I’ve been a silent reader for years and I decided today to write you this comment to congratulate you, on your book and on your website. I can’t wait to read your articles everyday (congrats to the team also) and I can’t wait to have your book in my hands.
    Just a little question: where did you get the painting on the wall featured in the first picture?

    Thank you : ) Amélie.

  • Francesca October, 2 2015, 3:25 / Reply

    Congrats to you and your team for the big dose of style you bring into our lives on a daily basis! Great cover and article!

  • Bravo ! Mais en quelle langue le livre est il publié ?

  • I love it!!!! I’m European and we also have friends at home, we play games, cook and socialize at home. We go out, obviously, but having friends over is great fun. And I love it. Thank you for saying all that. maybe this text will remind some people to sometimes switch off and get involved in a person to person life and contact :)

  • Je viens de la région de Montpellier et habite à Paris depuis 11 ans et je me reconnais parfaitement dans ton article (lu en anglais c’est super pour progresser!). Connaissais tu bien les USA avant ton installation à NYC? Va tu faire la promo de ton livre à Paris?

  • Oh Garance bravo, ton article et top et toi tu es resplendissante sur les photos.

    Je viens de tomber sur une photo de toi sur Vogue France
    Je la poste ici pour être certaine qu’elle soit vue, tu es tellement jolie dessus.

    Des bisous de Paris.

  • Super article ! Simple, fidèle à l’image de la vie dans le Sud que tu veux dégager. J’adore. En plus, les photos sont hyper réussies, tu es magnifique ! J’ai hâte d’avoir ton livre !!!!

  • Hello Garance and the Studio Team,

    I would like to know if Garance wrote herself the french version of the book or if it has been translated in french by someone else. I love the writting style of Garance. This point will really influence my choice of version…
    Thank you,

  • I love your style. Congrats on the Glamour article!

  • J’ai tremblée d’effroi en réalisant l’évidence : il y a des lieux dans le monde ou les gens n’achètent pas une bonne baguette de pain frais quotidienne :-)

  • Hélène October, 5 2015, 5:00 / Reply

    En lisant ta déclaration d’amour au sud j’ai pensé à ce beau poème de René Char — merci pour tes articles, souvent si rayonnants :

    “Dans mon pays, les tendres preuves du printemps et les oiseaux mal habillés sont préférés aux buts lointains.

    La vérité attend l’aurore à côté d’une bougie. Le verre de fenêtre est négligé. Qu’importe à l’attentif.

    Dans mon pays, on ne questionne pas un homme ému.

    Il n’y a pas d’ombre maligne sur la barque chavirée.

    Bonjour à peine, est inconnu dans mon pays.

    On n’emprunte que ce qui peut se rendre augmenté.

    Il y a des feuilles, beaucoup de feuilles sur les arbres de mon pays. Les branches sont libres de n’avoir pas de fruits.

    On ne croit pas à la bonne foi du vainqueur.

    Dans mon pays, on remercie.”

  • Okay, so you must know that I hate cooking. Hate cooking with the heat of a thousand suns. I get overwhelmed by it, too much mess, too much pressure. I’m a gobble-it-up in front of the computer type. BUT, after reading your article, I feel like I could do it, cook, baby steps, enjoy it even. Thank you for the inspiration!

  • rorococoeugvic October, 11 2015, 6:40 / Reply

    Du Sud aussi … Montpellier … Et donc ça me parle … C’est bien et bon de garder ses racines je crois ! On est fait de tout ça au final …

  • Merci Garance!!
    Ton article m’a fait du bien, j’habite à Paris, et je viens aussi du sud :)
    Mais vivre à Paris, c’est compliqué pour cuisiner, pour le dolce farniente et pour les bons produits! Tu m’as redonné la motivation pour aller au marché et faire venir les copains à la maison, même si j’ai bossé toute la journée!
    J’ai hate de lire ton livre!

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