Tout en légèreté et vaporeux..dans des tons ivoires , le plissé de la robe fait penser à une tunique grecque avec les sandales et la pony tail. Et la ceinture python pour souligner la taille et la beauté de la robe.Facile à porter et indémodable. Superbe
I absolutely LOVE this Grecian goddess style, and am totally feeling the python print belt. Sublime is the perfect word for it – the length, the sandals…all of it.
I am going to go scour the internet for something similar or exactly like this now…
The whole look comes together perfectly. It inspires me…like almost all her looks. During this time, going through the fashion blogs, I’m always looking for photos of her outfits. She is very elegant.
By the way, I really like your outfits too. You should come out of behind the camera more often. ;)
J’adore et en même temps je ne sais pas si j’oserais .. du moins à Bordeaux car j’imagine bien qu’à NY tu peux sans probléme sortir en pleine journée habillé ainsi .. Isa
I really love all your Street Inspirations. I just wish sometimes that I knew who the dress is by or the shoes, etc. I wish the brands were mentioned – like when Stars are asked on the Red Carpet – Who are you wearing? Love everything you do, Garance.
Ahhhh the bun!! As you know, in my past hair life I was totally a top knot girl. But there is something about the low chignon that I also really love....
Years before I ever realized that I would actually end up working for her, Garance was my introduction to a certain kind of fashion. At the time, she...
Until recently, I was a hard-core bronzer fanatic, it was my hero product in my beauty routine since high school. I tried every version under the sun...
Romantic and simply beautiful dress!!! The sandals, bag and snake belt are awesome!
The back of the dress is amazing!
Xoxo Cory
i love the feminine and able look of a woman wearing a dress and flats! :)
It’s so nice, ethereal but so wearable. It’s elegant and casual at the same time. I want to wear what she’s wearing, and I love the colors. :)
cream beige wall dress shoes..blonde hair….perfect storm…but that a lot of dress..if she was tall yes
Gorgeous dress!
Sandrine xx
Robe sublime de deesse !
Tout en légèreté et vaporeux..dans des tons ivoires , le plissé de la robe fait penser à une tunique grecque avec les sandales et la pony tail. Et la ceinture python pour souligner la taille et la beauté de la robe.Facile à porter et indémodable. Superbe
Such a romantic dress, like a Greek goddess.
Really beautiful!
I loved it!!!!!
I’m posting looks from L.A. and accessories:
Dis moi Garance, je dois prendre rdv de toute urgence chez l’ophtalmo ou tu n’écris plus dans Vogue ? C’était chouette cette rubrique !
Légère et bienvenue!!! ?
Beautiful dress!
I absolutely LOVE this Grecian goddess style, and am totally feeling the python print belt. Sublime is the perfect word for it – the length, the sandals…all of it.
I am going to go scour the internet for something similar or exactly like this now…
I found this site with ALL the runway music. Very cool! Maybe I’m behind the times and all of you already know this.. but if not, you’re welcome! Ha
What a glamorous dress and what confidence to be able to wear it with flats!
I love wearing extravagant dresses during the day with casual accessories.
Ohlala, elle est magnifique cette robe! J’adore avec les sandales plates!
so beautiful
Sublime !!!!! Tu ne sais pas de qui s’est par hasard ? :)
j’adore cette robe, tellement intemporelle !
et ta coupe de cheveux alors?
-ou court, court?
Beautiful dress. Great day.
Ah, this looks so refreshing! I better pull out something like this before the temperature drops!
Your Friend, Jess
Mafalda ?
Oui, sublime robe !
C’est tout à fait ce que j’aime moi aussi !
The whole look comes together perfectly. It inspires me…like almost all her looks. During this time, going through the fashion blogs, I’m always looking for photos of her outfits. She is very elegant.
By the way, I really like your outfits too. You should come out of behind the camera more often. ;)
romantic, chic and wearable! love this gorgeous dress and it’s color! xx
Belle couleur !
Absolutely fabulous this dress!!
Love the dress!
So good…
Stylish cool!
I love the belt around that dress! It definitely makes a statement!
J’adore et en même temps je ne sais pas si j’oserais .. du moins à Bordeaux car j’imagine bien qu’à NY tu peux sans probléme sortir en pleine journée habillé ainsi ..
Superbe robe et j’adore en effet le style casual avec chaussures plates, top!
C’est très délicat, été revient..! Félicitations pour la collection marco polo, commande faite!
I really love all your Street Inspirations. I just wish sometimes that I knew who the dress is by or the shoes, etc. I wish the brands were mentioned – like when Stars are asked on the Red Carpet – Who are you wearing? Love everything you do, Garance.
Does anyone know who made this dress?
Totally agree! This dress is so romantic!
xx kathy
oh, j’aime beaucoup aussi ! Il faut oser porter des sandales avec une telle robe ! Elle a eu raison ! J’ai flashé sur son sac aussi ! Wow, quel look !
Quand je feuilletais mon Vogue c’était la 1ère chose que je regardais …
C’est vrai qu’elle est très jolie!