anastasia nairne street style fashion new york garance dore photos

8 years ago by

Being quite tall, I am always a little extra thoughtful of the way I dress. I know instantly if a cut won’t be quite so flattering, or if a skirt will just be too short. Period. So when I found out we were going to dive into the world of Anastasia’s personal style, it had me thinking that this was a great moment for us to also look at how someone on the more petite side of life puts together their looks.

anastasia nairne street style fashion new york garance dore photos

I love how she adds a little flair to completely classic looks, and breaks all of the supposed “rules” for the petite (no ankle-grazing skirts, no flats…). It’s always refreshing to meet a woman who follows her instincts and does her own thing.

A good tailor is a petite girl’s best friend. Hem your pants and jeans at the ankle bone or opt for cropped styles.

anastasia nairne street style fashion new york garance dore photos

anastasia nairne street style fashion new york garance dore photos

A standard crop is often the perfect length if you are on the shorter side.

Some other lengthening styling tips? Button down shirts flatter all body types (more tailored pieces make for great silhouettes), and block colors keep one from becoming lost in the midst of a busy print.

How do you dress for your body? I think this one runs the gamut for all of us: know your proportions… But also never be afraid to try something a little new. Or take inspiration from somewhere or someone, like Anastasia!

anastasia nairne street style fashion new york garance dore photos
anastasia nairne street style fashion new york garance dore photos

Look 1: Top, Studio Nicholson; Pants, Tibi; Shoes, Gianvito Rossi; Bag, Phillip Lim; Watch, Larsson Jennings / Look 2: Top, Tibi; Shoes, Gianvito Rossi; Bag, Saint Laurent; Pants, COS / Look 3: Sweater, Tibi; Pants, vintage; Shoes, Madewell; Bag, Saint Laurent / Look 4: Jacket, Acne; T-shirt, COS; Skirt, Tibi; Sneakers, Common Projects; Bag, Pierre Hardy. 

Words: Neada Jane | Photos: Erik Melvin


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  • Ça fait du bien d’avoir des petits gabarits sur le blog :)

    Le style d’Anastasia est dément ! Plein de bonnes idées à reproduire !


  • i love the outfit with the biker jacket! :)

  • I have always loved 3/4 pants but i do think its working in the summer like in this fashion winter time we have to find the right length with the exact boots and this is already another story…
    the 3/4 needs to work with the coat we have and this challenge the all look…..
    Yael Guetta

  • JE suis petite et je ne respecte pas trop les “règles” non plus. Par exemple j’adore être à plat. Qui à dit qu’il fallait faire 1,70 m de toute façon ? Et puis des fois des talons sur une petite, ça peut faire échasse. Mieux vaut s’assumer !
    Et l’idée d’aller chez le tailleur avec son pantalon est plutôt une bonne idée. Moi j’ai tellement de mal à trouver des pantalons qui ne traînent pas par terre !

  • She has a great style and I’m drooling over her haircut. But as a short person myself, I would disagree with the statement that button down shirts flatter everyone. They are very unflattering if you have a large chest and always have to deal with the gaping hole. They don’t flatter on me at all. Lovely photos, as usual!

  • Judging by the photos I think it would be more accurate to say over sized button down shirts are flattering. I’m petite (5’4”) with a bust and I wear men’s 18” (neck size) shirts and they never gap (somewhat difficult to fit nicely under coats when the sleeves are rolled up, but otherwise awesome). I don’t find women’s button downs work for me.

  • Merci de parler de petites!!!
    Wowww! Quel style!
    Oui, c’est vrai que l’important, c’est de bien connaître sa morphologie et de jouer avec les coupes. Comme le chemisier blanc noué à la taille. Il est long, donc on aurait tendance à trouver qu’il ne convient pas à une petite morphologie mais comme il marque la taille, il passe très bien je trouve! Pas facile de dénicher des pièces comme ça!!! :)
    Perso, je pense qu’il faut aussi se faire plaisir et porter les pièces qu’on aime! Ne pas se dire que vu qu’on est petite, on ne peut pas porter de patte d’eph alors qu’on adore cette coupe… Il faut adapter ces pièces qui ont tendance à tasser à sa propre morphologie!

    Petite and So What

  • Where are the shoes from in Look 1?

  • Gianvito Rossi… of course ;)

  • I love her style, its not about being petite it’s about knowing what works best for your body type! Love how classy and sophisticated she looks! xoxo

    NEW BLOG POST!! today we talk about ENTERTAINMENT: “WINTER HOLIDAYS PLACE SETTING INSPIRATION” – Don’t miss today’s inspiration to make your table glow in different and beautiful settings so you can impress your guests during the winter holidays!! More inspiration at

  • Love this post. I am appetite girl and have worn only pants at my ankle for years now. Boot cut, strait leg, full length just don’t work for me. (I also happen to have a JLo booty which I love). Thank you for sharing Anastasia’s personal style.

  • So refreshing to see a style post about dressing for petite height!
    Out of curiosity what is Anastasia’s height?

    Love the photos!


  • So glad you like it! Anastasia is about 5’2″ – but she always looks a few inches taller in whatever she wears, and even taller in photos! x

  • Thank you for this! Would love to see more featured for those of us that aren’t lucky enough to be 5’10 ;-)

  • We definitely will! xx

  • Her style is on point


  • I really love her style. I’m petite too at 5’2″. How old is she?

  • C’est génial qu’elle ose tout malgré sa taille, j’ai l’impression que tout lui va! L’important c’est de s’assumer.
    J’aime beaucoup son style.


  • Bonsoir,
    tout à fait d’accord pour ce qui est de s’habiller selon ses envies et non selon les diktats tant que ça reste de bon goût (quoique que ça aussi ça reste fort relatif).
    Super que vous parliez des petits gabarits mais à quand un modèle plus rond. De mon côté, je suis une “cumularde” : petite (1m57) et ronde (poids?Euh…allez je me lance : 66kg!!(pas toujours assumés)). Et je vois rarement des filles qui me ressemblent et pourraient être une source d’inspiration…pensez-y!


  • Adore her style! Would be great if these style posts could include and Instagram or link so we can see more?! Xx

  • Thank you sooooo much for this feature, it made my day! X

  • Oh how I find this inspiring! I’m petite myself and it’s pretty difficult to adapt to trends, but with a little self confidence, I get to own them. I wear culottes, long or midi dresses and skirts, and just try to put accent on my best points to make people ignore my height. And it works! Oh, and for us petite girls, skinny cropped jeans will never die!


  • It’s great that lots of stores now carry petite lines. I’ve had great success mixing and matching. For example J.Crew petite jackets with their regular length cropped pants. This trick is great for the short wasted and long legged petites.


  • I love her style so much!!! This post really inspire me a lot!! I like how simple and sophistic her style is!

  • Moi qui suis super grande aussi, j’ai beaucoup apprécié cet article!
    Le style d’Anastasia est super, j’adore la première tenue!!

    Bizous, Christelle

  • Look at the collocation of the third picture, it is perfect.

    Good !

  • Merci de parler des petits gabarits :) Je pense qu’il n’y a pas trop de règles pour avoir du style quand on est petite. Il faut choisir des bonnes matières et harmoniser sa silhouette avec des coupes qui vont bien et cultiver son propre style. Ces looks sont très réussis et prouvent qu’on peut avoir un petit gabarit et envoyer du lourd!!! Elle est superbe et à ce quelque chose en plus qui fait la différence.

  • This is crazy, but she dresses so well that one would never guess she’s petite! I love all the looks and have trouble picking a favourite!
    I’m tall and a bit of an hourglass (and loosing weight a lot lately for some reason), but I don’t have a specific way to dress aside from just wearing what’s beautiful and aesthetically pleasing. Things that put my silhouette in light, emphasize my small waist… And despite being 1m76, I still wear high heels and would never stop!

  • She’s got such effortless style.

    The Melissa Bennett Blog

  • Fantastic to see a post for the petite ladies! I would love to see a few (okay, one will do) about those of us who are petite AND pear-shaped.

    People always think I am shorter and heavier than my 5’3″, 100lb., 32-23-35 frame is. I wear what I like, but I know some of my outfits are not doing me any favours (boyfriend jeans or tops that do not show my waist are among these culprits!) Dare I say I look better naked than dressed!?

    P.S. Inseam length is not all, though cropped styles will “do the job”. The knee breaks at a different point, amongst other things.

  • Super article ! C’est exactement un style mélangeant une once androgyne et de minimalisme que j’essaie d’aborder, c’est si effortless chic, et vraiment new yorkais !

  • Very happy to see the petite being featured. It would be wonderful to see more of such stories. And yes, good tailoring is key! (:

  • Love this style, special the blue shirt:)
    …at the moment I read your book….I love it !

  • Oh how I love the little red handbag she is carrying, must add it to my list to Santa.

  • Yes Thank you! Could you please do a feature on someone who is small and size 12 (me) AND looks good in clothes?

  • I guess it’s all about knowing what suits you and what does not ; I always like to show a little leg but not much as I am a loyal follower of midi skirts, culottes and cropped pants, even though I’m not 1.70m.
    Mixing soft silky materials and leather for example, always works well for me. Also, as chunky knits are ‘it’ these days and I really love these knits, I’m making sure I always team them with long straight trousers or a pencil skirt and something silky on top.
    It’s all about trying, failing and nailing it. I guess it just comes with age, knowing what suits you best.
    You just get better with the years.

  • Je me sens moins seule tout à coup ! Depuis plusieurs années que les pantalons 7/8 se trouvent partout le casse-tête de l’ourlet est fini pour moi, c’est un vrai soulagement, en ligne je fais souvent directement cette recherche pour gagner du temps. D’autant plus qu’un pantalon qui tirebouchonne à la cheville peut ruiner une silhouette et l’alourdir. Et puis avec un pantalon raccourci, même à plat on peut se sentir l’allure d’Audrey hepburn, justement grâce à ces petits centimètres en moins. Attention aussi aux chaussures plus précisément aux bottines/boots, suivant la hauteur ou l’épaisseur de la tige !
    En comparaison de l’Angleterre la France a du retard ! Les rayons “petite” sont introuvables.

  • Love those button up shirts!

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