
10 years ago by

The thing I heard the most this weekend during our Open Studio was from readers who came over to say: “I’ve been following your blog for years, it’s so great to see how it’s evolving…!” and nothing could make me happier than feeling that empathy.

It’s fantastic, because it always reminds me of how I started — not even talking about it, being almost a little embarrassed to have the audacity to imagine that I could have a blog, or that I had this micro dream of doing something of my own.
Back then, I didn’t tell anyone about it — only my three closest friends, actually.

In a matter of two weeks, we launched our newsletter, a new version of our store, and our first Open Studio all at once. To be honest, we hadn’t realized that everything would fall at the same time. These were all just dreams we’d had for a long time that finally came to life at the same moment.

We couldn’t be happier with the results.
The newsletter has been well received and you’ve sent us tons of emails telling us how much you liked it. The first special event related to the newsletter was just as cool and intimate as I had imagined* (sending kisses to the readers who came to breakfast on Friday and vive Prêt-à-Manger croissants! ;) — As for Garance Doré Goods and the Open Studio, oh la la… I’ll have to write an entire post all about it because this weekend surpassed everything I had hoped for it, to the point that at this very moment (that is — Sunday at 1:46, just after spending the morning taking down the Open Studio) I still haven’t completely come down from it.

That’s how things are going for us as we grow.

I dream (or rather — we dream, since I’m not alone anymore and we totally love dreaming things up together, my team and I) and we work like crazy until we bump into the limits of our imagination. And when that happens, that just means it’s time to dream up something new.

Some people talk about creative visualization — it might be kind of like that.

It seems natural to me now. And obviously, it’s easier now to say things now like: “What if we set up a pop-up space where everyone would be welcome to come see the collection, meet the team, and participate in conferences and workshops with us? And get Tattly tattoos! And we could serve Ladurée macaroons! And share my favorite coffee! And invite the amazing Nicolas!!! And Lola! And, and, and…” than it was when I started and nobody knew me.
But in other ways, it’s still the same process. It all starts with a dream.

Because if we don’t let ourselves dream, that’s when life puts up a series of walls, impossibilities, and maybe later in another life.

Dreams carry us over those walls. They make us see new paths — things that maybe no one else had ever imagined before.
When I started, I never could have imagined that all of this was possible, myself!

That’s why nothing makes me happier than your enthusiasm for how the blog is evolving. I figure that if my blog, besides talking about style (and everything else on our minds), can give you ideas, encouragement, and a little bit of the audacity to believe in yourself, then that truly is a dream.

Big kisses! And have a great start to your week! :)


*It was great — we were all sitting around the table together, we got to chat and eat croissants, and I met, among others — my new Pilates teacher, one of our readers who does digital marketing and who is going to come give us a lesson at the Studio, and another reader who is a director and who might come help us on the next episodes of Pardon My French! I knew my readers were cool!!!

PS: In the photo — a Tattly temporary tattoo.

Translated by Andrea Perdue


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  • Je suis vraiment heureuse de voir à quel point cette évolution te ravit, mais je râle vraiment de ne pas avoir pu venir au Studio! Moi aussi je suis ton blog depuis des années et j’attends tous les jours tes billets avec beaucoup d’impatience. Et tu as raison, les rêves nous font nous dépasser nous-mêmes et parfois bien au-delà de nos attentes les plus folles.

  • the temporary tattoo is a genius idea! :)

  • Yes! I also have been following your blog for years and I love it more and more every day. I love how was evolving through the years and how the story of your dreams came true. It’ s really beautiful and inspiring. By the way, this is the more cool and beautiful tatoo ever!

  • you´re such a succes story…… good job….. love it!!

  • Amélie March, 31 2014, 9:05 / Reply

    Voilà ce que j aime le plus sur ce blog : lire ton enthousiasme !!!
    Parce que tu y parles de choses que tu vis , les réflexions qu elles t apporte et je trouve que le message que tu porte va bien au delà, bref ça file le sourire de te lire , et aussi du courage .
    Merci garance !
    P s : un open studio prévu en mai ? Parce que je serai à New York et serai très heureuse d enfin te rencontrer !

  • Aurélie March, 31 2014, 9:20

    Oh oui fin mai je suis à NY aussi… Sinon juste un petit café/croissant informel!

  • Oui oui, Garance, ton blog, son contenu, développement, ton histoire, toutes ses choses sont inspirantes!! J’aurais adoré voir plus de photos de l’open studio (ou une video) à défaut d’y avoir assisté!

  • C’est toujours un plaisir de te lire, peut être encore plus lorsque tu as pris une grosse dose d’émotion.
    Moi aussi je veux des tatoo!!!!!!!!

    Et je me porte volontaire pour bosser sur ton pop up parisien ;)
    Heu un pop up avec des rdv vidéo conférence avec toi durant tout un mois!!! ça y est tu me fais rêver :)

  • Jessica March, 31 2014, 9:16 / Reply

    Hi! I came for a visit on Saturday and it was so exciting to see your work in person. I totally geeked out when I thanked you because I’m super shy but your eyes were so sweet and warm. I know you will make more magic happen and it all comes from such pure intention. I did a shout out on ( ) thank you, Garance, you are crazy cool and inspiring.

  • always a pleasure to read your blog
    in love about him!

  • Congratulations Garance, to you who had endure in Such a graceful way among the years, giving to your readers the chance to dream with you. Reading you is now routine, and a very good kind of routine. And Also, congrats to the team, for being wonderful and being like the little fairies that make – everything possible- , you’re amazing. Big kisses and hugs. :) stay cool!!

  • Chère Garance,

    Lire ta joie dans ce post m’a convaincu d’écrire ce commentaire, qui pourrait s’intituler merci merci merci !

    Moi je ne te connais que depuis 3 mois, je n’ai pas vu ton évolution, je suis tombée direct sur ce blog déjà super abouti, hyper pro et inspirant, et à la fois très touchant.
    J’étais à Noël à Nizwa, une ville sublime nichée dans les montagnes d’Oman, quand je suis tombée sur une interview de toi sur une chaine américaine, permis les 200 chaines arabes de l’hôtel !
    Quel hasard bienheureux … ça faisait 3 mois que je tournais en rond en me demandant comment concilier ma passion pour l’écriture et celle pour les bijoux, quand damned mais c’est bien sur, en t’écoutant, j’ai eu l’idée de créer mon propre blog.

    Bon moi j’en suis au tout début, je me demande encore comment j’ai pu avoir l’audace, je rame comme une geek toute seule derrière mon mac, mais j’adore ça ! Voir ta réussite et lire cette jubilation qui t’accompagne dans ton travail est une véritable motivation.

    Encore merci, et surtout bravo pour ton travail et ton parcours !


  • Is a pleasure to read your blog, I follow him for a few months with great pleasure!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • How I WISH I lived in NYC to visit your Open House! Congrats on all your dreams and successes!

  • It’s part of my daily routine to check out your blog every day! I loved your Interview on Google with Anna Rifle Bond – just fabulous!

  • Quel bel édito positif qui donne la pêche, l’envie d’entreprendre, d’avoir des tas d’idées ,d’aller au bout de ses rêves c’est vrai …en tout cas pour ma part je connais ton blog depuis pas si longtemps ( j’en avais entendu parler bien évidemment ..) , je constate tous les jours qu’il y a là-dessous beaucoup beaucoup de talents , dessin , graphisme , photo etc ..bref cela compte pour un blog de qualité que l’on a envie de consulter tous les jours …alors encore bravo à Garance et l’équipe ! ce succès est mérité et mon petit doigt me dit (et il ne se trompe pas souvent ) que ce n’est que le début d’une très grande et belle aventure ..J.

  • I’ve been following your blog only for a couple of months but what u do is great!!

    Orange bag for a new outfit on lowbudget-lowcost Fashion blog

  • J’aurais tellement aime etre at ton open studio, mais je suis en Floride :/ felicitation Garance et tea,.


  • Salut Garance, je suis passee avec une amie vendredi mais n’ai pas eu l’occasion de te feliciter car nous etions avec son bebe et la queue etait longue :)
    Franchement bravo car le pop’up studio refletait perfaitement l’ambiance que l’on trouve sur ton blog! J’aime beaucoup la facon accessible & humble avec laquelle tu approches les gens, j’espere que ca restera comme ca pour toujours!!!! xo
    ps: petite suggestion pour ta boutique, ca serait top que tu fasses une categorie livre, non? Genre deco / design / architecture / createurs / culinaire….

  • Your blog and the team are truly amazing! Congratulations! xx

  • J’ai adoré l’interview le Lola ! A appliquer immédiatement pour le travail :-)
    Baci, Ali

  • Wow! So great! I’m happy for you guys and I can really feel that enthusiasm! I’m sure it was so much fun! Tonight I want to watch the google+ talk, hope this is still possible… You are so right Garance, if we don’t dream, we pretty much build walls around our self and limit our view on life in a quite dramatic way! Sometimes dreams scare you a little, I can relate to that and I must say, this post just gave me the little push I needed to finally work towards my dream! It has nothing to do with fashion, but it’s going to be fantastic and now back to work, so I come closer to that dream of mine ;-) Thank you Garance, big virtual hug xxx

  • Il faut (savoir) rever! C’est vrai, merci Garance!


  • I am also following your blog for years and I love it more and more each day!

  • Congratulations! I couldn’t make it to the studio this weekend but I’ve been keeping track online. I can’t wait to see what else you have in store!
    Your Friend, Jess

  • It all starts with a dream but the execution of the dream is what will accomplish things. congratulations and I love reading your blog in case you didnt know :)
    I too have a dream. hopefully one day I’ll make it. I invite you to take a look at it, maybe you’ll like it :)
    Xo, Belen

  • Congratulations :) I’m also a great fan of your blog – looking forward to many more years of reading it!


  • ChiharuKxxxxxxxx March, 31 2014, 10:30 / Reply

    Firstly, congrats on the open studio and I could only imagine a little how the event went, but I guess I see more of it on your blog this week. I live in japan and been reading your blog for years.
    If I were in NYC, I must have visited the open studio and expressed directly to you like other readers were.
    Due to the time difference, I get to read the latest post before going to sleep as it is uploaded.
    I came to know your blog from Scott’s blog. I read also most every day
    I had never ever had a female idol until I saw you. You added colors that I had not played with before to my daily life, and I m so happy about that.
    OH,,it is getting into like a letter….so just wanted to express thank you !!!! And hoping to have a chance to see you someday:P

  • Lovely, lovely! I’ve been following your blog for the past two years and love the way it has evolved – still your same loving voice but with a more breadth and inspiration. Thank you so much for all you share with us!


  • Congratulations Garance & Team, this is amazing and I am inspired every day by your work, your articles, your photos and reading now about your dream, Garance, it’s just so inspiring! Love it all! xx

  • le truc incroyable c’est que ton blog aurait pu devenir une machine à fric / un espace de branding “regardez comme je suis cool”

    En fait, tu nous fais pas rêver, tu nous enjoins à réaliser nos rêves.

  • Un blog ne prend une telle ampleur qu’avec une personnalité solaire aux commandes et c’est bien ton cas, Garance, avec cette image aussi accessible qu’inspirante. C’est toi qu’on vient voir parce qu’on se rêve toutes un poil Garance, au fond :)

  • If only I live in New York…..

  • Dear Garance,

    This post was so touching! It was difficult to pay a visit this weeend unfortunately as I am living in Greece BUT my friends and myself mentioned it during our brunch on Saturday that the coolest plan ever was to attend your open day! Congratularions on the blog, the studio, the team and everything!

    During the last year your blog is a daily habit of mine! So happy to see new posts, entries and everything!

    It’s just so lovely!

    Have a great week!


  • Thank you Garance for being an inspiration!

  • I’m so bummed I missed your Open Studios this past weekend. I’m hoping to catch the next one you have.
    I’m also so excited that you partnered with one of my favorite stationary company, Rifle Paper!! I’ve been a huge fan of them for years and can’t wait to order some pieces for myself.

  • Thank you, Garance, this made me tear up. There is a saying about the universe sending you encouragement in whispers and this post was certainly such a whisper for me. I actually wrote in my journal a few weeks ago that I realized I haven’t allowed myself believe in my dreams for the past few years, that I feel like “being realistic” and taking the safe, stable path have stifled my creative spirit and created frustration and stagnation within me. Thank you for reminding us all that believing in yourself and in your dreams is the only real way to live!

  • It was such a pleasure meeting and speaking with you on Friday! You’ve converted me in to a Pret croissant lover. I look forward to coming in and chatting digital :)

    besos, Laia
    (the ‘new yorker’ haha)

  • Viktoire March, 31 2014, 12:41 / Reply

    Moi aussi Garance, je trouve ton blog formidable, même si je n’ai pu te le dire de vive voix ;-)
    Merci pour tout le bonheur que tu nous communique.
    C’est une belle aventure et nous te suivons les yeux fermés…


  • Juliette March, 31 2014, 12:43 / Reply

    “Les rêves nous portent au dessus de ces murs”
    C’est le mythe de la nouvelle frontière qui s’empare de toi? :p Tu es officiellement devenue américaine? ;)

  • I love this “…we work like crazy until we bump into the limits of our imagination. And when that happens, that just means it’s time to dream up something new.”

  • Oui Garance, ton blog est source de rêve et d’inspiration, en tout cas, c’est comme ça que je le reçois. Et surtout, il y a quelque chose de très personnel qui demeure, et moi, ça me plaît parce que c’est un bel exemple de comment grandir et se développer – professionnellement – en restant soi. J’ai particulièrement aimé lire ce post là, aujourd’hui, parce cette semaine, j’ai rendez-vous avec mon destin pour tenter de changer de métier – et aller un peu plus vers moi – alors merci pour l’inspiration que tu donnes sur ton blog et vive la vie!

  • An inspiring post Garance. I share many of your sentiments and dream someday my blog will reach more visitors looking for new and old places to see, things to do in Paris. It’s evolving, just like yours did. Who knows where it will be in a few years. Good luck in all your future endeavors, they sound exciting!


  • “Fais de ta vie un rêve, de tes rêves une réalité” Saint Exupery ….et c’est ma devise
    Merci Garance de nous faire rêver aussi

    you are a real inspiration

  • your blog is always amazing and one I look forward to reading every day! I wish I could have been at your open studio! hopefully I’ll get to meet you soon!

  • vanessa la belge March, 31 2014, 1:40 / Reply

    “Le meilleur moyen de réaliser l impossible est de croire que c’est possible”. La citation du jour de mon calendrier… Bravo Garance, bravo a toute l’équipe. Vous nous faites rêver!

  • Moi je me ferais bien un vrai tatoo by Garance !! ah ah (mais siiiiii)
    Et c’est tellement vrai ce que tu dis ! Moi ce n’est pas que je ne rêve pas, c’est que bien souvent je finis par me dire “à quoi bon…”. C’est d’ailleurs pour ça que j’ai mis tant de temps à faire mon blog…parce qu’il y avait le tien, que je consulte chaque jour, depuis pfff 8ans…et que tu te dis “mais que vas tu apporter de plus ?”. Mais en fait ce n’est pas comme ça qu’il faut voir les choses… A la base, je pense qu’il faut être un peu égoïste et se dire que déjà, si ça te fait plaisir de le faire, alors fais-le !! Et puis tu as publier l’entretien avec Philippe Delhomme et je ne sais pas pourquoi, ça a été le déclic ! Voilà donc pour te dire merci pour ça, parce finalement sans toi, j’aurai continué de me dire “à quoi bon” et ne l’aurai jamais fait ! Bise à ma Girolata girl préférée ! :-)

  • Garance, je suis tellement fière de ton évolution et du studio Doré. Oh lala comment j’aurais aimé être à l’Open Studio, c’est vraiment chiant d’être coincée en Europe sur ce coup-là. Je ne t’ai jamais rencontré et ça serait un de mes rêves donc un jour j’espère *fingers crossed*. Je suis presque émue par ta générosité, je te lis depuis longtemps maintenant (en fait pratiquement toute mon adolescence et maintenant ma nouvelle vie d’adulte) et tu m’as apportée beaucoup: un endroit pour m’échapper et trouver ce que je n’arrivais pas à trouver autour de moi.
    J’ai tout suivi ces dernières semaines sans pouvoir commenter (j’avais envie, mais pas le temps *arg*) car je travaillais sur mon premier shooting photo qui est partie d’un rêve aussi et qui s’est concrétisé ce weekend. Je sais maintenant que je suis faite pour être une personne créative et ça ne me fait plus peur car je te vois évoluer et réaliser tous ces projets fantastiques. Voir une personne créative comme toi qui réalise ses rêves me pousse à croire aux miens et me dire que c’est possible. C’est grâce à toi que j’ai vraiment eu envie de travailler dans un milieu artistique comme la mode. Je me souviens lorsque tu avais mentionné le livre “The Teen Vogue Handbook” et que j’avais couru l’acheter. Ce livre m’a tellement aidée à trouver ma voie, tout comme toutes les “career interview”. Puis, là de voir ta ligne de “goodies” me rend trop heureuse pour toi car c’est un superbe projet où tu as réussi à garder ton authenticité et ton style.

    Tout ça pour te dire merci d’être une inspiration.
    Gros Bisous au studio ! Luvvv !

  • SO great!
    Been following you for years too !


  • C’est génial de lire cet article et tes mots pour évoquer avec bonheur et émotion de ton évolution. Effectivement, c’est très encourageant ! Et c’est tellement important de réussir à avancer pour concrétiser ses rêves ( je viens moi-même d’en réaliser un en créant ma mini collection de t-shirts et sweatshirts précieusement tendances ! ;-) Alors même si on en est pas du tout au même niveau, je comprend ce que tu ressens ! ) Bisous à toi également !

  • GUILLERMIN Anna March, 31 2014, 2:01 / Reply

    Je ne suis certainement pas la seule à le penser, mais ton blog a eut une telle évolution au fil des années, que ça en ai bluffant… j’ai commencé à le lire il y a 5ans j’avais à l’époque 14ans, fan de mode et d’art j’ai commencé par lire tout les postes depuis le début (tout ceux que j’avais raté) puis j’ai continué à y venir chaque jour pour voir les nouveaux, j’ai aujourd’hui 19ans, et suis toujours aussi autant “exitée” à l’idée de lire un de tes post quand il y en a des nouveaux… L’année où tu as déménagé à NY, j’ai également déménagé là-bas car je suis danseuse… et j’avais espoir qu’un jour il y ai justement un “event” pour pouvoir se rencontrer, mais c’était un grand changement pour vous, il a du falloir mettre beaucoup de choses en place… Après mon Bac j’ai du rentrer en France donc je n’ai malheureusement pas pu me rendre à cet OPEN STUDIO, que j’ai tant attendu… J’aurais volontiers rencontré la femme qui m’a tant inspiré pour trouver mon propre style, qui m’a aidé à ne pas désespérer pour dompter mes cheveux bouclés et indisciplinés et pour un tas d’autres choses liés à l’art, ainsi qu’à mon évolution en tant que “personne” car oui Garance (Mariline pour les intimes ^^) en lisant tes postes j’ai pu comprendre rapidement, que nous avions tous des défauts, que personne… ni même pas les icones de la mode et autres “stars” connues étaient parfaites… à 14ans ça aide pour la construction personnelle… alors Merci de partager la vraie vision de la vie, merci de partager tes inspirations, tes voyages,tes créations, tes petites histoires qui font réaliser qu’on est tous HUMAINS…

    En espérant qu’il y ai d’autres evènements pour découvrir votre univers en réel!
    (Si vous faites un petit tour sur cannes, faites nous signe!!!)

    A bientôt =)

    Anna Guillermin

  • Geez, that post made my eyes water… So happy for you!

  • Superbe parcours en tout cas! bravo!

  • I have said this before, but I can’t think of anything other that I’d want to say more, than this: I love you, you inspire me and I’m genuinely very happy that you’re doing so well.
    The reason you inspire me is that you remind me of myself when I was about 15, except you’re chic, elegant, wise and hard-working. You remind me of my youth because you seem so happy, so full of life, never afraid and never holding yourself back. You admire other people, you lift them up, because you’re strong and certain enough to do that. Sometimes you seem a bit crazy to me, because you’re so deep in the fashion industry, and I’m not, but other times I recognize just what kind of crazy you are – the kind that I try to find in myself. Not to get too sentimental here, let me just say that I love how you do what you love, and make me see the unique kind of beauty that I might otherwise miss.

  • Cet article donne envie d’avoir eu la chance de te rencontrer ce week-end. De plus, la fin de ton article à propos des rêves est vraiment parfaite, lorsqu’on te lit on a vraiment envie de croire en ses rêves et de s’y accrocher. Tu es de loin ma blogueuse préférée et tu mérites tout cela.


  • Wow, I would have loved to go! Sadly, I live in Argentina, but I’ll be in New York two weeks during August-September so if by any chance you host another open studio day, I’ll definitely be there! Ahhhhh… Garance, what a pleasure to read your blog and to see that it’s doing great!

    ¡Besos from Argentina!


  • Chere Garance, ce que j’aime le plus en vous est votre fraicheur, spontaneite et simplicite (et votre talent bien sur !) Je ne suis pas etonnee de votre succes et je suis sure que, quoi que vous entrepreniez, vous reussirez. Bonne continuation !
    J’aurais aime vous rencontrer mais je vis trop loin :=(

  • You are really amazing and so inspiring!

  • I very recently started a blog…and for years now, you’ve been such an inspiration (I even wrote a blog post about it ;) Merci for your wonderful blog and all the great things you do!!

  • I’ve been reading your blog for years now! I even have a tattoo with one of your drawings (hope you don’t mind). I feel you like a part of my daily life now. I send you a kiss from Buenos Aires, Argentina!

  • I love your blog! it´s so inspiring and your ilustrations are amazing! congrats
    xo from Argentina!!

  • Hello Garance!
    J’adore ton nouveau store. It’s amazing!! Tu es si creative bravo!
    Et because I really like it je propose sur mon blog une de tes iphone cases a vendre sur
    Scroll down and look at the right hand side “shopping de reve”
    Bravo et encore merci pour toutes ces nouveautés qui nous font rêver!!


  • Thank you for the remainder today to keep on dreaming. I am in the middle of finding a new job/career after being a mostly stay at home mom and I have felt really discouraged at times and want to give up. That little voice inside my head does keep telling me that my next thing is out there, I just haven’t found it yet. I truly love your blog and am so proud of what you and your team have created and it has reminded me that possibilities do exist – you just have to keep dreaming and believing. xoxo

  • Hi Garance,

    Such an inspiring post. It IS our dreams that carry us over the wall and down a path we can’t even imagine for ourselves except in our dreams. I think you do inspire people to follow that little voice inside that is maybe insisting their life can be more expansive than they ever thought possible.

    What I love about your blog is it’s arc of development and this is what inspires me and gives me so much to think about. When I looked at your archives back in 2006 your posts were just beginning, your drawings were more simple, you can see the trepidation and shyness there. The thing is though that even though your work wasn’t fully developed yet, you started something and started down on a path that has now led you here – magical, right?

    You definitely inspired me to start my blog, it’s very different from yours in that if you were a planet I think you would be Venus whereas, as much as I’d like to be Venus, I am more Pluto even though that’s not even considered a planet any more (that sounded a bit Shoshanna, but anyway). Like you, I’ve been starting very small posting a drawing a day. I’m making a huge career change and have gone down to part time hours in my regular job and just doing that has changed my life. I got a studio, have been painting like a crazy woman, just yesterday I applied for an art fair, am approaching a gallery for my jewellery etc etc. It’s like, once you make that commitment to to your cause and are willing to work hard and follow the signposts everything seems to fall into place. I realised I had been holding all my creativity and dreams deep inside not daring to try anything and the momentum of all of that pent up energy being released is like steam powering a locomotive.

    I love how you’ve stayed loyal to your blog and readers and commenters. I get the impression that a lot of people once their blog gets really popular they start other projects like book deals or consultancy etc and forget about their blog, sometimes it feels like it was a means to an end and then here we are, after following it for years, left abandoned. I think it’s revolutionary that you have never abandoned your readers because it’s like you understand this new world we’re entering. It’s all happening so fast but we don’t notice it, caught up in a maelstrom of change.

    It’s like the Industrial revolution but instead of dehumanisation and machines it’s a new world of relationships bringing us all closer than before and even though these relationships are so intangible somehow they carry more weight across the continents than any physical object could.

    So I guess what I wanted to say is, thanks for inspiring and showing the way to people from all sorts of walks of life to start on the path.

    Best of luck for your continuing dreams.

  • I love the fact that this blog has become a daily habit for me, and am so happy that you get to dream big and grow, I love seeing the results! Only wish I didn’t live so far away so I could have attended the Open Studio, I would die for one of those tattoos!!

  • Greetings from China! I started to follow your blog since last year. Although it hasn’t been long enough to compare with the “history” of your blog, I enjoyed to read it everyday! It’s not that easy to get across China since I am not in the fashion industry and Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter are all blocked. I wish you have different format to share the video in the future. Keep dreaming and keep inspiring me:)

  • Tattly temporary tattoo is so beuutiful! Follow you forever~

  • Love this post! You’re the success story every blogger dreams of! ????

  • Patricia March, 31 2014, 9:57 / Reply

    Your story and success is such a great example and inspiration for modern women who dare to dream and follow their dreams, the sky is the limit !!! I am so happy to have found your blog and followed you all these years. Big thanks and kisses to you and the team !!!

  • Dear Garance,

    Never in the many years that I have been following your blog, I would’ve pictured myself being in the same room as you, let alone get to meet you!
    It’s crazy how you, without even knowing, have been present and have influenced my life in so many ways. It was Saturday afternoon when I found myself in such a state of shock realizing that it was (finally) MY turn to introduce myself, and talk to you for a bit; can’t quite explain such an overwhelming feeling, I actually started to giggle and tear up all at once while people ahead of me were talking to you (thankfully, it stopped just in time and no one noticed!).
    I was such a nervous, frizz-headed mess, trying to compose the right sentences in my head that would definitely make an impression; sadly, I didn’t say anything that make any sense.
    To redeem myself, I planned to leave comment under this post and I realized many other people did manage to tell you how inspiring and encouraging has been to see you and your blog, and your team grow! Exactly the words I wanted to say.
    Which is why, now that I can finally breathe, I want thank you for sharing all your experiences with your readers, from your blog to Pardon my French or any topic you and your team have been talking about during the day. I forgot to congratulate you on your well deserved CFDA award (I know we are not close friends (yet…:P) but I genuinely felt so happy and proud of you! Can’t quite explain…), to let you know how inspiring it was when you wrote about how you ended up doing what you love for a living, and for the beautiful illustrations that encourage me to draw and paint more often. (‘Elegance’ is my all time favorite!)
    You were exactly as charming and incredibly nice as I imagined you would be and more.
    I wish you and your team all the best and more open studios, videos, pictures…

    I really hope to see you soon (I won’t choke up this time, I promise)!!!

    Much Love,

  • Garance,

    You and your team have definitely provided more than a ‘little bit of audacity’ for us to believe in ourselves and to continue to dream big!

    You should do a world tour with the Open Studio! There’s a big audacious goal that you would totally rock!

    A big heart felt thank you for the constant inspiration!

  • Moi aussi je post après tout :) Je ne le fais pas souvent mais tout comme d’autres quel Bonheur de lire ton blog tous les jours !! Tu n’ imagines meme pas a quel point j’attends ca chaque jour , depuis Guangzhou crois moi tu es un lien essentiel pour moi vers l’exterieur :)

    Si tu passes a Hong Kong fais signe , je ne pousserai pas mon reve jusqu’a te demander de passer a Guangzhou ah ah

    En tout cas comme tant d’autres Merci Merci Merci pour ton blog

  • the tattoo … want !!

  • Aurélie April, 1 2014, 2:29 / Reply

    Hello Garance, alors moi je te suis depuis très peu de temps ( 2/3 mois) et quelle belle découverte; ton univers, ta plume ( et celle de tes équipes), tes photos( moi qui suis toujours en train de trimballer mon appareil partout), tes inspirations,………tout me plaît et me font passer de bons moments dès que je te lis.
    en bref j’aime et je continuerais à te suivre*……………..
    ps: tes tatoos quelle merveille: on peut se les procurer en France?? merci

  • Sophia April, 1 2014, 4:22 / Reply

    Congratulations! You have a beautiful blog with a unique, genuine voice – wish you all the success in the world! x

  • I started to read your blog just maybe 1 month ago, but since then I have read almost all your posts, I REALLY LOVE your illustrations, photographies and travel guides are simply amazing. I love to see all those pictures and read your inspiring texts and blog posts full of day-to-day situations just presented in the most interesting way. You are the best blogger to me, because your blog is full of rich and very smart content. Thank you for inspiring me!
    Inspiration Point by Paula Fleur

  • Izabela April, 1 2014, 4:32 / Reply

    CONGRATULATIONS!!! I love your blog, wish you all the best! You are such a GREAT talent!

  • you´re such a succes story…… good job….. love it!!


  • merci à toi Garance… bisous également, félicitations pour tout ce travail et que c’est bien passé….elle est très bien la nouvelle version boutique..certaines cartes j’ai vu déjà solde out :))…

  • claudie April, 1 2014, 12:09 / Reply

    merci pour tout cet enthousiasme qui donne la pêche et envie de rêver en ce disant oui pourquoi pas!

  • Congratulations, Garance!

  • Thanks for the encouraging post Garance! Today I really needed that.

  • I walked by on Saturday and there was a huge line to get in! Alas, I had to return to work, but I hope I get to attend one of your events someday! (or at least get one of those killer tattoos!) Congratulations on all your success, I can’t wait to see what else you have up your sleeve. Keep the inspiration coming!


  • Garance, the blog is fantastic, because you are amazing! Keep writing, drawing, doing photography…simply FEED US with your Great Garance’s Ideas! Love XXX

  • Garance, you’re the BEST. I’m not even remotely in fashion, but I am working on a start-up and you’re such an inspiration to all of us who pave their own path and do their own projects. I read your articles every day, and esp enjoy the Career section. I wish I were in NYC this weekend (I live in Boston), but I couldn’t be happier for you to see how many of your dreams are coming true, all at once! Congratulations!!!


  • Merci pour toutes celles qui, comme moi, rament dans leur coin mais continuent à croire en leurs rêves. Je connais ma chance d’essayer de vivre de ma passion mais parfois c’est dur, alors de la positivité comme ça, c’est toujours un bon coup de boost. J’allais dire MERCI et ne change rien, mais si continue à changer, rêver, essayer et nous entraîner dans tes délires, c’est un vrai bonheur !

  • Camille April, 1 2014, 9:11 / Reply

    I enjoy your blog so much! And the Goods website is amazing, thank goodness your incredible drawings will be available for me to look at while I slave away at work. When I read your blog it’s as if I’m getting a chance to catch up with a friend, the videos the interviews, it’s just perfect. In the hugely vast area of “fashion” blogs I feel like yours is the only one that is real to me, it just hits the nail on the head. And not for nothing I feel like being around the same age helps immeasurably! Other blogs just don’t have a voice I can relate to, okay I’m gushing, I just love your blog!!!

  • phanie April, 2 2014, 5:10 / Reply


    ma fille s’appelle Garance , c’est un prénom qui m’inspire.
    Je suis ton Blog depuis qu’elle est née , et j’espère qu’elle sera aussi inspirée que toi dans le futur.
    Même si pour elle, le style d’aujourd’hui c’est jean-baskets-casquette . Elle a 4 ans mais a déjà ses propres envies…


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