Paulina Liffner Business Denim Garance Dore Photos

Business Denim

9 years ago by

I’ve been thinking about this for a while… is it acceptable to wear jeans to the office now??

At the Studio we all wear denim, and recently I’ve seen more and more people wearing ripped jeans to work. The line between business and casual seems to be blurring…

Even though it’s not as formal, it’s still chic — with a blazer or coat like Paulina‘s, jeans look stylish even for business meetings (please say it’s true — I wear jeans to meetings all the time!!).

What do you think?? Do you wear ripped jeans to work?


Add yours
  • Cool, i love this kind of look!
    Passa a trovarmi VeryFP

  • I love this look, but my boss doesn’t… I’d love to be dressed like me at hoffice!
    XOX, Gap.

  • it depends on what you do for a living. perhaps if you’re not meeting clients on a daily basis… :)

  • Clémence Allaire November, 24 2014, 9:10 / Reply

    Je pense que le jean est fortement acceptable mais il y a des limites. Porter un jean déchiré au travail est, je pense, à éviter par respect de la hierarchie et pour l’image que l’on renvoit dans sa profession (toute confondue). Il y a le jean (de toute les formes) pour le bureau et le jean (dans toute son originalité) pour le reste du temps.

  • Encore une fois, ça dépend du métier que tu fais ! Un créatif qui vient me voir avec un jean déchiré et un tee shirt trop large parce qu’il se sent plus à l’aise avec ca pour brainstormer, me parait plutôt bon signe :)

  • Pour ma part, c’est juste pas possible pour moi. Je travaille dans la finance et c’est très formel! Après, ça dépend du métier, du secteur d’activité dans lequel on travaille, c’est sûr! Si j’avais eu un job dans un milieu créatif, pourquoi pas un jean déchiré mais pas large, plutôt un slim et porté avec des escarpins.

    Le monde des petites

  • jeans yes, but not ripped.

  • GHISLAINE AI November, 24 2014, 9:12 / Reply

    Tout a fait daccord! ;)
    En meme temps je ne suis pas une reference je bosse dans un domaine creatif. Au boulot je porte ce que je veux tant que ca reste decent. souvent des jeans dechirés cousus, sweat larges… Certains jour il faut faire un effort quand on a un meeting avec des clients qu’on rencontre pour la 1ere fois, ou de nouvelles collaborations, mais sinon le reste des meetings c’est comme je veux. Mais aussi je suppose qu’on peut porter des jean dechires ou pas et que le reste releve la tenue (chemise en soie, top avec touche de dentelle, blazer, boucles d’oreille dior….)
    Gros bisous Garance, j’adore les posts qui inspirent des idees de tenue
    Sinon j’aime tout ton travail

  • I think It depends on your line of work. If I had a job like yours I would definitly go with jeans. But in mine – I work as a lawyer in a big company – its impossible. We have like a unofficial dress code here. I would rase some eyebrows if I dare to.

  • I don’t wear ripped jeans. Full stop. Because I don’t like them on me, not because I think it’s not appropriate. As I’ve worked for years in an office with a dress code, I grew to hate two things even more than I hate cillantro: business suits and sheer panythose. Yuck. Now, when I’m working in a more relaxed environment, I take full advantage of wearing jeans as a part of my business attire. I also wear sneakers (my beloved NB’s), but I make sure to have nice accessories (bag, scarf, earings, etc.) not to overdo the casual look :)

  • hey!
    oui tout le temps et aussi parfois déchiré….
    et souvent mon préféré le acné pop un peu court, un peu fesses plates, me vaut quelques regards en coin….
    bon je bosse dans le bâtiment, le jean c’est pratique et resistant sur les chantiers; et pour les rdv client un peu de vernis à ongles, du parfum et quelques bracelets et le tour est joué…..
    alors je dis oui au jean! même si je sais que dans d’autres secteurs pros ca ne passe pas du tout (voir par exemple les chartes vestimentaires de certaines banques…)
    bisou Garance et merci de mettre de la féminité dans mes journées un peu trop masculines parfois!

  • I wear jeans almost every day – I work at a VERY large government agency, and I do NOT deal with the public. I don’t wear ripped jeans…and I always wear nice shoes or boots, and a good jacket or sweater.

  • rhea tsitsani November, 24 2014, 9:36 / Reply

    NO WAY

  • I would never wear ripped jeans to the office, but I would wear denim. But then, I don’t work in fashion. I do think you have to think about the kind of respect you want to give and receive when you get dressed in the morning. For example, I would never show up for a medical appointment dressed in ripped denim, but I would wear a pair of well-fitting jeans, good shoes, and a jacket or cardigan. That is a situation in which I want to feel especially powerful, given how little control one really has in that particular situation.

    On another topic: Will the new “Pardon My French” be coming out soon? Or, horrors, did I miss it somehow?

  • It depends on the culture of your company. For me, wear jeans and flippers to work is definitely ok in my company. Casual wear makes me feel more energetic all the time compared with formal suits for work.

  • I have to say that i can’t see this anymore(it’s not passé already??)..i found it neglected and not interesting…and you see all kind of ripped jeans….
    some are creative but some are just …. i don’t think it’s nice when you are not so young anymore..unless you are working in a creative environment….i think we can do so much better!!!
    Yael Guetta

  • I think that what we wear to work depends upon the workplace culture and whether you work in a corporate or creative profession. Having said that I think that our work wardrobes are changing, and there are more opportunities to create greater synergy between personal style and what we wear in the office.


  • Well, firstly dresscode and do and don’t depend on your activity and domain, right? I can barely imagine corporate/financial people going to the office with ripped jeans. Might be the new trend with fashion people.
    Personnally, I like to think I’m going “made up” or get an office outfit : I like to pamper in this way in the morning and have the dichotomy : work / off limit with clothes. And I would never go to work with a Tshirt / short and flip flops !

  • Love jeans, and I think they can look incredibly sophisticated, but it’s more difficult with ripped jeans. Personally, I’m not a huge fan, and the rest of your outfit really has to make up for them… Garance’s look with the coat plus ripped jeans looked great, but Paulina’s look above, with that kind of sneakers….? Nope, I couldn’t take anyone seriously at a meeting who looks like a disheveled version of my 11-year-old godson.

  • isn’t this an absurd debate? It totally depends on the culture of your workplace. And there’s a very wide range of those…

    Take mine: as multicultural as it gets, colorful “ethnic” attire sits next to severe powersuit, dark hijabs and miniskirts share an office, towering turquoise platform shoes and Church’s walk our carpets, but even on casual Friday, I caught enough disapproving glances the one time I wore jeans torn at the knee not to try that style again.

    Workplace culture can be tricky to get your head around!

  • In the building I work I see a lot of people with jeans but they work for creative businesses, I work in a medical clinic and I never wear jeans, I would love too but I don’t dare, it is my business so I could probably, let me try next time and see what happens.

  • I wear smart dark jeans to work yes, but definitely no ripped denim. It’s just slightly ridiculous in the winter and after the age of 18, anyway.

  • I work in a library and I wear jeans to work all the time. Would I wear jeans with a rip in the knee (from actual use)? Yes, if they were balanced with another dressier piece, absolutely! Would I wear the jeans in the photo? No, but not because it’s not “appropriate” for certain work environments. I just think that there is nothing sillier than pre-ripped or pre-distressed clothing. It’s too fake for my taste.

  • Pour moi le jeans est bien. Mais pas dechiré!

  • Le jean, déchiré ou pas, n’est-il pas devenu un uniforme très très banal? Voit-on Anna Wintour en jean ou même en noir, ni l’un, ni l’autre. Il y a tellement de choix, pourquoi se limiter à un seul?

  • Dans les médias, oui au jean partout-et-en-tous-lieux
    en occident, j’entends
    ailleurs dans le monde…. oula!

  • I don’t work in fashion, but I dress business casual, whatever that means. We have casual Fridays, and will wear jeans on occasion. But ripped jeans would still be a no-no for me.

  • It’s true that the work wardrobe is changing, I don’t think people are stuck in pant suits anymore but like many of you said, it depends on your work culture.
    I work in the non-profit area, and the culture defer office to office. But for instance, if I am to meet with a big donor, I can’t be overly dressed cause then you portray that you get paid more than you actually do :) But I can’t be in torn jeans as well cause then I look like I don’t care. My to go to outfits are pencil skirts and fun or plain t-shirts paired with a heel of course. Looks laid back but at the same time, professional enough that my donors don’t feel disrespected. But on the days when I am just in the office or in the field, jeans torn or not, are okay in our office. I love my boyfriend jeans, so those get out of the closet often when it’s not insanely hot. I only wear jeans in the fall and winter, summer & spring are meant for skirts and maxi dresses :)

  • Ca ne me choque pas, je trouve que le résultat est vraiment classe après tout dépend comment on porte le jeans!


  • I think it depends on the nature of your work. When I worked at a history museum I wore more traditional business attire because I regularly dealt with the public, but my colleagues in the basement archives dressed much more casually, often in denim. I think if it fits with the culture of your place of work there’s nothing wrong with it, and can look very pulled together/chic/etc.

  • I do wear jeans at work, but not ripped. I guess that in the most liberal, artisty offices, casual is permited and even encouraged these days. And I’m so happy about it!

  • I don’t think my clients would trust me if I turned up for a meeting in ripped jeans! Having said that if I’m only going to pick up i.e papers from the office, I would wear raw denim and a jacket (or leather trousers and jacket). Outside of work, I love ripped denim with jacket and white shirt!

  • Wearing jeans is okay, wearing ripped jeans not so much i think x

  • Hello,

    I only wear dark jeans (raw or grey) to the office and always with heels and a blazer – and still it depends on which clients i am visiting. On Friday I allow myself blue jeans but never ripped and only if I don’t have meetings.
    Ripped jeans are weekend territory and the good side is that i value them the more for it.

    But anyway, I have to admit I don’t like when they are so ripped as the ones in the picture.


  • caro de l'orangerie November, 24 2014, 10:33 / Reply

    Le plus drôle c’est qu’un soir je me suis encanaillée dans un casino très chic avec trois amies, lors d’un w e entre filles.
    Hôtel cinq étoiles, massages au spa,. Et voilà que le soir j’enfile un chemisier Saint Laurent, des escarpins à la cambrure parfaite et un jean Max Mara savamment déchiré ( mon seul et unique jean destroy).
    Et bien, je me suis faite refouler à l’entrée! A cause du jean ou des trous ( je suppose pas que saint Lauren soit interdit de casino) J’ai failli en avaler de travers ma flûte de Billecart Salmon. Heureusement le chauffeur de l’hôtel à eux la courtoisie de me ramener pour que je puisse me changer.

    grand hôtel, boutiques la journée eweek end parfait entre filles.

    mais sur certaines filles j’aime bine

  • PS: And I would never wear these jeans with trainers. Either jeans + shoes or trainers and classic trouser/ Skirt or dress.

  • Cela dépend tout de même dans quel secteur tu bosses…si c’est dans la mode, avec une plume dans le c… ça marche aussi ! ha ha

  • Je ne porte même pas de jean “bien” pour aller travailler alors un jean déchiré ! No way… Pourtant, je suis juste prof…

  • Hey! Entièrement d’accord avec toi, ca dépend en revanche du secteur dans lequel tu travailles. Dans les achats dans la mode, comme c’est mon cas, on peut vraiment tout se permettre, mais dans d’autres fonctions je pense qu’il faut avoir des limites aux déchirures… :)

  • I have hated the ripped jean look every time it comes back around!
    It is the epitome of brainless fashion.
    With all the cool, edgy, beautiful clothing out there pick something else.

  • Nice jeans, yes. Ripped jeans, NO. In fact, I detest ripped jeans and can’t wait for that trend to disappear.

  • It never will. Ripped jeans have been around for the last thirty years, I thing its going to stick around. Best stop waiting for that train to come. In fact, I think its safe to say its not a trend. Its simply ripped jeans. After all, no one will ever throw out the perfect pair of jeans simply because they got ripped, and are now even better. Personally I detest dark wash jeans, suavely, just because they look like denim pants, and not really jeans. But I imagine they will stick around too :)

  • Je trouve que tout dépend du jean, des associations, un slim plus un blazer fait très bien l’affaire pour des trucs pros, mais avec un jean très large et déchiré, comme sur la photo, à mon avis ça sera mieux pour un boulot plus “cool” si je puis dire !!! Mais je pense, que le plus important c’est vraiment d’être à l’aise !!! C’est le truc primordial pour moi ! Et de toute façon chacun son style, hein !!!

  • How can i send the message to my patients that it is ok to be or feel different, that everybody hurts sometimes if i am dressed in a polish suit with no wrinkles ?! It doesn’t feel real or welcoming so i am the crazy (in a very mentally healthy kind of way) Psychiatrist with tattoos, dyed hair and ripped jeans :)
    You’r the best Garance

    Beijinhos from Portugal

  • anne jeanne November, 24 2014, 11:00 / Reply

    Il y a déchiré et …déchiré. Plus la facture de ce que l’on associe au dit jean déchiré. Un blazer saint laurent et une paire d’escarpins réhaussent mieux l’effet “style” qu’un sweat sans forme et des sneakers…

  • Charikleia November, 24 2014, 11:03 / Reply

    Stylish, yes. Appropriate, no. Depends on the profession though. For a lawyer, it could trigger a huge reprimand by the seniors. For a stylist, a marketing consultant, a creative director etc. it could trigger a compliment by the seniors. O tempora, o mores!

  • Jane with the noisy terrier November, 24 2014, 11:04 / Reply

    Hmmm, I used to work in the creative department of an advertising agency and while I’d occasionally wear jeans, I always wore neat dark denim. I’d essentially just substitute jeans for dress pants or a skirt in an otherwise quite business/work outfit. And I’d panic if I got a last minute call to go to a client meeting. I was a supervisor and I wanted to look professional for my co-workers. As Casual Fridays evolved to Casual Everyday, I even had to write a memo on appropriate office wear (“Ask yourself, could I wear this to 1.) wash the car 2.) go to the beach or 3.) go out for a night of clubbing? If you answer yes to any of these, it’s not appropriate for work. Does your outfit require that your undergarments will be visible or that you cannot wear undergarments, don’t wear it to the office.) I find to a certain degree that our clothes are like costumes that prepare us for the role we are playing. If I’m too comfy in my clothes, I’m going to be too relaxed to think sharply about work. If I’m in my work “costume” I’m energized and ready to conquer the world!

  • I work in fashion and I’m wearing jeans right now. I don’t always wear jeans but when I do it’s a dark–midnight blue or black cigarette jeans. Tapered at the ankle. Blazers, dressy tops, distracting scarves and crazy hair pull the attention away from the fact that I’m wearing jeans. My friend in graphics at the same company wears the same style jeans but ripped at the knees and a little bit of me gasps every time I see her, although it’s extremely tasteful and quite Parisian… it’s still “The Office.”

    No? Fashion or no fashion.
    No? Yes?
    I dunno.

  • Totally agree that it depends on the business. My basic rule is that my clothes should never distract from your work. I work at a large bank and have a lot of older clients, so jeans would never work for me and ripped jeans would be a horror ofcourse. However I still think I have a lot of possibilities to dress nicely and comfortably. No suits for me! Nice pants, skirts and jackets, boots ,pumps or flats, and lots of accessories. A collegue of mine dresses as if the queen is passing by everyday, and she gets ridiculed by others for being overdressed like that.

  • I think it all depends on your profession. I don’t think that wearing jeans is wrong if you are in a creative field, but I am not sure it would be appropriate for bankers and lawyers.

  • Depends on the type of job, no? I used to be a banker (and it was business formal everyday except Fridays in the summer); then I moved to a broker and could wear jeans to work (but still avoided ripped denim and skinny jeans); and now I am in tech and e-commerce and I wear what I like (and since I work from home, sometimes that includes pyjamas in addition to jeans!). Hehehe
    Shope emerging designers from around the world in one place!

  • MissPimpin November, 24 2014, 11:54 / Reply

    Most of the comments say that it depends on your workplace and sure it does.
    But beyond that question, may be it’s a good thing that there is a line between work and the rest of your personal life.
    Anyway, that girl on the photo looks great, really great (but I can’t imagine her going to work
    with a real boss I mean :-)

  • AH AH PAS DANS MON JOB ! je suis avocate et je peux dire que si j’arrive au cabinet avec un jean, a fortiori déchiré, je n’atteindrai jamais mon bureau ;-)
    Dommage mais en même temps j’aime l’idée de dissocier mon look de travail et mon look perso…un peu comme un uniforme… bref si vous voulez comprendre de quoi je parle matez SUITS !!

  • Does anybody know what coat this is?

  • Love it!!

  • J en porte tous les jours pour travailler, de moins en moins usé et délavé au fur et à mesure des années qui passent,
    Je suis psychiatre libérale, assise derriere mon bureau, les Susanna aux pieds et c’est harmonieux.
    Mais auparavant dans ma clinique privée c”etaient des tailleurs …..

  • I work in a creative department for a very large corporation. It took me several years to get the women in my office out of jeans and tees into more creative clothing by example. It is easy for people to stop caring about how they look and become lazy by wearing jeans. This outfit could be work at my office but I think ripped jeans at work is in poor taste. Take this same outfit and have non ripped jeans, completely fine.

  • “aller au bureau” ou à une réunion pro quand on bosse dans la mode et quand on bosse dans un autre secteur, ça n’a rien à voir ! Bien sûr que je ne mettrais JAMAIS un jean déchiré dans le cadre pro

  • Oui, mais je travaille dans la presse, c’est un peu l’uniforme.

  • She looks polished enough for a creative type job. I doubt she works in an accounting firm. In general ripped jeans like that are not appropriate for going to the office but it all depends where you work. Working from home (sometimes in PJ’s) means you can wear whatever you want but it doesn’t give you license to become sloppy. That’s the key. She looks great!

  • Yes I work in jeans but dark slim jeans and everlane silk tops as uniform

  • Aucune chance de faire ce genre de choses en Suisse et cela dans n’importe quel type de job !!!
    L&F de

  • No ripped jeans; nice jeans, dark, on Fridays. I work at a courthouse. Ripped jeans are for the defendants. Or in this case, creatives who have their own company.

  • En tant qu’étudiante, j’ai réellement une liberté totale dans la manière dont je peux m’habiller. Un jean, un chemisier, un gilet, des baskets, c’est mon uniforme.
    Après, j’ai tendance à me dire que pour garder un jean longtemps, il faut y mettre le prix, mais franchement j’ai du mal à mettre le prix dans un jean déjà déchiré en sachant que si je met réellement beaucoup mes jeans, ils se déchirent tout seuls … (Après j’avoue que les jeans déchirés ce n’est pas trop mon truc…)

    Après le jean déchiré oui, mais avec de beaux talons, un joli chemisier. Il faut casser le côté masculin je trouve.

  • I do not feel like ripped jeans in an office is appropriate, but maybe plain that you dress up could work. By the way I really am not digging the ripped denim this time around.

  • C’est vrai que c’est un problème récurrent pour moi ! J’adore ce genre de jeans, mais c’est toujours délicat à porter en milieu professionnel. Finalement je les porte ces fameux jeans, mais je fais attention d’être ultra chic au niveau du reste et des accessoires !

  • I agree with the comments above that it really depends on what industry you work in. I worked in R&D at a pharmaceutical company and while jeans were acceptable, an e-mail was sent out by management reminding everyone that RIPPED jeans are NOT fine.

  • Garance… la seule chose que je voie sur cette photo c’est le trench…. it steals the show!! :-))

  • Je ne pourrais porter un tel jean (déchiré ou avec des trous) pour mon job et surtout je n’ai pas un esprit moutonnier : pas de soumission, pas de conformisme ! ce n’est pas classe..loin de là ! et pas chic, ….désolée Garance de vous contredire.
    Il fut un temps (il y a 30 ans du temps de nos mères) où ce sont les travailleurs qui pouvaient porter des jeans déchirés et d’ailleurs pas souvent…alors n’y aurait-il pas inconsciemment un certain mépris pour ces personnes là ?
    Bref je trouve que porter ces jeans est de mauvais goût et n’est pas esthétique : en regardant la photo du jour j’ai la confirmation de ce que je viens d’écrire.
    Ceci n’est bien sûr que mon avis, libre à chacune de penser différement et d’abord à vous Garance.

  • Great outfit! Jeans are so versatile. Wearing them to the office is fun, they look great with a few sharp finishing touches – structured blazer, classic watch, heels.


  • It probably was already answered but it surely depends on where you work and what your area of expertise is. If you work in a bank, it probably isn’t that appropriate to wear ripped jeans. If you work in a creative field, design, architecture, freelance, the lines get more blurry and it’s more accepted even within piers or colleagues. I’ve worn them to interviews and didn’t feel it was inappropriate.

  • really depends on the type of industry you’re working in. i think jeans are acceptable for those in the creative field where the culture is less formal and more flexible. however, i would personally leave distressed jeans to malling, brunch with friends or even a night-out (in a club where jeans are allowed).

  • I would love to get away with ripped jeans but no go. However, I can wear regular jeans at my new job and I am eternally grateful for that. At my previous job, I had to be dressed in suits, etc. Not fun.

  • I think that it depends on where you work. I’ve always worn jeans at work, but since I’m not a fan of ripped jeans (except for those with a couple of cut on the knees) I’ve never had this problem.
    I think that destroyed jeans (because, let’s be honest, some are holes with some denim around) are just for fashion bloggers and magazines.

  • If you are a young creative then yes of course but this look of combining business smart with uber casual in such an extreme and literal way looks like trying way too hard. Chill out lady!

  • I could probably get away with it on faculty meeting Fridays but my students now expect me to be dressed up in one of my monochrome designer looks! I think they would be disappointed if I dressed down. I think those denim Wayfarers you highlighted last week would go perfectly with this outfit.

    Accidental Icon

  • I think jeans that have ripped from wear are fine but too but a pair ripped already is trendy and ridiculous. No ripped jeans at work period.

  • nobody should wear ripped jeans unless she’s ten years old and it just happened. Other than that – jeans at the office – of course.

  • I’m working in the uncoolest sartorial place ever (we even had casual friday “cancelled”). But I think the reason you’re seing more and more people with ripped denim at work is because you’re working in a creative branch. I can assure you that in banking, law or other traditional branch, ripped denim are far from being the uniform. As one of my partner said, we as adviser are supposed to dress to impress. Wearing ripped denim could, especially with those older guys, make you appear “under” them (even if not the case).

  • I really think that it depends on the nature of your work and the environment that you’re in. I would so love to wear denim to work but unfortunately I’m only limited to black (discreet) denim on weekends… I’d say if the top is somewhat dressy then it’s definitely a possibility.. :) xxx

  • J’arrive dans le monde du travail, avec toute ma naïveté et mon peu d’expérience, cependant je ne peux pas m’empêcher de penser que se sont mes compétence, mes idées et mon travail qui devraient être jugées et non ma tenue, mes potentiels tatouage/piercing ou mon nail art. Et ce quel que soit mon domaine ou même mon niveau hiérarchique. Derrière une blouse de laboratoire je suis en jean déchiré et pas moins compétente que derrière mon bureau en marketing. Je trouve cela triste et hypocrite de voir mes ami(e)s en finance ou en consulting “se déguiser” en costume pour aller travailler.

  • Effectivement nous sommes souvent dans l’obligation de nous “déguiser” pour aller travailler mais heureusement nous avons le choix de la coupe et de la qualité de notre vêtement…
    Quant à porter “l’uniforme” des jeans troués ne croyez vous pas que c’est un déguisement peu élégant et qui manque d’originalité ?

  • can anyone tell me what the shoes are that she is wearing. i LOVE this look, and wear jeans often to work.

  • I don’t think I would be impressed if I was a client. Maybe on Fridays if its a very tidy jean, but really, no. Thats an off duty look.

  • Absolutely adore the look above.

    However, I agree with everyone of the mind who feel that ripped jeans and tousled hair with sneakers depend on the the culture of your profession – and don’t work in anything apart from fashion circles.

    Jeans are absolutely wonderful, but I’d never ever wear ripped jeans – even with a nice jacket or shoes or bag – to my work as a health consultant, tutor, teacher, or public speaker. Just looks sloppy and inappropriate in those situations. Plus, it makes clients and students in these situations feel uncomfortable.

    I do however, wear them casually – but almost all mine are naturally worn and torn from years of wear, and baggy like the ones pictured (even with the raw, un-edged ends). I’ve also cut a hole across right knee of my dark grey fitted jeans, as I tore my meniscus (it has taken eight months to get to walking normally), and I’ve only now been able to wear fitted jeans to walk (previously, the jeans would restrict and pull at my knee cap when I sat or drove, causing pain and swelling), but I don’t like the skinny ripped-at-the-knee jean look, and have now accepted I will probably never be able to wear skinny jeans ever again.

    I just wear big jeans like above – and definitely not ripped at the workplace – only occasionally after hours.

    I wouldn’t feel comfortable with my lawyer, accountant, doctor, teacher or tutor exposing their skin – knees and upper legs, as I spoke to them. I’d also think, “Don’t you are enough about your job and your clients to wear one pair of good jeans?” And, ironically, since I adore fashion so much, I would think to myself of the torn-jean wearer: “Are you so fashion-oriented that I can’t take your medical and business advice seriously?”

  • but there is ripped jeans dressed down and scruffy and ripped jeans dressed up and chic. I work in a university. The students are quite cool but the staff dress very boringly. They probably wouldn’t understand ripped jeans at all. I wear my worn looking boyfriend jeans rolled at the bottom, if I wear them with heels and blazer, careful makeup and jewellery I think I look pretty classy and like I have taken a lot of trouble with my outfit. Someone else might be wearing a suit that is way out style, too tight, with a stain, creases and shiny from ironing and shoes that need reheeling and a polish – how does that show more ‘respect’ for our clients than my outfit? I don’t think you can judge just on the category of clothing – it is how you put it together than really matters.

  • I could never wear jeans to work. It wouldn’t put me in the right state of (work) mind! Although sometimes I think very dark black denim is acceptable. I see very rarely that people wear jeans to work as I work in finance, which requires a very formal type of dress!

  • Yes I wear destroyed Jeans at the office. It is not a problem, my boss is fine with it. His opinion is, as far my work is good, he don´t cares about the style ;-)
    But of course, when I have a meeting, at that day I don´t wear ripped Jeans.

    Greetz, Steffi

  • je suis avocat à Paris et depuis quelques temps on peut s’habiller plus cool au boulot : je porte souvent un jean même pour aller plaider (impensable quand j’ai commencé à faire des stages il y a 6/7 ans). mon look me ressemble et ca m’aide à me sentir bien dans mon métier. il y a quand même des petites règles à suivre: je suis toujours maquillée (légèrement), en talon et il est impensable que je porte un jean à trou, un total look jean, ou un jean-basket et je suis contre les chaussettes en collant mais ca c’est personnel

  • Je ne comprends pas le concept d’acheter des jeans déjà déchirés et je trouve souvent très peu esthétique lorsque la personne est assise et que la déchirure laisse apparaître un morceau de cuisse ou de genou. Mais je ne suis pas choquée si un/-e collègue s’habille ainsi. A vrai dire peu de choses me choquent en matière vestimentaire, si ce n’est le côté très formel des banques, avocats qui amha feraient mieux d’avoir carrément des uniformes plutôt que des dress codes difficiles à déchiffrer.

    Belle journée

  • Je pense que ce n’est qu’un conformisme comme un autre. Dans ma profession, rien qu’à la façon de s’habiller, on sait qui fait quoi dans l’organigramme. Les commerciaux, les créatifs, les administratifs, la direction… le jean comme sur la photo c’est plutôt la nouvelle petite amie du patron!

  • J’ai commence a mettre mon jean déchiré le vendredi seulement, et puis c’est devenu un classique! Je le porte avec des talons et un blazer très classe. J’évite quand même de le mettre si j’ai un meeting!

  • moi je pense que tout peut se porter si on le porte de manière élégante, avec classe, vous aurez des personnes qui s’habilleront avec des vêtements de marque qui n’auront aucune classe et d’autre qui dénicheront des petites fringues sur le marché le dimanche matin et qui seront au top de la classe et l’élégance, donc tout est une question de style et de comportement.

  • Well, if my job was mucking out stalls in the barn I would wear these jeans.

  • I’m a lawyer and I work at a nonprofit and we are not allowed to wear jeans. (Only exception is on Fridays, which I live for haha!)

  • Le jean oui mais avec modération. Je travaille dans la mode et pourtant j’essaye d’éviter, cela dit j’adore le denim: boyfriend a trous, shorts déchires pour les week ends et vacances. Si jamais je craque je le porte droit ou slim avec des talons et jamais déchire ou taillade. Le jean noir ou gris est une bonne alternative je pense!

  • I love this kind of jeans and I also wear them to the office (though it’s true, I don’t have to meet clients directly, thanks God!)
    And I wouldn’t mind if I’d see other people wearing them too!

  • I am a lawyer at a small firm that is pretty casual as far as law firms go, and I would never get away with wearing any kind of jeans at work. Most of my clients are regular people (ie. not high flying business types), but even regular people prefer to get legal advice from someone who looks the part. Even on days that I do not have any client meetings scheduled, I would not wear jeans, as you never know when a client may drop in to the office, and also because I want all of the senior partners to see me (young junior lawyer) as a professional person.

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