Amanda B.

14 years ago by

Yesterday, I just loved Amanda Brooks’ simple and chic outfit.

So I burst-moded her with my camera, and I’ll go ahead and take this opportunity to talk about her book called I Love Your Style.

Here, I have to tell you about all this. Ever since I moved to NYC, I’ve been spending way too much time in book shops. They’re so amazing. I’ve bought so many books — It’s Scott’s fault that I have this new thing. He collects photo books — and I’m developing an odd fascination for self-help books (how to find your true style, how to not look fat, how to cook without cooking, how to be as skinny as a french girl — ehhhh, what’s with that by the way? –, how to walk in heels, how to… so yeah, they’ve got EVERYTHING and no one thinks it’s weird to buy them)(In France, these kind of books we’ll lock up in some hidden cupboard and then hide the key away. Oh the shame! — but here, no problem whatsoever).

But yeah, point is, there are tons, some are so catastrophic it’s funny, and some are really great. Nina Garcia’s are cool with Ruben Toldedo’s illustration. The Teen Vogue one is great for teens looking to get into fashion, and Amanda Brooks’ is filled with inspiration…

SO! I’m getting a post ready about all this. In the meantime, let’s take a closer look at her shoes…

I want them! Pop quiz: You know the designer?

Translation : Tim Sullivan


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